1940 U.S. Federal Census of Columbia Falls, Washington, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Washington County > 1940 Census of Columbia Falls

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlbeeEverett Nborn about 1867
AllenAnzie born about 1874
AllenAustin born about 1905
AllenBeatrice born about 1880
AllenBernice Eborn about 1872
AllenCaroline born about 1934
AllenConstance born about 1936
AllenDoris born about 1904
AllenEugene born about 1935
AllenEverett born about 1866
AllenFrances born about 1914
AllenFrank Hborn about 1905
AllenFrank Mborn about 1875
AllenGloria born about 1928
AllenGrace born about 1908
AllenHarold born about 1903
AllenHelen born about 1908
AllenHenry born about 1871
AllenHoward born about 1907
AllenJosephine Dborn about 1874
AllenJune born about 1939
AllenLaura born about 1901
AllenLucy born about 1880
AllenMerton born about 1924
AllenNettie born about 1869
AllenOscar born about 1900
AllenPatricia born about 1939
AllenRoger born about 1938
AllenSeth born about 1878
AllenShapleigh born about 1921
AllenVincent born about 1930
AllenVirginia born about 1932
AllenWillis born about 1872
AlleyFoster born about 1924
AlleyLoren born about 1922
AlleyWinona born about 1920
ArcherLucy Eborn about 1873
ArdresEdna born about 1909
ArdresFred born about 1902
ArdresLynn born about 1931
ArdresNeil born about 1928
ArprsArden Melbaborn about 1917
AyersArdene born about 1938
AyersAvis born about 1921
AyersJasper born about 1873
AyersJasper Monroeborn about 1911
AyersLinwood born about 1939
AyersThirza born about 1877

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B Surnames

BagleyBasil born about 1916
BagleyEthel born about 1938
BagleyGrace born about 1899
BagleyHarold born about 1904
BagleyHattie born about 1910
BagleyHoward born about 1931
BagleyLeow born about 1893
BagleyMalcolm born about 1923
BagleyMalcolm born about 1927
BagleyMazie Eborn about 1937
BagleyNettie born about 1925
BagleyNorman born about 1929
BaileyChristine born about 1929
BaileyGilbert born about 1908
BaileyGilbert born about 1932
BaileyGuy Sborn about 1893
BaileyH Elmerborn about 1921
BaileyJanice born about 1936
BaileyMary Eborn about 1911
BaileyMary Oborn about 1896
BaileyOctave born about 1937
BaileyOlive born about 1923
BaileyRalph born about 1934
BaileyRichard born about 1934
BaileyStanley born about 1930
BaileyWillard Eborn about 1861
BartonGertrude born about 1890
BartonH Augustusborn about 1872
BartonMilton Jborn about 1875
BendixThomas born about 1867
BennettIna born about 1916
BennettLouis born about 1917
BennettRichard born about 1938
BowlesGeorge Nborn about 1856
BowlesStephen born about 1869
BrooksEugene born about 1887
BrooksLouise born about 1891
BucknamAllen born about 1913
BucknamEva born about 1875
BucknamGeorge born about 1871
BucknaraLucy Mborn about 1872

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C Surnames

CandonAnna Eborn about 1868
CandonGrace born about 1867
ChampionBertha Maryborn about 1935
ChampionChristina born about 1901
ChampionFred born about 1903
ChandlerFred born about 1911
ChandlerMary born about 1875
ChandlerMary born about 1912
ChandlerSherman born about 1933
ChandlerSherwood born about 1929
ChurchCleveland born about 1885
ChurchLena born about 1888
ClarkAlbert born about 1872
ClarkAlbert Jr born about 1909
ClarkChristine born about 1940
ClarkElizabeth born about 1911
ClarkGarry born about 1939
ClarkLula born about 1883
ConnersHillard born about 1898
ConnersJohn born about 1862
CookDorothy born about 1939
CookEsther Uborn about 1937
CookLena born about 1897
CookWilliam born about 1897
CorbettAlberta born about 1905
CorbettFrancis born about 1904
CousinaAlice born about 1926
CrandonFred Fborn about 1872
CrandonGrace Eborn about 1878
CrandonMarcia born about 1877
CummingsGeneva born about 1926
CunninghamMelvin born about 1925

