1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lincoln, Penobscot, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Penobscot County > 1940 Census of Lincoln

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAmy born about 1901
AdamsFred born about 1874
AdamsLottie born about 1883
AdamsMagge Lborn about 1895
AdamsPhilp Bborn about 1889
AdamsRandolph Sborn about 1926
AdamsRebeca Fborn about 1869
AdamsSadie Lborn about 1882
AlbertAngus born about 1865
AlbertAngus Jborn about 1908
AlbertBessie born about 1908
AlbertBetty born about 1930
AlbertJohn born about 1900
AlbertLea Maryborn about 1866
AlbertLea Maryborn about 1931
AlbertLeonard born about 1905
AlbertMyrtle Gborn about 1918
AlbertPansey Aborn about 1900
AlbertRoberta Aborn about 1934
AldrichCharlene born about 1930
AldrichCharles born about 1906
AldrichDuane born about 1933
AldrichEarl born about 1927
AldrichEunice born about 1908
AldrichGail born about 1939
AldrichGeorge born about 1920
AldrichJuanita born about 1926
AldrichRoberta born about 1931
AldrichVirginia born about 1922
AldrickElverson born about 1897
AldrickMadeline born about 1887
AldrickPaul born about 1931
AldrigeUna born about 1926
AlexanderCharles born about 1909
AlexanderDorothy born about 1929
AlexanderEvelda born about 1908
AlexanderPauline Eborn about 1914
AlexanderStuart Aborn about 1913
AllenArther born about 1934
AllenBenjeman born about 1884
AllenBernard born about 1918
AllenDavid born about 1936
AllenEdith born about 1881
AllenGarberdine born about 1874
AllenHarriet born about 1928
AllenHarry born about 1907
AllenJessie born about 1895
AllenMarion born about 1907
AllenRobert born about 1888
AllenSadie born about 1863
AmesLowell born about 1898
AndrewsAlma Eborn about 1901
AndrewsDonald Eborn about 1920
AndrewsElmer Eborn about 1898
AndrewsFrancis Fborn about 1928
AndrewsGeraldine Dborn about 1925
AndrewsWayne Aborn about 1930
ArcherGeorganna born about 1926
ArcherHomer Bborn about 1925
ArcherLeta born about 1925
ArcherLilla Eborn about 1901
ArcherManzo born about 1883
ArnoldBetty born about 1917
ArsenaultOlive born about 1921
AsbornAngie born about 1863
AsbornMargaret born about 1890
AsbornRaymond born about 1891
AveryClara born about 1902
AveryHarry born about 1898
AyerBernice born about 1902
AyerEtta born about 1881
AyerEugene born about 1930
AyerHenretta born about 1903
AyerLouise born about 1905
AyerNathan born about 1906
AyerWilliam born about 1882
AylwardCarlton born about 1924
AylwardClarence born about 1890
AylwardGertie born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachelderBetty born about 1925
BachelderLorretto born about 1900
BachelderMandel born about 1898
BagleyViolet born about 1881
Bailey??? Mborn about 1914
BaileyAlice born about 1888
BaileyBertrand born about 1889
BaileyFrank born about 1870
BaileyHerbert born about 1908
BaileyIda born about 1909
BaileyJack Dborn about 1939
BaileyJackualine born about 1931
BaileyLewin Pborn about 1890
BaileyLucy born about 1875
BaileyMadeline Eborn about 1893
BaileyMae Mborn about 1872
BaileyMona born about 1933
BaileyRena born about 1892
BaileySamuel born about 1902
BaileyVerrald born about 1908
BalantyneDanniel Rborn about 1931
BalantyneMerrielyn Cborn about 1934
BallBetty Annborn about 1926
BallCarolyn Eborn about 1893
BallHenry M Jrborn about 1923
BallHenry W Mdborn about 1883
BallJoacqulyn Jborn about 1925
BallLewis born about 1929
BallMary Bborn about 1856
BallPaul Dborn about 1932
BallRobert Mborn about 1928
BanksDorothy born about 1911
BanksEhtel born about 1913
BanksEthel born about 1882
BanksJohn Aborn about 1910
BanksLawrence born about 1915
BanksMadeline born about 1916
BanksPhyliss born about 1921
BatesAlice born about 1882
BatesAlice Mborn about 1933
BatesArthur Sborn about 1854
BatesClarence Jborn about 1911
BatesDown Mborn about 1934
BatesHazel Mborn about 1911
BatesHelen born about 1931
BatesIrene Aborn about 1908
BatesIvan Aborn about 1908
BatesLouis Fborn about 1931
BatesLouis Wborn about 1880
BatesRuth Aborn about 1909
BatesWeston Lborn about 1909
BatterfieldBertran born about 1889
BatterfieldGrace Mborn about 1886
BeachCarl born about 1902
BearceJune born about 1901
BearceMarilyn born about 1932
BearseClyton born about 1928
BearseGeorge born about 1932
BearseLouis born about 1924
BearseMilton born about 1922
BearseSteven born about 1896
BearseSteven Jr born about 1925
BearseViva born about 1897
BeenieGeorge born about 1868
BellAleen born about 1876
BellBertha born about 1912
BellBessie born about 1886
BellJohn born about 1921
BellMargaret born about 1926
BennettCharles Fborn about 1895
BickerEdward born about 1895
BirminghamLarry born about 1940
BlakeDean born about 1895
BlakeJoyce born about 1936
BlakeLottie born about 1898
BlakeMalcoln born about 1938
BlakeMarilyn born about 1930
BlakeMuriel born about 1929
BlakePhillip born about 1923
BlakeRosalie born about 1926
BlanchardIva born about 1938
BlanchardNanette born about 1934
BlanchardVirne born about 1915
BlanchardWayne born about 1904
BobinoEddie born about 1898
BobinoEdward born about 1931
BobinoEugene born about 1933
BobinoJo Annborn about 1936
BobinoKatherine born about 1926
BobinoLeone born about 1924
BobinoMargie born about 1903
BobinoVital born about 1861
BobinoWinona born about 1921
BobinoYvonne born about 1928
BodwellErnest born about 1874
BonneyCharles born about 1876
BonneyFloyd born about 1933
BonneyFreeland born about 1910
BonneyFreeland Jr born about 1937
BonneyHarding born about 1904
BonneyHelen Wborn about 1914
BonneyJohn born about 1882
BonneyKenneth born about 1935
BonneyLenora born about 1910
BonneyMary born about 1934
BonneyRalph born about 1931
BonneyRose born about 1882
BooberFred born about 1897
BooberVirginia born about 1868
BookerHarriet Mborn about 1917
BookerHarry Mborn about 1895
BooneEva born about 1917
BooneGreta born about 1896
BooneJohn born about 1888
BortellArthur born about 1937
BortellCatherine born about 1913
BortellMadeline born about 1939
BortellWillington born about 1933
BortellWinfred born about 1914
BowkerArthur born about 1896
BowkerBetty Janeborn about 1937
BowkerEdna born about 1902
BowkerEdna Eborn about 1909
BowkerHalton born about 1924
BowkerNorman Dborn about 1909
BowkerStanley born about 1919
BowkerThad Bborn about 1907
BowkerWilla Tborn about 1910
BoyceBernice born about 1923
BoyceDorothea born about 1932
BoyceEtta born about 1897
BoyceLuella born about 1922
BoyceMilledge born about 1879
BoyceMilledge born about 1928
BoyceWinona born about 1921
BoydBertha born about 1926
BoydBlanch born about 1917
BoydEdith born about 1939
BoydForest born about 1931
BoydMelvin born about 1899
BoydRosalie born about 1930
BoyntonDoris Mborn about 1932
BoyntonMae born about 1915
BoyntonPaul Eborn about 1903
BoyntonPaul E Jrborn about 1934
BoyntonRichard Cborn about 1936
BoyntonTheola Mborn about 1938
BoyntonWinefred Sborn about 1939
BradfordCarrie Aborn about 1866
BradfordDona Lborn about 1936
BradfordErnestine born about 1920
BradfordFrank Eborn about 1889
BradfordHerbert Wborn about 1888
BradfordMyra Eborn about 1895
BradstreetAnn Gborn about 1938
BradstreetCecil born about 1902
BradstreetCecil born about 1929
BradstreetEva born about 1908
BradstreetLoraine Rborn about 1926
BradstreetMinnie Fborn about 1904
BradstreetSheila born about 1937
BradstreetTaylor Cborn about 1904
BraggBertell born about 1893
BriggsAlice born about 1922
BriggsAllison Nborn about 1928
BriggsEsebelle Hborn about 1908
BriggsJoan Eborn about 1932
BriggsJoanette Rborn about 1930
BriggsMurray Rborn about 1926
BriggsPeter Fborn about 1939
BriggsRalph Mborn about 1904
BriggsRichard Wborn about 1933
BrinnsonFlorence born about 1902
BrinnsonJean born about 1928
BrinsonEvelyn born about 1897
BrinsonGwendolyn born about 1919
BrinsonJohn born about 1895
BrinsonVirginia born about 1923
BrinsonWilliam born about 1920
BrookJohn born about 1868
BrooksLaura born about 1880
BrooksThomas Cborn about 1891
BrounCatherine born about 1920
BrounEarl born about 1921
BrounEmogene born about 1933
BrounGrace born about 1928
BrounHarold born about 1922
BrounHarry born about 1920
BrounHoward born about 1890
BrounHoward born about 1924
BrounKenneth born about 1938
BrounLillian born about 1921
BrounLyda born about 1892
BrounMarian born about 1886
BrounMellen born about 1867
BrounRes born about 1902
BrounWalter born about 1914
BrounWilliam born about 1936
BrounWilliam Cborn about 1876
BrownAlthea born about 1925
BrownBertrand born about 1891
BrownBetty born about 1921
BrownBetty born about 1936
BrownDalton born about 1916
BrownDoreen born about 1903
BrownDorothy born about 1911
BrownElwood Lborn about 1922
BrownErma Lborn about 1912
BrownFrank Wborn about 1876
BrownGladys born about 1887
BrownHerman born about 1910
BrownHerman born about 1930
BrownJosiah born about 1889
BrownJoyce born about 1934
BrownJune born about 1900
BrownLiawyn born about 1886
BrownLillian born about 1933
BrownMarshel born about 1881
BrownNathalie born about 1922
BrownRichard born about 1925
BrownRobert born about 1918
BrownSterling born about 1938
BrownWilliam born about 1931
BrownWilliam Hborn about 1924
BrownWinnie born about 1890
BruceClyde born about 1920
BruceDaisy born about 1917
BruceEvan born about 1878
BruceHomer born about 1906
BruceSylvia born about 1935
BruceViolet born about 1886
BuckBeverly born about 1916
BuckByron born about 1914
BuckEdna born about 1889
BuckMyron born about 1914
BuckPhyllis born about 1916
BuckRay Mborn about 1884
BuckleyDorothy born about 1934
BullockConstance born about 1933
BullockEvangeline born about 1940
BullockGladys born about 1900
BullockNorman born about 1900
BunkerFrank born about 1874
BunkerLora born about 1934
BurabyBernice Mborn about 1912
