1940 U.S. Federal Census of Tangier, Somerset, Maryland

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maryland > Somerset County > 1940 Census of Tangier

A SurnamesG SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesM Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAlbert born about 1901
AndersonAlice Maeborn about 1923
AndersonFlora Priceborn about 1901
AndersonL Albert Jrborn about 1930

B Surnames

BackettAddie born about 1908
BackettLinley born about 1901
BarnesCharles born about 1869
BeckettBeatrice born about 1924
BeckettBrown born about 1890
BeckettCharles born about 1921
BeckettClarence born about 1923
BeckettClarice born about 1923
BeckettEsther born about 1926
BeckettFrances born about 1932
BeckettFred born about 1886
BeckettGeorge born about 1882
BeckettGlenn born about 1925
BeckettJames Leeborn about 1930
BeckettJohn Hborn about 1880
BeckettJohn Mborn about 1890
BeckettMamie born about 1881
BeckettMichael born about 1917
BeckettNovella born about 1910
BeckettPhena born about 1890
BeckettTresa born about 1893
BedeusAlexzean born about 1924
BedeusBurnetta born about 1936
BedeusGeorgia born about 1906
BedeusGloria born about 1939
BevansAdolph born about 1938
BevansCarter born about 1908
BevansEdith born about 1877
BevansGilbert born about 1927
BevansGrace born about 1913
BevansInez born about 1932
BevansJanie born about 1921
BevansJesse born about 1937
BevansJohn born about 1875
BevansLethia born about 1898
BevansLillian born about 1925
BevansMelvin born about 1908
BevansMontrue born about 1924
BevansMyrtle born about 1915
BevansRobert Fultonborn about 1939
BevansRolan born about 1898
BevansRolan Jr born about 1939
BevansSarina born about 1936
BevansViolet born about 1935
BevansWilsie born about 1934
BevensClifford born about 1914
BevensLillian born about 1917
BloodsworthJ Listezborn about 1917
BloodsworthRosa Aborn about 1915
BordenRosa born about 1863
BrownClarence born about 1930
BrownRachel born about 1925
BrownRomie born about 1896
BrownSar born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarrollMary born about 1872
ChurchJulius born about 1895
ChurchLetitia born about 1896
CollinsHarry born about 1890
ConwayMartie born about 1915
ConwaySamuel born about 1908
CorbettJohn Wborn about 1893
CorbettLeland born about 1928
CorbettMargaret Vborn about 1896
CorbettWilliam born about 1919
CurtisDorothy Maeborn about 1934
CurtisDrucilla born about 1904
CurtisJohn born about 1896
CurtisVirginia born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DashieldsLucy born about 1923
DashiellH Grealeyborn about 1873
DashiellLucy Vborn about 1882
DeauchampEva born about 1895
DeauchampMelvin Lborn about 1888
DonaldCora Eborn about 1877
DonaldH Oscarborn about 1873
DonaldWilliam Tborn about 1902

E Surnames

EnellsMae born about 1906
EunisRichard Aborn about 1869
EunisTressie Jborn about 1888
EvansDorothy Leeborn about 1918
EvansElbert born about 1920
EvansEva born about 1922
EvansMarie born about 1930

F Surnames

FarringtonRachel born about 1902
FranceAl??h Maeborn about 1926
FranceLaura born about 1922
FranceMae born about 1893
FranceRaymond Mborn about 1891
FranceRobert Leeborn about 1934

