1940 U.S. Federal Census of Lovell, Oxford, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Oxford County > 1940 Census of Lovell

A SurnamesI SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsArthur Lborn about 1927
AdamsBessie Bborn about 1897
AdamsC Fayeborn about 1928
AdamsChester Vborn about 1930
AdamsErnest Lborn about 1927
AdamsHorace born about 1893
AdamsHoward Eborn about 1928
AdamsJennie Sborn about 1914
AdamsJesse Wborn about 1891
AdamsMarion Wborn about 1900
AdamsMarybelle born about 1938
AdamsPaul Hborn about 1913
AdamsRodley Tborn about 1925
AdamsVirginia Wborn about 1921
AdamsWinfield Wborn about 1923
AllardEliza Aborn about 1867
AllardOlanda Wborn about 1876
AllenA Lavannborn about 1874
AllenBernard Aborn about 1893
AllenCleo Eborn about 1931
AllenClyde Hborn about 1928
AllenDoris Eborn about 1907
AllenEarl Eborn about 1928
AllenEarland Cborn about 1931
AllenElwood Aborn about 1939
AllenEudora Sborn about 1869
AllenFrancis Wborn about 1934
AllenGloria Jborn about 1936
AllenGrace Nborn about 1882
AllenHazel Vborn about 1906
AllenHoward Aborn about 1869
AllenHoward Rborn about 1900
AllenIrene Eborn about 1936
AllenJoann Cborn about 1938
AllenLawrence Wborn about 1929
AllenLester born about 1900
AllenLouise Bborn about 1905
AllenMelvin Dborn about 1912
AllenMelvin Eborn about 1868
AllenNelson Lborn about 1921
AllenPearl Lborn about 1924
AllenRaymond Eborn about 1910
AllenRaymond E Jrborn about 1932
AllenRex Aborn about 1922
AllenRoswell Fborn about 1937
AllenRuth Aborn about 1903
AllenRuth Bborn about 1918
AllenTheodore Mborn about 1904
AllenTheodore M Jrborn about 1926
AllenVirginia Aborn about 1938
AllenWayne Rborn about 1939
AllenWinona Hborn about 1914
AndrewsAddie Wborn about 1878
AndrewsClinton Rborn about 1893
AndrewsDonald Lborn about 1917
AndrewsDonald Wborn about 1912
AndrewsElmer Iborn about 1884
AndrewsFlorena Fborn about 1883
AndrewsIva Eborn about 1903
AndrewsLola Eborn about 1915
AndrewsOscar Eborn about 1863
AndrewsSteven Aborn about 1937
AndrewsSumner Rborn about 1875

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B Surnames

BachelorDorothy Mborn about 1917
BachelorFaustina Rborn about 1935
BachelorHarold Eborn about 1900
BachelorIsma Mborn about 1903
BachelorRobert Lborn about 1935
BaileyGeorge born about 1902
BarkerClarence Aborn about 1894
BassettBerle Eborn about 1927
BassettBeverly Mborn about 1926
BassettEdna Mborn about 1906
BassettJack born about 1906
BassettJack Jr born about 1936
BassettPriscilla Bborn about 1929
BassettWalter Cborn about 1857
BeanDana born about 1916
BedardHerman born about 1916
BedardLawrence born about 1928
BedardMuriel Iborn about 1924
BedardPrudent Jborn about 1920
BensonArthur Wborn about 1887
BensonCorinne Aborn about 1929
BensonMarguerite Aborn about 1901
BickettElizabeth Kborn about 1911
BickettJames Sborn about 1939
BickettWillard Aborn about 1912
BloodColis Mborn about 1935
BloodEarlon Nborn about 1919
BloodElsie Mborn about 1925
BloodElta Mborn about 1937
BloodLester Iborn about 1889
BloodMerton Wborn about 1920
BloodRetha Fborn about 1895
BloodWendell Iborn about 1917
BowleyEvelyn Lborn about 1883
BowleyPauline Eborn about 1924
BrackettAnnie Mborn about 1889
BrackettBert Wborn about 1879
BrackettJones Rborn about 1881
BrackettLeighton Eborn about 1924
BrackettMarcelis Rborn about 1927
BriggsAlice Bborn about 1874
BriggsLester Sborn about 1869
BriggsMildred Mborn about 1900
BrownAlthea Mborn about 1926
BrownCarl Nborn about 1890
BrownCarlton born about 1923
BrownCarrie Eborn about 1890
BurnellAlfred Eborn about 1912
BurnellClayton Eborn about 1920
BurnellElmer Eborn about 1891
BurnellSusie Lborn about 1891
BuswellJames Mborn about 1877
ButtersLester Jborn about 1913
ButtersLevi Lborn about 1874
ButtersLottie Mborn about 1877

