1940 U.S. Federal Census of Berwick, York, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > York County > 1940 Census of Berwick

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AckuanEdward born about 1870
AckuanLila born about 1864
AllardEunice born about 1892
AllardFred born about 1891
AllenAlbert born about 1935
AllenClarence born about 1867
AllenEdmund born about 1914
AllenElsie born about 1914
AllenFred born about 1877
AllenHarriett born about 1884
AllenLillian born about 1855
AllenRobert born about 1938
AmosJesse born about 1887
AmosPauline born about 1896
AndrewsAlice born about 1878
AndrewsArleen born about 1937
AndrewsCharles Fborn about 1870
AndrewsClark born about 1873
AndrewsClifford Sborn about 1907
AndrewsDaniel born about 1863
AndrewsEtta born about 1910
AndrewsHerbert born about 1933
AndrewsLairnce born about 1875
AnnisCharles born about 1929
AnnisEsther born about 1891
AnnisFred born about 1879
ArmesArthur born about 1914
ArmesCecile born about 1918
ArmesJoanne born about 1936
ArmesRonald born about 1937
ArmstrongCandace born about 1880
ArmstrongDavis born about 1925
ArmstrongJohn born about 1882
ArmstrongJohn Jr born about 1921
AthcarlDorothy born about 1919
AthcarlRobert born about 1920
AurichioJoseph born about 1915
AustinCarl born about 1922
AustinCharles born about 1847
AustinDora born about 1881
AustinFyances born about 1907
AustinGeorge born about 1878
AustinLillian born about 1880
AustinMaurice born about 1907
AustinPhyllis born about 1913
AustinRose born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaderinAntonette born about 1893
BaderinCecile born about 1933
BaderinJohn born about 1928
BaderinJoseph born about 1890
BaderinRobert born about 1923
BaderinRoger born about 1920
BallardCalvin born about 1883
BallonGeorge born about 1900
BarnetFred born about 1922
BatesChristine born about 1906
BatesRoger born about 1938
BatesWilliam born about 1907
BaylasArthur born about 1889
BeaneCarl born about 1931
BeaneDavid born about 1937
BeaneDelbert born about 1929
BeaneEffie born about 1906
BeaneGuy born about 1905
BeaneRussell born about 1927
BeareSadie born about 1892
BelangerAlmont born about 1921
BelangerCaroline born about 1928
BelangerHelen born about 1902
BelangerHomer born about 1900
BellHelen born about 1906
BellJohn Aborn about 1900
BelleLucia born about 1872
BenferEra Iborn about 1883
BenferHarry Lborn about 1878
BennettEllen born about 1939
BennettHarold born about 1912
BennettLouise born about 1914
BennettThomas born about 1935
BerchardFelix born about 1888
BerchardPhillias born about 1855
BerchardPhilomene born about 1899
BerchardVirginia born about 1863
BernierJohn born about 1893
BernierJohn Aborn about 1919
BernierLeo born about 1896
BernierLeo born about 1925
BernierPearl born about 1930
BernierRichard born about 1923
BernierRita born about 1921
BerubeArthur born about 1891
BerubeClara born about 1898
BerubeFrances born about 1924
BerubeGeorge born about 1895
BerubeGirmaine born about 1918
BerubeLoreina Gborn about 1921
BerubeLoretta born about 1919
BerubeMary born about 1890
BishopAlberta born about 1911
BishopAmos born about 1883
BishopGail born about 1936
BishopJo born about 1939
BissonAlfred born about 1938
BissonEdwin born about 1908
BissonGeorge born about 1935
BissonHenry born about 1936
BissonJeannette born about 1912
BissonJoyce born about 1931
BissonLorraine born about 1934
BissonRobert born about 1933
BlairCarman born about 1930
BlairRobert born about 1898
BlairRobert born about 1929
BlairYvonne born about 1898
BobbFred born about 1896
BonfillFlorence born about 1886
BordangerEmile born about 1888
BordangerJulia born about 1883
BouchieAlfred born about 1912
BouchieRose born about 1910
BouchieThomas born about 1933
BoulangerAducine born about 1929
BoulangerArsenne born about 1899
BoulangerAurone born about 1902
BoulangerClaire born about 1922
BoulangerNoel born about 1924
BoydHuch born about 1871
BoydLillian born about 1884
BrackettAlthea born about 1930
BrackettAlton born about 1893
BrackettClara born about 1893
BrackettGrace W 1born about 1903
BrackettMorton born about 1928
BrackettRobert born about 1922
BrackettSarah Wborn about 1867
BrackettWentworth born about 1925
BrackettWeston born about 1923
BradleyHelen born about 1911
BradleyLeonard born about 1910
BradleyLeonard born about 1937
BragdonAllen born about 1925
BragdonAudrey born about 1927
BragdonBenjamin born about 1896
BragdonBenjamin Jr born about 1920
BragdonBernard born about 1925
BragdonCarroll born about 1938
BragdonCharles born about 1937
BragdonClayton born about 1922
BragdonClayton born about 1931
BragdonDonald born about 1939
BragdonEva born about 1906
BragdonGeorge born about 1927
BragdonHelen born about 1895
BragdonJames born about 1933
BragdonLester born about 1901
BragdonMartha born about 1922
BragdonMary born about 1870
BragdonMaurice born about 1899
BragdonMaurice born about 1929
BragdonMay Estlerborn about 1900
BragdonNorma born about 1928
BragdonStellman born about 1931
BragdonThais born about 1933
BragdonThelma born about 1924
BratchettFrancis born about 1870
BretonAlice born about 1930
BretonConrad born about 1920
BretonDonald born about 1940
BretonErnest born about 1890
BretonFern born about 1918
BretonGirard born about 1924
BretonGrace born about 1935
BretonHarvey born about 1921
BretonIrene born about 1927
BretonJeanette born about 1917
BretonLaurette born about 1929
BretonLionel born about 1922
BretonLydia born about 1894
BretonRene born about 1923
BretonRichard born about 1931
BridgesCharlotte born about 1894
BridgesElsie Fborn about 1899
BridgesFrank born about 1930
BridgesJames Hborn about 1882
BridgesJohn born about 1895
BridgesMargaret born about 1921
BridgesOlive born about 1925
BridgesSelma born about 1931
BrodskyElliott born about 1934
BrodskyIrene born about 1912
BrodskyMax born about 1908
BrodskyRoy born about 1939
BrooksArthur Cborn about 1878
BrooksBruce born about 1934
BrooksDonald Eborn about 1930
BrooksDorothy Hborn about 1907
BrooksEleanor born about 1921
BrooksEleanor born about 1936
BrooksEunice born about 1928
BrooksEvan Eborn about 1915
BrooksMarilyn born about 1931
BrooksMinnie Tborn about 1854
BrooksNellie Aborn about 1874
BrooksRobert Lborn about 1927
BrooksRuth born about 1904
BrooksVerne born about 1904
BrownAlice Aborn about 1860
BrownBeatrice born about 1908
BrownBelle born about 1868
BrownCarrie born about 1902
BrownCharles Aborn about 1930
BrownDonald Rborn about 1920
BrownEdward Jborn about 1922
BrownElizabeth born about 1938
BrownFlorena born about 1923
BrownHenry born about 1860
BrownLinnard born about 1898
BrownLouise born about 1899
BrownMargaret born about 1933
BrownRaymond born about 1904
BrownRaymond Jr born about 1929
BrownRichard born about 1924
BrownRobert born about 1926
BryantClifton born about 1918
BryantEdna born about 1921
BryantEleanor born about 1924
BryantEmilie born about 1898
BryantLeonard born about 1927
BryantRalph born about 1899
BuakKenneth born about 1914
BuckDorothy born about 1916
BuffunKatherine born about 1883
BuffunKatherine born about 1920
BuffunRobert born about 1922
BulterEdna born about 1880
BunkerAnne born about 1880
BunkerGertrude born about 1924
BurgessClara born about 1899
BurgessDonald born about 1939
