1940 U.S. Federal Census of Frenchville, Aroostook, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Aroostook County > 1940 Census of Frenchville

A SurnamesG SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertDick Richardborn about 1931
AlbertFartemont* born about 1884
AlbertFlavie born about 1886
AlbertJean Paulborn about 1918
AlbertPriscille born about 1923
AlbertRoger born about 1926
AlbertValere born about 1914
AudetLeonie born about 1893

B Surnames

BabinEulalie born about 1893
BabinIrene born about 1931
BabinJeanine born about 1935
BabinJoseph born about 1889
BabinRita born about 1928
BardClaude born about 1920
BardFebrenie* born about 1895
BardJoseph born about
BardRichard born about 1933
BardRita born about 1933
BardVirginia born about 1924
BardWilfred born about 1921
BaronEdith born about 1883
BaronGeo Aborn about 1884
BaronGerma?? born about 1920
BaronImelda born about 1910
BeaulieuEdith born about 1881
BeaulieuJos Fborn about 1886
BeaulieuPearl born about 1932
BeaulieuPerley Jr born about 1938
BeaulieuSadie born about 1914
BeaulieuVealette* born about 1933
BelangerAlphonse born about 1935
BelangerAnnette born about 1930
BelangerAntoinette born about 1909
BelangerCatherine born about 1900
BelangerEdith born about 1877
BelangerGilford born about 1937
BelangerGladys born about 1937
BelangerHelen born about 1911
BelangerJoseph born about 1915
BelangerLarey born about 1939
BelangerLawrence born about 1939
BelangerLeona born about 1933
BelangerLester born about 1931
BelangerLucien born about 1932
BelangerMabel born about 1910
BelangerNorman born about 1933
BelangerPearl born about 1932
BelangerRena born about 1935
BelangerReneault born about 1936
BelangerRichard born about 1924
BelangerRoland born about 1927
BelangerRonald born about 1937
BelangerRosairio born about 1926
BelangerSylvia born about 1910
BelangerTheresa born about 1934
BelangerW?? born about 1939
BelangerWalter born about 1902
BelangerWilfred Lborn about 1896
BelangerWillie born about 1910
BellCollette born about 1939
BellHerbert born about 1909
BellMaxine born about 1932
BellYvonne born about 1914
BerardRaymond born about 1907
BilierJoseph born about 1855
BlanchetteAlphe born about 1916
BlanchetteAnita born about 1933
BlanchetteArtheline born about 1937
BlanchetteArthur born about 1910
BlanchetteBlanche born about 1914
BlanchetteCarl born about 1938
BlanchetteCecil born about 1914
BlanchetteClifford born about 1938
BlanchetteE?? born about 1920
BlanchetteEddie born about 1912
BlanchetteEddie Jr born about 1935
BlanchetteEmile born about 1881
BlanchetteEvangeline born about 1921
BlanchetteGilman born about 1937
BlanchetteJoanne born about 1934
BlanchetteJoseph born about 1939
BlanchetteJosephat born about 1918
BlanchetteLeander born about 1878
BlanchetteLigori born about 1876
BlanchetteLucille born about 1935
BlanchettePhedine born about 1912
BlanchetteRoland born about 1933
BlanchetteRoland born about 1934
BlanchetteSophie born about 1882
BlanchetteSophie born about 1917
BlanchetteTheresa born about 1919
BlanchetteVernon born about 1939
BouchardAdelard born about 1907
BouchardAlbert born about 1902
BouchardAlbert Jr born about 1934
BouchardAnna born about 1907
BouchardAnnie born about 1912
BouchardAurele born about 1917
BouchardBernice born about 1924
BouchardBernice born about 1925
BouchardCandie born about 1928
BouchardCatherine born about 1888
BouchardCecil born about 1928
BouchardCharles born about 1894
BouchardClaire born about 1922
BouchardClaude born about 1918
BouchardClaudette born about 1933
BouchardClaudette born about 1938
BouchardClifford born about 1924
BouchardConrad born about 1927
BouchardDames born about 1858
BouchardDoris born about 1921
BouchardEleonard born about 1870
BouchardErnestine born about 1905
BouchardFernande born about 1934
BouchardGeorge born about 1884
BouchardGeraldine born about 1923
BouchardGerold born about 1937
BouchardGilbert born about 1939
BouchardHelene born about 1892
BouchardHub?d Tborn about 1905
BouchardHubold born about 1889
BouchardHurse* born about 1927
BouchardIrene born about 1930
BouchardIrma born about 1927
BouchardJane born about 1892
BouchardJean Paulborn about 1935
BouchardJeanette born about 1932
BouchardJeanne born about 1938
BouchardJos Wborn about 1886
BouchardJoseph born about 1925
BouchardLawrence born about 1914
BouchardLawrence born about 1926
BouchardLen born about 1921
BouchardLeonide born about 1920
BouchardLillian born about 1922
BouchardLoretta born about 1930
BouchardLouise born about 1933
BouchardLucienne born about 1931
BouchardLucile born about 1937
BouchardMarie Marthaborn about 1921
BouchardMary born about 1935
BouchardPhilip born about 1933
BouchardRachel born about 1922
BouchardRita born about 1931
BouchardRoger born about 1928
BouchardRoland born about 1930
BouchardRoland born about 1932
BouchardRolande born about 1931
BouchardRomeo born about 1929
BouchardRonmeade* born about 1918
BouchardRosaire born about 1925
BouchardRosaire born about 1934
BouchardRossie born about 1928
BouchardSylvia born about 1913
BouchardThelma born about 1929
BouchardTheoline born about 1933
BouchardTheresa born about 1927
BouchardTheresa born about 1927
BouchardYvette born about 1931
BouchardYvonne born about 1905
BouleyLucien born about 1923
BouleyLucille born about 1924
BouquinH?u?i born about 1892
BourgoinAgnes born about 1875
BourgoinAlphonse born about 1905
BourgoinArthur born about 1885
BourgoinBeulah born about 1937
BourgoinCamille born about 1931
BourgoinDo?? born about 1924
BourgoinFortuna born about 1900
BourgoinGrace born about 1921
BourgoinHazel born about 1910
BourgoinHector born about 1904
BourgoinIsabelle born about 1902
BourgoinJoseph born about 1884
BourgoinJoseph Lborn about 1871
BourgoinLeon born about 1900
BourgoinLeonie born about 1911
BourgoinLoretta born about 1914
BourgoinLouis born about 1918
BourgoinLouise born about 1882
