1940 U.S. Federal Census of Monticello, Aroostook, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Aroostook County > 1940 Census of Monticello

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AllenSamuel Rborn about 1919
AmesArline Pborn about 1910
AmesH Harrisborn about 1891
ArchibaldAbnot Aborn about 1883
ArchibaldEldora born about 1885
ArchibaldJennie born about 1891
ArchibaldJohn Dborn about 1873
ArchibaldMarvin born about 1887
ArchibaldMary Eborn about 1867
ArchibaldPaul Mborn about 1912
ArchibaldPhilis Lborn about 1924
ArchibaldPurcilla Gborn about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAmos born about 1907
BaileyElizabeth Aborn about 1936
BaileyGarth Aborn about 1932
BaileyGlenna Mborn about 1915
BaileyIone Rborn about 1935
BaileysAubrey Aborn about 1911
BaileysAubrey Aborn about 1932
BaileysJames Aborn about 1937
BaileysJanice Lborn about 1937
BaileysMarie Aborn about 1933
BaileysMarjorie Iborn about 1934
BaileysMinnie Iborn about 1918
BakerLouis Aborn about 1912
BakerMaude Aborn about 1883
BatchplederPhoebe Eborn about 1901
BealsBarbara Jborn about 1938
BealsGerald Wborn about 1913
BealsRose born about 1914
BeanHerritte Dborn about 1892
BeanLyman Sborn about 1922
BeanPatrice Mborn about 1923
BeanPhilip Fborn about 1920
BeanVera Jborn about 1891
BeatonArchie born about 1873
BeatonDo Elaineborn about 1934
BeatonDorothy born about 1904
BeatonElla Bborn about 1883
BeatonFloria Lborn about 1911
BeatonHarry Aborn about 1904
BeatonMargaret Eborn about 1932
BeatonMary Eborn about 1930
BellEdward Eborn about 1903
BellElisabeth Iborn about 1922
BellGertrude Eborn about 1870
BellHenry Aborn about 1898
BellJames Eborn about 1873
BellNorman Sborn about 1884
BellVera Iborn about 1891
BelyeaBarbara Lborn about 1933
BelyeaCarl Lborn about 1930
BelyeaCharles Lborn about 1931
BelyeaMildred Fborn about 1896
BelyeaPaul Aborn about 1922
BelyeaPhyllis Lborn about 1923
BelyeaRay Lborn about 1929
BelyeaWilliam Aborn about 1875
BelyeaWilliam Aborn about 1927
BondAlfred Gborn about 1901
BondEva Mborn about 1909
BondKatheleen Cborn about 1937
BoullieClifford Lborn about 1900
BoullieClinton Lborn about 1926
BoullieEnville Eborn about 1903
BoullieGertrude Mborn about 1928
BoullieHayden Lborn about 1936
BoullieOra Eborn about 1930
BoyceAlton Hborn about 1933
BoyceDonald Eborn about 1929
BoyceEdward born about 1885
BoyceEdward Cborn about 1935
BoyceEthyl Mborn about 1892
BoyceLawrence Eborn about 1929
BoyceLouise born about 1923
BoyceVerna Jborn about 1915
BoyceWilmot Eborn about 1909
BradstreetJennie Bborn about 1886
BragdonMildred Lborn about 1907
BragdonOrland Lborn about 1881
BragdonVelma Rborn about 1886
BrannesIrene born about 1920
BreverBetty Lborn about 1928
BreverCarlton Dborn about 1925
BreverJoy Aborn about 1930
BreverShirley Mborn about 1931
BrewerAlvin Eborn about 1919
BrewerHelen Aborn about 1918
BrewerMac Aborn about 1938
BridgesEugnia born about 1865
BriggsAlbert Bborn about 1908
BriggsArdith Jborn about 1923
BriggsArthur Wborn about 1896
BriggsDana Aborn about 1934
BriggsEdith Aborn about 1898
BriggsHilda Mborn about 1913
BriggsJulia born about 1855
BriggsMarjorie Iborn about 1926
BriggsMaude born about 1867
BriggsPhylis Lborn about 1931
BriggsSylvia Aborn about 1937
BriggsWillmont Oborn about 1929
BrittonAda Jborn about 1899
BrittonBarbara Lborn about 1921
BrittonBernard born about 1915
BrittonClara Eborn about 1907
BrittonElzina Mborn about 1889
BrittonGale Cborn about 1939
BrittonGeorge Wborn about 1891
BrittonGrover born about 1893
BrittonHarrett Gborn about 1923
BrittonJack Hborn about 1931
BrittonJewell born about 1916
BrittonJohn Eborn about 1885
BrittonLena Rborn about 1886
BrittonLouise born about 1917
BrittonMargret Lborn about 1929
BrittonMerle Gborn about 1932
BrittonNoavil Jborn about 1916
BrittonRichard born about 1930
BrittonRoberta Eborn about 1928
BrittonWarren Wborn about 1907
BrownAffred Mborn about 1865
BrownFrank Nborn about 1890
BrownLawrence Fborn about 1916
BrownLewis Jborn about 1925
BrownMary Eborn about 1895
BrownMary Eborn about 1929
BrownMichael Gborn about 1931
BrownPansy Lborn about 1914
BrownPaul Jborn about 1923
BrownRichard Jborn about 1927
BrownThomas Wborn about 1888
BruderAshley Dborn about 1899
BruderGertrude Fborn about 1899
BruderIona Gborn about 1923
BubarCarol Gborn about 1934
BubarDon Nborn about 1890
BubarEvelyn Mborn about 1908
BubarHenry Cborn about 1905
BubarJeffrey Nborn about 1939
BubarZettie Sborn about 1892
BuchMargaret born about 1887
BuchMary Ellenborn about 1918
BuchRaymond Wborn about 1886
BuchRaymond W Jrborn about 1920
BuckNancy born about 1860
BuckNega Mborn about 1881
BuckWilbur Aborn about 1859
BullBertha Eborn about 1861
BullGeorge Wborn about 1861
BullyBert born about 1872
BullyClarence Dborn about 1904
BullyLeila Rborn about 1911
BullyWillard Bborn about 1937
BurlockEthyl Wborn about 1883
BurlockWilmot Aborn about 1884
BurpeeEarl Lborn about 1939
BurpeeEarnest Oborn about 1935
BurpeeHattie Eborn about 1932
BurpeeLockwood Eborn about 1905
BurpeeMable Aborn about 1928
BurpeeMarshall Sborn about 1937
BurpeeRaymond Eborn about 1940
BurpeeStella Oborn about 1908
BurpeeThomas Rborn about 1930
BurttAllison Mborn about 1912
BurttAlma Jborn about 1890
BurttArville Sborn about 1925
BurttFlora Fborn about 1923
BurttFrank Lborn about 1920
BurttHerbert Hborn about 1929
BurttKathleen Aborn about 1928
BurttKieth Nborn about 1928
BurttLois Nborn about 1934
BurttNina Gborn about 1916
BurttRandolf Eborn about 1918
BurttVaugh Nborn about 1937
BurttWilliam Aborn about 1884
BurttWilliam Tborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarmichaelAda Fborn about 1895
CarmichaelCharles Jborn about 1926
CarmichaelClair born about 1928
CarmichaelDoris Eborn about 1922
CarmichaelEthel Pborn about 1932