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C Surnames

ChaplinNellie Eborn about 1870
CloughEdward Hborn about 1876
CloughHattie Aborn about 1874
CoeGeorge Cborn about 1885
CoeHelen Rborn about 1895
ColmanEudora Sborn about 1923
ColmanSargent Sborn about 1905
ColmanSargent S Jrborn about 1924
ConnellArthur Gborn about 1918
ConnellHilda Mborn about 1920
ConnellJoyce Mborn about 1939
CookCora Mborn about 1899
CookWalter Fborn about 1905
CranaAvis born about 1910
CranaDelbert Eborn about 1909
CranaRussell Dborn about 1929
CrausJohn Mborn about 1938
CrausMargaret Lborn about 1915
CrausMayo Bborn about 1915
CrausRoberta Mborn about 1937
CrawleyNellie born about 1866
CushmanEdward Eborn about 1926
CushmanGeorge Hborn about 1927

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D Surnames

DallingerAlice Wborn about 1916
DallingerBlanche Rborn about 1872
DallingerFrederick Wborn about 1872
DallingerMary Lborn about 1939
DallingerWilliam Sborn about 1909
DaveyBarbara born about 1917
DaveyEdward Sborn about 1885
DaveyEdward S Jrborn about 1929
DaveyElizabeth born about 1920
DaveyKeinath Sborn about 1892
DaveyKeineth born about 1926
DaveyPeter Sborn about 1923
DavisArthur Rborn about 1867
DavisCelia Eborn about 1899
DavisCharles Eborn about 1906
DavisEdward Nborn about 1877
DavisElla Mborn about 1882
DavisGeorge Mborn about 1894
DavisGerald Eborn about 1928
DavisHazel Hborn about 1916
DavisLewis Wborn about 1919
DavisNorman Gborn about 1922
DavisSandra Lborn about 1940
DayMamie Gborn about 1878
DixonRebecca born about 1884
DowellAlice Sborn about 1883
DurginGertrude Aborn about 1893
DurginGordon Cborn about 1923
DurginLes??? Cborn about 1899

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E Surnames

EastmanCalvert Dborn about 1928
EastmanCarlton Tborn about 1925
EastmanElizabeth Aborn about 1923
EastmanElizabeth Bborn about 1899
EastmanEverett Wborn about 1921
EastmanFrances Aborn about 1910
EastmanGordon M Jrborn about 1940
EastmanGordon M Srborn about 1917
EastmanMabel Bborn about 1883
EastmanMax Cborn about 1883
EastmanMaxine Iborn about 1922
EastmanMorris Gborn about 1931
EastmanNellie Mborn about 1862
EastmanRobert Wborn about 1899
ElliottAlice Nborn about 1874
ElliottJohn Wborn about 1877
EmeryGertrude Eborn about 1917
EmeryJane Fborn about 1869

