1940 U.S. Federal Census of Middleton, Essex, Massachusetts

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Massachusetts > Essex County > 1940 Census of Middleton

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottEthel born about 1874
AbdullakEdward Jborn about 1918
AceyRichard Aborn about 1915
AdamsBarbara born about 1924
AdamsElva born about 1902
AdamsIrving born about 1893
AdamsLucinda Gborn about 1891
AdamsNancy born about 1934
AdamsWillis Hborn about 1887
AddisonJohn Mborn about 1888
AddisonLillie born about 1890
AlainEmma born about 1862
AlanthworthDoris born about 1903
AlgerViolet born about 1889
AllenClara born about 1865
AllenDaisy Eborn about 1876
AllenHarry Aborn about 1877
AllenJoseph Fborn about 1905
AmeraBernadette born about 1931
AmorCharles Jr born about 1902
AmorElla born about 1906
AndersonEdward Gborn about 1902
AndersonHazel Wborn about 1906
AndersonLewis born about 1883
AndersonSally Louborn about 1935
AndersonWillis Bborn about 1902
AndrewsGuy Wborn about 1892
AndrewsHarriet born about 1934
AngersFlorence born about 1924
AprilPierre born about 1876
ArbenAlice born about 1880
ArcuttEmma born about 1852
ArdwayClara born about 1853
ArgrussoJack born about 1897
ArlenHelen born about 1911
ArlingAlfred Rborn about 1926
ArlingCharles born about 1898
ArlingCharles Mborn about 1932
ArlingEva born about 1900
ArlingRobert Hborn about 1927
ArringtonCarl born about 1911
ArthurIda born about 1880
AtwoodAbbie Lborn about 1867
AtwoodJ Allenborn about 1869
AustinWalter Aborn about 1907
AylwardDonald Aborn about 1913
AylwardMary born about 1895
AylwardMildred born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbettEmeline born about 1865
BabulaLouise Mborn about 1916
BachermanFlorence born about 1887
BagnellHerbert born about 1869
BagnellIrma born about 1873
BakerAlbert born about 1918
BakerAlice born about 1863
BakerCharles Wborn about 1891
BakerClarence born about 1916
BakerJohn Pborn about 1873
BakerMary Jborn about 1866
BakerRosalie born about 1891
BakoplosLouis born about 1918
BaldwinEbbett born about 1895
BallamAmtin Nborn about 1895
BallamCora Cborn about 1917
BallamEsther Mborn about 1895
BallamGerald born about 1923
BallamLloyd born about 1921
BallamPauline Bborn about 1934
BallamWainwright born about 1919
BallettaLena born about 1923
BalserFlorence Bborn about 1888
BalserMary born about 1863
BalserPerley Aborn about 1887
BamloraLucy born about 1873
BarbrickRobert Eborn about 1918
BarnsbyCaroline Vborn about 1870
BarnsbyGeorge born about 1871
BaronThomas born about 1938
BarrillArthur Donatborn about 1908
BarrowcloughCharlotte born about 1880
BarrowcloughHenry born about 1920
BarrowcloughHenry Hborn about 1867
BarrowcloughMartha Wborn about 1922
BarryMary Eborn about 1900
BartabeArthur born about 1908
BartabeArthur Fborn about 1877
BartabeEmmet born about 1881
BartabeJames Pborn about 1921
BartabeOliver Eborn about 1918
BarthelemyArlene born about 1939
BarthelemyCharles born about 1934
BarthelemyClara born about 1938
BarthelemyDonald born about 1933
BarthelemyDorothy born about 1930
BarthelemyEva born about 1906
BarthelemyJoan born about 1936
BarthelemyLawrence born about 1904
BarthelemyLawrence born about 1928
BarthelemyMargaret born about 1927
BarthelemyWalter born about 1926
BartlettGrace Eborn about 1874
BartlettMargaret born about 1854
BassettHiram born about 1892
BatchelderAlthaea Cborn about 1915
BatchelderGratia Mborn about 1913
BatchelderHorace Jborn about 1917
BatchelderHorace Sborn about 1890
BatchelderMary Mborn about 1891
BatesCharles born about 1892
BatesIda born about 1876
BattlesGrace born about 1890
BattlesMary born about 1870
BaxterMildred born about 1916
BaxterWilliam born about 1913
BeanchemeVictoria born about 1879
BeanlienAlexina born about 1898
BeanlienAlfred born about 1896
BeaudryEdna born about 1899
BeaudryJune born about 1927
BeauregoodArthur Bborn about 1873
BeauregoodSusan Mborn about 1876
BelgerMary born about 1859
BellAlice born about 1909
BellJoanne born about 1934
BellLoraine born about 1937
BellOscar Hborn about 1908
BellOscar Rborn about 1939
BenhamDaniel born about 1901
BenhamSarah born about 1901
BennettAlexander born about 1884
BennettRita born about 1894
BennettSylphira born about 1890
BentAndrew Bborn about 1900
BentAnnie Lborn about 1879
BentJohn Eborn about 1865
BernardMildred born about 1916
BerryAlbert Pborn about 1876
BerryAnn born about 1900
BerryEdgar born about 1932
BerryElmer born about 1897
BerryFrank Gborn about 1928
BerryMarion born about 1939
BerryMary Rborn about 1913
BerryWallace born about 1938
BettThomas Aborn about 1884
BewskerRhoda Oborn about 1890
BianchiRose born about 1914
BiorkrateErie Cborn about 1890
BishopAda born about 1878
BishopDavid born about 1936
BishopDorothy born about 1913
BishopHarold Mborn about 1901
BishopHuldah Aborn about 1902
BishopJohn born about 1906
BishopJohn born about 1933
BishopPauline born about 1930
BixbyGertrude Mborn about 1911
BixbyRobert Cborn about 1936
BixbyRobert Wborn about 1910
BlaisAntonio born about 1919
BlaisLeopold born about 1916
BlaisMarie born about 1889
BlakeDorothy born about 1893
BlanchardWalter born about 1921
BlanchetteWilliam born about 1884
BogasSylvester born about 1895
BogkosianHarent born about 1939
BogkosianJohn born about 1933
BogkosianLeon born about 1885
BogkosianMargaret born about 1907
BogkosianMary born about 1930
BoodroAnnie Sborn about 1879
BoodroAustin born about 1896
BoodroEdith Hborn about 1927
BoodroEdwin Tborn about 1924
BoodroMyrtle Aborn about 1931
BossanaverEdith born about 1922
BoucharaAmos born about 1937
BoucharaAnita born about 1933
BoucharaArmand born about 1929
BoucharaCarol born about 1939
BoucharaCludine born about 1902
BoucharaDoris born about 1931
BoucharaHenry born about 1903
BoucharaHenry Jr born about 1936
BoucharaIrene born about 1923
BoucharaLionel born about 1928
BoucharaLumbe born about 1926
BoucharaMaurice born about 1925
BoucharaPaul born about 1930
BoucharaPauline born about 1934
BoucharaRoland born about 1924
BouchardJohn born about 1901
BoydKatherine born about 1875
BoyleGeorge Allenborn about 1937
BoyleHubert Aborn about 1898
BoyleKatherine Rborn about 1901
BrackettCharles Tborn about 1901
BrackettDoris Aborn about 1935
BradburyCharles born about 1933
BradburyJames Jborn about 1931
BradburyMary born about 1912
BradburyMary born about 1938
BradburyMontell born about 1911
BradburyThomas born about 1935
BradstreetHarry Hborn about 1875
BradstreetMary Pborn about 1873
BrandtAnn born about 1914
BrandtPatricia Annborn about 1937
BrandtRay born about 1901
BrasseauWinfred Aborn about 1906
BrayMary Eborn about 1865
BrennanMary Aborn about 1877
BrettonGeorge born about 1884
BrewerEdward born about 1876
BriggsHattie born about 1853
BrightAlice born about 1920
BrightAnna born about 1890
BrightLaura Wborn about 1888
BrocherRobert Eborn about 1922
BrockerLizzie Mborn about 1874
BroderickJoseph born about 1901
BronderJohn Fborn about 1891
BrookingsSusan born about 1864
BroweElva born about 1870
BrownBenjamin born about 1906
BrownEtta Mborn about 1917
BrownEugene born about 1885
BrownHelen Gborn about 1904
BrownIda born about 1863
BrownMary born about 1859
BrownRose born about 1898
BruceJames born about 1886
BruceJeanette born about 1882
BrundPauline born about 1917
BryantHelen born about 1894
BryantLagene born about 1890
BryerClara Eborn about 1866
BryerClaranda born about 1881
BryerEverett Dborn about 1877
BuddEthel Rborn about 1939
BuddHarry Jborn about 1938
BullerwellMurray born about 1882
BuppJohn Wborn about 1913
BuppRegina born about 1909
BurgessFlorence born about 1895
BurgessOscar Iborn about 1899
BurkeRobert born about 1925
BurkleyCatherine born about 1851
BurkleyRuth Aborn about 1917
BurkleyWm Jborn about 1903
BurnhamAnnie born about 1894
BurnhamFredick born about 1872
BurnhamLillian born about 1877
BurnhamThomas born about 1887
BurnsGeorge born about 1900
BurnsGladys born about 1910
BurnsMary born about 1865
BurnsRose born about 1903
BurrettHoward born about 1876
BushbyAlice Dborn about 1925
BushbyMae Eborn about 1886
BushbyPhyllis Mborn about 1927
BushbyRaymond Aborn about 1920
BushbyRuth Mborn about 1922
BushbyWilliam born about 1885
BushbyWilliam Tborn about 1917
BusheyEdward Jborn about 1904
BusteedLouise born about 1915
ButlerBenjamin born about 1895
ButlerPatrick Fborn about 1886
ButlerRuth born about 1919
BuxtonHelen born about 1898
BykoAlak born about 1884
BykoGeorge born about 1924
BykoHenry born about 1922
BykoPeter born about 1927
BykoWalter born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CahillMary Eborn about 1883
CahoonMary Aborn about 1896
CalefEdna Mborn about 1917
CallahanCatherine born about 1885
CallahanJohn born about 1901
CalsiVirginia Lborn about 1916
CambridgeChristine born about 1857
CampbellAlice Sborn about 1872
CampbellArthur born about 1880
CampbellCamilla born about 1898
CampbellCatherine Eborn about 1906