BurabyGeorge Aborn about 1907
BurabyJames Lborn about 1935
BurabyLoraine Mborn about 1932
BurhoeGrace born about 1892
BurhoeLaurence L Mborn about 1910
BurhoeLouise Mborn about 1935
BurhoePauline Fborn about 1913
BurhoeWilliam born about 1888
BurhoeWilliam Mborn about 1933
BurkeBarbara born about 1925
BurkeCora born about 1890
BurkeFlorence born about 1922
BurkeJohn born about 1880
BurkeJohn born about 1930
BurkeKathleen born about 1914
BurkeLaurence born about 1917
BurkeRobert born about 1928
BurrielAgnes born about 1864
BurrillBasil born about 1929
BurrillCharles born about 1939
BurrillDale born about 1937
BurrillEarl born about 1898
BurrillEarl born about 1932
BurrillEthel born about 1910
BurrillFlora born about 1939
BurrillJames born about 1936
BurrillLora born about 1930
BurrillMadeline born about 1931
BurrillOliver born about 1926
BurrillRobert born about 1934
BusselAlton Fborn about 1922
BusselArnold Fborn about 1924
BusselHarold Lborn about 1893
BusselMeriole Gborn about 1930
BusselPeggyt Joyceborn about 1939
BusselRuth Eborn about 1906
BusselRuth Esterborn about 1935
ButterfieldAnne Lborn about 1894
ButterfieldArline Aborn about 1916
ButterfieldGalen Wborn about 1921
ButterfieldKenneth Mborn about 1887
ButterfieldMargaret Aborn about 1923
ButterfieldRodney Hborn about 1926
ByersLloyd born about 1930
ByrantClaude born about 1886
ByrantEvelyn born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalorGetrude born about 1883
CalwellHarel born about 1896
CalwellHoward born about 1894
CampbellAndrew born about 1870
CampbellDana born about 1917
CampbellEthel born about 1895
CarlowMadeline Lborn about 1921
CarlowRichard born about 1925
CarruthersG Wilmotborn about 1912
CarterGertrude born about 1935
CarterLenwood born about 1929
CarterMargaret born about 1908
CarterWalter Lborn about 1907
CarterWalter Ljrborn about 1928
CatteralClare born about 1918
ChambersCharles born about 1917
ChambersMildred born about 1916
ChambersRobert born about 1939
CharetteJean born about 1936
CharetteJeanette born about 1936
CharetteMadeline born about 1904
CharetteMary born about 1930
ChaseDaris born about 1934
ChaseDavid born about 1934
ChaseDonald born about 1923
ChaseGrace born about 1890
ChaseHarold born about 1916
ChaseIrvine born about 1919
ChaseNancy born about 1929
ChaseVernon born about 1925
ChesleyBenjeman born about 1912
ChesleyMildred born about 1915
ChesleyMilvin born about 1939
ChestlySamuel born about 1899
ChubbockAlton born about 1898
ChubbockAlton Lborn about 1939
ChubbockCharlotte born about 1929
ChubbockEdward born about 1938
ChubbockEvelyn born about 1931
ChubbockHalsie born about 1901
ChubbockHalsie born about 1935
ChubbockHoward born about 1926
ChubbockInez born about 1904
ChubbockMarian born about 1928
ChubbockVera born about 1913
ChubbuckAdlid born about 1887
ChubbuckEvelyn born about 1913
ChubbuckFredrick born about 1884
ChubbuckWilliam born about 1914
ChurchEdwin born about 1907
ChurchHazel born about 1898
ChurchRuby born about 1932
CimpherDoris Cborn about 1905
CimpherHarvey born about 1887
ClappGurtrude born about 1879
ClarkCharlotte born about 1921
ClarkFred Jborn about 1874
ClarkFrederick born about 1939
ClarkJohn born about 1918
ClarkLaurence Cborn about 1900
ClarkRaymond Wborn about 1883
ClausAlice born about 1886
ClausFlorrimont born about 1886
ClayAdie born about 1864
ClayAlton born about 1904
ClayAsa born about 1921
ClayCharlotte born about 1882
ClayDaniel born about 1907
ClayDorance born about 1939
ClayEdward born about 1880
ClayElmer Aborn about 1867
ClayMarian born about 1907
ClayMaud born about 1881
ClayMaynard born about 1907
ClayPatrick born about 1864
ClayRuth born about 1914
ClaytonMytle Eborn about 1893
ClaytonWalter Jborn about 1876
ClevetteHarriet born about 1924
CliffLaurence born about 1896
CliffLucy born about 1895
CliffMariann born about 1930
CliffordArgie born about 1896
CliffordDaniel born about 1875
CliffordDoris born about 1916
CliffordEdith born about 1905
CliffordFrancis born about 1921
CliffordJacqueline born about 1939
CliffordLawrence born about 1936
CliffordLillian born about 1903
CliffordMarjorie born about 1919
CliffordMelvin born about 1915
CliffordPhyllis born about 1914
CliffordRobert born about 1912
CliffordRobert born about 1939
CliffordSamuel born about 1897
CloughArthur Eborn about 1876
CloughBeulah born about 1921
CloughBrenda born about 1939
CloughEmery Jborn about 1935
CloughEvelyn Eborn about 1923
CloughFay Lborn about 1896
CloughFay Lborn about 1931
CloughJemma Aborn about 1874
CloughLlavellyn born about 1918
CloughMinnie Eborn about 1899
CobbAvah Mborn about 1925
CobbEffie Lborn about 1881
CobbGlenice Eborn about 1921
CobbLester born about 1919
CobbTheola born about 1939
CobbWilda born about 1920
CoburnAde Maeborn about 1938
CoburnBrenda Jborn about 1940
CoburnFrank Wborn about 1890
CoburnGeorgia Lborn about 1892
CoburnMae Gborn about 1919
CoburnRoger Eborn about 1930
CoburnWalter Aborn about 1913
CoffinDorothy born about 1929
CoffinEula born about 1926
CoffinGaylon born about 1933
CoffinHarris born about 1880
CoffinKenneth born about 1937
CoffinLeon Eborn about 1868
CoffinLucy Pborn about 1873
CoffinNancy born about 1895
CoffinRalph born about 1909
CoffinRuth born about 1917
ColeAgnes born about 1903
ColeAntoinette born about 1919
ColeBland born about 1904
ColeColeen born about 1931
ColeDaniel born about 1939
ColeEarl born about 1926
ColeEdwin Rborn about 1876
ColeEverett born about 1917
ColeEverett Lborn about 1939
ColeHarold Jborn about 1887
ColeKenneth born about 1928
ColeLawrence born about 1914
ColeMargaret born about 1915
ColeMaud Eborn about 1879
ColeNorman born about 1917
ColeNorman born about 1938
ColeOpal born about 1920
ColeRobert born about 1926
ColeRoger born about 1930
ColeSandra born about 1936
ColeSylda born about 1917
CollierFlorantine born about 1923
CollierLama born about 1898
CollierLawrence born about 1925
CollierOra born about 1892
CollierViola born about 1917
ConiadsomMarrie Tborn about 1935
ConiadsomPearl Fborn about 1906
CooksonEdward born about 1917
CooksonJanice born about 1939
CooksonJennie born about 1918
CornnesEvelyn Fborn about 1912
CorroBridget born about 1886
CorroCaroline born about 1922
CorroFred born about 1903
CorroFredrick born about 1915
CorroGeorge born about 1874
CorroGeraldine born about 1938
CorroHarry born about 1898
CorroHaward born about 1931
CorroJoseph born about 1916
CorroMarcel born about 1892
CorroMarjorie born about 1912
CorroMary born about 1864
CorroRichard Cborn about 1919
CorroWilber born about 1925
CowingHelen born about 1918
CoxCarol born about 1931
CoxGeorge born about 1937
CoxGeraldine born about 1928
CoxGranville born about 1903
CoxHelen born about 1929
CoxJames born about 1940
CoxMildred born about 1910
CoyAlfred Bborn about 1883
CoyJessie Bborn about 1883
CraftMarjore born about 1891
CrampErnest Cborn about 1938
CrampEtta born about 1920
CressJohnson Sborn about 1891
CrockerAlonzo born about 1881
CrockerArgie born about 1915
CrockerBetty Eborn about 1938
CrockerDale born about 1935
CrockerEloise Sborn about 1903
CrockerElsie born about 1920
CrockerFred born about 1866
CrockerGerald Gborn about 1927
CrockerHarold Wborn about 1900
CrockerHersey born about 1939
CrockerLillian born about 1913
CrockerLillian Gborn about 1922
CrockerMary born about 1869
CrockerMary Iborn about 1923
CrockerSerle born about 1936
CrockerSherly Rborn about 1925
CrockerVerdell born about 1937
CrockerVernon born about 1898
CrockettCarrie Rborn about 1880
CrockettCharles Aborn about 1873
CrockettEarl born about 1908
CrockettMadeline born about 1915
CrockettRobert born about 1939
CummingsCharles born about 1875
CummingsFillmore born about 1912
CummingsGladys born about 1912
CummingsGrace born about 1882
CummingsHarry born about 1910
CummingsJanice born about 1936
CummingsJennie born about 1890
CummingsKenneth born about 1938
CummingsMartin born about 1917
CummingsMillard born about 1880
CurrierAlice Mborn about 1892
CurrierAlthea Aborn about 1928
CurrierCarlton Aborn about 1923
CurrierDeloras Aborn about 1929
CurrierGardner Jborn about 1917
CurrierGeorge Eborn about 1893
CurrierLaurence Dborn about 1925
CurrierLinwood Gborn about 1919
CurrierLoyola Mborn about 1924
CurrierLucile Rborn about 1921
CurtisAmmie born about 1899
CurtisArin born about 1878
CurtisByron Fborn about 1924
CurtisCalvin born about 1932
CurtisFlorence born about 1915
CurtisFranklin born about 1929
CurtisGeorge born about 1923
CurtisGordon born about 1927
CurtisJoyce born about 1940
CurtisKatherine born about 1894
CurtisLester born about 1888
CurtisLida born about 1894
CurtisLorena born about 1925
CurtisMary born about 1921
CurtisNewton born about 1938
CurtisRaymond born about 1886
CurtisVictoria born about 1934
CushmanForest Fborn about 1863
CutlerGertrude Pborn about 1876
CutlerJames Rborn about 1882
CuttlerCharles Eborn about 1871
CuttlerCora Aborn about 1874
CzrecckuLouise born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DalleyDorothy born about 1919
DalleyEmeril Mborn about 1938
DalleyGeorge Eborn about 1915
DalleyHarvey Wborn about 1936
DalleyJames Eborn about 1940
DalleyMaurice born about 1912
DamontRobert Jborn about 1923
DarralJulia born about 1867
DaviaMaud born about 1870
DaviaMorrell born about 1875
DavisAddie born about 1883
DavisAlice born about 1906
DavisAlton born about 1927
DavisClifton born about 1901
DavisDallis born about 1931
DavisDean born about 1898
DavisElaine born about 1923
DavisEmma born about 1902
DavisEugene born about 1926
DavisFrank born about 1939
DavisFrederick born about 1939
DavisHarold born about 1938
DavisHelen born about 1929
DavisIdella born about 1903
DavisJanice born about 1928
DavisLeola born about 1920
DavisMadaline Mborn about 1920