BurgessRachael born about 1925
BurgessRalph born about 1891
BurgessRaymond born about 1919
BurgessRichard born about 1934
BurgessRobert born about 1921
BurgessRoland born about 1931
BurkArthur born about 1920
BurkArthur Jr born about 1939
BurkVirginia born about 1922
BurrellBarbara born about 1928
BurrellDester born about 1933
BurrellMarton born about 1899
BurrellMarton born about 1924
BurrellNatalie born about 1927
BurrellSussie born about 1902
ButlerArthur born about 1870
ButlerBessie born about 1858
ButlerCharles born about 1918
ButlerElla born about 1897
ButlerGenevive born about 1900
ButlerHarry born about 1898
ButlerJames born about 1909
ButlerJohn born about 1867
ButlerKatherine born about 1925
ButlerNathalie born about 1921
ButlerNellie born about 1876
BuzekAnna born about 1911
BuzekIrene born about 1933
BuzekRostak born about 1898
BuzekWalter born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellAida born about 1884
CampbellMarjorie born about 1903
CampbellWalter Eborn about 1889
CandelariAlbert born about 1889
CandelariKatherine born about 1888
CandelariPalmeda born about 1919
CandelariPatricia born about 1938
CanneyBarbara born about 1926
CanneyCecil born about 1917
CanneyFlorence born about 1895
CanneyMalcolm born about 1920
CarpenterAlfred Aborn about 1900
CarpenterGirard Aborn about 1925
CarpenterLeon born about 1863
CarpenterRegina Mborn about 1932
CarpenterRegine Cborn about 1907
CarpenterTheresa Aborn about 1927
CaswellAgnes born about 1880
CaswellAi born about 1881
CaswellGordon born about 1917
CaswellMinnie born about 1881
CateCharlotte born about 1907
CateJoyce born about 1932
CateRichard born about 1904
ChaplinAlice born about 1871
ChaplinMarcia born about 1903
ChapmanCarrie born about 1865
ChapmanLeon born about 1889
ChararaClara born about 1899
ChararaEdward born about 1930
ChararaLe Roy born about 1896
ChararaPriscilla born about 1924
ChaseAlbert born about 1878
ChaseFlorence born about 1879
CheekMabel born about 1870
CheneyDonald born about 1921
CheneyMarion born about 1895
CheneyMaurice Eborn about 1897
ChertonJohn born about 1922
ChickBeth Eleinorborn about 1931
ChickChristine born about 1923
ChickSamuel born about 1901
ChickSyrena born about 1902
ChildsAlthea born about 1926
ChildsEthel born about 1892
ChildsHaram born about 1922
ChildsHarry born about 1892
ChurchCarrie born about 1879
CilleyBernard born about 1921
CilleyBernice born about 1926
CilleyClarence born about 1888
CilleyEdna born about 1892
CincottaAnthony born about 1909
CincottaAnthony Jr born about 1935
CincottaBryan born about 1938
CincottaJean born about 1908
ClarkCharles born about 1872
ClarkEleanor born about 1928
ClarkGrace born about 1923
ClarkHarry born about 1887
ClarkMarion born about 1890
ClarkMarshall born about 1924
ClarkMary born about 1872
ClarkNancy born about 1855
ClarkPearl born about 1927
ClarkPheness born about 1891
ClarkRobert born about 1918
ClaughlinEdna born about 1889
ClaughlinFrank born about 1888
ClayLama born about 1866
ClayLizzie born about 1875
ClementCarolyn born about 1938
ClementCelia Cborn about 1870
ClementGeorge born about 1913
ClementIda born about 1893
ClementJames born about 1912
ClementJohn born about 1915
ClementMargaret born about 1921
ClementMeridith born about 1920
ClementNellie Eborn about 1861
ClementRoger born about 1939
ClementRuth born about 1920
ClennentHelen born about 1922
ClennentViola born about 1890
CoffinAlice born about 1939
CoffinAubrey born about 1915
CoffinCharles Hborn about 1873
CoffinDonald born about 1939
CoffinDorothy born about 1929
CoffinFrancis born about 1928
CoffinGertrude born about 1930
CoffinHarold born about 1915
CoffinJacquline born about 1933
CoffinJohn born about 1934
CoffinLester born about 1910
CoffinLucia born about 1909
CoffinMargaret born about 1908
CoffinMarion born about 1932
CoffinMaurice Eborn about 1903
CoffinMildred born about 1935
CoffinRichard born about 1937
CoffinRita born about 1935
CollathArline born about 1923
CollathFred born about 1913
CollathPhyllis born about 1939
CollerMargaret born about 1903
CookBarbara born about 1918
CookMary born about 1860
CookSidney born about 1916
CooperArthur born about 1902
CooperClara born about 1905
CooperIda born about 1865
CorlissArthur born about 1908
CorlissFred born about 1873
CorlissGrace born about 1886
CorlissJames born about 1879
CorlissJanice born about 1939
CorlissMarice born about 1939
CorlissMerle born about 1916
CorlissPauline born about 1920
CorlissRobert born about 1919
CorlissRussell born about 1918
CormierAlbert born about 1939
CormierEugene born about 1910
CormierLillian born about 1916
CornishGercldine born about 1934
CornishPatricia born about 1931
CowellAdelande born about 1866
CoxCharles born about 1871
CoxFlorence born about 1870
CredLewis born about 1866
CumagunHelen born about 1919
CumagunWalter born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DamarsJack born about 1903
DanforthGeorge Eborn about 1859
DanforthMiriam Pborn about 1860
DardarBurton born about 1931
DardarMary born about 1893
DaviesCharles born about 1892
DaviesLillia born about 1895
DavisElla born about 1857
DavisMollie born about 1883
DavisRichard born about 1919
DavisThelma born about 1923
DeanEtta born about 1873
DecaturCarlton born about 1916
DecaturDale born about 1885
DecaturLorenzo born about 1886
DecaturMartha born about 1910
DemarsEmily born about 1860
DemarsHelena born about 1896
DemarsJean born about 1892
DemarsRita born about 1921
DemarsRose born about 1875
DenaHerbert born about 1863
DenaNellie born about 1873
DexterMary born about 1918
DexterWarren born about 1920
DillinghamLaura born about 1871
DiotMargaret born about 1912
DiotRaymond born about 1912
DixonSamuel born about 1898
DixonSusan born about 1901
DollyAndrew born about 1919
DonnellChester born about 1880
DonnellJoseph born about 1878
DoranAnartacine born about 1897
DoranJohn born about 1897
DoranJohn born about 1938
DoranMaureen born about 1939
DowlingAlice born about 1895
DownJohn born about 1890
DownJohn born about 1926
DownOlive born about 1901
DownsSusan born about 1864
DraigoArthur born about 1918
DraigoJohn born about 1889
DraigoJohn Jr born about 1912
DraigoRita born about 1907
DregnoyEarnestine born about 1935
DregnoyGeorge born about 1909
DregnoyLucille born about 1917
DubeArnold born about 1925
DubeElizabeth born about 1903
DubeJean Eborn about 1939
DubeJoseph born about 1897
DubeMargurite born about 1915
DubeRichard born about 1938
DubeRoger born about 1937
DuffeyAlcie Oborn about 1918
DuffeyJohn born about 1916
DufneyJosephine born about 1868
DufneyPluma born about 1902
DufoudFlora born about 1907
DufoudIrena born about 1932
DufoudLouise born about 1934
DufoudPaul born about 1936
DukeJoseph born about 1887
DukeRose born about 1883
DupayBarbara born about 1939
DupayEdna born about 1914
DupayWinfred born about 1912
DurmortAdelaide born about 1919
DurmortHarry born about 1921
DurretteEdmund born about 1899
DurretteJames born about 1939
DurretteMamie born about 1905
DurretteRichard born about 1933
DurretteRita born about 1936
DurretteRobert born about 1932
DurretteRoger born about 1930
DurretteTheresa born about 1934
DurryElsie born about 1925
DurryJessie born about 1897
DurryJohn born about 1896