CampbellCatherine Tborn about 1928
CampbellElmer born about 1897
CampbellElmer O Jrborn about 1921
CampbellErnest born about 1893
CampbellGenevive Aborn about 1930
CampbellJohn Wborn about 1903
CampbellLorayne born about 1925
CampbellMargaret born about 1906
CampbellMargaret born about 1932
CampbellMary Sborn about 1926
CampbellRobert born about 1930
CampbellShirley Rborn about 1934
CampbellWilliam born about 1907
CannMary born about 1908
CappolaPhillip born about 1913
CareyEsther Pborn about 1910
CareySara Eborn about 1873
CarhillAlice born about 1906
CarletonSarah Eborn about 1889
CarneyJosephine born about 1884
CarnivalleAlfred born about 1917
CarnivalleMargaret born about 1914
CarnyDennis born about 1890
CarnyMicheal born about 1890
CarrElizabet born about 1890
CarrSydna born about 1899
CarrierEdmond Nborn about 1928
CarrierPhilip Nborn about 1930
CarrollDelia born about 1874
CarrollEllen born about 1872
CarrollLorine born about 1913
CarrollWilliam Jborn about 1903
CarsonPheobe born about 1887
CarterIda born about 1868
CartyMary Jborn about 1885
CaseEdith born about 1924
CaseHazel born about 1903
CassAlice Kborn about 1900
CassAlison Fborn about 1932
CassThomas Bborn about 1931
CassThomas Eborn about 1898
CassellAlice born about 1895
CaverlyMargaret born about 1923
CaverlyMary born about 1887
CaverlyStephen born about 1886
CervoniMary born about 1918
ChadwickAgnes born about 1905
ChamberlainAndrew born about 1938
ChambersRichard born about 1908
ChannellMary born about 1868
ChapmanHelen born about 1871
CharlesBernice born about 1908
CharlesEllen born about 1929
CharlesEsther born about 1931
CharlesFrederic Aborn about 1900
CharlesJohn born about 1934
CharlesWilliam born about 1938
ChaseJennie born about 1880
ChaseJohn born about 1877
ChernickAnnie born about 1922
ChernickOlga born about 1918
ChernickRussell born about 1926
ChipmanEileen born about 1892
ChrismanJohn born about 1875
ChristianisAugusta born about 1919
ChristopherDonald born about 1936
ChristopherEllen born about 1912
ChristopherPaul born about 1906
ChristopherPaul Jr born about 1931
ClaffeyMary born about 1891
ClappHelen Bborn about 1897
ClappRoger Fborn about 1897
ClappW Minotborn about 1923
ClarkAnnie Bborn about 1877
ClarkAnthony born about 1898
ClarkBarbara born about 1920
ClarkFrances born about 1864
ClarkHoward Cborn about 1877
ClarkLillian Lborn about 1895
ClarkLouise born about 1926
ClarkMiriam born about 1885
ClarkOlive Mborn about 1890
ClarkRaymond born about 1922
ClarkRegina born about 1900
ClarkWalter Jborn about 1877
ClarkWilliam Rborn about 1897
ClattenbergAbbie born about 1896
CliffordChester Wborn about 1903
ClinchCharles born about 1882
ClinchChester born about 1918
ClinchMarion born about 1915
CoatesAnnie born about 1875
CoffinAlice Dborn about 1922
CoffinBertha Jborn about 1893
CoffinDorothy born about 1918
CoffinDorothy Hborn about 1895
CoffinEdward Eborn about 1890
CoffinEdward E Jrborn about 1927
CoffinEileen Gborn about 1908
CoffinJames Hborn about 1920
CoffinJames Hborn about 1940
CoffinJames Lborn about 1937
CoffinJames Mborn about 1915
CoffinPriscilla Mborn about 1930
CoffinRuth born about 1922
CoffinVernon Eborn about 1879
CoffinWhitney Vborn about 1917
CohenJoseph born about 1899
ColbertDonald born about 1938
ColbertGeorge G ?born about 1908
ColbertGertrude Eborn about 1911
ColbertJessie born about 1883
ColbertJohn Jborn about 1880
ColburnElizabeth born about 1911
ColburnFrank born about 1909
ColburnPaul born about 1935
ColburnRobert born about 1938
CollierDella born about 1891
CollierWilliam born about 1875
CollinAmaryllis born about 1904
CollinsAnnie Mborn about 1907
CollinsMarie born about 1908
CollinsMarion born about 1894
CollinsMilton Eborn about 1899
CollinsPatricia born about 1927
CollinsPauline born about 1899
CollinsRichard born about 1931
ColtonHubert born about 1888
ColumboH born about 1913
ConantAnna Sborn about 1880
ConantEugene Wborn about 1874
CondonEleanor born about 1888
CondonJoseph born about 1915
ConnollyEdward born about 1882
ConnollyNora Cborn about 1913
ConnorsJere born about 1905
ConroyJoseph born about 1909
ContoCarolina born about 1913
ContoFernandes born about 1912
ContoWalter born about 1912
ContureDelina born about 1870
ConwayMary born about 1878
CookCarolin born about 1936
CookChester born about 1917
CookChester Eborn about 1938
CookHelen Dborn about 1917
CookMaureen born about 1939
CoopersteinLouis born about 1898
CopleyKenneth born about 1904
CormollyEdward Pborn about 1909
CormollyJoseph born about 1908
CorriveauAngie born about 1897
CorriveauBarbara Eborn about 1930
CorriveauEleanor Bborn about 1927
CorriveauLucien Jborn about 1903
CorriveauLucien Rborn about 1925
CorriveauRobert Jborn about 1929
CoteAlbina born about 1909
CotterCicelia Lborn about 1907
CotterWilliam Aborn about 1901
CoughlinDaniel born about 1862
CoughlinLouise born about 1891
CoughlinMary Hborn about 1872
CousinsHenry Tborn about 1872
CousinsLois born about 1912
CousinsMary Fborn about 1883
CousinsThomas Fborn about 1910
CowellHazel born about 1916
CowellRobert Sborn about 1916
CowellRobert Tborn about 1940
CoxBeatrice Gborn about 1911
CrakeleanGeorge born about 1911
CraneCatherine born about 1887
CrawfordLaura born about 1883
CreeleyMartha born about 1916
CritchettBasil born about 1897
CrockwellMary born about 1865
CrombieElinor born about 1916
CronanGladys Mborn about 1894
CronanMary Fborn about 1886
CroninMargaret born about 1897
CrossRita born about 1903
CrowleyKathleen Annborn about 1922
CrowleyNellie born about 1907
CubbierGordon born about 1939
CubbierRalph born about 1891
CullinaneJohn born about 1888
CunanAnna Jborn about 1881
CunanMary Rborn about 1874
CurrierAnn Hborn about 1931
CurrierDavid Hborn about 1923
CurrierDennis born about 1939
CurrierDonald Rborn about 1926
CurrierDorothy Mborn about 1927
CurrierElmer born about 1917
CurrierEthel Mborn about 1922
CurrierFred Lborn about 1899
CurrierGeorge born about 1881
CurrierGertrude born about 1892
CurrierGlenn Mborn about 1929
CurrierHerbert Jborn about 1889
CurrierJames born about 1937
CurrierMabel born about 1906
CurrierMadeline born about 1922
CurrierMildred Aborn about 1902
CurrierOtto born about 1895
CurrierRaymond Hborn about 1897
CurrierRaymond Jr born about 1928
CurrierRobert Lborn about 1932
CurrierRuth born about 1914
CurrierRuth Wborn about 1896
CurryMay Eborn about 1877
CurtisCarrie born about 1857
CurtisCharles Gborn about 1901
CurtisCharles G Jrborn about 1924
CurtisGrace Eborn about 1901
CurtisLucy Mborn about 1894
CurtisShirly Cborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DalyCecelia Mborn about 1890
DanielsAlice Mborn about 1908
DantiniStephen born about 1897
DarrisCaleb born about 1901
DarrisEva born about 1890
DaskarMary born about 1906
DatillaKenneth born about 1906
DavenportBenita Cborn about 1889
DavidDorothy born about 1925
DavidHelen born about 1923
DavisEleanor born about 1916
DavisFrederick born about 1891
DavisHarold born about 1894
DavisJacob born about 1916
DavisMartha Cborn about 1912
DavisTessie Iborn about 1893
DayDorothy Mborn about 1894
DayElizabeth born about 1910
DayHaidee Bborn about 1889
DayWilliam born about 1878
DearbornHelen born about 1889
DearbornHenry born about 1894
DearbornWilliam born about 1927
DearyMicheal born about 1913
DebloisEileen born about 1924
DebloisEvelyn born about 1900
DebloisJean born about 1931
DebloisLouise born about 1933
DecotseJane born about 1872
DegregoniFilomena born about 1921
DelaneyJohn Fborn about 1894
DelaneyMary born about 1872
DelehantyMary born about 1864
DeltonHarold born about 1899
DeltonMargaret born about 1902
DemaraElaine Eborn about 1920
DemeritCarolyn Lborn about 1926
DemeritFreida born about 1905
DemeritGranville born about 1904
DemeritLorraine born about 1928
DemeritPhyllis born about 1927
DentremontFrank born about 1900
DeppnioEleanor born about 1864
DeschameEdward born about 1906
DeschampsLunnia born about 1881
DespagneAngel born about 1880
DetrementCharles born about 1881
DeuschleAda born about 1861
DevitoFrank Cborn about 1920
DeweyAlden Bborn about 1908
DeweyHelen Fborn about 1906
DeweyLucille Bborn about 1928
DexterHattie born about 1878
DianeArthur born about 1909
DianeMildred Lborn about 1907
DimauraSalvatore born about 1896
DinoteMildred born about 1923
DionGrace Mborn about 1915
DionRaymond Eborn about 1888
DixonVera born about 1916
DobsonBenjamin born about 1906
DobsonRobert born about 1931
DobsonRuth born about 1908
DoebbelinViolet born about 1885
DoebbelinWilly born about 1873
DohertyEzra born about 1889
DolanyCatherien born about 1875
DomfieldBertha born about 1890
DonehueAlice born about 1881
DonohueFrank Cborn about 1895
DonovanAlice Aborn about 1891
DonovanDaniel Jborn about 1922
DonovanDouglas born about 1930
DonovanIda Mborn about 1899
DonovanJames Fborn about 1923
DonovanJohn Eborn about 1922
DonovanJoseph Aborn about 1926
DonovanLawrence born about 1932
DonovanNora born about 1928
