1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hanson, Plymouth, Massachusetts

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Massachusetts > Plymouth County > 1940 Census of Hanson

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AbralGladys Aborn about 1924
AbralJohn born about 1926
AbralJoseph Cborn about 1929
AbralManuel born about 1876
AbralMary born about 1894
AbralPeter born about 1886
AckermanAlbert Lborn about 1931
AckermanDorothy Mborn about 1938
AckermanEsther Mborn about 1907
AckermanJean Cborn about 1935
AckermanRalph Lborn about 1905
AgnesMarjore Eborn about 1920
AirtetBarbara Eborn about 1916
AirtetBernice Cborn about 1927
AirtetCharles Aborn about 1889
AirtetCharles A Jrborn about 1922
AirtetElsie Rborn about 1893
AirtetPriscilla Mborn about 1920
AkerWilliam born about 1907
AkhardsAurie Cborn about 1923
AkhardsBarbara born about 1932
AkhardsGeorge Cborn about 1897
AkhardsGeorge C Jrborn about 1921
AkhardsLillian Eborn about 1900
AkhardsShirley born about 1926
AlbertFulgence born about 1875
AlbertLeo Eborn about 1921
AlbertMarae Bborn about 1885
AldenDorothy Fborn about 1937
AldenMargaret Gborn about 1911
AldenRalph Jborn about 1906
AllenArnold Iborn about 1901
AllenC Gilbertborn about 1935
AllenFrances Vborn about 1918
AllenLizzie Fborn about 1862
AllenMaxine Pborn about 1937
AlleyAsmond Fborn about 1891
AlleyEileen Bborn about 1922
AlleyGrace Nborn about 1891
AlleyRita Pborn about 1924
AmadoAndrew Bborn about 1939
AmadoAntonio Bborn about 1901
AmadoAtonio B Jrborn about 1931
AmadoFrank Bborn about 1877
AmadoLouisa Bborn about 1933
AmadoMary Bborn about 1935
AmadoRegina Gborn about 1912
AnadoAnna Bborn about 1918
AnadoCezar born about 1883
AnadoErnest Vborn about 1939
AnadoMaria Gborn about 1891
AnadoOlver Bborn about 1915
AndersonCharles Bborn about 1912
AndersonClayton born about 1927
AndersonEdith Sborn about 1893
AndersonLillian Fborn about 1915
AndersonMate born about 1886
AndersonOlive Eborn about 1899
AndrewsJessie Eborn about 1897
AndrewsRobert Cborn about 1902
AndrewsRobert Hborn about 1933
AndrousJoseph Mborn about 1887
ApelottAugusta born about 1904
ApelottClaire born about 1927
ApelottLouis Jborn about 1895
ApelottLouis Jr born about 1929
ApelottMichael Eborn about 1938
ApelottRichard Lborn about 1931
ApostolowAngelo Pborn about 1878
ApostolowPandelis born about 1882
ArchibaldChester Rborn about 1908
ArchibaldEdna Gborn about 1914
ArchibaldElizabeth Jborn about 1935
ArchibaldErnest Rborn about 1939
ArnoldLucius Wborn about 1849
AsborneClara Aborn about 1852
AtwoodAlbert Rborn about 1915
AtwoodBenjamin Wborn about 1921
AtwoodCharles Rborn about 1909
AtwoodDaniel Rborn about 1880
AtwoodEthel Gborn about 1883
AtwoodFrances Vborn about 1918
AtwoodHarold Fborn about 1902
AtwoodHorace Cborn about 1906
AtwoodMartha Eborn about 1882
AtwoodWalter Wborn about 1913
AubertChristine born about 1917
AubertFrank Aborn about 1912
AubertShirley born about 1937
AunhamBertha Mborn about 1893
AunhamMark Hborn about 1852
AunhamRoy Eborn about 1885
AunhamRoy Eborn about 1919
AustinMary Lborn about 1876
AustinUlyss Eborn about 1871
AwbingerEmil born about 1873
AwbingerJulia Lborn about 1875
AwmrillDorothy Mborn about 1927
AwmrillFlorence Pborn about 1897
AwmrillFrank Gborn about 1922
AwmrillHarriet Fborn about 1923
AwmrillRobert Mborn about 1937
AyresBeatrice Mborn about 1905
AyresGrace Dborn about 1927
AyresH Edwardborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyGeanne Fborn about 1914
BaileyJacquline born about 1938
BaileyJane Lborn about 1939
BaileyJohn Lborn about 1913
BaileyLaurence Wborn about 1911
BaileyNancy Lborn about 1933
BaileyNorma Aborn about 1912
BaileyPatricia Aborn about 1937
BaileySylvia Mborn about 1934
BakeeAnne Mborn about 1927
BakeeHannah Mborn about 1891
BakeePaul Hborn about 1924
BakeeRobert Cborn about 1930
BakeeRuth Kborn about 1921
BakeeWarren Sborn about 1891
BakeeWarren S Jeborn about 1917
BakerAnnie Bborn about 1888
BakerBarbara Fborn about 1911
BakerCarolyn Jborn about 1936
BakerCharles Eborn about 1909
BakerCharles Eborn about 1933
BakerDeborah Aborn about 1937
BakerEva Fborn about 1939
BakerFrank born about 1873
BakerHoward Wborn about 1899
BakerLoretta Fborn about 1913
BakerMary born about 1866
BakerRichard Aborn about 1940
BakerWilliam Nborn about 1893
BakrerBeatrice Tborn about 1916
BakrerBruce Wborn about 1939
BakrerEverett Wborn about 1911
BalboniGladys Hborn about 1918
BalboniGuido Aborn about 1878
BalboniHenry Aborn about 1909
BalboniHubert Lborn about 1917
BalboniHubert Wborn about 1938
BalboniMario born about 1913
BalboniMildred Mborn about 1915
BallAlice Pborn about 1894
BallAra Eborn about 1885
BallRaymond Pborn about 1924
BantiAngelo Fborn about 1905
BantiLeo Aborn about 1902
BantiMildred Lborn about 1913
BantiPriscilla Jborn about 1906
BarbozaAnsset born about 1878
BarbozaBartholomew born about 1876
BarbozaJohn born about 1931
BarbozaKatano Cborn about 1890
BarbozaRaymond born about 1929
BarbozaRaymond Cborn about 1903
BareselBertha Hborn about 1885
BareselGerhard born about 1890
BareselKarl Gborn about 1921
BareselRobert Hborn about 1925
BarkerAmber Rborn about 1881
BarkerFrank Aborn about 1876
BarkerLouis Mborn about 1875
BarkerWilliam Eborn about 1855
BarnesAbbie born about 1906
BarnesEllis L Jrborn about 1910
BarnesJohn Eborn about 1870
BarnesTila born about 1875
BarrettFlorence born about 1862
BarrowsDavid Sborn about 1930
BarrowsEdwin M Jrborn about 1939
BarrowsEdwinn Mborn about 1913
BarrowsEmma Lborn about 1905
BarrowsGeorge Cborn about 1885
BarrowsHarry Kborn about 1933
BarrowsJames born about 1937
BarrowsJennie Pborn about 1892
BarrowsJessie Fborn about 1911
BarrowsLeon born about 1903
BarrowsLydia Fborn about 1882
BarrowsRaymond Sborn about 1910
BarrowsRaymond Wborn about 1931
BarryJulia Jborn about 1884
BarryMary Aborn about 1888
BarryRoger born about 1925
BatesAlbert Sborn about 1894
BatesAlbert S Jrborn about 1920
BatesAlice Lborn about 1918
BatesBurton Mborn about 1866
BatesEleanor Fborn about 1934
BatesJane Aborn about 1895
BatesMary Fborn about 1866
BatesRuth Bborn about 1923
BawmannEdward Cborn about 1858
BawmannMargaret born about 1861
BeachLottie Bborn about 1891
BeachWolcott Fborn about 1884
BealCora Mborn about 1883
BealHermon born about 1875
BealMarim Nborn about 1886
BealMartin Aborn about 1880
BeaneAugustus Hborn about 1881
BearceBenjamin Hborn about 1892
BearceBenjamin H Jrborn about 1927
BearceBernard Pborn about 1910
BearceCarolen Eborn about 1923
BearceEleanor Lborn about 1924
BearceEthel born about 1892
BearceHelen Rborn about 1914
BearceStanley Eborn about 1933
BearseAmy Yborn about 1857
BearseLillian Fborn about 1864
BeauregardArdelle Gborn about 1923
BeauregardElizabeth born about 1866
BeauregardJoseph born about 1870
BeauregardJoseph Jborn about 1919
BeauregardJoseph Oborn about 1897
BeauregardMargret Gborn about 1916
BeauregardMarion Lborn about 1900
BeauregardPauline born about 1924
BeautietteRose born about 1862
BeedleRuth born about 1875
BellAlton Fborn about 1900
BellCharlene Mborn about 1928
BellCharles Kborn about 1893
BellEmma Janeborn about 1904
BellErnest Lborn about 1922
BellIsabelle born about 1865
BellJames Yborn about 1871
BellLoretta Jborn about 1930
BellMary Eborn about 1893
BellWilliam Oborn about 1921
Bellrose??? Mborn about 1929
BellroseAlvah Gborn about 1901
BellroseAnn Sborn about 1936
BellroseJohn Fborn about 1926
BellroseSybil Aborn about 1901
BennettPauline Tborn about 1896
BensonEdmund Wborn about 1881
BensonLydia Cborn about 1884
BensonRalph Tborn about 1915
BensonSylvia Hborn about 1878
BensonWilhelmina Mborn about 1918
BentleyAlice Sborn about 1899
BentleyEllsworth Bborn about 1897
BentleyPriscilla Aborn about 1923
BentleyThelma Aborn about 1920
BentonBlanche Mborn about 1892
BentonEdgar Aborn about 1887
BentonGlenna Kborn about 1921
BentonM Elizabethborn about 1917
BeriganCatherine Aborn about 1887
BeriganElizabeth Cborn about 1920
BeriganWilliam Hborn about 1886
BeriganWilliam Hborn about 1927
BerryJohn Eborn about 1859
BerryRogene Aborn about 1871
BesseAudrey Vborn about 1929
BesseCrissie Aborn about 1865
BesseJean Mborn about 1898
BesseWilliam Rborn about 1901
BessettIda M Lborn about 1895
BessettWilliam Hborn about 1893
BessrcieAdolph Jborn about 1884
BessrcieMadeline Cborn about 1922
BessrcieMary Cborn about 1889
BevanAnita Bborn about 1910
BevanLorraine Eborn about 1933
BevanRuth Aborn about 1940
BevanVernon Fborn about 1907
BinnsCaryln Wborn about 1895
BinnsDavid born about 1925
BinnsFrederic Wborn about 1918
BinnsRalph H 3Rdborn about 1917
BinnsRalph H Jrborn about 1892
BiroHarriet Bborn about 1854
BiroHorace Aborn about 1860
BishopAlfred Wborn about 1918
BishopFred born about 1887
BishopLawerence Hborn about 1920
BishopLeo Jborn about 1923
BishopLester Rborn about 1921
BishopMargaret Mborn about 1892
BlackH Richardborn about 1915
BlackMinnie Eborn about 1885
BlackRobert Jborn about 1909
BlackStella born about 1910
BlackfordClara Pborn about 1883
BlackfordJohn Bborn about 1873
BlaisdellHerbert Eborn about 1871
BlaisdellMinnie Eborn about 1873
BlodgettLouis Eborn about 1884
BlwmeErnest Bborn about 1883
BlwmeFlorence born about 1888
BodellBrandon Bborn about 1914
BonneyGrace Sborn about 1867
BoownElla Fborn about 1875
BoownElton Aborn about 1869
BoownFlorence Rborn about 1913
BoownHarold Fborn about 1891
