1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pelham, Hampshire, Massachusetts

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Massachusetts > Hampshire County > 1940 Census of Pelham

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamitisJulia born about 1920
AdrianceEvelyn Lborn about 1925
AdrianceEverett Eborn about 1861
AdrianceFlora Mborn about 1892
AdrianceHarry Lborn about 1921
AdrianceHelen Eborn about 1918
AdrianceHerbert Kborn about 1892
AldrichBernard Tborn about 1906
AldrichBernard T Jrborn about 1928
AldrichCarolyn Lborn about 1936
AldrichClara Mborn about 1907
AldrichDonald Bborn about 1930
AldrichDoris Cborn about 1902
AldrichEdith Mborn about 1908
AldrichJean Hborn about 1932
AldrichKenneth Rborn about 1933
AldrichLeander Eborn about 1903
AldrichLee Hborn about 1937
AldrichLota Bborn about 1875
AldrichMarguerite Aborn about 1939
AldrichMark Bborn about 1907
AldrichMildred Hborn about 1905
AldrichMinnie Bborn about 1877
AldrichRaymond Cborn about 1927
AldrichRichard Cborn about 1932
AldrichRichard Eborn about 1934
AldrichSam Cborn about 1869
AldrichWalter Sborn about 1905
AldrichWalter S Jrborn about 1925
AllenBarton Bborn about 1921
AllenBaxter Sborn about 1898
AllenDaniel Hborn about 1905
AllenElinor Gborn about 1894
AllenJane born about 1933
AllenNettie Eborn about 1909
AllenRichard Bborn about 1930
AllenStephen Gborn about 1924
AndersenAgnate born about 1900
AndersenAllen Eborn about 1900
AndersenAllen E Jrborn about 1930
AndersenEmily Aborn about 1937
AntonageVictor born about 1873
AshcroftEmily Sborn about 1861
AtwoodPreston born about 1910
AveryFrank Eborn about 1910
AveryGladys Lborn about 1914
AveryWayne Eborn about 1938
AyersMarion Eborn about 1864

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B Surnames

BaconCarlton born about 1903
BaconJennie Lborn about 1873
BaconMerle born about 1914
BardenRobert Sborn about 1896
BardenSusan Dborn about 1899
BealsElliott born about 1916
BeigelChristina born about 1914
BesterAlice Mborn about 1867
BohmerDoris Iborn about 1897
BohmerHarold born about 1891
BohmerHarold Jr born about 1931
BohmerKarl born about 1926
BrayAlton Tborn about 1903
BrayEdna Sborn about 1876
BrayVermen Sborn about 1909
BrockCharles Mborn about 1877
BrownDorothy Aborn about 1907
BrownEarl born about 1934
BrownHarold Eborn about 1906
BrownHenry Mborn about 1875
BrownNorman Fborn about 1933
BrownRuby Lborn about 1907
BrydenBernice Cborn about 1936
BrydenEdward Hborn about 1883
BrydenEdward H Jrborn about 1919
BrydenIra Mborn about 1890
BrydenLouise Mborn about 1926
BrydenOive Lborn about 1910
BurrowsEmma Eborn about 1924
BurrowsEva Dborn about 1932
BurrowsEveril Vborn about 1930
BurrowsFrancena Eborn about 1926
BurrowsGeorge Wborn about 1893
BurrowsGeorge Wborn about 1934
BurrowsGeorgiana Jborn about 1913
BurrowsKenneth Wborn about 1903
BurrowsLaura Lborn about 1912
BurrowsMarie Aborn about 1931
BurrowsMary Aborn about 1930
BurrowsMaurice Wborn about 1914
BurrowsMaurice W Jrborn about 1935
BurrowsNellie Rborn about 1936
BurrowsRaymond Aborn about 1937
BurrowsRichard Jborn about 1937
BurrowsRose Aborn about 1894
BurrowsWilfred Cborn about 1939

