1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pepperell, Middlesex, Massachusetts

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Massachusetts > Middlesex County > 1940 Census of Pepperell

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamBarbara born about 1887
AdamBernice born about 1922
AdamNellie Kborn about 1895
AdamovichCharles Gborn about 1918
AdamovichFrank Wborn about 1929
AdamsCharles Bborn about 1883
AddeAnn born about 1933
AddeMargaret born about 1902
AddeTriscott born about 1901
AldrichHannah born about 1908
AldrichHelen Sborn about 1878
AllardDelicia born about 1897
AllardGeorge Uborn about 1898
AllardPaul born about 1920
AllardRobert born about 1923
AllenAnn born about 1877
AllenClaire born about 1930
AllenClare Wborn about 1852
AllenConstance born about 1890
AllenDouglas born about 1912
AllenElla born about 1905
AllenHelen Cborn about 1924
AllenHelen Rborn about 1901
AllenJames Hborn about 1932
AllenJohn born about 1930
AllenJohn Tborn about 1925
AllenJoseph Lborn about 1894
AllenLucy Fborn about 1928
AllenMargaret Eborn about 1894
AllenPaul Jborn about 1935
AllenRita Aborn about 1922
AllenRobert born about 1932
AllenRoland Dborn about 1924
AllenRuth Jborn about 1938
AllenStewart Tborn about 1925
AllenThomas born about 1893
AllenWilliam born about 1906
AllisonRobert born about 1871
AlmyLouis Cborn about 1907
AlmyRhoda Lborn about 1937
AlmyWarren Jborn about 1910
AmellDolly born about 1903
AmellEarl born about 1902
AmerFlorence born about 1895
Anderson born about 1912
AndersonAndrew Gborn about 1886
AndersonCharles Wborn about 1910
AndersonClara born about 1880
AndersonJames born about 1891
AndersonJohn born about 1922
AndersonLavina born about 1901
AndersonLouis born about 1861
AndersonOscar Cborn about 1904
AndersonWilliam born about 1879
AndrascikEustina born about 1891
AndrewJonas born about 1865
AndrewsClaire Fborn about 1922
AndrewsFannie born about 1863
AndrewsHarriet Dborn about 1908
AndrewsRobert born about 1899
AndrewsRobert Jr born about 1928
AnnisJenny Mborn about 1872
ArchambaultClarence born about 1920
ArchambeaultBeatrice born about 1923
ArchambeaultCharlotte born about 1898
ArchambeaultFrank born about 1918
ArchambeaultFred born about 1918
ArchambeaultFred Aborn about 1902
ArchambeaultGeorge Rborn about 1926
ArchambeaultGertrude Aborn about 1899
ArchambeaultHelen born about 1905
ArchambeaultHenry Jborn about 1893
ArchambeaultHenry Kborn about 1919
ArchambeaultJohn Eborn about 1921
ArchambeaultJoseph Fborn about 1921
ArchambeaultLeonard born about 1930
ArchambeaultMargery Rborn about 1926
ArchambeaultMary Jborn about 1874
ArchambeaultPaul born about 1932
ArchambeaultPeter Rborn about 1893
ArchambeaultRita born about 1928
ArchambeaultRobert born about 1924
ArchambeaultTheresa Bborn about 1928
ArchambeaultWilliam Hborn about 1914
ArcherGeorge Tborn about 1885
ArcherMargaret born about 1915
ArcherNora born about 1886
ArmstrongEdwin Bborn about 1915
ArmstrongHelen born about 1916
AttridgeAgnes born about 1901
AttridgeArthur born about 1883
AttridgeFrank born about 1908
AttridgeGerry Tborn about 1918
AttridgeIrene born about 1888
AttridgeJames born about 1885
AttridgeJoan born about 1939
AttridgeJoanna born about 1861
AttridgeJohn Jborn about 1861
AttridgeJohn Pborn about 1882
AttridgeMary Aborn about 1909
AttridgePaul born about 1914
AubreyFred born about 1886
AyresBeulah born about 1915
AyresHarold Eborn about 1911
AyresHarold Eborn about 1935
AyresKatherine born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabelJohn Fborn about 1912
BackerFrederick Cborn about 1919
BackerHelen Mborn about 1889
BadialiJulian Eborn about 1887
BaggotPaul born about 1883
BaileyAgnes born about 1893
BaileyMason born about 1921
BaileyWilliam Jborn about 1892
BakerAnnie Eborn about 1874
BakerChara Mborn about 1849
BakerLawrence born about 1894
BallWillis born about 1859
BancroftAllen born about 1939
BancroftAudrey born about 1904
BancroftBarbara Aborn about 1892
BancroftLulu born about 1870
BancroftVerner born about 1899
BancroftVerner Jr born about 1934
BancroftVirginia born about 1937
BankeEtta Lborn about 1920
BankeHarry Jborn about 1919
BannonArthur born about 1874
BarabyAlfred Rborn about 1893
BarabyEvelyn born about 1930
BarabyM Veranicaborn about 1900
BarberKenneth born about 1935
BarberRobert born about 1917
BarberWaldo born about 1894
BarberWinifred born about 1918
BarkhouseEmmy born about 1904
BarkhouseEmmy born about 1905
BarkhouseEmory Cborn about 1933
BarkhouseErnest Mborn about 1935
BarnesMary Aborn about 1864
BarrettDavid born about 1917
BartlettAlice born about 1888
BartlettArthur born about 1885
BassettPearl Vborn about 1914
BatchelderGeorge Lborn about 1878
BatchelderPh??Le born about 1878
BaucherAnna born about 1873
BeauregardArthur born about 1921
BellDavid Bborn about 1929
BelleisleAnn Pborn about 1895
BelleisleRene Rborn about 1897
BeluseHoward born about 1911
BemisCara Eborn about 1885
BemisLoris Dborn about 1872
BenhamMaud born about 1885
BennettC Leonardborn about 1911
BennettC Leonard Jrborn about 1939
BennettCharles Iborn about 1853
BennettCharles Wborn about 1880
BennettFred Dborn about 1877
BennettHarold Dborn about 1926
BennettHarold Rborn about 1903
BennettHattie born about 1878
BennettLillia born about 1881
BennettRuth born about 1914
BensonFrederick born about 1870
BensonNellie born about 1881
BergeronJoseph born about 1915
BergeronMana born about 1917
BernatchezCecilia born about 1906
BernatchezJohn born about 1905
BertranRaymon born about 1916
BertranRose born about 1919
BertranTheresa born about 1939
BertrandAnna Mborn about 1895
BertrandAurore born about 1922
BertrandBarbara born about 1927
BertrandDonald born about 1927
BertrandFrancis born about 1892
BertrandJ Leoborn about 1900
BertrandJacquline born about 1923
BertrandJean born about 1929
BertrandLeona born about 1901
BertrandPhyllis born about 1930
BertrandRobert Pborn about 1917
BisaillonRaymond born about 1918
BlakeAgnes Bborn about 1891
BlakeAmanda Bborn about 1907
BlakeArnald Eborn about 1906
BlakeDonald born about 1923
BlakeEthel Mborn about 1873
BlakeEva born about 1883
BlakeGene Aborn about 1934
BlakeGloria Mborn about 1932
BlakeJames Hborn about 1887
BlakeKatherine Fborn about 1864
BlakeMildred born about 1923
BlakeTheresa Mborn about 1893
BlaneyBernard born about 1912
BlodgettMargaret born about 1916
Blood??? Pborn about 1924
BloodAlbert Rborn about 1926
BloodAldis Gborn about 1915
BloodAlice born about 1890
BloodAnnah born about 1865
BloodBarbara born about 1935
BloodBeatrice born about 1908
BloodBert Eborn about 1878
BloodBeverly born about 1932
BloodCarol Jborn about 1936
BloodCharles Aborn about 1907
BloodClarence Eborn about 1920
BloodDavid born about 1938
BloodDonald Mborn about 1911
BloodDonald Jr born about 1936
BloodEdward Pborn about 1930
BloodElizabeth Gborn about 1890
BloodElwood Gborn about 1922
BloodErnest born about 1893
BloodGerry born about 1936
BloodHoward born about 1929
BloodJohn born about 1932
BloodKate Eborn about 1885
BloodLester Eborn about 1912
BloodLillian Dborn about 1910
BloodLillian Pborn about 1906
BloodLucy Hborn about 1907
BloodMargaret born about 1863
BloodMarjorie born about 1930
BloodMildred Hborn about 1904
BloodMilton born about 1939
BloodNancy born about 1935
BloodNatalie born about 1928
BloodNellie born about 1859
BloodPriscilla Gborn about 1938
BloodRalph born about 1903
BloodRalph Hborn about 1929
BloodRaymond born about 1934
BloodRichard Lborn about 1932
BloodRobert Eborn about 1933
BloodRobert Hborn about 1924
BloodRobert Lborn about 1885
BloodRobert L Jrborn about 1921
BloodRuth born about 1903
BloodShirley born about 1938
BloodWilliam Aborn about 1906
BloodWilliam Nborn about 1901
BloodWilliam Jr born about 1929
BondLillian Wborn about 1872
BondRuth Lborn about 1912
BookerChristine born about 1938
BookerGertrude born about 1919
BorgattiClara born about 1896
BorgattiInez born about 1920
BorgattiPrimo born about 1884
BosquetAlayne Eborn about 1939
BosquetCarl Cborn about 1937
BosquetClifford Bborn about 1909
BosquetHerbert Lborn about 1870
BosquetIsabel Mborn about 1915
BosquetPaul Aborn about 1936
BosterAlice Gborn about 1885
BosterArchifault Gborn about 1883
BosterRuth Cborn about 1913
BouchardBlanch born about 1906
BouchardEva Hborn about 1889
BouchardJohn Aborn about 1937
BouchardWilfred born about 1906
BouchardWilfred Eborn about 1898
BouchardWilfred Eborn about 1928
BouliaFrances Helenborn about 1916
BouliaLucy born about 1871
BouliaMary Charlotteborn about 1919
BouliaNellie Fborn about 1892
BouliaRaymond Lborn about 1894
BoutwellAlice Lborn about 1920
BoutwellBarbara Eborn about 1926
BoutwellBeverly born about 1922
BoutwellDella Lborn about 1863
BoutwellDorothy Aborn about 1927
BoutwellGeorge Eborn about 1892
BoutwellLeroy Gborn about 1925
BoutwellMyrtle born about 1907
BoutwellRaymond Rborn about 1898
BoutwellRuth Pborn about 1893
BoydIsabella born about 1873
BoyntonFlora Aborn about 1900
BoyntonIda Mborn about 1864
BoyntonMargaret Rborn about 1896
BoyntonViola born about 1883
BradburyFrancis born about 1916
BradfordMae Sborn about 1903
BradleyBarbara born about 1915
BreenAlice Eborn about 1919
BreenCecil Rborn about 1907
BreenFrancis Mborn about 1922
BreenGeorge born about 1874
BreenGertrude Bborn about 1901
BreenJames born about 1868
BreenJohn born about 1909
BreenLes Pborn about 1901
BreenMary Eborn about 1924
BreenMary Rborn about 1875
BreenRobert born about 1933
BreenThomas Jborn about 1895
BrenDorothy born about 1915
BrenJacquline born about 1933
BrenWinslow born about 1913
BrennanEugene Pborn about 1903
BriandOmer born about 1920
BrightElizabeth Mborn about 1885
BrooksCharles born about 1910
BrooksEdward born about 1890
BrooksErnest born about 1932
BrooksHazel born about 1896
BrooksMary Aborn about 1940
BrooksPhac?? born about 1911
BrownArthur born about 1892
BrownArthur Jborn about 1921
BrownFrederick Aborn about 1913
BrownJ Frankborn about 1866
BrownMarshall born about 1902
BrownMarshall Jr born about 1925
BrownMary Eborn about 1922
BrownMary J Hborn about 1865
BrownRuth Mborn about 1902
BrownTheresa born about 1890
BrownWilliam Eborn about 1877
BrunA??One Eborn about 1891
BrunDina born about 1891
BrunFlorence born about 1923
BryantGloria born about 1930
BryantIrene born about 1934
BryantIrene Aborn about 1905
BryantMary Louborn about 1932
BuckCarrie Lborn about 1892
BuckRalph Wborn about 1892
BurkeMichael born about 1889
BurneyAlice born about 1905
BurneyBarbara born about 1930
BurneyCarlton Aborn about 1898
BurneyCarlton Dborn about 1926
BurneyDonald born about 1927
BurneyElizabeth born about 1932
BurneyPriscilla born about 1928
ButlandAndrew Eborn about 1889
ButlandHazel Rborn about 1891
ButlerJennie born about 1890
ByrneBarbara born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CahillJennie Aborn about 1873
CallDorothy born about 1936
CallElna Mborn about 1901
CallElton Sborn about 1928
CallEthel born about 1902
CallHallet born about 1897
CallMary born about 1898
CallRobert Wborn about 1922
CallWesley born about 1926
CallWillem born about 1924
CallahanMichael Jborn about 1916
CallumAndrew Jborn about 1860
CallumAndrew Jr born about 1891
CallumJane born about 1892
CallumRobert Jborn about 1920
CallumS Lucllaborn about 1884
CampbellIrene Fborn about 1920
CampbellLydia born about 1899
CampbellRichard Sborn about 1923
CannBetty Mborn about 1919
CannElbridge Gborn about 1906
CarbinAlbert Eborn about 1935
CarbinArthur Aborn about 1886
CarbinArthur Jr born about 1929
CarbinEleanor Jborn about 1931
CarbinEvelyn born about 1910
CarbinFrederick Aborn about 1932
CarbinSarah Eborn about 1933
CardainNelson Jborn about 1874
CardinalDavid Pborn about 1920
CarkinMarie Eborn about 1881
CarkinWallace born about 1881
CarlJohn Jborn about 1873
CarlLinwood Eborn about 1897
CarneyGrace Wborn about 1878
