1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mount Savage, Allegany, Maryland

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maryland > Allegany County > 1940 Census of Mount Savage

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbwingChester born about 1919
AbwingConstantine born about 1915
AbwingGeorge born about 1923
AbwingJulia born about 1878
AbwingTheodore born about 1882
AbwingValentina born about 1911
AdamsBarbara born about 1939
AdamsElizabeth born about 1882
AdamsGladys born about 1920
AdamsHenry born about 1903
AdamsIsabelle born about 1893
AdamsIsabelle Mborn about 1924
AdamsLouise born about 1927
AdamsMargaret born about 1922
AdamsMarion born about 1922
AdamsPatrica born about 1930
AdamsPaul born about 1935
AdamsPercy Cborn about 1881
AdamsRosetta born about 1913
AdamsRuth born about 1938
AdamsThomas born about 1889
AdamsThomas Gborn about 1913
AdamsThomas Gborn about 1928
AldridgeAgnes born about 1903
AldridgeDorthy born about 1938
AldridgeEdward born about 1905
AldridgeElizabeth born about 1884
AldridgeEmil born about 1913
AldridgeFlorence born about 1901
AldridgeFrancis born about 1880
AldridgeHoward born about 1876
AldridgeHoward Jr born about 1916
AldridgeJane born about 1870
AldridgeMargaret born about 1902
AldridgeMary born about 1919
AldridgeMinnie Aborn about 1877
AldridgeRose born about 1929
AldridgeWilliam born about 1899
AllrightCharles born about 1900
AllrightJohn Wborn about 1880
AllrightSusan born about 1876
AllrightZella born about 1912
AlridgesCharles born about 1919
AlridgesClide born about 1926
AlridgesEvelyn born about 1929
AlridgesIda born about 1899
AlridgesMary born about 1919
AlridgesRaymond born about 1922
AlridgesRobert born about 1884
AlridgesWilla born about 1923
AndrewsBessie born about 1912
AndrewsClarence born about 1921
AndrewsElizabeth born about 1882
AndrewsRaymond born about 1918
AndrewsRobert born about 1881
AndrewsThomas born about 1924
AnnaEusela born about 1906
AnnaMary born about 1892
AnnaVerna born about 1933
AnnaWilliam born about 1937
AnndolphEarl born about 1897
AnndolphMargaret born about 1939
AnndolphPearl born about 1917
AnndolphThedore born about 1938
ArndorffRaymond born about 1914
ArndorffRaymond born about 1934
ArndorffSarah born about 1914
ArnoldKatie born about 1870
ArnoldThomas born about 1865
AtchinsonAnna born about 1898
AtchinsonAnna Bborn about 1926
AtheyAuthor born about 1877
AtheyMaggie born about 1883
Atkinson?agadaline born about 1911
AtkinsonJohn born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerAnna Mayborn about 1934
BakerAuthor born about 1904
BakerAuthor Jr born about 1930
BakerBillie born about 1936
BakerCharles Lborn about 1872
BakerEdwin born about 1907
BakerElizabeth born about 1909
BakerEugene born about 1939
BakerGladys born about 1908
BakerHannah born about 1868
BakerIrvins born about 1932
BakerMary born about 1928
BakerMary Louiseborn about 1913
BakerThomas born about 1939
BalversAda born about 1911
BalversColin born about 1910
BalversFrank born about 1933
BalversRobert born about 1934
BancordLouise Sborn about 1889
BancordLouise Yborn about 1911
BancordMitchel Sborn about 1862
BarrettAgnes born about 1907
BarrettAgnes Lborn about 1911
BarrettAlice born about 1888
BarrettEveline born about 1905
BarrettFrances born about 1892
BarrettGregory born about 1913
BarrettJames Hborn about 1902
BarrettJames Jborn about 1937
BarrettMarie born about 1888
BarrettMary Lborn about 1912
BarrettRose born about 1862
BarrettShirley Jborn about 1935
BarrettWilliam born about 1915
BarrettWillie Dborn about 1872
BartgisJaeanita born about 1926
BartgisNellie born about 1923
BartgisNorma born about 1925
BartgisPearl born about 1908
BartgisWilliam born about 1889
BarthGeorge born about 1857
BarthJacqueline born about 1937
BarthJohn Eborn about 1911
BarthMary born about 1912
BarthMary Eborn about 1858
BarthRobert born about 1908
BarthRuth Lborn about 1917
BealAguilla born about 1873
BealBenjeman Lborn about 1924
BealCarol Sborn about 1935
BealEthel born about 1914
BealGeorge born about 1905
BealIda Iborn about 1919
BealJohn Lborn about 1870
BealLaura born about 1877
BealLester born about 1913
BealRose Gborn about 1906
BeemanCalvin born about 1926
BeemanGertrude born about 1896
BeemanJohn born about 1921
BeemanRaymond born about 1894
BeemanRaymond Jr born about 1920
BeggsDorothy born about 1921
BeggsMary born about 1893
BeggsStones born about 1885
BennettBarbara born about 1939
BennettDelores born about 1926
BennettDonald Eborn about 1933
BennettDora born about 1893
BennettDorthy born about 1923
BennettEleanor born about 1921
BennettElizabeth born about 1915
BennettFrancis born about 1917
BennettFrank born about 1886
BennettGeorge Bborn about 1893
BennettHarold born about 1920
BennettHenry born about 1889
BennettHenry born about 1917
BennettJanet born about 1895
BennettJohn born about 1893
BennettJohn born about 1924
BennettJohn Rborn about 1919
BennettLeona born about 1915
BennettLila born about 1892
BennettLillian born about 1895
BennettMable born about 1918
BennettMarian born about 1916
BennettMartha born about 1931
BennettMary born about 1926
BennettMary born about 1940
BennettMary Lborn about 1930
BennettMary Mborn about 1921
BennettRichard born about 1927
BennettRobert born about 1937
BennettVan born about 1933
BennettWilda born about 1924
BennettWilliam born about 1852
BennettWilliam born about 1884
BenzinoLouise Mborn about 1884
BeransMargaret born about 1890
BerminghamAnna born about 1919
BerminghamJames born about 1912
BerminghamJames born about 1939
BerminghamThomas born about 1875
BerminghamThomas born about 1939
BerryGertrude born about 1939
BerryNewton born about 1900
BerryVerna born about 1905
BerthEdna born about 1882
BerthRobert born about 1880
BestFlorence born about 1915
BestFrances born about 1911
BestMary born about 1905
BestMary Fborn about 1932
BestWilliam born about 1903
BestWilliam born about 1930
BettnerCharles born about 1911
BettnerEdna born about 1919
BettnerRobert born about 1938
BeverAnna Mayborn about 1891
BeverClaire Annborn about 1931
BeverEdan Jborn about 1898
BeverEdgar born about 1896
BeverHenry Jborn about 1891
BeverHenry Tborn about 1920
BeverWilliam born about 1866
BeverWilliam Eborn about 1921
BirminghamRobert born about 1882
BlackEvelyn born about 1934
BlackFrances born about 1906
BlackGladys born about 1909
BlackHomer born about 1903
BlackRuth born about 1931
BlackSally born about 1930
BlackSherman born about 1931
BlackWillis born about 1904
BlakeAloysius born about 1916
BlakeDorothy born about 1911
BlakeDorothy born about 1919
BlakeDorothy Mborn about 1933
BlakeFrances born about 1937
BlakeJohn Vborn about 1939
BlakeMargaret born about 1876
BlakeMary born about 1930
BlakePaul born about 1906
BlakeRonald Jborn about 1935
BlankAndrew born about 1925
BlankAustin born about 1923
BlankCarl born about 1899
BlankCarl Jr born about 1925
BlankCaroline born about 1939
BlankCatherine Mborn about 1910
BlankClayton born about 1920
BlankDon Hborn about 1932
BlankDonald born about 1929
BlankDonald born about 1934
BlankEdward Mborn about 1885
BlankElizabeth Cborn about 1911
BlankElmer Fborn about 1930
BlankElsie born about 1894
BlankElsworth born about 1934
BlankEvelyn born about 1911
BlankFannie Lborn about 1865
BlankFloyd born about 1922
BlankFrancis Eborn about 1907
BlankGerald born about 1919
BlankGilbert born about 1937
BlankGloria Jborn about 1935
BlankGrace born about 1887
BlankHoward born about 1924
BlankIda born about 1888
BlankJames Rborn about 1927
BlankJohn born about 1879
BlankJr William Lborn about 1934
BlankJulia Annborn about 1940
BlankKenneth born about 1918
BlankLeslie Jborn about 1936
BlankLewis born about 1898
BlankMargaret born about 1886
BlankMargaret Eborn about 1929
BlankMartha born about 1929
BlankMary born about 1904
BlankMary Eborn about 1923
BlankMaud Tborn about 1916
BlankNorma Leeborn about 1931
BlankPerry born about 1927
BlankRaymond born about 1920
BlankRichard born about 1938
BlankRobert born about 1938
BlankRoy Dborn about 1910
BlankSamuel born about 1910
BlankSherley Aborn about 1937
BlankShirley born about 1933
BlankTed born about 1900
BlankViola Lborn about 1907
BlankVirginia Leeborn about 1929
BlankWalter born about 1889
BlankWalter Jr born about 1915
BlankWilliam Lborn about 1905
BlankWilliard Jborn about 1915
BlankWinard born about 1908
BluckerCharles Tborn about 1874
BluckerHilda born about 1917
BluckerJames born about 1921
BluckerMary born about 1939
BluckerSarah born about 1881
BluckerThomad Dborn about 1936
BluckerThomas born about 1915
BoeversDoris born about 1904
BoeversJohn born about 1909
BoeversMargaret born about 1867
BokerJake born about 1875
BokerLouis born about 1901
BokerMary Tborn about 1881
BokerPatrick born about 1912
BokerPaul born about 1917
BokerTheodore born about 1923
BonderickJack born about 1869
BoorRaymond born about 1900
BoorVirginia born about 1897
BooreBeulah born about 1929
BooreDorothy Aborn about 1927
BooreNorma born about 1933
BooreNorman born about 1902
BooreRose born about 1908
BordsJessie born about 1886
BornDianace born about 1937
BornElizabeth born about 1915
BornFrank born about 1914
BostetterHoward born about 1882
BostetterMargaret born about 1901
BousloughAlice born about 1925
BousloughEarl born about 1882
BousloughMildred born about 1921
BousloughPatrick born about 1923
BousloughRose Mborn about 1914
BousloughTheresa born about 1887
BoutchJoseph born about 1931
BowenJane born about 1927
BowenMiller born about 1925
BowersAlice Lborn about 1891
BowersClara Lborn about 1927
BowersColin Cborn about 1890
BowersEdward Cborn about 1926
BowersElizabeth born about 1930
BowersHelen Aborn about 1929
BowersJoseph Gborn about 1922
BowersLoretta Aborn about 1890
BowersSamuel Gborn about 1898
BowersSarah born about 1902
BowersWilliam born about 1928
BowmanEthel born about 1924
BowmanHelen born about 1921
BowmanJohn born about 1888
BowmanJohn Eborn about 1927
BowmanLaura born about 1888
BowmanMarie born about 1922
BowmanNellie born about 1926
BowmanWilbur Hborn about 1930
BoyleBernadine born about 1900
BoyleBernadine born about 1925
BoyleColar born about 1929
BoyleEilaine born about 1931
BoyleEileen born about 1933
BoyleJoan born about 1927
BoyleMaureen born about 1938
BoyleRobertina born about 1935
BoyleStephen born about 1901
BoyleStephen Jr born about 1940
BrailerAlma born about 1909
BrailerAugustin born about 1864
BrailerCatherine born about 1894
BrailerDavid born about 1872
BrailerElla born about 1889
BrailerEvelyn born about 1933
BrailerFrancis born about 1907
BrailerFrancis born about 1925
BrailerGeorge born about 1855
BrailerGeorge Jr born about 1893
BrailerJames Pborn about 1928
BrailerJoseph born about 1893
BrailerLawrence born about 1860
BrailerMartha born about 1891
BrailerMary born about 1881
BrailerRose born about 1875
BrailerRose born about 1896
BrailerTheresa born about 1868
BrailerWilliam born about 1923
BrannonElizabeth born about 1866
BrannonEugene born about 1907
BransonHarry born about 1931
BransonHelen born about 1928
BransonJames born about 1894
BransonJames Jr born about 1926
BransonJohn born about 1934
BransonJoseph born about 1937
BransonMarguerite born about 1929
BransonTheresa born about 1904
BrantEllen born about 1854
BrantEthel born about 1900
BrantIda born about 1866
BrantJohn born about 1931
BrantKenneth born about 1936
BrantLaslie born about 1891
BrantRaymond born about 1932
BrantRobert born about 1907
BrantRobert born about 1930
BrantRobert Fborn about 1921
BrantRosella born about 1909
BraslerCletus born about 1915
BraslerJohn born about 1884
BraslerJulia born about 1884
BraslerMary Aborn about 1920
BrerAnna Mborn about 1863
BridgesA Rosettaborn about 1869
BridgesAlbert born about 1899
BridgesAmanda born about 1905
BridgesAnna born about 1889
BridgesAnna Mayborn about 1907
BridgesAudrey born about 1930
BridgesBlanche born about 1922
BridgesBobbie born about 1935
BridgesCecil born about 1908
BridgesCharolote born about 1939
BridgesClarence born about 1911
BridgesClayton born about 1921
BridgesClinton born about 1913
BridgesColordin born about 1907
BridgesDon born about 1883