DurryLaurence born about 1928
DurryMary born about 1930
DurryPaul born about 1920
DurryRichard born about 1924
DurryThelma born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EagerCora Eborn about 1873
EarlBetty born about 1934
EarlMarjorie born about 1931
EarlRobert born about 1933
EarnestViola born about 1890
EasterbrookEthel born about 1896
EasterbrookOlive born about 1922
EatonCharles born about 1857
EatonEsther born about 1895
EatonHarold born about 1861
EdsonBertha born about 1864
EdsonDaniel born about 1867
EdwardsAlvin Rborn about 1924
EdwardsDoyel Aborn about 1930
EdwardsIrving born about 1901
EdwardsMariet born about 1903
ElingworthFlorence born about 1885
EmeryAlthea born about 1923
EmeryHartley born about 1897
EmeryHarvey Jborn about 1934
EmeryHilda born about 1901
EmeryIrena born about 1892
EmeryNellie born about 1870
EnglandFrank born about 1903
EschmannArnold born about 1937
EschmannConstance born about 1927
EschmannPatricia born about 1934
EschmannRobert born about 1901
EschmannViola born about 1906
EueksonMatilda born about 1868
EvansAlbert born about 1912
EvansAngele born about 1917
EvansBarnard born about 1927
EvansFrank born about 1876
EvansGrace born about 1888
EvansHarold born about 1931
EvansIrmalee born about 1926
EvansJune born about 1939
EvansMartha born about 1924
EvansPhyllis born about 1940
EvansPorine born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FallArthur born about 1898
FallBeatrice born about 1906
FallCarolyn born about 1928
FallCharles born about 1892
FallCharlie born about 1864
FallChesley born about 1905
FallDora born about 1858
FallEilene born about 1937
FallEllsworth born about 1922
FallEra born about 1900
FallFlorence born about 1912
FallFlorence born about 1932
FallFreida born about 1900
FallIrene born about 1937
FallJohn born about 1900
FallKenneth born about 1923
FallLizzie born about 1878
FallLoraine born about 1930
FallMargaret born about 1932
FallMartha born about 1928
FallMary born about 1931
FallMelvin born about 1874
FallOscar born about 1861
FallPhyllis born about 1934
FallTristian born about 1910
FallTristian Jr born about 1939
FallWesley born about 1932
FallWilliam born about 1931
FarrClarence born about 1875
FarrEdna Cborn about 1882
FarrMary Vborn about 1928
FarwellClyde born about 1901
FarwellEliga born about 1861
FarwellEva born about 1892
FarwellHelen born about 1908
FecteauBerthloma born about 1875
FellousEffie born about 1877
FellousJohn born about 1874
FergursonAmy Wborn about 1899
FergursonArlene born about 1932
FergursonClifford Mborn about 1897
FergussonMattie born about 1871
FieldsStanley born about 1904
FilesGeorge born about 1875
FilesLinnie born about 1881
FoggGeorge born about 1903
FoggGeorge Jr born about 1932
FoggLillian born about 1928
FoggRaymond born about 1930
FoggVirginia born about 1936
FolgerAnton born about 1913
FolgerJune born about 1917
FordGertrude born about 1880
FordHarodl born about 1886
FordHarry born about 1864
FordSarah born about 1885
ForrestMartha born about 1897
ForrestWalter born about 1897
FortHattie born about 1865
FortierBlanche born about 1914
FortierLorraine born about 1939
FortierRita born about 1938
FortierWilliam born about 1912
FossClarence born about 1896
FossEileen born about 1920
FossLura born about 1895
FosterAlfred born about 1936
FosterJennie born about 1918
FosterLorraine born about 1932
FosterLovenze born about 1916
FosterRose born about 1906
FosterWilliam born about 1907
FranhamEudyn born about 1939
FranhamWilbur born about 1937
FrechetteAdelaide born about 1912
FrechetteDoris born about 1940
FrechettePerlha born about 1909
FrechetteRobert born about 1931
FrechetteRosemund born about 1936
FrechetteValmone born about 1938
FrostAlice born about 1876
FrostAlice born about 1894
FrostBurton born about 1900
FrostChester born about 1887
FrostChester Jr born about 1923
FrostWillis Aborn about 1876
FurbishBlanche born about 1907
FurbishCharles born about 1906
FurbishCharles Wborn about 1927
FurbishClaudia born about 1935
FurbishGeorge Hborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallupGeorge born about 1883
GallupNellie born about 1888
GallupPaul born about 1916
GarlandAlice born about 1922
GarlandMary born about 1892
GarlandRichard born about 1918
GarlandWalter born about 1890
GarlandWalter Jr born about 1921
GarlandWilliam born about 1925
GarldCynthia Jborn about 1939
GarldGeorge Hborn about 1908
GarldGrace born about 1911
GarldMarianne Eborn about 1935
GarrettErnest born about 1916
GarrettHelen born about 1917
GarrishBertha born about 1892
GarrishCharles born about 1857
GarrishDella born about 1878
GarrishFred born about 1893
GarrishLindolen Mborn about 1863
GarrishMildred born about 1902
GaskellAntionette born about 1907
GaskellRaymond born about 1937
GaskellRonald born about 1938
GaskellWilliam born about 1907
GaudetteLeola born about 1920
GaudetteStewart born about 1936
GaudetteWilliam born about 1920
GhodcheinPhillip born about 1887
GibbsAnn born about 1907
GibbsAnthony born about 1891
GibbsElizabeth born about 1931
GibbsEva born about 1900
GibbsNathaniel born about 1908
GibbsNathaniel born about 1927
GilesBeulah born about 1899
GilesDonald born about 1928
GilesKenneth born about 1925
GilpatrickBetty born about 1940
GilpatrickNorris born about 1913
GilpatrickRoger born about 1939
GilpatrickRuth born about 1918
GloverFred born about 1857
GoodhueClayton born about 1935
GoodhueDonald born about 1933
GoodhueEllen born about 1907
GoodhueGordon born about 1937
GoodhueJudith born about 1939
GoodhueNatalie born about 1931
GoodhueRichard born about 1901
GoodhueRichard Jr born about 1930
GoodrichBarbara born about 1916
GoodrichJane born about 1938
GoodrichSamuel born about 1887
GoodrichWilmer born about 1916
GoodrickJames born about 1889
GoodrickKatherine born about 1909
GoodrickKatherine born about 1929
GoodrickMary Eborn about 1856
GoodrickOlive born about 1926
GoodwinAlbert born about 1936
GoodwinAlice Dborn about 1894
GoodwinAlva born about 1906
GoodwinCelia born about 1903
GoodwinCharles born about 1907
GoodwinCharles Rborn about 1867
GoodwinClara born about 1906
GoodwinDavid born about 1916
GoodwinDonald born about 1938
GoodwinDoris born about 1899
GoodwinEdwin Gborn about 1906
GoodwinFlora born about 1857
GoodwinFlorence born about 1932
GoodwinForest born about 1911
GoodwinGeorge born about 1863
GoodwinHattie Bborn about 1870
GoodwinHelen born about 1908
GoodwinIrving born about 1880
GoodwinJames born about 1930
GoodwinJanet born about 1939
GoodwinJohn born about 1841
GoodwinLaster born about 1929
GoodwinLucy born about 1889
GoodwinMargaret born about 1920
GoodwinMary born about 1875
GoodwinMyra born about 1904
GoodwinOtis born about 1919
GoodwinRobert born about 1921
GoodwinThomas born about 1880
GorlichPatrick born about 1883
GorlichSadie born about 1885
GortonGeorge born about 1899
GortonMarie born about 1901
GortonPauline born about 1926
GortonRoland born about 1924
GouletGerald born about 1926
GouletLogarine born about 1897
GouletRita born about 1924
GouletRoland born about 1923
GouletWillian born about 1895
GoupilMadeline born about 1938
GoupilOlive born about 1922
GreeneMary born about 1861
GreenhamMary born about 1863
GreenhamSamuel born about 1889
