USA (1,373,456) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Essex County (7,923) > > Salem (476) > Salem Newspapers and Obituaries (53)
USA (1,373,456) > Massachusetts (48,981) > Essex County (7,923) > > Essex County Newspapers and Obituaries (879) > Salem Newspapers and Obituaries (53)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Salem are also on the Salem page.
American Gazette, Or Constitutional Journal (1776) Boston Public Library
American Gazette, or, the Constitutional Journal 06/18/1776 to 07/30/1776 Genealogy Bank
City Post (1872) Boston Public Library
Essex Gazette (With New England Chronicle, (1768-1775) Boston Public Library
Essex Gazette 08/02/1768 to 05/02/1775 Genealogy Bank
Essex Register (1807-1840) Boston Public Library
Essex Register (Jan. 16, 1822-Dec. 25, 1822, Special Collections, Print, Semiweekly) Massachusetts State Library
Essex Register 07/23/1807 to 12/31/1827 Genealogy Bank
Evening News (1966-1969) Boston Public Library
Evening News (Beverly Ed., 1967-1968) Boston Public Library
Evening News (Peabody Ed., 1966-1968) Boston Public Library
Free World 08/15/1848 to 11/03/1848 Genealogy Bank
Friend (1807) Boston Public Library
Friend 01/03/1807 to 07/18/1807 Genealogy Bank
Impartial Register (1800) Boston Public Library
Impartial Register 05/12/1800 to 12/31/1801 Genealogy Bank
Journal Serving the Jewish Community North of B (1992-1993) Boston Public Library
Le Courrier De Salem (1908-1921) Boston Public Library
Le Courrier De Salem (June 1911-Dec. 1921, Special Collections, Microfilm, Semiweekly and Weekly, in French) Massachusetts State Library
Lighthouse 05/11/1835 to 10/31/1835 Genealogy Bank
Salem Chronicle, and Essex Advertiser (1786) Boston Public Library
Salem Chronicle, and Essex Advertiser 03/30/1786 to 08/03/1786 Genealogy Bank
Salem City Post (1873) Boston Public Library
Salem Daily Gazette (1892-1908) Boston Public Library
Salem Evening News (1880-1966) Boston Public Library
Salem Evening News (1969) Boston Public Library
Salem Evening News (Peabody Ed.) 1965-1966) Boston Public Library
Salem Evening Post (1882-1885) Boston Public Library
Salem Gazette (1875-1889;1861-1873;1790-1858) Boston Public Library
Salem Gazette (With Mass.Gazette, Boston, 1781-1785) Boston Public Library
Salem Gazette 09/23/2005 to Current Genealogy Bank
Salem Gazette 10/18/1781 to 12/29/1849 Genealogy Bank
Salem Impartial Register (1800-1801) Boston Public Library
Salem Literary and Commercial Observer (1825-1827) Boston Public Library
Salem Mercury (1788-1789) Boston Public Library
Salem Mercury (June 6, 1832-Mar. 1833, Special Collections, Print, Weekly) Massachusetts State Library
Salem Mercury 10/14/1786 to 12/29/1789 Genealogy Bank
Salem Mercury: Political, Commercial & Moral (1786-1788) Boston Public Library
Salem Observer (1824-1825) Boston Public Library
Salem Observer (1828-1895) Boston Public Library
Salem Observer 12/20/1823 to 01/10/1874 Genealogy Bank
Salem Post (1874-1882) Boston Public Library
Salem Register (1802-1807) Boston Public Library
Salem Register (1841-1892) Boston Public Library
Salem Register (1906-1918) Boston Public Library
Salem Register 01/04/1802 to 07/16/1807 and 01/04/1841 to 01/22/1891 Genealogy Bank
Salem Register and Essex County Mercury (1903-1906) Boston Public Library
Salem State Log, The: Salem State University 04/14/2013 to 07/14/2017 Genealogy Bank