BridgesDonald born about 1930
BridgesDorla born about 1930
BridgesEdgar born about 1890
BridgesElizabeth born about 1900
BridgesEugene born about 1929
BridgesEvelyn born about 1921
BridgesFannie born about 1879
BridgesFloyd born about 1931
BridgesGalen born about 1936
BridgesGeorge born about 1894
BridgesGeorge Eborn about 1922
BridgesGerald born about 1925
BridgesGrace born about 1895
BridgesHelen born about 1917
BridgesHoward born about 1934
BridgesJacob Tborn about 1875
BridgesJohn born about 1887
BridgesJohn Lborn about 1863
BridgesJoseph born about 1928
BridgesKenneth Rborn about 1937
BridgesLawrence born about 1920
BridgesLeo born about 1918
BridgesLouis born about 1902
BridgesManalee born about 1938
BridgesMary born about 1924
BridgesMarylyn born about 1935
BridgesMelvin born about 1924
BridgesMelvin born about 1929
BridgesMorvin born about 1934
BridgesMyra Leeborn about 1937
BridgesNettie born about 1868
BridgesNettie born about 1908
BridgesOrvil born about 1923
BridgesPaul born about 1923
BridgesPaul born about 1937
BridgesPeals born about 1901
BridgesPearl born about 1899
BridgesRalph born about 1933
BridgesRaymond born about 1919
BridgesRobert born about 1908
BridgesRobert born about 1927
BridgesRonald born about 1928
BridgesRonald born about 1931
BridgesThelma born about 1911
BridgesThomas born about 1910
BridgesVerta born about 1917
BridgesVirginia born about 1927
BridgesWanda born about 1930
BridgesWanda born about 1939
BridgesWayne born about 1938
BridgesYvonne born about 1938
BridgetsAnna born about 1850
BridgetsBetty born about 1926
BridgetsElmer born about 1902
BridgetsGeraldine born about 1921
BridgetsJanice born about 1939
BridgetsLeona Eborn about 1911
BridgetsWilliam born about 1916
BrodenckJames Pborn about 1875
BurallCatherine born about 1932
BurallCharlotte born about 1897
BurallDoloris born about 1911
BurallElsworth born about 1916
BurallGeorge born about 1894
BurallGeorge born about 1934
BurallGloria Mborn about 1933
BurallMary born about 1884
BurallOlive born about 1907
BurallRobert born about 1936
BurchardtCarrie Lborn about 1896
BurchardtHenry Eborn about 1892
BurkettClarence born about 1919
BurkettVirginia born about 1922
BurkhartCarl born about 1914
BurkhartCharles born about 1937
BurkhartEvelyn born about 1916
BurnsHerbert born about 1889
BurnsRuby born about 1886
BurrallLeona born about 1901
BurrallMary born about 1860
BurrellDora born about 1900
BurrellGeraldine born about 1924
BurrellLesley born about 1904
ByrnesMargaret born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldaraMinnie born about 1874
CalerFrank born about 1897
CalerOlive Mborn about 1908
CampbellClara born about 1903
CampbellDayl born about 1935
CampbellEdward born about 1899
CampbellFrances born about 1932
CampbellHarry born about 1931
CampbellJohn born about 1929
CampbellJoseph born about 1904
CampbellLinnie born about 1937
CampbellMargaret Aborn about 1935
CampbellMary Cborn about 1930
CampbellMathew born about 1902
CampbellVeronica born about 1903
CannonLaray born about 1910
CannonMary born about 1886
CaralineLoretta born about 1895
CaralineMargaret born about 1900
CaralineThomas born about 1902
CarderAlbert Hborn about 1902
CarderCatherine born about 1916
CarderCecilia Fborn about 1906
CarderCelesta born about 1925
CarderClara born about 1872
CarderCornella born about 1894
CarderDorthy born about 1927
CarderEdward born about 1904
CarderFrances Jborn about 1938
CarderGeorge born about 1928
CarderGeorge Uborn about 1895
CarderHelen Mborn about 1927
CarderLouis born about 1933
CarderRobert Jborn about 1932
CarderShelby born about 1937
CarderVilma born about 1914
CarneyAngela born about 1883
CarneyCarrol born about 1916
CarneyCharles born about 1882
CarobineCharles born about 1870
CarobineMary born about 1879
CarrDona born about 1937
CarrDonald born about 1936
CarrDorothy born about 1935
CarrDorothy Eborn about 1936
CarrLouise born about 1932
CarrNina born about 1914
CarrRussell born about 1907
CarterAnn born about 1937
CarterDorothy Aborn about 1908
CarterDorothy Aborn about 1939
CarterFrank born about 1924
CarterGeraldine Aborn about 1935
CarterJohn born about 1891
CarterJohn born about 1931
CarterJoseph born about 1893
CarterJoseph born about 1927
CarterJoseph Jr born about 1927
CarterMargaret Eborn about 1931
CarterMary Cborn about 1918
CarterMary Lborn about 1933
CarterMary Wborn about 1932
CarterRobert born about 1933
CarterRose born about 1896
CarterRose born about 1930
CarterRose Mborn about 1925
CarterSally born about 1929
CarterSarah born about 1903
CarterSarah born about 1923
CarterThomas Jborn about 1907
CassedyRobert Lborn about 1927
CecilAnna born about 1849
CecilAnnastatia born about 1933
CecilClara born about 1892
CecilLucy born about 1886
CessnaAretta born about 1907
CessnaBarbara Kborn about 1933
CessnaBenjamin born about 1862
CessnaCarl Jr born about 1920
CessnaChristine Cborn about 1921
CessnaClaine born about 1927
CessnaDorothy born about 1927
CessnaEllen born about 1895
CessnaEmma born about 1864
CessnaEvlyn Sborn about 1910
CessnaHarold Jborn about 1939
CessnaHelen born about 1898
CessnaJ Carlborn about 1895
CessnaJoan born about 1922
CessnaJoan Dborn about 1931
CessnaJohn Mborn about 1912
CessnaJoseph Hborn about 1905
CessnaMarlyn born about 1934
CessnaMary Eborn about 1917
CessnaPerry born about 1874
CessnaPerry born about 1902
CessnaRobert born about 1931
CessnaShirly born about 1937
CessnaStella born about 1877
ChambersCathleen Cborn about 1940
ChambersGeorgia born about 1913
ChambersGerald born about 1911
ChambersGerald Rborn about 1935
ChambersJohn Tborn about 1937
ChambersLawrence born about 1915
ChambersMargaret Eborn about 1870
ChambersThomas born about 1907
CharlesGeorge Hborn about 1917
ChisholmNorma Lborn about 1928
ChisholmOcar born about 1885
ChrslevenDelsie born about 1915
ChrslevenElwood born about 1921
ChurchEdna born about 1918
ChurchEmma born about 1879
ChurchGeorge Lborn about 1913
ChurchMaxwell born about 1917
ChurchSteward born about 1911
ChurchWalter born about 1940
ClickAlex born about 1875
ClickAlice born about 1924
ClickJoseph born about 1916
ClickJulia born about 1920
ClickMary born about 1883
CoberlyAmelia Lborn about 1933
CoberlyBernie born about 1902
CoberlyBernie Jr born about 1930
CoberlyEvelyn born about 1909
ColemanAnna Mborn about 1929
ColemanBeatrice born about 1898
ColemanCharles born about 1926
ColemanGeorge Tborn about 1895
ColemanMary Dborn about 1932
CollinsDaniel born about 1860
CollinsForrest Wborn about 1915
CollinsJames born about 1903
CollinsMargaret born about 1910
CollinsMary born about 1860
CollinsNora Bborn about 1886
CollinsWanda born about 1920
CollinsWilliam Fborn about 1882
ColoffAlea born about 1895
ColoffGrace born about 1902
ConnerCatherine Lborn about 1940
ConnerMamie Rborn about 1919
ConnerWilliam born about 1922
ConnerWilliam Gborn about 1938
ConnorJannett born about 1874
ConradBetty born about 1933
ConradDella born about 1910
ConradDonald Eborn about 1935
ConradGeorge born about 1906
ConradNancy born about 1939
ConwayAlbert born about 1914
ConwayCatherine born about 1883
ConwayEdward born about 1908
ConwayEdwin born about 1882
ConwayElizabeth born about 1918
ConwayFrank born about 1886
ConwayHubert born about 1933
ConwayJoseph born about 1872
ConwayPearl born about 1919
ConwayRegina born about 1913
ConwayRobert born about 1931
ConwayStella born about 1890
CookJess born about 1915
CookMary born about 1918
CookNancy born about 1939
CookerlyClara born about 1901
CookerlyVirginia born about 1931
CookerlyWillard born about 1927
CooleyNancy Lborn about 1935
CooleyRose Annaborn about 1915
CorderWilliam born about 1865
CorleyMelvin born about 1916
CorleyZeppy born about 1911
CorrayMargaret born about 1877
CrigerDonald born about 1927
CrigerElizabeth born about 1889
CrigerJohn born about 1901
CrigerKathleen born about 1928
CrigerMary Mborn about 1930
CrigerRose Eborn about 1925
CrigerWilliam born about 1924
CromeCharles born about 1901
CromeGladies born about 1921
CroweAgnes Cborn about 1871
CroweAlfred Tborn about 1927
CroweAlma Eborn about 1908
CroweAlonzo born about 1906
CroweClara born about 1881
CroweDorothy Uborn about 1919
CroweEvelyn born about 1908
CroweFerman born about 1916
CroweFrank born about 1868
CroweGeraldine born about 1934
CroweHelen born about 1913
CroweHenrietta born about 1876
CroweHoward Cborn about 1897
CroweJames born about 1938
CroweJohn born about 1907
CroweJohn Eborn about 1940
CroweJoseph born about 1903
CroweMartha Eborn about 1917
CroweMary born about 1936
CroweMary Aborn about 1894
CroweNathan Tborn about 1883
CroweReford Lborn about 1929
CroweRobert Fborn about 1939
CroweSamuel born about 1903
CroweWalter Aborn about 1890
CroweWilbert Tborn about 1915
CroweWilbur born about 1920
CroweWilliam born about 1932
CroweWilliam Cborn about 1864
CrowlFrank born about 1878
CrumpAgnes born about 1901
CrumpBelva born about 1902
CrumpCatherine Lborn about 1934
CrumpDavid born about 1891
CrumpDavid Jborn about 1922
CrumpEmelene Rborn about 1920
CrumpGeorge Pborn about 1888
CrumpGrant born about 1927
CrumpJames born about 1928
CrumpJames Eborn about 1898
CrumpJean born about 1924
CrumpJohn Eborn about 1932
CrumpJohn Rborn about 1935
CrumpJohn Tborn about 1939
CrumpMargaret born about 1859
CrumpMargaret born about 1931
CrumpMargarette born about 1924
CrumpMarie born about 1924
CrumpMarshel Gborn about 1913
CrumpMary Vborn about 1894
CrumpMildred Lborn about 1924
CrumpNorma Vborn about 1928
CrumpRobert born about 1929
CrumpRobert Jborn about 1926
CumminghamSarah born about 1881
CunninghamCharles Jborn about 1893
CunninghamCharles J Jrborn about 1918
CunninghamJames Eborn about 1930
CunninghamJohn Wborn about 1920
CunninghamLucinda born about 1893
CunninghamMary Dborn about 1925
CunninghamNora Mborn about 1922
CussinsElizabeth born about 1894
CussinsElmont born about 1919
CussinsJoseph born about 1887
CussinsLillian born about 1917
CussinsRosetta born about 1921
CuthbertsonEvelyn born about 1912
CuthbertsonFrancis born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DamiceDonna born about 1936
DamiceGeorge Mborn about 1939
DamicePhilip born about 1904
DamiceRalpholpringio born about 1853
DamiceRuth born about 1916
DanielsHarry Wborn about 1915
DanielsJohn born about 1882
DanielsMarietta born about 1888
DealClyde born about 1916
DealHenry born about 1884
DealMary Jborn about 1882
DeanAnna born about 1901
DeanFrank born about 1898
DeffenbaughAmen Jborn about 1885
DeffenbaughAnna born about 1934
DeffenbaughBernadette born about 1911
DeffenbaughCarrie born about 1890
DeffenbaughCatherine born about 1887
DeffenbaughCatherine Eborn about 1919
DeffenbaughEdward born about 1887
DeffenbaughGeorge born about 1900
DeffenbaughJackie born about 1924
DeffenbaughJohn born about 1898
DeffenbaughLeona born about 1900
DeffenbaughLillian born about 1907
DeffenbaughMary born about 1898
DeffenbaughMary born about 1926
DeffenbaughNancy born about 1938
DeffenbaughRay born about 1905
DeffenbaughRobert born about 1929
DeffenbaughSandra born about 1936
DeffenboughGladys born about 1913
DeffenboughPaul born about 1909
DefferloughAlbert born about 1873
DelbrookEarl Sborn about 1921
DelbrookHarry born about 1896
DelbrookViola born about 1892
DelsignoreAnna born about 1889
DelsignoreErnest born about 1927
DelsignoreEugene born about 1929
DelsignoreFrank born about 1918
DelsignoreJohn born about 1887
DelsignoreMargaret born about 1923
DelsignoreRobert born about 1933
DelsignoreRose A Leeborn about 1931
DelsignoreSelina born about 1925
DelsignoreYulanda born about 1922
DendcosterBernice born about 1939
DendcosterEmma born about 1915
DendcosterFreddie born about 1907
DendcosterGloria born about 1929
DerrickEdith born about 1897
DerrickGeorge born about 1897
DerrickJohn born about 1927
DerrickWilliam Hborn about 1862
DevoreMary Lborn about 1872
DickelBill born about 1904
DickelDora born about 1923
DickelDorthy born about 1918
DickelEdna born about 1908
DickelEdward Pborn about 1935
DickelElmer Lborn about 1930
DickelEugene Uborn about 1917
DickelEvlyn Mborn about 1911
DickelFrancis Mborn about 1910
DickelJames born about 1931