BostwickHerbert born about 1887
BostwickJosephine Aborn about 1888
BostwickPaul Hborn about 1917
BostwickRaymond born about 1921
BotieriAnthony Jborn about 1903
BotieriDonald Aborn about 1929
BotieriIda born about 1907
BoulangerLyda Bborn about 1900
BoulangerShirley Rborn about 1922
BoulangerUrbani Eborn about 1895
BourneAmy Mborn about 1884
BourneArthur Wborn about 1865
BourneFerdinand Aborn about 1863
BourneIsaac Hborn about 1867
BowkerFrancill Aborn about 1859
BowkerFred Wborn about 1863
BowkerLotta Wborn about 1869
BowlerJoseph born about 1904
BowlerJoseph Sborn about 1865
BradleyFlorence Bborn about 1921
BraleyElsa Kborn about 1892
BraleyHarold born about 1892
BrewsterHenry Gborn about 1861
BriggsFrederick born about 1872
BrineBert Aborn about 1894
BrineBert A Jrborn about 1928
BrineDonald Eborn about 1919
BrineEdna Eborn about 1897
BrineEdna Mborn about 1921
BrineEunice Eborn about 1926
BrineJames Fborn about 1933
BrineLorraine Iborn about 1937
BrineMarie Aborn about 1931
BrineRichard Aborn about 1924
BrineRita Aborn about 1935
BrineThomas Pborn about 1922
BroadbentMildred born about 1915
BrooksGarland Gborn about 1912
BrooksJoan Mborn about 1934
BrooksRuth Uborn about 1908
BrooksWilson Lborn about 1935
BrownAlise Zborn about 1895
BrownAllan Mborn about 1922
BrownAnnie Fborn about 1883
BrownBetty Cborn about 1917
BrownCarol Lborn about 1935
BrownDonald Cborn about 1936
BrownEdna Fborn about 1931
BrownEffie Eborn about 1895
BrownEileen Pborn about 1932
BrownEmilie Mborn about 1915
BrownErnest Lborn about 1907
BrownErnest Lborn about 1935
BrownEvelyn Fborn about 1924
BrownFred Rborn about 1894
BrownGeorge Sborn about 1913
BrownLee Hborn about 1937
BrownLois Sborn about 1919
BrownLoretta Mborn about 1934
BrownMary Eborn about 1938
BrownMary Kborn about 1909
BrownMaude Dborn about 1885
BrownMinerva Vborn about 1896
BrownPercy Eborn about 1890
BrownPercy Eborn about 1921
BrownRichard Sborn about 1940
BrownRobert Fborn about 1918
BrownRobert Fborn about 1925
BrownWalter Eborn about 1911
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1882
BrownWinfred Fborn about 1886
BryantAddie Aborn about 1861
BryantArthur Tborn about 1857
BryantEarl Cborn about 1913
BryantEarl Cborn about 1938
BryantElenor born about 1927
BryantFlorence Eborn about 1918
BryantGeorge Wborn about 1877
BryantIrving Fborn about 1885
BryantLester Pborn about 1900
BryantMarjorie Eborn about 1916
BryantRoger Pborn about 1931
BryantRuth Fborn about 1907
BucklandCora Bborn about 1864
BugoTony born about 1890
BulmerLena Gborn about 1894
BulmerMorton Kborn about 1933
BumpLeanord Sborn about 1925
BurkeMattie Tborn about 1889
BurquistIda born about 1876
BurrJessie Kborn about 1867
BurrellAlph Mborn about 1866
ButlerAnnie Cborn about 1879
ButterfieldBarbara born about 1930
ButterfieldBeverly Bborn about 1921
ButterfieldIrene Nborn about 1933
ButterfieldManley Rborn about 1897
ButterfieldManley R Jrborn about 1925
ButterfieldNorma Mborn about 1897
ButterfieldRoy Lborn about 1919
ButterfieldThomas Sborn about 1928
ButterfieldWayne Mborn about 1923
BwmpClara Eborn about 1916
BwmpWalter Lborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalderEugene born about 1868
CalderKatherine Aborn about 1869
CalderWalter born about 1866
CalefAlbert born about 1878
CalefHelen Mborn about 1892
CameronJohane born about 1877
CameronJohn Aborn about 1876
CameronNorman Gborn about 1915
CantaraFrancis Eborn about 1902
CantaraHenry Hborn about 1926
CantaraJohn Eborn about 1936
CantaraJoseph Fborn about 1936
CantaraLena born about 1908
CantaraLouise Mborn about 1939
CantaraLucy born about 1862
CarrierCarol Lborn about 1940
CarrierEdith Gborn about 1926
CarrierEva Aborn about 1923
CarrierJannette Bborn about 1920
CarrierMay Dborn about 1893
CarrierWalter Lborn about 1892
CarrierWalter Lborn about 1917
CarterBlanche Kborn about 1875
CarterDonald Wborn about 1937
CarterFred Wborn about 1866
CarterGeorge Hborn about 1907
CarterLouise born about 1910
CarterRoberta Gborn about 1911
CasolaAlfred Lborn about 1907
CasolaCharles Aborn about 1939
CasolaMary Aborn about 1906
CasolaRichard Iborn about 1940
CasoliIda born about 1874
CasoliIgeno born about 1899
CasoliJohn Gborn about 1874
CasoliJohn Jborn about 1927
CasoliJulia born about 1902
CasoliRose Annborn about 1936
CayceAda born about 1900
CayceAlan Gborn about 1932
CayceCharlie Eborn about 1927
CayceCharlie Hborn about 1900
CayceEvelyn Lborn about 1923
CayceGeorge Aborn about 1925
CayceHarold Aborn about 1929
CayceLloyd Nborn about 1919
CayceLouise Nborn about 1938
CayceRussel Fborn about 1921
CayceWallace Sborn about 1923
ChamberlainAlbert Lborn about 1860
ChamberlainAllan born about 1920
ChamberlainBarbara Eborn about 1921
ChamberlainBarbara Jborn about 1916
ChamberlainDorothy born about 1888
ChamberlainEthel Eborn about 1885
ChamberlainFrancis born about 1892
ChamberlainThomas Aborn about 1881
ChamberlainWarren Cborn about 1913
ChandlerAsa Eborn about 1863
ChandlerCaroline Lborn about 1894
ChandlerCora Bborn about 1871
ChandlerHoward Mborn about 1884
ChandlerJohn Mborn about 1922
ChandlerMelvin Cborn about 1863
ChandlerMillie Eborn about 1878
ChaseBarbara Rborn about 1915
ChaseEmerson Kborn about 1909
ChaseMary Aborn about 1858
ChaseMary Sborn about 1889
ChaseMyra Cborn about 1890
CheywyndBernice Eborn about 1917
CheywyndDorothy Bborn about 1924
CheywyndElton Rborn about 1921
CheywyndGloria Mborn about 1931
CheywyndLottie Mborn about 1893
CheywyndMalcom Iborn about 1890
CheywyndRonald Mborn about 1937
ChurchGeorge Dborn about 1897
ChurchMinnie Aborn about 1877
ChurchSarah Fborn about 1899
ChurchillEdwin Lborn about 1880
ChurchillEverett Wborn about 1898
ChurchillFlorence Pborn about 1888
ChurchillHarold Wborn about 1887
ChurchillLloyd Nborn about 1907
ChurchillMary Aborn about 1915
ChurchillNan Lborn about 1894
ChurchillPenelope Nborn about 1876
ChurchiltArthur Mborn about 1878
ChurchiltLydia Lborn about 1882
ChurchiltRena Hborn about 1907
ClarkEdwin Hborn about 1936
ClarkGertrude Aborn about 1910
ClarkMarion Lborn about 1916
ClarkPaul born about 1897
ClarkRoger Eborn about 1916
ClarkWinfield Aborn about 1873
ClemonsAllen Dborn about 1939
ClemonsDavid Bborn about 1913
ClemonsFrancis Wborn about 1884
ClemonsGrace Eborn about 1883
ClemonsLucy Cborn about 1916
ClemonsPaul Eborn about 1938
CoalshMary Aborn about 1873
CoffeltClara Jborn about 1900
CoffeltJohn Edwardborn about 1929
CoffeltPauline Jborn about 1926
CoffeltValko Wborn about 1899
CoffinMary Jborn about 1933
CoffinRaymond born about 1934
CohenEned Lborn about 1921
CoitAlbrrta Eborn about 1931
CoitAlice Mborn about 1905
CoitAnthony born about 1901
CoitJoseph W Jrborn about 1911
CoitMary born about 1880
CoitNorma Lborn about 1926
CoitRuth Mborn about 1916
CoitWilliam born about 1905
CoitWilliam Jr born about 1924
ColbyCora Sborn about 1878
ColbyMarion born about 1924
ColbyRuth born about 1895
ColeElizabeth Aborn about 1845
ColeFrederick born about 1923
CollinsH P P P Sborn about 1876
CollinsJames Fborn about 1906
ConeAmy Tborn about 1924
ConeEthel Gborn about 1893
ConeHarry Eborn about 1888
ConeHelen Bborn about 1927
ConeHenry Gborn about 1919
ConeOlive Cborn about 1934
ConnersMary Pborn about 1891
ConnersWilliam Hborn about 1888
ConnorsBarbara Lborn about 1929
ConnorsFrances Lborn about 1925
ConnorsMargaret Mborn about 1923
ConnorsMary Jborn about 1892
ConverseElsie Lborn about 1901
ConverseJames Mborn about 1902
ConversePhillis born about 1931
ConwayDonald Mborn about 1934
ConwayEugene Fborn about 1915
ConwayJames Mborn about 1886
ConwayJames M Jrborn about 1924
ConwaySilby Rborn about 1893
CookDonald born about 1927
CookDonald Sborn about 1939
CookHelen Sborn about 1904
CookJoseph born about 1901
CookJoseph Cborn about 1938
CookNeil born about 1930
CookNettie Wborn about 1870
CookPhilip Bborn about 1933
CookRichard born about 1926
CorbertEstell born about 1876
CorbettMartha Lborn about 1875
CorbinMadeline Cborn about 1886
CorbinWallis Rborn about 1884
CorkumEdwin Hborn about 1877
CorreiaGladys born about 1920
CorreiaGrace born about 1921
CorreiaJoseph Dborn about 1882
CorreiaLouis born about 1915
CorreiaMariom born about 1886
CottenHazel Jborn about 1911
CottenJames Cborn about 1910
CottenNancy Lborn about 1935
CourteauAlbano Nborn about 1872
CourteauSarah Eborn about 1871
CousinsDella Fborn about 1905
CousinsJohn E Lborn about 1893
CoxEdward Fborn about 1902
CoxHelen Cborn about 1901
CoxHelen Eborn about 1939
CoxStanton Tborn about 1927
CraigFrederick Wborn about 1875
CraigIda Fborn about 1884
CreweWesley Dborn about 1908
CrockerAlice born about 1864
CrockerWalter born about 1865
CroghanMarie Fborn about 1924
CroghanMay Fborn about 1898
CroghanStephen Jborn about 1925
CroghanSterhen Jborn about 1897
CroneGeorge Aborn about 1901
CroneMerle born about 1907
CronePatricia Aborn about 1934
CrosmanEdith Tborn about 1896
CrosmanEdwin Pborn about 1890
CrosmanWilliam Gborn about 1918
CunninghamCharles Dborn about 1903
CunninghamHelen Dborn about 1926
CunninghamJosephine born about 1877
CunninghamNellie Mborn about 1896
CunninghamRobert Mborn about 1931
CunninghamWalter Rborn about 1932
CushingAnne Mborn about 1931
CushingDavid Sborn about 1937
CushingEllen Bborn about 1933
CushingG Beiley Jrborn about 1908
CushingMary Hborn about 1912
CushingRichard Bborn about 1935
CushnigElvira born about 1856

