Rosedale Genealogy (in Baltimore County, MD)

USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Baltimore County (3,450) > Rosedale (50)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Rosedale are also found through the Baltimore County and Maryland pages.

Cemetery Records City Directories

Rosedale Cemetery Records

Agudas Achim Anshe Sfard Cong. Cemetery Find a Grave online

Agudas Bnai Jacob Lodge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Agudath Israel Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ahavas Sholom Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Anshe Neisen - Old - Cemetery Find a Grave online

Anshe Neisen Cemetery Find a Grave online

B'nei Reuben Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery Find a Grave online

Beth Jacob Anshe Veshear Old Cemetery Find a Grave online

Beth Jacob Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bobroisker Beneficial Circle Cemetery Find a Grave online

Bobroisker Beneficial Circle New Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chernigover Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chernigover Congregation New Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chevra Ahavas Chesed Cemetery Find a Grave online

Chofetz Chaim Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Forband Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gardens of Faith Cemetery Find a Grave online

Har Sinai Benevolent Society Cemetery Find a Grave online

Har Zion Tifereth Israel Cemetery Find a Grave online

Harford Jewish Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Hebrew Free Burial Cemetery Find a Grave online

Jehuda Amachby Lodge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Kovna Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lazer-Rissa-Sklar Family Circle Cemetery Find a Grave online

Lubawitz Nusach Ari Ner Tamid Cong. Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mace Family Cemetery Find a Grave online

Maryland Free State Post #167 Find a Grave online

Maryland Friedel Lodge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Mikro Kodesh Beth Israel Cemetery Billion Graves online

Mogen Abraham Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ohr Knesseth Israel Anshe Sphard Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ohr Knesseth Israel Anshe Sphard Cong. Cemetery Find a Grave online

Petach Tikvah Cemetery New Find a Grave online

Petach Tikvah Cemetery Old Find a Grave online

Progressive Radomer Verein Lodge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Progressive Sick Benefit and Relief Assoc Cemetery Find a Grave online

Radomer Verein Cemetery Find a Grave online

Radomer Verein Oldest Cemetery Find a Grave online

Riga Kurlander Verein Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shaarei Zion Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shomre Mishmeres Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shomrei Hadath Ve Tzemech Sedek Cong Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shomrei Mishmeres Schares Haplata Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shomrei Mishmeres Women Cemetery Find a Grave online

Suburban Orthodox Congregation Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tifereth Israel Anshe Sfard Cemetery Find a Grave online

Tzemach Sedek Shomrei Hadath Old Cemeter Find a Grave online

United Hebrew Cemetery Billion Graves online

Rosedale City Directories

Rosedale, MD 1897 - 1898 City Directories Allen County Public Library

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