G Surnames

GaleCathrine born about 1916
GaleOscar born about 1914
GaleStanford born about 1921
GaleStanford Wborn about 1939
GaleTomasia born about 1875
GladdenA Pearleborn about 1890
GladdenCalvin Tborn about 1871
GladdenCarrie Aborn about 1875
GladdenHerbert born about 1925
GladdenLinday born about 1927
GladdenMonnie born about 1883
GladdenMorgan born about 1930
GladdenRalph Rborn about 1892
GladdenRalph Jr born about 1923
GladdenRosa born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HolbrookEdward born about 1938
HolbrookGeorge born about 1902
HolbrookKenneth born about 1931
HolbrookLucy born about 1905
HolbrookWilliam born about 1935
HoldwayBethra Jeanborn about 1938
HoldwayCharles Pborn about 1925
HoldwayGrace Eborn about 1895
HoldwayHoward Bborn about 1923
HoldwayRev H Gborn about 1893
HoldwayRobert Bborn about 1933
HoldwayVirginia born about 1922
HolmesJohn R Jrborn about 1934
HolmesMargaret Vborn about 1932
HolmesMyrtle born about 1936
HolmesTyre born about 1930
HopkinsDorothy Aborn about 1935
HopkinsRhoda Dborn about 1900
HurttBessie born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesIda Bborn about 1876
JamesLottie Eborn about 1878
JamesThomas Hborn about 1874
JohnsonCharles born about 1928
JohnsonCleo born about 1921
JohnsonDennis J Jrborn about 1912
JohnsonIrene born about 1908
JohnsonJosephine born about 1935
JohnsonOla Maeborn about 1939
JohnsonOtis born about 1919
JonesAda born about 1903
JonesAddie Mborn about 1883
JonesAlbert Hborn about 1885
JonesAlonza born about 1896
JonesAlonza Jr born about 1929
JonesAnna born about 1879
JonesAnnie born about 1900
JonesAnnie Eborn about 1918
JonesArthur born about 1886
JonesArthur Hborn about 1890
JonesAustin born about 1934
JonesBeggy Louborn about 1938
JonesBelle born about 1877
JonesBertha Lborn about 1874
JonesBetty Anneborn about 1928
JonesBilly born about 1935
JonesCarroll born about 1933
JonesClaude Pborn about 1905
JonesClementine born about 1923
JonesCrystal born about 1905
JonesDaniel Jborn about 1881
JonesEarnie born about 1878
JonesEdna born about 1910
JonesElizabeth born about 1919
JonesElmer born about 1920
JonesEmerson born about 1933
JonesEstella born about 1879
JonesEthel born about 1915
JonesEugenia born about 1935
JonesEunice Leeborn about 1930
JonesEva Mborn about 1885
JonesEvelyn born about 1912
JonesFrances Eborn about 1935
JonesFreeman born about 1898
JonesFrizell born about 1915
JonesGeo Sborn about 1907
JonesGrant born about 1870
JonesHarriett born about 1875
JonesHarry Aborn about 1882
JonesHattie born about 1902
JonesHolbrook born about 1930
JonesHoward Paulborn about 1925
JonesIsabelle Aborn about 1869
JonesJackalee born about 1939
JonesJames Dborn about 1863
JonesJames Oborn about 1913
JonesJohn Nborn about 1884
JonesJohn N Jrborn about 1925
JonesJoseph Jborn about 1936
JonesJoyce Eborn about 1934
JonesJuiet born about 1922
JonesKatherine born about 1926
JonesLindah Mborn about 1911
JonesLula Gborn about 1886
JonesLydia M Eborn about 1889
JonesMarcella Cborn about 1911
JonesMargaret born about 1887
JonesMarion born about 1931
JonesMartha born about 1874
JonesMary Dborn about 1900
JonesMary Vborn about 1891
JonesMaxine born about 1937
JonesMckinley born about 1902
JonesMelvin born about 1890
JonesMilton born about 1911
JonesMoses born about 1908
JonesNathaniel born about 1909
JonesPearl born about 1930
JonesPercy Lborn about 1917
JonesPercy Jr born about 1939
JonesPreston born about 1914
JonesRonald born about 1935
JonesRosa born about 1884
JonesRuddy born about 1937
JonesRuth Aborn about 1930
JonesSamuel Nborn about 1884
JonesSarah born about 1931
JonesSevern born about 1918
JonesShirley Maeborn about 1932
JonesVerginia Leeborn about 1937
JonesVernon Aborn about 1909
JonesVernon A Jrborn about 1939
JonesVirginia born about 1904
JonesW Dennisborn about 1888
JonesW Leeborn about 1869
JonesWeldon born about 1904
JonesWeldon Jr born about 1927
JonesWilliam Lborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KelleyIva Wborn about 1878
KelleyLois Aborn about 1918
KeneBessie born about 1896
KeneDaniel born about 1938
KeneDorine born about 1936
KeneHelena born about 1920
KeneSamuel born about 1883
KeneSamuel J Jrborn about 1917

L Surnames

LeagleDarlan born about 1934
LeagleElsie born about 1921
LeagleEtherage born about 1888
LeagleHester born about 1865
LeagleJames Sr born about 1860
LeagleJulia born about 1869
LeagleLola born about 1891
LeagleMary born about 1901
LeagleMonnie born about 1882
LeagleOtis born about 1905
LeagleSelma born about 1912
LylerCharles Wborn about 1872
LylerElla born about 1858
LylerEsther Eborn about 1872
LylerJacob Sborn about 1854
LylerJohn Tborn about 1862
LylerLacy born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

McBrideAda born about 1879
McBrideGeorge born about 1881
McBrideJames born about 1885
McBrideLetetia born about 1875
McBrideMargaret born about 1901
McBrideWashington born about 1875