CarmichaelGarth Lborn about 1934
CarmichaelGladys Fborn about 1902
CarmichaelHalen Dborn about 1924
CarmichaelJ Mborn about 1906
CarmichaelLawrence Aborn about 1932
CarmichaelLentin Rborn about 1920
CarmichaelMelvin Jborn about 1899
CarmichaelMerlin Wborn about 1927
CarmichaelPhylis Iborn about 1930
CarmichaelRichard Lborn about 1932
CarmichaelVaughn Dborn about 1934
CarmichaelVelma Fborn about 1908
CarmichaelWalter Bborn about 1895
CarmicharlesBeatrice Lborn about 1929
CarmicharlesIsiabell born about 1908
CarmicharlesMaxine Mborn about 1938
CarmicharlesNettie Iborn about 1936
CarmicharlesPercey Lborn about 1932
CarmicharlesPercy Lborn about 1898
CarmichedGeorge Aborn about 1878
CarmicktelEvelyn Mborn about 1925
CarpenterBlanche Mborn about 1887
CarpenterGeneve born about 1915
CarpenterHillston born about 1916
CarpenterJesse Lborn about 1923
CarpenterRobert Aborn about 1886
CarpenterTerrance Rborn about 1938
CarrieBeatrice Rborn about 1914
CarrieCarl Wborn about 1934
CarrieDalton Aborn about 1936
CarrieWilliam Jborn about 1910
CarterAlmeda born about 1897
CarterArthur born about 1922
CarterGuy Pborn about 1899
CarterLeroy born about 1923
CarterRalph born about 1931
CarterRuth born about 1927
ChandlerAndrey Pborn about 1925
CheneyCharles Hborn about 1859
CheneyDona Fborn about 1924
CheneyFaye Mborn about 1876
CheneyIvy Fborn about 1883
CheneyWalter Lborn about 1881
ClarkAgnes Lborn about 1881
ClarkArch born about 1870
CoderyAnna Eborn about 1874
CoderyCaroline Nborn about 1933
CoderyCharles Hborn about 1865
CoderyEarnest Rborn about 1929
CoderyForest Cborn about 1927
CoderyGeraldean Aborn about 1925
CoderyKathleen born about 1894
CoderyLillian Jborn about 1936
CoderyLinton Cborn about 1923
CoderyRolan Eborn about 1894
CoderyRonnel Bborn about 1934
ColeFarie born about 1911
ColeHarry born about 1902
ColeHarry Jr born about 1936
ColeMary born about 1932
ConleyClair Fborn about 1902
ConleyElane born about 1903
ContoqueFlora Iborn about 1900
CookAhgus born about 1873
CookAngus Aborn about 1905
CookEla born about 1880
CookHarry Georgeborn about 1916
CookMiles born about 1890
CookSusie Kborn about 1895
CormichealArthur Nborn about 1932
CormichealEarnesgt Lborn about 1891
CormichealFlorence Eborn about 1891
CormichealHarold Uborn about 1925
CormichealMary Eborn about 1929
CormichealPerley Dborn about 1934
CowperthwaitDonald Sborn about 1912
CowperthwaitJoan Mborn about 1936
CowperthwaitLouise Iborn about 1917
CowperthwaitRichard Iborn about 1935
CowperthwaiteAbner Sborn about 1883
CowperthwaiteCase Mborn about 1883
CowperthwaiteEdna Mborn about 1933
CowperthwaiteEllery Wborn about 1903
CowperthwaiteEthelyn Mborn about 1916
CowperthwaiteFranklin Cborn about 1934
CowperthwaiteGeorgia Mborn about 1902
CowperthwaiteGerald Bborn about 1932
CowperthwaiteMattie Mborn about 1885
CowperthwaiteMerrill Gborn about 1929
CowperthwaiteMyrtle Dborn about 1902
CowperthwaiteRoy Nborn about 1905
CoxArthur Fborn about 1910
CoxBlaine Aborn about 1933
CoxLillian Jborn about 1884
CoxLlwe Bborn about 1878
CoxTheresa Bborn about 1910
CronseHarold Kborn about 1912
CronseJerry Mborn about 1887
CronseMargaret Pborn about 1921
CronseVianna Pborn about 1905
CrouseRuby Aborn about 1924
CrovesMargaret Pborn about 1917
CrovesMarline Eborn about 1938
CrovesRaymond Mborn about 1917
CullenBeatrice born about 1893
CullenBucher born about 1887
CullenDonald born about 1933
CullenNorma born about 1931
CullenPhylis born about 1926
CullenRuth born about 1924
CullensJennie born about 1932
CullinsFrank born about 1864
CullinsMary Jborn about 1870
CurtianIra Dborn about 1878
CurtianJ Ira Dborn about 1925
CurtianJames Aborn about 1928
CurtianMary Eborn about 1882
CurtisCatherine born about 1891
CurtisClara Bborn about 1880
CurtisClaudia Lborn about 1930
CurtisEffie Aborn about 1870
CurtisEugenia Eborn about 1852
CurtisFrank Aborn about 1889
CurtisGay Aborn about 1927
CurtisGeorge Cborn about 1876
CurtisJr Frank Aborn about 1922
CurtisLaura Eborn about 1902
CurtisLeslie Aborn about 1875
CurtisRalph born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisBessie born about 1904
DavisCelric Lborn about 1937
DavisCleo Fborn about 1939
DavisDenis born about 1938
DavisFlora Sborn about 1917
DavisLedena born about 1933
DavisMalcolm Eborn about 1935
DavisPaul born about 1925
DavisRobert Lborn about 1936
DavisSandra Jborn about 1940
DavisThomas Jr born about 1915
DavisThomas Sr born about 1875
DayAddin Eborn about 1923
DayArnold born about 1895
DayClaire Eborn about 1902
DayMahala Eborn about 1899
DayMelva Jborn about 1928
DayShirley Gborn about 1925
DayViolett Dborn about 1921
DayWalter born about 1895
DayWalter Eborn about 1920
DelongAlvin Wborn about 1939
DelongArvilla Mborn about 1911
DelongBasil Wborn about 1939
DelongBetty Lborn about 1931
DelongChavilla Mborn about 1934
DelongClayton Wborn about 1908
DelongDoorthy Eborn about 1912
DelongElbridge Lborn about 1906
DelongEugene Eborn about 1940
DelongJ Walterborn about 1895
DelongJackuline Mborn about 1936
DelongJoy Wborn about 1931
DelongLee Eborn about 1916
DelongLeon Rborn about 1938
DelongLeon Wborn about 1899
DelongLuther Mborn about 1878
DelongMadaline Dborn about 1924
DelongMahlon Mborn about 1922
DelongMargaret Eborn about 1920
DelongMarie Gborn about 1930
DelongPatricia Eborn about 1932
DelongPearl Eborn about 1888
DelongPhyllis Yborn about 1911
DelongRay Aborn about 1928
DelongVernon Lborn about 1937
DelongVincent Lborn about 1933
DelyeaLucinda born about 1862
DelyeaNathaniel Pborn about 1862
DevoeMargarette Eborn about 1928
DevoePaul Wborn about 1924
DevoePearl Nborn about 1899
DevoeSmon born about 1898
DorisAlice Vborn about 1894
DorisBerton Pborn about 1919
DorisDonald Aborn about 1930
DorisEugene Wborn about 1927
DorisFlorence born about 1934