DonovanPatrica born about 1924
DonovanPatrick Jborn about 1890
DonovanPhilip born about 1894
DonovanWilliam born about 1933
DooleyAnnie Rborn about 1904
DouglayGrace Mborn about 1912
DowAlta born about 1920
DowElizabeth born about 1890
DowIda born about 1877
DowJames born about 1919
DowJulia born about 1896
DowLauretta Vborn about 1865
DowLyman born about 1890
DowlingAlice born about 1869
DowlingEleanor born about 1859
DowlingLouise Sborn about 1896
DowneyMargaret born about 1869
DoyleKatherine born about 1885
DrakeWilliam born about 1906
DrewCabol born about 1910
DrewEdith born about 1913
DrewEdwin born about 1935
DrewLinden born about 1938
DriscollEllen born about 1860
DriscollMicheal born about 1875
DrownEmma born about 1858
DubeAlbertine born about 1895
DuboisBertha born about 1913
DuboisJohn born about 1897
DuboisMinnie born about 1890
DuchaineEdmond born about 1923
DudleyAnthony born about 1914
DudleyJohn born about 1913
DudowArdis born about 1925
DudowEleanor born about 1902
DudowGayle born about 1902
DudowLois born about 1930
DudowPriscilla born about 1933
DudowRichard born about 1938
DudowRobert born about 1927
DuduetteMarie born about 1908
DuffyAmy born about 1881
DuganMicheal born about 1898
DukeshineRichard born about 1920
DukeslineRena born about 1924
DukusDorothy Lborn about 1927
DukusMarjorie Aborn about 1925
DumontLillian born about 1917
DuncanJosephine born about 1876
DuncanReuben born about 1870
DuneyAlfred born about 1905
DuneyMary born about 1918
DuneyRalph born about 1939
DunhamElizabeth born about 1907
DuquetteAlfred born about 1886
DushkoAlex born about 1891
DushkoMarfa born about 1890
DwyerEllen born about 1869
DyffrynEmma born about 1861
DzlerzamonskiBunlan born about 1905

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E Surnames

EarlAnn born about 1912
EarlGeorge born about 1914
EarlLena Nborn about 1886
EarlSefton born about 1880
EarlSefton born about 1912
EarlmanFlorence born about 1860
EarlyLaura Tborn about 1920
EatonElizabeth Bborn about 1886
EatonPauline Bborn about 1926
EatonShirley Jborn about 1933
EddeltonAnn born about 1910
EddeltonAnn born about 1934
EddeltonArlene born about 1938
EddeltonRobert born about 1929
EddeltonWalter born about 1909
EdgerlyEvelyn born about 1902
EdgerlyGeorge Sborn about 1902
EdwardsBertha born about 1875
EliasLouis born about 1922
ElliottGertrude Mborn about 1890
EllisAnnie Cborn about 1885
EllisElla Jborn about 1870
EllisGeorge Bborn about 1869
EllisMargaret Tborn about 1868
EllsworthAlice born about 1900
EmersonHorace Sborn about 1863
EmeryEdward Lborn about 1880
EmmonsJohn Dborn about 1875
EnnisEdna Mborn about 1914
EsselMary born about 1892
EssenbergHelena born about 1878
EstabrookWilfred born about 1900
EtterCharles Fborn about 1859
EvansAlfrieda born about 1905
EvansAnna born about 1932
EvansArthur born about 1903
EvansBenjamin born about 1902
EvansClement born about 1927
EvansDawn Pborn about 1929
EvansGeorge Fborn about 1878
EvansGuy Eborn about 1901
EvansHilda born about 1904
EvansInez Mborn about 1880
EvansMarilyn Aborn about 1932
EvansOtis born about 1908
EvansPearl Sborn about 1905
EvansThelma born about 1908
EvansThelma born about 1938
EvelynHilda Keefeborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaheyMathew born about 1888
FanaresKatherine born about 1923
FanningGus Jborn about 1877
FareJack Dborn about 1915
FarmerRobert born about 1913
FarrellIda Cathborn about 1898
FascioneDaniel born about 1885
FaytonRose born about 1887
FeetJenne born about 1875
FellowsCarrie born about 1889
FeltonWarren born about 1894
FieldsBessie born about 1897
FinnMary born about 1915
FinnertyJames born about 1885
FinniganCatherine Mborn about 1904
FinnsFrank Fborn about 1885
FinnsJannie Mborn about 1883
FirmanAaron Gborn about 1865
FirmanJane Dborn about 1864
FirthMary born about 1866
FishEmma Aborn about 1891
FishMary born about 1864
FisherPhyllis Mborn about 1910
FlaggAnnie born about 1878
FlahertyMary born about 1911
FlatteryEdward Fborn about 1878
FletcherGeorge born about 1914
FletcherWilliam Hborn about 1877
FlintMary Aborn about 1887
FloydCarleton Hborn about 1922
FloydEdith born about 1888
FloydEvelyn born about 1871
FloydMary born about 1886
FloydRichard born about 1886
FlynnEtta born about 1894
FlynnFrancis born about 1927
FlynnLouis born about 1932
FlynnMarion born about 1925
FlynnRita born about 1921
FlynnRuth born about 1929
FlynnWilliam born about 1897
FoleyDavid born about 1894
FoleyEleanor Eborn about 1909
FoleyJohn Jborn about 1914
FoleyKatherine Aborn about 1916
FoleyLeo Bborn about 1905
FoleyMary Eborn about 1909
FordArlene Bborn about 1937
FordBlanch Iborn about 1911
FordCharles Wborn about 1933
FordDonald Lborn about 1934
FordEllsworth Sborn about 1906
FordEllsworth S Jrborn about 1932
FordLillian Mborn about 1939
FortierEvelyn born about 1916
FosmanSarah born about 1893
FossDonald Bborn about 1920
FossE Leonardborn about 1928
FossErnest born about 1898
FossMarjorie Bborn about 1899
FowlerEmma born about 1856
FowmierEugene born about 1906
FrascheJohn born about 1875
FreyLester Jborn about 1904
FriendErvill born about 1863
FryeSusan born about 1856
FuksonSophie born about 1866
FullerArthur Kborn about 1896
FullerCharles born about 1891
FullerEthel Mborn about 1896
FullerMyrtle Mborn about 1926
FullerRobert Pborn about 1919
FuocoAnthony born about 1909

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G Surnames

GaddyJennie born about 1881
GaddyJohn born about 1874
GaffeyJoseph Mborn about 1869
GaffeyMary Eborn about 1873
GaffneyEdmund born about 1905
GageEdward born about 1931
GageErma born about 1871
GageHilda born about 1904
GageJohn born about 1906
GageLester born about 1932
GageNorman born about 1929
GagnonDorothy born about 1916
GaleuciaCharles Aborn about 1897
GaleuciaElliott Sborn about 1920
GaleuciaGardner Fborn about 1921
GaleuciaOlive Eborn about 1900
GallagherThomas born about 1875
GallantVance born about 1913
GallisonBridget born about 1872
GalvinAnna born about 1874
GanaltAlice born about 1914
GanareauRegina born about 1902
GandreauRegina born about 1902
GatesClara Mborn about 1927
GaudetteJoseph Lborn about 1894
GaudetteMary Bborn about 1895
GaumondRena Jborn about 1907
GaveneFred Jborn about 1922
GellineauJosephine born about 1899
GemmallaroGiuseppe born about 1883
GercieAlfred born about 1918
GetchellDoris born about 1937
GetchellEmerson born about 1904
GetchellEmerson born about 1931
GetchellEstelle born about 1877
GibbonsThomas born about 1892
GiellaJosephine Mborn about 1910
GiffordAlva born about 1891
GiffordDavis born about 1927
GiffordGaye born about 1928
GiffordGeorge born about 1886
GiffordPage born about 1923
GiffordParker born about 1921
GilcreastHelen Lborn about 1895
GillespieWilliam born about 1892
GillilandMabel Iborn about 1878
GillisEdith born about 1908
GilmanNathan born about 1909
GilraneBarbara born about 1911
GilraneEileen born about 1914
GirardGrace Eborn about 1883
GitchallCarol Jborn about 1939
GitchallHughie born about 1916
GitchellDella Mborn about 1907
GitchellLloyd Hborn about 1905
GlassMary born about 1874
GlonaVernocia Aborn about 1920
GodboutAlfred Aborn about 1904
GodboutAlfred A Jrborn about 1928
GodboutBarbara Mborn about 1929
GodboutOlive Eborn about 1905
GodfreyJennie born about 1867
GodfreyLillian born about 1873
GogasArthur born about 1888
GoingCarrie born about 1861
GolathwaiteCaroline born about 1860
GollantWilfred Jborn about 1914
GoodallAlton born about 1935
GoodallErnest born about 1889
GoodallGordon born about 1929
GoodallJames born about 1915
GoodallMaria born about 1887
GoodallPaul born about 1921
GoodnerLillian born about 1874
GoodridgeWarren born about 1892
GoodwinGrace born about 1882
GoodwinMary born about 1893
GordonArchie born about 1875
GordonSadie born about 1880
GormanWilliam born about 1887
GosseinRadl born about 1887
GouldArthur Pborn about 1898
GouldCharles Iborn about 1884
GouldCharles I Jrborn about 1909
GouldErnest Rborn about 1908
GouldMargaret born about 1870
GouldMarion born about 1893
GouldMarion born about 1910
GouldMarion born about 1924
GouldMark born about 1892
GouldMary born about 1876
GouldMary Jborn about 1873
GouldP Elmerborn about 1911
GouldPearl born about 1895
GouldRoger Eborn about 1918
GouldRonald born about 1933
GouldRosalind Tborn about 1914
GouldSarah Aborn about 1887
GouldWalter born about 1865
GradyMary born about 1871
GrahamBenjamin Jborn about 1870
GrahamEdythe born about 1878
GrahamHerbert born about 1888
GraniczmyAnna born about 1896
GrayFrank born about 1901
GrayHarry Jborn about 1895
GrayHelen Iborn about 1899
GrayLouise born about 1933
GreaneyKatherine born about 1875
GreekeArthur Dborn about 1936
GreekeClara Mborn about 1905
GreekeClifford Jborn about 1938
GreekeDell born about 1896
GreekeMuriel Mborn about 1933
GreekeRichard Pborn about 1939
GreekeRobert Bborn about 1928
GreekeWilfred Cborn about 1932
GreenlawEbed born about 1878