BourgoinMarie born about 1930
BourgoinMary born about 1891
BourgoinModeste born about 1891
BourgoinNormand born about 1921
BourgoinPhilip born about 1938
BourgoinRonald born about 1936
BourgoinTelesphore born about 1869
BourgoisBaptiste born about 1889
BourgoisDonald born about 1926
BourgoisJacqueline born about 1924
BourgoisLouis born about 1928
BourgoisLouise born about 1933
BourgoisR Alphonseborn about 1923
BourgoisVirna born about 1934
BourquinAlbert born about 1897
BourquinAlsine born about 1909
BourquinAntoinette born about 1900
BourquinAurore born about 1911
BourquinClaude born about 1940
BourquinClifford born about 1927
BourquinEuclide born about 1939
BourquinGermaine Alborn about 1919
BourquinGilbert born about 1921
BourquinIvette born about 1938
BourquinJean Lueborn about 1932
BourquinLeonel born about 1936
BourquinLouis born about 1935
BourquinLucian born about 1920
BourquinNorman born about 1931
BourquinReginald born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallinBetty Annborn about 1940
CallinClarence born about 1915
CallinLottie born about 1921
CarnsEva born about 1910
CarnsGeorge Emileborn about 1908
CaronCharline born about 1908
CaronFredrick born about 1939
CaronGloria born about 1937
CaronJeannette born about 1929
CaronNorma born about 1935
CaronWilfred born about 1905
CastonguayDane born about 1906
CastonguayDenes born about 1881
CastonguayLeona born about 1912
CastonguayLeonide born about 1916
CastonguayMargarete born about 1879
CateArthur born about 1892
CateCamille born about 1931
CateDam?? born about 1899
CateDelena born about 1902
CateIrine born about 1928
CateJeanitte* born about 1927
CateLucille born about 1925
ChasseAlberie born about 1924
ChasseAlbert born about 1923
ChasseAnne Marieborn about 1914
ChasseAurele born about 1910
ChasseCandide born about 1936
ChasseCecile born about 1930
ChasseClair born about 1916
ChasseClarence born about 1924
ChasseClaude born about 1912
ChasseClifford born about 1932
ChasseDelia born about 1879
ChasseDenis born about 1881
ChasseDonat born about 1895
ChasseElise born about 1895
ChasseEudore born about 1912
ChasseFidele born about 1921
ChasseFortunat born about 1902
ChasseFred Pborn about 1873
ChasseGeorge Emileborn about 1924
ChasseGerold born about 1920
ChasseGerold born about 1927
ChasseIrene born about 1918
ChasseJean Paulborn about 1922
ChasseJeanne born about 1925
ChasseLeo Paulborn about 1922
ChasseLeontine born about 1938
ChasseLucille born about 1919
ChasseMarcella born about 1933
ChasseMarie born about 1893
ChasseMarie Cborn about 1888
ChasseMarie Mayborn about 1934
ChasseMaxine born about 1882
ChasseOniel born about 1937
ChasseOr?? born about 1927
ChassePatricia born about 1929
ChasseRobert born about 1931
ChasseRosaire born about 1928
ChasseRosanna born about 1903
ChasseSimone born about 1931
CollinAlbert born about 1908
CollinBertrand born about 1933
CollinJoe Jborn about 1892
CollinJoel born about 1922
CollinJoseph Fborn about 1912
CollinJuanita born about 1921
CollinLes Jamesborn about 1931
CollinLucien born about 1925
CollinMarie Anneborn about 1935
CollinMazie born about 1899
CollinPaul Emileborn about 1924
CollinRobert born about 1939
CollinRoger born about 1928
CollinValore born about 1919
ConlogueFred born about 1891
ConlogueMarie born about 1922
CorriveauAldine born about 1926
CorriveauCicile born about 1924
CorriveauDelina born about 1884
CorriveauGabriel born about 1928
CorriveauGedeon born about 1927
CorriveauGeorge born about 1893
CorriveauJulutt born about 1922
CorriveauRonald born about 1936
CorriveauRosanna born about 1895
CotzAlice born about 1884
CoutrierCecil born about 1921
CoutrierL born about 1877
CoutrierMartin born about 1920
CoutrierRoland born about 1915
CyrAgnes born about 1892
CyrAlfreda born about 1935
CyrAlice born about 1878
CyrBernadette born about 1924
CyrBlandine born about 1916
CyrCecile born about 1939
CyrClaire born about 1924
CyrDavis born about 1868
CyrFred born about 1870
CyrFred born about 1913
CyrFred Jr born about 1938
CyrGilbert born about 1922
CyrHector born about 1909
CyrHector born about 1930
CyrHelen Mayborn about 1937
CyrHenry born about 1894
CyrHenry Jr born about 1923
CyrJoseph born about 1873
CyrJoseph Jr born about 1914
CyrJuliette born about 1922
CyrKenneth born about 1940
CyrLeonard born about 1917
CyrMarie born about 1910
CyrMarie born about 1910
CyrMarie Aborn about 1926
CyrMarie Hborn about 1876
CyrNoella born about 1931
CyrNormand born about 1930
CyrReginald born about 1923
CyrRemi born about 1907
CyrRichard born about 1937
CyrRomnald* born about 1933
CyrSylvia born about 1931
CyrSylvia born about 1938
CyrWilfrid born about 1932
CyrYvonne born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

Daigle??? born about 1880
DaigleAlice born about 1924
DaigleBernard born about 1937
DaigleCarl born about 1923
DaigleCecile born about 1923
DaigleCecile born about 1926
DaigleCloris born about 1923
DaigleEmile born about 1940
DaigleEsther born about 1924
DaigleEudore born about 1922
DaigleHellie born about 1883
DaigleJean Louisborn about 1928
DaigleJoan D??born about 1934
DaigleLaura born about 1900
DaigleLaurette born about 1917
DaigleLeonido born about 1915
DaigleLillian born about 1923
DaigleLouise born about 1926
DaigleLouise ???born about 1910
DaigleLucien born about 1932
DaigleMarie born about 1882
DaigleMarie born about 1898
DaigleMaurine born about 1929
DaigleNoela born about 1926
DaigleRenault born about 1929
DaigleReve Dborn about 1898
DaigleRoland born about 1922
DaigleTherese born about 1926
DaigleValice born about 1925
DaigleVerly born about 1927
DaigleWaldo born about 1924
DaigleWaldo born about 1924
DechaineMaurice born about 1932
DechainesFlorence born about 1930
DechainesGeorge born about 1900
DechainesHelen born about 1907
DechainesIrma born about 1936
DechainesJanine born about 1934
DechainesMarie Mayborn about 1938