DorisFred Rborn about 1922
DorisJulia Mborn about 1925
DrinkwataBetty Louborn about 1921
DrinkwataDonald Eborn about 1919
DrinkwataSylvia Jborn about 1939
DuffClarence born about 1905
DuffFlorence born about 1896
DuffMaurice Jborn about 1886
DuffOlar Gborn about 1875
DunhamAda Rborn about 1907
DunhamAlton Lborn about 1932
DunhamBertram Cborn about 1929
DunhamCharles Bborn about 1903
DunhamWathern Mborn about 1930
DyerEdward born about 1880

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F Surnames

FalsonAlbert Cborn about 1936
FalsonBernice Rborn about 1901
FalsonFrances Hborn about 1928
FalsonGole Lborn about 1939
FalsonLloyd Hborn about 1899
FalsonRobert Bborn about 1934
FanklnerJane born about 1873
FanklnerJohn born about 1863
FanklnerJohn born about 1911
FaulkinsClarence Hborn about 1902
FaulkinsJeanette Gborn about 1926
FaulkinsMay Lborn about 1897
FaulkinsRobert Eborn about 1932
FaulknerBlanche Lborn about 1902
FaulknerGaison Bborn about 1929
FaulknerMurray Aborn about 1926
FaulknerPhylis Jborn about 1927
FinniganAudis Mborn about 1900
FinniganWarren Fborn about 1910
FlemmingCarey Jborn about 1913
FlemmingEloise Gborn about 1914
FlemmingJennie Iborn about 1888
FlemmingLeslie Pborn about 1920
FlemmingRoberta Jborn about 1938
FlemmingScott Eborn about 1875
FlemmingW Ellridgeborn about 1908
FlemmingYvanita Mborn about 1917
FletcherBurnie born about 1881
FletcherCarrie Mborn about 1894
FletcherGuy Cborn about 1861
FletcherMary Bborn about 1856
FlewillingGoldie Mborn about 1920
FlewillingJoan Lborn about 1934
FlewillingLeslie Aborn about 1894
FlewillingMerle Oborn about 1939
FlewillingPhyllis Jborn about 1937
FlewillingRaymond Lborn about 1917
FlewillingRonald Aborn about 1931
FlewillingRuby Hborn about 1926
FlewillingRussell Lborn about 1921
FlewillingVera Aborn about 1898
FloydWilliam Eborn about 1878
FolsomAlbert Hborn about 1867
FolsomAlden Wborn about 1938
FolsomAustin Kborn about 1929
FolsomCarlton Oborn about 1910
FolsomChavala Pborn about 1910
FolsomChester Iborn about 1930
FolsomChristine Lborn about 1933
FolsomElizabeth Eborn about 1879
FolsomElton Wborn about 1926
FolsomErma Jborn about 1907
FolsomGarth Oborn about 1929
FolsomGloria Mborn about 1932
FolsomInez Jborn about 1931
FolsomJohn Hborn about 1889
FolsomJoseph Hborn about 1938
FolsomLeona Tborn about 1913
FolsomLoretta Jborn about 1914
FolsomLucy Eborn about 1866
FolsomMarie Oborn about 1931
FolsomOscola Lborn about 1869
FolsomOtto Pborn about 1902
FolsomRandolf Iborn about 1936
FolsomSanya Dborn about 1932
FolsomVaughan Hborn about 1906
FolsomViola Lborn about 1936
FolsomVirginia Eborn about 1933
FolsomWilliam Wborn about 1905
FolsonClara Mborn about 1928
FolsonEldora Lborn about 1925
FolsonGeorgia Eborn about 1926
FolsonHelen Nborn about 1901
FolsonJoyce born about 1929
FolsonLewis Aborn about 1903
FolsonPaul Wborn about 1927
ForbusE Leeborn about 1900
FossMary Fborn about 1874
FosterAllen Gborn about 1938
FosterArlo Sborn about 1938
FosterBessie Pborn about 1877
FosterBurrell Sborn about 1872
FosterCarl Hborn about 1932
FosterClarence Bborn about 1929
FosterClarence Lborn about 1890
FosterDebby Mborn about 1890
FosterDonald Eborn about 1922
FosterElizabeth Kborn about 1908
FosterElwood Cborn about 1924
FosterEmiley Jborn about 1938
FosterErvin Lborn about 1925
FosterGlenn Aborn about 1933
FosterGood Fborn about 1914
FosterHillstien Fborn about 1909
FosterIda Mborn about 1908
FosterJ Mborn about 1876
FosterMargaret Sborn about 1939
FosterMarilyn Aborn about 1937
FosterMaron Gborn about 1906
FosterMerle Rborn about 1935
FosterMerlin Fborn about 1928
FosterOlin Lborn about 1920
FosterOrin Eborn about 1876
FosterPaul Rborn about 1926
FosterRosemond Mborn about 1936
FosterRosetta Eborn about 1864
FosterRoy Oborn about 1906
FosterRussell Bborn about 1905
FosterVern Sborn about 1923
FosterViola Mborn about 1878
FosterWendell Sborn about 1904
FosterZelma Gborn about 1884
FoulbnerMadolyn born about 1920
FoulbnerPhilip Rborn about 1939
FullertonEdith Mborn about 1938
FullertonJoseph Rborn about 1940
FullertonMargariete Rborn about 1912
FullertonMinn born about 1889
FullertonRoy Sborn about 1887
FullertonRussell Wborn about 1920
FullertonScott Eborn about 1885
FullortonLee Wborn about 1914
FullortonMae born about 1883

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G Surnames

GahamBabara Fborn about 1923
GahamClifford Rborn about 1899
GahamHazel Rborn about 1903
GahamKieth Cborn about 1924
GahamMerlin Sborn about 1921
GahamPatricia Lborn about 1930
GarrisonHirm born about 1853
GoodArdist Pborn about 1919
GoodArnold Jborn about 1921
GoodAudrey born about 1923
GoodCarol Annborn about 1923
GoodCedric Fborn about 1932
GoodDorothy Dborn about 1899
GoodFred born about 1892
GoodGarth born about 1919
GoodHarold born about 1896
GoodHerschel born about 1911
GoodIvy Mborn about 1889
GoodJames Bborn about 1886
GoodLee Cborn about 1886
GoodLenora born about 1905
GoodLue born about 1890
GoodMargaret Hborn about 1914
GoodMax Pborn about 1913
GoodRobert born about 1931
GoodSandra born about 1938
GoodSteven born about 1935
GoodeJoyce born about 1922
GordulloJoan born about 1935
GracyCharles Eborn about 1868
GrahamIrene Vborn about 1910
GrahamMarie Gborn about 1930
GrahamMarion Lborn about 1934
GrahamSherwood Wborn about 1932
GrahamWilliam Aborn about 1910
GrantElla born about 1890
GrantMartin born about 1892
GrassJ John Aborn about 1932
GrassJoanne Mborn about 1934
GrassJohn Aborn about 1896
GrassLona Pborn about 1907
GrassLuther Mborn about 1930
GrassNorman Dborn about 1928
GrassPearl Iborn about 1938
GrassRobert Lborn about 1939
GreenEthan born about 1936
GreenJean born about 1915
GreenLawrence born about 1938

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H Surnames