DickelJoann Eborn about 1937
DickelJoseph born about 1886
DickelMary born about 1909
DickelMilener Jborn about 1914
DickelNichelas born about 1863
DickelNora born about 1892
DickelPaul born about 1918
DickelPhilip born about 1909
DickelRalph born about 1912
DickelRobert born about 1928
DickelRobert Jborn about 1930
DickelWilliam Fborn about 1931
DiehlAnn Lborn about 1889
DiehlBruce born about 1935
DiehlGeorge born about 1877
DiehlHarold born about 1924
DiehlHerbert born about 1933
DiehlIrvin born about 1917
DiehlJames born about 1929
DiehlJohn Fborn about 1882
DiehlLouis born about 1920
DiehlMargaret Lborn about 1916
DiehlOrville born about 1926
DiehlRichard born about 1938
DiehlSusan born about 1932
DiehlTheresa born about 1923
DiehlVernon born about 1909
DietzCalvin born about 1894
DietzCalvin Jr born about 1928
DietzGertrude born about 1894
DietzJuanita born about 1924
DietzMarie born about 1920
DietzSeline born about 1918
DiggsCarol born about 1939
DiggsClara born about 1901
DiggsJames born about 1937
DiggsJoan born about 1929
DiggsLillian born about 1923
DiggsMargaret born about 1922
DiggsPaul born about 1931
DiggsVincent born about 1897
DiggsVincent Jr born about 1924
DillsunthDency born about 1899
DolanDorothy born about 1916
DoraCurtis born about 1913
DoraGeorge Wborn about 1939
DoraZelda born about 1920
DormanAlma born about 1925
DormanDorthea born about 1924
DormanMargaret Jborn about 1917
DormanMaxine born about 1935
DormanPricilla born about 1938
DormanWilliam Sborn about 1888
DormiaJoseph born about 1916
DormiaMary born about 1918
DormiaNicholas born about 1938
DorseyBenjamin born about 1889
DorseyGeorge born about 1932
DorseyGeraldine born about 1927
DorseyJohn born about 1929
DorseyJoseph born about 1925
DorseyKatie born about 1893
DorseyMary Annaborn about 1933
DorseyShirley born about 1937
DorseyThelma born about 1923
DorseyTheresia born about 1930
DromanCatherine born about 1876
DromanCharles born about 1880
DudleyDolline born about 1939
DudleyDoloris born about 1938
DudleyFrancis born about 1919
DudleyVira born about 1918
DunnHenry born about 1886
DunnMary Gborn about 1886
DunnRichard born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EgansFrancis born about 1890
EgnatzAntone born about 1882
EgnatzJulia born about 1889
ElfritzArthur born about 1903
ElfritzCatherine Vborn about 1939
ElfritzRita Vborn about 1910
ElliottElizabeth born about 1918
ElliottGeorge born about 1903
ElliottHarry born about 1909
ElliottHattie born about 1876
ElliottLeroy born about 1924
ElliottMary Eborn about 1881
ElliottSamuel born about 1871
ElvaldMargaret Lborn about 1894
ElvaldSarah Bborn about 1868
ElvaldWilliam born about 1866
EmerickBarbara born about 1939
EmerickBeuhla born about 1911
EmerickCharles born about 1932
EmerickDolores born about 1931
EmerickDonald born about 1929
EmerickEdward born about 1908
EmerickEllen Susieborn about 1914
EmerickFrancis born about 1930
EmerickGenevieve born about 1931
EmerickGilbert born about 1890
EmerickHelen born about 1935
EmerickJoseph born about 1926
EmerickLeo born about 1934
EmerickLillian born about 1896
EmerickLillian born about 1928
EmerickMargaret born about 1924
EmerickMildred born about 1925
EmerickNora born about 1922
EmerickRaymond Hborn about 1910
EmerickThelma born about 1918
EmerickViola born about 1912
EmerickVivian born about 1937
EmerickWalter born about 1903
EmerickWilliam born about 1912
EmerickWilliam born about 1936
EvansDexter born about 1918
EvansDorothy born about 1919
EwaddAgnes Gborn about 1892
EwaddCarl born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FannonEdgar born about 1915
FannonFrancis born about 1919
FannonMary born about 1881
FannonMildred born about 1882
FannonNellie born about 1885
FannonRaymond born about 1908
FannonRose Mborn about 1924
FarrellAnna born about 1865
FarrellAnne Mborn about 1873
FarrellBenjamin born about 1936
FarrellBertha born about 1890
FarrellCora Aborn about 1911
FarrellEdna born about 1910
FarrellEdward born about 1902
FarrellEdward born about 1918
FarrellGeorge born about 1900
FarrellGerald born about 1904
FarrellHelen Mborn about 1913
FarrellJane Aborn about 1932
FarrellMarie born about 1907
FarrellMary born about 1934
FarrellNorma Jeanborn about 1932
FarrellPearl born about 1908
FarrellRobert born about 1905
FarrellRobert born about 1925
FarrellRobert born about 1935
FarrellRose Mborn about 1926
FarrellRosella born about 1875
FarrellRyan born about 1905
FarrellSusan born about 1875
FarrellThomas Fborn about 1909
FarrellThomas Jborn about 1875
FarrellThomas Jborn about 1937
FarrellWanda Leeborn about 1930
FarrellWilliam born about 1885
FarronKatherine born about 1893
FarronPatrick born about 1881
FieldsEdgar Lborn about 1921
FindlayFlorence born about 1871
FindlayWilliam born about 1864
FinzelJoseph Eborn about 1882
FinzelLillie Mborn about 1886
FinzelRuth Mborn about 1911
FiorettaLawrence born about 1933
FioritaMary born about 1937
FioritaSamuel born about 1908
FioritaSusan born about 1912
FlaniganAnna born about 1884
FlaniganEdward born about 1927
FlaniganJames born about 1922
FlaniganJohn born about 1919
FlaniganMichael born about 1877
FlaniganThomas born about 1920
FlonniganMary born about 1911
FlonniganMichael born about 1912
FlynnRobert born about 1873
FlynnRobert Jr born about 1940
FlynnVeronica born about 1898
FolkAnna born about 1903
FolkMary born about 1929
FolkPhilis born about 1931
FolkRoy born about 1892
FolkWilliam born about 1926
FrankenberryBetty born about 1920
FrankenberryCharles born about 1894
FrankenberryClyde born about 1932
FrankenberryDorothy born about 1866
FrankenberryEdna born about 1916
FrankenberryElmer born about 1934
FrankenberryElsworth born about 1930
FrankenberryEsther born about 1906
FrankenberryFreda born about 1933
FrankenberryJames born about 1908
FrankenberryJessie born about 1918
FrankenberryJoseph born about 1913
FrankenberryJoseph born about 1934
FrankenberryJuanita born about 1935
FrankenberryLeola born about 1923
FrankenberryMary born about 1887
FrankenberryNannie born about 1927
FrankenberryNora born about 1895
FrankenberryPearl born about 1901
FrankenberryRay born about 1925
FrankenberryRodger born about 1939
FrankenberrySamuel born about 1889
FrankenberryThomas born about 1917
FrankenberryThomas Lborn about 1862
FrankenberryWalter born about 1924
FrankenberryWilliam born about 1887
FrankenberryWilliam born about 1934
FrentiRaymond born about 1910
FrentiRosella born about 1913
FriddleRobert Jborn about 1880
FurlowElmer born about 1886
FurlowJunior Eborn about 1920
FurlowKatie born about 1890
FurlowLester born about 1923
FurlowLoretta born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallegherAdelle born about 1934
GallegherFrances born about 1891
GallegherFrancis born about 1919
GallegherJames born about 1884
GallegherJane born about 1922
GallegherJohn Fborn about 1888
GallegherMary Eborn about 1917
GarlichCatherine born about 1935
GarlichElmer born about 1902
GarlichEthel born about 1923
GarlichGeorge born about 1905
GarlichGoldie born about 1911
GarlichMargaret born about 1881
GarlichMargaret born about 1939
GarlichMichael born about 1881
GarlichMildred born about 1917
GarlitzEstella born about 1897
GarlitzHubert born about 1915
GarlitzJohn born about 1922
GarlitzJudith born about 1939
GarlitzLouise Aborn about 1930
GarlitzMary born about 1905
GarlitzMary born about 1924
GarlitzPaul born about 1898
GarlitzVirginia born about 1917
GarlitzWilford born about 1919
GaughanAndrew born about 1889
GaughanAnnie born about 1896
GaughanAnnie Hborn about 1881
GaughanBr??yt born about 1890
GaughanCharles born about 1921
GaughanCharles Fborn about 1935
GaughanCharles Jr born about 1939
GaughanDorothy born about 1916
GaughanDorothy born about 1922
GaughanEileen born about 1919
GaughanHarry born about 1885
GaughanHelen Mborn about 1913
GaughanJames born about 1921
GaughanJohn Fborn about 1882
GaughanJoseph Jborn about 1909
GaughanThomas born about 1911
GaughanThomas Jr born about 1938
GeareyCora born about 1884
GeareyJoseph Pborn about 1919
GearyAlberta born about 1911
GearyCarl Cborn about 1912
GearyCarol Annborn about 1939
GearyJoan born about 1939
GearyJohn born about 1910
GearyMargaret Vborn about 1911
GearyRonald Wborn about 1935
GearyRuth born about 1913
GearyWilbur born about 1907
GeigerElla Jborn about 1929
GeigerEsther Tborn about 1925
GeigerIrvin born about 1897
GeigerLoretta born about 1900
GeigerMargaret Aborn about 1935
GeigerMary Lborn about 1924
GeigerPauline born about 1931
GeigerVirginia Lborn about 1927
GibsonMary Mborn about 1872
GibsonPaulina born about 1905
GibsonThomas born about 1903
GibsonThomasine born about 1928
GlassCharles Eborn about 1884
GlassMary born about 1886
GlassRose born about 1940
GliespieAnna Lborn about 1937
GliespieCatherine born about 1909
GliespieJames born about 1905
GliespieNorma Jborn about 1932
GoebilEarnest born about 1937
GoebilJoan born about 1936
GoebilJoseph born about 1913
GoebilLucy born about 1917
GoldsworghyCharles born about 1901
GoldsworghyMargaret born about 1902
GoldsworghyRobert born about 1927
GordonAbraham born about 1882
GordonAuthor born about 1925
GordonDavid born about 1931
GordonEdith born about 1892
GordonElsie born about 1928
GordonEmory born about 1934
GordonEvelyn born about 1935
GordonFlorence born about 1925
GordonGertrude born about 1927
GordonGladys born about 1920
GordonHayes born about 1900
GordonHayes Jr born about 1929
GordonHazel born about 1927
GordonJames born about 1882
GordonJessie Hborn about 1919
GordonLeslie born about 1891
GordonManlia born about 1876
GordonMargaret born about 1903
GordonMildred born about 1933
GordonPearl born about 1929
GordonRaymond born about 1937
GordonShirley Mborn about 1939
GordonTheodore born about 1895
GordonVirginia born about 1907
GordonWalter born about 1904
GordonWalter Rayborn about 1924
GordonWilbert born about 1939
GordonWilla born about 1940
GordonWilliam Wborn about 1914
GracieBernadotte born about 1920
GracieEarl born about 1916
GracieEdward born about 1926
GracieFrances born about 1889
GracieJames born about 1923
GracieJohn Pborn about 1888
GracieThomas born about 1927
GradyCharles Jborn about 1883
GradyCharles Sborn about 1916
GradyCharles T Jrborn about 1938
GradyLillian Bborn about 1890
GradyNoch Jborn about 1939
GradySarah born about 1919
GrahamAgnes born about 1882
GrahamElizabeth born about 1863
GrahamErvine born about 1938
GrahamGeorge born about 1892
GrahamJohn born about 1900
GrahamJohn Fborn about 1926
GrahamLeona born about 1904
GrahamMary born about 1890
GrahamMary born about 1895
GrahamMary Eborn about 1922
GrahamRobert born about 1860
GrahameBetty Aborn about 1925
GrahameCathrine Rborn about 1914
GrahameColen born about 1890
GrahameDorthy Cborn about 1919
GrahameEsther born about 1897
GrahameFrances born about 1901
GrahameGwendolyn born about 1926
GrahameJohn Cborn about 1874
GrahameMargaret Cborn about 1874
GrahameMarion born about 1921
GrahameRobert born about 1899
GrayEdward born about 1873
GrebaneDorothy born about 1895
GrebaneJames born about 1886
GreenAlice born about 1905
GreenBernard born about 1929
GreenChristine Eborn about 1921
GreenGrover born about 1911
GreenHarry Hborn about 1888
GreenHelen born about 1924
GreenHoward born about 1915
GreenJohn Bborn about 1937
GreenLee born about 1899
GreenLeona born about 1926
GreenRose Eborn about 1893
GreenShirley born about 1935
GreenThelma born about 1914
GreenThelma born about 1925
GreeningPaul born about 1917
GreeningRosetta born about 1916
GreyBertha born about 1896
GreyCarl born about 1891
GreyElenor born about 1934
GreyMildred born about 1927
GreyRalph born about 1921
GreyRobert born about 1923
GriffithAgnes Pborn about 1882
GriffithFrank Wborn about 1883
GriffithIda Eborn about 1907
GrimesAgnes born about 1911
GrimesAndy born about 1879
GrimesDorthy born about 1911
GrimesFrancis born about 1915
GrimesMary born about 1883
GrimesRonald born about 1913
GurchCharles born about 1901
GurchDora born about 1906
GurchJoyce born about 1933
GwagerRoy born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HainesElmira born about 1919