CarterA Gertrudeborn about 1889
CarterBetsy Roseborn about 1934
CarterBrynton born about 1920
CarterCharlotte Eborn about 1926
CarterDoris born about 1922
CarterEthel Mborn about 1903
CarterNatalie Mborn about 1883
CarterRaymond Bborn about 1881
CasperPaul born about 1893
CassJames born about 1914
CayRobert born about 1874
ChamberlainGeorge born about 1920
ChambersBlanch Pborn about 1901
ChambersChester Eborn about 1920
ChambersEllen Aborn about 1939
ChambersGeorge Mborn about 1901
ChambersGeorge Rborn about 1919
ChambersThelma Gborn about 1918
ChapmanAlice born about 1878
ChapmanFred Hborn about 1878
ChapmanM Donaldborn about 1930
ChapmanMeta born about 1885
ChapmanNeva Eborn about 1876
ChapmanWalter born about 1880
ChapmanWilliam born about 1876
CharboneauArthur born about 1889
CharboneauNellie born about 1889
CharestThomas born about 1899
ChaseAlice Gborn about 1897
ChaseAlice Gborn about 1937
ChaseAnnabel born about 1900
ChaseArlene Gborn about 1922
ChaseC Gordonborn about 1920
ChaseCatherine Mborn about 1866
ChaseDonald Eborn about 1934
ChaseEsther Cborn about 1924
ChaseFlorence Lborn about 1905
ChaseFrancis Eborn about 1900
ChaseH Leaborn about 1931
ChaseHarold Dborn about 1936
ChaseHarold Lborn about 1907
ChaseHilda born about 1889
ChaseJ Donaldborn about 1903
ChaseJames W Jrborn about 1888
ChaseJohn Aborn about 1927
ChaseJoseph Eborn about 1925
ChaseLeonard Pborn about 1939
ChaseMarion Eborn about 1936
ChaseMarion F Mborn about 1896
ChaseNancy born about 1937
ChaseRaymond Rborn about 1937
ChaseRichard Fborn about 1926
ChaseRobert Fborn about 1929
ChaseRuth Eborn about 1921
ChaseViola born about 1903
ChaseWilliam Fborn about 1919
ChaseWilliam Jborn about 1894
ChishomJennie born about 1876
ChishomThomas born about 1904
ChurchClara born about 1892
ClappSarah born about 1874
ClappWilliam born about 1864
ClarkChristine born about 1939
ClarkEva born about 1914
ClarkGeorgeann born about 1889
ClarkMarjorie born about 1937
ClarkMarton Mborn about 1906
ClarkRichard born about 1914
ClarkRichard Jr born about 1935
ClarkSarah born about 1865
ClarkWilliam Gborn about 1898
ClearyJames Hborn about 1896
ClearyJohn Tborn about 1931
ClearyMargarite Mborn about 1899
ClementsJohn Jborn about 1916
ClevelandCarrie Bborn about 1872
ClevelandEugene Sborn about 1865
CliffordEsther Vborn about 1901
CliffordFrederick Jborn about 1932
CliffordGeorge born about 1927
CliffordLillian born about 1888
CliffordPaul Hborn about 1939
CliffordThomas Jr born about 1925
CliffordWilliam Wborn about 1879
CobbErnest Oborn about 1884
CobbLillian born about 1886
CodyGertrude Aborn about 1875
CoffeyMary Eborn about 1858
ColbeckCharles born about 1898
ColbeckHattie Pborn about 1902
ColbertAnne Mborn about 1910
ColbertAnne Rborn about 1916
ColbertGeorge Jborn about 1912
ColbertMadeline Fborn about 1922
ColbertMargaret born about 1881
ColbertMargaret Aborn about 1938
ColbertMargaret Pborn about 1919
ColbertMathew born about 1870
ColbertMathew Jr born about 1911
ColbertThelma born about 1913
ColsonBertha born about 1888
ColterHelen Aborn about 1925
ColterHelen Wborn about 1898
ColterJohn born about 1895
ColterJohn E Jrborn about 1926
ColterPaul Rborn about 1928
ColterRichard born about 1934
CombieJennie Mborn about 1876
CombieWilliam J Hborn about 1863
ConleyAlice Mborn about 1914
ConleyArdell Lborn about 1933
ConleyBrine Dborn about 1935
ConleyCharles Gborn about 1939
ConleyDanna Lborn about 1932
ConleyEleanor Eborn about 1938
ConleyJames Bborn about 1934
ConleyJeanne Mborn about 1936
ConleyLes Eborn about 1909
ConleyMabel Lborn about 1908
ConleyMary Aborn about 1927
ConleyMary Gborn about 1883
ConleyPeter Bborn about 1939
ConleySally Aborn about 1940
ConleyThomas born about 1906
ConleyThomas Jr born about 1929
ConleyWilliam Bborn about 1918
CookClarence Aborn about 1867
CookElizabeth Wborn about 1869
Cooter??? born about 1899
CooterArthur Lborn about 1873
CoppBertha Mborn about 1900
CoppGrace born about 1883
CoppHarold Wborn about 1902
CoppMargaret born about 1878
CornellierArthur born about 1935
CornellierCharles Aborn about 1940
CornellierElizabeth Aborn about 1939
CornellierLionel Aborn about 1911
CornellierLoraine born about 1917
CornellierLouise Aborn about 1937
CornellierMarjorie Lborn about 1934
CoteFrancis born about 1911
CotePhilip Jborn about 1915
CottinFrank born about 1916
CottonCatherine born about 1884
CottonFrancis born about 1912
CottonJohn born about 1920
CottonMabel born about 1916
CousinsDoris Sborn about 1898
CousinsMargaret Bborn about 1929
CousinsWilliam born about 1898
CovelCharles born about 1912
CranMarie Aborn about 1889
CrandallDella born about 1875
CrandallEthan Bborn about 1933
CraneDonald Wborn about 1917
CreightonInez Aborn about 1914
CreightonRichard Wborn about 1937
CreightonWilliam Eborn about 1913
CrislaWilliam Jborn about 1916
CrockerGoldie born about 1915
CrockerOscar born about 1904
CrockettLyman born about 1889
CrockettThresa born about 1890
CroninJohn born about 1883
CroslandRobert born about 1917
CrosleyDaniel born about 1933
CrosleyFlorence Cborn about 1903
CrosleyJoan born about 1931
CrosleyWalter born about 1910
CullinanDorothy Lborn about 1912
CullinanGertrude born about 1884
CullinanJohn Fborn about 1882
CummingHenry Jborn about 1928
CummingLester Hborn about 1899
CummingMary Hborn about 1903
CummingPatricia Mborn about 1923
CummingsCarolyn born about 1934
CummingsDorothy Mborn about 1933
CummingsJohn born about 1907
CummingsJohn Fborn about 1935
CummingsViola born about 1908
CunniffAlice Cborn about 1901
CunniffBeatrice born about 1902
CunniffBernard Aborn about 1897
CunniffBernard Jr born about 1933
CunniffCatherine Aborn about 1896
CustyEdward Jborn about 1877
CzarnionkaAd?L?E born about 1923
CzarnionkaHelen born about 1922
CzarnionkaJoseph born about 1922
CzarnionkaOlga born about 1894
CzarnionkaSimon born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaeGeorge Eborn about 1919
DahlenAnne born about 1869
DalbyHamilton Mborn about 1888
DalpeAnna Pborn about 1864
DalpeLouis born about 1863
DanAda born about 1855
DanCynthia born about 1938
DanFrank Billingborn about 1936
DanGeorge born about 1858
DanMildred born about 1906
DanTheadore Wborn about 1907
DaneGertrude Eborn about 1873
DanforthCarroll born about 1929
DanforthHelen born about 1927
DanforthMary born about 1934
DanforthRichard born about 1923
DanforthRobert born about 1924
DanforthRuth born about 1926
DanforthWilliam born about 1893
DanielsAlta Mborn about 1893
DanielsClarence Aborn about 1880
DapkusFrank born about 1890
DapkusJoseph born about 1880
DapkusJoseph born about 1922
DavidGertrude born about 1913
DavidLeonard born about 1910
DavisCarrie Bborn about 1885
DavisEarl L Jrborn about 1927
DavisEthel Aborn about 1882
DavisFrederick born about 1879
DavisJanet Mborn about 1896
DavisJohn Mborn about 1893
DavisJohn M Jrborn about 1922
DavisKenneth Lborn about 1907
DavisKenneth Wborn about 1926
DavisLena Dborn about 1874
DavisMarion Eborn about 1938
DavisMary Eborn about 1912
DavisRobert Eborn about 1923
DavisSidney Aborn about 1893
DawDorothy born about 1936
DawEmma born about 1904
DawHarry Jborn about 1905
DecaenHarriet Tborn about 1874
DecaenWilliam born about 1869
DeeDaphne Tborn about 1928
DeeEllen Eborn about 1902
DeeJacquline Aborn about 1929
DeeJohn Fborn about 1899
DeeJohn Fborn about 1931
DeeNara born about 1863
DeeP Stephenborn about 1896
DeeTeckla Eborn about 1901
DempseyEdward born about 1893
DempseyJean born about 1935
DempseyLester born about 1923
DempseyLoraine born about 1929
DempseyRose born about 1896
DenaultAlfred born about 1915
DenaultAlice born about 1906
DenaultCecil Pborn about 1909
DenaultMargaret born about 1922
DenaultMaud born about 1891
DenaultRaymond born about 1907
DenaultRaymond born about 1935
DenaultRichard born about 1936
DenaultRussell born about 1933
DenaultWilfred Jborn about 1915
DeromeArmand born about 1902
DeromeMary born about 1898
DerrosierArmand born about 1907
DerrosierRita born about 1931
DerrosierRose Anneborn about 1885
DerrosierSa?Il born about 1912
DesiletsWilliam Jborn about 1920
DesmaraisBernice born about 1903
DesmaraisJohn born about 1893
DevaultAgnes Pborn about 1917
DevaultGilbert Mborn about 1913
DevaultValerie Aborn about 1939
DewareB Williamborn about 1935
DewareBasil Hborn about 1903
DewareBessie Mborn about 1875
DewareCarl born about 1900
DewareDorothy Bborn about 1919
DewareFrancis born about 1903
DewareFrederick Nborn about 1873
DewareRainsford born about 1917
DewareRobert Eborn about 1900
DewareSusie born about 1856
DewareWilliam Fborn about 1921
DoernerGeorge born about 1861
DoironEdward born about 1924
DoironEugene born about 1890
DoironFerdinand born about 1931
DoironHenry born about 1927
DoironLoraine born about 1929
DoironMatilda born about 1903
DoironRobert born about 1926
DoironRoger born about 1934
DonahueEleanor Aborn about 1923
DonahueG Josephborn about 1893
DonahueNellie Aborn about 1892
DonnellyE Russellborn about 1939
DonnellyEugene Rborn about 1900
DonnellyLois Dborn about 1908
DonnellyMargarett Mborn about 1894
DonnellyMary Eborn about 1870
DorieOthello born about 1919
DorisClaire Eborn about 1924
DorisEllery born about 1856
DorisJoseph born about 1884
DorisJoseph Tborn about 1927
DorisMargaret Cborn about 1886
DorisPaul Eborn about 1920
DorozioAlphonse born about 1897
DorsheimerMary Jborn about 1868
DorsheimerWilliam Cborn about 1861
DowBetty born about 1931
DowFlorence Lborn about 1906
DowLeonard Jr born about 1903
DowLeonard Jr born about 1925
DowNancy Aborn about 1933
DowPriscilla born about 1937
DowRichard born about 1927
DowRobert Nborn about 1939
DowRomana Mborn about 1935
DowVirginia Mborn about 1928
DoyleMatthew Jborn about 1887
DoyleMildred Aborn about 1901
DrakoulakosGaufalia born about 1917
DrakoulakosGeorge born about 1914
DrakoulakosGeorgia born about 1915
DrakoulakosManas born about 1889
DrakoulakosNicolletta born about 1922
DrakoulakosPeter born about 1926
DrakoulakosVana born about 1888
DrinanAnnie born about 1892
DrinanEdward born about 1878
DriscollMary Eborn about 1862
DrownFred Aborn about 1868
DrownMargaret born about 1876
DrummAnna Pborn about 1907
DrummGladys born about 1897
DrummMarjorie Cborn about 1913
DrummMary Aborn about 1877
DrummMichael Lborn about 1869
DrummMinnie born about 1885
DrummRichard born about 1898
DrummWilliam born about 1868
DrummWilliam Jborn about 1915
DrummeyPatrick born about 1872
DrummeyThomas Jborn about 1873
DryerDoris born about 1911
DryerFrancis Hborn about 1906
DryerJohn Rborn about 1936
DuchesneauErnestine born about 1893
DudaAlbert Fborn about 1886
DudaAnna born about 1889
DudaAnna Pborn about 1929
DudaHeadeaus* born about 1927
DudaMary born about 1918
DudaValentine born about 1915
DudaVirginia born about 1912
DuffsJohn Mborn about 1940
DuffsMarjorie born about 1920
DukeClara Mborn about 1883
DukeForest Lborn about 1873
DukeForest Rborn about 1918
DukeGladys Wborn about 1924
DunahamMinnie Jborn about 1867
DunahamWilliam Oborn about 1863
DunbarGarfield born about 1901
DunbarGeneive Bborn about 1913
DunbarKenneth Wborn about 1905
DunlapKatherine born about 1866
DunnEdith born about 1909
DunnFrank Wborn about 1936
DunnJames born about 1899
DunnJames Eborn about 1933
DupawGeorge born about 1881
DupawH Isabelborn about 1881
DuprayHenry born about 1890
DurantGertrude born about 1876
DurnoEdward Jborn about 1919
DuyerAnthony born about 1910
DuyerDaniel born about 1871
DuyerElizabeth born about 1907
DwyerHenry Eborn about 1893
DwyerJ Thomasborn about 1882
DwyerWilliam Pborn about 1888

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E Surnames

EastmanEdna born about 1858
EffortMargaret born about 1866
ElkinsAlida Eborn about 1854
ElliasHarry Gborn about 1908
ElliasHelen born about 1909
ElliasM Elizabethborn about 1930
ElliottEmma Mborn about 1872
ElliottMildred Lborn about 1927