GreenlawMinerva Gborn about 1877
GreenwoodJane born about 1885
GregorioGueririe born about 1922
GroceClara born about 1892
GroceGeorge Hborn about 1886
GroverMargaret born about 1887
GueretteLeda born about 1919
GuffinCharles born about 1898
GuilmitteGeorgette born about 1875
GurleyCharles born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaeChester born about 1904
HagopianMichael Gborn about 1920
HaleyRichard born about 1910
HallEarl born about 1932
HallMargaret born about 1907
HallMinnie born about 1893
HallSandra born about 1938
HamClara born about 1879
HamiltonCharles born about 1854
HamiltonRebecca born about 1876
HankardMary born about 1885
HanonLydia born about 1915
HansenJessie born about 1868
HansonAxel born about 1896
HarbatinckAfany born about 1896
HardwickSam born about 1880
HardyEleanor born about 1909
HarlowEsther born about 1904
HarnonskiAnna born about 1905
HarringtonAlfred Bborn about 1869
HarringtonAlma born about 1877
HarringtonElizabeth born about 1907
HarringtonMabel Bborn about 1875
HarrisBarbara Hborn about 1912
HarrisHenrietta born about 1856
HarrisJosephine born about 1866
HaskeldAnnie born about 1876
HatfieldOliphane Cborn about 1864
HaulinierArthur born about 1891
HawthorneMinnie born about 1898
HayesEllen Eborn about 1861
HayesRosa Eborn about 1864
HazardHelen born about 1860
HeathEllen born about 1871
HeffemanJohn Pborn about 1906
HeildburtGeo Jr Lborn about 1897
HennesseyFlorence born about 1905
HenniganMary born about 1861
HicksDorothy born about 1914
HicksSarah born about 1856
HigginsCatherine born about 1876
HigginsCornelius born about 1898
HillAlberta born about 1908
HillAlfred Jborn about 1888
HillsBasil born about 1897
HillsBenjamin born about 1929
HillsEva born about 1898
HillsRobert Bborn about 1922
HillsRobert Jr born about 1939
HillsVaughn born about 1925
HillsVerna born about 1923
HillsVesta born about 1928
HiltzRandolph born about 1896
HinesAnna born about 1909
HmurciakFrances born about 1911
HoderEdward born about 1903
HoderJohn born about 1901
HoderMargaret born about 1874
HodgesCatherine born about 1890
HodgsonRose born about 1869
HoelzelBernice born about 1888
HoelzelWilliam Rborn about 1889
HoffmanAnnie Jborn about 1888
HoffmanEdward born about 1888
HoffmanEdward Jborn about 1916
HoganAndrew born about 1921
HoganLucy born about 1912
HoldenEleanor born about 1915
HoldenHattie born about 1859
HollandHonora born about 1875
HolwayEthel born about 1878
HoodBarbara Lborn about 1926
HoodBrenda born about 1900
HoodChester Aborn about 1907
HoodChester A Jrborn about 1927
HoodClyde Lborn about 1892
HoodDorothy Eborn about 1930
HoodElizabeth born about 1870
HoodEsther Lborn about 1908
HoodLucille born about 1928
HoodMelvin Cborn about 1936
HoodMyron born about 1936
HoodPhyllis Mborn about 1933
HoodRichard Eborn about 1929
HoodRobert Eborn about 1928
HooperEdna Eborn about 1916
HorneHerbert born about 1899
HorneLawrence born about 1924
HorstElizabeth born about 1855
HoveyElla born about 1865
HoweAlmira born about 1858
HoweGalen Bborn about 1869
HoweNellie Cborn about 1865
HoweWilliam born about 1882
HubleySarah born about 1870
HudsonHenry Aborn about 1912
HughesCarrie born about 1863
HumphreyAlexander Jborn about 1879
HumphreyMary born about 1865
HuntHelen Lborn about 1912
HunterMary Mborn about 1900
HurdAlice born about 1932
HurdBeumont born about 1905
HurdFrancis born about 1925
HurdMary born about 1911
HurdRobert born about 1929
HurlburtCharles Eborn about 1906
HurlburtRufus born about 1874
HurlburtVelma Lborn about 1915
HurleyAnne born about 1889
HuseHarriet born about 1866
HydeMildred Lborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IllingworthEthel Lborn about 1890
IllingworthRalph born about 1899

J Surnames

JackmanMary born about 1865
JacksonPeter Jborn about 1870
JamesonCatherine born about 1869
JanellDorothy born about 1923
JanellRobert born about 1921
JanellRussell Rborn about 1921
JannazAdeline born about 1912
JannetFrank born about 1870
JeffreyAlbert Lborn about 1884
JelbertAlbert Jborn about 1901
JellisonAlbert born about 1882
JellisonEdward born about 1872
JemayWilfred born about 1872
JenkinsRobert Wborn about 1922
JepsonTheo born about 1903
JewellDorothy born about 1909
JewellRobert born about 1909
JewellRobert Jborn about 1936
JohnsonAlice born about 1909
JohnsonAnnie born about 1880
JohnsonClyde Wborn about 1887
JohnsonDoris born about 1912
JohnsonHelena I Mborn about 1902
JohnsonJennie born about 1895
JohnsonJoseph Wborn about 1894
JohnsonLillian born about 1933
JohnsonLillie born about 1904
JohnsonLinnie born about 1893
JohnsonMary born about 1875
JohnsonOscar born about 1897
JohnsonPatricia born about 1937
JohnsonPeter born about 1906
JohnsonPeter born about 1938
JohnsonShirley Aborn about 1927
JohnsonTheron born about 1913
JohnsonVirginia Eborn about 1922
JonesArchibald born about 1901
JonesEarl Fborn about 1894
JonesEarl F Jrborn about 1937
JonesEleanor Aborn about 1907
JonesEvelyn born about 1910
JoppCharles born about 1875
JordanJoseph born about 1877
JoyceKatherine born about 1873
JoyceThomas Aborn about 1872
JudgeArthur born about 1927
JudgeEldon born about 1915
JudgeJohn Jborn about 1903
JudgeMadelyn born about 1929
JudgeMarie born about 1907
JudgeMartha born about 1891
JudgeSidney born about 1893
JudgeSidney Gborn about 1916
JuneAdrian T Revborn about 1877
JuneAlice Mborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KallmanHelen born about 1898
KallmanLois born about 1926
KallmanWilliam born about 1901
KallmanWilliam born about 1928
KaminskiErma born about 1911
KasabuskeMarion born about 1916
KasananPatrick born about 1888
KatranisMary born about 1895
KatzEsther born about 1907
KatzGeorge born about 1927
KatzJohn born about 1903
KatzMadeline born about 1926
KatzPhilip born about 1929
KatzSidney born about 1932
KeaneMary born about 1883
KeefeMargaret born about 1869
KeefeThomas born about 1881
KeeganDaniel born about 1902
KeelyCatherine Lborn about 1861
KeenanWinifred Aborn about 1908
KelleyMary born about 1875
KelleyMary Eborn about 1873
KellumFlora born about 1882
KelsoAlice born about 1902
KeohaneJohn Fborn about 1896
KervinLawrence born about 1907
KileyCarl Cborn about 1916
KileyCarol Mborn about 1935
KileyMarion Eborn about 1917
KileyPatricia Aborn about 1936
KilleyEdith Aborn about 1917
KilwyVeronica born about 1862
KimballFlora born about 1871
KimbnelNellie Cborn about 1870
KingAdaline born about 1911
KingPhyllis born about 1919
KingRichard born about 1939
KirkElizabeth born about 1876
KitchenAlfred born about 1900
KitchenAlfred born about 1927
KitchenCarol born about 1937
KitchenGene born about 1933
KitchenMargaret born about 1898
KlimacenskiGertrude born about 1920
KlosowskiAndrew born about 1891
KlosowskiAnnie born about 1919
KlosowskiJane born about 1914
KlosowskiJean born about 1935
KlosowskiJoan born about 1935
KlosowskiPhyllis born about 1933
KlosowskiStanley born about 1917
KlosowskiStella born about 1915
KlosowskiTerence born about 1912
KlosowskiTernece Jr born about 1936
KlosowskiVictoria born about 1890
KnightCaroline Mborn about 1892
KnightMartha born about 1862
KnowltonDonald born about 1936
KnowltonDorothy born about 1917
KnowltonDorothy born about 1939
KnowltonEllswoth born about 1901
KnowltonGrace born about 1925
KnowltonHerman born about 1909
KnowltonMay born about 1897
KnowltonRobert born about 1935
KnowltonWilliam Fborn about 1868
KoernerAlfred born about 1914
KoernerFlorence born about 1917
KoernerGertrude born about 1937
KokaskaAnthony born about 1916
KopoczDanela Mborn about 1911
KridelevichJacob born about 1894
KruschartzEleanor born about 1912
KuellBarbara born about 1933
KuellJames born about 1905
KuellJames Jr born about 1935
KuellJean born about 1930
KuellMyrtle born about 1907
KuellVirginia born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabelArthur born about 1906
LabensErnest born about 1882
LaberhiskiMary born about 1889
LacieSamuel Aborn about 1914
LaddGladys born about 1904
LaderMaude Aborn about 1903
LairdMary Bborn about 1910
LairoletteIvan born about 1919
LambertiRose born about 1881
LambertonMarion born about 1882
LaneBarbara born about 1913
LangDavid Aborn about 1921
LangJoseph born about 1872
LanganSarah born about 1883
LangueAdelaid born about 1906
LaplautAlphones born about 1896
LathronLillian Mborn about 1878
LaureiroMary Lborn about 1914
LaurieClara Fborn about 1910
LauzafarueCarmelo born about 1921
LavalleeBertha born about 1917
LavasscurEmilie born about 1883
LawlorJohn born about 1912
LeadbetterElizabeth born about 1872
LeahyCatherine born about 1912
LearyArnold born about 1905
LearyEdward born about 1909
LearyEdward born about 1935
LearyGladys born about 1909
LearyJoanne born about 1936
LearyJoseph Fborn about 1902
LearyJosephine Rborn about 1911
LearyMargaret born about 1902
LearyMinnie born about 1875
LeashGeorge born about 1892
LebelAnna born about 1897
LeblancHenry born about 1907