DavisMary born about 1930
DavisMilma born about 1934
DavisPauline born about 1923
DavisRobert born about 1927
DavisShirley born about 1929
DavisShirly Mborn about 1939
DavisVaughn born about 1895
DavisWilson Aborn about 1913
DavisYvonne born about 1925
DeanRuth born about 1910
DelanoAlfreda born about 1934
DelanoBeatrice Aborn about 1929
DelanoCarrie born about 1903
DelanoClarence born about 1896
DelanoClinton born about 1871
DelanoClinton born about 1932
DelanoGale Sborn about 1938
DelanoGeorge born about 1894
DelanoGladys born about 1890
DelanoHerschel born about 1926
DelanoImogene born about 1901
DelanoIra born about 1887
DelanoIra born about 1926
DelanoIsabel born about 1870
DelanoLula born about 1902
DelanoNan born about 1937
DelanoPrince Eborn about 1862
DelanoRobert Cborn about 1931
DelanoRollo born about 1903
DelanoSidney born about 1927
DelanoVernon born about 1898
DelanoVivian born about 1922
DeloneIrene born about 1906
DemaryAlice born about 1872
DemaryCharlotte born about 1899
DemaryHadelbert born about 1922
DemaryJosephine Aborn about 1925
DemaryLincoln Aborn about 1894
DemaryLincoln Aborn about 1933
DemaryLouisa born about 1861
DemaryWalter born about 1911
DennisMarie Iborn about 1895
DerocheEverett born about 1896
DerocheGarland Fborn about 1930
DerocheStuart Eborn about 1924
DerocheWinnie Fborn about 1896
DevisBerton Rborn about 1930
DevisDaniel Fborn about 1895
DevisDonald Fborn about 1925
DevisIrene Bborn about 1894
DevisLaura Mborn about 1922
DewittDwight born about 1921
DewittEdgar born about 1873
DewittEva born about 1879
DickensonGlendon born about 1916
DickensonLillian born about 1918
DigamEdna born about 1924
DigamEthel born about 1900
DigamGeorge born about 1932
DigamIone born about 1927
DigamJohn born about 1876
DigamJohn Jr born about 1922
DigamJudith born about 1934
DigamPatricia born about 1939
DigamThelma born about 1926
DillJean Maieborn about 1938
DillMaria born about 1915
DillMerle born about 1915
DineenGrace born about 1910
DownesClara born about 1906
DownesDian born about 1937
DownesDorothy born about 1939
DownesElwood born about 1933
DownesMaxine born about 1928
DownesVinal born about 1894
DrakeDale born about 1932
DrakeEarl born about 1912
DrakeFrancis born about 1940
DrakeIda born about 1934
DrakeKenneth born about 1939
DrakeRoger born about 1937
DrakeWarren born about 1933
DrakeWavie born about 1918
DrakeWesley born about 1935
DrewGeorgia born about 1867
DrewGertrude born about 1900
DrewHenry born about 1875
DrinkusterErdean born about 1923
DudleyRalph born about 1882
DunnBeulah born about 1906
DunnMary born about 1929
DunnOlin born about 1902
DyerEarnest born about 1922
DyerElizabeth born about 1880
DyerFrederick born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdgeconbDonald Hborn about 1915
EdgeconbEllen Mborn about 1894
EdgeconbMarilyn Jborn about 1927
EdgeconbPearly Dborn about 1893
EdgeconbPearly O Jrborn about 1922
EdwardsArd born about 1878
EdwardsAriel born about 1923
EdwardsGeorge born about 1880
EdwardsGeorge born about 1916
EdwardsKate Mborn about 1870
EmeryBernice born about 1896
EmeryBeulah born about 1908
EmeryCarroll born about 1907
EmeryCarroll born about 1927
EmeryIza Ednaborn about 1879
EmeryJames born about 1859
EmeryLouise born about 1930
EmeryMadison born about 1893
EmeryMaureen born about 1937
EmeryReynold born about 1922
ErvingJanie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FallCarrie Eborn about 1866
FallCassius born about 1928
FallFred born about 1886
FallJohn born about 1918
FallMinnie born about 1893
FallParker Wborn about 1864
FallSarah Eborn about 1926
FarringtonAlbert born about 1907
FarringtonAnnie born about 1875
FarringtonArline Aborn about 1937
FarringtonClara Jeanborn about 1938
FarringtonEvelyn Nborn about 1933
FarringtonHilda Aborn about 1918
FarringtonJasper born about 1917
FarringtonJune born about 1905
FaulknerAudrey born about 1911
FaulknerDane born about 1935
FaulknerStanley born about 1904
FeifieldGeorge Mborn about 1864
FickettOlga born about 1912
FiskeyGertrude Aborn about 1869
FitzpatrickDelbert born about 1914
FitzpatrickHollis born about 1901
FitzpatrickMarguerite born about 1906
FitzpatrickRobert born about 1936
FlandersArdie born about 1895
FlandersEarl born about 1887
FlandersElizabeth born about 1890
FlandersEthel born about 1895
FlandersEvelyn born about 1914
FlandersGerald born about 1902
FlandersJenette born about 1924
FlandersJoyce born about 1933
FlandersJoyce born about 1938
FlandersJudson born about 1904
FlandersLawrence born about 1902
FlandersNellie born about 1906
FlandersRichard born about 1912
FlandersRuth born about 1925
FlandersSearl born about 1918
FlandersWilla born about 1933
FlemingJohn born about 1901
FlemingLena born about 1901
FlemmingAbbie Mborn about 1891
FlemmingDoris Eborn about 1908
FlemmingIda Mborn about 1930
FlemmingJohn Gborn about 1851
FlemmingOra Aborn about 1886
FlemmingTheodore Rborn about 1905
FlowersGrace born about 1878
FlowersPearl born about 1907
FlowersRobert born about 1913
FoggDavid born about 1940
FoggLeland born about 1915
FowlerElsie born about 1897
FowlerRuby born about 1925
FowlerSilas born about 1895
FrackKatherine born about 1887
FrackLeonard Eborn about 1934
FrackWilliam Fborn about 1886
FraiserNora Eborn about 1891
FrazerAlton born about 1917
FrazerArther born about 1938
FrazerFrances born about 1916
FrenchAlma Lborn about 1892
FullerMary born about 1858
FurrowCora born about 1894
FurrowRuth born about 1920
FurrowWilliam born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GallaugherAnnie born about 1863
GallaugherThomas born about 1889
GannerCharine born about 1892
GannerFranklin born about 1904
GannerFred born about 1886
GaskellGophelia born about 1854
GemmeBarbara born about 1896
GemmeCharles Eborn about 1920
GemmeGeraldine born about 1931
GemmeJoseph born about 1934
GemmeMary Aborn about 1890
GemmeMaurice born about 1933
GemmePaul Vborn about 1908
GerryAlton Lborn about 1923
GerryAnne Mborn about 1859
GerryClayton born about 1919
GerryEdith born about 1919
GerryFloyd born about 1917
GerryGrace born about 1890
GerryGrace Aborn about 1921
GerryHaorld Rborn about 1933
GerryHarry Jborn about 1890
GerryLewis Gborn about 1897
GerryMarjorie Aborn about 1899
GerryRandolph Vborn about 1926
GerryWilliam born about 1921
GillespieClara born about 1898
GillespieFred born about 1878
GillespieFredrica born about 1925
GillespieJuanita born about 1926
GillespieLawrence born about 1922
GillisAmma born about 1877
GillisHelen born about 1914
GillisHugh born about 1904
GillisMalcom born about 1936
GillisRobert born about 1939
GilpatrickDorothea born about 1914
GilpatrickJon born about 1938
GilpatrickKenneth born about 1907
GliddenAlma born about 1899
GliddenEdwin born about 1900
GliddenFrancis born about 1876
GonyaIda born about 1871
GonyaPhillip Lborn about 1910
GoodwinBurle born about 1924
GoodwinMary Aborn about 1890
GoodwinReginald born about 1926
GordonBertha born about 1917
GordonBeverly born about 1938
GordonBlanche born about 1899
GordonByron born about 1904
GordonCatherine Aborn about 1939
GordonCharles Lborn about 1915
GordonDalton born about 1939
GordonGeraldine Vborn about 1918
GordonJames born about 1937
GordonLee born about 1912
GordonLeroy born about 1939
GordonLilila Cborn about 1918
GordonMilton born about 1936
GordonRuth born about 1924
GordonSamuel born about 1915
GordonStaven Oborn about 1913
GordonVearl born about 1916
GordonWalter born about 1901
GrahamWaldo born about 1914
GrantChristine born about 1913
GrantEmery born about 1915
GrasFrederick Cborn about 1919
GrasLilian Eborn about 1918
GrassArthur born about 1932
GrassGuilford born about 1910
GrassJanice born about 1937
GrassMalcolm born about 1936
GrassMorrell born about 1935
GrassPaula born about 1939
GrassPhyllis born about 1914
GrattonBessie born about 1899
GrattonMelvin born about 1922
GrattonPauline born about 1924
GrattonWilfred born about 1897
GravesAggie born about 1918
GreenGrace born about 1915
GreenHarold born about 1914
GreenlawJames born about 1855
GrentFloyd Aborn about 1926
GrentFredrick Wborn about 1906
GrentHerriet Cborn about 1908
GreyEliza born about 1918
GreyWalter born about 1917
GriffinBruce born about 1930
GriffinElla born about 1908
GriffinLee born about 1931
GrindellBeulah Mborn about 1887
GrindellDavid Rborn about 1885
GrindellFrancis born about 1915
GrindellJohn born about 1883
GrindellMaud born about 1886
GrindellNellie born about 1877
GrossCharles born about 1877
GrossDonald born about 1918
GrossJohn born about 1914
GrossLlewellyn born about 1924
GrossMargaret born about 1888
GuptillArnold Aborn about 1915
GuptillGladys Eborn about 1917
GuptillRobert Aborn about 1937
GypsonEdith born about 1918
GypsonIris Mayborn about 1938
GypsonJudith Annborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HackettNancy Yborn about 1896
HaggasJohn born about 1879
HaggesEthel born about 1883
HaggesMellie Eborn about 1907
HallDorothy Sborn about 1895
HallDouglas born about 1924
HallFrank Rborn about 1885
HallFrederick born about 1921
HallJesse Dborn about 1882
HallOlivia Cborn about 1878
HallRobbert born about 1917
HallViola born about 1915
HallingFlora born about 1940
HamiltonDonald Wborn about 1906
HamiltonFredrick Dborn about 1929
HamiltonGeorge Fborn about 1934
HamiltonHelen born about 1913
HamiltonJoyce Jborn about 1932
HamiltonMary Jborn about 1936
HamiltonPauline born about 1923
HamlinJoseph Hborn about 1915
HamlinRuth Pborn about 1917
HankinsEunice Eborn about 1881
HankinsHayward Lborn about 1879
HankinsRandolph Cborn about 1911
HankinsVernon Lborn about 1919
HanningAmos born about 1883
HanscomArchie born about 1900
HanscomDonald born about 1935
HanscomDorothy Jborn about 1904