HainerEdith Lborn about 1901
HainerHarold Wborn about 1894
HamiltonCecil Gborn about 1881
HamiltonSara Jborn about 1882
HanningAda Eborn about 1870
HanningBenjaman Fborn about 1876
HanningBetty born about 1925
HanningCharlotte Eborn about 1877
HanningDaffine Eborn about 1921
HanningDelmont Cborn about 1927
HanningDonald Mborn about 1935
HanningDorothy Mborn about 1913
HanningElva Uborn about 1930
HanningEstine Mborn about 1922
HanningFred Mborn about 1911
HanningHarry Aborn about 1898
HanningHildo Mborn about 1902
HanningMary Janeborn about 1934
HanningMaurice Cborn about 1929
HanningPearl born about 1914
HanningTiny Eborn about 1933
HanningVella Dborn about 1932
HanningWalter Rborn about 1901
HanningWilliam Aborn about 1914
HareAdoline Mborn about 1857
HareArthur Wborn about 1880
HareBarbara Eborn about 1926
HareClara Sborn about 1886
HareClifton Jborn about 1913
HareCornell Sborn about 1929
HareDana Wborn about 1923
HareDonald Cborn about 1908
HareElbridge Hborn about 1898
HareErma Tborn about 1930
HareFred Lborn about 1884
HareGene born about 1928
HareGeraldean Mborn about 1912
HareGerry Wborn about 1940
HareHazen Wborn about 1915
HareHilda Pborn about 1909
HareJennie Mborn about 1883
HareJohn born about 1852
HareMary born about 1864
HareMaxine Aborn about 1914
HareRaymond Rborn about 1916
HareRobert born about 1887
HareRoger Cborn about 1928
HareRuth Pborn about 1918
HareVincent Eborn about 1927
HarneyAlonzo Jborn about 1906
HarneyArnold Mborn about 1904
HarneyCedric Hborn about 1936
HarneyEldora Mborn about 1925
HarneyFrances Aborn about 1930
HarneyGeraldean Lborn about 1929
HarneyIda Gborn about 1931
HarneyRena Dborn about 1909
HarneyRonald Kborn about 1932
HarneyRuby Fborn about 1906
HarneyWendell Eborn about 1927
HarrisEldora Rborn about 1929
HarrisHolson Wborn about 1926
HarrisJosephine Mborn about 1864
HarrisLillian Fborn about 1896
HarrisLouise Fborn about 1916
HarrisWillard Gborn about 1889
HarttGloria Lborn about 1925
HarttGreta Aborn about 1919
HarttHarry Dborn about 1889
HarttLinton Jborn about 1915
HarttNannie Nborn about 1898
HarveyAsa Hborn about 1908
HarveyElnora born about 1925
HarveyElsa H Jrborn about 1929
HarveyIrene Eborn about 1924
HarveyJason Wborn about 1930
HarveyJoyce Mborn about 1931
HarveySadie Aborn about 1907
HathomLaurel Mborn about 1882
HerseyCarole Jborn about 1935
HerseyCassie Bborn about 1883
HerseyClarence Eborn about 1903
HerseyFlorence Iborn about 1906
HerseyFrancis Gborn about 1929
HerseyGeraldine born about 1930
HerseyIris Jborn about 1933
HerseyLouise Eborn about 1939
HerseyNewell Tborn about 1928
HerseyNorvill Eborn about 1932
HerseyPaul Wborn about 1925
HerseyPhilip Wborn about 1938
HerseySamuel Wborn about 1874
HillMarlene Aborn about 1934
HillMary Fborn about 1939
HillMildred Bborn about 1913
HillMontford Kborn about 1904
HoganBessie born about 1885
HoganFrances Vborn about 1855
HoganGertrude Hborn about 1916
HoganIvan Mborn about 1888
HoganJack Eborn about 1926
HoganJohn born about 1883
HoganJr John born about 1916
HoganLeon born about 1911
HoganMax Iborn about 1920
HoganRichard Dborn about 1939
HoningBeatrice Mborn about 1905
HoningFred Gborn about 1905
HorneBertha Oborn about 1898
HorneElenor Mborn about 1924
HorneGlendon Mborn about 1892
HorneJoyce Pborn about 1929
HorneWillie Aborn about 1926
HothamArvilla Mborn about 1932
HothamByrone Fborn about 1902
HothamDana Lborn about 1938
HothamDarrell Fborn about 1936
HothamRuth Mborn about 1927
HothamVirgie Eborn about 1909
HothomFreeman Hborn about 1871
HousHarrison Hborn about 1866
HousSusan born about 1887
HowardIra born about 1870
HoyotAlbert Jborn about 1936
HoyotAlice Bborn about 1876
HoyotBeatrice Aborn about 1907
HoyotBeatrice Mborn about 1918
HoyotClifford born about 1902
HoyotDarrall born about 1938
HoyotDavid Bborn about 1875
HoyotDolores Bborn about 1934
HoyotDorothy born about 1914
HoyotEarl Cborn about 1925
HoyotEdward Dborn about 1928
HoyotEllery born about 1908
HoyotFrancis Oborn about 1934
HoyotGaphine Lborn about 1928
HoyotGardon born about 1912
HoyotGlenwood born about 1920
HoyotHerschel Mborn about 1912
HoyotJoan born about 1935
HoyotJohn Cborn about 1904
HoyotLaura Aborn about 1878
HoyotMadge Cborn about 1939
HoyotMalcolm Lborn about 1927
HoyotMargarett born about 1925
HoyotMarion Aborn about 1918
HoyotWarren born about 1921
HoyotWinslow born about 1910
HoytAnnie born about 1878
HoytBarbara born about 1934
HoytClara born about 1903
HoytDale Jborn about 1936
HoytElinor born about 1927
HoytEvelyn Mborn about 1911
HoytHarry Hborn about 1913
HoytJames Oborn about 1928
HoytJoan Gborn about 1927
HoytLois Mborn about 1939
HoytMadeline born about 1917
HoytOrman born about 1903
HoytRalph born about 1923
HoytSavid born about 1938
HulbertJohn born about 1922
HutchinsonAda born about 1914
HutchinsonCarl Cborn about 1931
HutchinsonCarol Aborn about 1933
HutchinsonCharles Hborn about 1905
HutchinsonDella Fborn about 1910
HutchinsonDorothy Bborn about 1920
HutchinsonErdean Oborn about 1917
HutchinsonGeorge Aborn about 1871
HutchinsonGeorge Iborn about 1911
HutchinsonJohn Mborn about 1917
HutchinsonJoyce Gborn about 1927
HutchinsonLarry Gborn about 1939
HutchinsonLottie Jborn about 1911
HutchinsonMacholm born about 1915
HutchinsonMarion Cborn about 1909
HutchinsonMerle Sborn about 1918
HutchinsonMyrtle Mborn about 1878
HutchinsonRoger Wborn about 1937
HutchinsonShirley born about 1939
HutchinsonWalter Hborn about 1901
HutchinsonWayne Hborn about 1935
HutchinsonWendell born about 1934

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J Surnames

JarvisBeverly Mborn about 1935
JarvisEva Dawnborn about 1937
JarvisGale Gborn about 1932
JarvisGloria Jborn about 1934
JarvisHarold Fborn about 1904
JarvisShirley Sborn about 1912
JewelPoline born about 1918
