1940 U.S. Federal Census of Crawford, Washington, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Washington County > 1940 Census of Crawford

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AndrewsBeverly Nborn about 1938
AndrewsBrewer Nborn about 1915
AndrewsPriscilla Wborn about 1917
ArcherRinda Fborn about 1894
ArcherRobert Aborn about 1872

C Surnames

CampbellArlene Rborn about 1908
CampbellRuth Aborn about 1937
CampbellWilliam Hborn about 1893
CampbellWm Cborn about 1938
CarloWilliam Aborn about 1924
CaswellAlfred Gborn about 1889
CaswellEthel Mborn about 1886
CushingBessie Gborn about 1906
CushingGeorge Rborn about 1867
CushingKathleen born about 1926
CushingNolia born about 1875
CushingWm Cborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisCarlton Eborn about 1923
DavisCharles Dborn about 1936
DavisKendall Lborn about 1940
DavisLloyd Sborn about 1914
DavisLydia Jborn about 1889
DavisMarian Aborn about 1918
DavisMuriel Rborn about 1934
DavisVinal Aborn about 1925
DayGertrude Gborn about 1908
DayLeeland Cborn about 1933
DayMarie Mborn about 1930
DayMerilyn Mborn about 1928
DayRupert Kborn about 1903
DayTruman Oborn about 1931
DurlingCharles Kborn about 1895
DurlingElba born about 1920
DurlingHazel born about 1922
DurlingLeak born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FinelsonClifton Wborn about 1890
FinelsonPhyllis Aborn about 1909
FinelsonWinfield born about 1864

G Surnames

GroverIda born about 1869

H Surnames

HanscomFred Eborn about 1876
HanscomHarry Aborn about 1878
HattJosephene born about 1897
HattLaura Eborn about 1887
HattLester Jborn about 1890
HattMartin Sborn about 1919
HattViola Vborn about 1924
HattWalter A Jrborn about 1916
HattWalter Bborn about 1877

J Surnames

JefferyGladys born about 1909
JefferyIoan Cborn about 1902
JefferyLaura Eborn about 1881
JefferyMargaret Mborn about 1922
JefferyMary Ellenborn about 1933
JefferyStanley Eborn about 1872

K Surnames

KinneyEdna Gborn about 1920
KinneyForrest born about 1915
KinneyMaxine born about 1938
KneelandAlancen Rborn about
KneelandIna Nborn about 1906
KneelandJohn Lborn about 1907

L Surnames

LordAlthea L Mborn about 1912
LordGloria Mborn about 1935
LordGordon Eborn about 1931
LordJoseph Dborn about 1903
LordLawrence Sborn about 1933

M Surnames

MaponFrank Lborn about 1883
MaponLulu Mborn about 1880
MaponRichard Lborn about 1937
MaponUlrie Gborn about 1912
McKeownAdin Rborn about 1903
McKeownBertha born about 1882
McKeownCecil born about 1911
McKeownClarece born about 1935
McKeownDella Nborn about 1905
McKeownEtta Aborn about 1917
McKeownGlenn Eborn about 1937
McKeownIrving Eborn about 1928
McKeownKerl Eborn about 1935
McKeownOrris Wborn about 1906
McKeownPhillip born about 1932
McKeownStella Eborn about 1905
McKeownVera Mborn about 1903
McKeownVerne born about 1933
McKeownWallace Jborn about 1925
MorriseyAlfred Jborn about 1915
MorriseyAlice Mborn about 1907
MorriseyChristine Lborn about 1924
MorriseyEugene Aborn about 1910
MorriseyLorain Aborn about 1904
MorriseyMary Jborn about 1881
MorriseyNina Eborn about 1921
MorriseyParley Wborn about 1878
MorriseyWalter Mborn about 1926

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O Surnames

OrcherCaroll Wborn about 1924
OrcherHazel Wborn about 1896
OrcherRussel Cborn about 1926
OrcherVictor Eborn about 1892

P Surnames

PerkinsGeorge Aborn about 1884
PerkinsJames Mborn about 1886
PerkinsLenora Gborn about 1935
PerkinsOlive Sborn about 1886

R Surnames

RobbinsCarl Hborn about 1934
RobbinsDora Eborn about 1913
RobbinsMarailyn Fborn about 1935
RobbinsWilfred Hborn about 1905

S Surnames

ScareyAlton Aborn about 1929
ScareyCarlton Hborn about 1930
ScareyElnor Jborn about 1933
ScareyErnest Gborn about 1871
ScareyGertrude Bborn about 1889
ScareyHelen Cborn about 1924
ScareyNeal Aborn about 1927
ScareyOrris Eborn about 1915
ScareyRoberts born about 1869
SeaveyEarle Eborn about 1925
SeaveyGrace Eborn about 1892
SeaveyHarry Eborn about 1882
SeaveyIrma born about 1936
SeaveyLester Hborn about 1893
SeaveyNancy born about 1914
SeaveyPaul Fborn about 1911
SeaveyPaul Jr born about 1938
SeaveyThelma Mborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThorntonLuther born about 1933

W Surnames

WallaceEthel Pborn about 1916
WallaceEvelyn Gborn about 1938
WallaceHerman Aborn about 1902
WallaceLynn Aborn about 1939
WallaceMildred Cborn about 1876
WeedBlanche born about 1891
WilburRuth Aborn about 1915
WilliamsFrankie born about 1893
WilliamsMarcia Cborn about 1898
WilsonH Sborn about 1898
WilsonMarguerite born about 1921
WilsonMildred Cborn about 1895

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