USA (1,380,571) > Kentucky (49,700) > Perry County (742) > Perry County Birth Records (14)
USA (1,380,571) > Kentucky (49,700) > Kentucky Birth Records (1,238) > Perry County Birth Records (14)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Perry County are also on the Kentucky Birth Records page.
1852-1910 Kentucky Birth Records (includes Perry County: 1852-1859 ) Ancestry
1852-59 Perry County births and deaths. WorldCat
1911-1999 Kentucky Birth Index Ancestry
1911-1999 Kentucky Births MyHeritage
Birth, marriage, and death records, 1852-1859 WorldCat
Births 1852 Genealogy Trails
Births, marriages, deaths, 1852-1859 FamilySearch Library
Kentucky, Birth Records, 1911-present Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics
Perry County, Kentucky records, 1850 census, vital statistics, 1852-1859 FamilySearch Library
Perry county births, 1911-1988 WorldCat
Record of births in Perry County, Kentucky for the period of years 1852 to 1862 inclusive FamilySearch Library
Record of births in Perry County, Kentucky for the period of years 1852-1858 WorldCat
Record of births in Perry County, Ky., for the period of years 1852 to 1862 WorldCat