JewellAlliston Dborn about 1923
JewellBertha Mborn about 1888
JewellDana Rborn about 1939
JewellEmery Gborn about 1877
JewellErwin Lborn about 1913
JewellFlaue Mborn about 1893
JewellFrank Lborn about 1881
JewellJulia Hborn about 1907
JewellLeone Jborn about 1913
JewellLester Cborn about 1882
JewellMildred Pborn about 1908
JewellPauline Mborn about 1918
JewellRespa Hborn about 1896
JewellRichard Eborn about 1936
JewellRobert Mborn about 1921
JewellsBernice Kborn about 1924
JewellsEarnest Lborn about 1891
JewellsErla Jborn about 1926
JewellsEugene Aborn about 1921
JewellsFerne Mborn about 1896
JewellsGlenna Lborn about 1922
JewellsHerschel Bborn about 1924
JewellsJr Earnest Lborn about 1928
JewellsLawrence Lborn about 1918
JewellsMicheal Fborn about 1935
JonesAustin Hborn about 1904
JonesCaroline Bborn about 1871
JonesMargret born about 1928
JonesSanard Eborn about 1870
JoslynAlexander Nborn about 1925
JoslynCharles Hborn about 1928
JoslynGlenna Mborn about 1923
JoslynJames Eborn about 1936
JoslynLuella Dborn about 1922
JoslynNelson Wborn about 1901
JoslynNelson W Jrborn about 1930
JoslynPhilip Hborn about 1926
JoslynRichard Eborn about 1931
JoslynUla Eborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KanningArleen Nborn about 1922
KanningMilo born about 1890
KilcallinsHazel Bborn about 1917
KilcollinsArchie Wborn about 1912
KilcollinsAubur Aborn about 1938
KilcollinsFlorence Mborn about 1916
KilcollinsJohn Tborn about 1939
KilcollinsMildred Rborn about 1915
KnulandCalvin Hborn about 1886
KnulandEndell Eborn about 1929
KnulandHazen Eborn about 1922
KnulandInez Mborn about 1897
KnulandLenard Eborn about 1923
KnulandMalculm Hborn about 1933
KnulandPhilip Mborn about 1937
KnulandWillis Sborn about 1920
KolsonDoan born about 1928
KolsonDonald born about 1904
KolsonIvey born about 1909
KolsonKatherine born about 1939
KolsonPatricia born about 1932
KolsonWelden born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaneAlice Cborn about 1858
LaneCharlene Aborn about 1932
LaneCharles Aborn about 1898
LaneJackqueline Mborn about 1935
LaneKenneth Eborn about 1890
LanePhilip Sborn about 1918
LaneRuth Lborn about 1893
LaneSereta Aborn about 1927
LaneViolet Mborn about 1901
LaneVirginia Aborn about 1910
LaneYvonne Jborn about 1937
LaweryAlexander Gborn about 1922
LaweryAlta Eborn about 1900
LaweryArlene Rborn about 1938
LaweryKeith Sborn about 1931
LaweryLowise Mborn about 1925
LaweryMarie Jborn about 1934
LaweryWilliam Cborn about 1892
LearettBernard Pborn about 1882
LearettElsie Mborn about 1901
LearettJosephine Rborn about 1922
LeavettFrank born about 1877
LeavittAlta Dborn about 1921
LeavittClayton Cborn about 1912
LeavittHarry Cborn about 1925
LeeElsie Eborn about 1926
LeeRichard Dborn about 1929
LeeShirley Tborn about 1932
LeeThelma Eborn about 1907
LeeWilmot Dborn about 1906
LenenteneDawn Eborn about 1935
LenenteneErvin Eborn about 1932
LenenteneJ R Franklinborn about 1933
LenenteneJean Cborn about 1910
LenenteneJohn Wborn about 1903
LenenteneMavis Eborn about 1930
LenentineAlma Lborn about 1934
LenentineAlria Mborn about 1933
LenentineBurton Rborn about 1890
LenentineClarence Eborn about 1896
LenentineEverette Bborn about 1923
LenentineIva Mborn about 1908
LenentineLillian Fborn about 1926
LenentineMerritt Cborn about 1930
LenentineStuart Lborn about 1924
LenentineThelma Lborn about 1901
LewittBradley born about 1935
LewittDareen born about 1934
LewittJoan born about 1938
LewittPauline born about 1910
LewittPauline born about 1936
LewittWalter born about 1905
LindseyBetty Aborn about 1937
LindseyJoyce born about 1932
LindseyLeona Fborn about 1915
LindseyLeslie born about 1935
LindseyLincoln Lborn about 1911
LindseyRoy Lborn about 1939
LondonAbbie Eborn about 1893
LondonAlfred Wborn about 1881
LondonBeatrice Aborn about 1936
LondonCelia Mborn about 1930
LondonDolorious Nborn about 1938
LondonDonald Wborn about 1916
LondonDoris Cborn about 1912
LondonEffie Bborn about 1887
LondonElaner Eborn about 1934
LondonElery born about 1903
LondonEnnes born about 1913
LondonEtta born about 1890
LondonFern born about 1910
LondonHarold Bborn about 1917
LondonHarry born about 1887
LondonJack Mborn about 1929
LondonJane Hborn about 1932
LondonLeota Tborn about 1921
LondonMarjorie Lborn about 1923
LondonPauline Iborn about 1919
LondonRoy Mborn about 1901
LondonViolet Mborn about 1912
LondonWalter Dborn about 1882
LothropHazel Aborn about 1899
LothropLaverne Lborn about 1921
LothropNorma Eborn about 1924
LothropR Gborn about 1893
LoweryCarlton Nborn about 1931
LoweryCharles Fborn about 1868
LoweryGertrude Fborn about 1903
LoweryHenrslle* Hborn about 1892
LoweryJoanne born about 1933
LoweryJohn Hborn about 1888
LoweryLeland Fborn about 1928
LoweryMerle Fborn about 1900
LoweryZelma Tborn about 1869
LyndsAgnes Lborn about 1915
LyndsAlthra Lborn about 1926
LyndsBenjamin born about 1910
LyndsDean Rborn about 1937
LyndsEugene Hborn about 1928
LyndsGlen Eborn about 1939
LyndsHarold Lborn about 1922
LyndsJohn Hborn about 1885
LyndsJohn Jr born about 1914
LyndsMarjorie born about 1915
LyndsMerlin born about 1924
LyndsOlvids Lborn about 1905
LyndsShirley Aborn about 1925
LyndsWendall Aborn about 1932
LyndsWilliam born about 1922
LyndsZena born about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacleodLaura Lborn about 1858
MacphersonKenneth Dborn about 1874
MacphersonSusie Iborn about 1881
MaresheadCarol Rborn about 1935
MaresheadElaine Eborn about 1926
MaresheadJoseph Eborn about 1900
MaresheadJoseph E Jrborn about 1930
MaresheadNatalie Mborn about 1925
MaresheadRachael Eborn about 1902
MaresheadShirley Rborn about 1928
MasonAlfred Mborn about 1884
MasonGenevia born about 1883
MaxwellJohn Aborn about 1882
McCluskeyDora Gborn about 1909
McCluskeyEffie Jborn about 1878
McCluskeyGeorge Hborn about 1907