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D Surnames

DavisConstance born about 1925
DavisHattie born about 1897
DavisUlmer born about 1900
DeolenDalton born about 1930
DonaldEdgar Pborn about 1864
DoreGilbert born about 1876
DoreGordon born about 1923
DorrAnnie Mborn about 1875
DorrArlene born about 1924
DorrBarbara born about 1928
DorrBenjamin born about 1900
DorrBetty born about 1934
DorrDonna born about 1937
DorrEdgar Mborn about 1863
DorrEleanor born about 1926
DorrEmbert born about 1927
DorrEthel Lborn about 1916
DorrGeorge born about 1910
DorrHoward Aborn about 1871
DorrIva born about 1901
DorrLaura born about 1931
DorrLena born about 1874
DorrLeona born about 1935
DorrOrrin Hborn about 1899
DorrRobert born about 1938
DorrWilma born about 1930
DricksGeorge Cborn about 1855
DricksSarah born about 1860
DriscollAlton Hborn about 1926
DriscollBeatrice born about 1927
DriscollCurtis Lborn about 1933
DriscollFreda born about 1919
DriscollHarold Hborn about 1892
DriscollKenneth born about 1922
DriscollLloyd born about 1927
DriscollLois Mborn about 1938
DriscollLottie born about 1908
DriscollSinalon born about 1904
DriskoBessie born about 1888
DriskoCharles born about 1882
DriskoElliott born about 1918
DriskoEri born about 1878
DriskoJoseph born about 1886
DriskoJoseph Jr born about 1919
DriskoKeith born about 1912
DriskoLawrence born about 1910
DriskoPhyllis born about 1910
DriskoQueene born about 1888
DriskoSusie Aborn about 1887
DuguayClifford born about 1935
DuguayFrank born about 1904
DuguayGleness Eborn about 1926
DuguayLeroy born about 1938
DuguayNorma born about 1931
DuguayRuby born about 1905

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E Surnames

EisenfeldEdythe born about 1914
EmersonAllen born about 1917
EmersonDelmont born about 1935
EmersonEva born about 1897
EmersonGeraldine born about 1939
EmersonHenry born about 1926
EmersonHilda born about 1923
EmersonJames Eborn about 1889
EmersonLena born about 1933
EmersonMildred born about 1914
EmersonMildred born about 1930
EmersonWillard born about 1921

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F Surnames

FickettFlora born about 1907
FickettHerbert born about 1926
FickettLoretta born about 1931
FickettMerrill born about 1905
FickettReta born about 1928
FishBarbara born about 1924
FishFrank born about 1891
FishFrank Jr born about 1925
FishMaud born about 1894
FlahertyElizabeth born about 1918
FlahertyLaura born about 1938
FlahertyLawrence born about 1916
FlahertyRoland born about 1934
FlahertyVirginia born about 1935
FloydAlonzo born about 1884
FloydBert born about 1905
FloydFrances born about 1907
FloydGeorge born about 1931
FloydGilbert Eborn about 1879
FloydGilbert Sborn about 1916
FloydHarold born about 1928
FloydMargaret born about 1926
FloydWaldo born about 1933
FossClayton born about 1892
FossClayton Jr born about 1930
FossHaley born about 1915
FossHattie born about 1895
FossKathleen born about 1926
FossMarion born about 1922
FossNorma born about 1932
FossRoyce born about 1934
FossStanley born about 1921
FrenchJohn Wborn about 1877
FrenchNora born about 1883