HainesRobert Cborn about 1877
HardenAlice born about 1919
HardenCharles born about 1908
HardenDonald Cborn about 1931
HardenElwood Gborn about 1939
HardenHelen Mborn about 1934
HardenJohn born about 1910
HardenJohn Eborn about 1902
HardenJohn E Jrborn about 1924
HardenMargaret born about 1904
HardenMary born about 1921
HardenRobert Cborn about 1927
HardenRullie born about 1940
HaselbergerJohn Hborn about 1917
HaselbergerMary Aborn about 1920
HatcherAnna born about 1883
HatcherAnne born about 1938
HatcherJames born about 1933
HatcherNellie born about 1913
HatcherRichard Cborn about 1880
HatcherRichard Jr born about 1908
HausDorothy born about 1925
HausGertrude born about 1891
HausLouis born about 1921
HausMinnie born about 1899
HausVirginia born about 1927
HausWilliam born about 1896
HawkesJohn born about 1890
HawkesPearl born about 1890
HawsGertrude born about 1900
HawsGilbert born about 1896
HelmuckSamuel born about 1927
HemelwrightLeana born about 1900
HemelwrightRaymond born about 1897
HenckelEdna born about 1881
HenckelEmma born about 1915
HenckelLawrence born about 1880
HenckelMartha born about 1870
HerbertFrancis born about 1882
HerringHoward born about 1881
HerringMartha Cborn about 1886
HerringMary Mborn about 1921
HerringWalter Cborn about 1887
HessElaine born about 1934
HessJoline born about 1931
HessJoseph born about 1908
HessRonald born about 1930
HessThelma born about 1910
HessengerIrene born about 1880
HessengerJulius Hborn about 1881
HigginsAnn Bborn about 1893
HimmelwrightCaroline born about 1873
HinerEdward born about 1883
HinerJohn born about 1877
HinerWilliam born about 1888
HiseAnthon born about 1924
HiseBetty born about 1922
HiseCharles born about 1929
HiseCharley born about 1883
HiseErma born about 1903
HiseJack born about 1921
HiseMargaret born about 1862
HiseMary Ednaborn about 1883
HiseWarn born about 1900
HiteEttie born about 1865
HockenberryCarroll born about 1918
HockenberryDerlin born about 1885
HockenberryEarnest born about 1920
HockenberryEdith born about 1925
HockenberryKenneth born about 1928
HockenberryOrpha born about 1889
HockenberryVernon born about 1909
HogamirEarl born about 1920
HogamirElmer born about 1921
HogamirFreddie born about 1918
HogamirHarvey born about 1924
HogamirMary born about 1891
HogamirVirginia born about 1926
HollyFred born about 1919
HollyMarie born about 1919
HolsengerMargaret Orphaborn about 1922
HolsengerMaud Sborn about 1895
HolsengerRoy Wborn about 1893
HolsingerNannie born about 1870
HolsingerWilliam born about 1867
HoltAnna born about 1925
HoltDoris Wborn about 1933
HoltEarnest born about 1898
HoltEarnest Mborn about 1925
HoltGrace born about 1901
HoltHelen born about 1931
HoltHelen Lborn about 1930
HoltJohn born about 1937
HoltJoseph born about 1877
HoltJosephine born about 1884
HoltMarie born about 1902
HoltMary Mborn about 1939
HoltRodger born about 1904
HoltWilma Jborn about 1932
HoltzBronya born about 1938
HoltzGeorge born about 1916
HoltzInfant born about 1940
HoltzJohn Wborn about 1914
HoltzMamie born about 1916
HoltzMary born about 1881
HoltzNicholas born about 1882
HoltzNicholas born about 1908
HoltzSandra born about 1937
HoltzmanHenry born about 1875
HoltzmanJohn born about 1920
HoltzmanLucy born about 1875
HookAlbert born about 1912
HookBuhla born about 1929
HookDaisy born about 1878
HookEmma born about 1903
HookGeorge Wborn about 1904
HookImogene born about 1938
HookIssac born about 1907
HookJohn born about 1932
HookLavern born about 1910
HookWilma born about 1938
HosselrodeClara born about 1903
HosselrodeRaymond born about 1897
HottBertha Eborn about 1918
HottJames Aborn about 1938
HottJames Eborn about 1912
HottRoy Eborn about 1939
HouckMary Aborn about 1854
HouckMaud born about 1877
HouseGenevieve born about 1908
HouseJames born about 1908
HouseLaura born about 1940
HouseRebecca born about 1938
HouselAlice born about 1909
HouselAlice born about 1932
HouselClarence born about 1909
HouselClarence Jr born about 1930
HouselRichard born about 1936
HouselWilliam born about 1934
HowenshellEdna born about 1873
HowenshellHarry born about 1875
HuffCharley born about 1876
HuffGlenda born about 1916
HuffLiza born about 1880
HuffmanArtie born about 1889
HughesAnna Leeborn about 1926
HughesCharles born about 1897
HughesEarl born about 1923
HughesGeorge Hborn about 1938
HughesGeorge Tborn about 1914
HughesGladia born about 1888
HughesHoward born about 1928
HughesJack born about 1931
HughesJimmie born about 1938
HughesJohn born about 1888
HughesMable Mborn about 1917
HughesMargaret born about 1900
HughesMary born about 1886
HughesMary Mborn about 1912
HughesPeter Aborn about 1908
HughesThomas born about 1935
HughesWilliam born about 1912
HughesWilliam Rborn about 1940
HullFrances born about 1867
HullMary Jborn about 1868
HutzelCharles Lborn about 1928
HutzelEdward born about 1940
HutzelEffie Vborn about 1899
HutzelElmer born about 1898
HutzelElsie Mborn about 1925
HutzelElva Lborn about 1926
HutzelGarland Rborn about 1921
HutzelHarold Rborn about 1932
HutzelJohn Rborn about 1921
HutzelJohn Wborn about 1885
HutzelMary Eborn about 1885
HutzelNaomi Rborn about 1923
HutzelOlin Rborn about 1930
HutzelRalph Eborn about 1915
HutzelSarah Vborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IliffLee born about 1908
ImesDorthy born about 1907
ImesEdgar born about 1935
ImesEllen born about 1937
ImesEster born about 1931
ImesFlorence born about 1931
ImesHelen born about 1928
ImesLaura born about 1934
ImesPearl born about 1926
ImesRosella born about 1939
ImesThomas born about 1907
ImesThomas Jr born about 1936
ImesViola Rborn about 1912
ImesWilliam born about 1903
ImesWilliam born about 1924
IngramGurney born about 1883
IngramMartha born about 1874
IsenhowerCharles born about 1875
IvensEava born about 1891
IvensEmma born about 1926
IvensLawrence born about 1922
IvensMarvin born about 1918
IvensMearl born about 1917
IvensRichard born about 1882
IzzettEmma born about 1907
IzzettGerald born about 1936
IzzettGoloria born about 1926
IzzettKeldore born about 1901
IzzettKildore Jr born about 1932
IzzettMary Janeborn about 1864
IzzettPaul born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JanseyMary born about 1873
JanseyNellie born about 1883
JeffersonJeffra born about 1880
JeffersonStella born about 1882
JenkenCharles Eborn about 1931
JenkinsCharles born about 1931
JenkinsCharles born about 1939
JenkinsDelorse born about 1911
JenkinsEdward born about 1915
JenkinsEllen born about 1936
JenkinsGerald born about 1936
JenkinsHoward Jborn about 1908
JenkinsJames born about 1866
JenkinsJames born about 1898
JenkinsJennie born about 1869
JenkinsJohn born about 1866
JenkinsJohn born about 1898
JenkinsJohn Jr born about 1912
JenkinsJoseph born about 1886
JenkinsJoseph Tborn about 1913
JenkinsJoseph Jr born about 1921
JenkinsLaura Eborn about 1917
JenkinsLeonard born about 1930
JenkinsLiza born about 1842
JenkinsMartha born about 1918
JenkinsMary Lborn about 1933
JenkinsNeil born about 1939
JenkinsPhylis born about 1932
JenkinsRebecca born about 1905
JenkinsRena born about 1905
JenkinsRobert born about 1919
JenkinsRosella born about 1868
JenkinsThomas born about 1929
JenksBillie born about 1931
JenksEthel Mborn about 1897
JentryDavid born about 1915
JewellEarl Lborn about 1928
JewellEdith Eborn about 1901
JewellEthel Lborn about 1927
JewellJuanita Fborn about 1924
JewellPaul Cborn about 1902
JewellRoy Eborn about 1925
JohnsArthur born about 1922
JohnsGloria born about 1926
JohnsJoseph born about 1881
JohnsNellie born about 1883
JohnsVictor born about 1919
JohnsonCatherine born about 1900
JohnsonCharles born about 1925
JohnsonMargaret born about 1923
JohnsonMarvin born about 1893
JohnsonWalter born about 1889
JohnsonWood?am born about 1922
JonesArline born about 1936
JonesCharles Tborn about 1892
JonesCharles T Bborn about 1919
JonesDelores Mborn about 1925
JonesDorothy born about 1913
JonesLavina Mborn about 1901
JonesLinnie born about 1916
JonesLoretta born about 1888
JonesNina Lborn about 1923
JonesRichard born about 1884
JonesRoy Rborn about 1914
JonesRoy Jr born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaraleviczCharles Aborn about 1919
KaraleviczJohn Fborn about 1917
KaraleviczMargaret Eborn about 1919
KaraleviczMary born about 1940
KaraleviczMichael Jborn about 1934
KefauverJ Orvilleborn about 1886
KefauverMary Jborn about 1898
KelleyCatherine born about 1903
KelleyGeorge born about 1892
KelleyJimmie born about 1921
KelleyMary Rborn about 1932
KellyCharles born about 1915
KellyDonald born about 1924
KellyJohn born about 1934
KellyJoseph born about 1897
KellyLeonard born about 1921
KellyMary born about 1905
KellyPaula born about 1901
KellyWilliam born about 1927
KenchleJerella born about 1870
KennelBetty born about 1918
KennellClara Rborn about 1912
KennellEarl Jborn about 1938
KennellKenneth Lborn about 1932
KennellLeo Cborn about 1911
KennellMadelina Eborn about 1934
KennyHarvill born about 1907
KennyMargaret born about 1885
KennyMary born about 1882
KennySarah born about 1893
KennyTimothy born about 1878
KerbyDonald Vborn about 1936
KerbyKathleen born about 1915
KerbyMable Mborn about 1911
KerbyMatilda born about 1888
KerbyRaymond Eborn about 1913
KerbyRobert Kborn about 1915
KerbyWilliam Ii born about 1888
KergottDorothy Cborn about 1910
KergottHelen Mayborn about 1930
KergottMary Bborn about 1884
KergottWilliam Fborn about 1881
KerstingJ Paulborn about 1909
KerstingSusanna born about 1905
KertzRoy born about 1900
KertzVauda born about 1911
KingAda born about 1909
KingEdward born about 1913
KingEugene born about 1929
KingFrancis born about 1921
KingGregory born about 1917
KingHelen born about 1927
KingJack born about 1887
KingMaretta born about 1891
KingMarion born about 1917
KingMary Marthaborn about 1925
KingRaymond born about 1910
KingVincent born about 1931
KirbyBertha Aborn about 1895
KirbyCharles Uborn about 1926
KirbyElwood Pborn about 1923
KirbyGeorge born about 1868
KirbyIola Bborn about 1920
KirbyRay Hborn about 1889
KirbySolome Hborn about 1879
KirbyWilliam Aborn about 1865
KirkyBell Bborn about 1879
KirkyPhilip born about 1873
KlostermanAlice born about 1911
KlostermanDavid born about 1936
KlostermanKenneth born about 1939
KlostermanRobert born about 1910
KnierienBernard born about 1923
KnierienEmma born about 1886
KnierienJohn born about 1877
KnierienLeroy born about 1919
KnierienMillard born about 1914
KublnorAgnes born about 1905
KublnorAngela born about 1900
KublnorDorothy born about 1903
KublnorGeorge born about 1891
KublnorMary born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambieFrances Cborn about 1878
LancasterAlice born about 1895
LancasterBessie born about 1892
LancasterDaniel born about 1931
LancasterEdgar Fborn about 1898
LancasterEdith Mborn about 1901
LancasterGilbert born about 1896
LancasterGilbert born about 1928
LancasterHazel born about 1901
LancasterHelen Lborn about 1924
LancasterJames born about 1893
LancasterJohn Wborn about 1927
LancasterNancy Lborn about 1938
LancasterPatrica Mborn about 1931
LancasterRonald Lborn about 1932
LancasterRose Maryborn about 1935
LancasterThomas Eborn about 1932
LancasterVirginia Cborn about 1921
LancasterWilliam born about 1895
LangasterBetty born about 1930
LangasterLillian born about 1901
LangasterMary Hborn about 1935
LangasterWilliam born about 1895
LangasterWilliam born about 1932
LashbaughAnnie born about 1884
LashbaughCarol born about 1926
LashbaughDoll born about 1922
LashbaughHarman born about 1883
LashbaughHelen born about 1907
LashbaughJane born about 1912
LashbaughJoseph born about 1913
LashbaughJoseph Jr born about 1936
LashbaughNellie born about 1914
LashbaughRussell born about 1924
LashbaughWalter born about 1905
LashbaughWilbert born about 1907
LashleyAnna Gborn about 1914
LashleyBenjamin born about 1889
LashleyBertha born about 1921
LashleyBetty born about 1935
LashleyCelene Gborn about 1920
LashleyCharles born about 1891
LashleyCharles Eborn about 1919
LashleyDale born about 1939
LashleyDelores born about 1926
LashleyEdna born about 1931
LashleyEileen Mborn about 1925
LashleyElmer born about 1925
LashleyElva born about 1920
LashleyGoldie born about 1901