McCluskeyJeanette Cborn about 1932
McCluskeyRhonald Gborn about 1930
McGannChristian Mborn about 1933
McGannGerald Iborn about 1934
McGannHelen Fborn about 1914
McGannLois Aborn about 1939
McGannThomas born about 1898
McLainDoris Eborn about 1901
McLainGeorge Lborn about 1893
McLainMolly born about 1937
McLanghlinHazel Mborn about 1906
McLanghlinLeland Johnborn about 1932
McLanghlinNedra Mborn about 1926
McLanghlinThomas Jborn about 1924
McLanghlinWilliam Cborn about 1902
McLanghlinWilliam Jr born about 1930
McLaughlinCharles Lborn about 1911
McLaughlinDonald born about 1916
McLaughlinGloria Lborn about 1936
McLaughlinMable Annborn about 1939
McLaughlinMyrtle Nborn about 1918
McLaughtinGencua Mborn about 1919
McLauglainCyril Fborn about 1914
McLeodLona Jborn about 1877
McLeodMae born about 1901
MeehanRose Mborn about 1906
MelvinArbine born about 1859
MelvinBurnal Cborn about 1897
MelvinCecil Cborn about 1892
MelvinChevalia Aborn about 1937
MelvinDonald Lborn about 1912
MelvinHanford Mborn about 1869
MelvinJessie Jborn about 1899
MelvinKeith Gborn about 1928
MelvinMildred Lborn about 1922
MelvinMildred Rborn about 1902
MelvinMurray Fborn about 1933
MelvinNellie Jborn about 1875
MelvinNettie Mborn about 1874
MelvinPauline Aborn about 1896
MelvinRoger Aborn about 1932
MelvinWalter Gborn about 1888
MichaulDora Iborn about 1929
MichaulGeorge Aborn about 1887
MichaulHazel Gborn about 1893
MichaulJoseph Wborn about 1936
MichaulLawrence Aborn about 1932
MichaulNaomi Mborn about 1930
MilerGale Eborn about 1939
MilerGareth Lborn about 1938
MilerLaella Mborn about 1920
MillerAnnetta Eborn about 1928
MillerArthur Cborn about 1911
MillerBernice Mborn about 1891
MillerBeula Aborn about 1931
MillerCharles Aborn about 1884
MillerCharolotte Lborn about 1935
MillerClara Mborn about 1909
MillerClarence Lborn about 1933
MillerClaude Oborn about 1907
MillerClifton Lborn about 1920
MillerDana Aborn about 1930
MillerEarl Lborn about 1933
MillerEdna Eborn about 1912
MillerEllan Mborn about 1936
MillerFaye Hborn about 1911
MillerGary Gborn about 1937
MillerGlenna Lborn about 1921
MillerGloria Fborn about 1930
MillerGuy Hborn about 1885
MillerHattie Lborn about 1869
MillerHugh born about 1863
MillerHugh Mborn about 1933
MillerJoseph Sborn about 1931
MillerJudith Aborn about 1938
MillerJudson Hborn about 1897
MillerJulia Aborn about 1905
MillerLillian Mborn about 1869
MillerLinwood Cborn about 1919
MillerMarilyn Lborn about 1939
MillerMax Mborn about 1936
MillerMaxine Vborn about 1916
MillerMiles Nborn about 1892
MillerOlive Lborn about 1915
MillerPatricia Rborn about 1938
MillerPaul Eborn about 1928
MillerPaul Mborn about 1913
MillerPerry Cborn about 1888
MillerPeta Vborn about 1930
MillerRalph Nborn about 1903
MillerRoy Hborn about 1918
MillerRuth Aborn about 1927
MillerWallace Mborn about 1938
MillerWestley Nborn about 1940
MillerWillard Mborn about 1911
MillesArus Nborn about 1929
MillesCris Cborn about 1871
MillesHatttie Eborn about 1875
MillesMerrill Vborn about 1926
MillesOtis Hborn about 1893
MillsAugusta Hborn about 1873
MillsFred Zborn about 1893
MillsGerald Wborn about 1917
MillsGregory Dborn about 1922
MillsHazel Wborn about 1890
MillsJoan Lborn about 1932
MillsJoel Wborn about 1919
MillsKathryn Jborn about 1926
MillsLinton Hborn about 1895
MillsMaces Hborn about 1865
MillsMarguriete Mborn about 1903
MillsSpencer L Cborn about 1921
MinealisFrank Jborn about 1892
MinealisIsiabell born about 1865
MitchellJoe born about 1885
MorrillHollis Lborn about 1865
MurphyTessa Cborn about 1922
MyshaellOpal Jborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NasonCharles Rborn about 1923
NasonDavid Aborn about 1852
NasonEarl Lborn about 1897
NasonElla Mborn about 1927
NasonEthyl Pborn about 1922
NasonFrancis Lborn about 1928
NasonJames Mborn about 1920
NasonJohn born about 1907
NasonLarry Lborn about 1938
NasonLena Gborn about 1897
NasonMarie Jborn about 1931
NasonMary born about 1914
NasonMavis Iborn about 1924
NasonNerita born about 1935
NasonVelma Eborn about 1897
NasonWilmont born about 1894
NelsonAlice born about 1922
NelsonAlta Bborn about 1930
NelsonArthur born about 1913
NelsonElisabeth Bborn about 1901
NelsonIsac born about 1872
NelsonJeanette Mborn about 1927
NelsonJoanne born about 1938
NelsonPhilip Lborn about 1925
NelsonRichard born about 1939
NelsonRobert Eborn about 1931
NelsonRoger Aborn about 1939
NelsonRoy Fborn about 1900
NelsonRuth Aborn about 1939
NelsonShirley Lborn about 1936
NesbitBerl Rborn about 1906
NesbitBeryla Eborn about 1939
NesbitPauline Eborn about 1911
NesbitRaymond Fborn about 1932
NewmanGlenna Aborn about 1926
NewmanGrace Aborn about 1902
NewmanHazel Lborn about 1906
NewmanHezekiah Jborn about 1902
NewmanJean Dborn about 1929
NewmanLloyd Fborn about 1905
NicholsArchie Vborn about 1894
NicholsJames Eborn about 1882
NicholsJames Eborn about 1930
NicholsLovesa Jborn about 1878
NicholsMaude born about 1880
NicholsNell Mborn about 1895
NicholsPaul Aborn about 1906
NicholsRobert Rborn about 1876
NicholsVaughn Fborn about 1919
NicholsVera Mborn about 1906
NicholsVesta Mborn about 1935
NicholsonJames Lborn about 1869
NicholsonSusie born about 1874
NickersonBeulah Mborn about 1921
NickersonCarol Lborn about 1937
NickersonChester born about 1926
NickersonDelia born about 1876
NickersonEugene Lborn about 1930
NickersonFenton Jborn about 1920
NickersonGertrude Dborn about 1930
NickersonHazel Mborn about 1900
NickersonHollis Dborn about 1922
NickersonJames Eborn about 1939
NickersonKathryn born about 1937
NickersonKenneth Hborn about 1884
NickersonLeonard Mborn about 1925
NickersonMary Mborn about 1939
NickersonMildred Aborn about 1914
NickersonMinnie Iborn about 1894
NickersonNorman Lborn about 1892
NickersonSereta born about 1932
