Middlefield Genealogy (in Hampshire County, MA)

USA (1,380,571) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Hampshire County (2,060) > Middlefield (55)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Middlefield are also found through the Hampshire County and Massachusetts pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records Death Records Histories and Genealogies Marriage Records Miscellaneous Records Tax Records

Middlefield Birth Records

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Massachusetts vital records--Middlefield, 1774-1899 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Middlefield Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Middlefield Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Vital Records to 1850 Jane Devlin online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Genealogy Gophers online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Vital records, 1843-1900 [Middlefield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Middlefield Cemetery Records

Bell Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mack Cemetery Find a Grave online

Middlefield Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pine Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Smith Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wright Cemetery Find a Grave online

Middlefield Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Middlefield, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

Middlefield Church Records

Congregational Church minutes, Middlefield, Mass, 1832-1892 Archive Grid

Congregational Church of Middlefield, Mass. : organized Nov. 18th 1783 : Sunday School organized about 1820 Archive Grid

Records of Middlefield Congregational Church : beginning Jan. 1st 1925 Archive Grid

Middlefield Death Records

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Massachusetts vital records--Middlefield, 1774-1899 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Middlefield Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Middlefield Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Vital Records to 1850 Jane Devlin online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Genealogy Gophers online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Vital records, 1843-1900 [Middlefield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Middlefield Histories and Genealogies

A history of the town of Middlefield, Massachusetts FamilySearch Library

A history of the town of Middlefield, Massachusetts (includes genealogies of early families) Ancestry online

A history of the town of Murrayfield 1760-1783 (includes history of Chester, Huntington, Montgomery, and Middlefield) Ancestry online

A history of the town of Murrayfield, earlier known as township no. 9 : and comprising the present towns of Chester and Huntington, the northern part of Montgomery, and the southeast corner of Middlefield, 1760-1783 FamilySearch Library

A memorial of the 100th anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Middlefield, 1883 (historical) Ancestry online

A memorial of the one hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of the town of Middlefield, August 15, 1883 : containing the historical discourse FamilySearch Library

Genealogies from Town History 1670-1850 Jane Devlin online

History of the town of Middlefield, Massachusetts LDS Genealogy online

History of the town of Middlefield, Massachusetts Internet Archive online

History of the town of Murrayfield : earlier known as Township No. 9, and comprising the present towns of Chester and Huntington, the northern part of Montgomery, and the southeast corner of Middlefield : 1760-1763 LDS Genealogy online

History of the town of Murrayfield : earlier known as Township No. 9, and comprising the present towns of Chester and Huntington, the northern part of Montgomery, and the southeast corner of Middlefield : 1760-1763 Internet Archive online

Index for Middlefield genealogies : extracted from A history of the town of Middlefield, Massachusetts : volume 1 - Smith, 1924, volume 2- Sternagle-Cummings, 1985 FamilySearch Library

Middlefield, Massachusetts History Ancestry online

Middlefield Marriage Records

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Massachusetts Marriages 1633-1850 Ancestry online

Massachusetts vital records--Middlefield, 1774-1899 WorldCat

Massachusetts, Compiled Birth, Marriage, and Death Records, 1700-1850 Ancestry online

Middlefield Births, Marriages and Deaths (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Middlefield Vital Record Transcripts (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Vital Records to 1850 Jane Devlin online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Genealogy Gophers online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 LDS Genealogy online

Vital records of Middlefield, Massachusetts, to the year 1850 Internet Archive online

Vital records, 1843-1900 [Middlefield, Massachusetts] FamilySearch Library

Middlefield Miscellaneous Records

Middlefield Town Records (from Massachusetts Town Records collection) Ancestry online

Middlefield Town Reports (1867-2010 selected years) Massachusetts State Library

Town records, 1783-1850 FamilySearch Library

Middlefield Tax Records

Middlefield Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

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