P Surnames

ParksBernice born about 1882
ParksBulah Mborn about 1887
ParksElizabeth Jborn about 1921
ParksElla Cborn about 1888
ParksJean Marieborn about 1928
ParksJohn Eborn about 1913
ParksR Williamborn about 1914
ParksW Rolanborn about 1905
PenkettBlanche born about 1924
PenkettEdward born about 1887
PenkettEdward Jr born about 1920
PenkettMorris born about 1930
PenkettSarah Jborn about 1888
PriceAlma Jborn about 1905
PriceAlvah Eborn about 1887
PriceC H Wesleyborn about 1883
PriceC H Wesley Jrborn about 1925
PriceCalvin Tborn about 1926
PriceCarolyn Lborn about 1938
PriceDona Maeborn about 1922
PriceDoris Nborn about 1923
PriceDorothy Mborn about 1895
PriceElizabeth Dborn about 1907
PriceEva Cborn about 1877
PriceFrances born about 1860
PriceGeorgia Eborn about 1875
PriceGustavus J Wborn about 1863
PriceInfant born about 1940
PriceJames Hborn about 1934
PriceJanet born about 1928
PriceJean Prescillaborn about 1924
PriceJohn Pborn about 1919
PriceJohn Sborn about 1876
PriceKatherine Eborn about 1931
PriceM Ellaborn about 1862
PriceMarion Aborn about 1933
PriceMarion Pborn about 1895
PriceMellard Eborn about 1886
PriceMillard E Jrborn about 1926
PricePeggy Marieborn about 1929
PricePeter Wborn about 1878
PricePhilip Jborn about 1860
PricePhyllis Aborn about 1936
PriceRebecca born about 1931
PriceSara Pborn about 1871
PriceShirley Anneborn about 1930
PriceUra Maeborn about 1924
PriceWilmer Jborn about 1887
PriceWilmer Oborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RobinsonEdward born about 1901