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C Surnames

CampbellHelen Wborn about 1900
CampbellHerbert Aborn about 1872
CampbellMabel Cborn about 1871
CampbellNorman Hborn about 1928
CampbellPaul Hborn about 1899
CampbellPaul H Jrborn about 1922
CampbellRoland Aborn about 1926
CarriganJames Hborn about 1881
CartoElva Jborn about 1882
ChaffeeJessica Bborn about 1879
ChaffeeWilliam Sborn about 1886
CicconeMario born about 1910
ClarkGeorge born about 1871
ClarkHelen Eborn about 1880
ClevelandCharles Lborn about 1882
ColemanJohn Eborn about 1918
CollisAda Eborn about 1881
CollisS Aliceborn about 1885
CooleyEdward Eborn about 1898
CooleyEvelyn Aborn about 1911
CooleyJames Lborn about 1938
CoxDorothy Lborn about 1914
CoxJohn Eborn about 1940
CoxLillian Rborn about 1936
CoxThomas Mborn about 1910
CravenLeroy Fborn about 1919
CrosbyCharlotte Eborn about 1912
CrosbyVina Fborn about 1885
CrutchMargaret born about 1912
CrutchRussell Aborn about 1901
CushmanEthel born about 1902
CushmanGeorge born about 1901
CushmanRichard born about 1930

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D Surnames

DavenportArthur born about 1911
DavenportDeborah born about 1939
DavenportMarjory Wborn about 1911
DavisAlfred Cborn about 1899
DavisCharles Hborn about 1861
DavisHelena born about 1902
DavisNorma Jborn about 1932
DavisRichard Cborn about 1934
DohertyAnn Rborn about 1910
DohertyJohn Fborn about 1913
DoubledayCelia Eborn about 1892
DoubledayElwin Jborn about 1921
DoubledayFred Wborn about 1879
DoubledayJames Fborn about 1931
DoubledayLois Eborn about 1921
DoubledayRobert Wborn about 1924
DubeCharles Dborn about 1903
DubeCharlotte Lborn about 1930
DubeLillian Eborn about 1909
DuncanJohn Aborn about 1861
DyerMuriel Wborn about 1885
DyerWalter Aborn about 1879

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E Surnames

EdsonGeorgiana born about 1878
EdyBarbara Hborn about 1939
EdyMabel Iborn about 1913
EdyRobert Eborn about 1913
EdyRobert Jborn about 1937
EdyRuth Fborn about 1936
EdyWalter Jborn about 1940
EwellAlice Eborn about 1933
EwellCalvin Tborn about 1926
EwellEmma Gborn about 1935
EwellEvelyn Rborn about 1905
EwellFrancis L Eborn about 1929
EwellGershom Fborn about 1904
EwellMary Rborn about 1931

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F Surnames

FarringtonHarry Nborn about 1911
FergusonDorothy Eborn about 1917
FergusonHerbert Wborn about 1914
FitchElizabeth born about 1934
FitchJohn born about 1933
FleuryArthur Aborn about 1896
FleuryBlanche Yborn about 1899
FooteArnold Cborn about 1900
FooteHelen Mborn about 1925
FooteMary Zborn about 1900
FooteTheodore born about 1926
FrostCharles Fborn about 1889
FrostClara Aborn about 1891
FrostDorothy Mborn about 1932
FrostHarold Eborn about 1923
FrostHerman Rborn about 1919
FrostHoward Hborn about 1928
FrostLillian Mborn about 1930
FrostLouisa Sborn about 1937
FrostMadeline Eborn about 1903
FrostMilton born about 1928
FrostViola Bborn about 1938
FrostWalter Rborn about 1921

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G Surnames

GageNellie Mborn about 1857
GardnerDonald born about 1934
GardnerEva Dborn about 1905
GardnerHarold Tborn about 1900
GardnerMarion born about 1939
GordellDonald born about 1939
GordellHermon Uborn about 1907
GordellIrene Aborn about 1913
GordellJohn born about 1937
GordellRoberta born about 1936
GouldChester Fborn about 1897
GouldEmma Lborn about 1872
GouldFrank Bborn about 1872
GouldNellie Pborn about 1898
GouldNorman Sborn about 1927
GouldRichard Lborn about 1925
GrantHenry born about 1896
GravesErnest Mborn about 1894
GravesEtta Dborn about 1861
GravesLeonora Eborn about 1888
GravesVirginia Mborn about 1917
GreanierCharles born about 1879
GreanierDurild born about 1918
GreanierRose Rborn about 1878
GuyottArlene Eborn about 1935
GuyottBarbara Aborn about 1938
GuyottBridget Aborn about 1865
GuyottDorothy Sborn about 1917
GuyottLucille Mborn about 1937
GuyottLuis born about 1861
GuyottWalter Lborn about 1906

