1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bremen, Lincoln, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Lincoln County > 1940 Census of Bremen

B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN Surnames
H SurnamesO Surnames

B Surnames

BabcockAlice Gborn about 1865
BabcockGeorge Gborn about 1863
BartlettCurry Mborn about 1897
BartlettRobert Lborn about 1937
BartlettVirginia Aborn about 1911
BennerEdward born about 1928
BennerGilbert Iborn about 1926
BennerGordon Aborn about 1934
BennerMalcolm born about 1932
BennerPauline born about 1930
BredeauGeorgsi born about 1935
BredeauHenerietta born about 1892
BredeauIdella Jborn about 1906
BredeauJanette born about 1931
BredeauJoan born about 1939
BredeauJohn Rborn about 1891
BredeauJoseph born about 1892
BredeauJoseph Jr born about 1929
BredeauLouis born about 1926
BredeauShirley born about 1937
BredeauVirginia born about 1924
BrowWilliam Jborn about 1870
BuckmanGertrude Aborn about 1908
ButlerWilliam Fborn about 1874

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C Surnames

CallamoreClara Eborn about 1861
CallamoreFrank born about 1893
CallamoreFreda born about 1878
CallamoreHarold Aborn about 1923
CallamoreLeslie Vborn about 1890
CallamoreMyrlie Wborn about 1895
CallamoreRossell?a born about 1905
CallamoreWilson Fborn about 1921
CarrHartwell born about 1919
CarrRugina born about 1900
CarrThomas born about 1898
CarterBerton Nborn about 1917
CarterChester born about 1891
CarterClara Eborn about 1898
CarterDorothy Aborn about 1919
CarterEthel born about 1891
CarterNorman Aborn about 1886
CarterPricilla Dborn about 1933
CarterRosie born about 1880
CastnerLinwood Jborn about 1933
CastnerLinwood Vborn about 1896
CastnerMarian Eborn about 1898
ChapmanFannie born about 1859
ClarkEugine Fborn about 1877
ClarkLaura born about 1874
CliffordMyra born about 1886
CliffordNorman born about 1917
CliffordWard Jr born about 1926
CollomoreEdwin born about 1920
CollomoreElden born about 1898
CollomoreElsie born about 1939
CollomoreEmma born about 1908
CollomoreFerne Aborn about 1920
CollomoreGilbert Wborn about 1931
CollomorePearley born about 1896
CollomorePhebe born about 1880
CollomoreRena born about 1922
CollomoreSherel born about 1938
CollomoreShirley born about 1939
CollomoreTilson born about 1910
CollomoreWilliam born about 1875
CoolidgeHelen born about 1910
CottonDudley Pborn about 1901
CottonDudley P Jrborn about 1937
CottonJosephine Nborn about 1906
CreamerAster born about 1897
CreamerBarbara born about 1938
CreamerCarroll born about 1927
CreamerChester born about 1929
CreamerEdward born about 1932
CreamerGrace born about 1886
CreamerIva born about 1910
CreamerJames born about 1910
CreamerLouise born about 1931
CreamerMiriam born about 1907
CreamerPearley Oborn about 1909
CreamerRuth born about 1933
CreamerVirginia born about 1923

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D Surnames

DalloffClayton Eborn about 1905
DalloffClayton Jr born about 1927
DalloffDora Pborn about 1906
DalloffMarcia Aborn about 1935
DalloffVivian born about 1926
DanisHarry Aborn about 1884
DanisMary born about 1893
DavisEugene Hborn about 1878
DavisKatie Hborn about 1881
DeshonFlora Gborn about 1868
DewartArthur born about 1928
DewartJames born about 1922
DewartJames Aborn about 1888
DewartLeatrice born about 1924
DewartRuby born about 1890
DonnelleGeorge born about 1867
DonnelleGrace born about 1876

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E Surnames

EatonFlorence born about 1857
EatonLibbie born about 1892
ErskineCarolyn born about 1929
ErskineHarriet born about 1931
ErskineHelen born about 1932
ErskineNellie Eborn about 1907
ErskineThomas born about 1934
ErskineWilder Kborn about 1899

F Surnames

FlynnKatherine born about 1854
FreedmanAnna Wborn about 1878
FreedmanLeo Vborn about 1874
FullerHazel born about 1912
FullerJohn born about 1929
FullerRobert born about 1934
FullertonAlbert born about 1922
FullertonJoseph born about 1920