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D Surnames

DaigleArthur Jborn about 1901
DaigleBlanche Sborn about 1928
DaigleChester Jborn about 1926
DaigleGladys Cborn about 1924
DaigleMary Aborn about 1895
DaleRuth Iborn about 1918
DaleyAnnie Lborn about 1864
DaleyGertrude Pborn about 1925
DaleyJack Rborn about 1935
DaleyJames Aborn about 1870
DaleyJohn Wborn about 1921
DaleyKenneth Jborn about 1900
DaleyKenneth Jborn about 1927
DaleyMildred Lborn about 1895
DaleyMyra Rborn about 1901
DaleyRaleigh Wborn about 1893
DaleyWilliam Aborn about 1864
DamonEdith Eborn about 1868
DamonHarold Fborn about 1909
DamonJohn Fborn about 1937
DamonMargaret Fborn about 1912
DamonNancy Mborn about 1936
DamonPriscilla Sborn about 1916
DanforthBarbara born about 1919
DannAlice born about 1912
DannRaymond Wborn about 1912
DannRaymond Wborn about 1939
DantosDominga born about 1928
DantosDomingo born about 1924
DantosGeorge Aborn about 1919
DantosIda born about 1920
DantosLaura born about 1926
DantosManuel born about 1925
DantosTony born about 1886
DarbandJoseph Mborn about 1894
DarbandJoseph Pborn about 1929
DarbandTheresa born about 1908
DarlingJenney Rborn about 1876
DarschAndrew Tborn about 1929
DarschMarie Oborn about 1905
DarschWallace Cborn about 1927
DarschWilliam Pborn about 1902
DaviesLouis born about 1844
DavisAlfred E 3Rdborn about 1934
DavisAlfred E Jrborn about 1910
DavisDoris Mborn about 1914
DavisEva Wborn about 1891
DavisJoseph born about 1877
DavisMarilyn Eborn about 1931
DayAdelia born about 1905
DayEthel born about 1928
DayKenneth Fborn about 1900
DeanEleanor born about 1928
DeforestEarl Cborn about 1939
DeforestEarl Hborn about 1898
DeforestMarjorie Cborn about 1903
DegrasseDoris Vborn about 1894
DegrasseLeo Mborn about 1893
DegrasseLeo M Jrborn about 1917
DegrasseThomas Fborn about 1914
DekoningJohn Mborn about 1939
DekoningVelzora born about 1906
DelongRobert born about 1935
DemeuleEdgar Jborn about 1888
DemeuleHenry Eborn about 1916
DemeuleTheresa born about 1892
DeminicoAntonetta born about 1895
DeminicoFanicole born about 1898
DeminicoFred born about 1887
DeminicoJohn Fborn about 1919
DeminicoJoseph born about 1932
DeminicoJosephine Fborn about 1917
DeminicoLena Pborn about 1923
DeminicoMalley Sborn about 1938
DeminicoMario Jborn about 1936
DeminicoMichael Cborn about 1914
DeminicoNancy Vborn about 1935
DeminicoSabato born about 1890
DeminicoTheresa Aborn about 1926
DeminlcoCarmine born about 1894
DeminlcoCarmine Jr born about 1933
DeminlcoCharlie Aborn about 1934
DeminlcoFelli M Jrborn about 1940
DeminlcoGillda Mborn about 1936
DeminlcoJoseph Cborn about 1938
DeminlcoMargaret born about 1935
DeminlcoMary Cborn about 1913
DeminlcoMary Cborn about 1930
DepasonaJohn Aborn about 1894
DepasonaRaymond Jborn about 1915
DerbyBarbara Jborn about 1933
DerbyEsther Rborn about 1901
DerbyKent Eborn about 1932
DerbyRalph Eborn about 1903
DerbyRobert Eborn about 1940
DerdsierHazel Mborn about 1922
DerdsierHerman Jborn about 1913
DesbiensStella Mborn about 1916
DesbiensThomas Cborn about 1910
DesbinesAlbert Pborn about 1898
DesbinesMary Dborn about 1879
DesbinesThomas Aborn about 1870
DewarAlexander Pborn about 1870
DewarLeonore Mborn about 1872
DewarRudolph born about 1928
DewitteLaura born about 1879
DewitteWalter Sborn about 1879
DewolfCharles Oborn about 1873
DewolfCora Mborn about 1869
DiasAnita Jborn about 1935
DiasAnna born about 1939
DiasArthur Dborn about 1937
DiasChristian born about 1935
DiasGeorgina Sborn about 1916
DiasJohn born about 1909
DiasJohn born about 1933
DimesticoAugustine born about 1859
DimesticoConcetta born about 1868
DimesticoHenry born about 1907
DineenMargot Gborn about 1897
DirksmeierEmil C Cborn about 1891
DirksmeierGertrude Mborn about 1896
DolanJohn Hborn about 1893
DolanMary Eborn about 1890
DonavanGerry Mborn about 1876
DoningAnnie born about 1864
DoningGeorge Bborn about 1862
DonvanJames Pborn about 1937
DonvanJohn Dborn about 1939
DonvanMary Eborn about 1938
DonvanNeil Aborn about 1900
DonvanPearl Aborn about 1910
DouglasChristine born about 1905
DouglasEthel Mborn about 1878
DouglasLyman Cborn about 1939
DouglasLyman Wborn about 1904
DowneDorothy Wborn about 1919
DowneNorma Eborn about 1925
DowneRaymond Hborn about 1918
DowneyLawrence Aborn about 1924
DowneyRobert born about 1933
DownsCharles Wborn about 1868
DownsClara Dborn about 1878
DrakeAlice born about 1864
DrakeIsabel born about 1857
DrakeJessie born about 1877
DrakeThomas born about 1860
DraytonBradford Eborn about 1877
DraytonD Virginiaborn about 1913
DraytonEthel Mborn about 1887
DraytonHelmi born about 1917
DraytonJohn Aborn about 1935
DraytonJohn Eborn about 1915
DraytonRobert Fborn about 1920
DraytonWilliam Bborn about 1912
DriscollIda Pborn about 1883
DriscollJohn Aborn about 1884
DumhamAlbert Eborn about 1870
DunnAddi Tborn about 1874
DunnEmma Wborn about 1878
DunneMaude Lborn about 1875
DunneMaude Lborn about 1907
DunphyJoseph Rborn about 1915
DunstanFlorence Aborn about 1892
DunstanWilliam Jborn about 1883
DunstanWilliam Xborn about 1929