NickersonsArthur born about 1911
NickersonsBeatrice born about 1912
NickersonsRichard Pborn about 1935
NickersonsShirdon Aborn about 1931
NilsenAnna Jborn about 1862
NoltonOlive born about 1916
NoomanLeota Mborn about 1912
NoomanLondon Fborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParentBessie Jborn about 1897
ParentJohn Hborn about 1885
ParentMarie Sborn about 1927
ParentWinston Rborn about 1922
ParksJohn Rborn about 1872
PetersonHarold Wborn about 1913
PetersonJessie Bborn about 1886
PorterAlfred Lborn about 1926
PorterByron Hborn about 1918
PorterCelia Jborn about 1935
PorterClayton Rborn about 1909
PorterEdith born about 1878
PorterEster born about 1910
PorterEvelyn Lborn about 1930
PorterGalen Rborn about 1924
PorterGarry Rborn about 1939
PorterGeorge born about 1899
PorterGertrude Lborn about 1884
PorterGlen Jborn about 1896
PorterGuy Hborn about 1878
PorterIsa Mborn about 1889
PorterLeona Rborn about 1928
PorterLewis born about 1911
PorterLinwood Bborn about 1916
PorterMerval Cborn about 1923
PorterMyrtle Mborn about 1909
PorterPenley born about 1935
PorterRespa Gborn about 1890
PorterRobert Vborn about 1933
PorterWilmot Gborn about 1881
PriorMatilda Jborn about 1871
PriorWhitney Sborn about 1871
PronerBurley Rborn about 1937
PronerGeorge Fborn about 1928
PronerGloria Eborn about 1934
PronerLawrence Eborn about 1926
PronerMax Eborn about 1931
PronerRalph born about 1927
PronerViolet Eborn about 1900
ProsserAlice Mborn about 1927
ProsserAllston Lborn about 1937
ProsserBasil Jborn about 1934
ProsserBertha Mborn about 1925
ProsserCharles Eborn about 1924
ProsserDoris Fborn about 1932
ProsserEarl Fborn about 1922
ProsserEdward Sborn about 1916
ProsserFrank Lborn about 1890
ProsserJames Aborn about 1935
ProsserJames Eborn about 1868
ProsserLeon Rborn about 1877
ProsserLillian Vborn about 1891
ProsserLouise born about 1913
ProsserMelborn Eborn about 1936
ProsserMildred Gborn about 1902
ProsserMurray Fborn about 1929
ProsserSamuel Mborn about 1888
ProsserSwinel Rborn about 1938
ProsserTheresa Dborn about 1938
ProsserWendell Eborn about 1930
PryarGuy Pborn about 1879
PryorArthur Cborn about 1872
PryorMyrtle Lborn about 1881
PyorMose born about 1842

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamseyAnna Rborn about 1875
RhoadesVesta Bborn about 1895
RickerClifford Lborn about 1923
RickerEdgar Aborn about 1934
RickerErold Eborn about 1926
RickerFaith Eborn about 1927
RickerGeraldine Mborn about 1930
RickerMyron Lborn about 1901
RickerMyron L Jrborn about 1928
RickerSandra Jborn about 1939
RickerStella Mborn about 1904
RickerVernon Nborn about 1936
RobinsonAlbert Gborn about 1903
RobinsonAlberta Dborn about 1929
RobinsonGloria Lborn about 1936
RobinsonLydia Cborn about 1905
RobinsonRobert Lborn about 1935
RobinsonUla Mborn about 1927
RossAda Bborn about 1900
RossAudrey Vborn about 1923
RossClara Eborn about 1927
RossDella Mborn about 1922
RossDoreen Sborn about 1938
RossElbridge Aborn about 1898
RossEugene Aborn about 1936
RossGarfield Gborn about 1922
RossGloria Gborn about 1934
RossGrace Gborn about 1925
RossGuy A\born about 1888
RossHattie Cborn about 1889
RossHolston Hborn about 1925
RossMary Eborn about 1903
RossMaxine Rborn about 1924
RossMercella Dborn about 1930
RossMiles Eborn about 1902
RossMyra Iborn about 1893
RossNorma Fborn about 1930
RossOlie Wborn about 1922
RossPhyllis Mborn about 1926
RossRuth Gborn about 1925
RossShaddene Dborn about 1880
RushAllen Wborn about 1935
RushAlmon Hborn about 1928
RushAmber Mborn about 1891
RushAmy Mborn about 1906
RushAury Wborn about 1937
RushAustin Eborn about 1931
RushBernice Eborn about 1901
RushClara Aborn about 1930
RushCleve Cborn about 1923
RushDale Eborn about 1930
RushEdward Gborn about 1904
RushEllie Bborn about 1905
RushEric Eborn about 1896
RushErla Nborn about 1925
RushErma Jborn about 1921
RushFrancis Mborn about 1923
RushFrank Eborn about 1900
RushGlenna Mborn about 1931
RushHarold Wborn about 1892
RushHarry Eborn about 1915
RushHelda Pborn about 1914
RushJames Eborn about 1932
RushJane born about 1863
RushJean Aborn about 1910
RushLewis Aborn about 1913
RushLinnie Vborn about 1878
RushLloyd Wborn about 1916
RushLois Eborn about 1932
RushNathan Lborn about 1929
RushNorma Dborn about 1920
RushOtalee born about 1898
RushPhilip Sborn about 1917
RushPhyllis Mborn about 1927
RushReginal Eborn about 1898
RushRodger Mborn about 1928
RushUfa Cborn about 1898
RushVernon Hborn about 1925
RushWilliam Eborn about 1870
RushZenoa Cborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaddlesBetty Eborn about 1939
SaddlesClifford Jborn about 1900
SaddlesLaura Aborn about 1910
SaddlesLeo Eborn about 1938
SandburnLawrence Eborn about 1912
SewellAlma Hborn about 1923
SewellAlma Rborn about 1869
SewellDelmar Tborn about 1929
SewellDolton Eborn about 1926
SewellDonald born about 1935
SewellElbridge born about 1927
SewellElva Rborn about 1933
SewellFred born about 1851
SewellGoldie Fborn about 1898
SewellHelen born about 1934
SewellJasper born about 1885
SewellLouis Kborn about 1933
SewellLouisa born about 1859
SewellMeritt Cborn about 1921
SewellMyrtle Aborn about 1899
SewellP Guy Fborn about 1924
SewellPercy Aborn about 1921
SewellPonsy Mborn about 1901
SewellRichard Mborn about 1929
SewellRuth Lborn about 1928
SewellThomas Hborn about 1894
SewellTweed Eborn about 1893
SewellVanghn born about 1931
SewellWalter Lborn about 1917
ShawBertha Bborn about 1880
ShawHerman Hborn about 1875
ShawRuth Mborn about 1924
SimmsBarbara Iborn about 1927
SimmsCatherine Aborn about 1891
SimmsElla Rborn about 1934
SimmsHarley Sborn about 1889
SimmsNorma Eborn about 1931
SimmsPaul Cborn about 1917
SmallBarbara Nborn about 1933
SmallLucy born about 1905
SmallPatricia Mborn about 1934
SmallRichard Fborn about 1929