GriffitheJoseph born about 1885
GriffitheLeslie born about 1917
GriffithePearle born about 1889
GriffitheRaymon born about 1920
GriffithsCrescentia born about 1914
GriffithsLaurence born about 1916
GuntorpeGeorge born about 1868
GuntorpeGrace born about 1875
GuptillArthur born about 1900
GuptillBertha born about 1879
GuptillCelia born about 1890
GuptillCharles Rborn about 1886
GuptillClester born about 1882
GuptillDorothy born about 1932
GuptillEffie Aborn about 1865
GuptillFrances born about 1887
GuptillGarald born about 1928
GuptillGeorge born about 1910
GuptillHazel born about 1909
GuptillHelen born about 1937
GuptillHenry Aborn about 1866
GuptillHila born about 1861
GuptillJ Edwinborn about 1865
GuptillJames born about 1926
GuptillJoanne born about 1934
GuptillJohn born about 1924
GuptillLewis born about 1887
GuptillMayna born about 1885
GuptillPearl born about 1901
GuptillRobert Aborn about 1937
GuptillRuth born about 1902
GuptillS Carllonborn about 1928
GuptillSaelie born about 1882
GuyGrace born about 1899
GuyHarriet born about 1932
GuyJames born about 1919
GuyJohn born about 1891
GuyNicholas born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadleyJo Attaborn about 1937
HadleyMargaret born about 1913
HadleyRalph born about 1912
HaleyGladys born about 1892
HaleyMarjorie born about 1926
HaleyRalph born about 1898
HallAlice born about 1876
HallArman Wborn about 1904
HallBernice born about 1926
HallClara born about 1908
HallDonald born about 1928
HallDorothy Mborn about 1911
HallElmer born about 1897
HallErnest born about 1899
HallEttie Wborn about 1936
HallEva born about 1896
HallGladys born about 1899
HallHazel born about 1897
HallJane born about 1925
HallJeannette born about 1925
HallKathelean born about 1927
HallLeon born about 1918
HallLillian born about 1861
HallMary born about 1888
HallNettie born about 1878
HallRosamond born about 1922
HallSamuel born about 1865
HallSidney born about 1908
HallSidney Jr born about 1934
HallWayne born about 1920
HamClement born about 1896
HamEllen born about 1922
HamGrace born about 1901
HamNellie born about 1867
HancockDelbert born about 1930
HancockDonald born about 1928
HancockEllison born about 1926
HancockEllsworth born about 1918
HancockFrank born about 1896
HancockFrank Jr born about 1924
HancockHazel born about 1899
HancockMildred born about 1922
HandeyEarl born about 1893
HandeyFrederick born about 1918
HandeyMabel born about 1896
HandeyVelma born about 1922
HaneyCharles born about 1918
HaneyEdna born about 1923
HannEdgar born about 1901
HannEdgar Jr born about 1930
HannHazel born about 1904
HannPatricia born about 1935
HansconAlice born about 1898
HansconBeatrice born about 1902
HansconErnest born about 1867
HansconForest born about 1905
HansconGertrude born about 1872
HansconSusan born about 1873
HansonEdwin born about 1935
HansonLura born about 1910
HansonRicky born about 1939
HansonVerne born about 1903
HansonWilles born about 1932
HardisonBeatrice born about 1864
HardisonDorothy born about 1906
HardisonOlive born about 1935
HardisonWilliam born about 1932
HarmCecil Wborn about 1903
HarmElizabeth born about 1881
HarmGeorge Pborn about 1906
HarmGeorge Wborn about 1878
HarrimanAbbie born about 1865
HarrimanAnnie born about 1896
HarrimanBessie born about 1889
HarrimanEarl born about 1918
HarrimanEdward born about 1922
HarrimanHenry born about 1892
HarrimanKenneth born about 1924
HarrimanKirk born about 1895
HarrimanLillian born about 1892
HarrimanMargaret born about 1920
HarrimanMaria born about 1893
HarrimanPauline born about 1918
HarrimanRichard born about 1920
HarrimanWalter born about 1927
HarrimanWesley born about 1885
HarsonClarence born about 1885
HarsonEthel born about 1915
HarsonHerman born about 1913
HarsonWilliam born about 1905
HartfordAlta Mborn about 1892
HartfordAnnie born about 1873
HartfordBervin born about 1904
HartfordCarl Wborn about 1892
HartfordClena Jborn about 1863
HartfordEvelyn born about 1862
HartfordHelen born about 1921
HartfordPhillip born about 1924
HartfordWilliam born about 1871
HarvathGeorge born about 1867
HarvathMary born about 1875
HatchEverett born about 1927
HatchFlorence born about 1900
HatchFranklin born about 1932
HatchGertrude born about 1936
HatchLenard born about 1929
HatchStanley born about 1918
HatchWalter born about 1898
HealAubrey born about 1919
HendersonBeatrice born about 1925
HendersonDuncan born about 1925
HendersonFlorence born about 1923
HendersonHelen born about 1934
HendersonJames born about 1893
HendersonJanes Jr born about 1937
HendersonMartha born about 1897
HesseyDavid born about 1927
HesseyForest born about 1887
HesseyMary born about 1890
HesseyRalph born about 1925
HesseyRaymond Mborn about 1921
HigginsAlbert born about 1898
HigginsAlbert Jr born about 1933
HigginsBarbara born about 1925
HigginsElizabeth born about 1927
HigginsMuriel born about 1900
HillJoseph born about 1888
HillPatrice born about 1889
HillRuth born about 1897
HiltonCharles Eborn about 1855
HiltonMary born about 1883
HobbsFrank born about 1871
HolmerAndrew born about 1878
HolmerFrancis born about 1906
HopkinsHelen born about 1903
HoughElla born about 1866
HowardEdna born about 1907
HowardLlewelyn born about 1892
HowardLoris born about 1932
HowarthAudrey born about 1940
HowarthHarry born about 1907
HowarthJoanne born about 1938
HowarthJohn born about 1933
HowarthLouise born about 1909
HowarthVirginia born about 1936
HughBernard born about 1901
HughIrene born about 1904
HughesAmenda born about 1862
HunderDorothy born about 1918
HunderPhyllis born about 1939
HunderWilliam born about 1919
HuntressEdward born about 1889
HuntressElizabeth born about 1866
HuntressGrace born about 1886
HuntressHelen born about 1924
HuntressHoward born about 1883
HuntressLuna Belleborn about 1864
HurdAzel born about 1874
HurdCharles born about 1881
HurdDavid born about 1868
HurdDonald born about 1937
HurdEdgar born about 1902
HurdEillean born about 1901
HurdEliza born about 1884
HurdEthel born about 1903
HurdGladys born about 1888
HurdJames born about 1928
HurdJessie born about 1880
HurdLeslie born about 1905
HurdLeslie Jr born about 1931
HurdRaymond born about 1923
HurdRichard born about 1939
HurdSarah born about 1877
HurdThomas born about 1932
HurdWalter born about 1877
HurtisFred Wborn about 1868
HusseyCelia born about 1886
HusseyCharles Hborn about 1895
HusseyCharles Sborn about 1857
HusseyClarence born about 1869
HusseyCora born about 1886
HusseyJohn born about 1933
HusseyMartha born about 1871
HusseyMary Fborn about 1904
HusseyOscar born about 1914
HusseyRoy Sborn about 1891
HusseyVivian born about 1915
HusseyWilbur Hborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonArnold born about 1916
JacksonEdna born about 1920
JacksonSarah born about 1863
JayAlbert born about 1928
JayRuth born about 1904
JayVerton born about 1902
JellersonJosie Bborn about 1894
JellersonParky born about 1892
JellersonPearly Hborn about 1889
JenkinsBetty born about 1930
JenkinsJordon born about 1924
JenkinsJoseph born about 1899
JenkinsMineice* born about 1900
JenkinsPauline born about 1925
JohnsonMary born about 1859
JonesAlice born about 1873
JonesChester born about 1897
JonesDorothy born about 1932
JonesEdwin born about 1893
JonesEstale born about 1887