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E Surnames

EarleArthur Wborn about 1909
EarleJames Eborn about 1939
EarleThelma Mborn about 1916
EatonTilly Hborn about 1873
EdwardsHelena Sborn about 1917
EhlertGermaine born about 1937
EhlertJacqueline born about 1932
EhlertPatricia Rborn about 1929
EhlertRoy Eborn about 1900
EhlertRoy Eborn about 1924
EhlertRuth Eborn about 1901
ElliottWells Sborn about 1859
EllisGeorge Rborn about 1883
EllisGrace Lborn about 1889
EllisLillian Bborn about 1891
EllisMelvin Hborn about 1929
EllisRobert Lborn about 1912
EllisRobert Sborn about 1921
EllisRoberta born about 1921
EllisWalter Hborn about 1867
EllisWarren Cborn about 1918
EmeryFlorence born about 1895
EmeryMurdoch Mborn about 1893
ErnstEthel Llborn about 1894
EstesEmma Hborn about 1862
EstesEsther Lborn about 1912
EstesHoward Eborn about 1921
EstesJoise Mborn about 1884
EstesMary Eborn about 1866
EstesWalter Fborn about 1908
EstesWalter Fborn about 1933
EstesWilliam Lborn about 1884
EstesWilliam Lborn about 1918
EvansEdmund Lborn about 1861
EverettCharles Aborn about 1871
EversonFlorence Eborn about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FabyanAlice born about 1870
FabyanGuy Hborn about 1868
FallonJames Pborn about 1875
FarleyLoretta born about 1897
FarleyW Wendellborn about 1920
FarleyWilliam Tborn about 1896
FarrellWilliam Jborn about 1900
FarrellWilliam J Jrborn about 1925
FaulknerJames Gborn about 1864
FerandesFannie Hborn about 1892
FerandesFrank born about 1893
FergusonNellie Mborn about 1875
FernandezAnthony born about 1900
FerrisBarbara Eborn about 1932
FerrisEdward Lborn about 1905
FerrisElizabeth Aborn about 1871
FerrisGeorge Eborn about 1925
FerrisGloria Eborn about 1927
FerrisIda Gborn about 1896
FerrisJanice Eborn about 1938
FerrisLawerence Hborn about 1935
FerrisRose Eborn about 1908
FieldJeptha born about 1878
FisherElizabeth Aborn about 1863
FisherGeorge born about 1884
FiskBertha Dborn about 1879
FiskeEffie Vborn about 1874
FittsFred Lborn about 1900
FittsFred Wborn about 1930
FittsGloria Rborn about 1925
FittsIrene Eborn about 1901
FittsRalph Nborn about 1932
FloydMargaret Pborn about 1921
FordAddie Cborn about 1873
FordBeulah Fborn about 1876
FordEdmund Fborn about 1919
FordErnest Bborn about 1871
FordEthel Rborn about 1919
FordGeorge Cborn about 1896
FordGeorge Cborn about 1926
FordHarriet Mborn about 1866
FordHelen Mborn about 1931
FordRachel Mborn about 1897
FordWatson Bborn about 1877
FosterArthur Jborn about 1937
FosterBlanche born about 1884
FosterCarol Aborn about 1939
FosterErving Sborn about 1913
FosterHanibal born about 1851
FosterHaniral born about 1851
FosterHelen Dborn about 1877
FosterMargaret Aborn about 1918
FosterMary born about 1864
FosterMerlin Gborn about 1876
FosterThelma Bborn about 1920
FowlerAddie Jborn about 1862
FowlerWillie Aborn about 1859
FratusAlicia Mborn about 1929
FratusElicia Mborn about 1905
FratusIrving Sborn about 1907
FratusIrving Sborn about 1935
FratusJames Wborn about 1940
FratusRuth Eborn about 1927
FreemanAlfred Hborn about 1915
FreemanBarbara born about 1939
FreemanEunice Pborn about 1889
FreemanValentina born about 1915
FreemaultIsabelle born about 1903
FreemaultKathiern born about 1923
FreemaultLillian Eborn about 1925
FreemaultTheodore Iborn about 1931
FremaultAnnie born about 1881
FremaultDavid Jborn about 1909
FremaultJoseph Dborn about 1908
FremaultMestai Jborn about 1880
FremaultWilfred Jborn about 1902
FrenchWilliam Eborn about 1910
FriesEvelyn Rborn about 1925
FriesMuriel Mborn about 1908
FriesWilliam born about 1896
FriesWilliamn Jr born about 1927
FullerFed Tborn about 1902
FullerFred Gborn about 1879
FullerRose Bborn about 1884
FullerViola Bborn about 1908
FurtadoJulian born about 1897
FurtadoMae Fborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaddAlva Hborn about 1919
GaddArthur Hborn about 1885
GaddEsther Lborn about 1920
GaddMarcia Tborn about 1884
GaillardetLouis Aborn about 1888
GallgherJames Lborn about 1906
GallgherZelph Mborn about 1911
GammonThomas born about 1897
GanleyJoseph Vborn about 1887
GanleyMargaret born about 1887
GardnerArlene born about 1935
GardnerEarl Wborn about 1914
GardnerNancy born about 1939
GardnerPhyllis Lborn about 1914
GarfieldDorothy Mborn about 1904
GarfieldMyra Lborn about 1872
GarfieldWalter Mborn about 1867
GarnettForest Mborn about 1909
GarnettJames Fborn about 1931
GarnettRuth Eborn about 1894
GarrellJohn Eborn about 1930
GarrellLloyd J Rborn about 1900
GarrellMay Vborn about 1903
GarrellWilliam Rborn about 1922
Garrigan?Oremary born about 1930
GarriganJohn Eborn about 1932
GaudetteAdeline Rborn about 1924
GaudetteClaude Iborn about 1896
GaudetteClaude I Jrborn about 1931
GaudetteDorothy Rborn about 1926
GaudetteEthel Lborn about 1895
GaudetteEthel Mborn about 1922
GaudetteJacqueline born about 1923
GaudetteMargaret born about 1928
GaudetteNancy Jborn about 1935
GaudetteRobert Aborn about 1934
GeorgeDoris Mborn about 1902
GeorgeLouis Eborn about 1899
GeorgeNancy Sborn about 1935
GeorgeNorman Cborn about 1931
GibsonAndrew Jborn about 1861
GibsonClement H Cborn about 1856
GibsonHarriet Eborn about 1870
GichelNettie born about 1878
GilbertGeorge Lborn about 1934
GilbertJoseph Wborn about 1907
GilbertJoseph Jr born about 1933
GilbertPricilla Sborn about 1912
GilbertRichard Eborn about 1936
GlennCarol Eborn about 1939
GlennGilbert Wborn about 1914
GlennGilbert W Jrborn about 1937
GlennIvy Mborn about 1918
GodaroAlice Mborn about 1875
GoffFrank Hborn about 1873
GoldthwaitCelia Wborn about 1876
GoldthwaitGeorge Wborn about 1861
GoleAlbert Bborn about 1915
GoleBasil Mborn about 1922
GoleCarlton Jborn about 1917
GoleCharlie born about 1925
GoleCora Mborn about 1893
GoleDonald Dborn about 1934
GoleFredrick Wborn about 1924
GoleJames born about 1929
GoleLeanord Mborn about 1920
GoleMadeline born about 1932
GoleVirgina born about 1927
GoleWalter Jborn about 1884
GomesAlexandrine Lborn about 1919
GomesJames Jborn about 1917
GomesJoanne Dborn about 1939
GomesJohn born about 1916
GomesManuel born about 1893
GomesMarie Eborn about 1904
GomesRosalina born about 1921
GonsalvesBarbara Eborn about 1937
GonsalvesFrances Jborn about 1939
GonsalvesGertrude born about 1853
GonsalvesManuel born about 1938
GonsalvesManuel Sborn about 1907
GonsalvesMary Sborn about 1917
GoodmanEli born about 1886
GoodmanFannie born about 1892
GoodmanJeanette born about 1915
GoodrichAnnie Gborn about 1880
GoodwinGrace Iborn about 1917
GorhamElanor Pborn about 1916
GorhamMaude Gborn about 1892
GorhamStanley Eborn about 1913
GorhanAnnie Tborn about 1874
GormanAlbert Sborn about 1888
GormanFlorence Eborn about 1890
GormanRalph Sborn about 1922
GorrillAnna Eborn about 1916
GorrillAnnie Sborn about 1893
GorrillDavid Rborn about 1940
GorrillHarold Rborn about 1891
GorrillHarry Jborn about 1915
GorrillHerman Rborn about 1917
GorrillLorne Hborn about 1923
GorrillWendell Lborn about 1926
GorrillZelma Hborn about 1918
GrantFrederick Gborn about 1911
GrantGertrude Eborn about 1915
GrantHelen Lborn about 1939
GravesMildred Hborn about 1907
GravesNancy Jborn about 1932
GravesRalph Jr born about 1929
GravesRichard Nborn about 1934
GriffinGrace Sborn about 1882
GrispiAndrew born about 1906
GrispiBeatrice Kborn about 1916
GrispiJoseph born about 1875
GrispiPatricia born about 1884
GrispiPauline Aborn about 1938
GroverJoseph V Bborn about 1910
GroverNancy Eborn about 1935
GroverRuth Nborn about 1916
GroverSally Gborn about 1937
GurneyClarence Aborn about 1878
GurneyEva Mborn about 1914
GurneyMay Fborn about 1938
GurneyRoy Fborn about 1936
GurneyWilliam Jborn about 1908
GurneyWilliam Jr born about 1935
GuyGeorge Jborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaganRuth Fborn about 1919
HagerGeorge Aborn about 1879
HagertyDelia Eborn about 1898
HagertyEdward Jborn about 1889
HagertyFrancis Oborn about 1918
HagertyMary Eborn about 1935
HagertyPaul Pborn about 1938
HagertyVincent Lborn about 1927
HaleMildred born about 1925
HallAlbert Wborn about 1935
HallElizabeth Mborn about 1932
HallEmily Sborn about 1912
HallMargaret Rborn about 1920
HallRalph Eborn about 1907
HallRobert Fborn about 1940
HallSally born about 1937
HallettJerome Lborn about 1905
HallettPrescilla Wborn about 1907
HammondAbail Sborn about 1902
HammondAbbie Wborn about 1902
HammondAetna Jborn about 1908
HammondAlice Pborn about 1856
HammondAnna Hborn about 1905
HammondBeverly Rborn about 1939
HammondClifford Aborn about 1914
HammondDavid Wborn about 1931
HammondDorothy Mborn about 1921
HammondEarl Nborn about 1900
HammondEarl N Jrborn about 1922
HammondElianne Vborn about 1937
HammondElmer Rborn about 1924
HammondEsther Rborn about 1922
HammondEvelyn Sborn about 1892
HammondGeorge Eborn about 1930
HammondGerald Pborn about 1935
HammondGilbert Wborn about 1894
HammondGilbert W Jrborn about 1939
HammondJames Wborn about 1928
HammondLaura Lborn about 1920
HammondLloyd Fborn about 1899
HammondLoring Wborn about 1938
HammondLouise Bborn about 1902
HammondMabel Cborn about 1904
HammondMabel Fborn about 1897
HammondMilton Rborn about 1895
HammondMinnie Aborn about 1867
HammondPhillis Lborn about 1930
HammondPhyllis Lborn about 1918
HammondRichard Hborn about 1907
HammondRoy Nborn about 1930
HammondSammuel Gborn about 1937
HammondTheodore born about 1933
HammondTheodore Rborn about 1904
HammondWarren Sborn about 1916
HammondWilliam Aborn about 1927
HammondWinfield Sborn about 1893
HampshireMary Gborn about 1862
HannanEllamae Fborn about 1939
HannanEllamae Rborn about 1920
HannanFrances Aborn about 1918
HansonEliza Hborn about 1875
HantingFrederick Aborn about 1922
HaraldsteadAmelia Eborn about 1897
HaraldsteadAndrew Oborn about 1894
HaraldsteadAndrew O Jrborn about 1924
HaraldsteadRobert Nborn about 1934
HaraldsteadRoy Eborn about 1931
HarleyBeatrice Tborn about 1902
HarleyFred Cborn about 1870
HarleyNancy Sborn about 1877
HarleyRalph Kborn about 1922
HarrisDoris Lborn about 1904
HarrisMelvin Hborn about 1935
HarrisSamuel Hborn about 1901
HarronThomas Aborn about 1886
HartEdward Jborn about 1874
HartEleanor Gborn about 1914
HartMary Lborn about 1871
HartPatricia born about 1939
HartWilliam Jborn about 1910
HartWilliam Jborn about 1936
HartinHulda Mborn about 1892
HartleyLouis Eborn about 1921
HartmanMinnie Bborn about 1876
HartmanWalter born about 1879
HarveyHarry Eborn about 1885
HatchArthur Fborn about 1893
HatchArthur Mborn about 1893
HatchEva Fborn about 1871
HatchFrank Aborn about 1867
HatchHarold Eborn about 1920
HatchLouise Mborn about 1900
HatchRussel Tborn about 1917
HatchS Leroyborn about 1886
HavistoKaal Hborn about 1889
HavistoKaalo born about 1915
HavistoLempi Mborn about 1888
HavistoTimi born about 1923
HawkinsParthavey born about 1894
HaydedArthur Hborn about 1873
HaywardGeorge Lborn about 1871
HeathDonald Bborn about 1893
HeathM Francesborn about 1893
HeathRobert Bborn about 1930
HedmanVera Maeborn about 1887
HemenwayAda Mborn about 1882
HemenwayErnest Mborn about 1873
HemmenwayAda Jborn about 1874
HemmenwayLuke Wborn about 1876
HermansonAleksand* Rt Mborn about 1876
HermansonHerman born about 1875
HernDana Rborn about 1931
HernDorothy Lborn about 1907
HernNorman Sborn about 1934
HezlittGloria born about 1928
HiattArthur Wborn about 1871
HiattStephen Lborn about 1879
HicksBarbara Hborn about 1939
HicksHelen Tborn about 1915
HicksHerman Bborn about 1913
HicksRobert Hborn about 1939
HielmstromCharlotte born about 1875
HigginsClara Bborn about 1870
HigginsMarion Eborn about 1865
HigginsThomas Hborn about 1874
HiktinenRiku born about 1882
HillClayton born about 1925
HillElsie Mborn about 1881
HillEugene born about 1926
HillHarold Wborn about 1909
HillJannie born about 1847
HillRonald born about 1928
HillWilliam Fborn about 1901
HiltonEmma Mborn about 1896
HiltonHarry Eborn about 1896
HobartGeorge Wborn about 1897
HobartMinnie born about 1868
HobillEdith Lborn about 1884
HobillErnest Fborn about 1880
HobillWalter Pborn about 1917
HoganDonald Cborn about 1918
HolebrookHarry Fborn about 1884
HolebrookNancy Aborn about 1886
HollisCharles Lborn about 1875
HollisFlorence Eborn about 1876
HollisLora Eborn about 1873
HollisWilliam Hborn about 1876
HolmesBev Aborn about 1937
HolmesEdward Rborn about 1912
HolmesEdward Rborn about 1936
HolmesFlorence born about 1916
HolmesPhilip Bborn about 1938
HoltPerley Dborn about 1874
HoltSusan Hborn about 1875
HoodAnnie Bborn about 1872
HopesCharles Fborn about 1935
HopesDiminga Sborn about 1911
HopesManuel Sborn about 1897
HopesManuel Sborn about 1933
HopesSlyvia Jborn about 1939
HopesUgene Pborn about 1938
HopkinsGrant Sborn about 1868
HopkinsHarriett born about 1939
HopkinsMarjorie Hborn about 1906
HopkinsPauline Cborn about 1919
HopkinsRaymond Eborn about 1903
HopkinsSandra Jborn about 1939
HopkinsValerie Jborn about 1936
HopkinsWilliam Fborn about 1916
HoveyAlice Vborn about 1893
HoveyDiana Mborn about 1865
HoveyFrank Hborn about 1887
HoveyMarion born about 1921
HowardAnnie born about 1881
HowardArthur Fborn about 1932
HowardBertha Fborn about 1871
HowardCora Mborn about 1900
HowardElla Le Fborn about 1867
HowardHelen Wborn about 1909
HowardHenry born about 1882
HowardMarjorie Dborn about 1920
HowardMerton Eborn about 1887
HowardRussell Wborn about 1919
HowardThaddens Dborn about 1901
HowardWarren Tborn about 1871
HoweArthur Jborn about 1938
HoweJames Eborn about 1905
HoweJames Eborn about 1928
HoweMabel Lborn about 1907
HowlandCalvin Pborn about 1917
HowlandCarlton Aborn about 1904
HowlandCorydon Mborn about 1920
HowlandDavis Wborn about 1868
HowlandFred Wborn about 1863
HowlandHenry Cborn about 1880
HowlandLora Mborn about 1873
HowlandMary Jborn about 1863
HowlandMinnie born about 1896
HowlandPaul Cborn about 1925
HowlandRoy Eborn about 1892
HowlandRuth Mborn about 1928
HowlandSadie Aborn about 1889
HowlandVera born about 1901
HudonMuriel Jborn about 1927
HuffEarl Fborn about 1936
HuffFrancis Sborn about 1903
HuffGladys Mborn about 1904
HuffNorman Wborn about 1931
HuffRobert Lborn about 1929
HughesAddie Hborn about 1884
HughesJohn Wborn about 1862
HuntGeorge Fborn about 1935
HuntGrace Hborn about 1902
HuntHarrison Mborn about 1889
HunterGertrude born about 1878
HunterHerbert Mborn about 1872
HunterNeaomi Mborn about 1922
HuntingFrederick Aborn about 1872
HurleyEillen Iborn about 1907
HurleyJames Lborn about 1904
HurleyLeo Fborn about 1933
HurleyMary Cborn about 1936
HutchinsFredrick Aborn about 1901
HutchinsMinna Mborn about 1892