LeblancIrene born about 1908
LeblancLoraine born about 1939
LeblareAmedae born about 1911
LeblareIrene born about 1915
LeblarePatricia Aborn about 1939
LeblareTheresa born about 1934
LebrunWalter born about 1893
LecoborElizabeth born about 1894
LecoborFrank born about 1918
LecoborJoseph born about 1888
LecoborJoseph Sborn about 1913
LecoborPaul born about 1922
LecoborRaymond born about 1933
LeeAntony born about 1889
LeeElizabeth born about 1919
LeeKatherine Mborn about 1866
LeeMarguerite born about 1899
LeeRose born about 1868
LemstromRobert born about 1920
LennonAlice Mborn about 1910
LeonardMildred born about 1917
LeopoldMary born about 1893
LeppaMary Jborn about 1861
LeschenskyJohn born about 1905
LevassemLouise born about 1918
LeverqueAugustus born about 1906
LewisHelen born about 1886
LewisMaud born about 1874
LeyHelen Mborn about 1907
LiginskiMichael Tborn about 1903
LiginskiNellie born about 1905
LiginskiShirley Aborn about 1933
LindleyAnson Tborn about 1923
LindleyHelen born about 1890
LindleyJohn born about 1886
LindleyRuth Lborn about 1922
LindseyAlice born about 1934
LindseyCarol born about 1939
LindseyCharles born about 1936
LindseyDavid born about 1932
LindseyEmily born about 1909
LindseyEmily born about 1937
LindseyErnest born about 1908
LindseyErnest born about 1930
LindseyLemuel born about 1910
LindseyPaul born about 1940
LinehanDorothy born about 1915
LinnekinArchie Eborn about 1883
LinnekinLena born about 1893
LinnekinWilliam born about 1922
LittleJohn Rborn about 1874
LittleRoy Sborn about 1882
LivermoreFrank born about 1880
LloydPhillip Sborn about 1880
LockheadEmma born about 1862
LockwookEsther born about 1895
LockwookFlorence born about 1875
LoganaPatricia born about 1921
LondosArnold Bborn about 1902
LondosDorothy Iborn about 1913
LongfrancesHenrietta born about 1890
LorocoAda born about 1860
LortoliniAngelina born about 1883
LovelleWinifred born about 1896
LovettiClara born about 1864
LowthorpWilliam Eborn about 1893
LuchmanPatrick born about 1895
LucierieAlma Mborn about 1890
LudwigsEllouse born about 1866
LumbardDavid born about 1927
LumbardEdna Nborn about 1894
LumbardJanie born about 1933
LumbardRichard Aborn about 1930
LumbardThomas born about 1870
LyncheskiEmma born about 1904
LyncheskiKathleen born about 1904
LyncheskiMaurice born about 1908
LyncheskiWilliam born about 1903
LyorMargaret born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldD Bruceborn about 1930
MacdonaldEdward born about 1869
MacdonaldF Priscillaborn about 1929
MacdonaldGrace born about 1909
MacdonaldMinnie born about 1871
MacdonaldPenelope born about 1905
MacdonaldPierce born about 1896
MacdonaldSeaver born about 1907
MacgregorEugene born about 1853
MacgregorSusan born about 1853
MacisaacEuphemia born about 1871
MackayHarry born about 1890
MackayJosephine born about 1888
MackenzieMarian born about 1867
MackieJohanna born about 1862
MackinnonJohn born about 1928
MackinonJeanett born about 1910
MaclaneArthur born about 1888
MaclaneEmma born about 1899
MaclaneMary Lborn about 1930
MacmillanEsther born about 1876
MacmillanFlorence born about 1898
MacmillanRhoda Aborn about 1924
MacmillanRobert Jborn about 1939
MacmillanWilliam born about 1903
MacmillanWilliam born about 1939
MacwhinnieCarol born about 1933
MacwhinnieDavid born about 1936
MacwhinnieMelvin born about 1910
MacwhinnieRuth born about 1914
MaddenBarbara born about 1913
MaddenDavid born about 1937
MaddenPeter born about 1936
MadisonJohn born about 1880
MageeArthur born about 1923
MageeEarl born about 1901
MageeMary born about 1905
MagerMary born about 1892
MagliaJennie born about 1896
MaguireCatherine born about 1880
MaherKatherine born about 1864
MahoneyFrank born about 1883
MahoneyTimothy born about 1876
MajorFrances Mborn about 1892
MajorJoseph Lborn about 1893
MangElizabeth born about 1914
ManiltomiTheodore born about 1910
MankLlewellen born about 1912
ManleyHilda born about 1907
MannPatrick born about 1877
ManningC Aliceborn about 1883
ManuelBeatrice born about 1907
MargesonWilliam Hborn about 1872
MarkhamMinnie born about 1864
MarlenNatalie Jborn about 1916
MarlletAlice born about 1892
MarlyCharlotte Annborn about 1894
MaroneGiovannia born about 1892
MarsdenThomas born about 1885
Marsh??? Lborn about 1885
MarshAnna Hborn about 1885
MarshEleanor Cborn about 1918
MarshallAllen born about 1912
MarshallBarbara born about 1935
MarshallDoris born about 1923
MarshallEllen born about 1864
MarshallEugenie Lborn about 1895
MarshallJessie born about 1885
MarshallLowell Rborn about 1938
MartinEvelyn born about 1888
MartinPriscilla Lborn about 1912
MartinWilliam Tborn about 1912
MascarelliPasqualina born about 1890
MasonBessie born about 1897
MasonGerald born about 1938
MasonJames born about 1907
MasonJannet born about 1935
MasonMary Mborn about 1908
MasselFlorence born about 1916
MasselGeorge born about 1910
MasselJoan born about 1935
MasselRobert born about 1939
MasseyEthel born about 1884
MathesianShooshan born about 1900
MathesonCharlotte born about 1882
MattognoConsolina born about 1882
MaxwellAlice born about 1886
MaxwellMarion born about 1920
MaxwellNewton born about 1911
MaxwellRaymond born about 1921
MaxwellRichard born about 1884
MaxwellSylvia born about 1937
MaynesIva born about 1890
MaynesJames born about 1877
MaynesJames Jr born about 1916
MaynesWarren Mborn about 1919
McAdooAlice born about 1910
McCaffertyEleanor Mborn about 1908
McCaffertyGeorge Aborn about 1907
McCaffertyJoan born about 1938
McCarronFrank Jborn about 1882
McCarronMargaret Aborn about 1882
McCarthyAnnie born about 1880
McClintockSelma Tborn about 1884
McClintockThomas Vborn about 1883
McCredieJames Gborn about 1862
McDaffieNora Rborn about 1911
McDonaldAlbert born about 1913
McDonaldBarbara born about 1923
McDonaldGladys born about 1900
McDonaldJanet born about 1934
McDonaldManoy born about 1928
McDonaldMyrtle born about 1921
McDonaldStewart born about 1901
McFaddenDaniel Fborn about 1881
McGeeWilliam born about 1873
McGillGertrude born about 1912
McGinnisHugh born about 1877
McGovernAlice born about 1884
McGrathJohn Hborn about 1895
McGrathJoseph born about 1905
McGrathMicheal born about 1898
McInernyDelia born about 1867
McKayCatherine born about 1874
McKenneJoseph born about 1863
McKenneyDolores born about 1936
McKenneyDorald born about 1937
McKenneyDoris born about 1900
McKenneyPatricia born about 1929
McKenneyPhyllis born about 1930
McKenneyRaymond Eborn about 1926
McKenneyRaymond Oborn about 1901
McLaughlinFrances born about 1919
McLaughlinIsabell born about 1874
McLaughlinMary born about 1870
McLeodCharles born about 1918
McManusJames born about 1895
MeadeAlice Jborn about 1876
MeadeEdwin born about 1870
MeadeRichard born about 1929
MeagherDonald Lborn about 1924
MeagherJohn Eborn about 1898
MeagherMary Eborn about 1922
MeagherMary Vborn about 1895
MeaneyJohn Pborn about 1922
MelansonGladys Aborn about 1917
MennedMustapha born about 1892
MerchantHattie born about 1874
MercierCecile born about 1906
MercierJeanetti born about 1917
MerrifieldFrances born about 1903
MerrifieldLeslie born about 1902
MerrittAnna born about 1876
MerrittAnna born about 1912
MetcalfHilda born about 1898
MeyersEdward Lborn about 1897
MichalskiLorretta born about 1913
MickersonKatherine born about 1925
MilberyClara Lborn about 1886
MilberyJohn Wborn about 1884
MilberyJohn Wborn about 1917
MilberyLovett Lborn about 1918
MilberyRebecca born about 1897
MilberyWalter Hborn about 1894
MillerGirard born about 1922
MillettElla born about 1890
MiltonIsabelle Aborn about 1916
MiltonWilliam Aborn about 1913
MimoreJohn born about 1922
MitchellEdward born about 1886
MitchellEunice born about 1892
MitchellEverett born about 1912
MitchellGertrude born about 1904
MitchellHarold born about 1918
MitchellMarilyn born about 1939
MitchellMarion born about 1912
MitchellMyrlte born about 1894
ModugnoLydia born about 1923
ModugnoNorma born about 1924
MolumphyNora born about 1882
MomlanPriscilla born about 1913
MondatteFlorence born about 1939
MondatteGene born about 1914
MondatteGene born about 1938
MondatteJennie born about 1915
MongWing born about 1880
MontagueElizabeth born about 1905
MooreDudly born about 1919
MooreEugene Fborn about 1900
MooreGeneva born about 1915
MoranFrances born about 1916
MoranGrace born about 1898
MoreauBeverly Aborn about 1924
MoreauLouis Bborn about 1902
MoreauSharon Jborn about 1929
MoreauStella Rborn about 1904
MorelandAlden Fborn about 1923
MorelandFrederick Bborn about 1920
MorelandGeorge Fborn about 1877
MorelandMinnie Rborn about 1892
MorelandVirginia born about 1918
MorganAmy Eborn about 1915
MorganBertha Eborn about 1893
MorganEffie born about 1874
MorganJohn Hborn about 1883
MorganLaura born about 1856
MorinMarie Aborn about 1892
MorneauAugust born about 1912
MorrisHelen born about 1897
MorrisonByron Sborn about 1916
MorrisonCelia born about 1921
MorrisonElizabeth born about 1881
MorrisonGrace Bborn about 1904