JonesEstelle Mborn about 1918
JonesFlorence born about 1905
JonesFrank born about 1920
JonesGiraud born about 1925
JonesHazel born about 1913
JonesJames Rborn about 1916
JonesJohn born about 1936
JonesJones Gborn about 1883
JonesMargaret born about 1923
JonesMarine born about 1928
JonesMarion born about 1874
JonesMarion born about 1933
JonesMary born about 1926
JonesPatricia born about 1928
JonesRichard born about 1922
JonesRobert born about 1930
JonesRuth born about 1907
JonesS S Heumdlyborn about 1868
JoyAudrey born about 1933
JoyClaster born about 1914
JoyClayton born about 1938
JoyThelma born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaindueLewis born about 1875
KeaneCharles born about 1877
KeaneMarie born about 1917
KeaneMary Iborn about 1882
KeithBertha born about 1889
KeithRobert Fborn about 1878
KennerDaniel born about 1907
KennerDaniel Jr born about 1931
KennerMarion born about 1904
KillingFred born about 1899
KillingHelen born about 1900
KimbellAnita born about 1919
KimbellBurton born about 1921
KimbellEarl born about 1896
KimbellEarl Jr born about 1930
KimbellElizabeth born about 1917
KimbellFlora born about 1924
KimbellHomer Sborn about 1898
KimbellLaura born about 1922
KimbellMiriam born about 1920
KimbellPhyllis born about 1920
KimbellRodney born about 1940
KimbellRuth born about 1896
KimbellSarah born about 1895
KimbellWillard born about 1924
KindellBlaine born about 1938
KindellMariam born about 1910
KindellMaurice Bborn about 1908
KingCarrie born about 1908
KingEva Gborn about 1883
KingGeorge born about 1926
KingJohn born about 1920
KingJune born about 1929
KingManuel born about 1923
KingNorman born about 1908
KingRichard born about 1932
KingWilliam born about 1939
KmckenzieKenneth born about 1898
KmckenzieSusan born about 1875
KmckenzieWilbur born about 1866
KnightCarolyn born about 1934
KnightEdward born about 1914
KnightEdward Jr born about 1939
KnightHarriett born about 1933
KnightLottie born about 1915
KnightMarion born about 1938
KnightStephine born about 1940
KnoxAnnie born about 1891
KnoxChester born about 1921
KnoxHarry born about 1885
KnoxRobert born about 1923
KonefolCharles born about 1888
KonefolJoseph born about 1915
KonefolMary born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabbeAlthea born about 1933
LabbeBeatrice born about 1912
LabbeBeatrice born about 1934
LabbeDary born about 1906
LabbeHelma born about 1899
LabbeMadeline born about 1933
LabbeRobert born about 1927
LacarreArthur born about 1913
LacarreHelen born about 1882
LacarreLillian born about 1916
LacarreNopoleon born about 1884
LajoeArlene born about 1921
LajoeArmond born about 1925
LajoeDelphonse born about 1883
LajoeEmilian born about 1927
LajoeEnole born about 1884
LajoeGeorge born about 1923
LajoeMarcel born about 1920
LajoePaul born about 1911
LassondeGidion born about 1885
LassondeRudolph born about 1916
LassondeSophia born about 1886
LawrenceAda born about 1916
LawrenceEmma Aborn about 1892
LawrenceLuther born about 1919
LawrencePhillip born about 1925
LawrenceResella born about 1915
LaylisAlympe born about 1859
LeachCarolyn born about 1926
LeachElizabeth born about 1895
LeachHenry born about 1893
LeasardArthur born about 1920
LeblancGabrielle born about 1895
LemayAlice born about 1903
LemayFloren born about 1935
LemaySylvia born about 1932
LemayWilliam born about 1901
LemayWilliam Jr born about 1934
LessardHazel born about 1913
LessardRalph born about 1905
LibbeyFrank born about 1871
LibertyMary Rborn about 1903
LibertyOwen born about 1902
LibertyRobert born about 1939
LillyAlmeda born about 1917
LillyClarence born about 1904
LillyClarence Jr born about 1930
LillyDavid born about 1931
LillyFrancis born about 1933
LillyFranklin born about 1940
LillyGladys born about 1934
LillyMarcel born about 1936
LillyMaude born about 1938
LingardBarbara born about 1936
LingardBertbert born about 1933
LingardBetty born about 1936
LingardDavis born about 1934
LingardDonie born about 1922
LingardElmer born about 1916
LingardFred born about 1872
LingardJeanne born about 1939
LingardJune born about 1938
LingardLucille born about 1914
LingardMarcia born about 1934
LingardMildred born about 1933
LingardMuriel born about 1904
LingardRalph born about 1931
LingardRay born about 1912
LingardRobert born about 1932
LingardRonald born about 1937
LingardRussell born about 1939
LingardWilliam born about 1903
LittlefieldCharles born about 1877
LittlefieldElizabeth born about 1877
LittlefieldEugene born about 1883
LittlefieldFlossie born about 1884
LittlefieldGertrude born about 1926
LittlefieldIrene born about 1903
LittlefieldLeo born about 1927
LittlefieldLyle born about 1927
LittlefieldMary born about 1908
LittlefieldPearl born about 1878
LoapmanOsuchel born about 1902
LockeClifton born about 1873
LockeEvelyn born about 1916
LordAnnie Fborn about 1861
LordBert born about 1880
LordBruce born about 1936
LordCharles Cborn about 1851
LordCora Fborn about 1869
LordDrucilla born about 1929
LordElvin born about 1904
LordEugene Tborn about 1866
LordJohn born about 1905
LordMaine born about 1881
LordMarion born about 1907
LordSadie Fborn about 1876
LoudAlma born about 1851
LoudMoses born about 1852
LoudRoland born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaccarlingCarl born about 1931
MaccarlingLeona born about 1909
MaccarlingLeroy born about 1935
MaccarlingLois born about 1938
MaccarlingRay born about 1933
MaccarlingRobert born about 1903
MacchiaElda born about 1907
MacchiaVincent born about 1895
MahaneyWalter born about 1896
MahoneyFrederick Lborn about 1937
MahoneyFrederick Mborn about 1915
MahoneyRuth Cborn about 1917
MalloyJames Eborn about 1866
MarchellAnna born about 1901
MarchellManud born about 1889
MarchellManuel born about 1922
MaroistAllina born about 1906
MaroistEmile born about 1896
MaroistMary Cborn about 1931
MaroistRoger Pborn about 1936
MartinHarold born about 1927
MartinHarriett born about 1891
MartinHenry born about 1887
MartinLillian born about 1898
MartinMargaret born about 1925
MartinWilfred born about 1895
MartinWilfred born about 1933
MasonAlice born about 1904
MasonGuy born about 1878
MasonMary Eborn about 1851
MasonMaude born about 1878
MasonVenette born about 1890
MathewsAlice born about 1907
MathewsArthur born about 1891
MathewsCaroll born about 1914
MathewsCelia born about 1935
MathewsCharles born about 1932
MathewsCharles Lborn about 1900
MathewsCharlotte born about 1870
MathewsEdward born about 1935
MathewsEleanor born about 1917
MathewsEleanor born about 1931
MathewsElizabeth born about 1906
MathewsErnest born about 1899
MathewsEtta Tborn about 1861
MathewsFrances born about 1939
MathewsFrank born about 1904
MathewsFred born about 1889
MathewsFred Jr born about 1930
MathewsGeorge born about 1864
MathewsGeorge born about 1910
MathewsHarry born about 1902
MathewsHattie born about 1932
MathewsIga born about 1891
MathewsMabelle born about 1898
MathewsMartha born about 1884
MathewsMartha born about 1929
MathewsMaurice born about 1891
MathewsMerle born about 1910
MathewsMildred born about 1908
MathewsPhillip born about 1922
MathewsRalph born about 1890
MathewsRobert born about 1921
MathewsSamuel born about 1862
MathewsSamuel born about 1930
MatthewsAnnie born about 1883