DechainesReneault born about 1935
DechainesRoemo born about 1933
DechainesRoger born about 1939
DechainesTheresa born about 1929
DerosierBenait born about 1920
DeschaineAgnes born about 1887
DeschaineAnatasie born about 1865
DeschaineAnnette born about 1919
DeschaineBertha born about 1931
DeschaineCamille born about 1922
DeschaineCatherine born about 1898
DeschaineCecil born about 1928
DeschaineEugenie born about 1908
DeschaineFernand born about 1928
DeschaineGermaine born about 1925
DeschaineGerold born about 1926
DeschaineIrene born about 1908
DeschaineJeannie born about 1939
DeschaineJoseph Cborn about 1898
DeschaineJoseph Fborn about 1875
DeschaineLouise born about 1863
DeschaineLucien born about 1919
DeschaineLucienne born about 1924
DeschaineMarie born about 1898
DeschaineOniel born about 1914
DeschainePatricia born about 1918
DeschainePre?? born about 1932
DeschaineRenette Cborn about 1940
DeschaineReve born about 1907
DeschaineRoland born about 1932
DeschaineRonald born about 1922
DeschaineRosie born about 1933
DeschaineRuth born about 1885
DescheneElorice born about 1872
DionneAgnes born about 1901
DionneAlma born about 1925
DionneGedeon born about 1932
DionneGerold born about 1924
DionneIrma born about 1926
DionneLeo born about 1917
DionneLucile born about 1925
DionneMuriel born about 1933
DionneNaela born about 1928
DionnePatrick born about 1901
DionneRenette born about 1939
DivineDavid born about 1876
DivineLeonard born about 1915
DivinePeter born about 1904
DivineSara born about 1880
DivineSylvia born about 1923
DivineWillie born about 1909
DouglasIda born about 1892
Dubois?au?ce born about 1872
DuboisAlphee born about 1916
DuboisAntoine born about 1877
DuboisArthur born about 1912
DuboisArthur Jr born about 1939
DuboisJeanne born about 1925
DuboisJoan born about 1938
DuboisLawrence born about 1926
DuboisLeo born about 1906
DuboisLucirence* born about 1918
DuboisMarie born about 1882
DuboisMartha born about 1922
DuboisMattie born about 1873
DuboisPriscille born about 1918
DuboisRena born about 1924
DuboisRose born about 1918
DuboisSylvio born about 1909
DuboisWillard born about 1910
DufnerAlphonse born about 1928
DufnerAnnie born about 1900
DufnerGerold born about 1931
DufnerJoel born about 1934
DufnerRene born about 1904
DufnerRose born about 1933
DufourAnna born about 1918
DufourClifford born about 1937
DufourFred born about 1880
DufourHenry born about 1915
DufourLeonore born about 1879
DufourMary Annborn about 1939
DufourPaul Emileborn about 1938
DufourWallace born about 1918
DumaisAlphonse born about 1906
DumaisAnita born about 1928
DumaisBertha born about 1924
DumaisBertrand born about 1922
DumaisDoris born about 1926
DumaisGeorge born about 1894
DumaisGerold born about 1930
DumaisHenry born about 1897
DumaisIrene born about 1932
DumaisLaura born about 1906
DumaisLawrence born about 1921
DumaisLeonard Lborn about 1917
DumaisLucille born about 1926
DumaisMarie born about 1891
DumaisMarie born about 1900
DumaisMarie Amyborn about 1929
DumaisOneil born about 1924
DumaisPea born about 1890
DumaisPrescille born about 1933
DumaisRegina born about 1933
DumaisReginald born about 1937
DumaisRo?el born about 1930
DumaisRoland born about 1939
DumaisRomeo born about 1933
DumaisRomeo born about 1936
DumaisRonald born about 1939
DumaisRose Aborn about 1927
DumaisTheresa born about 1926
DumaisTheresa born about 1936
DumaisWilliam born about 1929
DumondArmond born about 1939
DumondLeo born about 1914
DumondLilly born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EddieMabel born about 1915
EddiePeter Jamesborn about 1939
EddiePlaurd born about 1911
EmondEdith born about 1896
EmondEmly born about 1924
EmondGermaine born about 1922
EmondGilbert born about 1930
EmondHilaire born about 1860
EmondIrvin born about 1927
EmondLouis born about 1925
EmondReno born about 1921
EmondWillie born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FongemieArthur born about 1903
FongemieBertha born about 1932
FongemieCaroline born about 1910
FongemieClifford born about 1935
FongemieEdgar born about 1924
FongemieGladys born about 1922
FongemieHattie born about 1888
FongemieLeda born about 1934
FongemieLeo born about 1915
FongemieNorma born about 1937
FongemieOctave born about 1889
FongemieRichard born about 1933
FortinAlexis born about 1887
FortinMarie born about 1888
FranckAlice born about 1924
FranckEdith Mrs born about 1886
FranckJuliette born about 1921
FranckMark born about 1916
FranckPauline born about 1923
FranckPhilip born about 1927
FranckPriscille born about 1917
FrankBlanche born about 1910
FrankFranky born about 1939
FrankLucile born about 1911
FuselerJohn born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GagnonAlice born about 1879
GagnonAntoine born about 1935
GagnonAurele born about 1918
GagnonBenoit born about 1939
GagnonCecile born about 1908
GagnonChaudette born about 1932
GagnonClaude born about 1926
GagnonClaudette born about 1934
GagnonConrad born about 1921
GagnonDave born about 1902
GagnonDolores born about 1937
GagnonDorian born about 1932
GagnonEdgar born about 1921
GagnonEdwina born about 1939
GagnonElbridge born about 1906
GagnonElbridge Jr born about 1935
GagnonEmma born about 1901
GagnonErnest born about 1913
GagnonEva born about 1907
GagnonGeraldine born about 1930
GagnonGerold born about 1939
GagnonHenry born about 1895
GagnonHonore born about 1872
GagnonJackline born about 1940
GagnonJeanette born about 1917
GagnonJeanne born about 1924
GagnonJeannine born about 1931
GagnonJoseph born about 1871
GagnonJulette* born about 1917
GagnonLauraine born about 1922
GagnonLenete born about 1905
GagnonLeo born about 1907
GagnonLeo born about 1922
GagnonLeo Jamesborn about 1939
GagnonLeon born about 1907
GagnonLeonard born about 1903
GagnonLeonard Jr born about 1935
GagnonLillian born about 1921
GagnonLillian born about 1929
GagnonLouis born about 1914
