Monkton Genealogy (in Baltimore County, MD)

USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Baltimore County (3,450) > Monkton (17)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Monkton are also found through the Baltimore County and Maryland pages.

Monkton Cemetery Records

Clynmalira United Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Clynmalire Methodist Church Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Hereford Methodist Church Cemetery, aka Foster's Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Hereford United Methodist Cemetery Find a Grave online

Meredith Family Burying Ground Find a Grave online

Monkton Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Monkton Church Cemetery Interment online

Mount Joy AME Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint James of My Ladys Manor Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Lukes United Methodist Cemetery Find a Grave online

St. James of My Lady's Manor Cemetery Billion Graves online

Tombstone inscriptions at St James Protestant Episcopal Church, My Lady's Manor, Monkton, Maryland FamilySearch Library

Union Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wesley Chapel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Wesley Chapel Cemetery Interment online

Monkton Church Records

A short history and brief records of St. James Church (P.E.) at My Lady's Manor, Monkton, Baltimore County, Maryland FamilySearch Library

St. James of My Lady's Manor 1750-1950 FamilySearch Library

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