MatthewsCarolyn born about 1926
MatthewsDorothy born about 1906
MatthewsJohn born about 1878
MatthewsNorman born about 1918
MatthewsRoland born about 1904
MayhamSeymore born about 1871
MaysEdward born about 1918
McDonaldBertha born about 1909
McDonaldJesse born about 1905
McDonaldMadeline born about 1926
McDonaldRichard born about 1930
McIntyreBeulah Fborn about 1903
McIntyreClifton Aborn about 1907
McIntyreElsa born about 1918
McIntyreFred born about 1879
McIntyreHarry born about 1899
McIntyreJohn Dborn about 1908
McIntyreMary born about 1887
McIntyreOliv born about 1883
McIntyreSadie born about 1881
McIntyreThomas born about 1873
McKayClyde born about 1900
McKayFannie born about 1871
McKayTheresa Aborn about 1901
McKensieBessie born about 1908
McKensieHarry born about 1910
McKensieHarry Jr born about 1932
McKensieRonald born about 1935
McKenzieDorothy born about 1910
McKenzieRobert Wborn about 1910
McLoudEthel born about 1879
MeaderArthur born about 1893
MeaderGladys born about 1894
MeaderMilldred born about 1922
MerchenMarjorie born about 1910
MerchenSandra born about 1935
MerillLydia born about 1883
MerillRoy born about 1885
MerrillLyman born about 1927
MerrillNatalie born about 1929
MerrithewCharles born about 1878
MerrithewHelen born about 1882
MerrithewJames born about 1930
MichaelArthur born about 1927
MichandHenry born about 1934
MichandJoseph born about 1899
MichandJules born about 1885
MichandMary born about 1908
MichandTheresa born about 1938
MillikanEtta born about 1859
MitchellDaniel born about 1928
MonathBessie born about 1896
MonathCharles born about 1890
MonathDoris born about 1924
MonathFlorence born about 1926
MonathJoan born about 1938
MonathJune born about 1938
MonathLawrence born about 1926
MonathLeon born about 1927
MonathVinton born about 1919
MoonClara born about 1884
MoonElizabeth born about 1918
MoonJohn Tborn about 1885
MoranJohn Jr born about 1920
MorrillEthel born about 1914
MorrillJossie born about 1921
MorrillRaymond born about 1915
MorrillRichard born about 1910
MorrisonAgnes born about 1919
MorrisonEvelle born about 1914
MorrisonRoy born about 1935
MoultonAlbert born about 1911
MoultonAlice born about 1914
MoultonBetty born about 1939
MoultonGlenna born about 1932
MoultonHarriett born about 1877
MoultonHorace born about 1918
MoultonJacline born about 1937
MoultonJane born about 1936
MoultonJoel born about 1866
MoultonJoel born about 1913
MoultonLaurence born about 1939
MoultonLouise born about 1916
MoultonNorman born about 1929
MoultonOscar born about 1908
MoultonStephen born about 1935
MoultonThelma born about 1937
MoultonZana born about 1908
MulloreFrank born about 1864
MulloreIrving born about 1900
MulloreJames born about 1932
MulloreMetila born about 1905
MulridgeArthur born about 1921
MulridgeEdwin born about 1930
MulridgeFlorence born about 1939
MulridgeMabel born about 1934
MulridgeMarjorie born about 1928
MulridgeOtis born about 1894
MulridgePhyllis born about 1898
MulridgeRaymond born about 1918
MulridgeRena born about 1922
MulridgeRobert born about 1926
MurdoAlbert born about 1939
MurdoIrene born about 1914
MurdoMorton born about 1911
MurphyAlma born about 1871
MurphyFrancis born about 1931
MurphyJoseph born about 1871
MurphyMarice born about 1937
MurphyWilliam born about 1935
MurrayBlanche born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NasonBeulah born about 1888
NasonCarol born about 1938
NasonFlorence born about 1910
NasonGerald born about 1912
NasonLillian born about 1917
NasonMinnie born about 1876
NeversLlewllyn born about 1887
NeversMay born about 1892
NewellEtta born about 1880
NicholsGeorgietta born about 1875
NicholsJames Wborn about 1865
NielsenDonald Eborn about 1929
NielsenFrank born about 1879
NielsenGladys Gborn about 1915
NielsenWinona Fborn about 1893
NielsenWinona Gborn about 1913
NormanAlice born about 1910
NormanCaroline born about 1938
NormanDorothy born about 1916
NormanErnest born about 1935
NormanHenry born about 1908
NormanJoseph born about 1908
NormanRita born about 1940
NorwellGeorgia Fborn about 1874
NuteAlice Lborn about 1867
NuteClaire born about 1923
NuteFrank Hborn about 1896
NuteLida born about 1925
NuteMyra Aborn about 1856
NuteRobert born about 1916
NuteYvonne born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OconnorEthel born about 1897
OconnorLinsay born about 1903
OconnorMuriel born about 1932
OlearyChristine born about 1906
OlearyJames born about 1896
OlearyJames born about 1934
OlearyLeonard born about 1927
OuelletteAlice born about 1919
OuelletteAlphonse born about 1887
OuelletteAlphonse Jr born about 1921
OuelletteArmond born about 1915
OuelletteArthur born about 1926
OuelletteDonat born about 1929
OuelletteEmma born about 1890
OuelletteEugene born about 1924
OuelletteGerald born about 1917
OuelletteHomer born about 1922
OuelletteMarie born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackardMyra born about 1876
PackhamAllen born about 1939
PackhamEdwin born about 1927
PackhamLydia born about 1905
PackhamRolland born about 1906
PameyGertude born about 1917
PameyMelvin born about 1920
PameyWilliam born about 1939
ParentAlfred Jborn about 1919
ParentHops Cborn about 1923
ParkerDavid born about 1938
ParkerElaine born about 1926
ParkerEvelyn born about 1902
ParkerIrene born about 1928
ParkerLauran born about 1896
ParkerLauran Jr born about 1924
ParkerPhillip born about 1930
ParkerStanley born about 1925
PatrickArthur born about 1897
PatrickEdna born about 1894
PearyAlice born about 1877
PearyJames born about 1871
PearyMelvin born about 1912
PearyNorma born about 1934
PelletierAlbert born about 1919
PelletierAlfred born about 1912
PelletierArmond born about 1909
PellitierDavid born about 1892
PellitierLouise born about 1912
PellitierMary born about 1936
PellitierOctave born about 1878
PellitierPaul born about 1910
PellitierPhoebe born about 1876
PerkinsAbbie Fborn about 1866
PerkinsAnne Eborn about 1873
PerkinsChester Mborn about 1884
PerkinsDorothy born about 1913
PerkinsFlorence Mborn about 1886
PerkinsHarold born about 1907
PerkinsJames born about 1935
PerkinsJesse Wborn about 1888
PerreyEvelyn born about 1906
PerreyHarry born about 1908
PerreyHarry Jr born about 1925
PerreyLillian born about 1928
PerreySandra born about 1939
PetersonAugust born about 1871
PetersonClarence born about 1900
PetersonDavid born about 1936
PetersonDonald born about 1937
PetersonHerbert born about 1932
PetersonJanet born about 1934
PetersonJean born about 1928
PetersonJoyce born about 1929
PetersonMaram born about 1878
PetersonMargaret born about 1926
PetersonMarion born about 1930
PetersonRuth Wborn about 1901
PetkewiczAdam born about 1895
PettersonFred born about 1915
PikeAnabelle born about 1912
PikeEdgar born about 1887
PikeFrances born about 1931
PikeGeorge born about 1912
PikeGeorge Jr born about 1930
PikeIda born about 1890
PikeJoan born about 1931
PikeLorraine born about 1929
PinkhamBertha born about 1901
PinkhamBertha born about 1925
PinkhamGeorge born about 1901
PinkhamJrome born about 1935
PlanteElerine born about 1924
PlanteHenry born about 1922
PlanteMeline born about 1878
PlanteOdilon born about 1884
PrattCatherine born about 1862
PrayBeulah born about 1896
PrayEden born about 1920
PrayLee 1 born about 1893