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F Surnames

FairburnAnne born about 1935
FairburnDavid Haddenborn about 1937
FairburnLouise Ramseyborn about 1937
FairburnMrs Robert Gborn about 1911
FairburnMrs William born about 1912
FairburnMrs William Aborn about 1879
FairburnRobert Gborn about 1912
FairburnWilliam Aborn about 1877
FairburnWilliam A Iiiborn about 1935
FairburnWilliam A Jrborn about 1910
FarrarAddie born about 1893
Farrington??? Sborn about 1861
FarringtonAvis Hborn about 1876
FarringtonBarbara Eborn about 1905
FarringtonDorothy Eborn about 1931
FarringtonEdward Jr born about 1901
FarringtonHelen Cborn about 1912
FarringtonJ Peterborn about 1931
FarringtonJohn Mborn about 1904
FarringtonJohn Wborn about 1928
FarringtonLawrence Eborn about 1932
FarringtonMary Jborn about 1930
FarringtonRalph Bborn about 1928
FarringtonRichard Tborn about 1934
FarringtonRobert Eborn about 1936
FarringtonWilliam Hborn about 1875
FeeneyEdith born about 1907
FeeneyJohn born about 1938
FeeneyJoseph born about 1901
FeeneyRobert born about 1939
FilesArlington Fborn about 1918
FlintEugene Lborn about 1890
FlintSadie Dborn about 1888
FoxAgnes Mborn about 1901
FoxAlice Eborn about 1886
FoxArther Gborn about 1884
FoxArthur G Jrborn about 1924
FoxAugustus Wborn about 1883
FoxCharles Hborn about 1894
FoxCharles Wborn about 1929
FoxDaniel Mborn about 1883
FoxDavid Gborn about 1939
FoxDonald Sborn about 1935
FoxEliza Mborn about 1896
FoxElizabeth Aborn about 1926
FoxFrederick Cborn about 1938
FoxGeorge Wborn about 1923
FoxHenry Wborn about 1899
FoxHenry Wborn about 1925
FoxIsaac Sborn about 1873
FoxIva Aborn about 1919
FoxJohn Fborn about 1926
FoxJohn Rborn about 1908
FoxJosiah Hborn about 1867
FoxKatherine Cborn about 1883
FoxLillian Fborn about 1881
FoxMarjorie Hborn about 1924
FoxMattie Mborn about 1873
FoxPaul Cborn about 1935
FoxRichard Hborn about 1940
FoxRichard Rborn about 1923
FoxRobert Cborn about 1922
FoxRuth Hborn about 1908
FrenchWilliam Rborn about 1880

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G Surnames

GallowayGeraldine born about 1922
GammonWarren Pborn about 1875
GarcelonCharles Aborn about 1875
GerryCarolyn born about 1933
GerryCharles born about 1913
GerryErlene Mborn about 1910
GerryErnest Cborn about 1886
GerryErnest C Jrborn about 1923
GerryFlora Mborn about 1889
GerryJanette born about 1930
GerryJohn Sborn about 1910
GerryMartha born about 1939
GerryStella Eborn about 1863
GilmanElmore Eborn about 1893
GilmanElmore Eborn about 1927
GilmanElwin Nborn about 1924
GilmanHarriet Cborn about 1903
GilmanWayne born about 1934
GrayHarold Aborn about 1899
GrayIrene Aborn about 1903
GrayJanet Lborn about 1937
GroverBeatrice Eborn about 1910
GroverBeverly Jborn about 1930
GroverEdgar Fborn about 1908
GroverEmma Eborn about 1875
GroverWilliam Wborn about 1872
GroverWilliam Wborn about 1939
GueretteGeorge born about 1893
GueretteHuldah Mborn about 1889
GueretteMary Sborn about 1929
GuerettePriscilla born about 1919

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H Surnames

HamiltonBlanche Cborn about 1888
HarmanDorothy Aborn about 1922
HarmanPhilip Lborn about 1939
HarmanRay born about 1907
HarmarDonald Iborn about 1928
HarmarGlenice Jborn about 1934
HarmarLeon Iborn about 1901
HarmarMargery Vborn about 1910
HarmarWayne Tborn about 1937
HarmonArnold Nborn about 1940
HarmonBetty Pborn about 1930
HarmonCharles Eborn about 1904
HarmonDiana Pborn about 1935
HarmonDorothy Jborn about 1929
HarmonEleanro Aborn about 1913
HarmonMerle Eborn about 1931
HarrimanDavid born about 1935
HarrimanHallie Aborn about 1908
HarrimanRobert Mborn about 1931
HarrimanSeth Bborn about 1877
HarrimanVernice Lborn about 1874
HarrimanWilbur Fborn about 1897
HarrisonHerbert Rborn about 1897
HarrisonPatricia Aborn about 1930
HarrisonTressie Aborn about 1893
HatchErnest Sborn about 1870
HealdEverett born about 1883
HealdHattie born about 1893
HeimDorothy Mborn about 1916
HeimEdna Mborn about 1890
HeimFrederick Kborn about 1939
HeimGustave Lborn about 1916
HeimGustave L Jrborn about 1938
HeinsAdeline Eborn about 1915
HeinsChristine Eborn about 1939
HeinsKarl Wborn about 1916
HeinsMarlene Mborn about 1938
HermanFred Aborn about 1873
HerneLewis born about 1895
HerrickRowson Fborn about 1864
HillArchie Lborn about 1879
HillErma Bborn about 1916
HillGordon Hborn about 1937
HillHarold born about 1916
HillHarry Aborn about 1881
HillNettie Mborn about 1877
HobbsCharlotte Eborn about 1879
HobsonElaine Mborn about 1931
HobsonJoan Fborn about 1935
HobsonNora Pborn about 1911
HobsonW Eltonborn about 1912
HopkinsEmily born about 1920
HorrElveda Aborn about 1881
HorrHenry Aborn about 1874
HubbardClinton Pborn about 1906
HubbardMarion Bborn about 1907
HubbardNancy born about 1935
HurdAlice Hborn about 1869
HurdMarion Pborn about 1898
HurdMerwin Wborn about 1920
HurdRalph Hborn about 1894
HurdWilliam Bborn about 1869

