Medford Genealogy (in Middlesex County, MA)

USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Middlesex County (10,092) > Medford (214)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Medford are also found through the Middlesex County and Massachusetts pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records Tax Records

Medford Birth Records

Filter By Year:

Births, deaths, and marriages, ca. 1718-1851 (Medford, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library

Births, deaths, marriages. vol. 2, Years 1718-1830 Deaths, funeral records, years 1775-1822. WorldCat

Births, deaths, marriages. vol. 4, Years 1842-1851 Births, deaths, marriages, years 1690-1850. WorldCat

Massachusetts vital records. / Medford 1742-1910 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Medford Birth Index, 1898-1912 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Births, 1852-1910 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1718-1844 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Congregational Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Deposition of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1796-1925 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford First Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Index to Births, 1843-1851 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Vital records of Medford Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Medford Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Medford Cemetery Records

Medford Cemetery Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Grave Stone Records in Old Cemeteries 1690-1893 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Oak Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Oak Grove Cemetery Billion Graves online

Record of inscriptions in Cross Street Cemetery as of September 15, 1937 [Medford, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Record of inscriptions in Salem Street Cemetery as of September 15, 1937 FamilySearch Library

Salem Street Burying Ground Find a Grave online

Salem Street Burying Ground Billion Graves online

Medford Census Records

1855 and 1865 Massachusetts state censuses for Medford FamilySearch Library

Medford Church Records

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Articles of faith and covenant of the First Trinitarian Congregational Church, Medford, Mass. : with a list of the members [1823-1858] LDS Genealogy online

Articles of faith and covenant of the First Trinitarian Congregational Church, Medford, Mass. : with a list of the members [1823-1858] Internet Archive online

Deaths, years 1785-1832, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WorldCat

Medford Church Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Collections Accounts of Mystic Church in Medford 1848-1865 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Congregational Church Meetings (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Congregational Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford First Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Mystic Church Collections and Accounts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Records of the Medford First Church 1712-1823 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Records of the Second Congregational Church (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Second Congregational Society 1823-1873 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Trinity Methodist Church Records (in New England Select United Methodist Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Two discourses preached before the First Congregational Society in Medford : one upon leaving the old church, and one at the de Ancestry online

Medford City Directories

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Malden (Massachusetts) city directories FamilySearch Library

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Malden, Medford, Melrose, and Everett 1872-3) Ancestry online

Massachusetts City Directories (includes Medford 1872-3, 1886, and 1897) Ancestry online

Medford (Massachusetts) city directories FamilySearch Library

Medford City Directories (1849-1960 selected years) Boston Public Library

Medford City Directories (1869-1938 selected years) Massachusetts State Library

Medford City Directories Containing a House Guide (1924, 1926, 1930, 1936) Massachusetts State Library

Medford City Directory 1885 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1888 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1893 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1897 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1900 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1912 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1914 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1924 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1926 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1928 MyHeritage online

Medford City Directory 1930 MyHeritage online

Medford directory FamilySearch Library

Medford, MA 1849 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Medford, MA 1902, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1920, 1924, 1926, 1928, 1930 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Medford, MA Business Directory, 1849 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Medford, Massachusetts Directory 1890 Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1890 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1893 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1895 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1897 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1900 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1902 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1905 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1907 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1909 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1912 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1914 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1916 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1918 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1920 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1924 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1926 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1928 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1930 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford, Massachusetts, City Directory, 1938 (in U.S. City Directories collection) Ancestry online

Medford Death Records

Filter By Year:

Births, deaths, and marriages, ca. 1718-1851 (Medford, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library

Births, deaths, marriages. vol. 2, Years 1718-1830 Deaths, funeral records, years 1775-1822. WorldCat

Births, deaths, marriages. vol. 4, Years 1842-1851 Births, deaths, marriages, years 1690-1850. WorldCat

Book of deaths, 1785-1832 FamilySearch Library

Deaths, years 1785-1832, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. WorldCat

Funerals in Medford, 1775-1823 FamilySearch Library

Massachusetts vital records. / Medford 1742-1910 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Medford Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1718-1844 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Congregational Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Deaths, 1852-1908 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Deposition of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1796-1925 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford First Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Funerals (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Vital records of Medford Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Medford Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Medford Histories and Genealogies

History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts : from its first settlement in 1630 to 1855 Ancestry online

History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first settlement in 1630 to 1855 LDS Genealogy online

History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first settlement in 1630 to 1855 Internet Archive online

History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1630, to the present time, 1855 FamilySearch Library

History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1630, to the present time, 1855 LDS Genealogy online

History of the town of Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, from its first settlement, in 1630, to the present time, 1855 Internet Archive online

Medford Collections of Letters and Family Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Proceedings of the celebration of the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Medford, Massachusetts : p Ancestry online

Proceedings of the celebration of the two hundred and seventy-fifth anniversary of the settlement of Medford, Massachusetts, June nineteen hundred and five : prefaced by a brief history of the town and city from the day of settlement FamilySearch Library

Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass Genealogy Gophers online

Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass LDS Genealogy online

Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass Internet Archive online

Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass. Ancestry online

Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass. FamilySearch Library

Register of families settled at the town of Medford, Mass. Genealogy Gophers online

Round about old Medford Ancestry online

The Medford historical register FamilySearch Library

The early physicians of Medford Ancestry online

Medford Map Records

Manuscript map of the Ten Hills (Medford, Mass.), October 1637 Massachusetts Historical Society online

