Pendleton County KY Birth Records

USA (1,380,571) > Kentucky (49,700) > Pendleton County (329) > Pendleton County Birth Records (11)

USA (1,380,571) > Kentucky (49,700) > Kentucky Birth Records (1,238) > Pendleton County Birth Records (11)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Pendleton County are also on the Kentucky Birth Records page.

Pendleton County Birth Records

1852-1910 Kentucky Birth Records (includes Pendleton County: 1852-1859, 1873-1879 ) Ancestry online

1911-1999 Kentucky Births MyHeritage online

Birth, marriage, and death records, 1852-1878 WorldCat

County birth and death records of Pendleton County, Kentucky FamilySearch Library

County birth and death records of Pendleton County, Kentucky WorldCat

Delayed Births 1892-1910 US Gen Web Archives online

Kentucky Birth Index, 1911-1999 Ancestry online

Kentucky, Birth Records, 1911-present Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics

Vital records, 1851-1900 FamilySearch Library

Falmouth Birth Records

Births, deaths, marriages and etc. from Falmouth outlook (Pendleton Co., Kentucky), January 4, 1985 to January 25, 1985 WorldCat

Peach Grove Birth Records

Church records (microform), 1842-1925, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Archive Grid

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