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I Surnames

IbbitsonAnna Eborn about 1933
IbbitsonCharles Wborn about 1931
IbbitsonCyril Rborn about 1902
IbbitsonDavid Rborn about 1924
IbbitsonDonald Aborn about 1938
IbbitsonDoris Bborn about 1924
IbbitsonEdrice Eborn about 1903
IbbitsonEdwin Wborn about 1899
IbbitsonElsie Dborn about 1898
IbbitsonGeorge Eborn about 1938
IbbitsonHarold Rborn about 1927
IbbitsonHollis Wborn about 1894
IbbitsonHoward Mborn about 1929
IbbitsonIra Wborn about 1927
IbbitsonJohn Hborn about 1869
IbbitsonJohn Hborn about 1928
IbbitsonLoring Cborn about 1929
IbbitsonMarie Bborn about 1900
IbbitsonNorman Bborn about 1932
IbbitsonRaleigh Dborn about 1933
IbbitsonRichard Hborn about 1934
IbbitsonRobert Hborn about 1925
IbbitsonSally Mborn about 1937
IbbitsonStella Cborn about 1872
IngallsAgnes Pborn about 1929
IngallsCatherine Eborn about 1908
IngallsRobert Eborn about 1940
IngallsWilliam Jborn about 1901
IngallsWilliam Jborn about 1933
InghamJoanna born about 1866
IrvingEdna Cborn about 1914
IrvingJohn Wborn about 1915
IrvingSally Aborn about 1925
IrvingSarah Eborn about 1894
IversErnest Aborn about 1903
IversEvelinne Aborn about 1908
IversWilliam Bborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonArthur Eborn about 1911
JacksonEdith Jborn about 1937
JacksonMarion Eborn about 1916
JacksonRaymond Mborn about 1925
JacobsonAnna Nborn about 1872
JacobsonWilliam born about 1874
JemingsEdna Sborn about 1882
JemingsLouise Jborn about 1912
JemingsMerton Sborn about 1902
JenkinsWilliam Gborn about 1925
JennessAlbert Sborn about 1920
JennessElizabeth Fborn about 1889
JennessHarry Bborn about 1886
JennessLloyd born about 1915
JennessNancy Eborn about 1926
JennessRobert Cborn about 1924
JohnsonCarl Tborn about 1871
JohnsonCharles Nborn about 1886
JohnsonClaus Sborn about 1874
JohnsonEverertt Jborn about 1894
JohnsonGrace Eborn about 1898
JohnsonJohn Dborn about 1891
JohnsonWilfred born about 1929
JohnstonDavid Bborn about 1884
JohnstonEdith Mborn about 1895
JohnstonFlorence Sborn about 1907
JohnstonRobert Aborn about 1905
JokinenAino Kborn about 1889
JokinenAlexandra born about 1883
JokinenArthur Aborn about 1917
JokinenEdwin Mborn about 1922
JokinenTaisto Hborn about 1919
JonesFlorence Cborn about 1872
JonesHarold Sborn about 1899
JonesJohn Aborn about 1871
JonesLena Wborn about 1888
JosselynAustin Wborn about 1867
JosselynEdgar Cborn about 1868
JosselynEliza born about 1847
JosselynFanny Rborn about 1882
JosselynIvy Bborn about 1883
JosselynLloyd Sborn about 1860
JoyGeorge Tborn about 1923
JoyKathlern born about 1922
JoyLawrence born about 1921
JoyceRoland born about 1904
JoyceWilliam Rborn about 1873
JurkuviczAnthony born about 1896
JurkuviczHarry born about 1925
JurkuviczMattie born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaneFlora Mborn about 1906
KaneHelen Eborn about 1924
KaneHenry Aborn about 1901
KayBlanche born about 1878
KayWalter Vborn about 1910
KeeneAnnie Rborn about 1884
KeeneBeatrice Pborn about 1912
KeeneEmily Eborn about 1885
KeeneEstella Eborn about 1882
KeeneWalter Hborn about 1881
KelleyAnnie born about 1900
KelleyAnnie born about 1926
KelleyGeorge Aborn about 1923
KelleyHarriet Bborn about 1896
KelleyHarriet Bborn about 1927
KelleyJames Bborn about 1934
KelleyJohn Eborn about 1936
KelleyThomas born about 1921
KelleyVincent Rborn about 1921
KelleyWilliam Hborn about 1885
KelleyWilliam Hborn about 1930
KelleyWilliam Lborn about 1886
KelliherJoseph Hborn about 1896
KelliherMarion Fborn about 1906
KempHelen Mborn about 1883
KempHerbert Tborn about 1883
KendrickRobert Sborn about 1917
KerrJane Aborn about 1877
KilbrithNellie Wborn about 1871
KilburnGeorge born about 1860
KilburnSarah Jborn about 1864
KingCarlton Wborn about 1928
KingCharles Hborn about 1897
KingDoris Lborn about 1901
KingEvelyn Mborn about 1900
KingLaura Mborn about 1931
KingPhyllis Eborn about 1927
KingRaymond Lborn about 1930
KingRusell Lborn about 1925
KingS Winsolwborn about 1904
KingVirginia Jborn about 1922
KingmanElizabeth Cborn about 1925
KingmanFrank Iborn about 1927
KingmanHelen Eborn about 1889
KingmanJohn Aborn about 1895
KingsburyElsie Wborn about 1869
KingsburyEsther Hborn about 1911
KingsburyJohn Wborn about 1936
KingsburyMarjorie Eborn about 1931
KingsburyW Eborn about 1872
KingsburyWalter E Jrborn about 1901
KirkwoodMiriam born about 1902
KnightGeorge Wborn about 1876
KnightLois Pborn about 1913
KnightLottie Lborn about 1877
KsepkaJohn Gborn about 1926
KsepkaMary Fborn about 1909
KsepkaWalter Jborn about 1928
KuntzeSophia born about 1854

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L Surnames

LafreniereMabel Eborn about 1898
LafreniereMarie Eborn about 1924
LafreniereWalter Jborn about 1899
LaheyEdwin Lborn about 1901
LaheyGloria P Bborn about 1924
LaheyMuriel Bborn about 1901
LamborghiniAlex Cborn about 1885
LamborghiniElanor Eborn about 1920
LaneClyde Eborn about 1926
LaneMarshall born about 1896
LaneMarshall Oborn about 1919
LaneVerda Mborn about 1890
LangillClara Fborn about 1858
LangsfordFrank Cborn about 1868
LapointeAlfred born about 1876
LapointeAnna Eborn about 1878
LardnerEdna born about 1925
LawbingerCharles Fborn about 1910
LawbingerEmil born about 1873
LawbingerJulia Cborn about 1875
LawrenceEdward born about 1937
LawrenceEvangeline born about 1883
LawrenceJanet Mborn about 1934
LawrenceJulia Aborn about 1915
LawrenceLillian Sborn about 1936
LawrenceManuel Jr born about 1904
LawrenceManuel Sr born about 1872
LawsonSigfred Rborn about 1887
LawtenDaniel Eborn about 1870
LeanardElianor Aborn about 1934
LefebvreJoseph Hborn about 1884
LeightonDorrace Cborn about 1926
LeightonGeorge Hborn about 1924
LeightonGertrude Jborn about 1902
LeightonHenry Jborn about 1894
LeightonJoanne born about 1940
LeightonMarguerite Aborn about 1922
LeonardEmma Hborn about 1876
LeonardErnest born about 1869
LeslieJack born about 1927
LeslieJames born about 1923
LeslieWiliam born about 1928
LesseoFrancis Sborn about 1937
LewisAlice Gborn about 1893
LewisDaniel Jborn about 1893
LewisMary Eborn about 1865
LewisPatricia Mborn about 1918
LewittEthel Wborn about 1884
LewittRobert Gborn about 1884
LigastiFelix Hborn about 1895
LimaAlma Cborn about 1882
LimaAntonio Pborn about 1893
LimaAntonio Jr born about 1923
LimaIsabell born about 1921
LimaPeter born about 1926
LincolnFlora Eborn about 1879
LincolnLevi Pborn about 1884
LincolnLevi Pborn about 1904
LindquistDorothy Cborn about 1917
LinghamDorothy Hborn about 1925
LinghamEdith Jborn about 1898
LinghamForrest Cborn about 1922
LinghamForrest Sborn about 1899
LinghamRobert Wborn about 1923
LipinskiEdward Wborn about 1921
LipinskiJennie Rborn about 1919
LipinskiRose born about 1894
LipinskiStephen born about 1923
LipinskiTeresa born about 1929
LittlefieldCharles born about 1925
LittlefieldGladys born about 1915
LittlefieldVernon Cborn about 1911
LittlehaleAnn born about 1937
LittlehaleDouglas Sborn about 1929
LittlehaleFrederick born about 1926
LittlehaleJanice born about 1931
LittlehaleMarjorie Sborn about 1897
LittlehaleRoy Fborn about 1891
LivermoreBenjamin Fborn about 1867
LockeClifton Wborn about 1913
LockeFrank Sborn about 1883
LockeMarion Eborn about 1886
LockeWendell Fborn about 1915
LongobarbiAngelena born about 1883
LongobarbiErnest Jborn about 1921
LongobarbiFranklin Aborn about 1925
LongobarbiJoseph born about 1875
LongobarbiJosephine Eborn about 1917
LoseadaAnne Mborn about 1934
LoseadaElsie Aborn about 1892
LoseadaJohn Fborn about 1924
LoseadaMarilyn Eborn about 1927
LoseadaPauline Lborn about 1931
LouisEllis Eborn about 1878
LourencoConrad born about 1925
LovelaBertha Aborn about 1876
LovelaMelo?? Fborn about 1875
LovelaRobert Mborn about 1915
LowdanskyC Emma Fborn about 1865
LowelyAllan Wborn about 1939
LowelyClarence Wborn about 1911
LowelyFlorence Cborn about 1907
LukleeFred Lborn about 1882
LukleeHana born about 1881
LundberyE Williamborn about 1932
LundberyEdith Mborn about 1898
LundberyEdward Bborn about 1908
LundberyRoberta Mborn about 1934
LuryArthur Rborn about 1850
LuryDorothy Dborn about 1900
LyncheskiAlbert Jborn about 1917
LyncheskiDaniel Eborn about 1912
LyncheskiJohn Fborn about 1909
LyncheskiRichard Lborn about 1921