Map of Medford, Massachusetts : 1880 Library of Congress online

Map of Medford, Massachusetts : 1880. Library of Congress online

Medford, 1830 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Medford, 1855 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Medford, 1898 Map (in U.S. Historic Land Ownership and Reference Atlases) Ancestry online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, Apr 1887 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, May 1892 Library of Congress online

Medford Marriage Records

Filter By Year:

Births, deaths, and marriages, ca. 1718-1851 (Medford, Massachusetts) FamilySearch Library

Births, deaths, marriages. vol. 2, Years 1718-1830 Deaths, funeral records, years 1775-1822. WorldCat

Births, deaths, marriages. vol. 4, Years 1842-1851 Births, deaths, marriages, years 1690-1850. WorldCat

Massachusetts vital records. / Medford 1742-1910 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Medford Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1718-1844 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Congregational Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Deposition of Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1796-1925 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford First Church Records, with Births, Marriages, and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Marriage Intentions, 1812-1845 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Marriages, 1852-1912 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Town records (1811-1812, 1837-1840) and marriage records (1795-1810, 1812-1845) [Medford, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Vital records of Medford Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Medford Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Medford Military Records

Medford Accounts of Mass Volunteers (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Civil War List of Men and Equipment 1863 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Militia Records: List of Discharged and Wounded and Killed (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Militia Records: List of Men, Equipment to Be Charged (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Payments in Aid of Families of Volunteers 1865-1879 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Payments to Families of Volunteers (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford in the revolution : military history of Medford, Massachusetts, 1765-1783, also list of soldiers and civil officers, with genealogical and biographical notes FamilySearch Library

Medford in the revolution : military history of Medford, Massachusetts, 1765-1783, also list of soldiers and civil officers, with genealogical and biographical notes Genealogy Gophers online

Town records 1673-1864, Medford, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Medford Miscellaneous Records

Medford Accounts Receivable 1789-1837 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Accounts Receivable and Payable (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Bible Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Bible Records, 1690-1812 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford First Trinitarian Congregational Church October 2 1823-April 3 1876 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Historical Society Genealogy (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Index Town Records, 1673-1864 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Index of Selectmen Records Town of Medford 1794-1892 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Meetings Overseers of the Poor, 1811-- 1837 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Miscellaneous Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Overseers Accounts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Overseers of Poor, 1829-1837 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Overseers of the Poor Letters, 1830-- 1840 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Payments for Care of Poor (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Register of Voters, 1877-1893 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Selectmen Order, Book 1735-1803 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Selectmen Records, 1794-1807; Vol. 1 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Selectmen Records, 1807-1816 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Selectmen Records, 1817-1832 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Selectmen Records, Strays and Selectmen Orders (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Town Payments and Receipts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Town Records 1657-1841 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Town reports (1950-1978) Massachusetts State Library

Medford Treasurer's Cash Book 1729-1789 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Voter Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Selectmen's records 1794-1843 and index 1794-1892, Medford, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

Town officers, Medford, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 1775-1783 FamilySearch Library

Town records, 1675-1781 FamilySearch Library

Medford Newspapers and Obituaries

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Medford Citizen (1901-1902) Boston Public Library

Medford Citizen (1991-1997) Boston Public Library

Medford City News (1893-1894) Boston Public Library

Medford Daily Evening Mercury (1927-1969) Boston Public Library

Medford Daily Mercury (1969-1989) Boston Public Library

Medford Daily Mercury (1995) Boston Public Library

Medford Leader (1903-1908) Boston Public Library

Medford Mercury (1897-1902;1880-1893) Boston Public Library

Medford Mercury (1904-1928) Boston Public Library

Medford Mercury (1938-1939) Boston Public Library

Medford Mercury (Vol. 25, No. 26 (June 23, 1905), J 1971 243) Massachusetts State Library

Medford Mercury and Messenger (1928-1929) Boston Public Library

Medford Mercury-Citizen (1903) Boston Public Library

Medford Messenger (1918;1913-1915) Boston Public Library

Medford This Week (1984-1989;1981-1982) Boston Public Library

Medford Transcript (1990-2007) Boston Public Library

Medford Transcript 08/10/2005 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Review (1916-1917) Boston Public Library

Offline Newspapers for Medford

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Medford Chronicle. (Medford, Mass.) 1872-1882

Medford School Records

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Medford High School - Blue and White Yearbook (Medford, MA), 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960 E Yearbook online

Medford High School yearbook, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931 (Jun), 1932, 1933, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Medford High School yearbook, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931 (Jun), 1932, 1933, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988 Classmates online

Medford High School yearbook, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1938, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

St Clement High School - Anchor Yearbook (Medford, MA), 1946, 1953 E Yearbook online

St Clement High School yearbook, 1946, 1953 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Tufts College yearbooks, 1890, 1904, 1917, 1922, 1925, 1936, 1940, 1947, 1952, 1953 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Tufts University - Jumbo Yearbook (Medford, MA), 1890, 1904, 1917, 1922, 1925, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 E Yearbook online

Tufts University yearbook, 1958 Classmates online

Tufts University yearbook, 1958 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

Tufts University yearbooks, 1890, 1904, 1917, 1940, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1962 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Medford Tax Records

Massachusetts Tax Valuation List of 1771 New Horizons Genealogical Services online

Medford Tax Record 1735-1817 (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Tax Records, Payments and Warnings (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Medford Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

Medford Tax Valuations 1792 Massachusetts State Library

Medford Tax Valuations, 1684-1735 Massachusetts State Library

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