Saturday Evening Observer (1895-1919) Boston Public Library
Scrap-book containing many obituaries of Salem residents. WorldCat
The Observer (1823) Boston Public Library
The Salem Gazette (1798-1807 (Incomplete), Special Collections, Print, Semiweekly; Oct. 1892-Aug. 1908, Special Collections, Microfilm, Daily (Except Sun.)) Massachusetts State Library
Weekly Visitant 08/02/1806 to 12/20/1806 Genealogy Bank
Offline Newspapers for EssexAccording to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers. American Justifier. (Salem, Mass.) 1867-1868 Commercial Advertiser and Essex County Journal. (Salem, Mass.) 1833-1837 Commercial Advertiser. (Salem, Mass.) 1832-1833 Constitutionalist. (Salem [Mass.]) 1834-1835 Dispatch. (Salem, Mass.) 1912-1913 Essex County Freeman. (Salem, Mass.) 1849-1854 Essex County Mercury and Danvers Courier. (Salem, Mass.) 1849-1854 Essex County Mercury and Weekly Salem Gazette. (Salem, Mass.) 1863-1892 Essex County Mercury, Weekly Salem Gazette. (Salem, Mass.) 1892-1898 Essex County Mercury. (Salem, Mass.) 1844-1849 Essex County Mercury. (Salem, Mass.) 1898-1903 Essex County Washingtonian. (Salem, Mass.) 1842-1845 Essex Gazette. (Salem [Mass.]) 1768-1775 Essex Register. (Salem, Mass.) 1807-1840 Essex Statesman. (Salem, Mass.) 1863-1868 Evangelist. (Salem [Mass.]) 1843-1844 Evening News. (Salem, Mass.) 1966-1969 Evening Telegram. (Salem, Mass.) 1885-1887 Landmark. (Salem, Mass.) 1834-1836 Locomotive, an Independent Journal. (Salem [Mass.]) 1842-1843 Morning Dispatch. (Salem, Mass.) 1908-1909 Morning and Evening Call. (Salem, Mass.) 1890-1891 North Shore Gazette. (Salem, Mass.) 1912-1913 People's Advocate. (Salem, Mass.) 1853-1858 Salem Advertiser and Argus. (Salem, Mass.) 1841-1844 Salem Advertiser. (Salem [Mass.]) 1837-1841 Salem Advertiser. (Salem, Mass.) 1844-1849 Salem Advocate. (Salem, Mass.) 1858-1861 Salem Courier. (Salem, Mass.) 1828-1829 Salem Daily Gazette. (Salem, Mass.) 1892-1908 Salem Daily Times. (Salem, Mass.) 1887-1888 Salem Dispatch. (Salem, Mass.) 1861-1862 Salem Dispatch. (Salem, Mass.) 1909-1912 Salem Enterprise. (Salem [Mass.]) 1867-1868 Salem Evening Journal. (Salem [Mass.]) 1854-1855 Salem Evening Mail. (Salem, Mass.) 1915-1916 Salem Evening News. (Salem, Mass.) 1880-1966 Salem Evening News. (Salem, Mass.) 1969-2002 Salem Evening Post. (Salem, Mass.) 1881-1885 Salem Gazette, Or, Newbury and Marblehead Advertiser. (Salem [Mass.]) 1774-1775 Salem Gazette. (Salem [Mass.]) 1781-1785 Salem Gazette. (Salem [Mass.]) 1790-1892 Salem Impartial Register. (Salem, Mass.) 1800-1801 Salem Literary & Commercial Observer. (Salem, Mass.) 1825-1827 Salem Mercury. (Salem [Mass.]) 1788-1789 Salem Mercury. (Salem, Mass.) 1831-1843 Salem Mercury. (Salem, Mass.) 1914-1917 Salem Mercury: Political, Commercial, and Moral. (Salem [Mass.]) 1786-1788 Salem Observer. (Salem, Mass.) 1824-1825 Salem Observer. (Salem, Mass.) 1828-1896 Salem Post. (Salem, Mass.) 1874-1882 Salem Public. (Salem, Mass.) 1887-1888 Salem Register and Essex County Mercury. (Salem, Mass.) 1903-1906 Salem Register. (Salem, Mass.) 1802-1807 Salem Register. (Salem, Mass.) 1841-1903 Salem Sunday Mercury. (Salem, Mass.) 1914-1917 Salem Sunday Tribune. (Salem, Mass.) 1927-1934 Salem Times. (Salem, Mass.) 1908-1911 Salem Times. (Salem, Mass.) 1961-1964 Salem Witch. (Salem, Mass.) 1865-1866 Saturday Evening Bulletin. (Salem [Mass.]) 1833-1834 Saturday Evening Observer. (Salem, Mass.) 1896-1919 |