GagnonMarie born about 1894
GagnonMarie Anneborn about 1931
GagnonMarie Marthaborn about 1908
GagnonNorma born about 1937
GagnonPearl born about 1927
GagnonPhilip born about 1890
GagnonPriscille born about 1926
GagnonRena born about 1929
GagnonRene born about 1928
GagnonRoger born about 1936
GagnonRoger born about 1938
GagnonRonald born about 1939
GagnonRosaire born about 1924
GagnonRosaire born about 1927
GagnonRowena born about 1931
GagnonRuth born about 1935
GagnonShirley born about 1940
GagnonSylvia born about 1907
GagnonSyphrony born about 1872
GagnonTheresa born about 1933
GagnonValrere born about 1933
GarnandBertrand born about 1940
GarnandBertraude born about 1936
GarnandFernand born about 1931
GarnandFernande born about 1934
GarnandHarold born about 1924
GarnandHubold born about 1902
GarnandLawrence born about 1930
GarnandRoland born about 1925
GarnandRosaire born about 1927
GarnandTheresa born about 1928
GarnandYvonne born about 1905
GarwaultAlbert born about 1918
GarwaultArlena born about 1940
GarwaultArmand born about 1932
GarwaultCecile born about 1903
GarwaultEdwina born about 1931
GarwaultEmilia born about 1934
GarwaultFred born about 1896
GarwaultLeo born about 1938
GarwaultPaul Emileborn about 1922
GarwaultReginald born about 1933
GarwaultReneault born about 1937
GarwaultRichard born about 1936
GarwaultSylvia born about 1930
GarwaultVincent born about 1939
GarwaultViola born about 1929
GauvinAnastasie born about 1876
GauvinAugust born about 1875
GauvinJuliette born about 1920
GauvinMaxim born about 1880
GavinDoriso born about 1876
GaynonGeorge born about 1888
GaynonGerold born about 1927
GaynonLaurence born about 1924
GaynonRene born about 1910
GaynonRichard born about 1926
GaynonRose born about 1896
GermondAlvine born about 1894
GermondFlorence born about 1934
GermondLawrence born about 1926
GermondMarie born about 1891
GervaisAurela born about 1937
GervaisCecile born about 1939
GervaisEdwina born about 1931
GervaisFlorence born about 1878
GervaisGilmay born about 1938
GervaisJoseph born about 1909
GervaisLawrence born about 1930
GervaisLillian born about 1933
GervaisMary Janeborn about 1905
GervaisRonald born about 1936
GervaisSylva born about 1934
GervaisSylvia born about 1929
GorneaultJoseph born about 1890
GorneaultJuliana born about 1937
GorneaultOnezie* born about 1903
GorneaultYvonne born about 1907
GueretteAlice born about 1906
GueretteAlphe born about 1915
GueretteAugust born about 1908
GueretteCandide born about 1938
GueretteDenis born about 1878
GueretteElise born about 1892
GueretteFred Cborn about 1901
GueretteJane born about 1885
GueretteJeanne born about 1922
GueretteJoseph Tborn about 1889
GueretteLaurette born about 1939
GueretteLeo born about 1919
GueretteLucien born about 1924
GueretteLucille born about 1929
GueretteMarie born about 1896
GueretteOlive born about 1884
GueretteOnezime born about 1925
GueretteRamona born about 1929
GueretteRene born about 1922
GueretteReno born about 1926
GueretteSophie born about 1865
GueretteTheresa born about 1927
GueretteValere born about 1930
GueretteWillie born about 1880
GuimondAlbert born about 1908
GuimondAlbert Jr born about 1933
GuimondAnysi? born about 1909
GuimondDenis born about 1866
GuimondDoris born about 1938
GuimondEdith born about 1870
GuimondKenneth born about 1934
GuimondRaymond born about 1939
GurretteDorothy born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HamelPeter Reoborn about 1895
HebertAnita born about 1908
HebertCamille born about 1923
HebertIvette born about 1936
HebertLaura born about 1903
HebertLomer born about 1925
HebertOzeine born about 1900
HebertPriscille born about 1927
HebertRella born about 1924
HebertViola born about 1932
HughsAlice born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabrieAlice born about 1921
LabrieAnita born about 1938
LabrieBernice born about 1926
LabrieEdith born about 1899
LabrieEva born about 1912
LabrieEva born about 1923
LabrieGilman born about 1924
LabrieJean Josephborn about 1936
LabrieJeanne born about 1918
LabrieMargerite born about 1914
LabrieMarie ???born about 1923
LabrieMark born about 1889
LabrieMary born about 1883
LabriePatricia Josephborn about 1940
LabriePhylis born about 1938
LabriePierre born about 1878
LabrieRita born about 1924
LabrieRoland born about 1931
LabrieSilva born about 1927
LabrieSimone born about 1926
LabrieSylvio born about 1909
LachanceAmedie born about 1882
LachanceAnnie born about 1887
LachanceCla?tede born about 1921
LachanceD?uis born about 1888
LachanceGerold born about 1918
LachanceLeo Paulborn about 1921
LachanceLouis born about 1915
LachanceLue born about 1923
LachanceRoger born about 1932
LachanseJoseph born about 1882
LagaseAlsine born about 1891
LagaseAntoinette born about 1924
LagaseBlandine born about 1925
LagaseConrad born about 1931
LagaseEgline born about 1894
LagasseAlva born about 1932
LagasseHed?? born about 1897
LagasseJoseph born about 1884
LagasseLoura born about 1916
LagassePatrick born about 1930
LagnonDonat born about 1876
LagnonMarie Anneborn about 1878
LangdoCamille born about 1928
LangdoCecile born about 1934
LangdoJoan born about 1939
LangdoJoseph born about 1917
LangdoJuliette born about 1929
LangdoOdelie born about 1898
LangdoPeter born about 1885
LangdoUrsula born about 1919
LauriceAlice born about 1878
LauriceArchie born about 1907
LauriceCal Istaborn about 1917
LauriceRonald born about 1920
LevesqueAdeline born about 1910
LevesqueAnnette born about 1909
LevesqueArlene born about 1936
LevesqueArmond born about 1919
LevesqueClaud born about 1925
LevesqueEdgar born about 1905
LevesqueEustelle born about 1917
LevesqueEva born about 1907
LevesqueGerold born about 1927
LevesqueKenneth born about 1935
LevesqueMarie born about 1887
LevesqueOnile born about 1904
LevesqueRomeo born about 1899
LevesqueRose born about 1907
LevesqueRose Marieborn about 1939
LevesqueVincent born about 1889