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G Surnames

GliddenMura born about 1909
GrandBarnal Aborn about 1933
GrandL Rexfordborn about 1910
GrandOra Lborn about 1913
GrandRexford Sborn about 1931
GrandRuby Iborn about 1937
GrantAngie Rborn about 1889
GrantArnold born about 1921
GrantArthur born about 1938
GrantBarbara born about 1911
GrantBarbara born about 1936
GrantBurleigh born about 1920
GrantCarolyn born about 1894
GrantCarroll born about 1932
GrantClarence born about 1896
GrantClayton born about 1870
GrantClayton born about 1921
GrantDorothy born about 1927
GrantDorothy born about 1934
GrantEdward born about 1877
GrantElaine born about 1930
GrantEldora born about 1871
GrantElizabeth born about 1903
GrantElla born about 1910
GrantElmer born about 1892
GrantEmmie born about 1910
GrantEstella born about 1898
GrantEthel born about 1893
GrantGerald Lborn about 1929
GrantGlenis born about 1922
GrantGuy born about 1930
GrantHazen born about 1900
GrantHelena born about 1934
GrantHenrietta born about 1908
GrantHorace born about 1895
GrantIda Mborn about 1902
GrantJohn Bborn about
GrantJosie born about 1892
GrantKenneth born about 1919
GrantLawrence born about 1939
GrantLeeman Jborn about 1886
GrantLeighton born about 1924
GrantLena born about 1908
GrantLeon born about 1907
GrantLorey Wborn about 1875
GrantLottie born about 1890
GrantMadeline born about 1935
GrantMaggie born about 1880
GrantMarcellus born about 1924
GrantMarie born about 1926
GrantMarle born about 1937
GrantMaynard born about 1909
GrantMorton Lborn about 1919
GrantNewell born about 1900
GrantNewell Jr born about 1932
GrantOlive born about 1924
GrantOwen born about 1892
GrantRichard born about 1928
GrantRobert Oborn about 1923
GrantRonald Aborn about 1931
GrantRoscoe Mborn about 1891
GrantRoy born about 1907
GrantSandra born about 1938
GrantSusie born about 1930
GrantVera Gborn about 1894
GrantVergil born about 1932
GrantWarren born about 1914
GrantWilbur Cborn about 1897
GrantWilbur Jr born about 1926
GrantWillie Jborn about 1868
GrantWinnifred born about 1925
GrayRegenald born about 1927
GuptillIda born about 1925

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H Surnames

HardingBertha born about 1876
HartfordBessie born about 1910
HartfordCatherine born about 1932
HartfordD Websterborn about 1873
HartfordDaniel W Jrborn about 1905
HartfordDanita Jborn about 1938
HartfordElna born about 1936
HartfordElwood born about 1931
HartfordErwest born about 1917
HartfordFlorence born about 1902
HartfordFrank born about 1904
HartfordGlenda Lborn about 1936
HartfordGraydon born about 1899
HartfordJean Mborn about 1932
HartfordKeith born about 1936
HartfordLloyd born about 1939
HartfordLottie born about 1877
HartfordMuriel Lborn about 1912
HartfordNorman born about 1934
HathawayJ Wymanborn about 1905
HathawayMarion born about 1915
HathawayReginald born about 1909
HathawayRuth born about 1876
HickIna born about 1877
HigginsAbbie born about 1894
HigginsDale born about 1936
HigginsDonald S Jrborn about 1930
HigginsEvelyn Eborn about 1893
HigginsGeorge born about 1882
HigginsIona born about 1927
HigginsMarcia Eborn about 1895
HigginsMartin Cborn about 1918
HigginsMerrill Fborn about 1891
HigginsNancy born about 1933
HigginsPeryl Hborn about 1923
HigginsSath Hborn about 1887
HigginsSeth Jr born about 1930
HubbardEarle born about 1885
HubbardGeorge born about 1928
HubbardLillian born about 1902
HurlbertCurtis born about 1904
HurlbertHarley born about 1916
HurlbertMildred born about 1901

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I Surnames

IngersollArnold born about 1911
IngersollClara born about 1863
IngersollFernald born about 1931
IngersollJoy born about 1907
IngersollKenneth born about 1928
IngersollLela born about 1923
IngersollLevonia born about 1888
IngersollPercy born about 1891

L Surnames

LakemanKatherine Eborn about 1886
LeightonRalph born about 1873
LookAndrey born about 1927
LookAnnie born about 1908
LookCarroll born about 1917
LookDaniel born about 1909
LookGeraldine born about 1921
LookHorace born about 1907
LookLester born about 1884
LookLester Jr born about 1920
LookLillian born about 1890
LookRobert born about 1925
LookSewell born about 1938
LookStanley born about 1934
LookStillman born about 1933
LookThelma born about 1916
LuckerJennie born about 1877
LundGeorge born about 1937
LundOscar born about 1891

