1940 U.S. Federal Census of Newport, Penobscot, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Penobscot County > 1940 Census of Newport

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnnie Nborn about 1895
AdamsBurns born about 1912
AdamsGilbert born about 1936
AdamsLeon born about 1891
AdamsMaud born about 1902
AlbeeJeanne born about 1936
AlbeeJoanne born about 1931
AlbeeKennith Dborn about 1909
AlbeeMollie Sborn about 1912
AmbroseWalter Sborn about 1871
AmsdenAnna Mborn about 1916
AmsdenCharles Hborn about 1917
AmsdenMargaret Aborn about 1937
AndersonDoris Jborn about 1901
AndersonEverett Aborn about 1920
AndersonG Kiethborn about 1919
AndersonHarold born about 1896
AndersonHazel born about 1895
AndersonJoseph Wborn about 1895
AndersonPatricia born about 1921
AndersonPhilip Rborn about 1926
AnisRose Nborn about 1865
AshMargaret born about 1920
AtkinsCharles Wborn about 1864
AtkinsEllen Eborn about 1869
AverillAverill Rborn about 1911
AverillDonald Hborn about 1913

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B Surnames

BakerAdelia Sborn about 1891
BakerRobert Eborn about 1885
BantonBertha Lborn about 1890
BantonHartley Lborn about 1919
BantonMadeliene Lborn about 1920
BantonRichard Lborn about 1924
BantonSeth Lborn about 1890
BarreyBenjamin born about 1884
BarreyBenjamin Jr born about 1930
BarreyCorrena born about 1898
BarreyHenry born about 1935
BarreyJoyce born about 1933
BarreyMurial born about 1926
BarreyPatricia born about 1928
BarreySheldon born about 1925
BarreyWayne born about 1934
BarrowsGeorge Mborn about 1867
BarrowsTheo Jborn about 1870
BartlettElla Jborn about 1874
BartlettRoy Cborn about 1873
BassettRobert born about 1886
BeachLloyd Wborn about 1919
BeachMarion Gborn about 1924
BeanBarbara born about 1921
BeanGladys Mborn about 1897
BeanHarvey born about 1929
BeanLillian born about 1931
BeanRobert Jborn about 1923
BeckMabel born about 1892
BeleveauLorie born about 1908
BeleveauPatricia Mborn about 1938
BeleveauRuth born about 1908
BennettFrank Jborn about 1878
BennettGrace born about 1874
BennettLeon born about 1902
BennettMary Annborn about 1936
BennettMildred born about 1913
BentlerDorothy Mborn about 1907
BichfordBlanche Lborn about 1899
BichfordEarl Sborn about 1904
BichfordJennie Mborn about 1878
BichfordRalph Vborn about 1876
BichfordVerner Mborn about 1939
BickfordBulah born about 1926
BickfordChester born about 1904
BickfordGertrude born about 1930
BickfordLeta born about 1939
BickfordLinnie born about 1900
BickfordLydia born about 1934
BickfordMargaret born about 1924
BickfordSumner born about 1865
BickfordVarginia born about 1928
BickfordVerna born about 1939
BickfordWillis born about 1872
BigelouMyrtle Lborn about 1885
BirdBetty Hborn about 1936
BirdSally Jborn about 1939
BirdVornie born about 1916
BlackmenGrace Bborn about 1885
BlackmenRoy Cborn about 1885
BlaisdellAlton born about 1906
BlaisdellArthur Sborn about 1894
BlaisdellCora Eborn about 1866
BlaisdellWinfield Sborn about 1856
BobbDow born about 1868
BoothEdwin born about 1888
BoothGerald born about 1926
BoothMarie born about 1934
BoothMuria born about 1904
BoothMurial Fborn about 1937
BoothVirene born about 1932
BoothWilliam born about 1928
BoulierHelen Eborn about 1915
BowdenCecelia Mborn about 1913
BowdenCharles Eborn about 1872
BowdenElizabeth Eborn about 1870
BowdenEtta born about 1861
BowdenJames Hborn about 1896
BowdenJoseph born about 1861
BowdenMaud Dborn about 1895
BowdenThomas Cborn about 1906
BownnanEthel Mborn about 1892
BownnanVernon Cborn about 1872
BoydCrosby born about 1868
BoyleClaudia Eborn about 1916
BoyleJane Cborn about 1939
BoyleJohn born about 1867
BoyleMaybelle Aborn about 1896
BoyleMelvin Jborn about 1894
BoyleReginald Aborn about 1912
BoylenFrank born about 1895
BoylenGlennie born about 1904
BoylenStanley born about 1922
BrackettBlanche born about 1880
BrackettCarlton born about 1919
BrackettIvory born about 1878
BradburyAlice Mborn about 1871
BradfordLaura born about 1900
BradfordMalcolm born about 1924
BradfordMaurice born about 1929
BradfordPhilip born about 1896
BradfordPhilip born about 1923
BraggTheadore born about 1912
BraleyDorine born about 1939
BraleyDrusilla born about 1922
BraleyFrederick born about 1933
BraleyLee born about 1918
BraleyMargaret born about 1888
BraleyPearl born about 1893
BrancombBarbara Rborn about 1912
BrancombDavid Gborn about 1939
BrancombHarold Hborn about 1898
BrasierCella born about 1898
BrasierOrie born about 1889
BrawnDena Aborn about 1894
BrawnHarold Eborn about 1894
BrawnMildred Eborn about 1926
BriggsBedford born about 1877
BrooksNora born about 1875
BrooksTimothy born about 1894
BrooksVera born about 1894