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H Surnames

HamiltonFrank Eborn about 1863
HamiltonMartha born about 1870
HardyCharles born about 1872
HardyMary born about 1876
HarrBessie Aborn about 1935
HarrBlanche Aborn about 1932
HarrClara Bborn about 1900
HarrDavid Dborn about 1934
HarrJames Nborn about 1933
HarrJohn born about 1925
HarrJune Bborn about 1931
HarrLeon Eborn about 1919
HarrMae Hborn about 1926
HarrMargaret Wborn about 1938
HarrSarah Gborn about 1927
HarrSylvia Jborn about 1939
HarrisArthur Cborn about 1929
HarrisEdna Mborn about 1894
HarrisEmbert Aborn about 1857
HarrisFlorence Eborn about 1923
HarrisFrederick Aborn about 1881
HarrisGrace Aborn about 1925
HarrisWalter Cborn about 1896
HattArthur Eborn about 1875
HattCora Aborn about 1924
HattEllen Cborn about 1878
HattGrace Aborn about 1884
HattMaurice Fborn about 1922
HattRonald Hborn about 1909
HawleyAgnes Bborn about 1922
HawleyEthel Eborn about 1928
HawleyHarold Jborn about 1919
HawleyJohn Sborn about 1893
HawleyMary Eborn about 1899
HawleyRichard Mborn about 1924
HawleyRobert Vborn about 1931
HeywardBeverly Jborn about 1938
HeywardGlenn Eborn about 1935
HeywardRalph Sborn about 1901
HeywardVirgie Mborn about 1907
HillAgnes born about 1922
HookerEva Iborn about 1854
HookerWarren born about 1861
HowardFrank born about 1929
HuntBarbara Jborn about 1935
HuntCharlotte Lborn about 1905
HuntIda Iborn about 1882
HuntJohn Pborn about 1898
HuntMargaret Fborn about 1927
HuntleyElva Jborn about 1856

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J Surnames

JelokiBarbara born about 1932
JelokiDorothy born about 1934
JelokiJoseph born about 1909
JelokiSophia born about 1910
JohnsonFreeman born about 1913
JonesDolores Gborn about 1883
JonesFrancis Hborn about 1912
JonesGertrude Mborn about 1915

K Surnames

KarakulaMildred born about 1928
KeatingBernard Jborn about 1905
KeatingMary Bborn about 1908
KelloggHarriet Aborn about 1859
KemballEvelyn Dborn about 1910
KemballGrace Cborn about 1886
KennedyJoseph Rborn about 1881
KeoghAdrian Dborn about 1902
KeoghLionel Mborn about 1892
KeoghMildred Hborn about 1914
KeoghPatricia Aborn about 1934
KerinskyAndrew born about 1927
KerinskyAnna born about 1922
KerinskyJohn born about 1926
KerinskyStella born about 1924
KeyesDorothy Hborn about 1923
KeyesEdmund Mborn about 1916
KeyesJulia Pborn about 1896
KeyesLeonard Wborn about 1927
KeyesPearl Pborn about 1892
KeyesPearl P Jrborn about 1921
KeyesRobert Eborn about 1929
KimballEsther Eborn about 1884
KimballGeorge Aborn about 1882
KnightCurtis Eborn about 1924

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L Surnames

LaclaireJoseph Hborn about 1874
LambJack born about 1873
LambertBetty born about 1924
LambertClaire Wborn about 1926
LambertDoris Eborn about 1905
LambertLucien Tborn about 1899
LamsonClarence born about 1870
LapierreTheodore born about 1872
LoomsNellie Eborn about 1858
LoretishDavid Hborn about 1877
LoretteGertrude born about 1855
LoveroCharles Kborn about 1870
LoveroDonald Jborn about 1933
LoveroEllen Mborn about 1929
LoveroIrene Gborn about 1905
LoveroJoseph Aborn about 1900
LoveroLelia Pborn about 1932
LoveroMarie Hborn about 1912
LoveroMyrtle Eborn about 1878
LoveroVictoria Mborn about 1927
LoveroWilbur Rborn about 1912
LummanAlbert Eborn about 1910
LummanMabel Hborn about 1910

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M Surnames

MaillouxJoseph Eborn about 1886
MaillouxMary Dborn about 1867
MaillouxNellie Mborn about 1890
MaillouxRuth born about 1924
MartinBernard born about 1932
MartinLeon born about 1929
MartinNorman born about 1930
MasqueOlga born about 1919
McClureCarrie born about 1861
MerchantGlenn born about 1926
MichalekJoseph born about 1903
MilesRobert Aborn about 1913
MoahlerLota Mborn about 1924
MoahlerMarie Aborn about 1899
MoahlerThomas Rborn about 1922
MoahlerWesley Aborn about 1928
MooreH Cliftonborn about 1888
MooreMarion Fborn about 1925
MooreMinnie Eborn about 1888
MorganEtta Lborn about 1886
MorganJoseph Fborn about 1886
MorganJune Eborn about 1916
MorganPhyllis Eborn about 1922
MorseMargaret D Eborn about 1856
MullinsEdna Eborn about 1887