ElliottVelma born about 1882
ElliottVerne born about 1916
EmeneyWalter born about 1923
EmmersonNatale born about 1918
EnglishDonald born about 1925
EnglishEdward born about 1888
EnglishFlorence born about 1889
EnglishLawrence born about 1923
EnglishPaul born about 1919
EnglishRobert born about 1930
EricksonAlfred born about 1925
EricksonFreeman born about 1928
EricksonLeola born about 1906
ErnestR Paulborn about 1890
EvanArthur Eborn about 1907
EvesJoseph Mborn about 1916
EwingFrieda Eborn about 1893
EwingJames born about 1863
EwingKathleen born about 1919
EwingKent Rborn about 1896

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F Surnames

FaderEllen Mborn about 1882
FaheyEdward born about 1876
FallonMary Aborn about 1854
FancherDelima Rborn about 1892
FancherKerry Eborn about 1892
FarleyElla Fborn about 1865
FarleyFrank Dborn about 1863
FarnsworthHelen Mborn about 1907
FarnsworthJesse born about 1919
FarnsworthMarion born about 1930
FarnsworthPauline Cborn about 1932
FarnsworthWilliam born about 1841
FarnsworthWilliam Bborn about 1904
FatscherRobert Eborn about 1931
FaucherAdelard born about 1884
FaucherHilda born about 1916
FaucherLouise Aborn about 1934
FaucherNelson born about 1910
FennellyBessie born about 1882
FennellyMilton Fborn about 1915
FergersonRalph born about 1901
FergusonElizabeth born about 1935
FergusonIrene born about 1911
FergusonJames born about 1906
FergusonJames Jr born about 1939
FergusonJean born about 1931
FergusonMary Cborn about 1862
FerlandDennis born about 1887
FerrinPhilip born about 1890
FischerFreda born about 1914
FishCharles Lborn about 1884
FishMabel Eborn about 1893
FisherAgnes Mborn about 1878
FisherHelen Eborn about 1918
FiskeFlorence born about 1878
FiskeJohn Lborn about 1876
FitchAustin Sborn about 1930
FitchBessie Eborn about 1908
FitchClifton Eborn about 1906
FitchClifton E Jrborn about 1928
FitchEdward born about 1881
FitchFrank Lborn about 1863
FitchHarriet Aborn about 1883
FitchHazel Mborn about 1927
FitzgeraldAnna born about 1923
FitzgeraldM Idaborn about 1919
FitzgeraldMichael Jborn about 1871
FitzgeraldSarah born about 1885
FitznerPearl born about 1906
FitznerRobert born about 1904
FitznerRobert born about 1929
FitzpatrickAgnes born about 1887
FitzpatrickBernard Lborn about 1936
FitzpatrickEdward born about 1879
FitzpatrickElizabeth born about 1932
FitzpatrickJames Fborn about 1935
FitzpatrickMargaret born about 1928
FitzpatrickMary born about 1904
FitzpatrickPeter Fborn about 1898
FlaggAlice Cborn about 1900
FlaggBetty Aborn about 1937
FlaggEmerson Jborn about 1902
FlaggJoan Mborn about 1935
FlaggMarion Cborn about 1926
Flaherty born about 1921
FlahertyEillen born about 1904
FlahertyJohn Fborn about 1921
FlemingEdward born about 1887
FlemingJohn born about 1921
FlemingKathleen born about 1908
FlemingMora born about 1881
FletcherBernice born about 1920
FletcherLoretta born about 1875
FletcherMildred Aborn about 1925
FletcherPearl Bborn about 1894
FletcherRoy Mborn about 1892
FloryEthel Mborn about 1889
FlynnFlorence Iborn about 1866
FlynnFlorence Mborn about 1893
FlynnJoana Eborn about 1869
FlynnMary born about 1893
FlynnTheresa born about 1851
FogartyMargaret born about 1855
FogartyRoberts born about 1883
FollanhellBenjamin born about 1899
FollanhellClarice born about 1899
FollanhellLeonard born about 1916
FoxC Romaineborn about 1902
FoxLydia Aborn about 1907
FoxRichard Rborn about 1935
FrancisKate Lborn about 1871
FraserFlorence born about 1898
FraserKenneth born about 1899
FraserMargaret born about 1929
FraserMarie born about 1932
FraserRobert born about 1935
FredFrank born about 1885
FredHelen Lborn about 1895
FrederickDavid born about 1895
FrederickSuni born about 1868
FrossardJohn Aborn about 1860
FrossardNellie Eborn about 1861
FrutadoAlfred Pborn about 1917
FullerEdwin born about 1917
FullerJohn born about 1920
FullerLois Cborn about 1923
FullerMarvin Hborn about 1894
FullerNellie born about 1898
FullerWarren Cborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaffneyElizbeth Eborn about 1858
GaffneyWilliam Hborn about 1857
GagnonAlfred born about 1892
GagnonAnn born about 1855
GagnonAnn born about 1927
GagnonArthur born about 1906
GagnonArthur Bborn about 1932
GagnonDonald Eborn about 1908
GagnonDonald Jr born about 1938
GagnonDoris born about 1923
GagnonEdward born about 1881
GagnonEdward born about 1937
GagnonFrances Eborn about 1910
GagnonHelena born about 1884
GagnonJames born about
GagnonJean Fborn about 1933
GagnonJohn born about 1924
GagnonMary born about 1895
GagnonMary born about 1920
GagnonPatricia Annborn about 1929
GagnonPhillip born about 1914
GagnonRita born about 1922
GallantAlvin Aborn about 1916
GardnerDorothy born about 1922
GardnerEsther born about 1928
GardnerEthel born about 1890
GardnerEvelyn Mborn about 1890
GardnerFrancis Aborn about 1895
GardnerGrant Mborn about 1929
GardnerJeremiah Fborn about 1927
GardnerJohn born about 1924
GardnerMarion born about 1923
GardnerMildred Kborn about 1902
GardnerNellie born about 1885
GardnerPauline born about 1926
GardnerRichard born about 1903
GardnerRichard Cborn about 1928
GardnerThomas born about 1889
GardnerWilliam Fborn about 1919
GardnerWilliam Jborn about 1885
GareyAnne born about 1921
GarmanJames Mborn about 1853
GarrisonJohn born about 1911
GaskillEdward Mborn about 1931
GaskillElizabeth born about 1925
GaskillHelen Bborn about 1900
GaskillKenneth Rborn about 1924
GaskillRayne?? Pborn about 1900
GatesDaisy Mborn about 1886
GauthierFrederick born about 1876
GayGeorge born about 1913
GayMargaret born about 1874
GayRobert born about 1872
GedrinAnton born about 1919
GedrinBenjamin born about 1915
GedrinFrank born about 1909
GedrinLeonora born about 1887
GedrinRuth Aborn about 1914
GedrinStanislau born about 1886
GedrinStephen Jborn about 1911
GentnerEleanor born about 1919
GentnerJoseph born about 1916
GentnerPatricia Aborn about 1939
GeorgeMabel Eborn about 1885
GeorgeRoland born about 1922
GibbonsCatherine born about 1897
GiguereAlfred Lborn about 1903
GiguereAnnie Rborn about 1879
GiguereGary Mborn about 1937
GiguereJoseph born about 1877
GiguereOra Eborn about 1904
GilbertAlbert born about 1869
GilbertAlice Bborn about 1908
GilbertGertrude Cborn about 1900
GilbertGlady E Bborn about 1911
GilbertHarold Cborn about 1904
GilbertJenne born about 1863
GilbertJoseph born about 1908
GilbertMatilda Lborn about 1867
GilbertThomas born about 1862
GilletteJoseph born about 1875
GillisClara Mborn about 1878
GillisGeorge Aborn about 1877
GilloglyAlbert Hborn about 1934
GilloglyArlene Mborn about 1924
GilloglyEdward Tborn about 1938
GilloglyIrene Mborn about 1925
GilloglyJame Mborn about 1928
GilloglyJames Pborn about 1898
GilloglyMary Aborn about 1932
GilloglyPearl Mborn about 1905
GilloglyRichard Wborn about 1930
GilmanAmelia born about 1887
GilmanJames born about 1920
GilmanJohn Mborn about 1873
GilmanPeter born about 1914
GilmanRuth born about 1923
GilsonAllan born about 1878
GilsonAnnie Lborn about 1875
GilsonMary Hborn about 1867
GlekenDorothy born about 1910
GlekenHarold Hborn about 1904
GlekenJudith born about 1938
GlekenMarvin born about 1933
GlowAngela Rborn about 1893
GlowArthur Eborn about 1911
GlowArthur E Jrborn about 1935
GlowEdward born about 1884
GlowHarold Pborn about 1923
GlowLouis Lborn about 1917
GlowMargaret born about 1936
GlowMargaret Mborn about 1912
GolasDominick born about 1881
GolasLouise born about 1892
GoodvinCharles Bborn about 1895
GoodvinElizabeth born about 1888
GoodvinJ Bernardborn about 1916
GormanB Theresaborn about 1877
GormanCatherine born about 1888
GormanEdward born about 1881
GouldHenry born about 1906
GowerRuth Iborn about 1920
GowerWillard Jborn about 1918
GoyetteAlbert born about 1915
GoyetteAlma born about 1917
GoyetteErnest Cborn about 1929
GoyetteGeorge Gborn about 1911
GoyetteGeorge Zborn about 1936
GoyetteJanet Iborn about 1938
GoyetteNina born about 1920
GoyettePhillip born about 1911
GoyetteRichard Aborn about 1939
GoyetteRobert born about 1939
GrahamJames born about 1903
GraingerArthur born about 1926
GraingerChristie Aborn about 1893
GraingerDonald born about 1929
GraingerHoward born about 1931
GraingerJohn born about 1920
GraingerJohn Tborn about 1880
GraingerMildred born about 1922
GraingerRaymond born about 1918
GraingerWillis born about 1916
GranskiAnn born about 1923
GranskiBolis born about 1917
GranskiJohn born about 1883
GranskiJohn born about 1928
GranskiJoseph born about 1922
GranskiSarah born about 1895
GranskiVirginia born about 1920
GranskiWalter born about 1925
GraserAgnes Kborn about 1930
GraserAlton Wborn about 1929
GraserElizabeth Eborn about 1924
GravesBradford born about 1921
GravesHelen Mborn about 1898
GrayAdney Uborn about 1865
GrayCharlotte Nborn about 1921
GrayEthel Eborn about 1933
GrayEthel Mborn about 1900
GrayHannah Eborn about 1866
GrayLeland born about 1897
GrayLeland Nborn about 1928
GrayMay Nborn about 1936
GrayPhylis Aborn about 1924
GrayThelma Lborn about 1926
GreeleyAlin born about 1915
GreeleyCarolyn born about 1940
GreeleyKathleen born about 1920
GreeleyLem born about 1914
GreeleyMary Aborn about 1891
GreeleyRalph born about 1891
GreenBessie born about 1912
GreenLouis born about 1907
GreenMinnie Gborn about 1870
GreenShirley Aborn about 1938
GreenleafElizabeth born about 1875
GreenwoodAlice born about 1885
GreenwoodArthur born about 1913
GreenwoodCharles Vborn about 1926
GreenwoodDorothy Nborn about 1903
GreenwoodEleanor born about 1894
GreenwoodMarion born about 1921
GreenwoodRoger Wborn about 1924
GreenwoodWilliam Rborn about 1902
GreerJessie Mborn about 1872
GreerJohn Hborn about 1868
Greiczus??? born about 1922
GreiczusBarbara born about 1915
GreiczusDominick born about 1886
GreiczusDominick Bborn about 1886
GreiczusLeo born about 1917
GrenierEloise born about 1861
GronochElgia Sborn about 1877
GronochElizabeth Mborn about 1883
GuyetteEdgar born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HabbsGordon Bborn about 1873
HackettAgnes born about 1915
HackettDorothy born about 1914
HackettElla born about 1888
HackettElson born about 1896
HackettIrene born about 1926
HackettLenard born about 1919
HackettMary born about 1922
HackettMildred born about 1925
HackettRichard born about 1922
HackettRita born about 1936
HackettRobert born about 1913
HackettRoger born about 1924
HackettWilliam born about 1920
HagerMildred Eborn about 1900
HagerMilton Bborn about 1888
HagerWilliams born about 1863
HaggertyDaniel Aborn about
HaggertyElizabeth born about 1896
HaggertyLucy Annborn about 1934
HalbrookLouise born about 1884
HalbrookRalph born about 1885
HaleyRichard Pborn about 1919
HallbourgAdelind born about 1891
HallbourgDavid born about 1909
HallbourgDavine born about 1920
HallbourgDonald born about 1922
HallbourgGeorge born about 1892
HallbourgMarion Bborn about 1909
HallbourgShirley born about 1925
HallbourgWalter born about 1917
HalleyLes Bborn about 1899
HalleyMary A 3born about 1891
HalleyMary Eborn about 1893
HalleyThomas born about 1891
HallowellJ Mattborn about 1907
HallowellMary Mborn about 1913
HallyPatrick born about 1853
HamAlice Mborn about 1889
HamEdward Eborn about 1891
HamEverett born about 1918
HamLillian Fborn about 1855
HamWarren born about 1927
HamiltonBernard born about 1899
HamiltonBernard born about 1922
HamiltonBrice Eborn about 1932
HamiltonCharles born about 1940
HamiltonChester Bborn about 1882
HamiltonDoris Mborn about 1921
HamiltonEdna Pborn about 1913
HamiltonFannie Eborn about 1898
HamiltonHattie Pborn about 1878
HamiltonHazel Jborn about 1922
HamiltonMargaret born about 1920
HamiltonMilton Rborn about 1924
HamiltonRobert Aborn about 1928
HamiltonRussell Wborn about 1897
HamiltonRussell Jr born about 1925
HamiltonWilliam born about 1939
HammanAlice born about 1872
HammonRonald born about 1928
HammondArthur born about 1897