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I Surnames

IrishBessie Hborn about 1871

J Surnames

JoyceFred Eborn about 1885

K Surnames

KendallBert Fborn about 1882
KendallMarion Aborn about 1893
KendallPauline Mborn about 1914
KilgourJames R Jrborn about 1886
KilgourOlive Wborn about 1888
KimballAdline Wborn about 1879
KimballCarrie Dborn about 1875
KimballClifford Gborn about 1904
KimballCora Bborn about 1872
KimballErma Tborn about 1896
KimballEvelyn Lborn about 1907
KimballFred Dborn about 1895
KimballHorace Sborn about 1879
KimballJohn Wborn about 1926
KimballMaurice Wborn about 1899
KimballMorris Wborn about 1900
KimballRachel Mborn about 1908
KimballRena Mborn about 1929
KimballRuth Oborn about 1926

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L Surnames

LambertArthur born about 1884
LambertMay Fborn about 1880
LarogueBertha born about 1896
LarogueWalter Fborn about 1886
LavogueUrsula born about 1921
LeavittCharlotte Sborn about 1891
LebaronEva Mborn about 1888
LebaronLottie Aborn about 1885
LebaronMandell Aborn about 1865
LebaronOrris Mborn about 1884
LewisDonald born about 1909
LibbyAlbert Pborn about 1919
LibbyBeatrice Pborn about 1896
LibbyDorothy Fborn about 1928
LibbyFrancis Pborn about 1897
LibbyJeneane Nborn about 1935
LibbyKenneth Pborn about 1922
LibbyM Arleneborn about 1924
LibbyRichard Fborn about 1933
LittlefieldClayton Eborn about 1868
LittlefieldPhebe Nborn about 1872
LordClarence Dborn about 1873

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M Surnames

MacdonaldFred born about 1886
MarkhouseCatherine born about 1918
MarkhouseWilliam Aborn about 1907
MartinNatalie born about 1928
MasonFred Eborn about 1885
McAllisterAlfred Dborn about 1918
McAllisterAndrew born about 1867
McAllisterBarbara Mborn about 1929
McAllisterBtertrand Wborn about 1920
McAllisterByron Cborn about 1893
McAllisterC Pearlborn about 1908
McAllisterCarol Wborn about 1901
McAllisterCarol Wborn about 1936
McAllisterDana Eborn about 1863
McAllisterDaniel Eborn about 1940
McAllisterDaphine Kborn about 1939
McAllisterDoris Kborn about 1919
McAllisterEdgar Sborn about 1873
McAllisterEdith Lborn about 1908
McAllisterEtta Mborn about 1911
McAllisterEverett born about 1900
McAllisterFrances Cborn about 1923
McAllisterGeorgia Mborn about 1873
McAllisterHarold Eborn about 1937
McAllisterHerbert Sborn about 1879
McAllisterIan Cborn about 1924
McAllisterIva Mborn about 1907
McAllisterIvan Oborn about 1931
McAllisterIvan Wborn about 1903
McAllisterLeona Pborn about 1898
McAllisterLouis Eborn about 1871
McAllisterMabel Mborn about 1881
McAllisterMahitable born about 1862
McAllisterMartha Lborn about 1886
McAllisterNettie Pborn about 1880
McAllisterOrman Aborn about 1918
McAllisterRalph born about 1892
McAllisterRandolph Eborn about 1906
McAllisterRonald Tborn about 1939
McAllisterSydney Hborn about 1877
McAllisterWeeman Gborn about 1883
McCallisterGrace Mborn about 1887
McCallisterJane Bborn about 1926
McCallisterJanet Mborn about 1925
McCallisterJune Eborn about 1923
McCallisterMarshall Cborn about 1886
McCallisterMarshall C Jrborn about 1928
McKeenAbbie Mborn about 1855
McKeenAnnie Lborn about 1897
McKeenElineor Mborn about 1926
McKeenElla Cborn about 1892
McKeenElla Vborn about 1868
McKeenFreeman Pborn about 1890
McKeenHarry Bborn about 1871
McKeenHazel Eborn about 1913
McKeenHerbert Cborn about 1888
McKeenJohn Wborn about 1913
McKeenLoren Gborn about 1863
McKeenNellie Mborn about 1868
McKeenStella Gborn about 1872
McKeenWarren Bborn about 1862
MerrillCarlton Wborn about 1917
MerrillCharles Aborn about 1867
MerrillDavid Cborn about 1940
MerrillErnest born about 1905
MerrillFrank born about 1921
MerrillGrace Vborn about 1913
MerrillHerman Wborn about 1892
MerrillKenneth Hborn about 1915
MerrillLina Cborn about 1917
MerrillMarcia Cborn about 1939
MerrillSara Bborn about 1896
MillikinArchie Sborn about 1931
MillikinClinton Wborn about 1874
MillikinStanley Cborn about 1905
MillikinSusie Wborn about 1880
MillikinVerona Lborn about 1911
MixerDaniel Aborn about 1880
MixerLois Mborn about 1928
MixerMary Nborn about 1887
MurphyIsabel born about 1890

