Opelousas Genealogy (in Saint Landry Parish, LA)

USA (1,380,571) > Louisiana (21,428) > Saint Landry Parish (418) > Opelousas (114)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Opelousas are also found through the Saint Landry Parish and Louisiana pages.

Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Court Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Opelousas Cemetery Records

Ardoin Gauthier Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bellevue Memorial Park Find a Grave online

Bertrand Cemetery Find a Grave online

Garden of Memory Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gemilluth Chassodim Cemetery, Opelousas, Louisiana FamilySearch Library

Greater Union Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hebrew Rest Cemetery Find a Grave online

Holy Sepulchre Mausoleum Find a Grave online

Little Teche Cemetery Find a Grave online

Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mount Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Myrtle Grove Cemetery Billion Graves online

Myrtle Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Opelousas Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pitre Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rezin P. Bowie Plantation Find a Grave online

Saint Joseph Catholic Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Landry Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Landry Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Serenity Memorial Park Find a Grave online

Sous cette pierre repose : tombstone inscriptions of the Old St. Landry Catholic Church Cemetery, Opelousas, Louisiana FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Census Records

Opelousas Post, the census of 1771 FamilySearch Library

Southwest Louisiana families in 1777 : census records of Attakapas and Opelousas posts FamilySearch Library

Southwest Louisiana families in 1785 : the Spanish census of the posts of Attakapas and Opelousas FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Church Records

A guide to church records in Louisiana, 1720-1975 FamilySearch Library

Parish registers, 1776-1806 (Catholic Church. Saint Landry (Opelousas, Louisiana)) FamilySearch Library

The Opelousas Post : a compendium of church records relating to the first families of Southwest Louisiana, 1776-1806 FamilySearch Library

The mother church of Acadiana : the history of the Saint Landry Catholic Church in Opelousas, Louisiana FamilySearch Library

Opelousas City Directories

Opelousas City Directory 1960 MyHeritage online

Opelousas, Louisiana, City Directory, 1956 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Opelousas, Louisiana, City Directory, 1958 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Opelousas, Louisiana, City Directory, 1960 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Opelousas Court Records

Confederate court records, 1862 FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Histories and Genealogies

Opelousas : a great place to be; the story of a community FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Land Records

Abstracts, letters, claims, and reports of lands in New Orleans and Opelousas, Louisiana, ca. 1815-1875 FamilySearch Library

Opelousas land claims, pt. 1-2, 1778-1818 FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, 1907 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, 1912 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, 1921 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, 1927 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, 1927-1948 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, August 1896 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, July 1885 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, June 1892 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Opelousas, Saint Landry Parish, Louisiana, June 1899 Library of Congress online

Opelousas Marriage Records

Marriage Contracts of the Opelousas Post, 1766-1803 FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Clarion-News 1929-1951 Newspapers.com online

Clarion-Progress 1921-1928 Newspapers.com online

Clarion-Progress 1921-1928 Newspapers.com online

Daily Clarion-Progress 1922-1923 Newspapers.com online

Daily World 1939-2023 Newspapers.com online

Marriage Contracts of the Opelousas Post, 1766-1803 FamilySearch Library

Opelousas Courier 1852-1910 Newspapers.com online

Opelousas Courier = Le Courrier des Opelousas 07/13/1861 to 06/24/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Opelousas Courierᅠ(1852-1910) Newspaper Archive online

Opelousas Gazette 1841-1841 Rapides Parish Library online

Opelousas Gazette = Gazette des Opelousas 09/08/1827 to 09/14/1844 Genealogy Bank online

Opelousas Herald 1936-1944 Newspapers.com online

Opelousas Journal 01/04/1868 to 02/24/1894 Genealogy Bank online

Opelousas News 1927-1928 Newspapers.com online

Opelousas News and Clarion-Progress 1928-1928 Newspapers.com online

Opelousas News and Clarion-Progress 1928-1928 Newspapers.com online

Opelousas Patriot 09/05/1844 to 10/12/1861 Genealogy Bank online

Opelousas Patriot 1844-1861 Newspapers.com online

Opelousas courier (Opelousas, La.) (from Dec. 11, 1852 to Feb. 5, 1910) MyHeritage online