HanscomEliza born about 1871
HanscomEmily born about 1908
HanscomGeorge born about 1872
HanscomHarvey born about 1896
HanscomIra born about 1875
HanscomIvan Aborn about 1896
HanscomLeona Jborn about 1881
HanscomMinnie Aborn about 1898
HanscomPitt born about 1903
HanscomRalph Eborn about 1927
HanscomRalph Fborn about 1923
HanscomRichard born about 1931
HanscomWilliam born about 1864
HardEllsworth Aborn about 1873
HardMytle Eborn about 1879
HardingAnn born about 1932
HardingClara born about 1921
HardingClyde Aborn about 1892
HardingEunice born about 1929
HardingFrank born about 1878
HardingHarold Cborn about 1927
HardingIda born about 1885
HardingIrving born about 1917
HardingIrving born about 1939
HardingMary born about 1907
HardingRobert born about 1937
HarrimanElla born about 1860
HarrisLillian born about 1919
HarrisPercy born about 1887
HarrisSadie born about 1887
HarrisWalter born about 1912
HarveyMertie born about 1872
HaskellAnnie born about 1883
HaskellBenjamin born about 1861
HaskellFredia born about 1900
HaskellFredrick born about 1933
HaskellGeorge Jr born about 1901
HaskellGladys born about 1916
HaskellJune born about 1921
HaskellLeonard born about 1871
HaskellMyrl born about 1935
HaskellSarah born about 1890
HatchKatherine born about 1882
HatchRufus born about 1879
HawkinsDonald born about 1929
HawkinsHerschel born about 1906
HawkinsJames born about 1932
HawkinsMadeline born about 1910
HawkinsPearl born about 1928
HaynesAustin Gborn about 1881
HaynesBetty Lborn about 1935
HaynesCora Eborn about 1864
HaynesFrank Bborn about 1903
HaynesGladys born about 1892
HaynesMarian Pborn about 1907
HaynesRobert Lborn about 1936
HebbMary Aborn about 1879
HendersonHelen Eborn about 1929
HendersonHelen Oborn about 1904
HendersonMary Aborn about 1930
HendersonThomas Aborn about 1932
HendersonWilliam Rborn about 1904
HickeyFrederick born about 1916
HightHanson born about 1903
HightIrene born about 1926
HightLeona born about 1909
HobbsAustin born about 1925
HobbsCarolyn born about 1934
HobbsClifton born about 1933
HobbsLester born about 1912
HobbsLois Cborn about 1915
HobbsLottie born about 1891
HobbsPetricia Mborn about 1935
HobbsRoland born about 1880
HodginsBernard born about 1912
HodginsDalton born about 1939
HodginsDoris born about 1912
HodginsMargaret born about 1939
HodginsPaul born about 1933
HollandGerald born about 1939
HolmesCarlton born about 1910
HolmesFrances born about 1911
HolmesGladys born about 1909
HolmesHoward born about 1932
HolmesLuther born about 1878
HolmesMarcia born about 1892
HolmesMary Lborn about 1878
HolmesMyron born about 1938
HolmesRodney born about 1906
HolmesRoger Aborn about 1940
HolmesVirginia born about 1930
HolmesWalter Wborn about 1877
HookDale born about 1933
HookDorothy born about 1911
HookEldrid born about 1930
HookFrantz born about 1901
HookFreeland born about 1909
HookIvan born about 1929
HookLouise born about 1910
HookWayne born about 1932
HouseElmon Cborn about 1872
HoustonAlton born about 1882
HoustonIda born about 1884
HoxieArthur born about 1930
HoxieEdna born about 1893
HoxieFranklin Cborn about 1926
HoxieGenevieve born about 1924
HoxieGeorge Eborn about 1887
HoxieGeorge Eborn about 1934
HoxieRaymond Lborn about 1929
HuntChester born about 1883
HuntFlora Bborn about 1866
HurdLornze born about 1882
HurdOlive born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InmanEdward Cborn about 1867
InmanMinnie Jborn about 1886
IrelandAbraham born about 1858
IrelandAbraham born about 1917
IrelandAda Marieborn about 1940
IrelandAlice born about 1893
IrelandAlice born about 1921
IrelandAlton born about 1926
IrelandAlvin born about 1933
IrelandAmos born about 1851
IrelandAmy born about 1918
IrelandBessie born about 1917
IrelandBetty born about 1934
IrelandBeulah born about 1919
IrelandCarroll born about 1940
IrelandClarence born about 1893
IrelandCoburn born about 1914
IrelandDonna born about 1939
IrelandEben born about 1886
IrelandElva born about 1889
IrelandErnest born about 1887
IrelandErnest born about 1931
IrelandFrancisco born about 1913
IrelandGloria born about 1929
IrelandGrace born about 1922
IrelandGrover born about 1896
IrelandHannah born about 1918
IrelandHarry born about 1888
IrelandHezekish born about 1909
IrelandHope born about 1926
IrelandJeanette born about 1936
IrelandJoanne born about 1938
IrelandJohne Cborn about 1866
IrelandKatherine born about 1926
IrelandLawrence born about 1916
IrelandLeroy born about 1917
IrelandLester born about 1900
IrelandLester born about 1929
IrelandLillian born about 1896
IrelandLois born about 1929
IrelandNettie born about 1939
IrelandOlive born about 1870
IrelandPaul born about 1937
IrelandRose born about 1898
IrelandSandra born about 1939
IrelandVienna born about 1899
IrelandVienna born about 1936
IrelandWallace born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesElzina born about 1877
JamesMaurice born about 1916
JamesMilton born about 1919
JamesRuth born about 1914
JanesHenry born about 1856
JanesLester born about 1902
JanesVaugn born about 1907
JenkinsBetty born about 1931
JenkinsClayton born about 1910
JenkinsDale born about 1935
JenkinsDalton born about 1935
JenkinsEvelyn born about 1911
JenkinsRoberta born about 1933
JewettClara born about 1899
JewettHarold Pborn about 1930
JewettJohn born about 1927
JewettStanley born about 1893
JewettStanley born about 1924
JipsonArdelle born about 1936
JipsonBarbara born about 1929
JipsonBeatrice born about 1911
JipsonBertie born about 1899
JipsonClaude born about 1905
JipsonClaude born about 1933
JipsonDora born about 1938
JipsonEarle Jborn about 1903
JipsonEarle J Jrborn about 1930
JipsonEmma born about 1904
JipsonFlorence born about 1927
JipsonForest born about 1904
JipsonFrederick born about 1932
JipsonFritz born about 1894
JipsonFritz born about 1939
JipsonJemina born about 1928
JipsonJohn Wborn about 1930
JipsonKenneth born about 1914
JipsonLeola born about 1928
JipsonLeonice Mborn about 1907
JipsonLillian born about 1931
JipsonMadeline born about 1926
JipsonNellie born about 1865
JipsonPriscilla born about 1926
JipsonRuby born about 1905
JipsonShirley born about 1933
JipsonWilliam born about 1932
JohnsonBertrand born about 1939
JohnsonChristine born about 1924
JohnsonFloy born about 1900
JohnsonGeorgia Eborn about 1880
JohnsonHerman Hborn about 1880
JohnsonHorace born about 1908
JohnsonLucile born about 1925
JohnsonRobert born about
JohnsonRobert born about 1897
JohnsonRobert Jr born about 1935
JonesAgnes born about 1933
JonesAlbert born about 1921
JonesAlton born about 1934
JonesBernard born about 1928
JonesBert born about 1905
JonesBertha born about 1939
JonesBeverly Mborn about 1935
JonesClaudeth born about 1939
JonesClayton born about 1900
JonesClayton Jr born about 1925
JonesEarl born about 1899
JonesEdward born about 1923
JonesEstelle born about 1897
JonesFrancis born about 1938
JonesGladys born about 1919
JonesGrace born about 1902
JonesHarry Bborn about 1883
JonesLeona born about 1922
JonesMinnie born about 1900
JonesRaymond born about 1924
JonesStillman born about 1935
JonesSumner born about 1930
JonesWilma born about 1909
JudkinsArline born about 1939
JudkinsClymena born about 1924
JudkinsRichard born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KelleyDora born about 1925
KelleyEthel born about 1905
KelleyEugene born about 1933
KelleyEva born about 1900
KelleyGordon born about 1884
KelleyRobert born about 1892
KelleyWilliam Eborn about 1924
KiethAlvin born about 1903
KiethDonald Mborn about 1932
KiethEdson Oborn about 1936
KiethElanous Dborn about 1908
KiethGranvil Wborn about 1938
KiethLaura Oborn about 1928
KiethLessie Eborn about 1934
KiethShare Eborn about 1939
KilbridErma born about 1917
KilbridKenneth born about 1913
KilbridStewart born about 1936
KilbrideAlbert born about 1877
KilbrideAlbert born about 1922
KilbrideAnne Lborn about 1884
KilbrideDana born about 1936
KilbrideEarl born about 1910
KilbrideEthel born about 1919
KilbrideHilda born about 1926
KilbrideInez born about 1898
KilbrideJessie born about 1918
KilbridePercy born about 1923
KilbridePeter Rborn about 1883
KilbrideRuth born about 1913
KimballAda Mborn about 1864
KimballAgnes born about 1880
KimballAlice born about 1901
KimballAlma born about 1854
KimballBertha born about 1865
KimballCharles Eborn about 1909
KimballCharles Gborn about 1921
KimballCharles Wborn about 1864
KimballCharlotte born about 1917
KimballChristine born about 1930
KimballEdgar born about 1893
KimballErma born about 1931
KimballFrancis born about 1924
KimballFrank born about 1883
KimballFred Wborn about 1886
KimballFred Wborn about 1926
KimballGloria born about 1939
KimballGuy born about 1915
KimballHarold Eborn about 1898
KimballJames born about 1934
KimballJoanne born about 1928
KimballJohn born about 1905
KimballJoseph born about 1846
KimballJosephine born about 1930
KimballJosephine born about 1935
KimballMarian born about 1902
KimballMary born about 1907
KimballMildred born about 1929
KimballMina born about 1900
KimballNorine born about 1938
KimballPercey born about 1889
KimballRg born about 1937
KimballRichard born about 1921
KimballRobert born about 1934
KimballRodney born about 1933
KimballRoscoe born about 1892
KimballShirley born about 1926
KimballShirley born about 1935
KimballVelma born about 1903
KimballWilfred Lborn about 1924
KingCarrol Aborn about 1900
KingEuna Fborn about 1900
KneelandBertha born about 1873
KneelandBruce born about 1909
KneelandDouglas born about 1930
KneelandEdna born about 1881
KneelandGeorge born about 1868
KneelandHarold born about 1913
KneelandHarry born about 1871
KneelandMay born about 1858
KneelandMeryland Jborn about 1940
KneelandPercy born about 1879
KneelandSadie born about 1909