HammondBarbra born about 1922
HammondHelen born about 1896
HammondJean Lborn about 1929
HammondRichard born about 1924
HammondSarah born about 1871
HammondWilliam Aborn about 1933
HancockCecilia Tborn about 1881
HandyBlanche born about 1886
HannahArnald born about 1895
HannahBertha born about 1897
HannahDonald Fborn about 1932
HannahDoris Iborn about 1929
HannahEsther born about 1927
HannahHenry born about 1926
HannahLucille born about 1919
HannahPriscilla Eborn about 1931
HannahWalter born about 1939
HannahWalter Eborn about 1918
HappyEleanor Rborn about 1911
HappyKenneth Fborn about 1911
HappyRichard Tborn about 1939
HardyJohn F Jrborn about 1939
HardyJohn Jr born about 1914
HardyMae Eborn about 1922
HardyMary Gborn about 1866
HardyWalter born about 1925
HardyWilliam Aborn about 1881
HarrisAlbert Hborn about 1876
HarrisNellie Mborn about 1880
HarrisonFlorence Tborn about 1870
HarrisonNellie Sborn about 1867
HarrisonWalter Lborn about 1867
HartwellFrederick born about 1862
HasbellAndrew born about 1909
HasbellAndrew born about 1929
HasbellHelen Mborn about 1911
HasbellJanet born about 1936
HasbellJean born about 1932
HasbellRichard born about 1931
HasbellShirley born about 1935
HaseyAnna Mborn about 1912
HastewellCharles born about 1861
HatchFrank Sborn about 1861
HatchMargaret born about 1889
HatfieldDelia Oborn about 1889
HatfieldGeorge Lborn about 1882
HatfieldLetitia Cborn about 1881
HatfieldRaymond born about 1915
HathfieldDorothy Lborn about 1918
HawardJean born about 1916
HawkinsHelen Eborn about 1846
HawleyEdward born about 1917
HayesAlice Jborn about 1868
HayesFrancis Gborn about 1880
HayesHarold born about 1895
HayesMarion born about 1898
HayesP Josephborn about 1867
HayesStephen Wborn about 1937
HayesThomas born about 1878
HayesWilliam born about 1874
HealdBelle Wborn about 1873
HealdCharles born about 1875
HeapJames born about 1876
HellMarjorie born about 1909
HellR Keneborn about 1908
HelpEda Lborn about 1881
HelpJames born about 1878
HerbertCarol Fborn about 1935
HerbertDonald Aborn about 1923
HerbertElizabeth Aborn about 1934
HerbertFrancis born about 1923
HerbertHarold born about 1908
HerbertHarold Fborn about 1935
HerbertIrene Bborn about 1909
HerbertJeanne Cborn about 1937
HerbertJoseph born about 1900
HerbertJoseph Jr born about 1921
HerbertKatherine Eborn about 1902
HerbertKathleen born about 1931
HerbertLawrence born about 1904
HerbertLean Pborn about 1899
HerbertLeon Jr born about 1932
HerbertLoraine Gborn about 1929
HerbertLouise Eborn about 1930
HerbertMary born about 1925
HerbertMildred Fborn about 1925
HerbertNellie born about 1866
HerbertStella Aborn about 1907
HermonEverett born about 1929
HigginsWinifred born about 1923
HillAlfred born about 1886
HillAnna Eborn about 1899
HillAnnie born about 1887
HillBeatrice Lborn about 1912
HillCharles Hborn about 1885
HillMargaret born about 1884
HillMurle Mborn about 1919
HillRichard Rborn about 1939
HillThomas born about 1919
HillWilliam Rborn about 1909
HillaAnna born about 1905
HillaGeorge born about 1906
HilldrethAnna born about 1883
HillsAlice Vborn about 1893
HillsCalvin Rborn about 1904
HillsCalvin R Jrborn about 1926
HillsCharles Eborn about 1919
HillsFrank Jr born about 1863
HillsMaude born about 1905
HillsRoland Aborn about 1928
HillsWesley born about 1929
HinckleyBeatrice born about 1887
HittJohn Rborn about 1932
HittLeone Aborn about 1907
HittRichard Eborn about 1902
HittRuth Hborn about 1927
HobertFannie Kborn about 1868
HobertJulia born about 1851
HoltFlorence born about 1884
HoltHarry Fborn about 1880
HoltHarry Jr born about 1918
HopfBarbara born about 1877
HopperCharles born about 1860
HorlickWilliam born about 1864
HorneEdward Dborn about 1861
HoweGeorge Cborn about 1895
HoweMadline Lborn about 1920
HoweNorman Eborn about 1923
HoweRuth born about 1894
HughesDoris born about 1898
HughesRussell Lborn about 1890
HurdGeorge born about 1905
HurdInez born about 1910
HurdVirginia born about 1926
HutchinsonElizabeth born about 1881
HutchinsonHarry Wborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

ItenCharlotte Aborn about 1901
ItenEdwin Eborn about 1890
ItenRomana born about 1931

J Surnames

JackerClarence Cborn about 1854
JacobsE Mardeborn about 1868
JamesGeorge Nborn about 1904
JanelleMarcelene born about 1855
JanesAlbert born about 1907
JanesBetty born about 1932
JanesGladys born about 1908
JardonMara Jborn about 1857
JenkinsEmma Jborn about 1870
JenkinsJohn Fborn about 1872
JennettCharles born about 1858
JensenAmada born about 1869
JensenAnnie Eborn about 1916
JensenHarriet Eborn about 1939
JensenHenry Fborn about 1916
JensenJens Aborn about 1874
JensonDorothy born about 1904
JerczykAnna born about 1896
JerczykJohn born about 1919
JerczykJoseph born about 1922
JerczykStanley born about 1920
JerczykTofel born about 1894
JersyzkAlexander born about 1882
JersyzkPeter born about 1925
JerszykJoseph born about 1916
JerszykMary born about 1909
JeutterEvelyn Aborn about 1931
JeutterGertrude born about 1903
JeutterRobert born about 1900
JeutterRobert Fborn about 1934
JohnsonGladys born about 1887
JohnsonHelen Aborn about 1885
JohnsonWinifred born about 1873
JordanHale Fborn about 1884
JoslinConstance born about 1912
JoslinGeorge Cborn about 1930
JoslinRichard born about 1935
JoslinThomas born about 1908
JoyanAdamine born about 1867
JuckerAlice Mborn about 1856
JurgenGeorge Fborn about 1861
JurgenHelen Wborn about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahlHelen born about 1877
KeigerBruce Eborn about 1932
KeigerFlora Eborn about 1923
KeigerGertrude Jborn about 1893
KeigerLeon born about 1929
KeigerMaurice Mborn about 1917
KeigerRalph Aborn about 1933
KeigerRobert Vborn about 1926
KeigerVictor born about 1891
KeigerWallace Aborn about 1922
KelliherNara born about 1895
KelpusFrank born about 1886
KelpusGerdruta born about 1888
KelpusJulia born about 1927
KelpusSteven born about 1923
KempArthur Aborn about 1883
KempFlorence born about 1875
KempMarie Aborn about 1878
KennedyAgnes Bborn about 1877
KennedyBettine Mborn about 1925
KennethThomas Hborn about 1872
KerinJohn Pborn about 1875
KeyesEmily Eborn about 1875
KeyesGeorge Tborn about 1911
KeyesLucy Sborn about 1914
KievitJoan born about 1929
KilbournGertrude born about 1887
KileyFrancis born about 1921
KileyJohn Jborn about 1888
KileyJohn Jr born about 1916
KileyRoberta born about 1927
KileyRuth Gborn about 1893
KilfoyFrank born about 1893
KimballJune born about 1917
KimballLena born about 1892
KingAlice born about 1880
KingCharles born about 1883
KingHarry Wborn about 1907
KingJulia born about 1887
KingmanElise Aborn about 1902
KingmanHarriet Aborn about 1922
KingmanRobert Dborn about 1902
KinnanElla M Aborn about 1866
Kittredge?Ahella Mborn about 1863
KleinbergEmma born about 1860
KleinbergHyman born about 1908
KleinbergMarion born about 1910
KleinburgBetty born about 1921
KnightAlice Eborn about 1914
KnightForrest Cborn about 1873
KnightHerbert Gborn about 1914
KnightLinda Mborn about
KnightWarren born about 1914
KopicksLea Jborn about 1907
KostilMichael born about 1895
KozlowskiRose born about 1893
KuprianAnthony born about 1899
KurtykaClara born about 1936
KurtykaMarie Annaborn about 1906
KurtykaPeter born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacroixEmma born about 1881
LacroixRose born about 1907
LagasseAdrien born about 1916
LagasseAnnette Fborn about 1913
LagasseEvelyn born about 1886
LagasseGerard Aborn about 1925
LagasseGermain born about 1915
LagasseLoretta born about 1918
LagasseMaurice born about 1920
LagasseRemi born about 1886
LagasseRuth Bborn about 1924
LagasseYvette Lborn about 1922
LakinBeatrice Iborn about 1895
LakinGeorge Sborn about 1888
LandryHazel Aborn about 1908
LandryRobert born about 1930
LandryTheadore born about 1908
LandryThomas born about 1928
LaneMabel born about 1881
LaneMathew Cborn about 1878
LansilClyde born about 1903
LansilDorothy Sborn about 1906
LansilPatricia born about 1931
LapageAlfred Jborn about 1932
LapageBernard Fborn about 1927
LapageDonald Aborn about 1935
LapageEmma born about 1880
LapageFlorence Lborn about 1898
LapageFlorene Jborn about 1936
LapageFrancis Aborn about 1929
LapageGloria Lborn about 1923
LapageJoseph Pborn about 1897
LapageKenneth Rborn about 1921
LapageMarie Jeanborn about 1925
LapagePeter born about 1870
LapageRachel Cborn about 1939
LapageRobert Aborn about 1930
LapageRoland Pborn about 1934
LapoerThomas Hborn about 1899
LarenceIda born about 1912
LarenceRoger born about 1910
LarenceRoger Jr born about 1939
LarochelleEmma Mborn about 1916
LarochelleFrederick Hborn about 1917
LarochelleMarlene born about 1939
LaroseThomas Jborn about 1907
LaroseVelma Pborn about 1913
LatulippeGeorge Jborn about 1886
LatulippeGilbert born about 1921
LatulippeMarie born about 1924
LatulippeMelinda born about 1888
LavalleyAnnie Eborn about 1863
LavalleyArthur born about 1887
LavalleyGeofrey born about 1893
LavalleyKatherine born about 1886
LavalleyMargaret born about 1926
LavalleyMary Hborn about 1897
LavalleyThomas Hborn about 1889
LavenderLorette born about 1895
LavenderStewart born about 1916
LawrenceAbbie born about 1850
LawrenceCarl Cborn about 1878
LawrenceClara Lborn about 1875
LawrenceEthelyn Lborn about 1911
LawrenceHarry born about 1932
LawrenceHarry Fborn about 1911
LawrenceJames born about 1902
LawrenceMary Kborn about 1887
LeacyAnnie Wborn about 1868
LearyBarbara Jborn about 1928
LearyDuane Wborn about 1940
LearyEvelyn Lborn about 1931
LearyHelen Lborn about 1907
LearyHenry born about 1905
LearyIrene Sborn about 1897
LearyJames Fborn about 1904
LearyJames Fborn about 1934
LearyJanet Lborn about 1933
LearyJohanna born about 1877
LearyMaureen Jborn about 1936
LearyMildred born about 1906
LearyRichard Tborn about 1936
LearyThomas Hborn about 1934
LearyWilfred Eborn about 1895
LeayBridget born about 1865
LebrecqueArsene born about 1892
LeeWing born about 1885
LelandCharles Hborn about 1881
LelandMary Eborn about 1877
LennJames Eborn about 1866
LennJulia Cborn about 1867
LewarsDara Aborn about 1895
LewarsDouglas Cborn about 1898
LewisAnna born about 1859
LiacosAlice born about 1893
LiacosVasil born about 1895
LillisDelia Aborn about 1870
LillisJ Williamborn about 1921
LillisPhillip Hborn about 1921
LillyCarlotta Wborn about 1879
LillyLawrence Cborn about 1891
LillyLawrence C Jrborn about 1925
LindstromCarl Aborn about 1903
LindstromJane Aborn about 1904
LohningCelia born about 1921
LohningLim??El born about 1868
LoketchMarie born about 1870
LoonieJohn born about 1908
LoonieMary born about 1909
Lordergaurd??? born about 1914
Lordergaurd??? born about 1915
LordergaurdAlice Mborn about 1910
LordergaurdBarbara Aborn about 1933
LordergaurdCharles born about 1886
LordergaurdCharles Jr born about 1919
LordergaurdFlorence Mborn about 1910
LordergaurdJane Fborn about 1923
LordergaurdJohn Jborn about 1915
LordergaurdJosephine Mborn about 1894
LordergaurdKatherine Jborn about 1929
LordergaurdLaura Jborn about 1883
LordergaurdNorman Aborn about 1927
LordergaurdRaymond Eborn about 1925
LordergaurdRichard Eborn about 1921
LordergaurdRita born about 1926
LordergaurdSarah born about 1885
LordergaurdThelma born about 1918
LordergaurdTimothy Jborn about 1882
LordergaurdWilliam born about 1922
LouisRaymond born about 1894
LouisSadie Aborn about 1896
LovelaElsie Fborn about 1878
LowekeBeverly born about 1913
LowekeEugene born about 1909
LowekeLawrence born about 1936
LupinaEdward Dborn about 1877
LupinaMary Aborn about 1873
LyncheskiAgnes Lborn about 1914
LyncheskiAnne born about 1895
LyncheskiBarbara born about 1934
LyncheskiCharlotte born about 1914
LyncheskiDeclan born about 1872
LyncheskiDeclan born about 1906
LyncheskiEdward Iborn about 1898
LyncheskiEleanor born about 1910
LyncheskiHarold Tborn about 1932
LyncheskiJames born about 1870
LyncheskiJames Hborn about 1901
LyncheskiJames Wborn about 1937