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M Surnames

MarshallCharles born about 1921
MartinAlbert born about 1930
MartinClarence born about 1902
MartinDonald born about 1934
MartinGerald born about 1927
MartinJessie born about 1908
MartinRobert born about 1933
MartinRoscoe born about 1929
McKenneyAlzena born about 1878
McKenneyGladys born about 1902
McKenneyHarry born about 1900
McKenneyRobert born about 1922
McLeanAngus born about 1885
McLeanLillian born about 1891
MooreAlbert born about 1885
MorrisBenjamin Wborn about 1936
MorrisFrank Hborn about 1873
MorrisHattie Aborn about 1876
MorrisHazel Lborn about 1912
MorrisLa Rosa born about 1931
MorrisWinslow Hborn about 1908
MyersEdward Cborn about 1932
MyersRosie born about 1893

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N Surnames

NickersonCharlene born about 1930
NickersonCharles born about 1901
NickersonLillian born about 1905
NortonCarrie Eborn about 1881
NortonGevesta born about 1918
NortonRalph Aborn about 1877

O Surnames

OliverBlanche born about 1899
OliverKenneth born about 1929
OliverLena born about 1921
OliverMary born about 1926
OliverMaurice born about 1891
OliverMaurice Eborn about 1918
OliverMilton born about 1924
OliverMinnie born about 1920
OliverMorton born about 1934

P Surnames

PincoFred born about 1885
PincoJoel born about 1916
PincoLucy born about 1884
PincoMorris born about 1917
PineoEmma born about 1921
PineoFrank born about 1894
PineoMarjorie born about 1902
PinesBernice Mborn about 1935
PinesDale Gborn about 1938
PinesEllis Lborn about 1936
PinesFred B Jrborn about 1910
PinesLucille Uborn about 1932
PinesShirley Gborn about 1913
PottleAnita born about 1894
PottleArnold born about 1918
PottleElmer born about 1920
PottleErnest born about 1885
PottleErnest born about 1935
PottleHenry Wborn about 1929
PottleKathleen born about 1927
PottleVeste born about 1924

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R Surnames

RamsdellAlice born about 1923
RamsdellDonald born about 1913
RamsdellFred born about 1885
RamsdellHelen born about 1915
RamsdellLillian born about 1890
RamsdellWinifred born about 1929
ReedCarl Lborn about 1884
ReedDonald born about 1922
ReedJohn born about 1893
ReedJosie Mborn about 1884
ReedLucretia born about 1895
ReedMary Eborn about 1875
ReedMilton Cborn about 1884
ReedOrrin Mborn about 1860
ReedPhilip born about 1924
ReedWalter Pborn about 1914
RichardsAlbert Jr born about 1906
RichardsCecile Rborn about 1937
RichardsClara born about 1889
RichardsJulia born about 1908
RockwellAlice Mborn about 1932
RockwellAnsel born about 1918
RockwellBelle Oborn about 1897
RockwellCecil Rborn about 1929
RockwellElizabeth born about 1910
RockwellErma born about 1923
RockwellG Wellingtonborn about 1887
RockwellHelen born about 1915
RockwellImogene born about 1924
RockwellJared born about 1885
RockwellLizzie born about 1866
RockwellMillard Aborn about 1894
RockwellRhoda born about 1887
RockwellSusie born about 1888
RockwellVergie Eborn about 1928
RockwellWendell born about 1935
RossJulia Bborn about 1874
RushJohn Francisborn about 1872
RushMaude Iborn about 1880

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S Surnames

SawyerJennie born about 1891
SawyerLillian born about 1918
SawyerLuther born about 1888
SeaveyFaye Lborn about 1932
SinclairAsa Hborn about 1909
SinclairAsa H Jrborn about 1939
SinclairClarence born about 1894
SinclairEllis Lborn about 1940
SinclairFlorence Eborn about 1918
SinclairGeorge born about 1927
SinclairGladys born about 1919
SinclairHarold born about 1896
SinclairHarold Jr born about 1925
SinclairHelen born about 1904
SinclairMary Eborn about 1936
SinclairMina born about 1900
SinclairPhillips born about 1919
SpragueClarance born about 1906
SpragueGoldie born about 1907
StevensChester Lborn about 1914
StevensMary Hborn about 1919