MorrisonVictor born about 1913
MorseCharles Mborn about 1925
MorseHarry Pborn about 1865
MorseMargaret born about 1872
MorseMildred Mborn about 1893
MorseNancy born about 1931
MorseRobert Bborn about 1930
MorseWalter Bborn about 1893
MortonRichard Eborn about 1919
MorvillDavid Bborn about 1938
MorvillElizabeth Aborn about 1912
MorvillElmer Pborn about 1908
MoultonMabelle born about 1873
MounihanJane born about 1884
MoylanEllen born about 1874
MulcahyGladys Mborn about 1901
MulkernThomas born about 1893
MullayMary Jborn about 1860
MullensHarold born about 1916
MullinCatherine born about 1870
MunroePatrick born about 1890
MurphyAlice Mborn about 1898
MurphyClaire born about 1923
MurphyEbba Iborn about 1895
MurphyFrances born about 1924
MurphyHarold born about 1899
MurphyJames Aborn about 1873
MurphyJeremiah 3Rd born about 1878
MurphyJohn Eborn about 1872
MurphyJohn Pborn about 1869
MurphyJoseph born about 1882
MurphyJosephine born about 1915
MurphyMartin born about 1888
MurphyPatricia born about 1929
MurphyRichard born about 1927
MurphyThomas born about 1932
MurphyTimothy born about 1908
MurrayJames Gborn about 1917
MurrayMary Eborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NadeauDoris Mborn about 1922
NanguffGeorgiana born about 1880
NashBarbara born about 1932
NashGeorge born about 1928
NashHarland born about 1921
NashHarold Iborn about 1895
NashHazel Eborn about 1904
NashRichard born about 1930
NasonRoland born about 1890
NaussNany born about 1930
NeagleBridget born about 1881
NeagleJames born about 1904
NeeBarney born about 1885
NeilonCatherine born about 1891
NelsonAdele born about 1865
NelsonFlorence born about 1920
NelsonFrederick born about 1912
NelsonGladys born about 1903
NelsonRandpholf born about 1939
NicholsMabel Eborn about 1893
NicosiaAnthony born about 1921
NobleEdith born about 1888
NolanEdward born about 1915
NoorigianGrace born about 1917
NordinLars Aborn about 1880
NormaRobert Wborn about 1914
NovelliNellie Eborn about 1910
NybergGreta Sborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OberlamerClara born about 1864
ObirenLouise born about 1917
ObrienCatherine born about 1914
ObrienCharles born about 1908
ObrienJohn born about 1904
ObrienPhyllis born about 1916
ObrienWallace born about 1937
OconnellMargart born about 1909
OconnellMarion born about 1911
OconnorCatherine born about 1876
OdonnellGertrude born about 1910
OgaraEsther Eborn about 1914
OgdenBenjamin born about 1911
OgdenEllen Aborn about 1910
OgdenEmma born about 1863
OgdenGeorge Bborn about 1892
OgdenGoldie Pborn about 1912
OgdenGrace Mborn about 1889
OgdenJames born about 1918
OgdenRobert Eborn about 1934
OgdenTheodore Rborn about 1920
OgdenWilliam Bborn about 1910
OgdenWilliam Eborn about 1882
OgdenWilliam Fborn about 1931
OneilMary born about 1860
OneillFrank born about 1894
OneillMartin Jborn about 1910
OrdenO Elviraborn about 1872
OrourkeFlorence born about 1897
OsborneFrancis born about 1934
OsborneHarriett born about 1912
OsborneIsabell born about 1911
OsborneJennie born about 1871
OsborneJohn born about 1924
OsborneJohn Wborn about 1869
OsborneJune born about 1919
OsborneMary Jborn about 1936
OsborneMitchell born about 1916
OsbornePhilip born about 1929
OsborneRuth born about 1927
OsborneSandra born about 1937
OsgoodClarence born about 1903
OsgoodDonald born about 1936
OsgoodMargaret born about 1904
OsgoodMyra born about 1867
OsgoodPaul born about 1931
OsheaHelen Lborn about 1883
OtisEdith born about 1931
OtisGeorge born about 1896
OtisJoseph born about 1925
OtisLaura born about 1897
OtisV Agnesborn about 1923
OtooleThomas born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaborjianNegohes born about 1894
PaceltJoseph Rborn about 1907
PaciuskasJoseph Fborn about 1906
PageAnnie Fborn about 1885
PageArthur Tborn about 1874
PageArthur T Jrborn about 1922
PageDorothy born about 1911
PageWarren Eborn about 1917
PaineAlice Bborn about 1893
PaineElla born about 1863
PaineVirginia born about 1923
PaineWalter Lborn about 1889
ParadiseArthur born about 1882
ParadiseCarrie born about 1880
ParkerClara born about 1897
ParkerClinton born about 1919
ParkerEmily born about 1900
ParkerHelen born about 1900
ParkerIsabella born about 1874
ParkerKenneth Hborn about 1918
ParkerMabel born about 1861
ParkerWalter born about 1894
ParshleyElmer born about 1897
ParshleyElmer Rborn about 1917
ParshleyRalph Iborn about 1920
ParshleyWarren Fborn about 1922
PasqualleCharles born about 1893
PasqualleFlorence born about 1896
PatrinosAntonios born about 1885
PattavinaJoseph born about 1910
PattenJane born about 1891
PattersonLeslie Cborn about 1902
PattersonWilliam Hborn about 1870
PaulBlanche born about 1907
PaulHarold Wborn about 1934
PaulLyle born about 1906
PeabodyAustin born about 1890
PeabodyCatherine born about 1872
PeabodyEmilie Cborn about 1873
PeabodyFora Nborn about 1892
PeabodyGeorge born about 1877
PeabodyLoing born about 1911
PeabodyMary Lborn about 1894
PeabodyRoger born about 1905
PeabodyRoland Hborn about 1884
PearsonAngelo born about 1917
PearsonAnna born about 1872
PearsonClara born about 1860
PearsonFrank born about 1880
PearsonOscar born about 1882
PeartArthur born about 1922
PeartJames Wborn about 1887
PeartLila Mborn about 1891
PeartLillian born about 1926
PeckhamLizzie born about 1861
PeddMyrtle born about 1899
PellegruisJosephine born about 1914
PellerinEdward born about 1903
PellerinGeorgiana born about 1892
PelletierAlbert Pborn about 1897
PelletierAlice born about 1907
PelletierAudrey born about 1935
PelletierDoris born about 1909
PelletierEdward born about 1907
PelletierEugene born about 1906
PelletierEugene Jr born about 1928
PelletierRae born about 1930
PelletierRichard Eborn about 1936
PelletierSally born about 1937
PerkinsElizabeth born about 1867
PerkinsHenrietta Sborn about 1851
PerrinEdward born about 1874
PerryEdith born about 1913
PerryGrace born about 1873
PerryMarguerite born about 1920
PetersDolores born about 1912
PetersEdward Jborn about 1937
PetersJoseph born about 1895
PetersMadeline born about 1906
PetersPaul Jborn about 1935
PetersRandolph born about 1939
PetersVirginia born about 1935
PetersonBeda born about 1874
PetersonCarl born about 1896
PetersonCarl Rborn about 1930
PetersonHilda born about 1897
PetersonMargaret born about 1890
PetrowAnna born about 1914
PettingillMarion Gborn about 1883
PettingillOlin Sborn about 1883
PhaneafAlfred born about 1911
PhaneufAlfred born about 1938
PhaneufAlice born about 1920
PhaneufCharles born about 1873
PhaneufCharles born about 1922
PhaneufEmil born about 1909
PhaneufJean born about 1914
PhaneufJohn born about 1927
PhaneufJoseph born about 1918
PhaneufLena born about 1909
PhilbrickEthel Bborn about 1874
PhilbrickHazel Rborn about 1915
PhillipsFanny born about 1890
PhillipsKatie born about 1887
PhillipsPauline born about 1897
PickardFoster Jborn about 1921
PickardLouise Mborn about 1924
PickardMinnie Aborn about 1883
PickardOtis born about 1881
PikeEva born about 1884
PikeEvelyn born about 1883
PikeSanda Sborn about 1882
PileckiPhillip born about 1920
PingeAllie Fborn about 1889
PingeElizabeth born about 1925
PingeHariett born about 1884
PireMary Aborn about 1917
PitchettEmma born about 1882
PitchettWalter born about 1873
PlantaMaurice born about 1921
PloubiderGeorgia born about 1910
PolardyHarmon born about 1882
PollockCany Hborn about 1875
PollockJames born about 1862
PollockJosie born about 1917
PollockMilton born about 1917
PollockMilton Jr born about 1940
PollockRobert born about 1901
PoorC Raymondborn about 1899
PoorCharles Rborn about 1938
PoorGladys born about 1898
PoorRobert Aborn about 1928
PorstFred I Fborn about 1884
PorterDonald born about 1935
PorterHarold Wborn about 1908
PorterHugh Lborn about 1930
PorterJohn Wborn about 1921
PorterMarion Mborn about 1899
PorterSarah born about 1907
PoulsonMargaret born about 1901
PoulsonMargurite born about 1919
PoulsonMarjorie born about 1925
PoulsonMax born about 1894
PoulsonRichard born about 1928
PowersNellie born about 1891
PraimoOvilla born about 1917
PrentissMabel born about 1873
PrescottArlene born about 1915
PriceMarshall Sborn about 1901
PriestleyFlorence born about 1884
ProctorLucy born about 1917
PunchardElwood Jborn about 1911
PunchardJames Aborn about 1882
PunchardMillie F Eborn about 1883
PunchardRodny Lborn about 1908
PuzikKatherine born about 1882
PykaBarbara Mborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuigleyHamah born about 1887
QuillJams born about 1871
QuinnsAnna born about 1884

R Surnames

RakauskasJoseph Jborn about 1921
RalphWalter Wborn about 1919
RamsdellJosie born about 1880
RandallCora Lborn about 1875
RandallElisha Mborn about 1871
RandallRuth Aborn about 1900
ReadSarah Aborn about 1861
ReardonSarah born about 1892
ReedEliza born about 1878
ReedJessie born about 1863
ReganAlice born about 1890
ReganMonica Iborn about 1905
ReganSara Eborn about 1889
ReidMarjorie born about 1879