LashleyHenry born about 1922
LashleyHilda born about 1904
LashleyIsabella born about 1887
LashleyIsabella Aborn about 1921
LashleyJess born about 1922
LashleyJoseph Wborn about 1911
LashleyLaverne born about 1930
LashleyLeona born about 1933
LashleyLeroy Gborn about 1922
LashleyLilly born about 1894
LashleyLilly born about 1932
LashleyMarie Gborn about 1885
LashleyMary born about 1919
LashleyMary Bborn about 1878
LashleyMary Cborn about 1916
LashleyMilton born about 1877
LashleyMinnie born about 1897
LashleyNaomi born about 1927
LashleyNevin Eborn about 1928
LashleyNina born about 1923
LashleyPluma born about 1929
LashleyRalph born about 1893
LashleyRalph born about 1918
LashleyRandolf born about 1921
LashleyRhoda born about 1914
LashleyRobert born about 1917
LashleyRobert born about 1924
LashleyRobert Aborn about 1939
LashleyRobert Eborn about 1893
LashleyRuth born about 1928
LashleySarah born about 1930
LashleySarah Jborn about 1874
LashleyVirginia born about 1924
LashleyWayne Eborn about 1886
LavinAden born about 1902
LavinBetty Lborn about 1930
LavinElwood Aborn about 1931
LavinFannie born about 1917
LavinFrancis Jborn about 1932
LavinIrvin born about 1940
LavinPeggy Jborn about 1935
LavinWilbert Gborn about 1933
LawJoseph born about 1886
LaweryRuth born about 1907
LawerySamuel born about 1861
LealBlanche born about 1923
LealHarry born about 1871
LealMartha born about 1874
LealPaul born about 1924
LeastmanGladys born about 1921
LeasureCharles born about 1903
LeasureDella born about 1934
LeasureHayes born about 1877
LeasureHelen born about 1920
LeasureLaura born about 1906
LeasureLuella born about 1910
LeasureLydia born about 1879
LeasureWilliam born about 1932
LebererMarie born about 1895
LeightyJacob Rborn about 1878
LeightyJohn born about 1921
LeightyJoseph Lborn about 1922
LemertCatherine Rborn about 1883
LemertDorothy Leeborn about 1925
LemertJames Lborn about 1910
LemmertAda Janeborn about 1927
LemmertAlbert Fborn about 1932
LemmertArthur born about 1883
LemmertArthur born about 1925
LemmertCatherine Eborn about 1926
LemmertCharles Rborn about 1888
LemmertCora Iborn about 1889
LemmertDorothy Lborn about 1929
LemmertElizabeth born about 1924
LemmertFrances Wborn about 1866
LemmertJacob Aborn about 1882
LemmertLouis Lborn about 1930
LemmertMary Lborn about 1898
LemmertMary Mborn about 1923
LemmertMinnie Mborn about 1905
LemmertNancy Cborn about 1939
LemmertRobert Cborn about 1924
LemmertWalter Vborn about 1929
LemmertWanda Gborn about 1935
LennoxAndrew born about 1910
LennoxArch Rborn about 1937
LennoxEdward Wborn about 1938
LennoxMary Lborn about 1908
LennoxRobert Aborn about 1935
LepleyCatherine born about 1917
LepleyCora born about 1891
LepleyCora born about 1893
LepleyDelton born about 1885
LepleyDoris born about 1926
LepleyEarl born about 1887
LepleyEllen born about 1925
LepleyHarvey born about 1927
LepleyHelen born about 1925
LepleyHoward born about 1924
LepleyIrvin born about 1918
LepleyJohn born about 1920
LepleyMary born about 1859
LepleyOscar born about 1891
LepleyPeryl born about 1918
LepleyRobert Rborn about 1921
LepleyWayne born about 1922
LevisEdwin born about 1920
LevisGeorge Dborn about 1923
LevisHarry born about 1893
LevisMinnie born about 1893
LewisAlma Eborn about 1926
LewisBarbara Aborn about 1906
LewisGeraldine born about 1928
LewisIda born about 1870
LewisJoseph born about 1900
LewisJuanita born about 1929
LewisLola born about 1900
LewisMary Aborn about 1932
LewisMyrtle born about 1899
LewisNorma Jeanborn about 1934
LewisRose born about 1904
LewisThomas born about 1895
LewisWarren born about 1900
LilyAnna born about 1932
LilyAnna Mborn about 1912
LilyEmma born about 1891
LilyGeorge born about 1920
LilyJames born about 1887
LilyJames Fborn about 1918
LilyJoseph born about 1910
LilyMargaret born about 1924
LinnCalinia born about 1938
LinnOthilea born about 1921
LinnThomas born about 1908
LlewellynBessie born about 1919
LlewellynCorina born about 1939
LlewellynEvert born about 1914
LlewellynMary born about 1917
LlewellynShirley born about 1938
LoarJames born about 1867
LockardMary born about 1866
LogsdonAgnes born about 1881
LogsdonAlbert born about 1862
LogsdonBernadette born about 1879
LogsdonBernard born about 1886
LogsdonBernardette born about 1889
LogsdonCecelia born about 1894
LogsdonEdward born about 1875
LogsdonHelen born about 1934
LogsdonJoan born about 1938
LogsdonKenneth born about 1928
LogsdonLeo born about 1906
LogsdonLoradine born about 1907
LogsdonMarah born about 1902
LogsdonMarcelia born about 1931
LogsdonMargaret born about 1884
LogsdonMary Jborn about 1921
LogsdonMeshack born about 1883
LogsdonPatrick born about 1926
LogsdonRichard born about 1888
LogsdonThomas born about 1867
LogsdonWilliam born about 1910
LohrCora born about 1903
LohrHarry born about 1899
LohrJames born about 1926
LohrJean born about 1929
LohrLorrest born about 1923
LohrMilton born about 1925
LohrPaul born about 1939
LohrShirley born about 1932
LongCatherine born about 1881
LotzGeorge Aborn about 1876
LoweryBettie born about 1931
LoweryBillie born about 1931
LoweryHoward born about 1909
LoweryIva born about 1924
LoweryJane born about 1933
LoweryMary born about 1908
LoweryMoses born about 1865
LuckyBessie born about 1896
LuckyCleta Mborn about 1936
LuckyNora Vborn about 1919
LutzCarles Rborn about 1940
LutzDorothy born about 1918
LutzEdgar born about 1917
LutzFranklin born about 1930
LutzGrace born about 1890
LutzGrace born about 1931
LutzHarold born about 1925
LutzHenry Wborn about 1884
LutzHoward born about 1928
LutzLeroy born about 1934
LutzRobert born about 1923
LynchDelores Mborn about 1929
LynchDonald Gborn about 1936
LynchDorthy Aborn about 1933
LynchEthel Mborn about 1900
LynchEvlyn Lborn about 1915
LynchFrances Gborn about 1922
LynchGeorge Vborn about 1914
LynchHelen Eborn about 1925
LynchJoseph born about 1895
LynchJoseph Bborn about 1921
LynchJoseph Eborn about 1886
LynchMarjorie Eborn about 1922
LynchMartha Eborn about 1891
LynchMary born about 1908
LynchMary Eborn about 1912
LynchMichael Hborn about 1889
LynchPatrick born about 1897
LynchRose Mborn about 1931
LynchRosella Mborn about 1893
LynchSarah Eborn about 1861
LynchThomas born about 1917
LynchVeronica Iborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachieldsBuela born about 1914
MachieldsClara born about 1910
MachieldsGeorge born about 1912
MachieldsJoella born about 1930
MachieldsMicheal born about 1877
MachieldsTillie born about 1908
MachinGilbert born about 1904
MachinMary Eborn about 1878
MachinThomas born about 1875
MadderCatherine born about 1908
MadderCatherine born about 1935
MadderRobert born about 1907
MaleyAuthor born about 1914
MaleyEdith born about 1936
MaleyLeana born about 1915
MalloyAnna Dborn about 1900
MalloyAnna Pborn about 1938
MalloyBetty born about 1928
MalloyBuredette born about 1937
MalloyDorothy born about 1935
MalloyFrancis born about 1923
MalloyGeorge born about 1884
MalloyGertrude born about 1880
MalloyGregory born about 1930
MalloyJane born about 1918
MalloyJohn born about 1862
MalloyJohn born about 1898
MalloyJoseph born about 1903
MalloyKathleen born about 1924
MalloyLawrence born about 1916
MalloyLeo born about 1930
MalloyLeo born about 1939
MalloyMargaret born about 1901
MalloyMary Jborn about 1927
MalloyNina born about 1899
MalloyPatrick born about 1940
MalloyRita born about 1931
MalloyRosalie born about 1932
MalloyTherese born about 1929
MalloyWilliam born about 1934
MallyAnna born about 1881
MallyCatherine born about 1923
MallyLawrence born about 1879
MallyLouise born about 1925
MarrisBlaine born about 1920
MarrisVirginia born about 1924
MartenAlbert born about 1905
MartenElizabeth born about 1883
MartenLesley born about 1910
MartenLouis born about 1907
MartenOlive born about 1924
MartenRay Aborn about 1926
MartinAlice born about 1919
MartinArman Dborn about 1879
MartinEugene born about 1917
MartinEva born about 1885
MartinJuanita born about 1937
MartinLillian born about 1917
MartinNorah born about 1876
MartinRobert born about 1913
MartinRobert born about 1940
MatthewsAnna born about 1912
MatthewsJames born about 1931
MatthewsLouise born about 1930
MatthewsMyles born about 1912
MattinglyAlexander born about 1904
MattinglyJoseph born about 1897
MattinglyLeonard born about 1927
McAteeAngus born about 1884
McBombieDona born about 1893
McBombieWilliam born about 1893
McCaskerRalph born about 1901
McCoyDrusilla born about 1867
McDermottCatherine born about 1873
McDermottFrank born about 1871
McDermottKathleen born about 1894
McDermottLoretta born about 1897
McDermottMary born about 1925
McDermottVeronica born about 1875
McDermottWilliam born about 1929
McDernittCatherine Aborn about 1939
McDernittDe Sales born about 1898
McDernittPaulime Mborn about 1927
McDernittPauline born about 1901
McGannDorcas born about 1908
McGannGeorge born about 1907
McGannLee Aborn about 1938
McGannMary Aborn about 1936
McGuireCleta born about 1928
McKengieArthur born about 1934
McKengieElmer born about 1889
McKengieKathleen born about 1919
McKengieMelvin born about 1920
McKengieNell born about 1890
McKengieTheodore born about 1922
McKenzieAnna born about 1922
McKenzieBlaine born about 1924
McKenzieCatherine born about 1890
McKenzieEdward Jborn about 1878
McKenzieEiline born about 1926
McKenzieFrancis born about 1906
McKenzieFrancis Wborn about 1920
McKenzieFrank born about 1888
McKenzieFreeda Eborn about 1918
McKenzieGeraldine born about 1930
McKenzieHenry born about 1902
McKenzieJames Aborn about 1913
McKenzieMartha born about 1903
McKenzieMildred born about 1926
McKenzieNorwood born about 1924
McKenzieRebecca born about 1900
McKenzieRobert born about 1898
McKenzieRosalie born about 1938
McKinzieAnna born about 1897
McKinzieCannie born about 1938
McKinzieDorthy born about 1925
McKinzieEthel born about 1927
McKinzieJames born about 1891
McKinzieShirley born about 1935
McKinzieSusan born about 1916
McKinzieVivian born about 1930
McKinzieWalter born about 1932
McManeeAlice born about 1870
McManeeCleda born about 1897
McManeeMildred born about 1906
McManeeThomas born about 1902
McNameeMargaret born about 1922
McNameeMary born about 1919
McNamerCatherine born about 1882
McNamerFrank born about 1888
McNanceMary born about 1897
MeadeAlice Eborn about 1913
MeadeMary Cborn about 1939
MeadeWalter Fborn about 1906
MeaghanDavid born about 1921
MeaghanDonald born about 1928
MeaghanElizabeth born about 1917
MeaghanJessie born about 1888
MeaghanJohn born about 1883
MeaghanMargaret born about 1925
MeaghanWilliam born about 1922
MeansSherdian born about 1874
MeansWiley born about 1913
MeerrillJessie born about 1909
MeerrillLeona born about 1909
MeierCatherine born about 1907
MellerBetty Rborn about 1932
MellerCarl Eborn about 1936
MellerDorlky Lborn about 1928
MellerMary Eborn about 1924
MellerNorman Sborn about 1894
MellerPauline born about 1901
MellerShirley Jborn about 1927
Melvin born about 1905
MelvinStanley born about 1900
MeneghansAnna born about 1890
MeneghansElmer born about 1922
MeneghansJohn born about 1886
MeneghansLeo born about 1909
MerrillCharles Aborn about 1919
MerrillJesse Rborn about 1887
MerrillMary Gborn about 1926
MerrillMyrtle Jborn about 1887
MichaelsDon Cborn about 1929
MichaelsEdna Cborn about 1911
MichaelsJane Aborn about 1937
MichaelsMinnie Mborn about 1869
MichaelsRosilie born about 1908
MichaelsWilbert Pborn about 1909
MichaelsWilbert Jr born about 1935
MillerBelva born about 1912
MillerBertha Mborn about 1906
MillerBeverly born about 1937
MillerCharles born about 1929
MillerDonald Pborn about 1937
MillerErma born about 1916
MillerEugene born about 1913
MillerEvelyn born about 1925
MillerFreddie born about 1905
MillerJames born about 1937
MillerJoan born about 1935
MillerJohn born about 1928
MillerLeonard born about 1934
MillerLucille born about 1917
MillerMary Eborn about 1872
MillerMary Eborn about 1907
MillerMary Eborn about 1933
MillerMichael born about 1930
MillerMildred born about 1914
MillerPeggy Cborn about 1933
MillerPhil Lborn about 1909
MillerPhilip born about 1939
MillerPhilis born about 1932
MillerPhillip Rborn about 1914
MillerRay born about 1900