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N Surnames

NeveroHarold Hborn about 1915
NortonGardner Jborn about 1937
NortonLavina Bborn about 1911
NortonLeewood Aborn about 1905
NortonMarilyn Lborn about 1934
NortonSilvia Aborn about 1935

P Surnames

PaisleyEva Wilsonborn about 1877
PalmerCaroline Bborn about 1914
PalmerJohn Wborn about 1914
PalmerLottie Mborn about 1884
PerkinsCharolette Aborn about 1928
PerkinsClaude Lborn about 1881
PerkinsEleanor Mborn about 1888
PerkinsFrank Vborn about 1918
PittmanEva Cborn about 1912
PittmanJ Raymondborn about 1936
PittmanMerle Rborn about 1910
PlummerJames Sborn about 1894
PlummerMarcia Sborn about 1919
PlummerMarilyn Lborn about 1921
PlummerReta Mborn about 1931
PlummerVelma Dborn about 1924
PlummerViolet Sborn about 1890
PulkkinenD Fredborn about 1934
PulkkinenDonald Eborn about 1914
PulkkinenMay Hborn about 1912

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R Surnames

RichEsther Aborn about 1886
RichardsonArlene born about 1922
RingCora Bborn about 1862
RingEtta Gborn about 1886
RingHarry Gborn about 1881
RingRichard Gborn about 1915
RingSamual Hborn about 1921
RoeJulia Sborn about 1895
RogersAlfreda Mborn about 1935
RoweCarolon Oborn about 1919
RoweEthel Mborn about 1904
RoweHelen Aborn about 1915
RoweLewis Fborn about 1913
RoweOrrington Jborn about 1884
RussellBenjamin born about 1870
RussellLottie Iborn about 1886

