Boston Genealogy (in Suffolk County, MA)

USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Suffolk County (4,955) > Boston (2,714)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Boston are also found through the Suffolk County and Massachusetts pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Court Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Immigration Records Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Minority Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records Tax Records

Boston Birth Records (68)

Boston Cemetery Records (120)

Boston Census Records

Boston, Massachusetts, Census, 1707 Ancestry online

Census 1790 US Gen Web online

Smallpox Inoculation Census of 1824 - Boston Western District, Ward Seven American Ancestors online

Boston Church Records (189)

Boston City Directories (335)

Boston Court Records

Early files of courts WorldCat

Boston Death Records (83)

Boston Histories and Genealogies (213)

Boston Immigration Records

Armenian immigrants : Boston 1891-1901, New York 1880-1897 FamilySearch Library

Book Indexes to Boston Passenger Lists, 1899-1940 Ancestry online

Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943 Ancestry online

Boston Steamship Arrivals, 1890-1930 (names of ships only) Ancestry online

Boston's immigrants, 1790-1865 : a study in acculturation LDS Genealogy online

Boston's immigrants, 1790-1865 : a study in acculturation Internet Archive online

Boston, 1821-1850 Passenger and Immigration Lists Ancestry online

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1884 Ancestry online

Boston, Massachusetts Passenger Lists, 1891-1943 MyHeritage online

Boston, Massachusetts, Passenger Lists, 1820-1891 MyHeritage online

Dutch Immigrants to America, 1820-1880 (includes Boston passenger lists) Ancestry online

Immigrant Arrivals in Boston (various passenger lists for 1634-6, 1716, 1764, 1766-7, 1825-8, 1846-7, 1858, 1882, 1903) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild online

Immigrant Arrivals in Boston (various passenger lists for 1635, 1700, 1826, 1846-7, 1862, 1886, 1889, 1893, 1909) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild online

Immigrant Arrivals in Boston (various passenger lists for 1638, 1826-8, 1846-9, 1854-6, 1886, 1894, 1896, 1905) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild online

Immigrant Arrivals in Boston (various passenger lists for 1683, 1826, 1844, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1852, 1882-4, 1886, 1890, 1894, 1920) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild online

Immigrant Arrivals in Boston (various passenger lists for 1826, 1862, 1874, 1881, 1887, 1890-1, 1905) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild online

Immigrant Arrivals in Boston (various passenger lists for 1847, 1890, 1913, 1920, 1923) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild online

Indexes to records of naturalization in New England courts, 1787-1905, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service Boston District Office Archive Grid

Lists of Alien Passengers to the Port of Boston, 1847-1852 American Ancestors online

Massachusetts, Boston Crew Lists, 1917-1943 Family Search online

Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists Index, 1899-1940 Family Search online

Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1891 Family Search online

Massachusetts, Boston Passenger Lists, 1891-1943 Family Search online

Massachusetts, Index to Boston Passenger Lists, 1848-1891 Family Search online

Massachusetts, Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Boston, 1921-1949 Family Search online

Morton Allan Directory of European Passenger Steamship Arrivals, For the Years 1890 to 1930 at the Port of New York, and for the Years 1904 to 1926 at the Ports of New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

Naturalization records (Boston, Massachusetts), 1845-1911 : NARA, RG 21 FamilySearch Library

Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Boston, 1820-1891 ; with index, 1848-1891 FamilySearch Library

Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Boston, Aug. 1, 1891-1943 ; Book indexes to Boston passenger lists, 1899-1940 ; Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Boston, Jan. 1, 1902- Dec.31, 1920 FamilySearch Library

Petitions and records of naturalization, 1790-1868, United States District Court (Massachusetts) Archive Grid

Petitions and records of naturalization, 1845-1864, United States Circuit Court (Massachusetts) Archive Grid

Petitions and records of naturalization, 1864-1906, United States Circuit Court (Massachusetts) Archive Grid

Petitions and records of naturalization, 1868-1906, United States District Court (Massachusetts) Archive Grid

Port Arrivals and Immigrants to the City of Boston, 1715-1716 and 1762-1769 (included in My GPC Library subscription) online

Records of naturalization in New England courts, 1787-1905, United States Immigration and Naturalization Service Boston District Office Archive Grid

Shawmut, or, the settlement of Boston by the Puritan pilgrims Ancestry online

Ship registers and enrollments of Boston and Charlestown LDS Genealogy online

Ship registers and enrollments of Boston and Charlestown Internet Archive online

U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Boston 1820-1827, 1911 ) Ancestry online

Boston Land Records

Clough's Atlases of Property Owners of Boston in 1798 Massachusetts Historical Society online

Inhabitants and estates of the town of Boston, 1630-1800 : and the crooked and narrow streets of Boston, 1630-1822. WorldCat

Land taking files, 1948-1949, Mystic River Bridge Authority (Mass.). Archive Grid

Second report of the record commissioners of the city of Boston, containing the Boston records 1634-1660, and the book of possessions LDS Genealogy online

Second report of the record commissioners of the city of Boston, containing the Boston records 1634-1660, and the book of possessions Internet Archive online

The taxable valuation of the real and personal estates, with the polls and amount of tax, in the town of Dorchester; also, United States tax, statistics, &c., for the year .. Genealogy Gophers online

Boston Map Records (112)

Boston Marriage Records (132)