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M Surnames

MaccellanJames Aborn about 1905
MaccellanMuriel Cborn about 1910
MaccellanSandra Lborn about 1940
MaccleaveHoward Mborn about 1890
MaccleaveHoward M Jrborn about 1921
MaccleaveMarguary Cborn about 1898
MaccleaveMary Janeborn about 1924
MaccormackAnne Hborn about 1900
MaccormackJames Mborn about 1936
MaccormackStephen born about 1930
MaccormackStephen Dborn about 1898
MacdonaldAnnie Bborn about 1866
MacdonaldAnnie Cborn about 1921
MacdonaldBarbara Aborn about 1938
MacdonaldClaire Eborn about 1934
MacdonaldCora Hborn about 1905
MacdonaldDorothy Iborn about 1931
MacdonaldEdward Sborn about 1905
MacdonaldFlorence Lborn about 1917
MacdonaldH Isabelleborn about 1910
MacdonaldHoward Wborn about 1910
MacdonaldIvy Mborn about 1904
MacdonaldJanice Eborn about 1939
MacdonaldJohn born about 1884
MacdonaldLillian Mborn about 1906
MacdonaldNorman Gborn about 1903
MacdonaldWilliam Fborn about 1919
MackayCharlotte E Bborn about 1883
MackayJames Dborn about 1882
MackayMargaret Mborn about 1862
MackenzieClyde Nborn about 1928
MackenzieElizabeth born about 1880
MackenzieEsther Mborn about 1916
MackenzieJohn Sborn about 1903
MackenzieKenneth Nborn about 1915
MackenzieNorman Eborn about 1876
MackenzieRuth Eborn about 1901
MaclellanAgnes Nborn about 1873
MaclellanAlice Hborn about 1914
MaclellanErnest born about 1911
MaclellanIda Lborn about 1876
MaclellanJohn born about 1906
MacphailArchie Jborn about 1882
MacphailFlora Gborn about 1883
MacsweenKenneth Dborn about 1913
MaddiganGertrude Fborn about 1899
MaddiganIra Bborn about 1896
MaddiganRobert Iborn about 1920
MageeEdna Lborn about 1924
MageeEthel Fborn about 1927
MageeFrank born about 1907
MageeFrank Jr born about 1929
MageeIrene born about 1908
MageeJosephine Annaborn about 1897
MageeLouise Aborn about 1901
MageeStanley born about 1903
MagounAlice Fborn about 1880
MagounChester Cborn about 1875
MahonArlene Fborn about 1931
MahonHugh Fborn about 1910
MahonRuth born about 1912
MahoneyCornelius Lborn about 1879
MahoneyFrancis born about 1934
MahoneyHelen Dborn about 1885
MahoneyHelen Dborn about 1916
MahoneyRobert Jborn about 1926
MakiAnnie born about 1936
MakiAnton born about 1898
MakiAxel Aborn about 1926
MakiEllen Mborn about 1922
MakiKannair Eborn about 1886
MakiLauri born about 1927
MakiMargaret Jborn about 1899
MakiMartha Ellenborn about 1900
MakiOnni Aborn about 1921
MakiRono born about 1930
MakiTaimi born about 1924
MallnersAnnie born about 1873
ManganoJohn Bborn about 1882
ManganoLucya born about 1920
ManganoTeresa born about 1882
ManganoV Jamesborn about 1913
MannEthel Mborn about 1907
MannHoward Aborn about 1907
MannLoren Aborn about 1938
MansorArthur Eborn about 1937
MansorAvis Lborn about 1917
MansorBernard Eborn about 1936
MansorCharles Wborn about 1938
MansorCloris Eborn about 1939
MansorRonald Gborn about 1915
MardenGuy Cborn about 1891
MardenLouis Cborn about 1920
MardenMay Fborn about 1894
MardenNorma Eborn about 1926
MardenRoy Fborn about 1923
MardenWilliam Mborn about 1916
MarinCharles Wborn about 1936
MarinDavid Bborn about 1930
MarinH Gordonborn about 1900
MarinMarion Lborn about 1903
MarinNancy Cborn about 1932
MartinBarbara Lborn about 1937
MartinGeorge Jborn about 1890
MartinGeorge Wborn about 1917
MartinM Gladysborn about 1895
MartinMary Mborn about 1933
MartinOlive Lborn about 1919
MartinWesley Jborn about 1933
MartinsonMansfield Pborn about 1895
MartinsonRobert Mborn about 1927
MartinsonSigrid born about 1872
MartinsonSturley Fborn about 1928
MartinsonSven born about 1870
MastrangeloPeter born about 1925
MathewsCharles Hborn about 1875
MathewsLue Eborn about 1879
MaulEliz Hborn about 1911
MaulRobert Eborn about 1936
MaulRobert H Oborn about 1902
MaurakArthur Fborn about 1892
MaurakEmma Bborn about 1890
McCarthayForrest Jborn about 1938
McCarthayJohn Aborn about 1900
McCarthayMary Jborn about 1904
McCarthayMaureen born about 1939
McCellanGrace Eborn about 1887
McCellanRoderick Cborn about 1883
McClellanE Cameron Jrborn about 1931
McClellanEdgar Cborn about 1908
McClellanEdith Iborn about 1929
McClellanEdna Aborn about 1929
McClellanSally Annborn about 1937
McClellanSarah Aborn about 1909
McDonaldJohn Hborn about 1872
McDonaldLouise Iborn about 1880
McDonaldMargaret Lborn about 1885
McDuffyJames Eborn about 1920
McEuroeJames born about 1858
McGillClarence Wborn about 1906
McGillElias Rborn about 1877
McGillEmma Mborn about 1878
McIntoshDavid born about 1874
McIntoshMargret Sborn about 1880
McIntoshMildred Lborn about 1926
McIntoshWilliam Tborn about 1900
McKissonLorraine Eborn about 1934
McLaughinFlorence Gborn about 1894
McLaughinLawerence Eborn about 1933
McLaughinLouise Fborn about 1926
McLaughinWilliam Jborn about 1893
McLaughlinAlice Gborn about 1910
McLaughlinBernard Lborn about 1916
McLaughlinBernard Lborn about 1939
McLaughlinCatherine Cborn about 1901
McLaughlinClemence born about 1921
McLaughlinFrances born about 1936
McLaughlinGeorge Eborn about 1909
McLaughlinGeorge Eborn about 1931
McLaughlinGlem born about 1938
McLaughlinGrace Kborn about 1939
McLaughlinJohn born about 1861
McLaughlinJohn Jborn about 1896
McLaughlinJohn J Jrborn about 1929
McLaughlinMarie Eborn about 1935
McLaughlinMarie Rborn about 1905
McLaughlinPhyllis Lborn about 1913
McLaughlinRobert Fborn about 1891
McLeodLeo born about 1889
McLeodMarian Iborn about 1896
McPhailDoris Gborn about 1936
McPhailGeorge Iborn about 1939
McPhailKathleen Tborn about 1932
McPhailKenneth Bborn about 1910
McPhailMary Mborn about 1914
McWalterGeorge Mborn about 1912
McWalterGeorge T Jrborn about 1936
McWalterMarie Eborn about 1916
McWalterSheila Aborn about 1937
McWalterWilliam born about 1939
MeinholdBoyd Cborn about 1935
MeinholdCarl Hborn about 1915
MeinholdCharles Wborn about 1885
MeinholdElmer Iborn about 1919
MeinholdFrances Eborn about 1885
MeinholdFrancis Lborn about 1917
MeinholdFrank Wborn about 1912
MeinholdGladys Mborn about 1911
MeinholdJane Lborn about 1909
MeinholdLetitia Fborn about 1934
MeinholdMax Lborn about 1890
MeinholdRussel Bborn about 1907
MenardGertrude Iborn about 1921
MendeAntonio born about 1887
MendesCarmen Aborn about 1916
MendesJoseph Rborn about 1938
MendesLouis born about 1897
MendesLouis Jr born about 1936
MercerAmy Lborn about 1911
MercerFrederick Jborn about 1870
MercerMary Eborn about 1876
MerriamGladys born about 1921
MerriamJohn Wborn about 1922
MerriamMary Aborn about 1893
MerrillArline Cborn about 1909
MerrillFred Hborn about 1910
MerrillPaul Cborn about 1929
MerrillPhyllis Gborn about 1939
MerrillRichard Hborn about 1939
MerrittBeatrice Hborn about 1869
MerrittMilton Eborn about 1869
MetcalfGertrude Gborn about 1886
MetcalfHarold Hborn about 1912
MetcalfIrma born about 1918
MetcalfLee Aborn about 1886
MetcalfLee A Jrborn about 1933
MilliganCarrie Bborn about 1870
MillikenMary Eborn about 1914
MillikenRobert Pborn about 1934
MillikenRoger Hborn about 1908
MillikenRoger Mborn about 1933
MilneLeslie Jborn about 1928
MilneR Marjorieborn about 1897
MilneRalph Gborn about 1920
MilneWalter Mborn about 1896
MilnesA Murrayborn about 1900
MilnesElizabeth Bborn about 1904
MiltonBernice Mborn about 1912
MiltonWalter Eborn about 1887
MitchellJoseph born about 1872
MohrHarry Cborn about 1877
MohrHattie Vborn about 1884
MoneganCharles Cborn about 1905
MoneganLucy Eborn about 1904
MonroeAlice Fborn about 1893
MonroeHenry Fborn about 1885
MonroeWarren Cborn about 1918
MontererioManuel born about 1897
MontererioMary Aborn about 1896
MooreGeorge Tborn about 1870
MoreeLucy born about 1890
MoreeMerton Cborn about 1880
MorrisMargaret Mborn about 1860
MorseEdward Jborn about 1887
MorseFlorence Rborn about 1886
MorseRaymond Pborn about 1926
MorseRichard Pborn about 1923
MorstonEva Mborn about 1917
MorstonWilliam Gborn about 1913
MurnaneAgnes Jborn about 1887
MurphyHelen Mborn about 1890
MurphyJames Fborn about 1901
MurrayFrederick Jborn about 1900
MurrayFrederick Mborn about 1931
MurrayNettie Mborn about 1906
MurrayRichard Jborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NarcrossFrank Aborn about 1863
NarcrossFrank A Jrborn about 1896
NathalioQueenie Eborn about 1896
NealyJessie Sborn about 1882
NealyWalter Aborn about 1877
NelliganEdward Fborn about 1885
NelliganEdwin Rborn about 1921
NelliganGertrude Lborn about 1889
NelliganMargaret Lborn about 1918
NelliganMartha Eborn about 1930
NelsonFrederick born about 1918
NelsonPhilppi born about 1913
NewhallCharles Aborn about 1888
NewhallE Mildredborn about 1896
NewhallHarriett Rborn about 1933
NewhallJanis Aborn about 1928
NiceEdwin Lborn about 1908
NiceEmily Eborn about 1906
NiceLloyd Rborn about 1935
NiceMargaret Hborn about 1938
NiceRoger Lborn about 1939
NichollAlbert Wborn about 1905
NichollEvelyn Mborn about 1911
NichollJanice Eborn about 1936
NichollMatilda Tborn about 1875
NickersonAlfred Hborn about 1911
NickersonAlice Aborn about 1889
NickersonAlice Mborn about 1934
NickersonBarbara Lborn about 1940
NickersonEmily Lborn about 1936
NickersonFrederick Aborn about 1936
NickersonHarry Bborn about 1879
NickersonKathryn born about 1911
NickersonRhodall born about 1933
NickersonRoberta Eborn about 1929
NickersonWilliam Rborn about 1931
NicollCharles Tborn about 1898
NicollMaud Mborn about 1894
NorrisCarolyn born about 1936
NorrisCurtis Bborn about 1928
NorrisHelen born about 1902
NorrisJoan Cborn about 1932
NorrisLowell Aborn about 1896
NorrisWilliam born about 1923
NottreMaurice Eborn about 1889
NummiAlfred born about 1926
NummiAxel Eborn about 1891
NummiHelen born about 1926
NummiMarie born about 1889
NummiRudolph born about 1929
NutterEzra Sborn about 1905
NutterKathleen Iborn about 1916
NutterShirley Lborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakmanIsrael born about 1856
ObrienAlice born about 1857
ObrienFred Pborn about 1878
ObrienJohn Fborn about 1930
ObrienPeggy Aborn about 1933
ObrienRita Mborn about 1910
OldrineErnest Eborn about 1897
OneilCharlotte Mborn about 1893
OneilCharlotte Mborn about 1919
OneilEdward Kborn about 1921
OneilEdward Tborn about 1892
OneilMichael Kborn about 1932
OraigJames H Jrborn about 1926
OraigJan Rborn about 1932
OraigJean Eborn about 1928
OraigJoan Rborn about 1923
OraigJohn Mborn about 1930
OraigPhyllis Rborn about 1896
OtshaughnessyJoseph Mborn about 1873
OtshaughnessyMary Aborn about 1877
OwenAnnie Eborn about 1875
OwenSamuel Jborn about 1872
OxspringRose Aborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaananenEdith Lborn about 1919
PaananenEverett Wborn about 1938
PaananenUno Jborn about 1915
PackardBertha Mborn about 1887
PackardBurton Mborn about 1875
PackardEmma born about 1878
PackardFrank born about 1869
PaectenMildred Cborn about 1893
PaectenWillidalo Cborn about 1888
PaineJosephine Bborn about 1880
PaineMortimer Hborn about 1876
PardyLottie born about 1853
ParkerBlanche Eborn about 1902
ParkerDavid Rborn about 1931
ParkerEdward Dborn about 1864
ParkerHarrie Fborn about 1901
ParkerJoan born about 1937
ParkerMargaret Cborn about 1867
ParkerPhilip Mborn about 1934
ParksMary Oborn about 1872
ParsellCora Aborn about 1861
PaulArthur Aborn about 1885
PaulEldora Lborn about 1890
PaulJeannette Aborn about 1916
PaulMarie Tborn about 1925
PaulStanley Aborn about 1923
PauldingGertrude Lborn about 1900
PauldingWalter Iborn about 1877
PauldingWalter Iborn about 1935
PeabodyEvelyn Mborn about 1893
PeabodyGeorge Eborn about 1898
PeabodyGladys Iborn about 1900
PeabodyVaughan Kborn about 1896
PearceAgnes Lborn about 1883
PearceFrederick Aborn about 1882
PearsonH Orrieborn about 1886
PeckBernice born about 1877
PendletonEdward Aborn about 1868
PendletonHarriet Aborn about 1878
PenniniMary born about 1861
PensonElizabeth born about 1895
PensonMargaret born about 1869
PensonThomas Aborn about 1858
PepeMargaret born about 1909
PepePaul born about 1906
PepeThomas Jborn about 1937
PerryBertha Cborn about 1890
PerryMargaret born about 1897
PerryRobert Hborn about 1871
PetersonCarl Rborn about 1902
PetersonCharles Wborn about 1936
PetersonLillian Aborn about 1904
PettengillEthel Jborn about 1887
PhillipsJohnthan R Gborn about 1868
PhillipsSusan Cborn about 1860
PichetteAlbertha Mborn about 1885
PickettCarson Iborn about 1898
PickettMargaret M Lborn about 1909
PickettRose Aborn about 1878
PierceAdelbert born about 1885
PierceBiadford Hborn about 1880
PierceChester Wborn about 1918
PierceElizabeth Wborn about 1876
PierceErnett Fborn about 1934
PierceKenneth Jborn about 1908
PierceMae Lborn about 1890
PierceMary Eborn about 1937
PierceMary Lborn about 1926
PierceNatalie Eborn about 1927
PiercePatri Aborn about 1939
PierceRobert Vborn about 1923
PierceRuth Mborn about 1897
PierceThurly Fborn about 1911
PierceValven born about 1885
PikeFrances Mborn about 1929
PinaAlfred Dborn about 1933
PinaAlma Bborn about 1924
PinaAnna Mborn about 1920
PinaCarolina born about 1901
PinaCatherine Bborn about 1891
PinaEugune born about 1918
PinaEva Jborn about 1927
PinaFrank Cborn about 1887
PinaFrank E Jrborn about 1915
PinaHerman Jildoborn about 1893
PinaJohn Sborn about 1893
PinaJoseph Aborn about 1922
PinaJoseph Jborn about 1934
PinaJulius born about 1892
PinaLillian Rborn about 1918
PinaManuel born about 1884
PinaMary Bborn about 1894
PinaMary Dborn about 1924
PinaMary Jborn about 1929
PotrieLevi born about 1886
PotterJohn Eborn about 1923
PrattDana Mborn about 1871
PrattDennis Sborn about 1866
PrattGertrude Aborn about 1870
PrattLucy Aborn about 1869
PribbleGeorge born about 1864
ProostAlphonse born about 1870
PurceAlma born about 1905
PurceBarbara born about 1934
PurceMarion born about 1895
PurceRobert Dborn about 1932
PurpuraAnnette Fborn about 1931
PurpuraBarbara Annborn about 1935
PurpuraGeorge Rborn about 1901
PurpuraGeorge R Jrborn about 1932
PurpuraIda Fborn about 1908
PurpuraJosephine Mborn about 1875
PurpuraRichard born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabyAlice Mborn about 1908
RabyCharles Eborn about 1888
RabyLawerence Mborn about 1932
RabyLawrence Rborn about 1903
RabyLoretta Lborn about 1928
RabyMary Eborn about 1888
RabyMax born about 1856
RabyRosemond Kborn about 1922
RandallArthur Wborn about 1893
RandallDoris Mborn about 1933
RandallFrederick Aborn about 1939
RandallNellie Mborn about 1901
RaseyGeorge Eborn about 1911
RaseyMarjorie Fborn about 1919
RaseySusan born about 1939
RaseySylvia Fborn about 1937
RaymondAlice Oborn about 1901
RaymondEdith Mborn about 1910
RaymondEugune Wborn about 1884
RaymondGeorge Lborn about 1870
RaymondGrace Mborn about 1876
RaymondLita Iborn about 1938
RaymondRichard Lborn about 1926
RaymondRita born about 1938
RaymondRufus Lborn about 1898
RaymondSusan Eborn about 1886
RaymondWilliam Aborn about 1935
ReedAnna Rborn about 1929
ReedBernece Gborn about 1897
ReedCarlos Jborn about 1892
ReedEdward Jborn about 1938
ReedEizzie Gborn about 1858
ReedFrancis Cborn about 1921
ReedGerald Fborn about 1924
ReedHalbert Wborn about 1901
ReedHannah Mborn about 1903
ReedMuriel Eborn about 1926
ReedNorman Gborn about 1938
ReedPatricia Eborn about 1935
ReidAlvin Rborn about 1904
ReidJudith Bborn about 1939
ReidMabel Lborn about 1882
ReidOlive Bborn about 1909
ReidRaymond Aborn about 1935
ReidWilfred Jborn about 1916
ReinelDore born about 1902
ReinelFred born about 1895
ReponiemiElial born about 1878
ReskevichJessie Mborn about 1881
ReskevichJohn born about 1885
ReyndersDorothy Aborn about 1868
ReynoldsFrank Jborn about 1887
ReynoldsHelen Fborn about 1893
RhoadDoris born about 1914
RhoadLeon Kborn about 1917
RichRobert Bborn about 1934
RichRuth Bborn about 1898
RichardLaurene Cborn about 1873
RichardsAmedee born about 1883
RichardsArthur Fborn about 1896
RichardsCalvin Eborn about 1934
RichardsCharles Aborn about 1917
RichardsEsther Fborn about 1883
RichardsFrancis Aborn about 1923
RichardsGladys Mborn about 1922
RichardsLaura born about 1922
RichardsLaura Zborn about 1914
RichardsLeslie R Cborn about 1920
RichardsMargaret Eborn about 1897
RichardsMary Lborn about 1889
RichardsMyrtle Eborn about 1927
RichardsOmer Mborn about 1906
RichardsPauline Bborn about 1921
RichardsS Annieborn about 1899
RichardsVirginia born about 1930
RichardsWalter Jborn about 1924
RichardsWalter Rborn about 1896
RichardsonElva Bborn about 1912
RichardsonGrace Mborn about 1871
RichardsonRobert Cborn about 1912
RichardsonThelma Jborn about 1915
RickardBeatrice born about 1917
RickardJoyce born about 1934
RickardWiefred born about 1917
RiddellFrank Aborn about 1926
RiddellHarold Lborn about 1929
RiddellJames Dborn about 1927
RiddellJohn Jborn about 1897
RiddellJohn J Jrborn about 1921
RiddellJune Eborn about 1902
RiddellRobert Eborn about 1923
RiddellRoger Rborn about 1934
RidleyEdgar Gborn about 1891
RidleyHope Mborn about 1924
RidleyOrpah Aborn about 1865
RidleyViolet Mborn about 1901
RiettiAnna Sborn about 1863
RobarDonald Eborn about 1937
RobarEverett Sborn about 1935
RobarHazel Cborn about 1914
RobarStanley Mborn about 1912
RobbinsEsther Jborn about 1926
RobbinsLemuel Dborn about 1925
RobbinsMargaret Sborn about 1923
RobbinsRalph Bborn about 1877
RobbinsWenonah Dborn about 1888
RobertsAnn born about 1862
RobertsJoseph Tborn about 1884
RobertsJulia Vborn about 1918
RobertsMary Eborn about 1886
RobertsNatalie Bborn about 1922
RobinsonDoris Aborn about 1901
RobinsonDorothy Lborn about 1927
RobinsonKatherine Mborn about 1880
RobinsonNaomi Tborn about 1901
RobinsonNorman Bborn about 1901
RobinsonWilliam Mborn about 1898
RobinsonWilliam Sborn about 1924
RoderickWarren Jborn about 1922
RogersAlice born about 1858
RogersClarence Cborn about 1864
RogersEva Sborn about 1872
RogersFlorence born about 1892
RogersFrank born about 1919
RogersGeorge Hborn about 1881
RogersManuel born about 1877
RogersMargret born about 1881
RogersPaul Cborn about 1872
RogersWilson Dborn about 1887
RoseEdward Jr born about 1936
RoseScabatine born about 1870
RosebergBertha Sborn about 1882
RosebergExel Aborn about 1873
RosebergLoewell Wborn about 1921
RossDorothy Eborn about 1914
RuccoMary born about 1856
RuelEdward Tborn about 1925
RuelEvarist Lborn about 1861
RuelEvariste Jborn about 1922
RuelHenry Jborn about 1924
RuelMarguerite Mborn about 1903
RuelMarie Tborn about 1927
RuelTheodore Eborn about 1932
RussoSamuel Aborn about 1886
RyderPreston Hborn about 1865