Opelousas courier 12/11/1852 to 02/05/1910 Genealogy Bank online

Opelousas journal (Opelousas, La.) (from Jan. 4, 1868 to Jan. 5, 1878) MyHeritage online

Opelousas patriot (Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La.) (from March 3, 1855 to Oct. 12, 1861) MyHeritage online

Saint Landry Clarionᅠ(1890-1921) Newspaper Archive online

Saint Landry Democratᅠ(1878-1894) Newspaper Archive online

St Landry clarion 10/11/1890 to 11/19/1921 Genealogy Bank online

St. Landry Clarion 1890-1921 Newspapers.com online

St. Landry Democrat 1868-1878 Newspapers.com online

St. Landry Democrat 1878-1894 Newspapers.com online

St. Landry Progress 1917-1917 Newspapers.com online

St. Landry Whig 1844-1845 Newspapers.com online

St. Landry clarion (Opelousas, La.) (from Oct. 11, 1890 to Nov. 19, 1921) MyHeritage online

St. Landry clarion. (Opelousas, La.) (from Oct. 11, 1890 to Nov. 19, 1921) Chronicling America online

St. Landry democrat (Opelousas, La.) (from Jan. 19, 1878 to Feb. 24, 1894) MyHeritage online

St. Landry democrat. (Opelousas, La.) (from Jan. 19, 1878 to Feb. 24, 1894) Chronicling America online

St. Landry whig (Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La.) (from Sept. 5, 1844 to July 18, 1846) MyHeritage online

Star-Progress 1917-1921 Newspapers.com online

Star-progress (opelousas, la.) (from oct. 4, 1919 to nov. 9, 1921) MyHeritage online

Star-progress 10/04/1919 to 11/09/1921 Genealogy Bank online

The Opelousas Journalᅠ(1868-1878) Newspaper Archive online

The Opelousas Patriotᅠ(1855-1861) Newspaper Archive online

The Opelousas courier. (Opelousas, La.) (from Dec. 11, 1852 to Feb. 5, 1910) Chronicling America online

The Opelousas journal. (Opelousas, La.) (from Jan. 4, 1868 to Jan. 5, 1878) Chronicling America online

The Opelousas patriot. (Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La.) (from March 3, 1855 to Oct. 12, 1861) Chronicling America online

The Saint Landry Whigᅠ(1844-1846) Newspaper Archive online

The St. Landry whig. (Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La.) (from Sept. 5, 1844 to July 18, 1846) Chronicling America online

The Star Progressᅠ(1919-1921) Newspaper Archive online

The star-progress. (Opelousas, La.) (from Oct. 4, 1919 to Nov. 9, 1921) Chronicling America online

Offline Newspapers for Opelousas

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Clarion-News. (Opelousas, La.) 1929-1951

Clarion-Progress. (Opelousas, La.) 1921-1928

Daily World. (Opelousas, La.) 1939-1953

Daily World. (Opelousas, La.) 1955-Current

Opelousas Courier. (Opelousas, La.) 1852-1910

Opelousas Daily World. (Opelousas, La.) 1953-1955

Opelousas Gazette. (Opelousas, La.) 1827-1866

Opelousas Herald. (Opelousas, La.) 1929-1951

Opelousas Journal. (Opelousas, La.) 1868-1878

Opelousas News. (Opelousas, La.) 1927-1928

Opelousas Patriot. (Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La.) 1855-1863

St. Landry Clarion. (Opelousas, La.) 1890-1921

St. Landry Commoner. (Opelousas, La.) 1910-1912

St. Landry Democrat. (Opelousas, La.) 1878-1894

St. Landry Progress. (Opelousas, La.) 1867-1868

St. Landry Progress. ([Opelousas], La.) 1916-1917

St. Landry Whig. (Opelousas, Parish of St. Landry, La.) 1844-1855

Star-Progress. (Opelousas, La.) 1917-1921

Opelousas School Records

Opelousas High School yearbook, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1976, 1978 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Opelousas High School yearbook, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1976, 1978, 1984 Classmates online

Opelousas High School yearbook, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1976, 1978, 1984 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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