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S Surnames

SawyerLinwood Cborn about 1880
SawyerMinnie Cborn about 1875
ScribnerWoodsmn born about 1883
SeaveyLouise Mborn about 1884
SeaveyWaldo Nborn about 1883
SeverenceHarold Eborn about 1904
SeverenceLucille Dborn about 1918
SeverencePerley Eborn about 1890
SeverencePhyllis Hborn about 1914
SeverenceWilliam Eborn about 1896
ShawAnne Eborn about 1919
ShawEthel Pborn about 1920
ShawGladys Vborn about 1893
ShawHenry Aborn about 1919
ShawHenry Lborn about 1885
SheaVelma born about 1898
SilkworthArthur Bborn about 1891
SilkworthMaude Hborn about 1891
SmithAlthea Lborn about 1919
SmithElla Mborn about 1858
SmithMary born about 1920
SmithMillard Gborn about 1901
SmithMina Vborn about 1893
SmithRoy Rborn about 1913
StaceA Evelynborn about 1884
StaceDonald Aborn about 1908
StaceWalter Bborn about 1880
StanfordCharles Fborn about 1893
StanfordRuth Kborn about 1890
StanleyDelbert Fborn about 1870
StanleyLilla Hborn about 1864
StanleyOlie Aborn about 1876
StareCarlene Aborn about 1936
StareHerbert Gborn about 1911
StareMerlie Kborn about 1914
StearnsAlbert Hborn about 1934
StearnsAvis Dborn about 1909
StearnsBarbara born about 1928
StearnsBessie Hborn about 1873
StearnsBurton Dborn about 1939
StearnsBurton Jborn about 1909
StearnsCatherine Cborn about 1928
StearnsDoris Cborn about 1905
StearnsE Trumanborn about 1886
StearnsEleanor born about 1913
StearnsEsther Eborn about 1905
StearnsFrank Fborn about 1901
StearnsFrank F Jrborn about 1925
StearnsFred Sborn about 1913
StearnsGeorge Hborn about 1902
StearnsIva Mborn about 1909
StearnsLeslie Lborn about 1871
StearnsLulu Mborn about 1869
StearnsMarcia Aborn about 1931
StearnsMarcus Fborn about 1907
StearnsMarguerite Sborn about 1929
StearnsNancy Mborn about 1934
StearnsRobert Dborn about 1926
StearnsTheda born about 1930
StephonsonGeorge Rborn about 1858
StevensHarold Cborn about 1898
StolerJulia Cborn about 1867
StoneMartha Wborn about 1906
StoneW Lawrenceborn about 1904
StoverGrace Bborn about 1894

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T Surnames

TarboxHerbert born about 1864
TarboxKatherine Gborn about 1885
TaylorJoseph Aborn about 1884
TaylorMargaret Aborn about 1900
TaylorPhilip Wborn about 1923
TaylorRoland Wborn about 1899
TherraultBernice Mborn about 1900
TherraultGeorge Lborn about 1912
ThomasEdna born about 1883
ThompsonErban Dborn about 1900
ThompsonHarold Eborn about 1924
ThompsonJune Aborn about 1935
ThompsonMildred Mborn about 1904
ThompsonWinona Eborn about 1928
ToueJosiah Wborn about 1885
TroupJane born about 1934
TroupRuby Rborn about 1906
TroupWalter born about 1886
TubbsIrene Eborn about 1916

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V Surnames

VintonCatherine Fborn about 1904
VintonEvelyn Fborn about 1932
VintonFrances Bborn about 1929
VintonNellie Bborn about 1874
VintonS Brainerdborn about 1904
VonzinthMrs Wm born about 1914

W Surnames

WakefieldAnne born about 1934
WakefieldArthur Gborn about 1927
WakefieldDonna Mayborn about 1940
WakefieldEverett Wborn about 1902
WakefieldFrances born about 1906
WakefieldKenneth Eborn about 1930
WakefieldKenneth Eborn about 1931
WakefieldPhyllis Bborn about 1928
WalkerAlice Eborn about 1892
WalkerBarnes Eborn about 1906
WalkerEleanor Lborn about 1908
WalkerGeorge Wborn about 1866
WalkerIrene Aborn about 1898
WalkerLester Wborn about 1890
WalkerMarion Sborn about 1869
WalkerPaul Aborn about 1931
WalkerPercy Aborn about 1895
WalkerPhyllis Aborn about 1929
WalkerWilliam Aborn about 1932
WarrenBarbara Mborn about 1897
WarrenKeith Fborn about 1892
WarrenPatricia born about 1921
WarrenTimothy Mborn about 1924
WarrenWillard Cborn about 1923
WatsonArline Eborn about 1924
WatsonEugenie Aborn about 1875
WatsonFrank Bborn about 1873
WatsonHarold Hborn about 1900
WatsonMary Cborn about 1902
WellsEmily Oborn about 1877
WellsFrank Lborn about 1887
WhitehouseFloyd born about 1907
WhitehouseGrace born about 1908
WilkinsonCaroline Rborn about 1916
WilkinsonIvan Rborn about 1915
WilkinsonJune Vborn about 1925
WilkinsonL Juanitaborn about 1926
WilkinsonLois Cborn about 1939
WilkinsonMelvin Rborn about 1893
WilkinsonViolet Gborn about 1905
WilsonEnfield Hborn about 1923
WilsonGlenna Aborn about 1895
WilsonKenneth Fborn about 1931
WilsonLeland Eborn about 1928
WilsonLeland Fborn about 1898
WilsonMalcolm Rborn about 1930

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Y Surnames

YoungThad born about 1895

Z Surnames

ZintlWilliam born about 1906

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