LongErnie born about 1930
LongGerold born about 1925
LongJoseph born about 1903
LongModest born about 1884
LousieLucia born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MadaroAlice born about 1906
MadaroAlvin born about 1931
MadaroBerdine born about 1933
MadaroElmeer* born about 1938
MadaroIda born about 1926
MadaroIrine born about 1937
MadaroLeonard born about 1896
MadaroReneault born about 1934
MadaroVal??er born about 1935
MadaroWarren born about 1939
MadaroWinnie born about 1929
MadoreJoseph Sr born about 1871
Marin??? born about 1920
MarinAquilina born about 1913
MarinArthur born about 1908
MarinClaudette born about 1938
MarinConstance born about 1940
MarinDelia born about 1877
MarinJeannie born about 1935
MarinJoseph born about 1874
MarinRoderique born about 1932
MarinRuby born about 1931
MarinWilliam born about 1900
MarquisAdolph born about 1902
MarquisAlexander born about 1885
MarquisAnna born about 1892
MarquisArnold born about 1930
MarquisAxie born about 1867
MarquisCamille born about 1938
MarquisCecil born about 1917
MarquisCecile born about 1930
MarquisDenis born about 1876
MarquisEdith born about 1902
MarquisEmile born about 1925
MarquisEvangeline born about 1923
MarquisFernanda born about 1936
MarquisFernando born about 1915
MarquisGerold born about 1923
MarquisIrene born about 1921
MarquisIrvin born about 1929
MarquisJeanette born about 1938
MarquisJeanine born about 1926
MarquisJose born about 1863
MarquisJoseph born about 1897
MarquisJoseph born about 1919
MarquisJulie born about 1887
MarquisKatherine born about 1906
MarquisLeonard born about 1924
MarquisLillian born about 1930
MarquisMarie born about 1890
MarquisMarie born about 1927
MarquisNelson born about 1932
MarquisNormand born about 1933
MarquisPatricia born about 1933
MarquisPatrick born about 1903
MarquisRita born about 1939
MarquisRonald born about 1934
MarquisWillie born about 1890
MarquisWillie born about 1890
MartenEvelyn born about 1929
MartenLeona born about 1887
MartenRaymond born about 1886
MartenRita born about 1927
MartinBenart born about 1906
MartinChestie born about 1872
MartinClaire Marieborn about 1918
MartinDenis born about 1878
MartinEdith born about 1901
MartinErie born about 1867
MartinErnestine born about 1884
MartinGerold born about 1936
MartinHector born about 1885
MartinIrene born about 1922
MartinIrvin born about 1925
MartinJannine born about 1929
MartinJoan born about 1936
MartinJoel born about 1939
MartinJos Jborn about 1901
MartinLaura born about 1882
MartinLaura Maeborn about 1932
MartinLeo Jamesborn about 1929
MartinLorraine born about 1933
MartinMabel born about 1907
MartinMarie born about 1938
MartinMarie Martheborn about 1913
MartinNelson born about 1930
MartinOctave born about 1871
MartinOscar born about 1917
MartinPhilip born about 1917
MartinPriscille born about 1922
MartinSimon born about 1866
MartinSylviio born about 1915
MartinWille Oborn about 1884
MartinWillie born about 1904
MartinZilina born about 1883
MartonEgline born about 1934
MartonJohnny born about 1907
MarwaultAbel born about 1919
MarwaultAmanda born about 1888
MarwaultAndre born about 1881
MarwaultBlanche born about 1916
MarwaultJacquline born about 1933
MeehandBernadette born about 1933
MeehandDelia born about 1906
MeehandDonald born about 1930
MeehandGerard born about 1923
MeehandIvette born about 1928
MeehandJeanette born about 1924
MeehandJoan born about 1937
MeehandJuliette born about 1932
MichaelElsi Rborn about 1858
MichaelMary Janeborn about 1884
MichandAgnes born about 1886
MichandAlbert born about 1903
MichandAlice born about 1889
MichandBernette born about 1940
MichandBertha born about 1910
MichandCecil born about 1906
MichandClifford born about 1928
MichandElmer born about 1927
MichandElmo born about 1924
MichandEmile born about 1905
MichandErnest born about 1933
MichandEva born about 1913
MichandFlorence born about 1916
MichandFred Pborn about 1877
MichandGerold born about 1926
MichandGilbert born about 1920
MichandGilma born about 1931
MichandGislin born about 1933
MichandHerbert born about 1908
MichandJohn born about 1888
MichandJoseph Lborn about 1882
MichandLaura born about 1900
MichandLeo Jamesborn about 1931
MichandLeonard born about 1926
MichandLouis born about 1917
MichandMchalas born about 1893
MichandNoreen born about 1938
MichandPaula born about 1929
MichandPearl born about 1930
MichandPhiloman born about 1924
MichandRaoul born about 1919
MichandRaoul born about 1937
MichandReno born about 1930
MichandRita born about 1914
MichandRita born about 1932
MichandRobert born about 1931
MichandRoger born about 1935
MichandRosario born about 1921
MichandTheresa born about 1926
MichandUrsula born about 1925
MichandValere born about 1912
MichandZithce* born about 1882
MichaudAlbertine born about 1888
MichaudAnna born about 1904
MichaudAuastine born about 1853
MichaudAurela born about 1931
MichaudClifford born about 1931
MichaudFeenie born about 1933
MichaudGermaine born about 1927
MichaudGermana born about 1922
MichaudGilbert born about 1928
MichaudJalutte born about 1939
MichaudJeannie born about 1934
MichaudJohnny born about 1887
MichaudJoseph Cborn about 1870
MichaudLaura born about 1894
MichaudLeo born about 1910
MichaudMamie born about 1907
MichaudNormande born about 1938
MichaudPatrick born about 1900
MichaudReneault born about 1926
MichaudRonald born about 1929
MichaudSylvia born about 1937
MichaudViola born about 1936
MichaudWilfred born about 1899
MitchelAdeline born about 1926
MitchelAlphena born about 1929
MitchelCarmen born about 1924
MitchelDenis born about 1894
MitchelGermaine born about 1918
MitchelLucille born about 1923
MitchelRosa Annaborn about 1893
MitchelTheo born about 1916
MorneaultDenis born about 1870
MorneaultJoseph born about 1906
MorneaultLaura born about 1910
MorneaultPierre born about 1884
MorneaultRaul born about 1912
MorneaultVictoria born about 1871