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T Surnames

TabbuttMary Fborn about 1869
TenneyAlton born about 1898
TenneyJosie born about 1907
TenneyLawrence born about 1931
TenneyLee born about 1933
TenneyWalter born about 1928
TibbettsArnold born about 1921
TibbettsAsenath born about 1886
TibbettsBion Bborn about 1865
TibbettsBion B Jrborn about 1904
TibbettsCelia born about 1926
TibbettsCharles born about 1877
TibbettsChristine Jborn about 1923
TibbettsDawna born about 1939
TibbettsDonald Wborn about 1925
TibbettsEarl born about 1896
TibbettsEarle Wborn about 1918
TibbettsEmbert born about 1924
TibbettsEmma born about 1873
TibbettsFannie born about 1877
TibbettsFarry born about 1895
TibbettsGertrude born about 1908
TibbettsHenry Oneteborn about 1885
TibbettsJohn born about 1938
TibbettsLella born about 1885
TibbettsLeslie born about 1897
TibbettsLettie Lborn about 1906
TibbettsLewis born about 1916
TibbettsLillian born about 1906
TibbettsMarguerite born about 1920
TibbettsMarie born about 1901
TibbettsMaurice born about 1908
TibbettsOtis born about 1912
TibbettsPearl born about 1895
TibbettsPriscilla Eborn about 1928
TibbettsRena born about 1934
TibbettsRober born about 1920
TibbettsRobert Sborn about 1929
TibbettsRuth born about 1894
TibbettsVivian Lborn about 1903
TibbettsWynn born about 1881
TobbuttBessie born about 1908
TobbuttClarence born about 1925
TobbuttEanos born about 1857
TobbuttEva born about 1890
TobbuttFrank Hborn about 1885
TobbuttHarry Bborn about 1903
TobbuttHubert born about 1898
TobbuttIda born about 1898
TobbuttKathleen born about 1935
TobbuttMary born about 1934
TobbuttMaude born about 1876
TobbuttWayne Bborn about 1939
TracyWilliam Hborn about 1870
TrenchFreeman born about 1874
TuckerClara Wborn about 1936
TuckerClark Rborn about 1939
TuckerMarilena born about 1917
TuckerWendell born about 1913
TylerClara born about 1925
TylerHarold Eborn about 1901
TylerHarold E Jrborn about 1938
TylerLetitia born about 1928
TylerLucy born about 1905

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W Surnames

WakefieldDorothea born about 1933
WakefieldHarold born about 1921
WakefieldIra born about 1895
WakefieldMarce born about 1928
WakefieldMarjorie born about 1899
WakefieldRoger born about 1923
WalkerCharles born about 1884
WassClifton Eborn about 1872
WhiteErnest Aborn about 1867
WhiteFlora born about 1870
WhiteFlorence born about 1909
WilsonCharles born about 1870
WoodRoxie born about 1901
WoodRoxie Leeborn about 1939
WoodwordCharles born about 1855
WorcesterAura born about 1894
WorcesterAustin born about 1913
WorcesterBarbara Mborn about 1936
WorcesterBeryl born about 1900
WorcesterBeverly born about 1934
WorcesterCarol Fborn about 1938
WorcesterEarl born about 1894
WorcesterElmore born about 1908
WorcesterFrances Mborn about 1914
WorcesterGeorge born about 1903
WorcesterGrace born about 1922
WorcesterHarriet born about 1915
WorcesterKenneth born about 1939
WorcesterLlewelly born about 1878
WorcesterLona Lborn about 1928
WorcesterMadeline born about 1914
WorcesterNina Fborn about 1921
WorcesterNora born about 1884
WorcesterPaul born about 1940
WorcesterPhilander born about 1876
WorcesterRoy Sborn about 1917
WorcesterRussell born about 1937
WorcesterRuth Cborn about 1915
WorcesterWesley born about 1916
WorcesterWilbuer born about 1919
WorcesterWilliam Eborn about 1907
WorcesterWilliam E Jrborn about 1935
WorcesterWillie born about 1884
WorcesterWinfield Wborn about 1914

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Y Surnames

YoungCaswell Aborn about 1911
YoungElizabeth born about 1883
YoungEmbert born about 1926
YoungHerbert born about 1904

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