MillerThomas born about 1936
MillerVincent born about 1914
MillerWilliam born about 1905
MillonBenjamin born about 1887
MillonVirginia born about 1886
MinnickEdith born about 1891
MinnickHenry born about 1893
MinnickMary Jborn about 1922
MinnickWilliam born about 1919
MollinLeh born about 1861
MonaboeAmy born about 1908
MonaboeEdward born about 1934
MonaboeFrancis born about 1899
MonaboeMary Pborn about 1882
MonahanAgnes born about 1901
MonahanAloyasis born about 1893
MonahanAnthony born about 1890
MonahanDorthy born about 1926
MonahanMary born about 1853
MonahanMary Fborn about 1894
MontLouisa born about 1864
MooreBillie born about 1915
MooreGrace born about 1912
MorahanGregory born about 1919
MoranBradley Jborn about 1925
MoranEdward Fborn about 1923
MoranEdward Jborn about 1896
MoranEdwin Rborn about 1933
MoranElizabeth Annborn about 1931
MoranEllen Jeanborn about 1928
MoranFrances born about 1926
MoranJames Gborn about 1934
MoranKathleen Mborn about 1895
MoranKathleen Mborn about 1923
MoranMarian Eborn about 1926
MoranRonald Wborn about 1933
MoranThomas Fborn about 1894
MoranThomas F Jrborn about 1930
MoranWinifred Mborn about 1928
MorganAlice Rborn about 1929
MorganBertie born about 1909
MorganBetty born about 1925
MorganCatherine born about 1917
MorganDavid born about 1929
MorganDelores born about 1936
MorganDonald born about 1934
MorganDorothy born about 1928
MorganEva Sborn about 1900
MorganFairy born about 1898
MorganGerald Fborn about 1938
MorganHelen Eborn about 1928
MorganHelen Mborn about 1928
MorganJames born about 1931
MorganJames Pborn about 1934
MorganJennie born about 1876
MorganJohn born about 1896
MorganJohn born about 1940
MorganJoseph Fborn about 1899
MorganJoseph Tborn about 1931
MorganMarion born about 1926
MorganMary born about 1883
MorganMorgan born about 1869
MorganMorgan born about 1906
MorganMorgan Jr born about 1937
MorganNannie born about 1906
MorganRichard born about 1923
MorganRobert born about 1932
MorganRonald born about 1935
MorganRose Mborn about 1932
MorganRussell born about 1926
MorganTheophilus born about 1877
MorganThomas born about 1903
MorganWilliam born about 1898
MorganWilliam born about 1931
MorrisAmbrose born about 1899
MorrisFlorence born about 1899
MorrisGeorge born about 1883
MorrisGeorge born about 1900
MorrisHilda born about 1930
MorrisMaggie born about 1907
MorriseyElizabeth born about 1930
MorriseyFrancis born about 1926
MorriseyFrank born about 1901
MorriseyGeneva born about 1912
MorriseyJoseph born about 1936
MorriseyPatrick born about 1933
MorriseyRobert born about 1938
MorriseyTheresa born about 1928
MortinAmy Mborn about 1937
MortinAnna Bellborn about 1905
MortinAnna Leeborn about 1934
MortinBertha born about 1894
MortinEster born about 1905
MortinGeraldine born about 1932
MortinGuy born about 1900
MortinGuy Lborn about 1939
MortinJames born about 1924
MortinJohn Charlesborn about 1922
MortinMartha born about 1926
MortinMildred born about 1929
MortinNorma Leeborn about 1934
MortinNorman born about 1932
MortinPaul born about 1903
MortinPaul Jr born about 1928
MortinRonald born about 1936
MortinVincent born about 1904
MortinWalter born about 1931
MullaneyCollen Eborn about 1932
MullaneyDennis born about 1939
MullaneyEdward Jborn about 1934
MullaneyEthel born about 1910
MullaneyFrancis born about 1929
MullaneyFrank born about 1889
MullaneyHelen born about 1932
MullaneyJohn Cborn about 1937
MullaneyMargaret born about 1923
MullaneyMarie born about 1893
MullaneyThomas Bborn about 1902
MullaneyThomas Bborn about 1929
MullerWilliam born about 1876
MulliganAlice born about 1919
MulliganCarl born about 1922
MulliganCatherine born about 1880
MulliganCecilia born about 1903
MulliganCharles born about 1906
MulliganFrank born about 1914
MulliganJames born about 1872
MulliganMary Lborn about 1924
MulliganRobert born about 1920
MulliganSusan born about 1912
MulloleyCatherine born about 1886
MulloleyDelsie born about 1909
MulloleyJohn born about 1910
MulloneyCatherine born about 1934
MulloneyCecilia born about 1864
MulloneyCharles born about 1931
MulloneyJames born about 1893
MulloneyMary born about 1929
MulloneyVivian born about 1904
MurphyGeorge born about 1913
MurphyNeoma born about 1911
MurrayAnna born about 1891
MurrayBessie born about 1872
MurrayDelton born about 1939
MurrayDorthy born about 1926
MurrayEdward born about 1904
MurrayIdelia born about 1920
MurrayJack born about 1924
MurrayJames born about 1897
MurrayJames born about 1916
MurrayMabel born about 1933
MurrayMary born about 1908
MurrayMelisa born about 1922
MurrayRobert born about 1930
MurrayViola born about 1918
MyersAnabelle born about 1925
MyersAubrey born about 1916
MyersBettie born about 1920
MyersCarie born about 1914
MyersErvin born about 1894
MyersEva born about 1891
MyersEvelyn born about 1924
MyersGoldie born about 1915
MyersMalaylyn born about 1931
MyersNorman born about 1918
MyersOlive born about 1922
MyersPierce born about 1928
MyersRegina born about 1914
MyersStella Aborn about 1936
MyersWilda born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NatollyAnthony born about 1891
NatollyEdward born about 1915
NatollyJohn born about 1929
NatollyJosephine born about 1891
NatollyMarie born about 1924
NatollyRose born about 1921
NatollySamuel born about 1919
NatollyWilliam born about 1926
NaughtonGenevieve born about 1898
NaughtonJames born about 1888
NaughtonRaymond born about 1917
NazelrodClyde born about 1923
NazelrodJohn born about 1925
NazelrodLouisa born about 1931
NazelrodMaud born about 1903
NazelrodMax born about 1935
NazelrodOman born about 1929
NazelrodPaul born about 1937
NazelrodWalter born about 1895
NederArthur born about 1920
NederBarbara born about 1884
NederCarl born about 1915
NederCornelia born about 1919
NederGeorge born about 1881
NederGeorgiana born about 1925
NederJohn born about 1913
NederMaret Aborn about 1886
NederMary Lborn about 1917
NederMatilda born about 1878
NederRoland born about 1924
NederRuth born about 1910
NeffCharles born about 1865
NicodemusEmma born about 1885
NicodemusJohn born about 1875
NoeresHenry Mborn about 1867
NolanBeatrice born about 1903
NolanCharles Wborn about 1925
NolanGeorge born about 1933
NolanJohn born about 1897
NolanJohn born about 1929
NolanJoseph Fborn about 1923
NolanJoseph Lborn about 1892
NolanMary Aborn about 1858
NolanMary Aborn about 1930
NoonanAdella born about 1876
NoonanAlice born about 1887
NoonanJohn born about 1871
NoonanJoseph born about 1887
NooranMarie born about 1897
NorrisAnna born about 1880
NorrisDave born about 1913
NorrisEarnest born about 1886
NorrisEdna born about 1901
NorrisEdward born about 1881
NorrisElizabeth Aborn about 1936
NorrisEsby born about 1928
NorrisFrances Jborn about 1928
NorrisJames Aborn about 1930
NorrisJosephine Mborn about 1908
NorrisMary Gborn about 1932
NorrisMaud born about 1892
NorrisPauline born about 1938
NorrisRaymond born about 1919
NorrisRuth Eborn about 1931
NorrisVincent Eborn about 1934
NorrisWilliam Hborn about 1902
NorrisWilliam Hborn about 1926
NulleyAuthor born about 1884
NulleyFrank born about 1888
NulleySarah born about 1886
NuseGeorge born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObederChristopher born about 1881
ObederElla born about 1885
OconnorCatherine Jborn about 1876
OconnorLoretta born about 1878
OconnorMary Eborn about 1870
OconnorNor?? Fborn about 1871
OconnorReginald born about 1898
OftenEugene Lborn about 1915
OftenGerarda Aborn about 1919
OftenHazle Eborn about 1917
OftenNorma Jeanborn about 1936
OftenRobert Gborn about 1922
OftenVerda Lborn about 1899
OkoukeCatherine born about 1917
OkoukeJames born about 1921
OkoukeJohn born about 1929
OkoukeMargaret born about 1924
OkoukeMichael born about 1921
OkoukePatrick born about 1881
OkoukeRose born about 1887
OnealAlma born about 1915
OnealAlonzo born about 1923
OnealBasil born about 1920
OnealClarence born about 1891
OnealJohn born about 1911
OnealSusie born about 1893
OrndalphElizabeth born about 1900
OrndalphJene born about 1931
OrndalphJohn born about 1899
OrndorfEdward born about 1904
OrndorfEdward Fborn about 1935
OrndorfEthel born about 1912
OrndorffMartha born about 1913
OrndorffRussell born about 1903
OrndoughRalph born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PatrickLillian born about 1884
PaulElizabeth born about 1919
PaulHobert Arvolaborn about 1898
PaulMable born about 1892
PaulWilbert born about 1917
PealGrace born about 1904
PealLouis born about 1900
PenillaJohn born about 1872
PerrinCarl born about 1893
PetenbrickAlvin born about 1925
PetenbrickAnna born about 1915
PetenbrickBobbie born about 1936
PetenbrickCatherine born about 1892
PetenbrickCatherine Manieborn about 1928
PetenbrickCharles born about 1922
PetenbrickGeorge born about 1914
PetenbrickHarry born about 1887
PetenbrickIola born about 1930
PetenbrickRonald born about 1937
PetenbrickSandra born about 1939
PetenbrickShirley born about 1935
PetenbrinkFrances born about 1918
PetenbrinkVincent born about 1910
PetenbrinkVincent born about 1933
PfisterDora born about 1902
PfisterDorothy Jborn about 1938
PfisterEdwin born about 1927
PfisterFranklin born about 1933
PfisterHarry born about 1935
PfisterHenry born about 1894
PfisterHenry Jr born about 1924
PfisterMary Aborn about 1930
PhillipsDency born about 1932
PhillipsDorothy born about 1924
PhillipsJohn born about 1878
PhillipsJohn born about 1922
PhillipsMaud born about 1888
PhillipsNelson born about 1918
PhillipsNorman born about 1926
PhillipsRay born about 1919
PhillipsRaymond born about 1932
PhillipsRobert born about 1929
PolandHarry born about 1903
PolandHelen Dborn about 1929
PolandMargaret Lborn about 1927
PolandMary Jborn about 1933
PolandPauline born about 1905
PolandSophia born about 1874
PollackJanet born about 1938
PollackLouise born about 1939
PollackManie born about 1916
PollackMary Jborn about 1892
PollackRobert born about 1889
PollackRobert Williamborn about 1915
PollakKarl born about 1896
PollandEvlyn Lborn about 1906
PollandJohn Lborn about 1906
PollockAlfred Lborn about 1921
PollockAnna Lborn about 1917
PollockChristian Lborn about 1886
PollockLaura Mborn about 1913
PollockMary Eborn about 1888
PollockWilliam Cborn about 1920
PorterAnna born about 1938
PorterCatherine born about 1917
PorterCharles born about 1919
PorterDorothy born about 1918
PorterEllen Mborn about 1866
PorterElmer born about 1904
PorterElthea born about 1922
PorterElwood born about 1940
PorterEmma Aborn about 1883
PorterEtta Mborn about 1908
PorterGeorge born about 1903
PorterHarry Oborn about 1878
PorterHazel born about 1911
PorterIda born about 1914
PorterJames born about 1909
PorterJane born about 1922
PorterJohn Dborn about 1868
PorterJohn Wborn about 1878
PorterJoseph born about 1916
PorterJuanita born about 1927
PorterMary Eborn about 1876
PorterMaxine born about 1936
PorterRose born about 1885
PorterRoss born about 1913
PorterThelma born about 1931
PorterTheodore born about 1916
PorterTheodore born about 1940
PorterTheresa born about 1938
PorterThomas born about 1921
PorterTillie born about 1882
PortesFlorence born about 1871
PortesJohn born about 1864
PowellDavid born about 1900
PowellDavid Jr born about 1932
PowellEvelyn born about 1920
PowellFrancis born about 1924
PowellHelen born about 1926
PowellLaura born about 1900
PowersCatherine born about 1922
PowersGeorge born about 1928
PowersJames born about 1887
PowersJames Jr born about 1934
PowersMary born about 1892
PowersRegina born about 1924
PowersRichard born about 1931
PowersRose Mborn about 1929
PrattEdward born about 1929
PrattElizabeth born about 1928
PrattJames born about 1925
PrattJane born about 1867
PrattJohn Rborn about 1890
PrattJohn Jr born about 1919
PrattRobert born about 1923
ProsserAnna Mborn about 1898
PughAlan born about 1935
PughAnna born about 1932
PughBessie born about 1912
PughRobert born about 1933
PughRussell born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RainsforthHenry born about 1882
RainsforthNorman born about 1884
RankinAlexander born about 1877
RankinArchie born about 1911
RankinBessie born about 1893
RawlingsCora born about 1876
RawlingsHenry born about 1869