KnelandClifton born about 1930
KnelandCorliss born about 1920
KnelandDonna born about 1939
KnelandEarl born about 1895
KnelandEdna born about 1902
KnelandElizabeth born about 1925
KnelandWinona born about 1927
KnightEdith born about 1889
KnightWilliam born about 1883
KnightoBessie born about 1900
KnightoClarence born about 1893
KnightsEdna Bborn about 1874
KnowlenCharles born about 1881
KnowlenGurtrude born about 1880
KnowlenWinifred born about 1919
KnowlesCharles Eborn about 1937
KnowlesGordon Pborn about 1907
KnowlesThomas Dborn about 1939
KnowlesVivian Eborn about 1913
KnulandEarnest Tborn about 1876
KnulandEthel Tborn about 1892
KueelandArdie born about 1890
KueelandClayton born about 1920
KueelandEmily born about 1924
KueelandLiza born about 1898
KueelandMina born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabreeCatherine born about 1881
LabreeWilliam born about 1874
LancarteeCarleton born about 1906
LancarteeChristine born about 1905
LancarteeDale born about 1937
LancarteeLarry born about 1931
LancarteeNatalie born about 1933
LancarteeRamona born about 1929
LancasterAlton born about 1916
LancasterAnnie born about 1887
LancasterArthur born about 1894
LancasterCharles Pborn about 1885
LancasterClarissa born about 1922
LancasterDonald born about 1936
LancasterEdith born about 1890
LancasterEdna born about 1902
LancasterElmer born about 1875
LancasterElwin born about 1917
LancasterEmily born about 1919
LancasterEssie born about 1878
LancasterEverard born about 1881
LancasterFlora born about 1888
LancasterFrank born about 1891
LancasterHarry born about 1929
LancasterHelen born about 1913
LancasterKenneth born about 1910
LancasterLouis born about 1925
LancasterMadeline born about 1914
LancasterMae Hborn about 1867
LancasterMartha born about 1923
LancasterMona born about 1898
LancasterNorine born about 1917
LancasterOlan born about 1927
LancasterRobert born about 1915
LancasterRonald born about 1936
LancasterSimon born about 1927
LancasterWinifred born about 1931
LaneBertrand born about 1911
LaneBertrand born about 1935
LaneCyrus Kborn about 1882
LaneDonna born about 1938
LaneFrank Lborn about 1916
LaneGladys born about 1905
LaneGladys Aborn about 1865
LaneKathleen born about 1916
LaneMarjorie Aborn about 1923
LaneTina Mborn about 1889
LaneVerdi born about 1902
LaneVerdi born about 1928
LaneWayne born about 1940
LaniBeatrice Lborn about 1888
LaniDorothea born about 1923
LaniRalph Fborn about 1889
LaniRobert Lborn about 1919
LaniStuart Pborn about 1915
LanlangyClara Aborn about 1932
LanlangyHazel Dborn about 1909
LanlangyHenry Mborn about 1930
LanlangyNorma Aborn about 1928
LanlangyNorman Dborn about 1896
LeadbetterElizabeth born about 1876
LeavittLaura born about 1885
LeavittPhillip born about 1880
LebbyDorothy Eborn about 1917
LebbyLelory Lborn about 1937
LebbyRohden Eborn about 1936
LebbyRohden Fborn about 1915
LebreenDaniel Fborn about 1886
LebreenEarl Pborn about 1939
LebreenEuince Eborn about 1911
LebreenLorraine Eborn about 1937
LeeMattie born about 1865
LeenAndrew Pborn about 1882
LeenElvina Iborn about 1882
LeenGilbert born about 1920
LeenLawrence born about 1915
LeenMichael born about 1939
LeenNorma born about 1915
LeightonAgnes born about 1889
LeightonColeen Pborn about 1929
LeightonErnest born about 1916
LeightonEugene born about 1891
LeightonFred born about 1888
LeightonFredrick born about 1932
LeightonGladys born about 1917
LeightonJoseph born about 1874
LeightonMapine Fborn about 1925
LeightonRobert Dborn about 1924
LeightonRuby born about 1921
LeightonVanoi born about 1893
LelandCarold born about 1923
LelandMyra born about 1899
LevensailorCleo born about 1921
LevensailorEdric born about 1939
LevensailorMelvin born about 1918
LevitteEdward born about 1905
LevitteHazel born about 1927
LevitteRichard born about 1926
LevitteRose born about 1904
LewisAlida born about 1914
LewisAnita born about 1935
LewisBertha born about 1891
LewisHerbert born about 1909
LewisLindon born about 1918
LewisMary born about 1937
LewisPriscilla born about 1933
LibbyAlton born about 1911
LibbyAlvah born about 1938
LibbyAmy born about 1914
LibbyBeverly born about 1938
LibbyDoreen born about 1913
LibbyDurwood born about 1938
LibbyEarl Rborn about 1930
LibbyEarnest born about 1882
LibbyEben Lborn about 1876
LibbyElla born about 1878
LibbyElmer born about 1891
LibbyEthel born about 1888
LibbyEtta born about 1868
LibbyFern Mborn about 1897
LibbyFlorence born about 1883
LibbyFloyd born about 1913
LibbyGenevieve born about 1936
LibbyGertrude born about 1873
LibbyGlenwood born about 1911
LibbyHarold born about 1911
LibbyJeanette born about 1939
LibbyJoan born about 1936
LibbyLelia born about 1912
LibbyLeon Aborn about 1911
LibbyLeslie born about 1892
LibbyLloyd born about 1919
LibbyLora born about 1875
LibbyMae Gborn about 1912
LibbyMargaret born about 1919
LibbyMorris Eborn about 1894
LibbyMorris E Jrborn about 1927
LibbyNancy Rborn about 1937
LibbyRalph born about 1937
LibbyRobert born about 1912
LibbyRobert Eborn about 1936
LibbyRonald Lborn about 1938
LibbyRoselyn born about 1934
LibbyThelma born about 1932
LibbyVaughn born about 1909
LibbyVelma born about 1917
LibbyVirginia born about 1936
LibbyVivian Eborn about 1922
LindquistElewood Aborn about 1921
LindquistMerl Rborn about 1938
LindquistPetricia Pborn about 1939
LindseyAngie born about 1871
LindseyFlorence born about 1877
LindseyGareth Sborn about 1935
LindseyNatalie born about 1907
LindseyVernon born about 1901
LinkovitchTheresa born about 1928
LinscottLaura born about 1917
LintonFrank Aborn about 1931
LintonFrank Rborn about 1868
LintonLeona Mborn about 1911
LintonNancy Bborn about 1934
LintonWilliam Hborn about 1898
LittlefieldDonald born about 1912
LittlefieldGrace born about 1885
LittlefieldHarold born about 1878
LittlefieldHelen born about 1915
LittlefieldLisle Aborn about 1883
LittlefieldLloyd born about 1909
LobbDorothy born about 1910
LobbOliver born about 1911
LobbyCraig born about 1938
LombardEdith born about 1915
LombardEvelyn born about 1918
LombardGlen born about 1909
LombardJanet born about 1937
LombardJosephine born about 1874
LombardMildred born about 1905
LoomisDaisy born about 1889
LoomisGeorge born about 1887
LovejoyElenor Mborn about 1930
LovejoyGene Lborn about 1933
LovejoyGerry Rborn about 1937
LovejoyLeona Gborn about 1909
LovejoyLeonard Lborn about 1929
LovejoyLillian Eborn about 1935
LovejoyMildred Mborn about 1932
LovejoyPauline Eborn about 1928
LovejoyWalter Rborn about 1900
LovijoyEvan Sborn about 1916
LovijoyHelen Mborn about 1895
LovijoyHilda Sborn about 1913
LovijoyJerome Aborn about 1912
LovijoyJerome Mborn about 1936
LovijoyLouis Sborn about 1935
LovijoyPhilp Mborn about 1925
LovijoySteven Lborn about 1881
LoweAnthony born about 1922
LoweBertha born about 1924
LoweClayton born about 1922
LoweDora born about 1936
LoweElsie born about 1908
LoweEvelyn born about 1897
LoweEverett born about 1927
LoweFrancis born about 1919
LoweGertrude born about 1934
LoweHarold born about 1903
LoweLeona born about 1900
LoweMelvin born about 1930
LoweRaymond born about 1896
LoweStewart born about 1918
LoweVirginia born about 1934
LoweVivian born about 1926
LowellEdwin Aborn about 1864
LowellErvin Hborn about 1896
LowellGartirude Mborn about 1902
LowellHolman Sborn about 1904
LowellKeith born about 1927
LowellRuby Mborn about 1903
LuddenAbbott born about 1915
LuddenClare born about 1899
LuddenGlenice born about 1934
LuddenGrace born about 1897
LuddenHiram Sborn about 1876
LuddenMagnus born about 1939
LuddenMary Jborn about 1850
LuddenRuth born about 1914
LutesClifford born about 1923
LutesDavid born about 1934
LutesMargretta born about 1899
LutesRoy born about 1925
LutesVirginia born about 1922
Lyons?viring Eborn about 1930
LyonsAda born about 1920
LyonsCharlotte born about 1925
LyonsDonald Rborn about 1931
LyonsDora born about 1910
LyonsEarnest Eborn about 1910
LyonsHerbert born about 1931
LyonsHollis born about 1907
LyonsIrving born about 1873
LyonsJoyce born about 1932
LyonsMargaret born about 1882
LyonsMyriel Lborn about 1935
LyonsPaul born about 1938
LyonsRaymond Eborn about 1933
LyonsVerna Aborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaccleanWilliam Aborn about 1865
MacdonaldAngus Jborn about 1899
MacdonaldDaniel born about 1920
MacdonaldFrances born about 1916
MacdonaldFrank Jr born about 1916
MacdonaldHelen born about 1919
MacdonaldMildred born about 1901
MacdonaldRichard born about 1936
MacfarityJanette Pborn about 1931
MacgaegorRoderick born about 1880
MacgarrEarl Cborn about 1899
MacgarrEarl C Jrborn about 1937
MacgarrKina born about 1903
MacgarrLoraine Eborn about 1932
MacgivenyRobert born about 1924
MacintyreAnn Hborn about 1934
MacintyreClarence Aborn about 1932
MacintyreMarie Eborn about 1907
MacintyrePetricia born about 1935
MacintyrePhilp born about 1935
MacintyreRobert Tborn about 1902
MackavifityAlston born about 1918
MackenneyAgatha Bborn about 1894
MackenneyHerbert Rborn about 1887
MackenneyVaughn Wborn about 1919
MackenzieRobert born about 1919
MaclaughinFred Fborn about 1879
MaclaughinMerty Pborn about 1880
MarchisonEffie Mborn about 1902
MarchisonFrancis Pborn about 1922
MarchisonGeorge Wborn about 1902
MarchisonRuth Aborn about 1928
MarstonDale born about 1922
MarstonDale born about 1939
MarstonMarjorie born about 1921
MartinAdeline born about 1908
MartinDonald born about 1917
MartinFred born about 1878
MartinFrederick born about 1920
MartinHannah born about 1878
MartinLucile born about 1930
MartinLuther born about 1904
MartinLuther born about 1929
MasonClarence Wborn about 1911
MasonMalcolm born about 1912
MaxellMaillow Fborn about 1877
MaymardCarrol born about 1917
MaymardFrancena Eborn about 1881
MaymardGeorge Aborn about 1877