PrayRobert born about 1927
PrenticeLawrence born about 1910
PrenticeMary born about 1936
PrenticeNathalie born about 1911
PrenticeWilliam born about 1939
PriceAllen born about 1935
PriceCelina born about 1865
PriceCharlie born about 1911
PriceChester Bborn about 1890
PriceEthel born about 1891
PriceEva born about 1897
PriceFred born about 1862
PriceGeorge born about 1916
PriceLeon born about 1937
PriceLilla born about 1866
PriceMarjorie born about 1924
PriceMary born about 1917
PriceMyrtle born about 1915
PriceViola born about 1927
PriceWilliam born about 1939
ProvencherAlda born about 1890
ProvencherArmond born about 1925
ProvencherRita born about 1933
ProvencherWilliam born about 1895
ProvenderGarmain born about 1913
ProvenderLewis born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuyAlbert born about 1921
QuyAnna born about 1893
QuyChanncey born about 1865
QuyEtta born about 1868
QuyEvelyn born about 1914
QuyKenneth born about 1911
QuyReginald born about 1891

R Surnames

RamseyMoeses born about 1886
RandallAgnes Mborn about 1898
RandallAlthena born about 1928
RandallAnnie Lborn about 1869
RandallArthur born about 1885
RandallClyde born about 1896
RandallClyde Jr born about 1922
RandallEverett born about 1904
RandallEverett Jr born about 1929
RandallGeorge Hborn about 1869
RandallHarriett born about 1900
RandallIrma born about 1928
RandallIsabelle born about 1907
RandallLaurence born about 1931
RandallLillie born about 1884
RandallLouise born about 1932
RandallMarylin born about 1933
RandallNettie born about 1875
RandallRuth Mborn about 1917
RandallSachie born about 1886
RaplesLeola born about 1898
ReayCarrie born about 1870
ReearMargaret born about 1876
ReedAddison born about 1890
ReedHerbert Iborn about 1875
ReedMay Eborn about 1877
RenneyJohn born about 1933
RickerAlice born about 1903
RickerAlice born about 1933
RickerAlta born about 1905
RickerBertha born about 1909
RickerCarl born about 1934
RickerChester born about 1939
RickerDean born about 1902
RickerE Raymondborn about 1889
RickerEleanor born about 1928
RickerElizabeth born about 1887
RickerErnest R Jrborn about 1922
RickerEunice born about 1890
RickerEverett born about 1887
RickerFlorence born about 1928
RickerFloyd born about 1936
RickerGeorge Mborn about 1908
RickerGrace born about 1876
RickerHarry born about 1899
RickerHarry born about 1931
RickerJohn born about 1859
RickerJoseph born about 1875
RickerLillian born about 1930
RickerLucy born about 1938
RickerMartha born about 1924
RickerRobert Mborn about 1934
RickerSusie born about 1937
RickerWilliam born about 1860
RidlonBurleigh born about 1895
RidlonJennie born about 1875
RiredonHoward born about 1883
RiredonSarah born about 1888
RobergeChester born about 1934
RobergeFelix born about 1911
RobergeJoseph born about 1937
RobergeTheresa born about 1916
RobertArthur born about 1924
RobertCarlton born about 1920
RobertFred born about 1882
RobertHattie born about 1882
RobertLydia born about 1905
RobinsonErla born about 1877
RobinsonVerne born about 1882
RoddenAgnes born about 1903
RoddenDaniel born about 1881
RoddenFrancis born about 1919
RoddenGertrude born about 1916
RoddenJohn born about 1905
RoddenMamie born about 1883
RoddenTheodore born about 1921
RollinsAlmon born about 1855
RollinsMary born about 1879
RoschFrancis born about 1892
RoschFrancis born about 1913
RoschHarry born about 1889
RoschHarry Jborn about 1912
RoseFlorence born about 1892
RoseMartha born about 1917
RoseMillard born about 1889
RoyAnnette born about 1914
RoyErnest born about 1913
RoyHenry born about 1936
RoyRoland born about 1937
RumeryEdward born about 1910
RumeryMargaret born about 1939
RumerySylvia born about 1913
RumseyClarence born about 1907
RumseyClarence born about 1931
RumseyOla born about 1907
RumseyRichard born about 1934
RumseyWlater born about 1926
RusellIna born about 1897
RusellRuth born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagerAlbert born about 1925
SagerElaine born about 1929
SagerGeorge born about 1905
SagerPhosbe born about 1906
SanfaconGeorge born about 1918
SanfaconJean born about 1916
SanfaconLois born about 1920
SanfaconLouis born about 1885
SanfaconMary Annaborn about 1887
SanfaconSimond born about 1913
SanfaconWillfred born about 1924
SanfaconYvonne born about 1921
SawtelleEdward born about 1876
SawtelleNettie born about 1891
SchoffClinton born about 1910
SchoffClinton Rborn about 1940
SchoffLena born about 1923
SchulmaierAlice born about 1908
SchulmaierEleanor born about 1929
SchulmaierGerald born about 1934
SchulmaierHenry born about 1908
SchulmaierHenry Jr born about 1928
ScrutonEdith Aborn about 1885
ScrutonHervey Aborn about 1879
SeaveyAnn born about 1900
SeaveyElmer born about 1898
SerignyAdeline born about 1866
SerignyArthur born about 1895
SeymoreBruce born about 1939
SeymoreMargaret born about 1917
SeymoreVictor born about 1915
SeymourAlfred born about 1881
SeymourAlfred born about 1920
SeymourPhelanise born about 1885
ShawArthur born about 1932
ShawBetty born about 1916
ShawCatherine born about 1886
ShawEdward born about 1886
ShawEmma Rborn about 1868
ShawEvan born about 1914
ShawMabel born about 1914
ShawMaynard born about 1938
ShawMerideth born about 1916
SheldonAlice born about 1926
SheldonAlvin born about 1921
SheldonCalvin born about 1921
SheldonCarl born about 1886
SheldonClarence born about 1928
SheldonLester born about 1919
SheldonLillian born about 1886
SheldonStanley born about 1924
SmithAlham born about 1875
SmithJames born about 1913
SmithLewis born about 1899
SmithMarton born about 1917
SmithMary born about 1872
SmithSidney born about 1870
SpenceFred born about 1873
SpenceMary born about 1876
SpenceNatalie born about 1928
SpencePaul born about 1897
SpenceRoss born about 1911
SpenceRube born about 1903
SpenceRuth born about 1898
SpenceWilliam born about 1900
SpencerBarbara born about 1925
SpencerCarlton born about 1919
SpencerCharles born about 1899
SpencerEldora born about 1874
SpencerMinnie born about 1874
SpencerOlive born about 1900
SpillerBridgt born about 1890
SpillerRobert born about 1883
StaffinKatherine born about 1894
StaffinRonald born about 1899
StaplesAlice Jborn about 1863
StaplesBruce born about 1939
StaplesFrancis born about 1918
StaplesGuy born about 1905
StaplesHenry born about 1888
StaplesJoan born about 1935
StaplesMargaret born about 1875
StaplesMary born about 1906
SteeleAlfred born about 1914
SteeleRose born about 1911
StellingsAlonzo born about 1879
StellingsBessie born about 1880
StellingsRalph born about 1880
StevensArthur Lborn about 1878
StevensBrenton born about 1923
StevensDorothy born about 1938
StevensEarl born about 1899
StevensHerman born about 1910
StevensMabel born about 1901
StevensMaude born about 1881
StevensOnly born about 1911
StevensSidney Lborn about 1906
StevensSidney Jr born about 1932
StevensonEffie Aborn about 1871
SthilairePearl born about 1906
SthilaireRalph born about 1905
SthilaireRalph born about 1937
SthilaireShirley born about 1930
StillingsDoris born about 1908
StillingsMarjorie born about 1927
StillingsMaurice born about 1898
StillingsRichard born about 1929
StillingsRobert born about 1937
StmarieAllen born about 1896
StmarieWillard born about 1896
StoneEthel born about 1900
StoneFrank born about 1872
