Leonardtown Genealogy (in Saint Mary's County, MD)

USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Saint Mary's County (522) > Leonardtown (72)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Leonardtown are also found through the Saint Mary's County and Maryland pages.

Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Military Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records

Leonardtown Cemetery Records

Bloombury Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cemetery- Harris, Reeder, Townley, Leonardtown, Maryland FamilySearch Library

Charles Memorial Gardens Billion Graves online

Charles Memorial Gardens Interment online

Charles Memorial Gardens Find a Grave online

Charles Memorial Gardens Pet Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ellenborough Cemetery Find a Grave online

First Saints Community Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mattingly Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

New Saint Aloysius Cemetery Billion Graves online

Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Saint Aloysius Cemetery Billion Graves online

Old Saint Joseph Cemetery Billion Graves online

Our Ladys Chapel Cemetery Billion Graves online

Our Ladys Church at Medleys Neck Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Francis Xavier Cemetery Billion Graves online

Saint Paul Cemetery Billion Graves online

U.S. Civil War, Roll of Honor, Vol. IX: Soldiers Buried in Point Lookout (African-American), Leonardtown, Maryland Ancestry online

Xaverian Brothers Cemetery Find a Grave online

Leonardtown Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Leonardtown, Maryland LDS Genealogy online

Leonardtown Church Records

Church records, 1700s-1900s [Leonardtown, Maryland] (St. Andrew's Episcopal Church (Leonardtown, Maryland)) FamilySearch Library

St. Andrew's Parish, St. Mary's, Co., Maryland, 1736-1886 FamilySearch Library

Leonardtown City Directories

White and Yellow Pages, Cecil County thru Charles, 1933-1942, 1967-1968 Library of Congress online

White and Yellow Pages, Charles, 1943-1952 Library of Congress online

White and Yellow Pages, Charles, 1952-1954, 1956 Library of Congress online

White and Yellow Pages, Charles, 1957-1959 Library of Congress online

White and Yellow Pages, Charles, 1960, 1962 Library of Congress online

White and Yellow Pages, Charles, 1963-1964 Library of Congress online

White and Yellow Pages, Charles, 1966-1967 Library of Congress online

Leonardtown Death Records

Obituaries, Memorials and Death Notices (1883-1902) & (1912-1930) from the St. Mary's Enterprise (St. Mary's County, Maryland Newspaper) FamilySearch Library

Leonardtown Histories and Genealogies

A most convenient place : Leonardtown, Maryland, 1650-1950 FamilySearch Library

Leonardtown Military Records

U.S. Civil War, Roll of Honor, Vol. IX: Soldiers Buried in Point Lookout (African-American), Leonardtown, Maryland Ancestry online

Leonardtown Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Enterprise 1947 Maryland State Archives

Enterprise 2016-2020 Newspapers.com online

Leonard Town Herald 1839 Maryland State Archives

Leonardtown Saint Marys Beaconᅠ(1867-1921) Newspaper Archive online

News 1937-1941 Maryland State Archives

Obituaries, Memorials and Death Notices (1883-1902) & (1912-1930) from the St. Mary's Enterprise (St. Mary's County, Maryland Newspaper) FamilySearch Library

Saint Mary's Beacon 1867-1921 Newspapers.com online

Saint Mary's Beacon 1867-1983 Maryland State Archives

Saint Mary's Journal 1958-1960 Maryland State Archives

Saint Mary's News 1941 Maryland State Archives

Saint Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) (from Sept. 5, 1867 to Dec. 15, 1921) MyHeritage online

Saint Mary's beacon 09/05/1867 to 12/15/1921 Genealogy Bank online

Saint Mary's beacon. (Leonard Town, Md.) (from Sept. 5, 1867 to Dec. 15, 1921) Chronicling America online

Saint Marys Gazetteᅠ(1863-1867) Newspaper Archive online

St Mary's beacon 10/07/1852 to 04/16/1863 Genealogy Bank online

St Mary's gazette 10/22/1863 to 08/29/1867 Genealogy Bank online

St. Mary's Beacon 1845-1863 Maryland State Archives

St. Mary's Beacon 1852-1863 Newspapers.com online

St. Mary's Countian 1988 Maryland State Archives

St. Mary's Enterprise, 1920 Maryland State Archives online

St. Mary's Gazette 1863-1867 Maryland State Archives

St. Mary's Gazette 1863-1867 Newspapers.com online

St. Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) (from Oct. 7, 1852 to April 23, 1863) MyHeritage online

St. Mary's beacon. (Leonard Town, Md.) (from Oct. 7, 1852 to April 23, 1863) Chronicling America online

St. Mary's gazette (Leonard Town, Md.) (from Oct. 1, 1863 to Aug. 29, 1867) MyHeritage online

St. Mary's gazette. (Leonard Town, Md.) (from Oct. 1, 1863 to Aug. 29, 1867) Chronicling America online

Offline Newspapers for Leonardtown

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Enterprise. (Leonardtown, Md.) 1947-Current

News. (Leonardtown, Md.) 1937-1941

Saint Mary's Beacon. (Leonard Town, Md.) 1867-1983

Saint Mary's Journal. ([Leonardtown, Md.]) 1958-1960

St. Mary's Beacon. (Leonard Town, Md.) 1845-1863

St. Mary's Enterprise. (Leonardtown, Md.) 1883-1947

St. Mary's Gazette. (Leonard Town, Md.) 1863-1867

Leonardtown Probate Records

Summary of Davis wills recorded at the courthouse, Leonardtown, St. Marys County, Maryland FamilySearch Library

Leonardtown School Records

Leonardtown High School yearbook, 1987, 1988, 2008, 2009, 2010 Classmates online

Leonardtown High School yearbook, 1987, 1988, 2008, 2010 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Ryken High School yearbook, 1973 Classmates online

Ryken High School yearbook, 1973 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

Ryken High School yearbook, 1973 (included in US Yearbooks collection) MyHeritage online

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