SmallRoscoe Sborn about 1905
SmallSandra born about 1935
SmithGrace Aborn about 1874
StackhoreseDenjamin born about 1879
StackhouseCharlene Oborn about 1939
StackhouseCharles Eborn about 1873
StackhouseDalton born about 1922
StackhouseDonald Bborn about 1904
StackhouseDorothy Maeborn about 1915
StackhouseElson Bborn about 1930
StackhouseGeorgia Pborn about 1910
StackhouseJoyce Cborn about 1927
StackhouseKrieth Dborn about 1928
StackhouseLena Lborn about 1902
StackhouseMarie Cborn about 1930
StackhouseMerle Gborn about 1926
StackhouseOlive Vborn about 1885
StackhousePercy Lborn about 1910
StackhouseRussell born about 1921
StackhouseWendell Lborn about 1922
StanleyAgnes Cborn about 1881
StanleyCecil Hborn about 1882
StanleyMartha Eborn about 1853
StephensMary Hborn about 1861
StewartIsabella born about 1909
StilesDolly Eborn about 1901
StilesEdwin Pborn about 1920
StilesG Palmesborn about 1896
StilesJune Aborn about 1938
StilesRichard Wborn about 1934
StilesSue Vborn about 1920
SuitterGrace Dborn about 1896
SuitterMarine Aborn about 1924
SuitterWilliam Mborn about 1895
SwettGraden Lborn about 1915
SwettParker Bborn about 1940
SwettViola Mborn about 1918
SwimmAntice Mborn about 1928
SwimmBernard Hborn about 1926
SwimmBeulah Aborn about 1899
SwimmByron Cborn about 1935
SwimmCharlotte Eborn about 1938
SwimmDoris Lborn about 1918
SwimmElidia Mborn about 1869
SwimmFredrick Hborn about 1930
SwimmGarth Lborn about 1936
SwimmGlades Eborn about 1898
SwimmGlenwood Rborn about 1938
SwimmJeanette Sborn about 1934
SwimmJesse Hborn about 1892
SwimmLawrence Eborn about 1917
SwimmLee Jborn about 1922
SwimmLorraine Aborn about 1925
SwimmMarie Aborn about 1932
SwimmOssel born about 1881
SwimmRuth Aborn about 1940
SwimmTsiabell Gborn about 1912
SwimmVaughn Wborn about 1932
SwimmVincent Dborn about 1892
SwimmWatter Bborn about 1903
SwimmWilliam Fborn about 1882
SwimmWilliam F Jrborn about 1911
SyphersRalph born about 1899
SyphersVelma born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TapleyJames Aborn about 1933
TapleyLancaster Jborn about 1907
TempleL Glenwoodborn about 1900
TempleOpal Fborn about 1893
ThompsonCarol Pborn about 1933
ThompsonCharles Aborn about 1903
ThompsonClara Mborn about 1906
ThompsonDona Mborn about 1929
ThompsonJosephine Mborn about 1869
ThompsonLois Jborn about 1938
ThompsonPaul Eborn about 1931
ThompsonRoyal Lborn about 1864
ThortonCharles Oborn about 1870
ThortonMae Mborn about 1880
ThortonPhilip Oborn about 1915
TiddFrank born about 1884
TinniganLeon Cborn about 1912
ToddFred born about 1914
ToddVellora born about 1912
TorntonCharles Aborn about 1931
TorntonClayton Gborn about 1908
TorntonLavina Pborn about 1912
TrecartinAlfred born about 1904
TyphresAlvie born about 1885
TyphresAnnie Lborn about 1867
TyphresFred born about 1896
TyphresLloyd born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UptonArnold Dborn about 1918
UptonByron Cborn about 1898
UptonCharles Rborn about 1939
UptonDorcs Eborn about 1912
UptonDorothy Mborn about 1921
UptonEdward Oborn about 1919
UptonEldon Wborn about 1913
UptonElsie Vborn about 1902
UptonFrank Eborn about 1915
UptonHerold Dborn about 1917
UptonIvan Cborn about 1914
UptonJ Robertborn about 1881
UptonLois Mborn about 1936
UptonLuella Gborn about 1922
UptonLydia Rborn about 1923
UptonMargret Bborn about 1915
UptonMyra Gborn about 1930
UptonMyrtle Gborn about 1887
UptonSteven Iborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeNellie Aborn about 1898
WallaceElsie Fborn about 1898
WallaceSarah Hborn about 1871
WalshDora Bborn about 1896
WalshLouise Bborn about 1924
WalshPatrick Jborn about 1893
WeedAlma Rborn about 1872
WeedDalas Cborn about 1901
WeedDorothy Aborn about 1911
WeedIrene born about 1929
WeedLeita born about 1930
WelchDallen Eborn about 1939
WelchDwayne Wborn about 1940
WelchMarion Eborn about 1917
WelchMay Eborn about 1918
WeleyFlorence Eborn about 1916
WeleyGordon Fborn about 1916
WeleyRhonald Lborn about 1937
WellingtonElbridge Cborn about 1889
WellingtonEthyl Cborn about 1911
WellingtonLottie Bborn about 1886
WileyClara Lborn about 1931
WileyElder Eborn about 1935
WileyFrank Lborn about 1875
WileyHazel Aborn about 1895
WileyJames Rborn about 1933
WileyRussell Sborn about 1905
WileyWilmar Eborn about 1934
WileyWinifred Lborn about 1913
WilkinsDoris Mborn about 1913
WilkinsFrank Eborn about 1913
WilkinsMarie Aborn about 1932
WilliamsBeatrice born about 1900
WilliamsDeane Eborn about 1922
WilliamsDonald Eborn about 1898
WilliamsEarnest Bborn about 1863
WilliamsomeArthur born about 1920
WilliamsomeFrank Aborn about 1889
WilliamsomeKathaleen born about 1916
WilliamsomeMerle born about 1925
WilliamsomeNina Vborn about 1893
WilliamsomePatricia Jborn about 1932
WilliamsomeRichard born about 1940
WilliamsomeVanghn Vborn about 1915
WillingtonJeannette Eborn about 1939
WillingtonJoel born about 1867
WillingtonNellie Eborn about 1900
WillingtonRichard Sborn about 1933
WilsonLe Roy Sborn about 1888
WotlonDonna Bborn about 1934
WotlonDoris Pborn about 1929
WotlonEddie Rborn about 1931
WotlonGeorge Hborn about 1939
WotlonGlenna Aborn about 1931
WotlonHoward Aborn about 1905
WotlonThelma Bborn about 1908
WottonAlton Rborn about 1909
WottonAudrey Mborn about 1926
WottonBessie Mborn about 1891
WottonBurligh Jborn about 1891
WottonDale born about 1930
WottonGerald Bborn about 1919
WottonGerald Gborn about 1920
WottonJoyce Eborn about 1932
WottonLaura Mborn about 1875
WottonLaura Mborn about 1935
WottonLena Wborn about 1916
WottonLinwood Oborn about 1922
WottonMaurice Oborn about 1903
WottonRaymond Aborn about 1938
WottonReta Mborn about 1909
WottonViola Gborn about 1917

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Y Surnames

YoungMarjorie born about 1928

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