Baltimore County MD Death Records

USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Baltimore County (3,450) > Baltimore County Death Records (97)

USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Maryland Death Records (463) > Baltimore County Death Records (97)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Baltimore County are also on the Maryland Death Records page.

Countywide Baltimore City Owings Mills

Baltimore County Death Records

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Abstracts of Marriages and Deaths in the (Baltimore) American and Commercial Daily Advertiser, 1831-1836 FamilySearch Library

Baltimore Roman Catholic Parish Burials (includes burials from various church in Baltimore County through 1918) FindMyPast online

Death Records, Index, 1648-1720 Maryland State Archives online

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1861-1865 WorldCat

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1866-1870, with addendum 1861-1865 WorldCat

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1871-1875 WorldCat

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1876-1880 WorldCat

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1881-1885 WorldCat

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1886-1890 WorldCat

Index to marriages and deaths in the Baltimore County Advocate, 1850 - 1864 FamilySearch Library

Index to marriages and deaths in the Baltimore County advocate, 1850-1864 WorldCat

Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in Saint Paul's Parish, Baltimore County, Maryland FamilySearch Library

Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in St. George's Parish, Baltimore and Harford counties FamilySearch Library

Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in St. James' Parish, Baltimore County FamilySearch Library

Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in St. John's and St. George's parishes, Baltimore and Harford counties FamilySearch Library

Marriages and deaths from the Baltimore Patriot, 1820-1824 WorldCat

Maryland, Death Records, 1898-2011 Maryland State Archives

Maryland, Death Records, 1969-present Maryland Department of Health

Memoirs of the dead and tomb's remembrancer. WorldCat

Newspaper obituary clippings from the Baltimore Afro-American and the Washington Afro-American : for the year 1992 - January 4, 1992-December 26, 1992 WorldCat Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry online

Quaker records of Baltimore and Harford counties, Maryland, 1801-1825 : births, deaths, marriages, removals, and abstracts from the Monthly Minutes FamilySearch Library

Quaker records of Baltimore and Harford counties, Maryland, 1801-1825 : births, deaths, marriages, removals, and abstracts from the monthly minutes WorldCat

St. Thomas Parish (Garrison) register : births, marriages, deaths, 1728-1891 FamilySearch Library

Baltimore City Death Records

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Abstracts of marriages and deaths in the (Baltimore) American and commercial daily advertiser, 1831-1836 WorldCat

Addendum To Index of Obituaries and Marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1861-1865 FamilySearch Library

Associate Reformed Congregation of Baltimore records Archive Grid

Baltimore City Death Index 1875 to 2010 Maryland State Archives Vital Records online

Baltimore City Death Records Index 1875-1972 Maryland State Archives

Baltimore City deaths and burials, 1834-1840 FamilySearch Library

Baltimore City, Maryland deaths and burials, 1834-1840 WorldCat

Baltimore Roman Catholic Parish Burials (includes burials from various churches in Baltimore City through 1918) FindMyPast online

Baltimore city deaths and burials, 1834-1840 WorldCat

Baltimore city deaths and burials, 1834-1840 WorldCat

Baltimore, Maryland, Deaths and Burials Index, 1877-1992 Ancestry online

Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., Locks Funeral Home Records, 1936-2007 Ancestry online

Death Record Index 1875-1972 Maryland State Archives online

Death Records, 1875-1972 Maryland State Archives online

Death Records, Baltimore City, Index, 1875-1949 Maryland State Archives online

Departed this life : death notices from The (Baltimore) Sun FamilySearch Library

Departed this life : death notices from the (Baltimore) Sun, 1851-1860 WorldCat

Handbook of vital records information for attorneys and welfare workers WorldCat

Index To Marriages and Deaths in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1837-1850 FamilySearch Library

Index [to] register [of] births, marriages, deaths, St. John's & St. George's Parishes, Baltimore & Harford Counties, Maryland. WorldCat

Index of Marriages and Deaths in Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser (January 1, 1883 To December 1, 1883) and Baltimore American (December 2, 1883 To December 31, 1885) : Baltimore, Maryland Newspapers FamilySearch Library

Index of Obituaries and Marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun 1866-1870 ; 1871-1875. WorldCat

Index of Obituaries and Marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1861-1865 FamilySearch Library

Index of Obituaries and Marriages in the [Baltimore] Sun, 1866-1870 FamilySearch Library

Index of Obituaries and Marriages in the [Baltimore] Sun, 1876-1880 FamilySearch Library

Index of Obituaries and Marriages of the [Baltimore] Sun 1871-1875 FamilySearch Library

Index of obituaries and marriages in the (Baltimore) Sun 1866-1894 FamilySearch Library

Index of obituaries in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1861-1865 WorldCat