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S Surnames

SaacsonAnnie Eborn about 1923
SaacsonAune Mborn about 1922
SaacsonHelmi Aborn about 1891
SaacsonToivo Jborn about 1893
SaacsonWilliam Eborn about 1920
SaiceAlice Iborn about 1926
SaiceEdwin Jborn about 1894
SaiceElaine Eborn about 1929
SaiceEtta Bborn about 1890
SaiceHerbert Eborn about 1917
SaiceRichard Aborn about 1922
SaiceRobert Bborn about 1922
SalimAhmed born about 1926
SamourAnita Lborn about 1940
SampsonArthur Fborn about 1856
SampsonAugusta Gborn about 1859
SanfordDora Eborn about 1921
SangioloLeo Gborn about 1924
SangioloLouis Jborn about 1922
SangioloMargaret born about 1901
SantosAmalalie Wborn about 1886
SantosJohn Nborn about 1922
SantosManuel born about 1883
SantosMike born about 1889
SantosSusie Nborn about 1924
SanvilleAnnie Bborn about 1881
SanvilleI Josephborn about 1883
SanvillePaul Cborn about 1923
SargodElizabeth Mborn about 1921
SaundersAlta Mborn about 1915
SaundersJohna born about 1888
SaundersMary Lborn about 1887
SayceAlbert Eborn about 1922
SayceAlfred born about 1914
SayceCurtis Eborn about 1914
SayceEdith Eborn about 1924
SayceGeorge born about 1909
SayceJohn Wborn about 1898
SayceLouisa born about 1873
SayceMary Rborn about 1919
SayceMaude born about 1901
SayceNorman Cborn about 1939
ScagliariniAstorre Jborn about 1908
ScagliariniCarol Aborn about 1936
ScagliariniMellie Rborn about 1911
SchermanLucian born about 1865
SchermanOlga born about 1894
SchermanRichard Pborn about 1898
SchermanRolf born about 1929
SchofieldGeorge Hborn about 1864
ScholzAnnie Gborn about 1882
ScholzPaul Eborn about 1883
ScottHarley Jborn about 1878
ScottJosephine Mborn about 1885
SearoRose Aborn about 1882
SearoWesley born about 1877
SeegerEleanor Lborn about 1926
SeegerHerman Aborn about 1889
SeegerMalvina Lborn about 1902
SeegerO Frederickborn about 1919
SelvaBella Jborn about 1886
SelvaJohn Fborn about 1879
SeveranceElsie Mborn about 1885
SeveranceGeorge Wborn about 1853
ShawJohn Wborn about 1891
ShawLouisa born about 1891
ShayAildred Eborn about 1916
ShayAlbert Wborn about 1924
ShayFlorence Cborn about 1893
ShayFlorence Cborn about 1922
ShayJames Dborn about 1914
ShayJames Eborn about 1938
ShayJames Jborn about 1892
ShayJohn Jborn about 1940
SheaEdward Jborn about 1916
SheaFlorence Mborn about 1894
SheaHervey Rborn about 1895
ShepherdAlfred Lborn about 1903
ShepherdBetsy Eborn about 1929
ShepherdMargaret Cborn about 1901
ShepherdNorman Bborn about 1927
ShermanEllen Sborn about 1904
ShrangFlorence Fborn about 1921
ShrangGeorge Aborn about 1893
ShrangSarah Kborn about 1893
ShurtleffAbbie Hborn about 1888
ShurtleffCharles Rborn about 1915
ShurtleffHarriette Nborn about 1877
ShurtleffLuther Aborn about 1859
SilvaBenjamin born about 1913
SilvestriAngeline Eborn about 1922
SilvestriArch Anglo Cborn about 1894
SilvestriArchanglo C Jrborn about 1931
SilvestriJennie born about 1901
SilvestriNatalie Aborn about 1920
SilvestriNathan Jborn about 1938
SilvestriVictoria Cborn about 1924
SilviaAnthony born about 1917
SilviaMary born about 1878
SimmonsBarbara Mborn about 1934
SimmonsCarl Wborn about 1928
SimmonsDella Lborn about 1905
SimmonsFrank Eborn about 1933
SimmonsMary Lborn about 1880
SimmonsMyrtle Gborn about 1926
SimmonsRaymond Aborn about 1902
SimmonsRichard Rborn about 1936
SimmonsRobert Eborn about 1930
SimmonsShirley Lborn about 1932
SimpsonMae Aborn about 1901
SimpsonNoel Fborn about 1899
SimpsonSolon Fborn about 1871
SlaneyCharles Fborn about 1913
SleeperDonald Dborn about 1895
SleeperDonald Wborn about 1916
SleeperGrace Oborn about 1869
SleeperMadella Sborn about 1898
SleeperMyron Oborn about 1892
SleeperMyron Sborn about 1933
SmithAlton Jborn about 1913
SmithAnna Aborn about 1874
SmithClyde born about 1937
SmithClyde Wborn about 1937
SmithFrances Tborn about 1914
SmithFrank Lborn about 1888
SmithGeorge Aborn about 1860
SmithGeraldine Eborn about 1922
SmithIrving Cborn about 1916
SmithIrving Cborn about 1939
SmithJennie Rborn about 1888
SmithKatherina Mborn about 1872
SmithLawrence Mborn about 1919
SmithLillian Mborn about 1882
SmithLowell born about 1938
SmithLyman Tborn about 1916
SmithLyman Tborn about 1916
SmithMarjore Mborn about 1920
SmithMartha Hborn about 1893
SmithRobert born about 1939
SmithRobert born about 1939
SmithRuth born about 1916
SmithRuth Eborn about 1937
SmithRuth Mborn about 1916
SmithThelma Eborn about 1920
SmithThomas Jborn about 1871
SmithWalter Aborn about 1918
SnodgrassMitilda born about 1880
SnodgrassRobert Mborn about 1908
SoloriDorothy born about 1916
SoloriFrank Pborn about 1911
SoloriFrank P Jrborn about 1940
SouthworthCharles Bborn about 1871
StaffordAnnie Jborn about 1873
StaffordFrank Mborn about 1885
StanleyFrank Aborn about 1880
StanleyR Lillianborn about 1878
StaplesCharles Eborn about 1868
SteevesAgnes Lborn about 1870
StellmanAlberta Mborn about 1920
StellmanAnna Nborn about 1924
StellmanEllen Aborn about 1912
StellmanEva born about 1888
StellmanWilliam Aborn about 1890
StetsonElmer born about 1870
StetsonGrace Dborn about 1898
StetsonGrace Fborn about 1871
StetsonLucy Mborn about 1889
StetsonRoy Grace Wborn about 1895
StewartJohn born about 1936
StewartLoretta born about 1937
StoreyLeanord born about 1864
StpeterAlfred Eborn about 1899
StraffinCharles Hborn about 1865
StraffinLillian Eborn about 1872
StrathernClifton Rborn about 1928
StrathernGeorge Eborn about 1904
StrathernGeorge E Jrborn about 1926
StrathernLepha Mborn about 1904
SturtwantEugenia Gborn about 1916
SturtwantGeorge Dborn about 1915
SuellAlma born about 1890
SuellEdwin Bborn about 1917
SullivanDaniel Sborn about 1913
SullivanJames Bborn about 1889
SullivanMary Vborn about 1892
SullivanWilliam Cborn about 1921
SumpterCarrie Wborn about 1890
SumpterEdwin born about 1884
SwansonAnna Wborn about 1902
SwansonCarl Vborn about 1904
SwansonKay Iborn about 1938
SwansonLois Dborn about 1932
SwartEdith Pborn about 1882
SwartSolmon born about 1877
SwartWilliam Jborn about 1906
SwaseyBlanche Mborn about 1886
SwaseyGeorge Aborn about 1885
SweeneyCathiren born about 1872
SweeneyGeraldine born about 1912
SweeneyLouis Sborn about 1876
SwordAxel born about 1895
SwordEvelyn Kborn about 1928
SwordKathiern Rborn about 1900