RawlingsNoren?? born about 1902
ReaganAngela born about 1905
ReaganAnna born about 1928
ReaganDelorse born about 1899
ReaganJoseph born about 1895
ReaganJoseph Jr born about 1929
ReagonElla born about 1891
ReagonMartha born about 1894
ReagonSarah born about 1858
ReedJoan born about 1935
ReedLester born about 1909
ReedMelvin born about 1899
ReedNettie born about 1899
ReedPhyllis born about 1914
ReedRelia born about 1923
ReedThomas born about 1913
ReedVerta born about 1915
ReganCatherine born about 1935
ReganClement Mborn about 1898
ReganEleanor born about 1940
ReganLeona Aborn about 1902
ReganMary Tborn about 1926
ReganMildred born about 1931
ReganSarah Lborn about 1933
ReinardOlive born about 1888
ReinardWalter born about 1883
RessmanCarl Aborn about 1918
RessmanIdela Aborn about 1895
RessmanMary Louborn about 1924
ReynoldsEmma born about 1876
ReynoldsJames born about 1920
RiceAlbert Cborn about 1895
RiceAlbert Pborn about 1919
RiceBradley born about 1902
RiceClarence Eborn about 1921
RiceCora born about 1939
RiceDonald born about 1933
RiceElmer born about 1938
RiceElsunth Gborn about 1919
RiceEmily born about 1910
RiceHarry born about 1935
RiceHelen born about 1925
RiceHilda born about 1923
RiceHoward born about 1923
RiceJessie born about 1928
RiceLillian born about 1924
RiceLucy Mborn about 1898
RiceMyrtle born about 1900
RiceRita born about 1922
RiceRuby born about 1924
RiceRuby Hborn about 1926
RiceRussell born about 1925
RiceShirley born about 1935
RiceWilliam born about 1896
RiceWilliam Jr born about 1921
RigerAlva Eborn about 1918
RigerCharles Gborn about 1881
RigerClara Eborn about 1884
RigerErma Pborn about 1913
RigerGeorge born about 1889
RigerLena born about 1890
RigglemanAnnabel born about 1892
RigglemanChristine born about 1915
RigglemanEls??th born about 1915
RigglemanFreda born about 1918
RigglemanRobert Eborn about 1938
RinglerBernice born about 1922
RinglerEugene born about 1916
RinglerGlen born about 1921
RinglerGloria born about 1927
RinglerJames born about 1896
RinglerJames Jr born about 1917
RinglerSadie born about 1897
RinglerSandra Aborn about 1939
RitzerClara born about 1891
RitzerHarry born about 1887
RitzerVirginia born about 1927
RizerAmanda Eborn about 1888
RizerCatherine born about 1860
RizerCharles Pborn about 1893
RizerDorothy Eborn about 1923
RizerFloyd born about 1911
RizerHelen Mborn about 1912
RizerHoward Eborn about 1891
RizerJessie born about 1875
RizerLila Mayborn about 1935
RizerMary born about 1901
RizerRandolph born about 1933
RizerRichard Tborn about 1921
RobenettaCarrie born about 1880
RobenettaJames born about 1931
RobenettaWilliam born about 1866
RobenitteGane born about 1938
RobenitteHelena born about 1911
RobenitteLouis born about 1907
RobertsonBessie born about 1884
RobertsonCarmeleta born about 1934
RobertsonEloise born about 1923
RobertsonGertrude born about 1913
RobertsonGertrude born about 1940
RobertsonHoward born about 1909
RobertsonJulia Mborn about 1932
RobertsonKenneth born about 1932
RobertsonMargaretta born about 1939
RobertsonMary born about 1936
RobertsonMildred born about 1925
RobertsonMyrtle Mborn about 1900
RobertsonRussell born about 1919
RobertsonShirley born about 1935
RobertsonViolet born about 1921
RobertsonWalter born about 1881
RobinsonBernard born about 1932
RobinsonClayton born about 1901
RobinsonClayton Jr born about 1929
RobinsonDelores born about 1935
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1906
RobisonBenedict Fborn about 1920
RobisonCharles Vborn about 1932
RobisonJohn Iborn about 1917
RobisonMargarette born about 1934
RobisonMarion Aborn about 1926
RobisonMaul Tborn about 1929
RobisonPaul Eborn about 1922
RobisonRosita born about 1937
RobisonRuth born about 1894
RobisonVictor born about 1894
RolfeIsabella born about 1899
RolfeJames born about 1880
RolfeMaud born about 1881
RolicanAgnes Fborn about 1902
RolicanEdward Jborn about 1905
RowleyElizabeth born about 1886
RowleyElsie Lborn about 1920
RowleyWilliam born about 1884
RowleyWilliam born about 1925
RunichDaniel born about 1913
RunichDaniel Jr born about 1939
RunichMary born about 1921
RussellJames born about 1904
RussellJohn born about 1936
RussellMary born about 1903
RussellNorma born about 1927
RussellRonald born about 1934
RussellShirley born about 1929
RyerElsworth born about 1919
RyerFrank born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampsonGeorge Dborn about 1883
SampsonPearl born about 1890
SansomAnnie born about 1869
SansomEdgar born about 1889
SansomMable born about 1937
SansomMary born about 1908
SansomNevin born about 1891
SansomPerry born about 1916
SansomRobert born about 1935
ScheurlingLloyd born about 1895
ScheurlingMary born about 1903
ScottLawrence born about 1910
ScottOlive born about 1919
SedersWilliam born about 1927
SellHoward born about 1882
SeneCharles Jborn about 1924
SeneDonald Jborn about 1932
SeneHoward Wborn about 1894
SeneHoward Jr W born about 1922
SeneMable Jborn about 1930
SeneMary Leeborn about 1921
SeneMildred Tborn about 1897
SeneNaomi Tborn about 1923
ShafferClara Wborn about 1868
ShafferEdward born about 1923
ShafferEffie Mborn about 1928
ShafferEva Aborn about 1903
ShafferGladys born about 1897
ShafferHarold Lborn about 1932
ShafferJames Wborn about 1925
ShafferJohn Mborn about 1900
ShafferMargaret Bborn about 1865
ShafferMarine born about 1937
ShafferMary Dborn about 1926
ShafferMay born about 1913
ShafferMellie born about 1877
ShafferPauline born about 1895
ShafferShirley Lborn about 1936
ShafferThomas born about 1892
ShafferVirgil born about 1913
ShafferWilma born about 1914
ShankHarry Wborn about 1875
ShankKlara Mborn about 1878
ShelbyCharles born about 1900
ShelbyFred born about 1922
ShelbyHazel born about 1904
ShelbyHelen born about 1924
ShelbyRobert born about 1926
ShipeCharles born about 1930
ShipeClem born about 1936
ShipeEarnest born about 1939
ShipeEdgar born about 1900
ShipeFrank born about 1925
ShipeLee born about 1933
ShipeMarion born about 1924
ShipePearl born about 1903
ShipeReva born about 1928
ShorkleyAnn born about 1852
ShrinerDonald born about 1916
ShrinerDonald Jborn about 1938
ShrinerZola born about 1917
ShriverJohn born about 1925
ShroyerCharles Tborn about 1932
ShroyerCora Mborn about 1931
ShroyerDavid Pborn about 1936
ShroyerElmer Dborn about 1928
ShroyerJosephine Eborn about 1904
ShroyerLawrence Jborn about 1925
ShroyerLydia Dborn about 1930
ShroyerMary Jborn about 1938
ShroyerVerna Eborn about 1926
ShroyerWilliam Eborn about 1896
SimpsonAmelia Mborn about 1898
SimpsonJohn born about 1894
SimpsonJohn born about 1919
SlakemDelores Mborn about 1922
SloanCharles born about 1895
SloanCharles born about 1926
SloanMary born about 1898
SloanRose Mborn about 1928
SmermanAnna Mborn about 1927
SmermanEdna Mborn about 1924
SmermanGeorge born about 1896
SmermanGeorge Eborn about 1931
SmermanRosa born about 1899
SmermanWilliam Jborn about 1925
SmermanWilma born about 1921
SmithAgnes Eborn about 1928
SmithAnna Lborn about 1931
SmithClara Jborn about 1938
SmithEarnest Pborn about 1919
SmithEdward Jborn about 1881
SmithGeorge born about 1915
SmithGeraldine born about 1917
SmithHelen born about 1925
SmithHoward born about 1899
SmithJames born about 1940
SmithJenny Mborn about 1889
SmithJohn born about 1874
SmithJohn born about 1904
SmithJohn Fborn about 1929
SmithJohn Jborn about 1914
SmithJosephine born about 1875
SmithLaura born about 1902
SmithLydia Cborn about 1898
SmithMargaret Mborn about 1925
SmithMary born about 1892
SmithMary born about 1922
SmithPearl born about 1923
SmithRussel born about 1920
SmithVirginia born about 1940
SmithWalter born about 1927
SmithWillie born about 1912
SnelsonAnnie born about 1877
SnelsonFlorence born about 1887
SnelsonFlorence born about 1888
SnelsonJames Eborn about 1882
SnelsonThomas born about 1888
SnyderAlbert Eborn about 1917
SnyderAllen Eborn about 1914
SnyderAnna born about 1911
SnyderAnnie born about 1855
SnyderBetty born about 1924
SnyderCaroline born about 1868
SnyderCatherine born about 1865
SnyderCatherine born about 1938
SnyderCharles Jborn about 1894
SnyderDonald born about 1933
SnyderDoris Lborn about 1931
SnyderDorothy Pborn about 1924
SnyderEarl Lborn about 1907
SnyderEdward born about 1891
SnyderEdward born about 1915
SnyderElenor Cborn about 1930
SnyderEthel born about 1922
SnyderEugene born about 1923
SnyderEvelyn born about 1938
SnyderFrances born about 1897
SnyderFrancis born about 1937
SnyderFrank born about 1890
SnyderGlen born about 1935
SnyderGwendolyn born about 1936
SnyderHarry Hborn about 1919
SnyderHelen born about 1930
SnyderHenry born about 1933
SnyderIrvin born about 1900
SnyderJames born about 1892
SnyderJames born about 1917
SnyderJeannette born about 1939
SnyderJessie Pborn about 1899
SnyderJohn born about 1926
SnyderLillian Mborn about 1903
SnyderMadeline born about 1922
SnyderMargaret born about 1896
SnyderMarion Lborn about 1935
SnyderMarline born about 1932
SnyderMary Cborn about 1924
SnyderMay born about 1901
SnyderMay Lborn about 1922
SnyderMilton born about 1870
SnyderMyra Sborn about 1891
SnyderNaomi Lborn about 1924
SnyderNellie born about 1921
SnyderPearl born about 1929
SnyderRaymond born about 1938
SnyderRaymond Eborn about 1901
SnyderRoy born about 1902
SnyderShirley Gborn about 1938
SnyderVernon born about 1928
SnyderVictor born about 1919
SnyderVivian born about 1907
SnyderWenona Gborn about 1911
SnyderWilhelmina born about 1931
SnyderWilliam Rborn about 1907
SourbrineDonald born about 1934
SourbrineGeorge born about 1917
SourbrineJohn born about 1861
SourbrineLe Roy born about 1910
SourbrineLola born about 1912
SourbrineMinnie born about 1882
SourbrineRichard born about 1876
SowerbyBertha born about 1880
SowerbyFrank born about 1881
SowerbyMary born about 1908
SprigsAnna Jborn about 1925
SprigsArch born about 1918
SprigsFrancis born about 1939
StelleDella born about 1913
StelleEmma Mborn about 1933
StelleGeorge Fborn about 1935
StelleHerman Fborn about 1910
StelleWalter Fborn about 1930
StephensCatherine born about 1864
StephensCharles born about 1913
StephensDarline born about 1938
StephensDorthy born about 1916
StephensEllen born about 1936
StephensGenevieve born about 1894
StephensMargaret born about 1892
StephensMary born about 1932
StephensThomas born about 1888
StevensBetty born about 1932
StevensCatherine Eborn about 1861
StevensChester born about 1916
StevensHerbert born about 1906
StevensHoward Rborn about 1895
StevensHtomas born about 1938
StevensJohn born about 1929
StevensMinnie born about 1885
StevensMinnie born about 1909
StevensRobert born about 1937
StevensStella Mborn about 1939
StevensWilliam born about 1936
StewardAmy born about 1908
StewardBobbie born about 1930
StewardEzaylyn born about 1908
StewardHelen born about 1928
StewardHerman born about 1906
StewardJane born about 1933
StewardJosephine born about 1931
StewardLois born about 1932
StewardMary born about 1930
StewardMary born about 1935
StewardMilton born about 1905
StewardMilton Jr born about 1936
StewardRay born about 1939
StowellFrank born about 1874
StuntzSimon born about 1870
StuntzWilliam born about 1896
SturtzAlberta born about 1920
SturtzLavita born about 1898
SturtzLeona born about 1923
SturtzRalph born about 1894
SturtzRobert born about 1925
SturtzViolet born about 1927
SuangerArlon born about 1928
SuangerCharles Aborn about 1906
SuangerCharles Jr born about 1934
SuangerGeorge Wborn about 1935
SuangerHazel born about 1911
SuangerLeona born about 1930
SuangerMary born about 1931
SullivanJames born about 1927
SullivanJoan born about 1930
SullivanLeota born about 1903
SullivanMargaret born about 1934
SullivanMary born about 1923
SullivanPatricia born about 1936
SullivanPatrick born about 1903
SullivanPaul born about 1925
SussEarl born about 1904
SwangerCatherine born about 1913
SwangerRaymond born about 1914
SweeneAnn Cborn about 1933
SweeneCarol Dborn about 1934
SweeneCatherine born about 1884
SweeneCatherine born about 1897
SweeneDora Vborn about 1907
SweeneDorothy Jborn about 1937
SweeneEdna Gborn about 1903
SweeneElsie Lborn about 1916
SweeneFrancis Aborn about 1937
SweeneHarold Fborn about 1903
SweeneHenry Gborn about 1880