LyncheskiJoan Jborn about 1911
LyncheskiJohn Jr born about 1935
LyncheskiJoseph born about 1923
LyncheskiMargaret born about 1874
LyncheskiMarion born about 1911
LyncheskiMary Aborn about 1938
LyncheskiPatrick born about 1869
LyncheskiRaymond born about 1906
LyncheskiRichard Hborn about 1934
LyncheskiRobert Tborn about 1939
LyncheskiT Haroldborn about 1904
LyncheskiTherese born about 1931
LyncheskiWilliam born about 1902
LyndaleMary Bborn about 1884
LyndenBurton born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaberyCatherine born about 1908
MaberyStella born about 1882
MacinnisAnn born about 1929
MacinnisJohn born about 1896
MacinnisMabel born about 1900
MacinnisMargaret born about 1925
MacinnisWilliam born about 1934
MacmastersJohn Hborn about 1903
MacmastersMary born about 1911
MacmastersMaureen born about 1939
MacnallyThomas Lborn about 1907
MalleyDelia born about 1870
MalleyRichard born about 1921
MalleyRobert born about 1924
MaloneLucy born about 1882
MaltmanMary born about 1869
ManseauCecile born about 1927
ManseauHenry born about 1904
ManseauViolette born about 1905
MarcellaAngelo born about 1889
MarcelloRobert born about 1923
MarchallAlice Dborn about 1896
MarchallJohn Fborn about 1899
MarchantGeorge born about 1884
MarcotteEdward Jborn about 1894
MarcotteKathleen born about 1939
MarcotteMary Aborn about 1907
MarinerKenneth Wborn about 1900
MarinerKenneth Jr born about 1931
MarinerMary Kborn about 1906
MarinerThomas Eborn about 1932
MarkeJohn Wborn about 1912
MarkeRose Sborn about 1913
MarkeRuth Bborn about 1891
MarkhamElizabeth born about 1875
MarkhamFrancis born about 1910
MarkhamFrancis Eborn about 1935
MarkhamGeorge Pborn about 1938
MarkhamJames Eborn about 1911
MarkhamMary Eborn about 1911
MarkhamMary Janeborn about 1937
MarrA Maudborn about 1875
MarrArchie Gborn about 1877
MarrGertrude born about 1915
MarrPeter Jborn about 1914
MarseFrederick Wborn about 1896
MarseHarold Wborn about 1923
MarsellMyrtle born about 1885
MarsellRaymond Rborn about 1882
MarshallEileen born about 1912
MarshallJean Sborn about 1914
MarshallKenneth born about 1911
MarshallLen Jborn about 1910
MarshallMarjorie born about 1923
MarshallSmuel E Wborn about 1876
MartinCatherine born about 1889
MartinEva Jborn about 1875
MartinHarold born about 1889
MartinJohn born about 1863
MasonElmer born about 1870
MasonHelen Lborn about 1906
MasonSydney born about 1914
MaxwellMaud born about 1887
MaxwellPaul Lborn about 1886
MaynardCharles Fborn about 1899
MaynardErnest born about 1886
MaynardEville Hborn about 1881
MaynardGertrude Lborn about 1896
MaynardMartha Lborn about 1882
MaynardMinnie born about 1879
MaynardPaul Rborn about 1927
MaynardRuth Bborn about 1909
MayoAlbert F Srborn about 1903
MayoAlbert Jr born about 1929
MayoCharles Jborn about 1935
MayoJacquline Aborn about 1933
MayoLeonard Eborn about 1931
MayoVelma Tborn about 1904
MayonBernice Lborn about 1892
MayonCyril Gborn about 1904
MayonLillian Pborn about 1908
MayouCyril Jborn about 1874
MayouEmma born about 1889
MayouHara born about 1922
MaysCharles Gborn about 1937
MaysEdward Wborn about 1906
MaysLestina Pborn about 1856
MaysThelma Iborn about 1931
MaysWaldo Fborn about 1940
McCarthyEugene born about 1890
McCarthyJohn Eborn about 1916
McCarthyLawrence born about 1914
McCarthyLillian born about 1890
McDermottCatherine Mborn about 1911
McDermottPatrick Jborn about 1901
McDonaldWilliam Cborn about 1870
McDowellAlice born about 1908
McDowellArthur born about 1927
McDowellDaniel born about 1934
McDowellHerman born about 1933
McDowellJohn born about 1930
McDowellJoseph born about 1931
McDowellMelvin born about 1903
McDowellNorman born about 1926
McDowellRobert born about 1939
McDuffeeDavid Hborn about 1938
McDuffeeDuane born about 1913
McDuffeeEdward Tborn about 1924
McDuffeeLester Eborn about 1883
McDuffeeThea Lborn about 1912
McGinisLeslie born about 1900
McGowenPhillip Bborn about 1918
McGrathAnn Mborn about 1929
McGrathBridget born about 1872
McGrathHelen Fborn about 1904
McGrathHelen Lborn about 1935
McGrathM Josephborn about 1898
McGrathMargarett born about 1933
McGrathMary Mborn about 1914
McGrathMichael born about 1864
McGrathRichard Lborn about 1939
McGrathRita born about 1918
McGrathWilliam born about 1915
McGrawArlene born about 1912
McGrawCharles born about 1887
McGrawJosephine born about 1888
McGrawNellie born about 1861
McGrawRobert born about 1916
McHaneyAmos Dborn about 1886
McHaneyAmos Jborn about 1918
McHaneyArthur Eborn about 1922
McHaneyHelen Jborn about 1920
McHaneyMarion Wborn about 1885
McHaneyRobert Jborn about 1927
McHaneyThomas Fborn about 1923
McLeodAudrey Aborn about 1924
McLeodBruce Aborn about 1929
McLeodDaniel Jborn about 1887
McLeodFrancis Lborn about 1894
McLeodJoseph born about 1921
McMakenEvelyn born about 1917
McMakenJannie born about 1938
McMakenKenneth born about 1916
McNeiskHoward Oborn about 1912
McNiffCarole born about 1937
McNiffMary Lborn about 1938
McNiffPaul born about 1900
McNiffPaula born about 1936
McNiffRita Aborn about 1928
McNiffRuth Iborn about 1903
McNiffShelia Rborn about 1930
McRoyMary Eborn about 1863
MelendyChamber Bborn about 1886
MelendyErnest Lborn about 1910
MelendyErnest Lborn about 1938
MelendyFrancis born about 1918
MelendyGerry Fborn about 1940
MelendyGertrude Mborn about 1885
MelendyJeannette Gborn about 1920
MelendyLenora born about 1936
MelendyOlive Cborn about 1891
MelendyRuth Iborn about 1915
MelendyRuth Jr born about 1940
MelendyYeti? Aborn about 1917
MerrillAnn born about 1926
MerrillBeatris born about 1911
MerrillDana Oborn about 1896
MerrillDana Wahborn about 1923
MerrillErnest Oborn about 1911
MerrillEverett Rborn about 1931
MerrillFlorence Eborn about 1902
MerrillJennie Mborn about 1885
MerrillKatherine born about 1873
MerrillL Everettborn about 1907
MerrillRuth Jborn about 1898
MervinEmmeline Vborn about 1921
MesserAlice born about 1886
MesserBarbara Aborn about 1927
MesserDonald born about 1935
MesserDoris born about 1922
MesserDorothy born about 1922
MesserEugene born about 1929
MesserFrank born about 1886
MesserGladys born about 1907
MesserHenry born about 1893
MesserIva born about 1889
MesserLillian Pborn about 1907
MesserOscar born about 1911
MesserWendell Eborn about 1902
MichaelBertha born about 1894
MichaelJohn Aborn about 1896
MichaelJohn Jr born about 1927
MichaelStanley born about 1928
MichalsAustin Bborn about 1904
MichalsDeane born about 1937
MichalsDorothy born about 1916
MichalsEleanor born about 1908
MichalsGeorge born about 1878
MichalsGeorge Wborn about 1908
MichalsLucille born about 1939
MichalsRaymond born about 1930
MichalsRichard Fborn about 1936
MichalsRobert Fborn about 1931
MichalsShirley Aborn about 1937
MichukGilbert born about 1931
MichukHazel Aborn about 1900
MichukJames born about 1930
MichukMarion born about 1929
MichukStanley born about 1939
MilanAldea Eborn about 1878
MilanCarrie Gborn about 1894
MilanF Arthurborn about 1914
MilanMarilyn born about 1939
MilanMary Hborn about 1915
MilanThomas Aborn about 1914
MilanThomas Mborn about 1880
MillerAlice H Wborn about 1866
MillerArthur Wborn about 1939
MillerBeverly Mborn about 1937
MillerDavid born about 1887
MillerLillian born about 1897
MillerLottie Mborn about 1920
MillerRomana Aborn about 1938
MillerRoy born about 1918
MillerWillard born about 1912
MillsAgnes born about 1895
MillsDella Lborn about 1929
MillsDiana Aborn about 1922
MillsJoseph born about 1893
MillsJoseph Jr born about 1926
MillsNelli Lborn about 1894
MillsWilliam born about 1928
MilroyHenry Bborn about 1903
MilroyHenry Jr born about 1935
MilroyMildred Mborn about 1906
MinceJohn born about 1868
MineganFrederick born about 1912
MinerLucy Eborn about 1870
MintleA Amosborn about 1876
MintleIsabell Cborn about 1879
MitchellBertha born about 1890
MitchellHouston born about 1885
MonahanHazel Mborn about 1896
MonahanWilliam born about 1902
MoodyAlter Rborn about 1888
MoodyAugustus born about 1914
MoodyAugustus Wborn about 1890
MoodyDonald born about 1925
MoodyGertrude Fborn about 1888
MoodyGrace Wborn about 1888
MoodyHarold Eborn about 1891
MoodyMildred born about 1896
MoodyWilliam born about 1919
MooneyGeorge Fborn about 1892
MooneyHelen Mborn about 1893
MooreBeatrice Bborn about 1928
MooreClayton F Srborn about 1898
MooreClayton Jr born about 1921
MooreEvelyn Aborn about 1921
MooreJeremiah Gborn about 1934
MooreKatherine born about 1878
MooreKathleen Hborn about 1932
MooreLuther Fborn about 1877
MooreMarion born about 1919
MooreMary Aborn about 1930
MooreMary Eborn about 1897
MooreRichard born about 1940
MooreRobert Jborn about 1923
MooreRuth Fborn about 1915
MooreThomas Aborn about 1925
MorantEllen Mborn about 1861
MorantPhillip Hborn about 1859
MorganMary Eborn about 1868
MorrillAlice Mborn about 1881
MorrillBeverly born about 1930
MorrillClarence Aborn about 1937
MorrillEthel born about 1915
MorrillEugene born about 1911
MorrillEverett born about 1916
MorrillHazel Cborn about 1909
MorrillJean born about 1936
MorrisseyElizabeth born about 1888
MorrisseyElizabeth Gborn about 1888
MorrisseyJohn Bborn about 1925
MorrisseyJohn Cborn about 1854
MorrisseyJohn Hborn about 1881
MorrisseyKatherine born about 1915
MorrisseyMichael born about 1885
MorrisseyNicholas Jborn about 1891
MorrisseyPatrick Jborn about 1882
MullenClare Oborn about 1874
MullenRobert born about 1871
MunsonByron Cborn about 1868
MunsonCatherine Dborn about 1870
MunsonClifford Bborn about 1901
MunsonFrancis Wborn about 1909
MunsonJohn Kborn about 1925
MunsonMarie Tborn about 1931
MunsonMary Gborn about 1905
MunsonMichael Eborn about 1903
MunsonPatricia Aborn about 1926
MurphyCatherine born about 1932
MurphyDaniel Fborn about 1937
MurphyFrancis Mborn about 1908
MurphyHelen born about 1889
MurphyHugh born about 1898
MurphyJeremiah born about 1898
MurphyJoseph Fborn about 1893
MurphyJulian born about 1931
MurphyLoretta Eborn about 1935
MurphyLouise born about 1928
MurphyMarion born about 1904
MurphyMary born about 1865
MurphyTeresa born about 1930
MurrayMarshall born about 1891
MurrayNellie born about 1892
MurrayRaymond born about 1899
MurryMargaret born about 1861
MurryThomas born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NagleFrederick Wborn about 1898
NagleFrederick Jr born about 1925
NagleWinifred Wborn about 1899
NaletteAmos born about 1891
NaletteCatherine born about 1896
NaletteRobert born about 1924
NaletteThomas born about 1926
NardyMargaret Eborn about 1880
NarneyAnn born about 1936
NarneyCaroline Aborn about 1927
NarneyCharles Cborn about 1902
NarneyDorothy born about 1923
NarneyDorothy Dborn about 1899
NarneyFrancis born about 1924
NarneyRichard Aborn about 1931
NaughtonJacquline born about 1924
NaughtonNancy Lborn about 1926
NeagleBernard Fborn about 1887
NeagleFlorence Gborn about 1923
NeagleMary Gborn about 1895
NeagleRobert born about 1889
NeagleRobert D Jrborn about 1925
NealAmelia Eborn about 1911
NealHarold Eborn about 1911
NealJames Hborn about 1937
NealRuth Aborn about 1940
NelsonNella born about 1891
NervellCara Bborn about 1869
NevisCarrie Pborn about 1867
NevisGeorge Vborn about 1865
NewellDavid Mborn about 1937
NewellEverly Jborn about 1902
NewellHarry Dborn about 1929
NewellRoy Mborn about 1898
NewhallAlice Pborn about 1897
NewhallHenry Eborn about 1897
NewhallRobert Aborn about 1923
NewmaireJohn born about 1940
NewmaireJohn Cborn about 1888
NewmaireJosephine Fborn about 1920
NewmaireLouise born about 1922
NewmaireMartin Jborn about 1911
NewmaireMary Lborn about 1893
NokesCasie Mborn about 1873
NokesSilas Mborn about 1864
NorrisAlbert Hborn about 1940
NorrisBarbara Aborn about 1935
NorrisBlanche Jborn about 1910
NorrisEdward born about 1905
NortonHe?Wood born about 1906
NuttingCora Eborn about 1877
NuttingH Lerayborn about 1895
NuttingLittie Pborn about 1883
NuttingLouis Cborn about 1878
NuttingMary Lborn about 1923