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O Surnames

OconnellMary born about 1866
OrourkeJohn Fborn about 1878
OrourkeMartha born about 1877
OrrellBarbara Eborn about 1932
OrrellCaroline Mborn about 1931
OrrellConrad Fborn about 1904
OrrellDonald Cborn about 1937
OrrellDorothy Iborn about 1925
OrrellIda Mborn about 1899
OrrellKenneth Hborn about 1926
OrrellLeona Jborn about 1933
OrrellMarilyn Eborn about 1935

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P Surnames

PageBertram Cborn about 1898
PageCharles Lborn about 1921
PageHarold born about 1928
PageJohn Aborn about 1924
PageMary Bborn about 1897
PageRobert born about 1923
ParkerGeorge Eborn about 1905
ParkerKatheryn Aborn about 1890
ParringtonDoris Jborn about 1934
ParringtonGrace Aborn about 1913
ParringtonHarlan Fborn about 1893
PatienceSophia born about 1868
PatrillJoseph born about 1857
PatrillWilliam Jborn about 1898
PattersonWilliam Hborn about 1899
PetersonClara Sborn about 1877
PetersonFelix born about 1907
PichetteEric born about 1868
PrebleCharles born about 1938
PrebleJohn born about
PrebleKenneth born about 1909
PrebleMildred born about 1913
PrescottEileen born about 1932
PrescottEsther Eborn about 1909
PrescottFrank Hborn about 1903
PrescottLawrence Hborn about 1905
PrescottLeila Iborn about 1904
PrescottLeonard Hborn about 1928

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R Surnames

RandolphFlavil Oborn about 1887
RandolphFred Fborn about 1889
ReedBarbara Aborn about 1927
ReedForrest Oborn about 1921
ReedGladys Oborn about 1900
ReedGuy Hborn about 1896
ReedW Aldenborn about 1924
RenaudPhillabert Fborn about 1917
RenaudTheodore Sborn about 1916
ReynoldsBeverly Aborn about 1930
ReynoldsCatherine Jborn about 1899
ReynoldsJoy Cborn about 1928
ReynoldsWilliam Gborn about 1900
ReynoldsWilliam Jr born about 1925
RichardsonEva Vborn about 1859
RichardsonMuriel born about 1925
RichardsonShirley born about 1922
RichardsonWarren born about 1934
RichardsonWilliam Eborn about 1890
RiouxCharles born about 1932
RiouxMarjorie born about 1935
RobertsDelia born about 1886
RobertsJoseph born about 1879
RobinsonDoris Mborn about 1914
RobinsonDuane Fborn about 1937
RobinsonGordon Wborn about 1914
RobinsonJanice Fborn about 1926
RobinsonMarion Cborn about 1917
RobinsonMarion Dborn about 1896
RobinsonNadine Mborn about 1923
RobinsonRaymond Cborn about 1894
RodziewiczAmelia born about 1915
RodziewiczJoseph born about 1916

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S Surnames

ScottMary Mcauliffeborn about 1872
SearsCharles Aborn about 1888
SearsNellie Eborn about 1888
SeitzJohn Cborn about 1871
SeitzRaymond Hborn about 1915
ShepardDonald born about 1940
ShepardFrederick Aborn about 1867
ShepardFrederick A Jrborn about 1917
ShepardMarguerite Bborn about 1921
ShepardRonald born about 1940
ShepardRuth Mborn about 1919
ShepardSally born about 1890
ShumwayLawrence Eborn about 1915
ShumwayLillian Kborn about 1917
SimardJohn Dborn about 1885
SimardLilla Aborn about 1887
SmithBeatrice born about 1908
SmithC Tysonborn about 1900
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1915
SmithJohn Tborn about 1928
SmithJustin Lborn about 1866
SmithLawrence Eborn about 1920
SmithLizzie Mborn about 1878
SmithMarie born about 1902
SmithPrescilla born about 1938
SmithRuth Eborn about 1885
SmithWinthrop born about 1937
SpencerGeorge Cborn about 1871
SpencerVivian Cborn about 1902
StetsonIsabella born about 1859
StevensHenry Cborn about 1870
StevensRuby Eborn about 1882
StilesCelia Aborn about 1901
StilesH Mauriceborn about 1924
StilesHerbert Hborn about 1900
StoneMary Eborn about 1868
SullivanAgnes Lborn about 1898
SullivanFrancis Aborn about 1923
SullivanGrace born about 1933
SullivanJames Rborn about 1931
SullivanJohn Fborn about 1895
SullivanJohn Pborn about 1922
SullivanMarjorie Eborn about 1926
SullivanRose Mborn about 1927
SullivanWilliam Cborn about 1924
SuprenantCamille born about 1858
SuprenantCharles Fborn about 1926
SuprenantEsther born about 1904
SuprenantFrank Lborn about 1902
SuprenantGloria born about 1928
SuprenantJames born about 1934
SuprenantRichard born about 1929
SuprenantShirley Eborn about 1927
SuprenantVictorine Mborn about 1864

