1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lincoln, Lincoln, Louisiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Louisiana > Lincoln Parish > 1940 Census of Lincoln

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames H Surnames K Surnames M Surnames R Surnames T Surnames

B Surnames

BrownAnnie Maeborn about 1920
BrownBettie Leaborn about 1939
BrownEugene born about 1938

C Surnames

ColvinCharles born about 1927
ColvinCharlie born about 1897
ColvinRichard born about 1922
ColvinWillie Bellborn about 1900
ColvinWillie Deanborn about 1930

D Surnames

DavisCharles Lborn about 1936
DavisHarrel born about 1919
DavisHelen born about 1919
DavisLane born about 1892
DavisLaura born about 1899
DavisMaurie born about 1921

F Surnames

FlavisAde Lborn about 1901
FullerCharlie born about 1861
FullerCora born about 1875

H Surnames

HopkinsFelix born about 1894
HopkinsIvy Leeborn about 1908
HopkinsLee Ruthborn about 1933
HowardSallie born about 1853
HuntFrank born about 1885
HuntLula born about 1889

K Surnames

KingBettie born about 1865
KingCharley born about 1867

M Surnames

McClellandHal born about 1881
McClellandMiranda born about 1900
McClellandZora born about 1925

R Surnames

RamseyHazel born about 1934
RamseyJonnie born about 1904
RamseyLoyd Jamesborn about 1939
RamseyMargie born about 1914
RobersonAdel born about 1916
RobersonCharles Eborn about 1939
RobersonGarland born about 1910
RobersonJeanette born about 1936

T Surnames

TaylorIra born about 1920
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1940
TaylorWarren born about 1939
TaylorWilma born about 1919

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