NuttingMildred Eborn about 1919
NuttingMyrle Aborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObeaGeorge Hborn about 1902
ObeaGeorge H Jrborn about 1928
ObeaMargaret born about 1902
ObeaOlive Mborn about 1907
ObeaThomas born about 1927
ObrienBeverly born about 1917
ObrienClarinda born about 1901
ObrienDennis born about 1882
ObrienDolores born about 1931
ObrienGene born about 1927
ObrienGeorge born about 1897
ObrienJeremiah Fborn about 1889
ObrienJohn Hborn about 1868
ObrienLeonard born about 1917
ObrienMargaret born about 1933
ObrienMary Aborn about 1929
ObrienSharan born about 1935
ObrienVernon born about 1925
ObrienWilliam born about 1899
ObrienWilliam born about 1939
OconnellJohn Rborn about 1918
OlearyAlice Mborn about 1936
OlearyBernard born about 1927
OlearyCarl Hborn about 1916
OlearyCecilia born about 1897
OlearyCecilia born about 1926
OlearyCornelius Aborn about 1882
OlearyEleanor Aborn about 1915
OlearyEugene Jborn about 1919
OlearyLoura born about 1931
OlearyPaul Rborn about 1921
OlearyRobert Eborn about 1939
OlearyShirley born about 1920
OlsenBessie Lborn about 1882
OlsenEleanor born about 1935
OlsenHarold born about 1905
OlsenHarold B Jrborn about 1929
OlsenJanet born about 1931
OlsenMarjorie born about 1931
OlsenOtto Bborn about 1880
OlsenOtto Bborn about 1937
OmalleyCharles Rborn about 1923
OmalleyEllen born about 1880
OmalleyMargaret Sborn about 1889
OmalleyWalter born about 1881
OnealAlice born about 1894
OnealAllen Wborn about 1914
OnealBarbara Mborn about 1923
OnealElizabeth Mborn about 1933
OnealEva Hborn about 1901
OnealFrank Wborn about 1884
OnealHarry Eborn about 1890
OnealW Wesleyborn about 1929
OnealWalter Wborn about 1897
OneillJohn Rborn about 1863
OneillT Douglasborn about 1905
OrdwayDelia born about 1886
OrdwayFrank Mborn about 1940
OrdwayFrederick Cborn about 1887
OrdwayIva born about 1911
OrdwayJames Fborn about 1921
OrdwayJohn born about 1915
OrdwayJohn Jr born about 1938
OrdwayJoseph Fborn about 1927
OrdwayLeonard born about 1917
OrdwayM Eideenborn about 1919
OrdwayRita Eborn about 1923
OsullivanGeorge born about 1931
OsullivanJames born about 1901
OsullivanJames born about 1930
OsullivanJohn born about 1928
OsullivanJulia born about 1904
OtooleBarbara Aborn about 1939
OtooleGeorge Eborn about 1894
OtooleLeana Mborn about 1908
OtooleMary Aliceborn about 1904
OtooleMary Eborn about 1857
OuelletteAnna Lborn about 1909
OuelletteJoseph born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerDean born about 1939
PalmerDonald born about 1914
PalmerEsther born about 1918
PalmerGrant Mborn about 1872
PalmerLillian Eborn about 1914
PalmerMaude Lborn about 1886
PalmerMilton Lborn about 1933
PalmerRalph Wborn about 1895
PalmerRichard Lborn about 1936
PalmerRichard Jr born about 1939
PalmerSofie born about 1918
PalmerTheadore Hborn about 1911
PanisCharles Eborn about 1935
PanisEsther Eborn about 1907
PanisHomer Yborn about 1908
PanisJane Eborn about 1937
ParadiseHazel Bborn about 1897
ParadiseNorman Pborn about 1925
ParadiseWilliam Jborn about 1892
ParentVirginia born about 1870
ParentWilliam born about 1872
ParkerAlbert Aborn about 1904
ParkerAlfred Hborn about 1904
ParkerBarbara born about 1929
ParkerBeatrice Bborn about 1904
ParkerCarolin Tborn about 1880
ParkerCarolyn Rborn about 1882
ParkerCharles Aborn about 1883
ParkerCharles Pborn about 1898
ParkerCharlotte born about 1920
ParkerClayton born about 1909
ParkerClyde born about 1911
ParkerDorie born about 1935
ParkerDorothy Hborn about 1903
ParkerDorothy Wborn about 1921
ParkerElizabeth Lborn about 1922
ParkerElla Zborn about 1875
ParkerEmma Fborn about 1875
ParkerFred Aborn about 1871
ParkerFred Oborn about 1876
ParkerGeorge Pborn about 1873
ParkerGeorge Tborn about 1931
ParkerGertrude Aborn about 1926
ParkerGlenn Gborn about 1929
ParkerGlenn Rhborn about 1900
ParkerHarry Lborn about 1936
ParkerHelen Eborn about 1894
ParkerJoan Kborn about 1881
ParkerJohn Oborn about 1936
ParkerLambert Aborn about 1907
ParkerLee Wborn about 1934
ParkerLillian Aborn about 1883
ParkerLillie Wborn about 1901
ParkerLouis Aborn about 1883
ParkerLouis Eborn about 1927
ParkerMabel Nborn about 1878
ParkerMalla Gborn about 1907
ParkerMarilyn Aborn about 1929
ParkerMartha born about 1856
ParkerMary born about 1904
ParkerMary Cborn about 1879
ParkerMaud C Cborn about 1883
ParkerNancy Rborn about 1939
ParkerNellie Jborn about 1886
ParkerNina Hborn about 1927
ParkerPatricia Jborn about 1935
ParkerPhylis born about 1920
ParkerRichard Bborn about 1935
ParkerRichard Rborn about 1927
ParkerRichard Wborn about 1933
ParkerRobert Lborn about 1924
ParkerRussel Lborn about 1917
ParkerRuth Mborn about 1904
ParkerThomas born about 1901
ParkerVirginia Lborn about 1925
ParkerWinfield Nborn about 1924
ParmenterBeverly Jborn about 1926
ParmenterClinton Lborn about 1892
ParmenterClinton Jr born about 1924
ParmenterLola born about 1893
PatchCharles Eborn about 1883
PatchEdna Hborn about 1883
PatchWinthrup Sborn about 1908
PatrickLouise Lborn about 1859
PattersonAgnes Rborn about 1923
PattersonDoris born about 1930
PattersonDorothy Aborn about 1921
PattersonErnest born about 1926
PattersonGeorge born about 1887
PattersonMary Eborn about 1891
PaulBlanch born about 1899
PaulClaire born about 1928
PaulLouis Nborn about 1895
PaulMary born about 1909
PaulWilliam born about 1915
PeabodyAugusta Cborn about 1898
PeabodySamuel born about 1895
PelletierCatherine Eborn about 1917
PelletierEllsworch born about 1918
PelletierJoseph Lborn about 1880
PelletierMary born about 1893
PelletierRaymond Tborn about 1921
PelletierRichard Eborn about 1939
PeltierFrancis born about 1931
PeltierThomas born about 1929
PenaultMary Eborn about 1909
PenaultPaul born about 1931
PerryEva Aborn about 1895
PerryLaura Bborn about 1896
PerryLawrence Bborn about 1925
PetersonEmma born about 1870
PetersonOscar Wborn about 1876
PetiteMajor born about 1897
PhillipKenneth born about 1916
PhillipsLucy born about 1854
PhinneyHelen born about 1862
PhinneyJ Thuraborn about 1885
PillsbryBetty Hborn about 1924
PillsbryMary Janeborn about 1925
Pillsbury??? born about 1934
PillsburyAlice Gborn about 1931
PillsburyAndrew born about 1870
PillsburyAndrew Iborn about 1933
PillsburyAnn born about 1930
PillsburyElaine Rborn about 1939
PillsburyHarold Aborn about 1903
PillsburyHarold Jr born about 1935
PillsburyIrving born about 1895
PillsburyIrving Jborn about 1937
PillsburyJames born about 1920
PillsburyJoanna Mborn about 1907
PillsburyJoyce Tborn about 1936
PillsburyLeo Aborn about 1939
PillsburyLeo Jborn about 1919
PillsburyMarion Aborn about 1906
PillsburyMarion Mborn about 1913
PillsburyMartha Jborn about
PillsburyMary Aborn about 1876
PillsburyMuriel Eborn about 1921
PillsburyRussel E Jrborn about 1930
PillsburyRussell Eborn about 1907
PillsburyRuth born about 1922
PinsoneaultGerald born about 1930
PinsoneaultGloria born about 1925
PinsoneaultLeora born about 1901
PinsoneaultLoris born about 1896
PinsoneaultRobert born about 1927
PinsoneaultRosmary Gborn about 1939
PiperJames born about 1916
PiperLawrence born about 1919
PiperLeona born about 1921
PlakeAl?Ion Cborn about 1903
PlakeOdile Mborn about 1903
PlummerLeroy born about 1921
PolisJames born about 1890
PondHellen Mborn about 1886
PondMary Mborn about 1857
PortJames Hborn about 1871
PottersonJohn born about 1912
PowerAlbert Fborn about 1889
PowerGeoffrey born about 1842
PowerMary Bborn about 1891
PowerMary Eborn about 1889
PowerMathew Eborn about 1892
PowerMaud born about 1886
PowerPatrice born about 1921
PowerRoy born about 1885
PowersAgnes born about 1936
PowersAlice born about 1935
PowersAnna born about 1931
PowersBernard born about 1927
PowersDelia born about 1897
PowersDoris born about 1929
PowersHenry born about 1926
PowersHenry Hborn about 1891
PowersHenry Pborn about 1895
PowersHenry Jr born about 1925
PowersIrene born about 1895
PowersMary born about 1925
PowersRuth born about 1932
PrattBeatrice born about 1921
PrenceArthur born about 1900
PrescottEva Mborn about 1889
PrescottIsabella born about 1870
PrescottNewman born about 1878
PrestonSarah Jborn about 1869
PriceWarren born about 1875
PrimerConrad Gborn about 1900
PrimerFrederick Aborn about 1922
PrimerMadelyn Lborn about 1904
PrimerMargaret born about 1926
PrimerRobert born about 1924
PrinceAlbert Fborn about 1903
PrinceBertha Jborn about 1868
PrinceMary Cborn about 1874
PrinceWilliam born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadierJohn Jborn about 1888
RadierLillian Aborn about 1890
RameyFred Sr born about 1876
RameyTracie born about 1879
RamseyEdward born about 1910
RamseyElizabeth born about 1938
RamseyEmily born about 1935
RamseyEnnio Eborn about 1940
RamseyEva Lborn about 1935
RamseyFred Bborn about 1939
RamseyFred Jr born about 1914
RamseyLura Eborn about 1916
RamseyMary Gborn about 1917
RamseyMary Gborn about 1936
RamseyNancy born about 1937
RamseySusan Mborn about 1938
RaymondLeo born about 1919
ReadBertha born about 1926
ReadElaine born about 1933
ReadJoyce born about 1924
ReadMuriel born about 1909
ReadWilliam born about 1887
ReadWilliam born about 1927
ReadyHannah born about 1902
ReaganBartlett Jborn about 1909
ReaganEleanor born about 1911
ReaganJohn Fborn about 1908
ReaganMary Aborn about 1879
ReedBetty Janborn about 1929
ReedFlorence born about 1906
ReedRichardson born about 1932
ReedWilliam Rborn about 1904
ReesCharles born about 1873
ReesLotta Wborn about 1881
ReesRichard born about 1916
ReeseElizabeth born about 1917
ReeseEugene Hborn about 1913
ReeseEugene Wborn about 1936
ReeseJohn Wborn about 1939
ReesePaul Eborn about 1939
ReynaldsEarle Pborn about 1890
ReynaldsIda born about 1887
RheeRonnie born about 1938
RiceAnita born about 1931
RiceByrl Cborn about 1927
RiceCarlton Gborn about 1939
RiceDellie born about 1927
RiceDonald Eborn about 1903
RiceEdward born about 1935
RiceErma Vborn about 1908
RiceGeorge A Jrborn about 1937
RiceGrace Aborn about 1915
RiceHelen Iborn about 1934
RiceIda born about 1866
RiceJenne born about 1890
RiceKenneth Rborn about 1906
RiceLawrence Kborn about 1935
RiceLenore Eborn about 1917
RiceMildred Hborn about 1938
RiceMyrtle born about 1909
RiceRoger Oborn about 1937
RiceTherlow Aborn about 1929
RiceWilliam Eborn about 1892
RiceWilliam Jr born about 1920
RichardLea Cborn about 1914
RichardsMildred Wmborn about 1900
RichardsWalter Bborn about 1933
RichardsWalter Tborn about 1894
Richardson??? born about 1931
RichardsonChristian born about 1888
RichardsonEllsworth Eborn about 1908
RichardsonLee Mborn about 1935
RichardsonLeon Pborn about 1872
RichardsonLeona born about 1917
RichardsonLouis Wborn about 1880
RichardsonRachael Cborn about 1910
RiedCharles born about 1860
RikeArchibald Gborn about 1885
RikeFlorence Wborn about 1884
RingdahlEleanor born about 1876
RistFrancis born about 1915
RiverMyra born about 1858
RobbinsCaroll Mborn about 1881
RobbinsCharles Cborn about 1924
RobbinsDavid Fborn about 1925
RobbinsElaine born about 1933
RobbinsFlora Aborn about 1931
RobbinsHelen Mborn about 1885
RobbinsJanet Aborn about 1934
RobbinsLydia Hborn about 1893
RobbinsLyman Fborn about 1891
RobbinsMabel Aborn about 1884
RobbinsMary born about 1902
RobbinsRoger born about 1892
RobbinsRoger Sborn about 1923
RobertsonAnna Mborn about 1902
RobertsonJames born about 1899
RodierAnn Mborn about 1905
RodierArthur Jborn about 1895
RodierJean Mborn about 1927
RodierLarain Mborn about 1929
RodierNancy Aborn about 1938
RodierThomas Aborn about 1936
RogeAgnes born about 1867
RogersAnna born about 1934
RogersCharles born about 1928
RogersDorothy born about 1939
RogersHarry Jborn about 1880
RogersHenry F Jrborn about 1904
RogersMary Eborn about 1905
RogersMary Eborn about 1928
RogersMatilda born about 1882
RogersPaul born about 1932
RondeauAdwin Aborn about 1911
RondeauEmily born about 1909
RondeauGermaine born about 1930