S Surnames

SellersCatherin born about 1937
SellersLois born about 1936
SellersMae born about 1914
SellersWayman born about 1906
SellersWyman Jr born about 1939
SemmonsJames Eborn about 1876
SemmonsMary Eborn about 1885
ShoresAlice Belleborn about 1912
ShoresAlvin born about 1922
ShoresArchie born about 1886
ShoresEffie born about 1877
ShoresJerome born about 1917
ShoresJohn born about 1917
ShoresLloyd born about 1920
ShoresLulu Cborn about 1883
ShoresRobert Jborn about 1884
ShoresRobert J Jrborn about 1913
ShoresRuby born about 1888
ShoresSamuel Eborn about 1883
ShoresSara Jborn about 1925
ShoresWilson born about 1913
ShoresWilson Jr born about 1938
StriberDoris Mborn about 1917
StriberFrank Cborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TankersleyThomas Hborn about 1915
TarletonBeatrice born about 1939
TarletonEdward Tborn about 1920
TarletonGeorge Tborn about 1881
TarletonLily Cborn about 1893
TarletonMarie born about 1920
TarletonNellie Aborn about 1895
TarletonTheodore born about 1916
TarletonWm Aborn about 1893
TeagleDu Boisborn about 1916
TeagleGeneva born about 1917
TennersGrace born about 1906
TennersJ Thomasborn about 1926
TennersOscar born about 1901
ToddAlice born about 1888
ToddMajor Hborn about 1876
ToddSamuel born about 1913
TordGranville born about 1914
TylerBeulah Dborn about 1904
TylerDelmas Fborn about 1908
TylerMary Vborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallaceAlbert born about 1934
WallaceArvilla born about 1907
WallaceBoyd born about 1933
WallaceEdna born about 1926
WallaceEtha Maeborn about 1929
WallaceFrank born about 1895
WallaceFranklin born about 1930
WallaceHelen born about 1900
WallaceJohn Wborn about 1940
WallaceOverlee born about 1924
WallacePelma born about 1927
WallaceRobert born about 1900
WallaceRobert born about 1937
WallaceRuth born about 1884
WallaceT Frankborn about 1906
WallenEmma Eborn about 1875
WallenIsaac Hborn about 1868
WallerDorothy born about 1919
WallerGeorge Sborn about 1901
WallerPatsy Louiseborn about 1937
WallerRobert Howardborn about 1938
WatersAndrew born about 1924
WatersBessie born about 1914
WatersCarlton born about 1913
WatersColonia born about 1914
WatersDorothy born about 1915
WatersElla born about 1891
WatersElla born about 1922
WatersEulah Maeborn about 1935
WatersJoseph born about 1918
WatersLucille born about 1923
WatersMarie born about 1929
WatersMatthew born about 1890
WatersMatthew Jr born about 1911
WatersWilliam born about 1930
WebsterCharles Yborn about 1922
WebsterClarence born about 1926
WebsterEarle Wborn about 1918
WebsterEssie born about 1896
WebsterGranville Pborn about 1869
WebsterHoward born about 1923
WebsterIra Wborn about 1886
WebsterIra W Jrborn about 1918
WebsterKenneth born about 1930
WebsterLillian born about 1901
WebsterLily Fborn about 1872
WebsterRubert born about 1898
WebsterVaughn born about 1920
WheatleyAlice born about 1923
WheatleyAnita born about 1939
WheatleyElwood born about 1912
WheatleyEvelyn born about 1925
WheatleyMargaret Lborn about 1874
WheatleyMartha born about 1917
WheatleyWilliam Gborn about 1938
WheatleyWm Tborn about 1864
WhiteAda Mborn about 1896
WhiteClementine born about 1868
WhiteDavid Wborn about 1880
WhiteElbert Dborn about 1911
WhiteElnora born about 1887
WhiteGerald born about 1939
WhiteHarold Rborn about 1904
WhiteHarold R Jrborn about 1936
WhiteHelen Fborn about 1926
WhiteLenora born about 1885
WhiteLouise Eborn about 1900
WhiteMerrell Eborn about 1894
WhiteP Carrollborn about 1933
WhiteRossie born about 1911
WhiteSara born about 1920
WhiteWalter born about 1884
WhiteWm Aborn about 1928
WhiteWm Rborn about 1869
WhitlockAllen born about 1909
WhitlockCharles born about 1899
WhitlockCharles Jr born about 1923
WhitlockFloyd born about 1927
WhitlockG Williamborn about 1929
WhitlockGeraldine born about 1913
WhitlockJames born about 1904
WhitlockJames Jr born about 1936
WhitlockLafayette Jborn about 1870
WhitlockLottie born about 1901
WhitlockOlive born about 1872
WhitlockTomasia born about 1872
WilliamsLucretia born about 1876
WillingAnna Blancheborn about 1925
WillingCassie born about 1905
WillingClarence Wborn about 1887
WillingDorothy born about 1935
WillingEdward born about 1915
WillingEdwinn Eborn about 1926
WillingEldon Sborn about 1904
WillingEldon Jr born about 1925
WillingElsie born about 1930
WillingGeorge Edwinborn about 1922
WillingGeorgia Fborn about 1883
WillingGordon Leeborn about 1931
WillingGuy Aborn about 1887
WillingIda born about 1878
WillingInfant born about 1940
WillingIrma Fborn about 1928
WillingJennie Eborn about 1864
WillingKenneth Jborn about 1928
WillingLandsay Tborn about 1921
WillingMamie Vborn about 1905
WillingMarie Eborn about 1930
WillingMarie Vborn about 1912
WillingMartin Eborn about 1892
WillingNancy Leeborn about 1936
WillingRalph born about 1907
WillingTubman Hborn about 1861
WillingWilliam Cborn about 1921
WindsorEloise born about 1891
WindsorHarry Wborn about 1890
WindsorHarry W Jrborn about 1915
WindsorMargaret born about 1915
WindsorMyra born about 1917
WindsorOctavia born about 1866
WindsorPeggy Anneborn about 1936
WindsorRobert Cborn about 1938
WrightAlice born about 1901
WrightAlice Joanborn about 1936
WrightAllen born about 1927
WrightBernice born about 1893
WrightBernice Jr born about 1934
WrightCharles born about 1883
WrightChester born about 1926
WrightChristine born about 1926
WrightCorbett born about 1901
WrightElton born about 1926
WrightEmma born about 1896
WrightEmma born about 1902
WrightFaldora born about 1867
WrightFrances born about 1939
WrightGeorge born about 1921
WrightGeraldine born about 1927
WrightJames born about 1929
WrightLexina born about 1924
WrightLillie born about 1875
WrightMargaret born about 1858
WrightMark Hannaborn about 1935
WrightMildred Joyceborn about 1939
WrightMudu born about 1919
WrightNaomi born about 1937
WrightOfando born about 1923
WrightPaul born about 1918
WrightRachel born about 1885
WrightRandolph born about 1928
WrightRexford born about 1924
WrightRufus born about 1877
WrightRufus Jr born about 1931
WrightRuth born about 1937
WrightShirley born about 1933
WrightVernon born about 1912
WrightVincent born about 1922

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