MorneaultYvette born about 1917
MortenArmand born about 1916
MortenLucie born about 1917
MortenRichard born about 1940
MorvinDonald born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NadeauAdrian born about 1920
NadeauDonat born about 1894
NadeauElise born about 1892
NadeauElmo born about 1934
NadeauErnestine born about 1895
NadeauEudore born about 1927
NadeauEvangeline born about 1931
NadeauHenry born about 1893
NadeauLiond born about 1929
NadeauLoretta born about 1930
NadeauLowrien born about 1928
NadeauLucien born about 1917
NadeauNormand born about 1933
NadeauPatricia born about 1935
NadeauRobert born about 1933
NadeauRoger born about 1931
NadeauThadie born about 1866
NadeauTheresa born about 1926
NadeauYvon born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OuelletteAdeline born about 1927
OuelletteAlene born about 1916
OuelletteAnita born about 1908
OuelletteAnita born about 1930
OuelletteAnnie born about 1892
OuelletteArnold born about 1940
OuelletteArthur born about 1907
OuelletteBernadette born about 1911
OuelletteBertrand born about 1937
OuelletteBertrand born about 1937
OuelletteBlanche born about 1932
OuelletteCecile born about 1915
OuelletteCecile born about 1926
OuelletteClaude born about 1894
OuelletteClavis born about 1940
OuelletteDarilla born about 1917
OuelletteDenis born about 1914
OuelletteDolland born about 1929
OuelletteDoris born about 1932
OuelletteEdna born about 1910
OuelletteEdwin born about 1907
OuelletteEmile born about 1912
OuelletteEstella born about 1913
OuelletteEuelide* born about 1914
OuelletteFortunet Mborn about 1892
OuelletteGlaru??? born about 1886
OuelletteGloria born about 1918
OuelletteJacqueline born about 1931
OuelletteJean D??born about 1922
OuelletteJean Paulborn about 1924
OuelletteJoan born about 1933
OuelletteJoe Jborn about 1888
OuelletteJoel born about 1931
OuelletteJohn born about 1930
OuelletteJohn born about 1938
OuelletteJoseph born about 1863
OuelletteJoseph Bborn about 1869
OuelletteJoseph Lborn about 1873
OuelletteLaura born about 1900
OuelletteLaurette born about 1940
OuelletteLeo born about 1922
OuelletteLeonid born about 1920
OuelletteLesinie Vborn about 1889
OuelletteLouis born about 1931
OuelletteLucille born about 1918
OuelletteMarie born about 1893
OuelletteMarie Bertheborn about 1929
OuelletteMartha born about 1913
OuelletteMitchel born about 1882
OuelletteNita born about 1939
OuelletteNormand born about 1928
OuelletteNormand born about 1934
OuelletteOniel born about 1913
OuellettePatricia Louisborn about 1939
OuellettePatrick Cborn about 1903
OuellettePaul born about 1925
OuellettePeter Paulborn about 1937
OuellettePhilip born about 1938
OuelletteRaoul born about 1908
OuelletteRaoul born about 1909
OuelletteRaoul born about 1924
OuelletteReneault born about 1938
OuelletteRita born about 1928
OuelletteRoaul born about 1916
OuelletteRoland born about 1918
OuelletteRomeo born about 1929
OuelletteRosaire Lborn about 1940
OuelletteRosairio born about 1923
OuelletteRosanne born about 1921
OuelletteScolastic born about 1876
OuelletteThelma born about 1926
OuelletteValida born about 1923
OuelletteVernigue* born about 1911
OuelletteWilfred born about 1917
OuelletteWillard Joe*born about 1922
OuelletteYvonne born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PagansRaces* born about 1898
ParadisAline born about 1929
ParadisAnna Marieborn about 1919
ParadisAntoine born about 1914
ParadisAntonio born about 1921
ParadisBen?? born about 1912
ParadisBernard born about 1925
ParadisBertha born about 1912
ParadisBertha born about 1926
ParadisBertrand born about 1935
ParadisCarmen born about 1936
ParadisClaire born about 1939
ParadisCleo born about 1937
ParadisFelix born about 1895
ParadisFernand born about 1936
ParadisFred born about 1889
ParadisGerold born about 1918
ParadisGerold born about 1938
ParadisHelen born about 1898
ParadisHoward born about 1933
ParadisJean born about 1932
ParadisJeanne born about 1928
ParadisJoan born about 1938
ParadisJuliette born about 1923
ParadisLaurette born about 1918
ParadisLawrence born about 1939
ParadisLeo born about 1916
ParadisLu?? Fborn about 1915
ParadisLucien Vborn about 1916
ParadisLueien* Jr born about 1939
ParadisLydia born about 1938
ParadisMarie born about 1921
ParadisMarie Mayborn about 1931
ParadisModest born about 1893
ParadisModest born about 1901
ParadisPhilip born about 1937
ParadisPriore born about 1908
ParadisRene born about 1908
ParadisRomeo born about 1910
ParadisRose born about 1917
ParadisRose Annaborn about 1939
ParadisRoselle born about 1913
ParadisSylvano born about 1909
ParadisSylvano born about 1934
ParadisTheresa born about 1935
ParadisTheresa born about 1937
ParentHenry born about 1908
ParentLillian born about 1910
ParentPatricia born about 1933
PelletierA?? born about 1928
PelletierAbel born about 1926
PelletierAdeline born about 1925
PelletierAlbert born about 1901
PelletierAlice born about 1902
PelletierAudre born about 1853
PelletierBernice born about 1933
PelletierBertrand born about 1934
PelletierCamillo born about 1928
PelletierCecil born about 1904
PelletierCecile born about 1935
PelletierClair born about 1916
PelletierClarence born about 1939
PelletierClaud born about 1939
PelletierClaudette born about 1937
PelletierEddie born about 1903
PelletierEdman* born about 1915
PelletierEmile born about 1899
PelletierEmiley born about 1912
PelletierEtienette born about 1917
PelletierEvangeline born about 1928
PelletierGeorge born about 1929
PelletierGeorgette born about 1930
PelletierJeanne born about 1939
PelletierLeean born about 1940
PelletierLiond born about 1936
PelletierLorrine born about 1935
PelletierLouis born about 1931
PelletierLucille born about 1926
PelletierLudger born about 1933
PelletierMarie born about 1907
PelletierMarie Stellraborn about 1918
PelletierMary born about 1889
PelletierNeal born about 1931