McCormeckAvon born about 1928
McCormeckClifton born about 1921
McCormeckDale born about 1925
McCormeckLaurel born about 1935
McCormeckLester born about 1899
McCormeckNorman born about 1931
McCormeckPearl born about 1902
McCormeckPriscilla born about 1929
McCormeckSandra born about 1939
McCormickAlice born about 1905
McCormickColleen born about 1934
McCormickDonna born about 1937
McCormickElaine born about 1929
McCormickRoy born about 1902
McDonaldJohn born about 1880
McFarlandAnnie born about 1905
McFarlandElizabeth born about 1922
McFarlandJames born about 1912
McFarlandRita born about 1926
McGrawAlice born about 1892
McGrawHugh born about 1885
McGreagorHoward born about 1911
McGreagorLeola born about 1905
McGreagorNorman born about 1927
McKenneyEdith born about 1882
McKenneyEdward born about 1915
McKnneyMaud born about 1866
McLaughinAvilda Eborn about 1931
McLaughinBlanch Bborn about 1902
McLaughinFranklin Rborn about 1899
McLaughinGeorge Eborn about 1876
McLaughinGerald Bborn about 1933
McLaughinNova Mborn about 1928
McNamaraAda born about 1924
McNamaraAnna born about 1927
McNamaraAnnette born about 1939
McNamaraCharles born about 1923
McNamaraElizabeth born about 1933
McNamaraJohn born about 1884
McNamaraJohn born about 1930
McNamaraJune born about 1929
McNamaraLaura born about 1926
McNamaraLeslie born about 1895
McNamaraPolly born about 1931
McNamaraRuth born about 1900
McNamaraRuth born about 1901
McNevinCharles born about 1912
McNevinGladys born about 1914
McNevinJohn born about 1932
McNevinJoyce born about 1937
McNevinLorinda born about 1889
McNevinNeil born about 1881
McNevinNeil Eborn about 1910
McNevinThelma born about 1914
McPhetersJosephine born about 1915
McPhetersNorman born about 1912
McPhetersStephen Dborn about 1937
MealAugustus born about 1865
MealDolly born about 1919
MealHartwell born about 1913
MealJulia born about 1875
MelsonAnna Mborn about 1884
MelsonCecil Aborn about 1906
MelsonElla Mborn about 1915
MerrilleAva born about 1871
MeteDoris born about 1916
MeteIseral born about 1917
MeteRobert born about 1939
MichandAlbert born about 1927
MichandCelina born about 1904
MichandCharles born about 1935
MichandEllen born about 1931
MichandEsther born about 1930
MichandFred born about 1883
MichandGeorgia born about 1903
MichandGertrude born about 1878
MichandJosephine born about 1924
MichandLeonard born about 1918
MichandLionel born about 1920
MichandLudger born about 1921
MichandMary born about 1933
MichandPaul born about 1895
MichandPhoebe born about 1929
MillesGertrude Wborn about 1896
MillesRauldi?d Hborn about 1890
MilletArthur born about 1902
MilletAvis born about 1924
MilletGerald born about 1931
MilletHelena Aborn about 1902
MilletLucile born about 1929
MilletPerry born about 1926
MillettMary born about 1878
MilnerAldine born about 1909
MilnerVictoria born about 1927
MilnerWaneta born about 1936
MilnerWilliam born about 1900
MilnerWilliam born about 1930
MitchellLewis Fborn about 1915
MitchellRuth born about 1918
MittenAnne born about 1885
MittenCharles born about 1874
MittenGeorge born about 1870
MittenMorganna born about 1878
MittonJames Leeborn about 1916
MoffitChester born about 1886
MoffitElla born about 1895
MonoreCharles born about 1923
MonoreFranklin born about 1927
MonoreLeon born about 1891
MonoreMearle born about 1905
MonoreMyrtle born about 1930
MoodyAlex W Dborn about 1884
MoodyArdine born about 1918
MoodyDorothy born about 1910
MoodyDwight born about 1920
MoodyJames born about 1929
MoodyJessie born about 1917
MoodyJessie Eborn about 1886
MoodyP Delosborn about 1890
MoodyPaul born about 1895
MoodyRichard born about 1933
MoodyRosella born about 1896
MooresArgie Mborn about 1908
MooresElimi born about 1911
MooresLaurence Gborn about 1926
MooresLaurence Wborn about 1905
MooresWalter Aborn about 1927
MorrillAlfred Jborn about 1914
MorrillCarrie born about 1882
MorrillOttotie born about 1920
MorrillRuth born about 1908
MorrisonBessie born about 1917
MorrisonBlaine born about 1897
MorrisonCalvin born about 1928
MorrisonCharlotte born about 1918
MorrisonDean born about 1936
MorrisonFlorence born about 1905
MorrisonFrancena born about 1931
MorrisonHarvey born about 1905
MorrisonJohn born about 1930
MorrisonKenneth born about 1915
MorrisonLewis born about 1900
MorrisonLorraine born about 1936
MorrisonMildred born about 1925
MorrisonNina born about 1872
MorrisonRoger born about 1927
MorrisonRonald born about 1912
MorrisonRuth born about 1900
MorrisonWalter born about 1927
MottEugene Pborn about 1893
MottGlyads Aborn about 1907
MottHope Louiseborn about 1926
MottMaud Eborn about 1898
MurchisonAlbert born about 1915
MurchisonAnnie born about 1885
MurchisonByron born about 1921
MurchisonDavid born about 1888
MurchisonDonald born about 1890
MurchisonEdgar born about 1919
MurchisonEva Lborn about 1916
MurchisonHarold born about 1911
MurchisonLoes born about 1913
MurchisonLottie born about 1892
MurchisonNorma born about 1923
MurchisonWilliam born about 1919
MuretPriscilla born about 1929
MurphyCatherine Tborn about 1885
MurphyCharles born about 1929
MurphyCharlotte born about 1926
MurphyDoreen born about 1921
MurphyEdward born about 1939
MurphyEdward Jborn about 1885
MurphyElizah born about 1916
MurphyElizah born about 1939
MurphyEsther born about 1936
MurphyEvelyn born about 1925
MurphyFloyd born about 1919
MurphyFloyd born about 1940
MurphyFrancis born about 1933
MurphyGerald born about 1930
MurphyJames born about 1911
MurphyLottie born about 1900
MurphyMarian born about 1937
MurphyMaysie born about 1920
MurphyMerita born about 1921
MurphyRonald born about 1893
MurphyRonald Jr born about 1928
MurphyRuth born about 1922
MurphyRuth born about 1924
MurphyStanley born about 1935
MusheroAlice born about 1936
MusheroAndrew born about 1932
MusheroCelia born about 1911
MusheroEdward born about 1867
MusheroHenry Jborn about 1904
MusheroLaurence born about 1913
MusheroLilian born about 1934
MusheroLouise born about 1927
MusheroMary Mborn about 1877
MusheroRalph born about 1939
MusheroStella Mborn about 1901
MusheroThomas born about 1929
MusheroThomas Hborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashDorothy born about 1914
NashEthel Cborn about 1921
NashPearl born about 1914
NashWissley born about 1935
NealCarrie born about 1913
NealDale born about 1933
NealDonna born about 1935
NealLinwood born about 1905
NelsonAra born about 1890
NelsonCecil A Jrborn about 1938
NicholsBarbara Annborn about 1936
NicholsForest born about 1896
NicholsGardiner born about 1904
NicholsLulah born about 1900
NicholsMargaret born about 1908
NicholsMary born about 1929
NicholsObed born about 1898
NicholsObed Jr born about 1927
NicholsPhyllis born about 1928
NicholsRobert born about 1926
NicholsonEvelyn born about 1927
NicholsonIsabella born about 1895
NicholsonJames born about 1891
NicholsonSheila born about 1930
NillMary Eborn about 1868
NobleMyrtle Bborn about 1887
NoddinDonald born about 1917
NoddinGeraldine born about 1917
NoddinSally born about 1940
NoelBarbara born about 1915
NoelJames born about 1909
NoelLancy born about 1903
NoelMary born about 1939
NoelRichard born about 1924
NoelVirginia born about 1877
NowellViola Aborn about 1923
NuteAlton Jborn about 1940
NuteCass born about 1875
NuteCloren born about 1910
NuteGrace born about 1892
NuteLaura born about 1911
NuteTory born about 1874
NuteVille born about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdellBernardette born about 1896
OdellJoseph Aborn about 1921
OdellPeter Jborn about 1886
OgdenLuticia born about 1897
OgdenWilliam born about 1882
OsbernerDowna Aborn about 1938
OsboneLester Eborn about 1892
OsgoodBarbara born about 1924
OsgoodFrank born about 1852
OsgoodKenneth born about 1926
OsgoodLoring born about 1897
OsgoodMarie born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaganAlta born about 1892
PageAnita born about 1939
PageAnnie born about 1885
PageByron born about 1876
PageCarrie Mborn about 1869
PageElla Aborn about 1925
PageEsther Mborn about 1919
PageEvelyn born about 1919
PageMargaret born about 1939
PageOwen born about 1916
PageWilliam Lborn about 1882
ParkerAcia born about 1911
ParkerAdrian born about 1940
ParkerCleveland born about 1915
ParkerJudith born about 1939
ParkerKenneth Rborn about 1940
ParkerLuther born about 1914
ParkerMargaret born about 1874
ParkerRuth born about 1906
ParkerThelma born about 1919
ParkerVictoria born about 1918
ParkerWorthy Mborn about 1914
ParterClinton born about 1913
ParterEva born about 1916
PattersonJohn Aborn about 1890
PattersonWinifred Bborn about 1891
PauphinelMargaret Eborn about 1888
PauphinelRobert Bborn about 1878
PelkeyEvelyn Eborn about 1905
PelkeyThomas Hborn about 1927
PelkysFlorence born about 1879
PelkysLena born about 1883
PerkinsEstella born about 1902
PerkinsHoward born about 1939
PerryArnold born about 1939
PerryBarbara born about 1914
PerryCharles born about 1908
PerryEmily born about 1938
PerryFay born about 1909
PerryHarley born about 1937
PerryHarry born about 1876
PerryHelen born about 1919
PerryMary born about 1939
PerryMaude born about 1886
PerryRolland born about 1936
PerryVera born about 1933
PeteArthur born about 1925
PeteDennis born about 1912
PeteDorothy born about 1937
PeteEvelyn born about 1909
PeteEvelyn born about 1938
PeteFred born about 1901
PeteGrace born about 1918
PeteHelen born about 1929
PeteJacqueline born about 1939
PeteJames Lborn about 1911
PeteJoe born about 1869
PeteJune Lborn about 1916
PeteKate born about 1882
PeteKatherine Mborn about 1938
PeteLawrence born about 1933
PeteLloyd born about 1935
PeteLois Pborn about 1931
PeteMerton born about 1928
PetePearle Jborn about 1936
PeteReta Mborn about 1934
PeteRose Mborn about 1935
PhillipsEleanor born about 1932
