1940 U.S. Federal Census of Morrill, Waldo, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Waldo County > 1940 Census of Morrill

A SurnamesG SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AchornAlberta born about 1932
AchornDona born about 1900
AchornHazel born about 1901
AchornLe Roy born about 1924
AchornRoberta born about 1932
AchornThelma born about 1922
AckornCyrus Wborn about 1861
AikenHelen born about 1891
AikenWinfred born about 1870
AllenwoodEarle born about 1908
AllenwoodKatherine born about 1911
AtheansAudrey born about 1910
AtheansClinton born about 1928
AthernsHarold born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BatesBethia born about 1864
BennettRoyce born about 1937
BerryAvis born about 1916
BerryEdwin born about 1909
BerryIrene born about 1921
BerryIrvin born about 1914
BerryIrvin Jr born about 1939
BerryJohnathan born about 1905
BerryMadeline born about 1903
BerryMarion born about 1912
BerryPhyllis born about 1915
BlakeCarl born about 1932
BlakeErla born about 1908
BlakeRussell born about 1902
BlodgettBessie born about 1890
BlodgettGeorgia born about 1922
BlodgettOlive born about 1918
BloodArthur born about 1894
BloodArthur born about 1924
BloodAvon Eborn about 1895
BloodBarbara born about 1932
BloodClayton born about 1932
BloodDoris born about 1922
BloodEvelyn born about 1935
BloodIva born about 1927
BloodLeroy born about 1933
BloodLucy Aborn about 1874
BloodMabel born about 1901
BloodMary born about 1914
BloodMaurice born about 1938
BloodMilo born about 1902
BloodRalph born about 1871
BloodRichard born about 1927
BloodStanley born about 1936
BloodStella Aborn about 1904
BloodVirginia born about 1923
BowenCarl Lborn about 1933
BowenDorthy Bborn about 1928
BowenE Danielborn about 1925
BowenElsie Iborn about 1921
BowenErnest born about 1887
BowenEtta Gborn about 1923
BowenFlora born about 1892
BowenLawrence born about 1920
BowenLois Cborn about 1926
BowenMarion born about 1919
BowenPhilip Pborn about 1934
BrownAnnie born about 1893
BrownCharles born about 1927
BrownEdwin Cborn about 1886
BrownFlorence born about 1918
BrownFrank born about 1913
BrownFrank Cborn about 1879
BrownFrank Eborn about 1914
BrownHarold born about 1930
BrownHoward born about 1930
BrownLewis Hborn about 1915
BrownMaud born about 1875
BrownRoderick born about 1921
BrownSarah born about 1886
BrownShirley born about 1929
BrownWilbert born about 1885
BrownWillard born about 1933
BucklinEverett born about 1902
BucklinGladys born about 1901
BusheyEmma born about 1889
BusheyGeorge born about 1915
BusheyOscar Gborn about 1887
ButlerClifford Royborn about 1936
ButlerGeorgie born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ChoateFred born about 1880
CilleyGeorge Gborn about 1871
CilleyIda Fborn about 1871
CogswellElizabeth born about 1917
CogswellJames born about 1908
CogswellJames born about 1938
CoombsAddie Lborn about 1916
CoombsRalph born about 1886
CooperWilliam Edwellborn about 1872
CoxJames Hborn about 1897
CoxJames Rborn about 1928
CoxNoveda born about 1901
CrockettLlewellen born about 1875
CrosbyEdward born about 1886
CrosbyEthel born about 1889
CrossAmy Eborn about 1894
CrossAnna Leeborn about 1929
CrossArthur born about 1932
CrossAvis Mborn about 1906
CrossBeth Mborn about 1904
CrossDorothy born about 1927
CrossEarl Aborn about 1890
CrossEdith born about 1894
CrossHovey born about 1893
CrossIrving born about 1915
CrossKenneth born about 1930
CrossLeonard born about 1919
CrossRoscoe Lborn about 1893
CrossThelma born about 1930
CrossWilfred born about 1921
CrossmanAlvah born about 1883
CrossmanMargaret born about 1886
CushmanPearl born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DorrBertha born about 1919
DorrMelvin H Jrborn about 1917
DoulieLillian born about 1896
DowRuth born about 1886
DumontAnita born about 1911
DumontArthur Jborn about 1897
DumontCharles Aborn about 1939
DumontDoris Annborn about 1935
DumontFrederic Jborn about 1936
DumontJoseph born about 1940
DumontMarita born about 1931

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E Surnames

EdmundsArthur born about 1914
EdmundsGeorge Lborn about 1938
EdmundsMabel born about 1918
ErskineSylvia born about 1870
ErskineThomas Sborn about 1871

F Surnames

FlaggClarence born about 1891
FlaggClarence Jr born about 1928
FlaggDeborah born about 1933
FlaggElsie Maeborn about 1925
FlaggMildred born about 1901
ForrorGladys born about 1930

G Surnames

GayCora Bborn about 1865
GayFred born about 1871
GreeleyBarbara born about 1931
GreeleyEdwin Hborn about 1900
GreeleyElbridge born about 1922
GreeleyKatherine born about 1900
GreeleyMarion born about 1925
GreerCharlie born about 1870
GreerNellie born about 1880
GreerRichard born about 1923