SweeneJohn Aborn about 1854
SweeneJr Robert Rborn about 1921
SweeneMargaret Jborn about 1936
SweeneMary Eborn about 1924
SweeneMinnie born about 1880
SweeneNevon Pborn about 1916
SweenePaul Lborn about 1932
SweeneRobert Rborn about 1896
SweeneWilson Gborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannonAnnie born about 1882
TanseyBernard born about 1897
TanseyMary Eborn about 1870
TanseyTimothy born about 1903
TaversterGertrude born about 1892
TaversterRaymond born about 1895
TeterJackie born about 1910
TeterLola born about 1930
TeterMarylin born about 1939
TeterWilliam born about 1908
TheorigBeulah born about 1911
TheorigFrances born about 1920
TheorigFranklin born about 1917
TheorigHarriet born about 1888
TheorigHarriet born about 1924
TheorigHelen born about 1907
TheorigJohn Wborn about 1928
TheorigTheodore born about 1906
ThomasJoseph born about 1892
ThompsonMary born about 1889
TimbrookSam born about 1917
TrensonJames Eborn about 1935
TrimbleHelen born about 1933
TrimbleJess born about 1887
TrimbleJessie Cborn about 1937
TrimbleJoseph born about 1859
TrimbleMary Annaborn about 1926
TrimbleMaud born about 1935
TrimbleSusanna born about 1914
TrimbleVictor born about 1889
TrimbleVirginia born about 1904
TrountmanEva born about 1924
TurleyAlice born about 1918
TurleyAmy born about 1922
TurleyGeorge born about 1922
TurleyHarry born about 1878
TurleyJames born about 1903
TurleySarah Jborn about 1878
TurleyStanley born about 1924
TwiggAnita born about 1920
TwiggErnest born about 1925
TwiggRaymond born about 1898
TwiggRosalyn born about 1922
TwiggWilliam born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhlAlbert born about 1871
UhlAlice born about 1887
UhlAlice born about 1928
UhlAnna Bborn about 1871
UhlAnnie Lborn about 1873
UhlArthur born about 1901
UhlCarl born about 1937
UhlCharles born about 1887
UhlEdna born about 1888
UhlEdward born about 1933
UhlFrancis Aborn about 1928
UhlGeorge born about 1900
UhlGlendora born about 1932
UhlHarold born about 1900
UhlHarry born about 1877
UhlHazel born about 1905
UhlHerbert born about 1929
UhlIrma born about 1902
UhlJames born about 1893
UhlJohn born about 1905
UhlKatie born about 1894
UhlLaverna born about 1898
UhlMargaret born about 1901
UhlMargaret born about 1914
UhlMary Jborn about 1866
UhlMary Louborn about 1928
UhlMaud born about 1904
UhlMelvin born about 1926
UhlMervin born about 1924
UhlNevin born about 1905
UhlPateence born about 1935
UhlReford born about 1910
UhlRichard born about 1906
UhlRobert born about 1882
UhlRonald born about 1928
UhlRose born about 1903
UhlRussell born about 1914
UhlSarah born about 1911
UhlThema born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanFrank born about 1868
VanMary born about 1865
VantzAlma born about 1916
VantzMary born about 1889
VantzWilliam born about 1913
VoitClaudia born about 1893
VoitWard Fborn about 1926

W Surnames

WadeLlazed born about 1896
WadeLloyd Edborn about 1938
WadeMargaret born about 1916
WalchAngelia born about 1922
WalchClement born about 1919
WalchCora born about 1877
WalchDorthy born about 1928
WalchJohn born about 1930
WalchLeo born about 1917
WalkerEdward born about 1910
WalkerLaura born about 1911
WalshArthur born about 1898
WalshEarl Jborn about 1927
WalshEarl Lborn about 1901
WalshGerald born about 1939
WalshJames born about 1914
WalshJames Lborn about 1932
WalshJohn Eborn about 1937
WalshKathleen born about 1921
WalshMargaret Eborn about 1900
WalshMary Jborn about 1897
WalshMary Mborn about 1931
WalshRichard Jborn about 1928
WalshRita born about 1932
WalshRobert born about 1936
WalshRose Mborn about 1924
WalshVera born about 1915
WalshWinifred born about 1934
WaltersCarol Lborn about 1938
WaltersCharles Cborn about 1890
WaltersCharles Eborn about 1914
WaltersEdna Eborn about 1890
WaltersEdna Jborn about 1915
WaltersGladys born about 1913
WaltersRichard born about 1937
WaltersWilbur born about 1913
WambaughGrant born about 1908
WambaughHelen Cborn about 1912
WambaughJohn born about 1933
WarnerGertrude born about 1884
WarnerHelen born about 1924
WarnerHerbert born about 1910
WarnerHerbert Jborn about 1937
WarnerKenneth born about 1912
WarnerLois born about 1939
WarnerSarah born about 1915
WartonDonna Mborn about 1932
WartonFrancis born about 1924
WartonJames born about 1887
WartonMary born about 1892
WartonWilliam born about 1929
WatherholtElizabeth born about 1908
WatherholtJoseph born about 1910
WatkinsCatherine born about 1917
WatkinsFrancis Lborn about 1937
WatkinsFred born about 1908
WatkinsMary born about 1882
WatkinsMildred born about 1938
WatkinsTernata born about 1919
WatkinsValentine born about 1921
WeberFlorence born about 1918
WeberJackiline born about 1937
WeberJohn born about 1887
WeberPaul born about 1919
WeberPaul Jr born about 1940
WeimerAlva born about 1902
WeimerAnnett born about 1940
WeimerBertha born about 1901
WeimerCharles born about 1926
WeimerClyde born about 1931
WeimerDarlene born about 1936
WeimerEilene born about 1932
WeimerElizabeth born about 1900
WeimerErvin born about 1898
WeimerFrances born about 1938
WeimerHarold born about 1937
WeimerIrvin born about 1927
WeimerJames born about 1894
WeimerKenneth born about 1929
WeimerMargaret born about 1922
WeimerMary born about 1921
WeimerNellie born about 1938
WeimerRobert born about 1930
WeimerRose Mborn about 1929
WeimerRoy Hborn about 1904
WeimerRoyden born about 1929
WeimerRussell born about 1934
WeimerVeronica born about 1925
WeinerDoris Eborn about 1934
WeinerHelen Aborn about 1905
WeinerJoseph Wborn about 1929
WeinerMary Tborn about 1931
WeinerRobert born about 1938
WeinerStanley born about 1901
WeinerStanley Lborn about 1927
WeisenbornEmma Cborn about 1908
WeissWilbert born about 1925
WelshCecil born about 1893
WhitacreHarvy W Cborn about 1889
WhitneyAgnes born about 1900
WhitneyAnna born about 1932
WhitneyBetty Janeborn about 1921
WhitneyJack born about 1922
WhitneyMaynard born about 1899
WhitzelClifton born about 1919
WilhelmCarol born about 1902
WilhelmFrances Mborn about 1910
WilhelmGenevieve born about 1916
WilhelmHazel born about 1904
WilhelmJohn Eborn about 1932
WilhelmJoseph Bborn about 1910
WilhelmTarah Aborn about 1874
WilhelmWilbert born about 1886
WilhelmWilliam born about 1910
WilhelmWilliam Tborn about 1935
WillesEllen born about 1922
WillesEmma born about 1884
WilliamLillie born about 1884
WilliamWilliam Dborn about 1885
WilliamsBradley born about 1902
WilliamsBridget born about 1902
WilliamsCharles born about 1874
WilliamsDaniel born about 1907
WilliamsDorothy born about 1934
WilliamsEdward born about 1938
WilliamsFrancis born about 1925
WilliamsFrank born about 1911
WilliamsFranklin born about 1930
WilliamsGertie born about 1899
WilliamsJames born about 1937
WilliamsJohn born about 1928
WilliamsMary born about 1927
WilliamsNordor born about 1906
WillisonCora Mborn about 1882
WillisonEarl born about 1882
WillsGladys born about 1919
WillsHarold born about 1922
WilsonEarl born about 1911
WilsonEmlie born about 1887
WilsonJanet born about 1923
WilsonJean born about 1936
WilsonLee born about 1887
WilsonLeona born about 1916
WilsonRalph born about 1877
WindfieldCarl born about 1904
WindfieldCarl Tborn about 1928
WindfieldElizabeth born about 1910
WindfieldJoyce born about 1932
WindfieldRobert Jeanborn about 1930
WindfieldSally born about 1936
WindfieldWilliam born about 1935
WindfieldWinston born about 1934
WinebernerArthur born about 1914
WinebernerJohn Wborn about 1876
WinebernerMinnie born about 1882
WinebernerRobert born about 1916
WinebrenerAlbert born about 1935
WinebrenerAllan born about 1928
WinebrenerAnna born about 1920
WinebrenerAnne born about 1887
WinebrenerCatherine born about 1918
WinebrenerCharles Eborn about 1900
WinebrenerClinton born about 1918
WinebrenerDavid born about 1927
WinebrenerDorthy born about 1913
WinebrenerEdward born about 1924
WinebrenerElenor born about 1918
WinebrenerElla born about 1908
WinebrenerElwood born about 1927
WinebrenerEvelyn born about 1920
WinebrenerFlora born about 1885
WinebrenerFlora Annaborn about 1928
WinebrenerGraham born about 1932
WinebrenerGus born about 1910
WinebrenerHazel born about 1930
WinebrenerHerman born about 1921
WinebrenerIsaias born about 1913
WinebrenerJake born about 1914
WinebrenerJeanette born about 1918
WinebrenerJeaneva born about 1929
WinebrenerJene born about 1939
WinebrenerJohn born about 1907
WinebrenerJohn born about 1933
WinebrenerJohn J Wborn about 1930
WinebrenerLawrence Aborn about 1871
WinebrenerLena born about 1906
WinebrenerMargaret born about 1908
WinebrenerMartha born about 1920
WinebrenerMaryland born about 1937
WinebrenerRalph born about 1937
WinebrenerRaymond born about 1918
WinebrenerRonald born about 1939
WinebrenerSusan Aborn about 1880
WinebrenerThelma Mborn about 1931
WinebrenerVirginia born about 1913
WinebrenerVirginia Leeborn about 1924
WinebrenerVirginia Mayborn about 1932
WinebrenerWalter born about 1909
WinebrenerWilliam born about 1877
WinebrenerWilliam Bborn about 1904
WinebrennerAnna Mborn about 1900
WinebrennerArvita born about 1938
WinebrennerClement born about 1935
WinebrennerCora born about 1939
WinebrennerCyrus born about 1912
WinebrennerElnora born about 1917
WinebrennerEmma born about 1914
WinebrennerFrancis born about 1936
WinebrennerFredrick born about 1912
WinebrennerGeorge Hborn about 1889
WinebrennerKathleen born about 1939
WinebrennerMary Sborn about 1863
WinebrennerViola born about 1937
WinebrennerVirginia Fborn about 1924
WinebrennerWilliam Jborn about 1902
WinebrennerWilliam Jborn about 1912
WinefieldAmy born about 1897
WinefieldSarah born about 1878
WinelrennerCharles born about 1898
WinelrennerEdward born about 1914
WinelrennerMargaret born about 1899
WinelrennerMyrma born about 1920
WinnerAnna Bborn about 1898
WinnerAnna Mayborn about 1917
WinnerCharles born about 1890
WinnerMargaret born about 1918
WinnerMary Annborn about 1935
WinnerPaul born about 1936
WinnerRegius born about 1911
WinnersAloysius born about 1902
WinnersBertha born about 1902
WinnersJohn born about 1938
WinnersJoseph born about 1931
WinnersMary born about 1928
WitleCaroyln born about 1938
WitleMary Janeborn about 1918
WitleMaryel born about 1914
WitleShirley born about 1935
WittAndrew Kborn about 1920
WittAnthony born about 1885
WittBeaudry Dborn about 1925
WittBeulah born about 1884
WittHelen Dborn about 1928
WittHerbert born about 1926
WittPauline born about 1914
WittTheodore born about 1909
WittTheodore Jr born about 1937
WittViola born about 1922
WitteAgath born about 1902
WitteAlexander born about 1878
WitteBenjamin born about 1872
WitteBessie born about 1908
WitteBetty born about 1926
WitteBeverly born about 1934
WitteCarl born about 1939
WitteCharles Aborn about 1928
WitteDorothy Eborn about 1917
WitteEdna Pborn about 1896
WitteElizabeth born about 1921
WitteEmma Jeanborn about 1932
WitteGeorge Cborn about 1900
WitteGeorge Wborn about 1897
WitteGladys born about 1921
WitteHelen Vborn about 1924
WitteHoward born about 1934
WitteIda Mborn about 1878
WitteJeannene Jborn about 1935
WitteJoseph born about 1916
WitteJr George Cborn about 1927
WitteKathleen Mborn about 1929
WitteKenneth born about 1924
WitteLeota Gborn about 1928
WitteLeroy born about 1932
WitteLillie Mayborn about 1903
WitteMargaret Eborn about 1926
WitteMary born about 1895
WitteMary Janeborn about 1868
WitteMildred born about 1898
WitteRebecca born about 1866
WitteRobert born about 1905
WitteRobert born about 1929
WitteWilliam born about 1900
WitteWilson born about 1930
WolfordClark born about 1876
WolfordIrene born about 1925
WolfordJohn born about 1906
WrightArthur born about 1933
WrightChristina born about 1913
WrightDonald Lborn about 1939
WrightJames Aborn about 1907
WrightRichard Jborn about 1931
WyattLizzie born about 1892
WyattSim born about 1908
WyattWestin born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YantzJames born about 1938
YantzJohn born about 1905
YantzLavena born about 1907
YantzOlapy born about 1915
YantzShirley Aborn about 1933
YartzRebecca born about 1870
YutzyArthur born about 1914
YutzyElizabeth born about 1912

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