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T Surnames

TarvainenA Helenborn about 1932
TarvainenArne Aborn about 1898
TarvainenB Estherborn about 1937
TarvainenBeranrd born about 1908
TarvainenJohn Kborn about 1934
TarvainenMartha Jborn about 1899
TassinariAlbaneia Cborn about 1914
TassinariAnna Mborn about 1907
TassinariChester born about 1877
TassinariFrank born about 1901
TassinariIda born about 1876
TassinariLorraine born about 1934
TassinariNorman Fborn about 1927
TassinariRoy Cborn about 1930
TaylorCaroline Fborn about 1863
TaylorCarolyn Aborn about 1933
TaylorClarence Cborn about 1914
TaylorDaniel born about 1940
TaylorDorothy Mborn about 1918
TaylorEdith Cborn about 1893
TaylorEdward Eborn about 1865
TaylorEdwin Hborn about 1939
TaylorElery Bborn about 1925
TaylorEsther Rborn about 1922
TaylorHarold Fborn about 1919
TaylorHelen Mborn about 1886
TaylorJames Fborn about 1913
TaylorJoshna Lborn about 1885
TaylorLucy Oborn about 1868
TaylorMyrtle Fborn about 1918
TaylorPamelie Eborn about 1919
TaylorWalter Eborn about 1885
TaylorWalter Oborn about 1911
ThailherPeter Mborn about 1888
ThayerFrances Mborn about 1890
ThibodeauAlice Cborn about 1894
ThibodeauHarry Eborn about 1890
ThimasEdward Fborn about 1932
ThimasMildred Mborn about 1906
ThomasClaussa Lborn about 1877
ThomasWalter Lborn about 1877
ThompsonAndrew Eborn about 1896
ThompsonB Ellenborn about 1932
ThompsonEmma Hborn about 1869
ThompsonEvira Cborn about 1862
ThompsonIda Mborn about 1867
ThompsonLeonice born about 1915
ThompsonMarilyn Rborn about 1931
ThompsonMarion Wborn about 1904
ThompsonRay Fborn about 1884
ThrasherBarbara Aborn about 1888
ThrasherElliott Wborn about 1864
ThrasherIsrael born about 1874
ThrasherMargaret born about 1881
TibbetsCatherine Hborn about 1870
TibetesByron born about 1874
TibetesIsabela born about 1874
TillinghastCaroline born about 1888
TillotsonKatherine Eborn about 1920
TittleNettie Aborn about 1869
TollinAmalia Cborn about 1878
TorreyAlbertia Lborn about 1864
TorreyBeatrice born about 1903
TorreyEarl Wborn about 1919
TorreyElizabeth born about 1928
TorreyHarold Rborn about 1925
TorreyMaria Cborn about 1893
TorreyWallace Cborn about 1883
TortorellaDonald Fborn about 1934
TortorellaElvira Eborn about 1903
TortorellaJulia Rborn about 1936
TortorellaNicholas Aborn about 1896
TortorellaRichard Jborn about 1930
TowneEffie born about 1912
TreteraAntone born about 1887
TreteraClara born about 1897
TuckEllen born about 1895
TuckFerdinand Pborn about 1894
TuckerEmily Jborn about 1857
TurmerFrank Pborn about 1898
TurmerFrank Sborn about 1930
TurmerGoven Doline Sborn about 1906
TurnerBruce Iborn about 1935
TurnerCarl Oborn about 1939
TurnerChester Wborn about 1890
TurnerFlora Lborn about 1892
TurnerHilda Jborn about 1903
TurnerIda Eborn about 1856
TurnerLeslie Nborn about 1887
TurnerLeslie N Jrborn about 1924
TurnerMarjorie Lborn about 1917
TurnerMary Lborn about 1868
TurnerRoy Mborn about 1906
TurnerRoy Mborn about 1930
TurnerRubina Iborn about 1910
TurnerWilliam Cborn about 1938
TylerHelen Lborn about 1900
TylerMary Rborn about 1924
TylerRobert Jborn about 1888
TylerRobert Jborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderhillJames Eborn about 1869
UrannAgnes Cborn about 1869
UrannMarcus Lborn about 1874

V Surnames

ValliCarls Aborn about 1860
ValliHenrietta Mborn about 1897
ValliJoseph Cborn about 1897
VigneaultHelen Mborn about 1926
VigneaultIda born about 1897
VigneaultMabel born about 1926
VigneaultMary Dborn about 1844
VigneaultMary Dborn about 1926
VigneaultNelson Aborn about 1920
VigneaultWilliam Lborn about 1922
VinalBertha Mborn about 1889
VinalJohn Mborn about 1884
VincentEmma Cborn about 1876
VinnigGeorge Hborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaiteLyle Lborn about 1912
WaiteMary born about 1886
WaiteWillird Hborn about 1882
WalkeyDelia born about 1892
WalkeyDelia Rborn about 1917
WalkeyJeanne Eborn about 1926
WalkeyThomas Eborn about 1919
WalkeyWilliam Bborn about 1890
WalshRichard born about 1875
WarwickCharles Aborn about 1924
WarwickClarence Hborn about 1898
WarwickJames Jborn about 1932
WashbuanLeanord Cborn about 1877
WashbuanMary Eborn about 1892
WashburnFlora Jborn about 1879
WatsonBertha born about 1874
WatsonMary Aborn about 1873
WebbAylmer Eborn about 1880
WebbBeatrice Aborn about 1908
WebbEleanor Pborn about 1923
WebbFlorence Aborn about 1885
WebbWalter Cborn about 1926
WebbWarren Aborn about 1914
WebbWilbur Hborn about 1916
WeedenAlice Rborn about 1896
WeedenBetty Aborn about 1932
WeedenBlanche Eborn about 1904
WeedenHazel born about 1929
WeedenJohn Gborn about 1894
WeedenJohn Gborn about 1933
WeedenLawrence Sborn about 1938
WeedenNancy Mborn about 1872
WeedenWarren Wborn about 1936
WelchEleanor Lborn about 1920
WelchPatrick Jborn about 1876
WelchThomas Jborn about 1914
WelchThomas Jborn about 1939
WentworthJames born about 1924
WentzellAudrey Rborn about 1922
WentzellEverett Nborn about 1920
WentzellFred Mborn about 1891
WentzellR Mervinborn about 1919
WenzDavid Iborn about 1931
WenzDorothy Iborn about 1908
WenzEdward born about 1869
WenzEvelyn Lborn about 1939
WenzGrace Sborn about 1928
WenzPaul Fborn about 1934
WenzTheodore Aborn about 1907
WheelerArthur Bborn about 1912
WheelerEleanor Rborn about 1917
WheelerEmma Gborn about 1877
WheelerGeorge Fborn about 1874
WheelerMarjorie Eborn about 1905
WheelerRoy Eborn about 1910
WhitcombBainbridge Gborn about 1890
WhitcombFlorence Aborn about 1917
WhiteAlice Fborn about 1861
WhiteAlice Gborn about 1906
WhiteAnn Lborn about 1918
WhiteAnnie Aborn about 1870
WhiteArlene Lborn about 1936
WhiteBlanche Dborn about 1907
WhiteCharles Rborn about 1852
WhiteClara Mborn about 1884
WhiteClement Aborn about 1923
WhiteEdith Mborn about 1902
WhiteEthel Aborn about 1890
WhiteHarold Sborn about 1904
WhiteHarold S Jrborn about 1930
WhiteHenry Aborn about 1883
WhiteHenry Dborn about 1911
WhiteHoward Hborn about 1872
WhiteLeroy Aborn about 1921
WhiteMarion Eborn about 1922
WhiteNathan Lborn about 1861
WhiteRalph Cborn about 1900
WhiteRobert Jborn about 1937
WhiteWalter Aborn about 1882
WhitingBradford Dborn about 1913
WhitingDorothy Cborn about 1916
WhitmanAlthea Mborn about 1938
WhitmanCharles Bborn about 1907
WhitmanDonald Aborn about 1916
WhitmanHazel Lborn about 1939
WhitmanMarion Lborn about 1916
WhitmanMary Pborn about 1920
WhitmanMuriel Rborn about 1918
WhitneyCarrie Aborn about 1884
WhitneyClral Jborn about 1881
WhittemoreRobert Pborn about 1918
WilkieAmos Hborn about 1871
WilkieClara Sborn about 1904
WilkieClarence Lborn about 1894
WilkieRosamana born about 1874
WillettHelen Tborn about 1883
WilliamsArthur Lborn about 1895
WilliamsDoris Fborn about 1897
WilliamsEdith Wborn about 1912
WilliamsEsther Iborn about 1909
WilliamsI Herbertborn about 1909
WilliamsL Alfred Jrborn about 1937
WilliamsLester Aborn about 1912
WillisDella Cborn about 1882
WillisEverett Aborn about 1890
WillisFrank Jborn about 1867
WillisHariet Eborn about 1871
WillisJohn Fborn about 1923
WillisLilian Hborn about 1921
WillisMarion born about 1858
WillisMarion born about 1899
WillisMary Eborn about 1927
WilsonDorothy Mborn about 1911
WingateAlan Lborn about 1885
WingateAllan L Jrborn about 1919
WingateAlma Sborn about 1897
WingateRobert Fborn about 1926
WinnebergerA Florenceborn about 1889
WinnebergerEthel Fborn about 1887
WinnebergerFrederick Wborn about 1891
WisbachJohn Hborn about 1865
WlatingBenjamin Eborn about 1881
WlatingFrances Mborn about 1886
WoodAgnes Gborn about 1871
WoodCathiern Mborn about 1922
WoodElvina Mborn about 1882
WoodGrace Mborn about 1921
WoodLoretta Mborn about 1894
WoodLouisa born about 1862
WoodMarion Eborn about 1921
WoodNorman born about 1929
WoodPercy Fborn about 1883
WoodwardMarjoire born about 1916
WoodworthMartha Dborn about 1878
WoolfolkJessie born about 1885
WrightHarriet born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YorkDoris Eborn about 1902
YorkFrank Aborn about 1901
YorkMarton Aborn about 1933
YorkNorman Eborn about 1927
YoungHattie Gborn about 1883
YoungMargaret Bborn about 1920
YoungWilliam Sborn about 1882

Z Surnames

ZinkErnest born about 1907
ZinkIrma Mborn about 1901
ZucarroAnthony born about 1926

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