RondeauJacquline born about 1934
RootovichBernice Lborn about 1928
RootovichDominick born about 1922
RootovichDominik born about 1894
RootovichHelen Bborn about 1924
RootovichJoseph Sborn about 1921
RootovichLouise born about 1893
RoserIrene born about 1902
RoserThomas Vborn about 1896
RouseWilliam born about 1865
RoyLouis born about 1881
RudeGeorge born about 1885
RuffJohn born about 1919
RunnerJohn Rborn about 1926
RuppenderBridge born about 1861
RushElanor born about 1933
RushElizabeth born about 1931
RushEmily born about 1907
RussellIrene born about 1896
RussellLeo born about 1892
RussellRobert Cborn about 1921
RyanArlene Gborn about 1915
RyanBernard Jborn about 1899
RyanCynthia Mborn about 1935
RyanDonald Rborn about 1929
RyanEdna Jborn about 1914
RyanErwin born about 1911
RyanFrank Rborn about 1871
RyanHelen Eborn about 1908
RyanJoan Mborn about 1932
RyanMaude Mborn about 1881
RyanRoger Wborn about 1906
RyanShirley born about 1937
RyanVirginia born about 1939
RyanWilliam Dborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaballAnson born about 1924
SaballChristine born about 1930
SaballCora born about 1902
SaballDella Mborn about 1940
SaballFrancis born about 1932
SaballFred Cborn about 1887
SaballFred Jr born about 1935
SaballGeorge born about 1939
SaballJoseph born about 1927
SaballSylvia born about 1922
SaballWallace born about 1936
SaffordPaul born about 1900
SalterMargaret born about 1864
SanburnEffie born about 1900
SanburnI Brvceborn about 1933
SanburnIrvin born about 1901
SanderMargaret Aborn about 1909
SanderRichard Bborn about 1898
SansterreMarie born about 1888
SartellAnna Pborn about 1875
SauferAlbert born about 1880
SaunderAmos Jborn about 1901
SaunderIda Dborn about 1868
SaunderJeanne born about 1935
SaunderLaura Pborn about 1902
ScalesLaura Cborn about 1887
ScanlonBartholamew Aborn about 1891
ScanlonBessie Lborn about 1886
ScanlonHenry Mborn about 1884
ScanlonMary Eborn about 1894
ScanlonWilliam Dborn about 1889
ScharchBeverly Mborn about 1929
ScharchCarol Anneborn about 1938
ScharchDonald Pborn about 1939
ScharchDorothy born about 1911
ScharchEthel born about 1938
ScharchFay Fborn about 1928
ScharchFlora Eborn about 1924
ScharchGlenn Aborn about 1922
ScharchJenne Fborn about 1936
ScharchJohn Fborn about 1897
ScharchPaul Eborn about 1902
ScharchPaula Eborn about 1939
ScharchVina Aborn about 1903
SchmidtHenry born about 1940
SchmidtWalter born about 1900
SchmiedepergHenry born about 1860
SchofieldAnna Bborn about 1915
SchofieldCecilia born about 1912
SchofieldClifford Eborn about 1912
SchofieldHelen born about 1936
SchofieldRoy born about 1910
SchofieldRoy Jr born about 1935
SchofieldShirley born about 1937
SchwartzArthur born about 1916
SchwartzLena born about 1919
ScofieldBarbara born about 1928
ScofieldCora born about 1909
ScofieldDoris born about 1932
ScofieldGeorge Eborn about 1871
ScofieldLeonard born about 1908
ScofieldLeonard Fborn about 1936
ScottBarbara born about 1933
ScottBernard Aborn about 1894
ScottC Mclissaborn about 1925
ScottCharlotte Bborn about 1900
ScottEleanor Eborn about 1930
ScottEverett Wborn about 1902
ScottHarold Aborn about 1939
ScottHelen born about 1897
ScottJames Fborn about 1935
ScottJoyce born about 1928
ScottMary Hborn about 1930
ScottNancy Aborn about 1934
ScottStephen Aborn about 1927
ScottWalter Aborn about 1933
SedackJoseph born about 1914
SedackLaurette born about 1913
SedackMarjorie born about 1936
SeperskiEdna born about 1915
SeperskiEdward born about 1929
SeperskiLouis born about 1920
SeperskiStanley born about 1912
SeperskiStella born about 1889
SeperskiWalter born about 1917
SeperskiWilliam born about 1887
ShabenJoseph Lborn about 1906
ShalamGeorge Wborn about 1908
ShalamHelen Gborn about 1908
ShattuckAlice born about 1864
ShattuckAlice born about 1903
ShattuckAlice Lborn about 1926
ShattuckAlice Rborn about 1866
ShattuckAmy Lborn about 1886
ShattuckBarbara born about 1928
ShattuckBlanch Mborn about 1878
ShattuckCarrie Eborn about 1891
ShattuckChalmer Wborn about 1888
ShattuckCharles Rborn about 1920
ShattuckChester Wborn about 1888
ShattuckClifford Mborn about 1928
ShattuckDona Eborn about 1937
ShattuckDoris born about 1898
ShattuckDoris born about 1921
ShattuckDorothy Hborn about 1898
ShattuckElizabeth Lborn about 1922
ShattuckElmer Aborn about 1924
ShattuckEmma born about 1863
ShattuckEvelyn born about 1928
ShattuckFrancis Eborn about 1882
ShattuckFrank Eborn about 1899
ShattuckFred Eborn about 1922
ShattuckGeorge Aborn about 1894
ShattuckGrace born about 1900
ShattuckHarry Bborn about 1921
ShattuckJ Sallyborn about 1937
ShattuckJean Lborn about 1930
ShattuckJesse Mborn about 1889
ShattuckJoseph Lborn about 1885
ShattuckLeon Rborn about 1926
ShattuckLillian born about 1888
ShattuckLois born about 1931
ShattuckLouis Pborn about 1868
ShattuckMarion Eborn about 1906
ShattuckMary Eborn about 1881
ShattuckMildred born about 1898
ShattuckMilton Rborn about 1925
ShattuckMinnie born about 1874
ShattuckMyra born about 1859
ShattuckNathaniel born about 1908
ShattuckNathaniel ???born about 1907
ShattuckOtta Rborn about 1886
ShattuckPatricia Mborn about 1926
ShattuckPauline born about 1924
ShattuckPhilip Aborn about 1924
ShattuckPhyllis born about 1925
ShattuckR Sherwoodborn about 1890
ShattuckRalph Cborn about 1891
ShattuckRalph Lborn about 1933
ShattuckRalph Sborn about 1892
ShattuckRobert born about 1917
ShattuckRoger Eborn about 1925
ShattuckRoger Vborn about 1898
ShattuckRose?E born about 1920
ShattuckRoy born about 1887
ShattuckWalter Lborn about 1890
ShattuckWalter Rborn about 1874
ShaughnesseyRose born about 1908
SheaPaul born about 1916
SheehanHannah Fborn about 1874
SheldonErnest born about 1928
SheldonGeorge born about 1895
SheldonGeorge born about 1935
SheldonNorman born about 1921
SheldonRobert born about 1933
SheldonViola born about 1897
ShepardsonLottie Bborn about 1876
ShepardsonWilliam born about 1876
ShepperdJoseph born about 1875
SherwoodBarbara born about 1922
SherwoodCharlyn born about 1933
SherwoodClaire born about 1939
SherwoodElmer Wborn about 1905
SherwoodFay born about 1926
SherwoodFlorence born about 1897
SherwoodFrancis born about 1923
SherwoodLenora Mborn about 1910
SherwoodMaria Cborn about 1871
SherwoodNancy born about 1931
SherwoodRobert Wborn about 1869
SherwoodRobert Wborn about 1907
SherwoodWalter Eborn about 1896
SherwoodWilliam Mborn about 1936
ShreyCatherine born about 1865
ShultzGeorge born about 1889
ShultzGeorge born about 1923
ShultzNellie Oborn about 1889
SiasAugustus born about 1882
SiasMary Jborn about 1862
SilverRobert Lborn about 1927
SimmonsFlorine Nborn about 1879
SimmonsFreeman Bborn about 1875
SkovinskiWilliam born about 1916
SlineyElizabeth Jborn about 1895
SlineyEsther born about 1893
SlineyFrank born about 1887
SlineyHelen born about 1896
SlineyJames born about 1890
SlineyJohn born about 1889
SlineyJulia born about 1879
SlineyLawrence born about 1912
SlineyMary Aborn about 1859
SlineyMary Aborn about 1862
SlineyMary Hborn about 1890
SlineyRobert Eborn about 1917
SlineyWalter born about 1921
SlocombeClayton born about 1907
SlocombeClayton Jr born about 1932
SlocombeHoward born about 1900
SlocombeLillian born about 1905
SlocombeLois born about 1909
SlocombeMildred born about 1934
SmallAbbie Sborn about 1878
SmallAndrew Jborn about 1866
SmallRoberta Jborn about 1939
SmallRoger born about 1937
SmallwoodCarolina Rborn about 1895
SmallwoodGeorge Hborn about 1862
SmithAlice Mborn about 1917
SmithAnna Mborn about 1938
SmithAnnie Tborn about 1865
SmithBertha Jborn about 1922
SmithBetty Rborn about 1939
SmithCharles Mborn about 1874
SmithElena born about 1891
SmithEverett Aborn about 1913
SmithEverett Jborn about 1936
SmithFrances born about 1927
SmithGladys Mborn about 1924
SmithHenry Pborn about 1927
SmithJ Fletcherborn about 1897
SmithJames Mborn about 1925
SmithJanette born about 1913
SmithJeane Sborn about 1874
SmithKathryn Cborn about 1887
SmithLeslie Wborn about 1878
SmithLester born about 1886
SmithLucy Eborn about 1876
SmithMargaret born about 1870
SmithMarie born about 1889
SmithMarion Sborn about 1911
SmithRoland Aborn about 1937
SnowMartha born about 1880
SomerElmer Aborn about 1908
SomerMarjorie Mborn about 1930
SomerMildred Gborn about 1911
SoucyAlfred Rborn about 1913
SoucyGeorge Lborn about 1878
SoucyLouise born about 1921
SoucyMyrtle Cborn about 1938
SoucyMyrtle Mborn about 1917
SoucyRobert born about 1917
SpauldingAda Pborn about 1877
SpauldingFlorence Wborn about 1907
SpauldingKing Cborn about 1938
SpauldingMilton Cborn about 1911
SpauldingSally born about 1934
SperedukAndrew born about 1897
SperedukTheresa born about 1910
SpringGeorge Vborn about 1908
SpringHorace Gborn about 1876
SpringLucy born about 1882
SpringMarion born about 1865
StandleyGeorge born about 1901
StandleyWinifred born about 1902
StanleyGlenis Aborn about 1936
StanleyGlenn Aborn about 1910
StanleyHazel Rborn about 1909
StanleyHoward born about 1914
StanleyPhyllis born about 1914
StarkieMary born about 1924
StarkieRobert born about 1919
StaytonLouise born about 1911
StaytonNorman born about 1911
StaytonThomas Nborn about 1939
StearnsCaroline born about 1886
StearnsGlenn A Mborn about 1888
SteeleSandra born about 1915
SteinholtzCarrie born about 1930
SteinholtzLars born about 1885
SteinholtzMarion born about 1893
SteinholtzWilliam born about 1929
SteltzMargaret Jborn about 1873
SteversonAllan Aborn about 1906
SteversonElizabeth Lborn about 1906
SteversonNancy Eborn about 1932
SteversonRichard Aborn about 1935
StewardEtta born about 1872
StewartA Helenborn about 1920
StewartAlma born about 1897
StewartAlvin Sborn about 1928
StewartCalvin born about 1917
StewartCalvin Aborn about 1939
StewartCharlott Jborn about 1929
StewartClyde born about 1919
StewartColumbus born about 1910
StewartDacia Aborn about 1884
StewartEarl Mborn about 1878
StewartEdith Lborn about 1939
StewartEvelyn Mborn about 1921
StewartGeorge Aborn about 1893
StewartGeorge Hborn about 1870
StewartGertrude born about 1920
StewartGertrude Jborn about 1902
StewartHarriet born about 1875
StewartLeslie Sborn about 1901
StewartMildred Eborn about 1927
StewartRobert Wborn about 1924
StewartZola born about 1918
StokesSarah born about 1856
StoneGeorge born about 1893
StoneStanton born about 1909
StraitiffAlice Mborn about 1936
StraitiffCatherine born about 1886
StraitiffCharles Hborn about 1879
StraitiffDaniel Bborn about 1920
StraitiffDaniel Bborn about 1939
StraitiffDorie born about 1922
StraitiffDoris born about 1910
StraitiffFlorence born about 1938
StraitiffJohn born about 1935
StraitiffM Maxineborn about 1917
StraitiffPaul born about 1933
StraitiffRalph born about 1936
StraitiffRuth born about 1932
StraitiffRuth Jborn about 1917
StraitiffSara born about 1939
StraitiffWilliam born about 1909
StraitiffWilliam Jr born about 1930
StrattonAlbert Hborn about 1906
StrattonMarie Jborn about 1873
StuartCarrie Mborn about 1878
StubbeAnna Mborn about 1903
StubbeCarol Aborn about 1939
StubbeRalph Aborn about 1895
SullivanAnn Lborn about 1888
SullivanBridget born about 1870
SullivanBright born about 1878
SullivanCecilia Aborn about 1921
SullivanDaniel born about 1904
SullivanFlorence born about 1922
SullivanFlorence Mborn about 1890
SullivanFrancis born about 1926
SullivanGertrude Eborn about 1892
SullivanHamph?? born about 1870
SullivanHelen Fborn about 1890
SullivanHumphney born about 1885
SullivanJanna born about 1863
SullivanJohn Jborn about 1888
SullivanJohn Lborn about 1868
SullivanJohn Tborn about 1890
SullivanJohn Tborn about 1916
SullivanJoseph born about 1931
SullivanJoseph Aborn about 1924
SullivanMark Pborn about 1918
SullivanMary born about 1867
SullivanMary Eborn about 1882
SullivanMary Eborn about 1885
SullivanMary Eborn about 1894
SullivanMary Eborn about 1928
SullivanMary Vborn about 1886
SullivanNellie Aborn about 1890