PhillipsLoren born about 1905
PhillipsMarian born about 1907
PhillipsMilton born about 1869
PhillipsRichard born about 1931
PhinneyFlorence born about 1898
PhinneyHartwell born about 1891
PhinneyHartwell born about 1924
PhinneyMerle born about 1920
PickeringIda born about 1890
PickeringWaldo born about 1871
PierceAda born about 1884
PineoEdison born about 1910
PineoElizabeth born about 1914
PineoRalph born about 1935
PinesRichard born about 1939
PinesSybil born about 1919
PinkhamAddie born about 1872
PinkhamClara Iborn about 1866
PinkhamEvelyn Cborn about 1893
PinkhamGertrude born about 1877
PinkhamHenry Sborn about 1867
PinkhamHerbert born about 1870
PinkhamMark Nborn about 1900
PinnetteCarolyn born about 1936
PinnetteEdmund born about 1911
PinnetteFlora born about 1912
PinnetteJudith Aborn about 1939
PinnetteRobert born about 1933
PooleHarry born about 1906
PooleLaura born about 1908
PotterArther Eborn about 1899
PotterEliza born about 1861
PowersCarroll born about 1935
PowersCharlotte born about 1925
PowersGuy born about 1919
PowersHarriet born about 1894
PowersJames born about 1890
PowersJames born about 1933
PowersJohn born about 1934
PowersKenneth born about 1918
PowersLeona Mborn about 1922
PowersMargerite born about 1919
PowersPhillip born about 1940
PowersReta born about 1931
PowersRichard born about 1930
PowersRoland born about 1919
PrattCarmen born about 1933
PrattClarence born about 1881
PrattFlorence born about 1886
PrattLaurence born about 1932
PrattLeland born about 1921
PrattPhyllis born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuintAnna Eborn about 1933
QuintCharles Mborn about 1935
QuintJohn born about 1912
QuintJohn Lborn about 1934
QuintMary born about 1910

R Surnames

RamsdellFiorence Eborn about 1875
RamsdellWilliam Hborn about 1870
RanndsEthel born about 1885
RayderCharlotte born about 1920
RayderGeorge born about 1917
RayderMaurice born about 1939
ReadAlmon born about 1867
ReadCarl born about 1904
ReadKatherine born about 1889
ReadornEarnest Mborn about 1890
ReadornEarnest M Jrborn about 1920
ReadornEarnest Nborn about 1881
ReadornLeroy Sborn about 1921
ReadornRobert Fborn about 1929
ReadornWilliam Dborn about 1927
ReedAgnes Mborn about 1895
ReedBeatrice Nborn about 1906
ReedCharles Hborn about 1891
ReedJames Aborn about 1857
ReedJohn Sborn about 1913
ReedJoseph born about 1876
ReedPauline Hborn about 1935
ReedPetricia born about 1928
RepleyClara born about 1850
RichArchie Pborn about 1890
RichDouglas Mnborn about 1925
RichFlorence Eborn about 1899
RichHasel Lborn about 1924
RichJanet Aborn about 1934
RichLyod Wborn about 1928
RichMyrle Wborn about 1930
RichardsAlexander born about 1867
RichardsBasil Rborn about 1889
RichardsBertha Iborn about 1893
RichardsEdward Jborn about 1907
RichardsFred born about 1919
RichardsThelma born about 1920
RiderEllen born about 1930
RiderEphraim born about 1919
RiderIsabel born about 1897
RiderJeanette born about 1933
RiderJohn born about 1881
RiderRobert born about 1923
RiderRosella born about 1927
RidleyCharlotte born about 1915
RidleyKenneth born about 1910
RidleyKenneth born about 1937
RobbinsCharles born about 1879
RobbinsLorna born about 1916
RobbinsMabel born about 1879
RobbinsonHelen born about 1911
RobertsClifton Eborn about 1889
RobertsInez Eborn about 1865
RobertsMena Cborn about 1889
RobinsonBurleigh born about 1916
RobinsonHelen born about 1920
RosebushIda Mborn about 1878
RosebushMaxine Jborn about 1874
RosenDavid Aborn about 1901
RosenElda Jborn about 1936
RosenMarian born about 1901
RossMarion born about 1912
RossMaxine born about 1926
RumeryJessie Rborn about 1900
RumerySomford Hborn about 1898
RunnelsGeorge born about 1888
RuseWillington Hborn about 1860
RyderClanton born about 1931
RyderGloria born about 1935
RyderHarold born about 1938
RyderJohn born about 1924
RyderLouise born about 1931
RyderLucy born about 1897
RyderMazie born about 1910
RyderPhillip born about 1937
RyderRuben born about 1890
RyderRuben Jr born about 1931
RyderShirley born about 1934
RyderThomas born about 1927
RyderWalter born about 1914
RyderWilliam born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalisburyLester born about 1890
SanbornInace born about 1859
SandersWilliam born about 1895
SaundersOrin born about 1880
SaundersRobert born about 1874
SavageHarold born about 1915
SavageKenneth Wborn about 1919
SavageMildred Mborn about 1920
SavageRichard Aborn about 1939
SavageSylvia born about 1940
SavageVirginia born about 1922
SavageWalter born about 1916
SawtelleH Russellborn about 1870
ScanlonEmily Mborn about 1887
ScanlonJohn Mborn about 1920
ScanlonWilliam born about 1885
ScottAda Mborn about 1881
ScottAlthea born about 1855
ScottDelia born about 1900
ScottGrace born about 1882
ScottIrving born about 1882
ScottKenneth born about 1916
ScottLayden Aborn about 1885
ScottLuella born about 1900
ScottMary born about 1923
ScottOra born about 1888
ScottTressa born about 1915
ScottVerne born about 1899
ScottWilliam born about 1890
SegeeFrank born about 1901
SharpEva born about 1907
SharpFred born about 1895
ShawAlorando Lborn about 1898
ShawAlorando L Jrborn about 1929
ShawAnine Aborn about 1909
ShawBernard Jborn about 1935
ShawEvelyn Lborn about 1928
ShawLula Mborn about 1928
ShawRichard Wborn about 1930
ShedPhillip born about 1903
ShedVera born about 1913
SheddAlonzo Wborn about 1912
SheddMary Jborn about 1918
SheddOklay Kborn about 1939
SheddRoberta Aborn about 1938
ShoreyBetsy born about 1868
ShoreyEleanor born about 1918
ShoreyForest born about 1896
ShoreyLeslie born about 1869
ShoreyWilliam born about 1921
SibbyArnold born about 1923
SibbyEdith born about 1885
SimpherMary born about 1904
SimpherRalph Rborn about 1899
SimpsonNellie Eborn about 1876
SimpsonPerry Fborn about 1870
SmartDorothy born about 1935
SmartEthel born about 1907
SmartEthel Eborn about 1929
SmartJessie Aborn about 1871
SmartLawrence born about 1903
SmartLawrence born about 1932
SmartMargaret born about 1930
SmartQuentin born about 1937
SmithAda born about 1875
SmithBerbra Aborn about 1925
SmithBernard born about 1904
SmithDorothy born about 1907
SmithEarl born about 1938
SmithElois born about 1930
SmithFletcher born about 1937
SmithGrace born about 1892
SmithHarold born about 1906
SmithJanice born about 1935
SmithJarrard born about 1882
SmithJennie born about 1876
SmithJosie Hborn about 1871
SmithKatherine born about 1899
SmithLouise born about 1929
SmithMina born about 1911
SmithPearl born about 1934
SmithRobert born about 1939
SmithRoy Eborn about 1896
SmithThelma born about 1916
SmithThurston Hborn about 1906
SmithVilmore born about 1918
SmithWheeler born about 1870
SmithWilliam born about 1913
SpearinAnnie born about 1918
SpearinJoseph Mborn about 1916
SpearinJoseph Sborn about 1878
SpearinPrisila Bborn about 1890
SproulDane born about 1904
SproulDorothy born about 1906
SproulHarley born about 1933
SproulJennings born about 1931
StanleyCarlton born about 1930
StanleyClifton born about 1901
StanleyFrancena born about 1927
StanleyHarland born about 1926
StanleyMaxine born about 1935
StanleyPhyllis born about 1937
StanleyRitta born about 1906
StanleyRuth born about 1938
StaplesBryant born about 1907
StaplesClarence born about 1874
StaplesEdith born about 1911
StaplesFred born about 1893
StaplesGayle born about 1939
StaplesIda born about 1873
StaplesKatherine born about 1907
StaplesKatherine Lborn about 1931
StaplesRobert Eborn about 1934
StevensAlice born about 1923
StevensClifford Aborn about 1919
StevensDavid born about 1925
StevensDorothy Aborn about 1893
StevensGalin Fborn about 1916
StevensHarry Bborn about 1889
StevensJoseph Aborn about 1913
StevensMarjorie Hborn about 1917
StevensonAgnes born about 1896
StevensonClifton born about 1932
StevensonGeorge born about 1891
StevensonGladys born about 1898
StevensonGrace Bborn about 1882
StevensonStanley born about 1894
StevensonVaughn born about 1928
StoneEllis born about 1883
StpeterGlendolyn born about 1907
StpeterPennie Aborn about 1907
StrattonAra born about 1935
StrattonThelma born about 1906
StrattonWilbur born about 1899
StrattonWilbur born about 1933
SturgeonAlyce born about 1935
SturgeonBarry Jborn about 1938
SturgeonEdison born about 1897
SturgeonIrene born about 1915
SturgeonLawrence born about 1908
SturgeonLawrence Dborn about 1935
SturgeonLenora born about 1912
SturgeonLeroy born about 1914
SturgeonLoyd Sborn about 1905
SturgeonMary Jborn about 1940
SturgeonTheodore born about 1931
SturgeonUna born about 1906
StwageonAnn born about 1881
StwensWalter born about 1893
StwensZara born about 1895
SumnersLeslie born about 1919
SurnbwnIchubod born about 1857
SurnbwnWalter born about 1892
SwanCharles born about 1883
SwanIda Hborn about 1890
SwasyDelia born about 1859
SwasyGordon born about 1937
SwasyKenneth born about 1939
SwasyWilliam born about 1888
SweetAngie born about 1873
SweetCyrus born about 1868
SweetGloria born about 1931
SweetLottie born about 1911
SweetReginald born about 1935
SweetRobert born about 1904
SweetSearl born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarboxFlora born about 1920
TarboxGlenwood born about 1910
TarboxWinfield born about 1938
TashCharles born about 1883
TashClarence born about 1916
TashGeneva born about 1892
TashLuise born about 1927
TateGeorge born about 1873
TateGeorge Jr born about 1917
TateWalter born about 1916
TerrioArthur born about 1922
TerrioRuth born about 1924
TerrisBertha Eborn about 1915
TerrisHenry Gborn about 1879
TerrisLeana Lborn about 1897
TherraultWayne born about 1921
ThibadeauEva born about 1892
ThibeanByron born about 1936
ThibeauAda born about 1921
ThomasAlroy Hborn about 1907
ThomasBeverly Annborn about 1939
ThomasEtta born about 1862
ThomasFrank Oborn about 1882