G Surnames

GeathuerJeorgie Iborn about 1929
GeathuerMildred Mborn about 1901
GeathuerPearley Mborn about 1900
GenthnerAnnie Mborn about 1908
GenthnerAshley Lborn about 1903
GenthnerAshley L Jrborn about 1927
GenthnerBernard born about 1911
GenthnerClara Mborn about 1906
GenthnerClelle Mborn about 1936
GenthnerClyde born about 1932
GenthnerDeering Wborn about 1909
GenthnerDonald Vborn about 1921
GenthnerEdna Gborn about 1901
GenthnerElmer born about 1894
GenthnerElmer Jr born about 1926
GenthnerEugine Lborn about 1874
GenthnerEvelyn Nborn about 1932
GenthnerFrank Dborn about 1937
GenthnerFred born about 1905
GenthnerGerald born about 1937
GenthnerHazel Bborn about 1907
GenthnerHerman born about 1932
GenthnerJoyce Iborn about 1923
GenthnerKatheryn born about 1882
GenthnerKeneth born about 1916
GenthnerLoiston born about 1863
GenthnerLucille born about 1927
GenthnerMarie Eborn about 1940
GenthnerMarrill born about 1930
GenthnerMyrna born about 1939
GenthnerNancy born about 1878
GenthnerPhillip born about 1938
GenthnerPhillip Wborn about 1888
GenthnerPrecilla born about 1940
GenthnerRalph Eborn about 1906
GenthnerRalph E Jrborn about 1927
GenthnerRonald born about 1932
GenthnerStellah born about 1911
GenthnerVirginia born about 1938
GietzGeorge Wborn about 1909
GietzMary Lborn about 1872
GrossCleveland born about 1895
GrossCora born about 1866
GrossEarl born about 1903
GrossHenderson born about 1866
GrossKeneth Eborn about 1922
GrossPhena born about 1894

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H Surnames

HagermanVan born about 1870
HavenerAlvana Mborn about 1873
HawnerClyde Lborn about 1915
HawnerLouis Eborn about 1859
HayesMyrtle born about 1890
HayesOrriell born about 1882
HeroldArline born about 1937
HeroldEarl born about 1939
HeroldHazel born about 1920
HeroldMargaret born about 1864
HeroldRial born about 1910
HiltonCarl Wborn about 1905
HiltonFrederica Sborn about 1909
HodgsonAdeline Hborn about 1914
HodgsonKaspar Mborn about 1907
HodgsonLucy Bolmborn about 1940
HopeFlorence Rborn about 1909
HopeHarvey Cborn about 1909

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I Surnames

IfillClinton born about 1926
IfillEdward born about 1930
IfillLila born about 1927
IfillMarian born about 1896
IfillRobert born about 1925
IfillWalter Pborn about 1893

J Surnames

JohnAnna Bborn about 1908
JohnBernard Tborn about 1917
JohnsonEadella born about 1909
JohnsonElmer born about 1907
JohnsonJennie Aborn about 1868
JonesGeorgiana born about 1918
JonesLarry born about 1938

K Surnames

KalerAndrew born about 1908
KalerCarolyn born about 1937
KalerHarwood born about 1939
KalerJessie Mborn about 1918
KeeneArlene Eborn about 1914
KeeneEleanor Lborn about 1892
KeeneEllen Mborn about 1852
KeeneFred Kborn about 1889
KeeneFred Kborn about 1912
KeeneGeorge Cborn about 1919
KeeneGeorge C Jrborn about 1939
KeeneGrace Wborn about 1913
KeeneKatherine Gborn about 1938
KeeneMary Lborn about 1935
KeeneRichard Nborn about 1928
KeeneRuth Bborn about 1939
KentDoris Lborn about 1907
KentEdward Wborn about 1889
KimballMable Gborn about 1878
KimballWilliam Cborn about 1879

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L Surnames

LailarEarnestine born about 1929
LailarEleanor born about 1933
LailarJoseph born about 1907
LailerEllie Rborn about 1882
LailerErnest born about 1901
LailerFrank Aborn about 1885
LailerMattie Pborn about 1910
LillieLinda born about 1864
LillieWillis Lborn about 1867

M Surnames

MacintyreHazel born about 1919
MankBarbara born about 1939
MankDonald born about 1938
MankFranes born about 1936
MankLloyd born about 1930
MankNora Bborn about 1912
MankRaymond born about 1929
MankRichard born about 1935
MankRoy Lborn about 1901
MarashlianCharles born about 1875
MarashlianLillian born about 1891
MartinSidney Gborn about 1867
MathewsonRuth born about 1926
McFarlandBrooks born about 1920
McLainAddie born about 1920
McLainAlbert Tborn about 1879
McLainAlmond Dborn about 1881
McLainAster born about 1914
McLainCelia born about 1927
McLainDana born about 1922
McLainDoris born about 1939
McLainDouglas born about 1932
McLainElsie born about 1927
McLainElsie born about 1931
McLainErnest born about 1926
McLainHerbert born about 1933
McLainHilda born about 1929
McLainInez Bborn about 1877
McLainJames Sborn about 1872
McLainJessie born about 1875
McLainKatherine born about 1885
McLainKatherine born about 1913
McLainLorraine born about 1935
McLainLouise born about 1923
McLainMarjory born about 1923
McLainMinnie Rborn about 1891
McLainMyrtle born about 1900
McLainOren born about 1892
McLainPauline Lborn about 1915
McLainRalph D Jrborn about 1925
McLainRalph Gborn about 1894
McLainRamona born about 1932
McLainSusie born about 1882
McLainTheadore born about 1893
McLainViola born about 1895
MillerElsie Mborn about 1885
MillerHerman Fborn about 1883
MorelemIda Cborn about 1857