ReisenrukAlice born about 1921
ReisenrukAnnie born about 1890
ReisenrukAnnie born about 1932
ReisenrukCharles born about 1935
ReisenrukElizabeth born about 1927
ReisenrukFred born about 1917
ReisenrukJohn born about 1890
ReisenrukJohn born about 1925
ReisenrukPeter born about 1923
ReisenrukRuth born about 1930
ReisenrukTiny born about 1928
RemingtonSarah born about 1873
RestallyJames born about 1898
ReynoldsJames Rborn about 1891
ReynoldsM Louiseborn about 1896
RicciViola Fborn about 1923
RichardAda born about 1884
RichardAlfred born about 1923
RichardErnest born about 1880
RichardMary born about 1918
RichardsEra born about 1895
RichardsGeorge Aborn about 1906
RichardsJessie born about 1877
RichardsMinnie Fborn about 1907
RichardsonA Rubyborn about 1926
RichardsonAlbert Hborn about 1922
RichardsonAlice born about 1929
RichardsonAnna born about 1906
RichardsonBenjamin born about 1896
RichardsonCelia Jborn about 1855
RichardsonClarence Eborn about 1901
RichardsonEdward Jborn about 1933
RichardsonEli born about 1857
RichardsonFrancis born about 1923
RichardsonGertrude born about 1872
RichardsonHarry Sborn about 1886
RichardsonHazen born about 1862
RichardsonHazen born about 1898
RichardsonHelen born about 1911
RichardsonHerbert born about 1881
RichardsonHezen K Iiborn about 1935
RichardsonJeanne born about 1927
RichardsonJosephine born about 1886
RichardsonLillian born about 1907
RichardsonMarjorie born about 1899
RichardsonMary born about 1933
RichardsonMary Rborn about 1903
RichardsonPercy Oborn about 1893
RichardsonSadie Jborn about 1877
RichardsonStephen Lborn about 1939
RichardsonWarren Pborn about 1925
RichardsonWilliam Wborn about 1877
RidlonAnna born about 1874
RileyKate born about 1861
RileyMary born about 1875
RimeyCharles Sborn about 1862
RimeyCharlotte Mborn about 1867
RimeyEdith born about 1875
RimeyTheodore born about 1864
RobbCedan born about 1912
RobbDorothy born about 1912
RobbNancy born about 1937
RobbRaymond born about 1934
RobbinsHarold Fborn about 1887
RobertsDora born about 1907
RobertsElwood born about 1909
RobertsElwood Sborn about 1939
RobertsJoan born about 1935
RobertsonMary born about 1878
RobichanCharles born about 1916
RobinsonAbel born about 1900
RobinsonEtta born about 1872
RogersMary born about 1879
RogersRichard born about 1932
RomansErnest born about 1875
RonanFrank Dborn about 1922
RosiAlfred born about 1888
RosiAmelia Vborn about 1892
RosiCaesar born about 1915
RosiEdith born about 1914
RosiJosephine born about 1925
RosiLouigi born about 1917
RosinskiJoseph Jborn about 1905
RoushJohn Aborn about 1870
RousseauAlbertine Rborn about 1874
RoweAlbert Jborn about 1886
RoweArthur Lborn about 1886
RoweElla born about 1892
RoweMarie born about 1880
RowellEdith Sborn about 1911
RowellElliott Bborn about 1906
RowellElliott Jr born about 1931
RowellHerbert Eborn about 1932
RowellMartha Fborn about 1929
RowsonNadine born about 1922
RowsonRita born about 1899
RowsonVerna born about 1923
RowsonWilliam born about 1893
RowsonWilliam born about 1929
RudwickHarriet born about 1873
RugglesMildred Rborn about 1900
RundlettWilbur C Jrborn about 1916
RushworthAbbie born about 1859
RussellGertrude Eborn about 1870
RussellLewis Nborn about 1868
RussellMinnie born about 1886
RussellPerry Wborn about 1909
RussellSerena Pborn about 1903
RyanAileen born about 1917
RyanGrace born about 1878
RybicktVictoria Tborn about 1897
RyerCatherine Eborn about 1932
RyerGrace born about 1918
RyerHerbert born about 1928
RyerJames born about 1912
RyerJames L Jrborn about 1939
RyerLouis born about 1886
RyerLouis Jr born about 1916
RyerMary born about 1888
RyerThomas born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SadlerDaniel born about 1935
SadlerEdward born about 1931
SadlerMary born about 1909
SadlerNina born about 1930
SadlerRobert born about 1939
SadlerVasil born about 1906
SaindonAntonie born about 1906
SaindonMary born about 1912
SaindonPatricia Aborn about 1937
SalibaGeorge Pborn about 1892
SalmonCharles Jborn about 1868
SanbornAnnie born about 1881
SanbornBetty Jborn about 1938
SanbornCarol Sborn about 1939
SanbornClaire born about 1890
SanbornClare Aborn about 1932
SanbornEdith born about 1916
SanbornEdith Mborn about 1934
SanbornRichard born about 1912
SanbornRichard Wborn about 1935
SanbornThomas Cborn about 1935
SanbornWilliam born about 1890
SanbornWilliam Hborn about 1937
SanchukAlice born about 1916
SandalfoPeter born about 1912
SandersJames Wborn about 1891
SanfordElla born about 1878
SaulinerAlford born about 1916
SaulinerBessie born about 1892
SaulinerEleanor born about 1926
SaulinerEmma born about 1918
SaulinerJeanette born about 1924
SaulinerJoseph Pborn about 1912
SaulinerLouis born about 1868
SaulinerRobert born about 1931
SaundersEdgar born about 1906
SavageAlbert born about 1908
SavageAlice born about 1940
SavageAnita born about 1935
SavageCorinne born about 1906
SavageCorinne born about 1929
SavageJeffery born about 1933
SawyerCharles Rborn about 1914
SawyerClayton born about 1901
SawyerClayton Jr born about 1931
SawyerDoris Iborn about 1914
SawyerEdith born about 1923
SawyerGladys born about 1903
SawyerGladys born about 1930
SawyerJames born about 1924
SawyerVergie born about 1883
ScammonGertrude born about 1880
ScanlonCornelina Hborn about 1887
ScanlonJames born about 1873
ScatamacchiaDominick born about 1901
SchweringerMary born about 1893
ScottBlanche born about 1923
SeamanJohn Wborn about 1894
SearsLewis born about 1892
SearsLouise born about 1891
SearsOlive born about 1923
SearsVerna born about 1928
SedgwickIrene born about 1911
SedgwickJoan born about 1931
SedgwickJohn born about 1906
SedlakAnna born about 1934
SedlakElizabeth born about 1907
SedlakEva born about 1929
SedlakJoseph born about 1932
SedlakMinnie born about 1929
SedlakOlga born about 1926
SedlakPeter born about 1889
SeeleyGertrude born about 1880
SelshinakPeter born about 1887
ShanahanNatalie born about 1919
ShannonKatherine born about 1878
SharpFloy Eborn about 1889
SharpFrank born about 1883
ShawBessie born about 1862
SheddGeorge Iborn about 1868
SheehanJames born about 1887
SheemanKarl born about 1933
SheemanRoyce born about 1900
SheemanRoyce Jr born about 1927
SheemanVivian born about 1903
SheldonAlbert born about 1892
SheldonDavid born about 1925
SheldonGordon Eborn about 1912
SheldonHelen born about 1911
SheldonJean born about 1933
SheldonJoan Mborn about 1932
SheldonLeo born about 1890
SheldonNancy born about 1940
SheldonNattalie born about 1920
SheldonOscar born about 1923
SheldonOscar Hborn about 1876
SheldonVinne born about 1894
SheridanBridget born about 1862
SherwoodBernice born about 1902
SherwoodElva born about 1878
SherwoodHerbert born about 1900
SherwoodJanet Cborn about 1938
SherwoodMarcia born about 1936
ShipperHelen Cborn about 1914
SignoreAnna Ritaborn about 1912
SillarsAlice born about 1870
SillarsClifford Sborn about 1933
SillarsElla Mborn about 1879
SillarsHelen born about 1901
SillarsPatrica Sborn about 1931
SillarsRobert born about 1926
SillarsShirley born about 1928
SillarsTheadore born about 1903
SilvernailDorothy Wborn about 1897
SilvernailNorma born about 1931
SilvernailRaymond Nborn about 1897
SilvernailWarren born about 1934
SimmeoneLorenza born about 1891
SimondsEvelyn born about 1917
SkidmoreLillian born about 1870
SlatteryRuth born about 1915
SleetFlorence born about 1884
SloanAlaemite born about 1867
SloweyAlice born about 1884
SmallMary born about 1881
SmithAlice Mborn about 1905
SmithAmy Eborn about 1883
SmithDonald Hborn about 1908
SmithDorothy born about 1907
SmithFlora born about 1869
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1868
SmithHarriet born about 1856
SmithRebecca Rborn about 1865
SmithWalter Eborn about 1861
SokolowskiAlice born about 1923
SokolowskiCatherine born about 1886
SokolowskiJohn born about 1884
SokolowskiViolet born about 1922
SomersWalter born about 1921
SoncieWilliam born about 1916
SoneyMarion born about 1897
SpottswoodLeo born about 1891
SprattElizabeth born about 1874
StaceyEstelle born about 1897
StamanAndrew born about 1889
StanleyAlice born about 1858
StanleyElla born about 1868
StanleyMaria born about 1873
StansfieldArthur born about 1939
StansfieldCarol born about 1938
StansfieldErnest born about 1913
StansfieldVera born about 1911
SteedElizabeth born about 1870
SteeleEdith born about 1899
SteeleWalter born about 1894
SteeleWalter born about 1920
SteinfeldWilliam Rborn about 1899
StevensAnnie born about 1867
StevensCatherine Eborn about 1911
StevensDale Fborn about 1933
StevensDavid Cborn about 1940
StevensElizabeth born about 1939
StevensGeorge Fborn about 1936
StevensOren Jborn about 1935
StevensOren Tborn about 1893
StevensRobert Eborn about 1940
StewartBessie Rborn about 1906
StewartEthel born about 1884
StewartJames Wborn about 1933
StewartNettie born about 1892
StewartRichard Aborn about 1907
StewartRichard Hborn about 1931
StgermansYvonne born about 1910