SullivanPatricia Mborn about 1922
SullivanPhilip Eborn about 1916
SullivanPhilip Jborn about 1889
SullivanRobert Eborn about 1918
SullivanThomas born about 1897
SullivanThomas born about 1901
SullivanWilliam born about 1900
SuprenantJoseph Eborn about 1891
SuprenantMary Cborn about 1889
SuretteAlice born about 1916
SuretteEarl Jr born about 1939
SuretteEarle Jborn about 1916
SwansonGus born about 1891
SwartBernice Cborn about 1893
SwartHerbert born about 1894
SylvesterCharles Wborn about 1933
SylvesterLottie born about 1887
SylvesterMargaret Eborn about 1862
SylvesterRoy born about 1890
SymondsAnnie born about 1919
SymondsCharles born about 1915
SymondsCharles born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaftElizabeth Bborn about 1879
TararavichAlexander born about 1884
TarasevichAnthony born about 1895
TarbellCarrie Eborn about 1863
TarbellGertrude Sborn about 1873
TarbellHarris Gborn about 1872
TarbellMary Bell?born about 1859
TarbellRoger Lborn about 1901
TaylorAgnes Aborn about 1872
TaylorAlice Aborn about 1933
TaylorClayton born about 1939
TaylorFrederick Hborn about 1936
TaylorGladys born about 1901
TaylorHarlan Dborn about 1930
TaylorIrving Eborn about 1928
TaylorJames Hborn about 1935
TaylorKatherine Aborn about 1860
TaylorPaul born about 1898
TaylorRobert Lborn about 1937
TaylorRuth born about 1908
TaylorWilliam born about 1900
TaylorWilliam W Jrborn about 1926
TeachoutNeil born about 1913
TeachoutVera born about 1918
TempletonRobert born about 1925
ThibaultJoseph born about 1877
ThompsonBarbara born about 1932
ThompsonHerbert Lborn about 1901
ThompsonJoan born about 1934
ThompsonMarie born about 1918
ThompsonRobina born about 1908
ThompsonVirginia Lborn about 1938
ThraserDelores Gborn about 1904
ThraserJohn Lborn about 1904
ThraserMeredith Eborn about 1937
TierneyFrank Pborn about 1881
TierneyJ Josephborn about 1909
TierneyJohn Fborn about 1936
TierneyJoseph born about 1933
TierneyJoseph Mborn about 1879
TierneyK Wandaborn about 1938
TierneyKatherine Eborn about 1894
TierneyMary born about 1876
TierneyPatricia Wborn about 1935
TierneySafil born about 1940
TierneySafil Cborn about 1912
TimberlakeFrank born about 1880
TobinCatherine born about 1928
TobinMary born about 1899
TobinWilliam born about 1923
TollesFred born about 1876
ToomeyArlene born about 1914
ToomeyBarbara born about 1930
ToomeyBeverly Jborn about 1930
ToomeyGlenn Pborn about 1918
ToomeyHarold Rborn about 1907
ToomeyHarold Jr born about 1934
ToomeyHelen Pborn about 1910
ToomeyJohn born about 1878
ToomeyMinnie born about 1887
ToomeyNorman born about 1920
ToomeyThomas Rborn about 1938
ToomeyWendell born about 1916
TourignyAlbert born about 1866
TourignyLeah Nborn about 1889
TourignyLuan Aborn about 1890
TowerJanet born about 1922
TownsendEvelyn born about 1906
TownsendGeraldine born about 1927
TownsendJean born about 1933
TownsendMarion born about 1936
TownsendSeymour born about 1897
TownsendWilliam Jr born about 1935
TreadenAgnes Mborn about 1905
TreadenHarold Cborn about 1901
TreadenHarold Jr born about 1924
TritesA Donaldborn about 1907
TritesGeraldine Gborn about 1909
TritesHoward Pborn about 1905
TritesHoward P Jrborn about 1935
TritesJames Hborn about 1914
TritesJohn Aborn about 1939
TritesMarie Lborn about 1936
TritesMarie Yborn about 1914
TritesNora Sborn about 1915
TrueaxAlford born about 1895
TuckerGeorge Eborn about 1862
TuckerLillian born about 1893
TuckerRaymond Cborn about 1889
TuleEthel born about 1886
TuleFrancis Rborn about 1876
TuleFrancis Jr born about 1915
TuleNorman Jborn about 1912
TuleWinifred born about 1913
TumpneyElizabeth Hborn about 1881
TumpneyGenevieve born about 1910
TumpneyLillian Aborn about 1916
TumpneyMildred Hborn about 1918
TumpneyRaymond Wborn about 1913
TumpneyRichard born about 1876
TumpneyRichard born about 1937
TumpneyRichard Jborn about 1913
TumpneyRobert Fborn about 1922
TumpneyTheresa born about 1882
TumpneyVirginia born about 1939
TumpneyWilliam Lborn about 1938
TuneMabel Hborn about 1865
TurchillGordon born about 1916
TurchillJohn Mborn about 1938
TurchillRita born about 1918
TwitchellEliza born about 1857
TwitchellHannah born about 1890
TwitchellM Earleborn about 1927
TwitchellMarlton Eborn about 1890
TwohigEleanor Mborn about 1890
TwohigHelen Bborn about 1919
TwohigWilliam Mborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodFrank born about 1883
UsherGrace born about 1866

V Surnames

VincentJeanette Mborn about 1926
VoseGrace Mborn about 1870

W Surnames

WaddingtonAnnie born about 1878
WaddingtonGeorge born about 1875
WadeMary Aborn about 1862
WadyPansy Eborn about 1891
WagerCarrie Bborn about 1888
WaiteCharles born about 1863
WaiteMary Aborn about 1875
WalchEverett born about 1891
WalchJae born about 1934
WalchMargaret born about 1923
WalchMartin born about 1927
WalchMildred born about 1900
WalchNancy born about 1922
WalcottAnna Bborn about 1903
WalcottClifford Fborn about 1904
WalcottClifford Jr born about 1925
WalcottRobert born about 1931
WalkerCaroline Mborn about 1876
WalkerEdna born about 1905
WalkerEdward Dborn about 1868
WalkerEdwin Hborn about 1895
WallFrederick Sborn about 1920
WallHazel Wborn about 1916
WallMabel born about 1885
WallSylvester Bborn about 1881
WallaceEmma born about 1886
WallaceWilliam Wborn about 1889
WallauJennie born about 1905
WalshFrancis born about 1908
WalshJames born about 1906
WalshKatherine born about 1902
WalshMargaret born about 1870
WaterousC Hester Hborn about 1906
WaterousSusan Sborn about 1939
WaterousVirginia A Lborn about 1906
WatkinsEmma born about 1890
WatkinsHarry born about 1894
WattsCharles Lborn about 1929
WattsLouise Aborn about 1908
WeinerMax Jborn about 1918
WeismanAlfred Cborn about 1909
WeismanDorothy Mborn about 1908
WelchAntionette born about 1888
West??? born about 1888
WestBartholamew born about 1895
WestBoardman Aborn about 1910
WestHarold born about 1917
WestMaude Mborn about 1873
WestStephen born about 1890
WestonDavid Eborn about 1863
WestonLura Bborn about 1867
WetherbeeEmma Rborn about 1871
WetherbeeRoger Fborn about 1905
WeymouthAlice Lborn about 1908
WeymouthDaniel Hborn about 1935
WeymouthFrank Pborn about 1930
WeymouthHarold Wborn about 1898
WeymouthHelen Aborn about 1933
WeymouthVirginia Eborn about 1932
WhalonCaroll Jborn about 1903
WhalonMadelon born about 1899
WheatonAlfred Wborn about 1933
WheatonBarbara Eborn about 1929
WheatonBeatrice Mborn about 1931
WheatonFrederick born about 1924
WheatonMary Eborn about 1908
WheatonMary Eborn about 1927
WheatonWilliam Jr born about 1938
WheatonWilliam Sr born about 1889
WheelerAnna Eborn about 1911
WheelerEdward born about 1936
WheelerPauline Cborn about 1917
WheelerRobert Jborn about 1935
WheelerRobert Lborn about 1914
WheelerWilliam born about
WheelerWilliam Aborn about 1909
WhiteElizabeth Eborn about 1914
WhitneyAlice Cborn about 1858
WileyBeverly born about 1920
WileyFranklyn born about 1882
WileyHelen Mborn about 1879
WileyJoseph Aborn about 1880
WileyJoseph Fborn about 1917
WileyMay born about 1887
WilkinsGerry Gborn about 1939
WilkinsGlenda Lborn about 1936
WilkinsHarriet Lborn about 1905
WilkinsIrving Eborn about 1904
WilkinsRussell Eborn about 1933
WilleyJ Gardnerborn about 1881
WilleyLavina born about 1854
WilliamDoris Eborn about 1924
WilliamDorothy Eborn about 1922
WilliamEleanor Mborn about 1921
WilliamG Russellborn about 1914
WilliamGertrude Hborn about 1927
WilliamIsabel Mborn about 1925
WilliamLeonard Aborn about 1922
WilliamMar?? born about 1892
WilliamTruman born about 1921
WilliamsAllen Rborn about 1932
WilliamsBernard Hborn about 1926
WilliamsElizabeth Eborn about 1880
WilliamsFlorence born about 1915
WilliamsFrank born about 1878
WilliamsFrank born about 1939
WilliamsFrederick Dborn about 1918
WilliamsIrene born about 1920
WilliamsJ Ann Jrborn about 1892
WilliamsJessie Rborn about 1904
WilliamsLizzi Bellyborn about 1876
WilliamsMabel Eborn about 1902
WilliamsMargaret Wborn about 1902
WilliamsMaynaca Jr born about 1925
WilliamsNancy Eborn about 1927
WilliamsRoger born about 1920
WilliamsRussel Gborn about 1936
WilliamsRuth born about 1917
WilliamsVirginia born about 1925
WilliamsonEdith Eborn about 1888
WillsonAndrew Wborn about 1931
WillsonIsabella Lborn about 1923
WillsonLeo Bborn about 1891
WillsonMaud Eborn about 1890
WillsonRobert Hborn about 1933
WilmarthDavid born about 1876
WilmarthM Aliceborn about 1877
WilsonEsther Bborn about 1895
WilsonHelen Lborn about 1899
WilsonHenry Eborn about 1895
WilsonLucius born about 1854
WilsonRuth born about 1894
WinchGloria born about 1925
WinchGrace born about 1892
WinchJames Fborn about 1865
WinchLeon Jborn about 1902
WinchMartin born about 1939
WinchMary Jborn about 1901
WinchRobert born about 1921
WinnClelan Gborn about 1911
WinnHarold Cborn about 1879
WinnIdella born about 1885
WisnoskyAlbert born about 1891
WisnoskyCatherine born about 1939
WisnoskyFrank Lborn about 1923
WisnoskyJohn Cborn about 1935
WisnoskyJoseph born about 1917
WisnoskyLowaine Aborn about 1930
WisnoskyMargaret Eborn about 1920
WisnoskyMary Lborn about 1919
WisnoskyMyra born about 1893
WisnoskyRobert born about 1927
WisnoskyTheresa born about 1933
WisnoskyVirginia Lborn about 1922
WisnoskyWalter Eborn about 1925
WoicekJohn Lborn about 1904
WoicekJohn Wborn about 1932
WoicekMary Mborn about 1903
WoodBernice Lborn about 1887
WoodMary Aborn about 1869
WoodNelson Sborn about 1885
WoodenBetty born about 1926
WoodenCharles born about 1939
WoodenDavid born about 1924
WoodenEthna born about 1906
WoodenLeo born about 1901
WoodenRichard born about 1931
WoodenThomas born about 1933
WoodfordMary born about 1886
Woods?Liner born about 1850
WoodsBessie born about 1902
WoodsHarold born about 1899
WoodsHenry born about 1878
WoodsJames born about 1900
WoodsJohn born about 1930
WoodsMarion born about 1923
WoodsMary born about 1918
WoodsMaude Eborn about 1901
WoodsStanley born about 1922
WoodwardAddison born about 1863
WoodwardAllie born about 1862
WoodwardAnna Dborn about 1895
WoodwardClorence Eborn about 1861
WoodwardIda Bborn about 1866
WoodwardPhillip born about 1918
WoodwardRichard Fborn about 1917
WrightAlvin Wborn about 1875
WrightAnn born about 1937
WrightBernard Lborn about 1925
WrightBertha born about 1878
WrightBessie Jborn about 1875
WrightDonald Rborn about 1907
WrightDorothy born about 1905
WrightDorothy Hborn about 1935
WrightF Kennethborn about 1936
WrightFloyd Dborn about 1903
WrightFrank Tborn about 1852
WrightFreeman Kborn about 1908
WrightGeorgianna born about 1881
WrightHelen born about 1931
WrightHelen Aborn about 1877
WrightLarraine born about 1932
WrightLizzr?? born about 1861
WrightLouis Mborn about 1874
WrightMarion born about 1904
WrightMary born about 1917
WrightNettie Jborn about 1872
WrightRalph born about 1930
WrightRaymond born about 1920
WrightRobert born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YakeusikAlexander born about 1909
YakeusikBoney born about 1905
YakeusikJames born about 1876
YakeusikPhilip Jborn about 1918
YeatonAgnes Pborn about 1902
YeatonBernadette born about 1923
YeatonBrian born about 1926
YeatonCara Bborn about 1864
YeatonConrad Dborn about 1899
YeatonCynthia born about 1924
YeatonPeter born about 1933
YeatonSimeon Aborn about 1866
YeatonTheadore born about 1928
YorchAnthony born about 1894
YorchElizabeth born about 1900
YoungAaron Sborn about 1884
YoungAllen Eborn about 1906
YoungDorothy born about 1909
YoungEsther Aborn about 1917
YoungEva Gborn about 1904
YoungHarry Dborn about 1928
YoungJulia Aborn about 1884
YoungJune Dborn about 1929
YoungMary Cborn about 1908
YoungMarylou born about 1937
YoungMauren born about 1938
YoungNorman born about 1918
YoungPauline Rborn about 1929
YoungRalph born about 1907
YoungRaymond born about 1904
YoungRuth Aborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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