Index to Marriages and Deaths in the Baltimore Sun 1837-1850 Ancestry online

Index to Marriages and Deaths in the Baltimore Sun 1851-1860 Ancestry online

Index to marriages and deaths in the (Baltimore) Sun, 1837-1850 WorldCat

Index to the obituaries and death notices appearing in the JednoED- Polonia, 1926-1946 FamilySearch Library

Index to the register of births, marriages and deaths in Zion German Lutheran Church, Baltimore, Maryland; 1784-1855 FamilySearch Library

Jednosc Polonia Death Notice Index, Baltimore, MD Polish Genealogical Society of America online

Longevity list of Baltimore City : deaths of persons, 1880-1889, who were aged 70 or older WorldCat

Longevity list of Baltimore City : deaths of persons, 1880-1889, who were aged 70 or older. An index to the list of decedents, aged seventy years and upwards, appearing in the Annual reports of the Board of Health for Baltimore city. FamilySearch Library

Loudon Park caretaker records WorldCat

Marriages and Deaths from Baltimore Newspapers 1817-1824 FamilySearch Library

Marriages and Deaths from Baltimore Newspapers, 1796-1816 Ancestry online

Marriages and Deaths from Baltimore Newspapers, 1796-1816 FamilySearch Library

Marriages and Deaths from the Maryland Gazette, 1727-1839 Ancestry online

Marriages and deaths from Baltimore newspapers, 1796-1816 WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from Baltimore newspapers, 1796-1816 WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from Baltimore newspapers, 1796-1816 WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from Baltimore newspapers, 1817-1824 WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from Baltimore newspapers, 1817-1824 /edited by Henry C. Peden, Jr. WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from Baltimore newspapers. WorldCat

Marriages and deaths from the Maryland gazette, 1727-1839 WorldCat

Maryland Mortalities, 1876-1915, from the Baltimore Sun Almanac FamilySearch Library

Maryland State Archives Death Records Index 1898-1944 Maryland State Archives

Maryland mortalities, 1876-1915, from the (Baltimore) Sun almanac WorldCat

Maryland mortalities, 1876-1915, from the Baltimore Sun almanac WorldCat

Maryland, Baltimore, Lock Funeral Home Records, 1936-2007 Family Search online

Maryland, Death Records, 1875-2011 Maryland State Archives

Newspaper Obituary Clippings from the Baltimore Afro-American and the Washington Afro-American : For the Year 1992 - January 4, 1992-December 26, 1992 FamilySearch Library

Records, 1830-1977 Baltimore Hebrew Congregation (Baltimore, Md.). Archive Grid

Register of births, marriages and deaths, St. John's Parish, Joppa [Maryland] FamilySearch Library

Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church (Baltimore, Md.) records 1873-1993 Archive Grid

St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Valley & Eager Streets, Baltimore, Maryland deaths & interments, 1871-1966 FamilySearch Library

St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Baltimore, Maryland, marriages 1839-1962, deaths 1849-[18]50, 1859-[18]61, 1882-1905, 1906-1962 : extracted from Maryland State Archives microfilm publication MSA M1169 [i.e. M1689] FamilySearch Library

St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Bank Street & Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland deaths & interments, 1825-1977 (excluding 1854-1874) FamilySearch Library

St. Paul's Parish register, Baltimore, Maryland : births, marriages & deaths to Aug. 1797 FamilySearch Library

St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church records Archive Grid

Suspicious deaths in mid-19th century Baltimore : a name index for coroner inquest reports at the Baltimore city Archives, relating to 4,000 deaths in 1827, 1835-1860, 1864 and 1867 WorldCat

Suspicious deaths in mid-19th century Baltimore : a name index to coroner inquest reports at the Baltimore City Archives ; relating to 4,000 deaths in 1827, 1835-1860, 1864 and 1867 FamilySearch Library

Suspicious deaths in mid-19th century Baltimore : a name index to coroner inquest reports at the Baltimore City Archives relating to 4,000 deaths in 1827, 1835-1860, 1864, and 1867 WorldCat

The German correspondent, Baltimore, Maryland : translation and transcription of marriages, deaths and selected articles of genealogical interest WorldCat

Vital records of the First Independent Church : (now First Unitarian Church), Baltimore, Maryland, 1818-1921 FamilySearch Library

Vital records, 1840-1860 [Baltimore, Maryland] (Baltimore Hebrew Congregation) FamilySearch Library

Zion Lutheran Church, Holliday & Lexington Streets, Baltimore, Maryland, baptisms 1785-1867, marriages 1786-1938, deaths 1785-1834, burials 1861-1920, communicants 1787-1829, confirmations 1787-1831 FamilySearch Library

Owings Mills Death Records

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