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N Surnames

NashBeatrice born about 1889
NashCharles Kborn about 1863
NashMyra Jborn about 1861
NordleyElsie Gborn about 1930
NordleyPatsie Bborn about 1931

O Surnames

OgierRichard born about 1932
OrneEverett Cliffordborn about 1894
OsierAlice Lborn about 1935
OsierDavid Lborn about 1939
OsierFlorence born about 1903
OsierJohn Wborn about 1930
OsierJulia born about 1869
OsierWilliam Wborn about 1898

P Surnames

PalandErnest Jborn about 1920
PalandForest Eborn about 1931
PalandForest Wborn about 1884
PalandFrances born about 1926
PalandLaura Aborn about 1918
PalandWarren born about 1929
PooleAnnie Eborn about 1871
PooleCharles Eborn about 1877
PooleEarnest born about 1909
PooleFlorence born about 1866
PooleHerbert born about 1873
PoquetteIda Aborn about 1882
PoquetteJohn born about 1870
PrierLawrence born about 1902
PriorBessie Mborn about 1888
PriorClarence Bborn about 1919
PriorGeraldine Jborn about 1934
PriorHorace Hborn about 1914
PriorKeneth born about 1921
PriorLucille born about 1928
PriorMartha born about 1878
PriorPauline born about 1930
PriorSarah Fborn about 1911
PriorStacey born about 1886
PriorSusan born about 1865
PriorVergie born about 1877
PriorVernard born about 1919
PriorVirgie S Fborn about 1909

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R Surnames

RatkinsCharlie born about 1917
RichardsCharles Sborn about 1871
RichardsIrving Sborn about 1881
RichardsNorris Bborn about 1907
RobbinsMadeline born about 1923
RobbinsWilliam born about 1915
RussellIra Fborn about 1874
RussellNellie born about 1882

S Surnames

ShumanAlbina Mborn about 1870
ShumanClifford Hborn about 1895
ShumanElizabeth Mborn about 1896
ShumanMerchant Lborn about 1860
SimmonsDorothy born about 1932
SimmonsIra Lborn about 1886
SimmonsLester born about 1913
SimmonsSeamore born about 1884
SimmonsSylvia born about 1926
StahlArthur born about 1918
StahlFred Hborn about 1886
StahlIna born about 1920
StahlIna Fborn about 1886
StahlPhilip born about 1937
StahlWayne born about 1939
StetsonAlmon born about 1905
StetsonElmer Eborn about 1867
StetsonEthel Fborn about 1870
StevensMarian Dborn about 1915
StevensPatricia born about 1936
StudleyEmma born about 1870
StudleyLawrence born about 1927
StudleyLinwood born about 1900
StudleyPhyllis Annborn about 1940
StudleySophia born about 1911
StudleySylvester Fborn about 1870
StudleyWilliam Cborn about 1870

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T Surnames

TaylorArtell Wborn about 1871
TeelAline born about 1922
TeelBerton born about 1922
TeelIra Gborn about 1881
TeelJennie born about 1890
TeeleBarbara born about 1919
TeeleRufus born about 1917
TeelleLester born about 1909
TeelleNellie born about 1914
TibbetsCynthia Rborn about 1929
TrankEmma Jborn about 1911
TrankJames born about 1906
TrankJeanne born about 1929
TrankRaymond born about 1930

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W Surnames

WebberAlice born about 1892
WebberFernando Hborn about 1890
WebberIda born about 1931
WebberNelson born about 1930
WellmanAnnie born about 1872
WellmanCharles Aborn about 1911
WellmanFlores Cborn about 1893
WellmanJames born about 1909
WellmanMarian born about 1922
WellmanMary born about 1886
WellmanNettie born about 1926
WilleyAgnes born about 1926
WilleyAmy Mborn about 1896
WilleyArthur Aborn about 1891
WilleyAster Sborn about 1894
WilleyClara born about 1871
WilleyRodney born about 1902
WilleyThomas born about 1853
WinchenbackHarold Jr born about 1935
WinchenbackHelen born about 1930
WinchenbackPhylis born about 1932
WinchenbackRuby born about 1928
WinchenbackRuth Mborn about 1899
WrightFrank Eborn about 1910

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