StilesLouise Eborn about 1856
StimpsonAda born about 1860
StlawrenceMadeline born about 1898
StockwellNellie born about 1855
StoneDoris born about 1887
StoryClarissa born about 1868
StoryMarion Cborn about 1915
StrinaakMichael born about 1910
StuartMary born about 1875
SuchodolskiTheodore born about 1914
SullivanCatherine born about 1856
SullivanDorothy born about 1920
SullivanFrank born about 1901
SullivanIciola born about 1904
SullivanMargaret born about 1882
SullivanMary Hborn about 1877
SullivanWilliam Hborn about 1880
SundGeorge Rborn about 1885
SutcliffMary born about 1917
SweeneyJames born about 1914
SweeneyJohn born about 1902
SwettElla born about 1853
SwindellHelena born about 1920
SwinwickStanley born about 1903
SylvesterAnnabelle born about 1897
SylviaInez born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TakorianAgnes Gborn about 1916
TakorianArmand Hborn about 1919
TaraffFlorence born about 1906
TaylorMarjorie born about 1870
TederNelida Mborn about 1880
TessHazel born about 1896
ThibaultMarie born about 1882
ThomasEleanor born about 1932
ThomasElmer Wborn about 1909
ThomasElmer Jr born about 1934
ThomasHelen born about 1907
ThomasNellie born about 1864
ThomasRobert born about 1922
ThompsonAugustus born about 1918
ThompsonMyrtle born about 1897
ThornleyJames born about 1921
ThorpeSadie born about 1890
TilesCharlotte born about 1887
TilesWayne born about 1888
TisdelFrank Jborn about 1880
TondiEmilio born about 1902
TownsendBarbara born about 1935
TownsendEdward born about 1939
TownsendErnest Cborn about 1895
TownsendErnest C Jrborn about 1918
TownsendFlorence Eborn about 1899
TownsendMarian born about 1927
TownsendMildred Bborn about 1920
TownsendOlive born about 1930
TownsendRuth born about 1929
TownsendWilliam born about 1932
TownshendVictor born about 1886
TraceyMary born about 1875
TraversFrancis born about 1925
TraversMyer born about 1906
TraversMyer born about 1928
TraverseGail born about 1939
TraverseGilbert born about 1913
TraverseMary Iborn about 1916
TremblayAnnie born about 1907
TremblayEdward born about 1905
TremblayEdwina born about 1931
TremblayFrances born about 1938
TremblayFrederick born about 1934
TremblayLeonard born about 1939
TremblayMary born about 1935
TremblayMaud born about 1928
TrembleAlfred Jborn about 1902
TrembleyDonald born about 1927
TrembleyEmily born about 1895
TrembleyHarold born about 1926
TrembleyMaurice born about 1890
TrembleyNorman born about 1924
TrembleyTheresa born about 1923
TrippAlton Eborn about 1897
TrowlRaymond born about 1908
TruleDorothy born about 1903
TurnbullLottie Mborn about 1877
TurnbullWilliam born about 1877
TurnerDorothy Mborn about 1918
TuttleArlene born about 1925
TuttleArthur Sborn about 1897
TuttleCharles Aborn about 1890
TuttleCharles Fborn about 1921
TuttleEdith born about 1891
TuttleFlorence Aborn about 1901
TuttleGladys born about 1901
TuttleHarold born about 1933
TuttleLeon born about 1874
TuttleOlive born about 1922
TuttleRichard Eborn about 1938
TuttleRobert Aborn about 1930
TuxheryHerbert Fborn about 1891
TylerCharlotte born about 1877
TylerDonald Cborn about 1937
TylerHarley born about 1877
TylerHarold born about 1909
TylerLaura born about 1913
TylerMarion Eborn about 1874
TytesMabel born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlenMary born about 1870
UlwickEdna born about 1911
UmlahAnnie born about 1876
UptonSarah Ellaborn about 1887

V Surnames

ValiguetteIreland born about 1886
VanvalkinburghLula born about 1868
VaschonMary born about 1869
VaughanAlbert Jborn about 1908
VeinotteCarolyn born about 1930
VeinotteDouglas born about 1926
VeinotteEli born about 1890
VeinotteElizabeth born about 1895
VeinotteElva born about 1923
VeinotteFrancis born about 1918
VeinotteViolet born about 1921
VeloudisMary born about 1915
VincigierraJosephine born about 1913
VirgiliSatamir born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeBeatrice Gborn about 1925
WadeBeatrice Hborn about 1897
WadeLevi Cborn about 1887
WaittEmma Mborn about 1866
WaittJ Willisborn about 1870
WakefieldMabel born about 1880
WalkerLeo born about 1913
WalkerMargaret Lborn about 1920
WallaceJohn born about 1880
WalshBeatrice born about 1894
WalshJohn born about 1905
WalshMichael born about 1884
WalshNellie born about 1874
WalshRichard Fborn about 1897
WaltonElizabeth born about 1871
WardIda born about 1861
WardVernon born about 1903
WatermanParker born about 1875
WatersKatherine born about 1882
WatsonAngribella born about 1886
WatsonMargaret born about 1867
WebbEvelyn born about 1878
WebbLaura Mayborn about 1877
WebberGeorge Hborn about 1873
WebberJames Pborn about 1917
WebberSarah Aborn about 1877
WelchErnest Lborn about 1875
WelchFrank Eborn about 1897
WelchHazel Hborn about 1896
WelchJebold Eborn about 1923
WelchMargaret born about 1872
WelchNorman Dborn about 1927
WelchShirley Iborn about 1924
WelchWilliam Hborn about 1929
WellAlfaretta born about 1852
WellanderElba born about 1876
WellingtonJosephin born about 1914
WellwoodMary Gborn about 1901
WendellAnnie born about 1868
WendellBessie born about 1908
WendellCarol born about 1927
WendellKarl born about 1904
WendellKarl Jr born about 1932
WendellLouise born about 1928
WendellMartha born about 1930
WendellRuth Eborn about 1912
WendellVirginia born about 1940
WennerbergAllen born about 1915
WennerbergAlvar born about 1923
WennerbergEbbe born about 1919
WennerbergFrederick born about 1925
WennerbergLennart born about 1917
WennerbergMathilda born about 1884
WennerbergRalph born about 1921
WestcottCharles born about 1907
WestcottDonald born about 1929
WestcottEdward born about 1932
WestcottKenneth born about 1938
WestcottMary born about 1908
WestcottRuth born about 1934
WestscottFrank born about 1873
WetherbelKate born about 1886
WheatleyFlora born about 1909
WheatleyLorne born about 1908
WheatleyLorne born about 1933
WheatleyMargaret born about 1892
WheatleyShirley Aborn about 1934
WhiteEthel born about 1892
WhiteLawrence Eborn about 1892
WhiteMatthew Eborn about 1915
WhiteNora Bborn about 1902
WhiteheadWilliam born about 1880
WhitehouseEdwin Wborn about 1879
WhitingElla born about 1864
WilcoxFrederick E Jrborn about 1932
WilcoxGeorge Pborn about 1930
WilcoxHelen Lborn about 1899
WilcoxPhyllis Lborn about 1929
WildeAlice born about 1881
WilderEliza born about 1856
WileyFrank Eborn about 1871
WileyHenry born about 1900
WileyKathleen born about 1904
WileyLaura Mborn about 1871
WileyNancy Mborn about 1927
WilkinsAlbert Aborn about 1874
WilkinsAlbert Wborn about 1915
WilkinsAnna born about 1913
WilkinsCarrie Bborn about 1858
WilkinsHelen Eborn about 1913
WilkinsHerbert Bborn about 1892
WilkinsLyman born about 1852
WilkinsMarion born about 1884
WilkinsMay Aborn about 1868
WilkinsOtis born about 1869
WilkinsWilliam Wborn about 1865
WilletteLaura born about 1902
WilliamEdward born about 1919
WilliamsClare born about 1890
WilliamsGertrude born about 1869
WilliamsLottie born about 1862
WilliamsPauline born about 1907
WilliamsPercy Hborn about 1880
WillingtonGrace born about 1884
WilsonBetty born about 1872
WilsonHenry born about 1907
WinquistBarbara born about 1933
WinquistLeonard born about 1888
WinquistMarie born about 1898
WisemanArminian born about 1891
WisemanDoris Aborn about 1930
WisemanJean Nborn about 1927
WisemanMargaret P Aborn about 1896
WisniwoskiEdward Sborn about 1914
WithamAddie Mborn about 1912
WithamRobert born about 1936
WithamWilbur Aborn about 1913
WitherallCheryl born about 1940
WithersGeorge Hborn about 1901
WoodEllen born about 1890
WoodErnest Jborn about 1890
WoodFrances born about 1920
WoodHarland born about 1916
WoodaleElla born about 1896
WoodburnAnnie born about 1865
WoodburnFlorence born about 1920
WoodburyIsabelle born about 1898
WoodburyRalph Aborn about 1894
WoodhouseHattie born about 1866
WoodwardBertha Fborn about 1884
WoodwardCarolyn born about 1922
WoodwardHarry Rborn about 1890
WoodwardHarry Rborn about 1909
WoodworthGeorge born about 1910
WoodworthRonald born about 1934
WoodworthViola born about 1908
WorkingsEverett born about 1885
WyattEsther born about 1885
WysockiLydia born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YochimRachel Elizborn about 1911
YoungCatherine born about 1888
YoungDorothy born about 1907
YoungEdna Lborn about 1892
YoungElizabeth Hborn about 1870
YoungHenry Aborn about 1867
YoungMabel born about 1880
YoungPaul Hborn about 1899
YoungPauline born about 1934
YoungRobert born about 1931
YoungSarah born about 1897
YoungWilliam Hborn about 1892
YoungWilliam Mborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZanuccoliInez born about 1913
ZibellCharles born about 1901
ZibellCharles born about 1926
ZibellElizabeth born about 1907
ZibellElizabeth born about 1929
ZibellHugh born about 1927
ZibellMary born about 1931
ZinkBertha born about 1911
ZinkConstance born about 1934
ZinkOliver Gborn about 1906
ZiployMaurice born about 1918

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