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H Surnames

HannanRichard born about 1902
HartshornCharlotte Aborn about 1929
HartshornEleanor Lborn about 1933
HartshornElizabeth born about 1931
HartshornLeona born about 1897
HartshornLuman born about 1902
HatchArthur Bborn about 1874
HatchChristine born about 1934
HatchFred Aborn about 1865
HatchIvy born about 1929
HatchMillie born about 1926
HatchMillie Mborn about 1903
HatchMinnie Oborn about 1877
HatchNora born about 1932
HatchOlive born about 1935
HatchRobert Aborn about 1896
HatchRoberta born about 1937
HatchRoy born about 1924
HatchWilbert born about 1918
HaywardHarold born about 1914
HaywardLouise born about 1910
HaywardPhyllis born about 1940
HaywardShirley born about 1937
HigginsThomas Aborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAlphonso Wborn about 1877
JacksonDavid born about 1934
JacksonDonna born about 1932
JacksonDora born about 1930
JacksonElizza born about 1872
JacksonEthel born about 1891
JacksonGuy born about 1895
JacksonHarold born about 1896
JacksonJessie born about 1937
JacksonMary Louborn about 1936
JacksonMildred born about 1901
JacksonPaul born about 1920
JacksonRichard born about 1928
JacksonRobert born about 1925
JacksonRussell Hborn about 1900
JohnsonBarbara born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KendallFreeman Wborn about 1864
KenneyAlton born about 1926
KenneyHerman Cborn about 1904
KenneyHerman C Jrborn about 1929
KenneyIrving born about 1933
KenneyMattie born about 1906
KenneyMildred born about 1932
KenneyTheodore born about 1938
KinneyAlice born about 1910
KinneyAlonzo born about 1904
KinneyPriscilla born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LeonardArthur Wborn about 1876
LeonardFrancis born about 1876

M Surnames

MearsBertha Hborn about 1873
MearsJames Nborn about 1861
MerrithewBertha born about 1893
MerrithewDale born about 1927
MerrithewJoyce born about 1924
MerrithewLestor born about 1895
MerrithewScott born about 1923
MeservieAudrey Ruthborn about 1933
MeservieCharles Eborn about 1902
MeservieMarilla Mborn about 1905
MeservieMaruice born about 1934
MurchFlora born about 1878

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P Surnames

PaulClifford born about 1908
PaulGertrud Eborn about 1871
PostMelissa born about 1868

R Surnames

RingAlena born about 1916
RingWalter born about 1913
RoundyCaroline born about 1865
RoweJohn born about 1870

S Surnames

SanbornAnnie born about 1879
ShapiroRichard born about 1926
SheldonAnn born about 1886
SheldonAustin born about 1887
SheldonEdward born about 1871
SheldonFlorence born about 1904
SheldonGeorge born about 1884
SheldonGeorge born about 1917
SheldonLe Roy born about 1913
StclairGeorge born about 1882
StuartEmma born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasAlbert born about 1890
ThomasBertrand born about 1938
ThomasCarrie born about 1885
ThomasCarrie Lborn about 1896
ThomasCharles born about 1921
ThomasElizabeth born about 1930
ThomasFlorence born about 1891
ThomasHodea born about 1871
ThomasLe Roy Mborn about 1918
ThomasMaurice born about 1930
ThomasNorman born about 1891
ThomasOrrin born about 1878
ThomasRobert born about 1938
ThomasRoger born about 1935
ThomasTheoda born about 1903
ThompsonFloyd born about 1907
ThompsonIvan Bborn about 1916
ThompsonMarjorie born about 1914
ThompsonMerton born about 1926
ThompsonVelma born about 1912
ThompsonWalter Jborn about 1869
TibbettsJohn Wborn about 1864
TibbettsKitty Mborn about 1873

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V Surnames

VietsAnna born about 1868
VikeryJohn Fborn about 1857

W Surnames

WentworthHerbert Eborn about 1869
WentworthIsa Wborn about 1873
WeymouthCarri Eborn about 1885
WeymouthElnora born about 1905
WeymouthFrancis born about 1925
WeymouthGeorge born about 1876
WeymouthGladys born about 1904
WeymouthHarold born about 1927
WeymouthHilda born about 1917
WeymouthKeith born about 1901
WeymouthMarilyn born about 1931
WeymouthMerle born about 1932
WeymouthMilan born about 1900
WeymouthMina born about 1873
WeymouthRuth born about 1929
WhiteCarleen born about 1917
WhiteCarleton born about 1917
WhiteCharles born about 1885
WhiteNellie Mborn about 1886
WoodClyde born about 1916
WoodburyEdwina born about 1905
WoodburyEmma Jborn about 1864
WoodburyFlorene born about 1904
WoodburyFrancis born about 1929
WoodburyIsreal born about 1891
WoodburyJames born about 1903
WoodburyLemuel born about 1900
WoodburyMertie Lborn about 1891
WoodburyRoyal born about 1920
WoodsClarence Aborn about 1912
WoodsLytle Aborn about 1915

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