1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lang Plantation, Franklin, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Franklin County > 1940 Census of Lang Plantation

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames J Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BachelderEdith Mborn about 1939
BachelderKenneth Vborn about 1917
BachelderMargaret Eborn about 1920
BamfordFay Aborn about 1939
BamfordGlayds Wborn about 1920
BamfordJoyce Vborn about 1938
BamfordRoscoe Aborn about 1916

C Surnames

CollicutJames born about 1877

D Surnames

DennisonJanet Pborn about 1933
DennisonJerry Rborn about 1940
DennisonLinwood Sborn about 1934
DennisonOdell Hborn about 1903
DennisonRobert Sborn about 1937
DennisonViolet Tborn about 1909

J Surnames

JohnsonCharlotte born about 1908
JohnsonElizabeth Cborn about 1930
JohnsonEllouise born about 1927
JohnsonMontford born about 1903
JohnsonRobert Mborn about 1933
JohnsonVivian Eborn about 1924

K Surnames

KnowlanAlfred born about 1856
KnowlanBirdene born about 1895
KnowlanClarence Aborn about 1916
KnowlanClinton Eborn about 1926
KnowlanElias Wborn about 1880
KnowlanElla Mborn about 1892
KnowlanEmeline Aborn about 1930
KnowlanGeorge Eborn about 1894
KnowlanJohn Aborn about 1921
KnowlanJohn Lborn about 1923
KnowlanMargaret born about 1854
KnowlanTresa born about 1922
KnowlanViolette Mborn about 1940
KnowlanWallace Hborn about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MountainKatherine Eborn about 1891
MountainThomas Eborn about 1887
MyshrallArlene born about 1912
MyshrallArthur Eborn about 1891
MyshrallBarbara born about 1936
MyshrallCalvin Aborn about 1934
MyshrallJanice born about 1927
MyshrallJoan born about 1937
MyshrallWesley Aborn about 1915

N Surnames

NileBeulah Lborn about 1894
NileElizabeth Jborn about 1930
NileIrene Lborn about 1922
NileIsabel Nborn about 1926
NileJames Eborn about 1890
NileJames Hborn about 1928
NileLillian Mborn about 1932
NileMartha Aborn about 1924
NileMaurice Eborn about 1919
NileRaymond Jborn about 1939
NileRichard Aborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SearyRebecca Jborn about 1936
SearyRussell Wborn about 1916
SearyRuth Eborn about 1921
SweeneyWilliam Mborn about 1877

W Surnames

WileBarbara Eborn about 1940
WileErma Lborn about 1920
WileLloyd Eborn about 1913
WileMargarete Lborn about 1934
WileMarlin Lborn about 1937

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