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T Surnames

TaylorBradford Pborn about 1903
TaylorDebora Mborn about 1931
TaylorEmma Pborn about 1886
TaylorGeorge Eborn about 1872
TaylorGeorge Rborn about 1896
TaylorJane Aliceborn about 1937
TaylorMary L Hborn about 1899
TaylorSally Webbborn about 1934
TaylorSarah Aborn about 1906
TeraivanenOscar born about 1917
TetraultNellie Lborn about 1929
ThorndikeHorace Gborn about 1898
ThorndikeMabel Cborn about 1910
ThorndikeRobert Gborn about 1934
ThorntonBarbara Jborn about 1936
ThorntonBradley Aborn about 1939
ThorntonClyde Cborn about 1884
ThorntonDorothy Eborn about 1916
ThorntonEdith Mborn about 1877
ThorntonGabrielle Aborn about 1915
ThorntonIsabelle Mborn about 1912
ThorntonLeigh Aborn about 1914
ThorntonMary Vborn about 1890
ThorntonMilton Lborn about 1883
ThorntonMilton L Jrborn about 1910
ThorntonReginald Cborn about 1916
ThorntonRichard Eborn about 1936
ThorntonStephen Lborn about 1939
TrachyAugust Zborn about 1874
TrachyCelia born about 1881
TrachyHelen Cborn about 1922
TrachyLinwood Aborn about 1928
TrachyRalph Hborn about 1903
TrachyRuth born about 1908

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U Surnames

UnderwoodEvelyn born about 1926

W Surnames

WalkerCharles Dborn about 1890
WalkerDonald Bborn about 1921
WalkerGrace Bborn about 1891
WalkerJames Dborn about 1918
WardAlice Lborn about 1882
WardAlice Lborn about 1926
WardDonald Gborn about 1921
WardDorothy Nborn about 1894
WardErnest Aborn about 1903
WardEugene Eborn about 1887
WardJean Aborn about 1922
WardNorman born about 1926
WardRuth born about 1904
WarnerElsie Mborn about 1883
WarnerLaura Eborn about 1855
WarnerStephen Oborn about 1878
WashFloretta born about 1865
WashLora born about 1908
WeaverAuburn Kborn about 1912
WeaverAvis Mborn about 1916
WeaverDonald Aborn about 1936
WeaverEdward Rborn about 1937
WeaverEvelyn born about 1920
WeaverFlora born about 1915
WeaverLeigh born about 1878
WeaverLester born about 1917
WeaverRuth Aborn about 1918
WeaverWalter Jborn about 1913
WebbGeorge Aborn about 1875
WebbMildred Dborn about 1915
WebbRichard Cborn about 1927
WebbRobert Gborn about 1940
WhippleChloie Gborn about 1888
WhippleDoris Mborn about 1913
WhippleEdward Aborn about 1904
WhippleGloria Rborn about 1922
WhippleHarry Jborn about 1884
WhippleOlin Eborn about 1916
WhiteDavid Oborn about 1922
WhiteDoris Oborn about 1893
WhiteFrances Vborn about 1927
WhiteHarold Bborn about 1894
WhiteHarold B Jrborn about 1919
WilliamsHelen Eborn about 1899
WilliamsJ Paulborn about 1900
WilliamsKatherine Lborn about 1930
WilliamsNuman Aborn about 1929
WilliamsSarah Eborn about 1935
WillsonCharles Aborn about 1876
WillsonLawrence Aborn about 1906
WilsonHarold Eborn about 1926
WilsonLouise Jborn about 1928
WilsonMarion Gborn about 1904
WilsonWilliam Oborn about 1904
WoodsAlice Mborn about 1879
WymanGeorge Bborn about 1904

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Y Surnames

YeganCharles Hborn about 1938
YeganHarant born about 1902
YeganMarie Lborn about 1902

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