USA (1,380,571) > Maryland (18,500) > Washington County (941)
If you're not sure which records would be helpful, you can try our Ancestor Source Finder tool. Washington Records by TypeBirth Records (10)Cemetery Records (300) Census Records (59) Church Records (65) City Directories (91) Court Records (2) Death Records (16) Histories and Genealogies (31) Immigration Records (4) Land Records (14) Map Records (31) Marriage Records (27) Military Records (19) Minority Records (2) Miscellaneous Records (3) Newspapers and Obituaries (203) Probate Records (10) School Records (54) ![]() |
Washington County Records by City/TownAntietam Genealogy (7)Beaver Creek Genealogy (10) Big Pool Genealogy (6) Boonsboro Genealogy (34) Brownsville Genealogy (6) Cavetown Genealogy (6) Chewsville Genealogy (7) Clear Spring Genealogy (40) Funkstown Genealogy (11) Garretts Mill Genealogy (5) |
Hagerstown Genealogy (298) Hancock Genealogy (46) Highfield Genealogy (5) Keedysville Genealogy (23) Leitersburg Genealogy (21) Ringgold Genealogy (6) Saint James Genealogy (7) Sharpsburg Genealogy (33) Smithsburg Genealogy (27) Williamsport Genealogy (39) |