PelletierNorma born about 1938
PelletierPatria born about 1940
PelletierPatrick born about 1914
PelletierPriscilla born about 1933
PelletierRaymond born about 1935
PelletierReneault born about 1936
PelletierRita born about 1923
PelletierRita born about 1932
PelletierRita born about 1939
PelletierRoland born about 1934
PelletierRoland born about 1937
PelletierRolande born about 1936
PelletierRosaire born about 1919
PelletierRosaire born about 1932
PelletierRose born about 1919
PelletierThelma born about 1938
PelletierTheresa born about 1927
PelletierWalter born about 1922
PelletierWillard born about 1911
PelletierWilliam born about 1883
PicardAlice born about 1896
PicardAntonio born about 1930
PicardAugela born about 1932
PicardCecil born about 1913
PicardClaire born about 1924
PicardClaudette born about 1938
PicardClifford born about 1933
PicardDelphine born about 1868
PicardEdgar born about 1935
PicardElise born about 1901
PicardEmile born about 1905
PicardEuclide born about 1927
PicardGerold born about 1925
PicardHy?olete born about 1899
PicardIrma born about 1936
PicardJacqueline born about 1934
PicardJean Lueborn about 1925
PicardJoseph born about 1891
PicardJoseph born about 1939
PicardJosepheh born about 1911
PicardJulie born about 1907
PicardLesime born about 1904
PicardLionie born about 1933
PicardLoyld born about 1939
PicardMarie Mayborn about 1926
PicardMartin born about 1935
PicardMuriel born about 1938
PicardPhelip born about 1930
PicardPrescilla born about 1922
PicardRonald born about 1924
PicardSimone born about 1923
PicardTheopbile* born about 1899
PicardUrsule born about 1931
PlourdAgnes born about 1882
PlourdAlbert born about 1901
PlourdAlbert born about 1908
PlourdCecil born about 1907
PlourdChristine born about 1927
PlourdEgline born about 1882
PlourdEmelie born about 1884
PlourdFlorent born about 1868
PlourdJames born about 1876
PlourdJohn born about 1885
PlourdJoseph Cborn about 1871
PlourdLouis born about 1924
PlourdLucille born about 1926
PlourdLudovie born about 1923
PlourdMaurice Pborn about 1919
PlourdRaymond born about 1932
PlourdRegina born about 1903
PlourdeArthur born about 1911
PlourdeCecil born about 1931
PlourdeJuliette born about 1935
PlourdeRachel born about 1933
PlourdeYvette born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RayAlbenie born about 1913
RayAlberie born about 1911
RayAlbert Iborn about 1908
RayAlmida born about 1926
RayAlphee born about 1915
RayAnita Joanborn about 1934
RayAnnette born about 1920
RayAnnette born about 1923
RayAnnie born about 1892
RayAnnie Marieborn about 1914
RayAntoinette born about 1907
RayAntoinette born about 1937
RayArmanda born about 1885
RayAurare born about 1930
RayBernard born about 1933
RayCatherine born about 1889
RayCelina born about 1895
RayClaude born about 1910
RayClaudette born about 1935
RayConrad born about 1924
RayDarilda born about 1925
RayDenis Rborn about 1886
RayDonald born about 1939
RayDoris born about 1923
RayDorothy born about 1933
RayEddie born about 1904
RayEdmay born about 1938
RayEdward born about 1919
RayEdwina born about 1918
RayElberdge born about 1921
RayElden born about 1936
RayEsther born about 1940
RayFerdinan? born about 1928
RayFlorence born about 1935
RayFred Lborn about 1897
RayFred Jr born about 1940
RayGeorge born about 1896
RayGeorge born about 1897
RayGeraldine born about 1926
RayGertie born about 1902
RayGertie born about 1906
RayGilford born about 1928
RayGilman born about 1931
RayGladys born about 1937
RayHenry born about 1909
RayHer??? born about 1929
RayHercules born about 1924
RayHerman born about 1926
RayHonore born about 1880
RayJacqueline born about 1939
RayJean born about 1926
RayJean born about 1937
RayJean Paulborn about 1922
RayJeanette born about 1925
RayJeanine born about 1937
RayJeanne born about 1933
RayJoan born about 1936
RayJulie born about 1885
RayLawrence born about 1925
RayLawrence born about 1927
RayLeo Paulborn about 1921
RayLorenzo born about 1917
RayLouis born about 1914
RayMadeline born about 1935
RayMarie Au??born about 1916
RayMarie Mayborn about 1932
RayMaxine Cborn about 1883
RayNellie born about 1922
RayOnisime born about 1884
RayOscar born about 1925
RayPatricia born about 1924
RayPatricia born about 1939
RayPauline born about 1935
RayPierre born about 1889
RayPriscille born about 1920
RayRena born about 1931
RayReynold born about 1934
RayRichard born about 1927
RayRinette born about 1938
RayRosanna born about 1936
RaySelie born about 1918
RaySylvia born about 1925
RayThealine born about 1936
RayTheresa born about 1925
RayVernon born about 1939
RayVictorian born about 1914
RaymondAlbert born about 1940
RaymondAnita born about 1911
RaymondAnne Marieborn about 1938
RaymondAudre born about 1867
RaymondBertha born about 1918
RaymondCamille born about 1935
RaymondCecile born about 1924
RaymondClaire Marieborn about 1936
RaymondClaude born about 1920
RaymondEdith born about 1880
RaymondEmery born about 1922
RaymondEsther born about 1924
RaymondFernand born about 1911
RaymondFlorence born about 1876
RaymondGerard born about 1929
RaymondGerold born about 1914
RaymondIrene born about 1922
RaymondLaura born about 1898
RaymondLeo born about 1931
RaymondLeonel born about 1923
RaymondLucille born about 1927
RaymondLuvenia born about 1900
RaymondMarie Augeborn about 1936
RaymondMarie Auneborn about 1914
RaymondMaurice born about 1923
RaymondNoela born about 1927
RaymondNorman born about 1922
RaymondNormand born about 1937
RaymondOniel born about 1925
RaymondPatrick born about 1896
RaymondPhilip born about 1938
RaymondRene born about 1901
RaymondRita born about 1923
RaymondRita born about 1939
RaymondRoger born about 1929
RaymondRosaire born about 1911
RaymondRosaire born about 1919
RaymondRosanna born about 1903
RaymondRose Marieborn about 1936
RaymondTheresa born about 1931
RaymondTommy born about 1886
RaymondWillie born about 1886