StoneGrove born about 1887
StoneMay born about 1874
StoneOlive born about 1878
StoneRobert born about 1922
StoneRuth born about 1893
StoneWarren born about 1894
StonerEliot born about 1888
StonerFlorence born about 1890
StonerJoann born about 1930
StonerPatricia born about 1927
StonerWilliam born about 1926
StpierceClara born about 1906
StpierceLucien born about 1900
StpierceRose born about 1937
StpiereeAlevina born about 1878
StpiereeJoseph born about 1878
StreatDorothy born about 1918
StreatGeorge born about 1914
StreatJohn born about 1936
StringerCarlton born about 1908
StringerCarlton Jr born about 1927
StringerHazel born about 1906
StrongAlice born about 1927
StrongBarbara born about 1935
StrongDora born about 1907
StrongLeonard born about 1904
StrongLeonard Jr born about 1932
StudleyEmma born about 1918
StudleyWarren born about 1915
SunnyHarry Lborn about 1861
SweeneyDonald born about 1934
SweeneyMelvin born about 1915
SweeneyRose born about 1913
SwettAgnes born about 1915
SwettAnnie born about 1876
SwettBlanch born about 1874
SwettCarol Anneborn about 1937
SwettCharles Rborn about 1867
SwettEdwin born about 1870
SwettHarbert born about 1910
SwettHarriett born about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalonAubrey born about 1902
TalonHelen born about 1903
ThebergeLeo born about 1910
ThebergeMary born about 1907
ThibeaultAlbert born about 1914
ThibeaultAlfred born about 1917
ThibeaultArthinire born about 1874
ThibeaultAtlale born about 1904
ThibeaultEdward born about 1900
ThibeaultFlorence born about 1925
ThibeaultGermaine born about 1919
ThibeaultLionel born about 1927
ThibeaultPauline born about 1934
ThibeaultRobert born about 1929
ThomasBeulah born about 1888
ThomasDana born about 1889
ThomasHorace born about 1923
ThomasJane born about 1927
ThomasPrescilla born about 1924
TibbettsAlbert born about 1875
TibbettsEthel born about 1881
TibbettsEugene born about 1861
TibbettsGrace born about 1897
TibbettsHarry born about 1876
TibbettsHazel born about 1900
TibbettsIrene born about 1923
TibbettsJoyce born about 1932
TibbettsLorene born about 1918
TibbettsMyra born about 1874
TibbettsWallace born about 1896
TillettEmma born about 1871
TlamarsEphram born about 1876
TolsomHenry Jborn about 1871
TolsomJames Lborn about 1901
TottmanCharles born about 1917
TottmanRuth born about 1921
TrescotteRoy born about 1925
TrescotteYvonne born about 1901
TrumbleyGrace born about 1887
TuckerAlden born about 1936
TuckerBernice Gborn about 1913
TuckerGlenn born about 1933
TuckerMillard born about 1909
TuckerSandra born about 1940
TurcotteArthur born about 1909
TurcotteArthur Jr born about 1930
TurcotteDarleen born about 1934
TurcotteDurdla born about 1937
TurcotteGlenna born about 1931
TurcotteGlorietta born about 1929
TurcotteMary born about 1911
TurcotteOlive born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VachonBarbara born about 1932
VachonDoris born about 1911
VachonFred born about 1938
VachonRomeo born about 1902
VallyBerbert born about 1894
VallyEdith born about 1901
VallyJohn born about 1898
VallyRobert born about 1919
VallyViola born about 1896
VarneyAnn Cborn about 1939
VarneyBernard born about 1918
VarneyBertina born about 1934
VarneyCharlotte born about 1895
VarneyForest born about 1914
VarneyGeorge born about 1904
VarneyGeorge Jr born about 1932
VarneyHarold Mborn about 1902
VarneyHattie born about 1890
VarneyJosephine born about 1931
VarneyMadeline born about 1915
VarneyNelson born about 1917
VarneyRalph born about 1886
VarneyRodney born about 1936
VarneyRuth Iborn about 1905
VarneyRuth Rborn about 1901
VarneyWilliam born about 1912
VarneyWilton born about 1920
VeachEliska born about 1900
VeachInez born about 1909
VeachLucy born about 1864
VeachMartha born about 1907
VincentSadie born about 1899
VincentVerna born about 1933
VinsonEdmund born about 1918
VinsonGrace born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldoLorimer born about 1904
WaldoMildred born about 1908
WaldronAnn born about 1929
WaldronBertwell born about 1926
WaldronClarence born about 1901
WaldronClarence born about 1924
WaldronEthel born about 1895
WallingfordFrank born about 1908
WallingfordHerbert born about 1875
WallingfordMary born about 1876
WallridgeEvan born about 1927
WallridgeEverett born about 1902
WallridgeGoldie born about 1908
WallridgeMarion born about 1932
WallsJudith born about 1939
WallsMarjorie born about 1918
WallsWilliam born about 1912
WardurthEdgar born about 1869
WardurthWillis born about 1914
WardurthWinifred born about 1912
WashingtonRoland born about 1920
WaterhouseLillian born about 1881
WatkinsCharles born about 1869
WchlndynElmer born about 1930
WebberEugene born about 1855
WebberRaymond born about 1878
WebsterHarriett born about 1875
WebsterHarry born about 1874
WeckHarriet born about 1861
WeckLewis born about 1889
WentworthBertha born about 1909
WentworthChester born about 1907
WentworthDwight born about 1936
WentworthGeorge born about 1887
WentworthHerbert born about 1898
WentworthIna born about 1881
WentworthJanice born about 1928
WentworthJoyce born about 1935
WentworthLottie born about 1892
WentworthStacey born about 1896
WentworthVictor born about 1905
WestCharles born about 1882
WestCharles born about 1910
WestDaisey born about 1883
WhitehouseBerbert born about 1871
WhitehouseFlora born about 1885
WhitehouseLouie born about 1888
WhitehouseMarjorie born about 1924
WhitehouseStella born about 1920
WhiteisNellie born about 1866
WhitmanAbrrt born about 1902
WhitmanHelen born about 1910
WhittakerEllsworth born about 1921
WhittakerKenneth born about 1920
WhittakerLena born about 1893
WhittakerPaul born about 1937
WhittakerPauline born about 1913
WhittakerRobert born about 1936
WhittakerRoland born about 1927
WhittakerWalter born about 1894
WhittakerWilliam born about 1911
WigginHerman born about 1861
WilleyAloy born about 1895
WilleyAloy Jr born about 1936
WilleyAlyne born about 1932
WilleyAmelia born about 1911
WilleyBeth born about 1910
WilleyDavid born about 1938
WilleyEllan born about 1940
WilleyMelvin born about 1937
WilleyNorma born about 1937
WilleyNorman born about 1914
WilliamsonEurleen born about 1937
WilliamsonLeonard born about 1908
WilliamsonMaurine born about 1914
WilliamsonMaurine born about 1939
WilsonBenjamin born about 1912
WilsonBertha born about 1916
WilsonClifford Hborn about 1892
WilsonGeorge Jr born about 1902
WilsonMargaret Eborn about 1893
WilsonOra born about 1907
WilsonRoland born about 1928
WilsonRoselee born about 1937
WithermanBeatrice born about 1927
WithermanFlora born about 1890
WithermanGlenn born about 1928
WithermanPhyllis born about 1923
WithermanRoscoe born about 1885
WoodesElinor born about 1918
WoodesFloria born about 1938
WorcesterArthur born about 1901
WorcesterEthel born about 1903
WorcesterMary born about 1886
WorcesterMinnie born about 1868
WorcesterMoses Cborn about 1892
WorcesterPhillip born about 1923
WorcesterRaymond born about 1927
WorcesterRuth Mborn about 1893
WorsterHarriet Iborn about 1886
WorsterHarriette born about 1922
WorsterKirk born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesMary born about 1871
YorkAubrey born about 1908
YorkMildred born about 1912

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