1940 U.S. Federal Census of Elliottsville, Piscataquis, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Piscataquis County > 1940 Census of Elliottsville

B SurnamesG SurnamesM Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesP Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
F SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames

B Surnames

BergElmer born about 1911
BergElmer Jr born about 1937
BergMildred born about 1916
BernierAntonio Jborn about 1897
BernierMary Mborn about 1908
BerryRalph born about 1930
BesseyArthur Eborn about 1904
BesseyCharles Aborn about 1939
BesseyGeorge Aborn about 1927
BesseyMarilyn Bborn about 1930
BesseyRichard Dborn about 1933
BesseyThelma Iborn about 1902

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C Surnames

CarrierAdrienne born about 1906
CarrierHenri born about 1906
CarrierJane born about 1926
CarrierMary Aborn about 1933
CarrierPatrick born about 1929
CarrierThersa born about 1937
CarrierWallace born about 1931
CopelandEleanor born about 1917
CopelandShewood born about 1911

D Surnames

DavisCharles Aborn about 1870
DavisLouise Fborn about 1877
DavisNorma Kborn about 1925
DavisRichard Lborn about 1897
DavisRuby Nborn about 1899
DavisSylvia Dborn about 1927
DrewChester born about 1910
DrewDon born about 1907
DrewFreddie born about 1920
DrewHarry born about 1912
DrewSadie born about 1879
DuquetteAdrian Hborn about 1910
DuquetteCecil Nborn about 1917
DuquetteJean Pborn about 1937
DuquetteRoger Jborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FlintAudrey Mborn about 1899
FlintFrank Tborn about 1891
FlintHarold Cborn about 1936
FlintHerbert Fborn about 1929
FlintPhillip Dborn about 1928

G Surnames

GerryCarroll born about 1934
GerryEsther born about 1912
GerryKatherine born about 1931

J Surnames

JacqueGermaine born about 1907
JacqueHilaire Jborn about 1902
JacqueLouise born about 1935
JacqueRenande born about 1939
JagmanAlice born about 1906
JagmanDaniella born about 1902
JagmanLucille born about 1937
JagmanMargaret born about 1935
JagmanRene born about 1933
JagmanRita born about 1926
JagmanRoland born about 1929
JohnsonHerbert Sborn about 1920
JohnsonNellie born about 1892
JohnsonStanley Sborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KatenThomas born about 1890

L Surnames

LaneHenry Wborn about 1861
LaneLeon Eborn about 1883
LaneSyrus born about 1890
LavellieAnne born about 1910
LavellieLionel born about 1932
LavellieLizette born about 1934
LavellieRomes born about 1910

M Surnames

McKluskeyGuy born about 1875
McKluskeyNora born about 1870
MooreMargaret Cborn about 1893
MooreMarylin Cborn about 1925
MooreRobert Lborn about 1893

P Surnames

PerryEdgar born about 1914
PerryKarleen born about 1938
PerryLeon born about 1913
PerryLydia born about 1878
PerryMary born about 1910
PerryRaymond Hborn about 1875
PhilbrookBasil born about 1895
PhilbrookDonald born about 1922
PhillbrookDonald born about 1920
PierceHarry born about 1870
PierceHazel born about 1901
PierceJeanette born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RobertsCoburn Gborn about 1906
RobertsEula Aborn about 1908
RobertsPatricia Lborn about 1937
RobertsRaymond Cborn about 1930
RobertsRobert Cborn about 1933
RobertsWilliam Cborn about 1929

T Surnames

TanguayJoseph born about 1913
TanguayLeona born about 1938
TanguayMargaret born about 1916
TanguayMargaret Mborn about 1936
TemplePedro born about 1895
ThibodeauAngeline Aborn about 1898
ThibodeauAnnette Lborn about 1919
ThibodeauFrank Hborn about 1893
ThibodeauHenry Lborn about 1921
ThibodeauRollande Lborn about 1926
ThibodeauThersa Rborn about 1924

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