Boston Military Records

Boston Sea Fencibles' (naval militia) Signal Roll 1817-1829 American Ancestors online

Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17th, 1776 LDS Genealogy online

Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17th, 1776 Internet Archive online

Celebration of the centennial anniversary of the evacuation of Boston by the British Army, March 17th, 1776 : reception of the Ancestry online

Historical sketch of the Obstetrical Society of Boston in the War of the Rebellion Ancestry online

History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry, Chancellorsville : a paper read at the officers' reunion in Boston, May 11, 1880 LDS Genealogy online

History of the Second Massachusetts Regiment of Infantry, Chancellorsville : a paper read at the officers' reunion in Boston, May 11, 1880 Internet Archive online

Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, 13th Regiment (Civil War) (includes roster) online

Peirce's colonial lists : civil, military and professional lists of Plymouth and Rhode Island colonies, comprising colonial, county and town officers, clergymen, physicians and lawyers ; with extracts from colonial laws defining their duties. 1621-1700 Genealogy Gophers online

Soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution whose deaths were reported in Boston Recorder and Telegraph 1827 and 1828 Genealogy Gophers online

The Public Latin School of Boston in the World War (1914-18). A roll of honor. Internet Archive online

Boston Minority Records

Boston Chinese Removals for Year 1937 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Dutch Immigrants to America, 1820-1880 (includes Boston passenger lists) Ancestry online

Irish in Boston (historical and biographical sketches up to the late 19th century) Ancestry online

Jewish Advocate [Electronic Resource]. ([Boston, Mass.) 1909-Current US Newspaper Directory

Jewish Advocate. (Boston, Mass.) 1909-Current US Newspaper Directory

Jewish World. (Boston, Mass.) 1938-1955 US Newspaper Directory

The Boston Jewish Advocate Index to Obituary Notices, 1905-2007 Ancestry online

The Boston Jewish Advocate Wedding Announcements, 1905-2007 Ancestry online

The early Jewish community of Boston's North End; a sociologically oriented study of an Eastern European Jewish immigrant community in an American big-city neighborhood between 1870 and 1900 LDS Genealogy online

The early Jewish community of Boston's North End; a sociologically oriented study of an Eastern European Jewish immigrant community in an American big-city neighborhood between 1870 and 1900 Internet Archive online

Boston Miscellaneous Records

Boston (Mass.) Overseers of the Poor Indentures, 1734-1805 Digital Commonwealth online

Boston Chinese Removals for Year 1937 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Boston City Hospital Patient Registers 1867-1870 American Ancestors online

Boston Index to Transcript of County Records, 1643-1660 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Boston Indexed Record of Removals (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Boston Indexed Records of Removals, 1823-1859 A 30 Pages (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Boston Port and Seamen's Aid Society records, 1829-1977 Archive Grid

Boston Town Reports 1834-1970 Massachusetts State Library

Boston and Maine Railroad Employees 1874-1939 University of Massachusetts online

Boston society for the care of girls : asylum records, 1800-1866 FamilySearch Library

Consulate registers, 1871-1932 FamilySearch Library

First report of the record commissioners of the city of Boston, 1876 LDS Genealogy online

First report of the record commissioners of the city of Boston, 1876 Internet Archive online

Fourth report of the Record Commissioners 1880 Genealogy Gophers online

Fourth report of the Records Commissioners of the city of Boston, containing Dorchester town records, 1880 Genealogy Gophers online

List of Inhabitants of the town in 1695 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Massachusetts, Boston, Crew Lists, 1811-1921 Family Search online

Massachusetts, Boston, Crew Lists, 1811-1921 Ancestry online

Massachusetts, City of Boston Voter Registers, 1857-1920 Family Search online

Municipal register : containing rules and orders of the City Council, the city charter and recent ordinances, and a list of the officers of the City of Boston, for .. Genealogy Gophers online

Second report of the record commissioners of the city of Boston : containing the book of possessions; Vol. 02 Genealogy Gophers online

Suffolk County (Mass.) sheriff's records, 1799-1930 FamilySearch Library

Boston Newspapers and Obituaries (616)

Boston School Records (212)

Boston Tax Records

Boston Evening Transcrip records, 1841-1941 (inclusive), 1867-1941 (bulk) Archive Grid

Boston Tax List, 1831 American Ancestors online

Boston Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

Boston, Mass., tax list, division 4, 1687 Archive Grid

Boston, Massachusetts, U.S., Tax Records, 1822-1918 Ancestry online

City of Boston tax records, 1799 - 1821 Digital Public Library of America online

List of persons, copartnerships, and corporations who were taxed on six thousand dollars and upwards in the city of Boston : in the year .., specifying the amount of tax on real and personal estate Genealogy Gophers online

List of persons, copartnerships, and corporations, who were taxed on ten thousand dollars and upwards, in the city of Boston 1859; specifying the amount of tax on real and personal estate.; LDS Genealogy online

List of persons, copartnerships, and corporations, who were taxed on ten thousand dollars and upwards, in the city of Boston 1859; specifying the amount of tax on real and personal estate.; Internet Archive online

Massachusetts, Boston Tax Records, 1822-1918 Family Search online

Tax List of Boston, 1821 American Ancestors online

The taxable valuation of the real and personal estates, with the polls and amount of tax, in the town of Dorchester; also, United States tax, statistics, &c., for the year .. Genealogy Gophers online

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