RosignolAlbert born about 1914
RosignolAzilda born about 1916
RosignolClaude born about 1917
RosignolElmer born about 1940
RosignolEmma born about 1906
RosignolEva born about 1900
RosignolHarold born about 1875
RosignolLaumay* born about 1939
RosignolPercy born about 1936
RosignolPraxede born about 1874
RossignolAdelaida born about 1939
RossignolAlban born about 1930
RossignolAnne Marieborn about 1911
RossignolBertrand born about 1928
RossignolCeline born about 1876
RossignolCorinne born about 1936
RossignolDavis born about 1876
RossignolEmile born about 1924
RossignolFortuna born about 1895
RossignolFred born about 1899
RossignolGenevieve born about 1861
RossignolGilma born about 1928
RossignolLeo born about 1902
RossignolMarie born about 1889
RossignolMary born about 1902
RossignolMary born about 1935
RossignolModesta born about 1872
RossignolRinette born about 1929
RossignolRomeo born about 1910
RossignolShirlene born about 1939
RossignolSophie born about 1864
RossignolTheoline born about 1921
RossignolTheresa born about 1933
RossignolUldric born about 1919
RossignolVilla born about 1926
RossignolYvonne born about 1903
RoyAlbenie Cborn about 1903
RoyAlbert born about 1903
RoyAnnie born about 1926
RoyAurele born about 1914
RoyAurore born about 1909
RoyBelone born about 1884
RoyConstance born about 1938
RoyEdgar born about 1912
RoyEmile born about 1924
RoyEta Mayborn about 1936
RoyGerold Lborn about 1939
RoyGilbert born about 1920
RoyJack born about 1939
RoyJoseph born about 1881
RoyLaura born about 1883
RoyLaura born about 1895
RoyLeo born about 1919
RoyLeonard born about 1916
RoyLilly born about 1916
RoyMarie born about 1892
RoyMaurice born about 1936
RoyMedley born about 1906
RoyPatricia born about 1915
RoyPaul born about 1930
RoyPitts born about 1936
RoyRobert born about 1927
RoyRoger born about 1935
RoyRomeo born about 1906
RoySadie born about 1911
RoySylvio born about 1912
RoyValere born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaucierDamase born about 1891
SaucierMarie born about 1920
SiroisAlexina born about 1918
SiroisAneil born about 1922
SiroisAnnette born about 1923
SiroisAnnette born about 1932
SiroisAntonia born about 1881
SiroisArthur born about 1887
SiroisBertrade born about 1927
SiroisBlanche born about 1926
SiroisCecil born about 1924
SiroisCharles born about 1886
SiroisCharles Jr born about 1935
SiroisClaude born about 1932
SiroisClaudette born about 1939
SiroisConrad born about 1928
SiroisCorinne born about 1923
SiroisDenis born about 1899
SiroisEmil born about 1921
SiroisEmile born about 1889
SiroisEmile born about 1925
SiroisGeraldine born about 1933
SiroisGerold born about 1933
SiroisGilbert born about 1919
SiroisHermance born about 1907
SiroisHernel born about 1933
SiroisHilda born about 1920
SiroisIrene born about 1935
SiroisJoan born about 1938
SiroisJubette born about 1924
SiroisLeo Jamesborn about 1939
SiroisLeon born about 1904
SiroisLin?? born about 1936
SiroisLoretta born about 1917
SiroisLorraine born about 1932
SiroisLouis born about 1891
SiroisLouise born about 1922
SiroisLucien born about 1911
SiroisLucien born about 1924
SiroisLydia born about 1893
SiroisMary born about 1887
SiroisMary born about 1903
SiroisMattie born about 1904
SiroisMaurice born about 1923
SiroisNormand born about 1919
SiroisOlive born about 1896
SiroisReno born about 1927
SiroisRita born about 1940
SiroisRobert born about 1930
SiroisRoger born about 1930
SiroisRoland born about 1926
SiroisRoland born about 1935
SiroisRomeo born about 1915
SiroisRosaire born about 1939
SiroisSelma born about 1938
SiroisSylvia born about 1914
SiroisSylvia born about 1939
SiroisTherese born about 1926
SiroisValene born about 1920
SiroisVital born about 1867
SiroisWilfred born about 1907
SmithAdelaide born about 1916
StcroixBertha born about 1887
StjarreAlcido born about 1907
StjarreDonald born about 1933
StjarreDoris born about 1937
StjarreDudley born about 1939
StjarreIrene born about 1915
StjarreLeo born about 1904
StjarreLeo Jamesborn about 1940
StjarreLeo Jr born about 1934
StjarreOdile born about 1908
StjarreWallace born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TardiffIvette born about 1924
ThibeaultAdrian born about 1932
ThibeaultAlbert born about 1929
ThibeaultAlcide born about 1930
ThibeaultAlice born about 1933
ThibeaultAlva born about 1937
ThibeaultArmand born about 1936
ThibeaultRegina born about 1908
ThibeaultTele??? born about 1906
TrudelleCarmelle born about 1927
TrudelleClaude born about 1922
TrudelleGilman born about 1929
TrudelleHonore born about 1889
TrudelleIrene born about 1920
TrudelleLucille born about 1926
TrudelleMarie born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaellaneanrtLillian born about 1913
VaillancourtA??? born about 1887
VaillancourtCecile born about 1931
VaillancourtCharles born about 1903
VaillancourtClarino born about 1882
VaillancourtDevis born about 1875
VaillancourtEdith born about 1893
VaillancourtEstell born about 1920
VaillancourtEudore born about 1928
VaillancourtEva born about 1919
VaillancourtGisele born about 1936
VaillancourtHilda born about 1907
VaillancourtJoseph born about 1882
VaillancourtKathleen born about 1937
VaillancourtLawrence born about 1937
VaillancourtLouise born about 1935
VaillancourtMal?? born about 1872
VaillancourtMaxine born about 1871
VaillancourtPatrick born about 1910
VaillancourtRita born about 1934
VaillancourtRoger born about 1938
VaillancourtRomeo born about 1912
VaillancourtRosaire born about 1916
VaillancourtRose born about 1915
VaillancourtYoland born about 1939
VaillancourtYvonne born about 1906
VaillancourtZenon born about 1922
Vallancourt??? born about 1910
VallancourtGladys born about 1936
VallancourtPatrick born about 1906
VallancourtRoger born about 1932
VallancourtTheresa born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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