ThomasGeorge Eborn about 1911
ThomasHelen Aborn about 1894
Thompson born about 1912
ThompsonCecil born about 1887
ThompsonDelton born about 1921
ThompsonFrank Hborn about 1877
ThompsonFreeman born about 1912
ThompsonGayle Mborn about 1935
ThompsonHarry born about 1880
ThompsonKatherine born about 1937
ThompsonLeona born about 1892
ThompsonLyda Eborn about 1902
ThompsonMargaret born about 1911
ThompsonMinnie born about 1888
ThompsonSearle Wborn about 1919
ThompsonVernard Aborn about 1908
ThompsonVirgil born about 1920
ThorntonBenjamin born about 1891
ThorntonCharlotte born about 1905
ThorntonEva born about 1895
ThorntonHarold born about 1900
ThorntonHelen born about 1934
ThorntonLowis born about 1929
ThorntonRichard born about 1915
ThurlowClaude born about 1878
ThurlowMadeline born about 1913
TibbetsAlvirdo Sborn about 1925
TibbetsBenjamin born about 1869
TibbetsBenjamin born about 1929
TibbetsClyde born about 1918
TibbetsFred Hborn about 1854
TibbetsPearl Bborn about 1891
TibodeauAlthea born about 1939
TibodeauCarlton born about 1934
TibodeauCecil born about 1930
TibodeauDick born about 1910
TibodeauEmery born about 1907
TibodeauEvelyn born about 1937
TibodeauLennice born about 1940
TibodeauLloyd born about 1936
TibodeauMarian born about 1915
TibodeauMyra born about 1932
TibodeauRichard born about 1938
TibodeauVilla born about 1894
TiltonDeborah born about 1933
TiltonEvelyn born about 1918
TiltonGlenice born about 1916
TiltonHarry born about 1907
TiltonHattie born about 1921
TiltonJames born about 1911
TiltonNellie born about 1885
TiltonRaymond born about 1916
TiltonReta born about 1910
TiltonRichard born about 1924
TiltonVaughn born about 1919
TinkhamGeorge born about 1867
ToddH Dborn about 1871
ToddKatherine born about 1877
ToggAlec born about 1912
ToggEva born about 1917
ToggIra born about 1888
ToggJulia born about 1892
TolmanJanet born about 1936
TolmanJoyce born about 1934
TolmanLewis born about 1907
TolmanMarie born about 1916
TowleArline born about 1908
TowleIone born about 1903
TowleJerry born about 1932
TowleMary born about 1917
TowleSusie born about 1876
TowleVaughn born about 1909
TowleVonnette born about 1940
TownsendMariam born about 1915
TracyKatherine born about 1936
TracyMadeline born about 1936
TredwellElenor Mborn about 1928
TredwellGeorge Dborn about 1927
TredwellHelen Rborn about 1925
TredwellJosephine Mborn about 1898
TrottBertrand born about 1912
TrottBetty Jeanborn about 1933
TrottCharlotte born about 1915
TrottDalton born about 1938
TrottIvan born about 1885
TrottJune born about 1914
TrottLloyd born about 1927
TrottMarie born about 1935
TrottNorman born about 1932
TrottReginal Jborn about 1922
TrottVelma born about 1895
TrottVinal Aborn about 1920
TunkHarlan born about 1915
TupperAlta born about 1906
TupperFred born about 1889
TurkerGeorge born about 1884
TurkerLina born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VeinoGloria Sborn about 1931
VeinoJoseph Wborn about 1935
VeinoLedia born about 1896
VeinoRupert Hborn about 1930
VeinoRuth Lborn about 1925
VeinoWilliam born about 1909
VeinoWilliam born about 1924
VeinoYvonne Jborn about 1927
VenoHelen born about 1919
VenoMarsdon born about 1916
VenoSearl born about 1938
VoseJames born about 1928
VoseRobert born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalcottFlorence born about 1884
WalcottWilliam born about 1875
WalshAthia Lborn about 1910
WalshFrancis Wborn about 1905
WalshTerry Eborn about 1939
WarrenConrad Cborn about 1931
WarrenDale born about 1933
WarrenDavid born about 1940
WarrenDella born about 1881
WarrenFlora born about 1897
WarrenJoan born about 1925
WarrenJohn Sborn about 1932
WarrenLawrence born about 1919
WarrenLloyd born about 1910
WarrenRalph born about 1922
WarrenS Robertborn about 1925
WarrenShirley born about 1915
WarrenSydney Fborn about 1904
WarrenThelma Cborn about 1901
WarrenVarnum born about 1876
WarrenVesta born about 1927
WarrenWallis born about 1877
WashburnCarolyn born about 1934
WashburnFay born about 1917
WashburnFreeman born about 1926
WashburnGertrude born about 1888
WashburnHarry born about 1883
WashburnHilda born about 1918
WashburnLawrence born about 1911
WashburnLawrence Jr born about 1938
WashburnLeta born about 1937
WashburnLewis born about 1912
WashburnLouise born about 1920
WashburnOdry born about 1938
WeatherbeShirly born about 1935
WeatherbeeAlbert born about 1898
WeatherbeeAlbert born about 1929
WeatherbeeAlexander Mborn about 1898
WeatherbeeArabell born about 1910
WeatherbeeByron born about 1921
WeatherbeeClarence born about 1919
WeatherbeeDorothy Kborn about 1912
WeatherbeeEdward Aborn about 1908
WeatherbeeElaine born about 1924
WeatherbeeElizabeth born about 1927
WeatherbeeFrancis Eborn about 1904
WeatherbeeGene born about 1920
WeatherbeeHarold Pborn about 1938
WeatherbeeHarriet born about 1897
WeatherbeeHelen Eborn about 1911
WeatherbeeHope born about 1921
WeatherbeeJames born about 1927
WeatherbeeJohn born about 1931
WeatherbeeLois Mborn about 1924
WeatherbeeLottie Mborn about 1880
WeatherbeeLouis born about 1910
WeatherbeeMaria born about 1898
WeatherbeeMary born about 1867
WeatherbeeMary Eborn about 1876
WeatherbeeMary Ellenborn about 1938
WeatherbeeMerle Aborn about 1915
WeatherbeePauline born about 1933
WeatherbeePetricia Eborn about 1934
WeatherbeePriscilla born about 1934
WeatherbeeRobert Eborn about 1890
WeatherbeeRobert Jr born about 1929
WeatherbeeRoger born about 1925
WeatherbeeSearle Aborn about 1936
WeatherbeeTheresa born about 1893
WeatherbeeWilliam Wborn about 1876
WebsterBarbara born about 1905
WebsterEarl born about 1928
WebsterGeorg Oborn about 1890
WebsterHelen born about 1925
WebsterLynette born about 1932
WebsterOlive Mborn about 1891
WebsterShirley born about 1922
WebsterShirley Gborn about 1918
WebsterUda born about 1929
WentworthEdson Hborn about 1906
WentworthMildred Eborn about 1909
WentworthWarren Eborn about 1927
WescottEleanor born about 1914
WestherbeeElma born about 1907
WestherbeeLawrence born about 1909
WeymouthBrla born about 1876
WeymouthMyrtie born about 1875
WhalenCarolam born about 1934
WhalenEva born about 1920
WhalenEvelyn Gborn about 1908
WhalenFrancis born about 1919
WhalenJames Wborn about 1908
WhalenJane born about 1939
WhalenMurele Fborn about 1929
WhalenSharon born about 1939
WhalenThelma born about 1916
WhalinDaniel born about 1884
WhalinSarah born about 1889
WheelerClarence Jr born about 1920
WhelenBetty Annborn about 1931
WhelenCleveland born about 1909
WhelenDorothy born about 1909
WhelenMary Lichborn about 1928
WhelenPatricia born about 1929
WhiteAlberta born about 1937
WhiteArlemus born about 1884
WhiteCarleton born about 1900
WhiteCharles born about 1924
WhiteClaude born about 1897
WhiteDavid born about 1854
WhiteDonald born about 1922
WhiteEmma born about 1909
WhiteErmest born about 1921
WhiteJeanette born about 1935
WhiteKenneth born about 1931
WhiteMaurice born about 1928
WhiteMinnie born about 1902
WhiteRichard born about 1926
WhiteRobert born about 1929
WhitingFred born about 1879
WhitingIva born about 1884
WhitneyAllan Cborn about 1908
WhitneyBella Bborn about 1894
WhitneyBertha born about 1877
WhitneyEugene Aborn about 1923
WhitneyHarry Eborn about 1895
WhitneyJoseph born about 1880
WhitneyLouise Eborn about 1925
WhitneyMary Eborn about 1915
WhitneyRoland Wborn about 1932
WhittenAlbert Iborn about 1898
WhittenDoris born about 1907
WhittenDorothy born about 1915
WhittenEarl born about 1916
WhittenEvart born about 1913
WhittenHarold born about 1920
WhittenHaward Cborn about 1929
WhittenHelen born about 1918
WhittenHelen Cborn about 1902
WhittenHoward born about 1903
WhittenJeanette born about 1933
WhittenJoyce born about 1929
WhittenKatheleen born about 1939
WhittenLeonard born about 1921
WhittenLila born about 1921
WhittenPearl born about 1900
WhittenRandolph born about 1931
WhittenSadie born about 1880
WhittenSanya born about 1939
WhittenWilliam born about 1907
WhittenWinston Wborn about 1923
WhittierGeorge Bborn about 1889
WhittierLeonard born about 1927
WhittierVilla Rborn about 1888
WilchHannah born about 1868
WilchJohn born about 1864
WilderEdward born about 1859
WilliamsGeorge born about 1877
WilsonBedford born about 1891
WilsonDaisy born about 1897
WilsonDonald born about 1925
WilsonDurwood born about 1936
WilsonElla born about 1878
WilsonElsie born about 1902
WilsonHanford born about 1874
WilsonLena born about 1893
WilsonMarguerite born about 1915
WilsonMarian born about 1918
WilsonNettie born about 1872
WilsonRobert born about 1897
WilsonRosamne born about 1933
WilsonVictor born about 1939
WilsonWilliam born about 1891
WilsonWoodrow born about 1917
WinsdorMarilyn born about 1930
WinsdorMarton born about 1929
WinsdorRuth born about 1905
WinsdorRuth born about 1925
WinsdorWalter born about 1889
WinsdorWalter Jr born about 1927
WistonMadaline Pborn about 1916
WolfsonThelma born about 1916
WoodardAlbert born about 1910
WoodardGertrude born about 1926
WoodardHarriet born about 1912
WoodardPauline born about 1931
WoodrardAlbert Eborn about 1882
WoodrardLidia born about 1883
WoosterIva Aborn about 1897
WoosterMildred Rborn about 1920
WorkmanIrving born about 1888
WorkmanMargaret born about 1892
WymanCharles Hborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YellandFrances born about 1925
YellandMargie born about 1927
YellandRichard born about 1898
YellandVirgil Rborn about 1932
YellandVirginia born about 1905
YorkAlfrieda born about 1927
YorkDonald born about 1916
YorkJames born about 1922
YorkJosephine born about 1894
YorkLuda born about 1923
YorkRalph born about 1884
YorkVinal born about 1919
YoungAnna Sborn about 1870
YoungLeon born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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