BrownAbbie Eborn about 1916
BrownAda Aborn about 1874
BrownAnnie Hborn about 1885
BrownBetty Eborn about 1927
BrownCharles Aborn about 1899
BrownCharles Jr born about 1924
BrownDana Aborn about 1936
BrownDarrell Aborn about 1912
BrownElla Lborn about 1870
BrownHarry W Jrborn about 1914
BrownHarvard Mborn about 1904
BrownHerbert born about 1867
BrownIda Jborn about 1862
BrownKatherine born about 1899
BrownMorrell Sborn about 1878
BrownPeggy Lueborn about 1930
BrownRichard Dborn about 1934
BrownRoyce Nborn about 1915
BrownViolet Lborn about 1916
BrownWarren Iborn about 1926
BrownWelthy Eborn about 1918
BruceJoan born about 1869
BryantCasper born about 1895
BryantKeith Bborn about 1928
BryantLois Dborn about 1930
BryantViolet Cborn about 1902
BudgeEdith Lborn about 1883
BudgeJohn Hborn about 1872
BurnsBarbra Eborn about 1937
BurnsE Kentborn about 1882
BurnsElwell Hborn about 1907
BurnsForrister Gborn about 1927
BurnsJames Aborn about 1935
BurnsJennie Mborn about 1904
BurnsJohn Jborn about 1891
BurnsOrpah Mborn about 1884
BurrillBela born about 1877
BurrillLue Fborn about 1872
BurrillMeredith born about 1915
BurrillWendell Rborn about 1919
ButlerJames Hborn about 1895
ButterfieldFreda born about 1924
ButterfieldHarold born about 1885
ButterfieldMary born about 1894
BuxtonHenry Eborn about 1938
BuzzellArlene Mborn about 1906
BuzzellEarl Lborn about 1900
BuzzellKathleen Mborn about 1906
BuzzellKenneth Lborn about 1926
BuzzellLeona Aborn about 1931
BuzzellMaxine Aborn about 1936
BuzzellSamuel Pborn about 1906
ByamGeorge Gborn about 1887
ByamReuberta Sborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CainAda Jborn about 1874
CainEdelin Bborn about 1866
CallC Leslieborn about 1860
CallSarah born about 1861
CarrabeeGladys born about 1904
CarrabeeMerle born about 1914
CarrollFrank born about 1874
CarsleyDale Fborn about 1932
CarsleyDorcus Bborn about 1927
CarsleyFred born about 1900
CarsleyMary born about 1903
CaverleyFred born about 1867
CaverleyIda born about 1883
ChadbourneFlora born about 1866
ChaseHelen Eborn about 1884
ChaseJames born about 1888
ChisholmSimon born about 1869
ChristieJames Hborn about 1898
ChristieJames H Jrborn about 1925
ChristieMary Eborn about 1898
ClarkElizabeth born about 1880
ClarkEvelyn born about 1872
ClarkIra born about 1874
ClarkPaul Hborn about 1919
CleavelandPercy born about 1901
ClewleyGeorge Eborn about 1877
ClewleyMay Mborn about 1875
ClukeyMary born about 1893
CocheranMildred born about 1881
CochranByron Eborn about 1933
CochranGloria Mborn about 1930
CochranIda Mborn about 1909
CochranMadeline Rborn about 1931
CochranNorman Hborn about 1928
CochranSylvia Mborn about 1934
CochranTerence Tborn about 1907
CochranTerence T Jrborn about 1929
CochrinArchie born about 1901
ColbeyDarrell born about 1906
ColbyAlice M Mborn about 1920
ColbyAnn Lborn about 1938
ColbyAriel Vborn about 1939
ColbyGlenise Mborn about 1920
ColbyGraden born about 1923
ColbyGreydon Lborn about 1923
ColbyVictor Aborn about 1920
CondonAlice born about 1923
CondonGeorge Eborn about 1924
CondonHelen born about 1905
CondonMaud Eborn about 1887
CondonWilliam Eborn about 1885
CondonWilliam Mborn about 1897
ConnellyAlice born about 1927
CookClifton Eborn about 1932
CookDorothy Fborn about 1915
CookLeon Hborn about 1913
CookPauline Aborn about 1935
CooksonBertha Mborn about 1892
CooksonEarnest Eborn about 1893
CooksonFrancis Eborn about 1872
CooksonLewi Wborn about 1867
CooksonMarion born about 1923
CooleyHarry born about 1874
CooleySusie born about 1885
CooperCharles Pborn about 1852
CooperDora born about 1922
CooperEmma born about 1859
CoreyLaura born about 1876
CowingBarry Lborn about 1936
CowingDwane born about 1933
CraightenCharlene born about 1936
CraightenEarl born about 1918
CraightenEmma born about 1913
CraightenEthel born about 1889
CraightenFred born about 1881
CraightenRobert born about 1911
CraightenRobert Jr born about 1937
CreigEthel Mborn about 1896
CreigFred Aborn about 1891
CrockettEverad born about 1903
CroxfordBessie Mborn about 1888
CroxfordCharles Aborn about 1885
CummingsHerbert Kborn about 1917
CurtisHerbert Lborn about 1871
CurtisJennie Lborn about 1867
CurtisLydia Lborn about 1867

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D Surnames

DarlingArthur born about 1894
DarlingBessie born about 1894
DavisAlmer born about 1921
DavisCerrina Aborn about 1895
DavisEllitt Gborn about 1916
DavisGeorge Hborn about 1891
DavisMary Louborn about 1933
DavisMerton born about 1891
DavisNeal Wborn about 1924
DavisPauline born about 1920
DavisViola Lborn about 1893
DayEmma born about 1860
DebeckFred born about 1857
DebeckGeorge born about 1883
DelaireMerrill born about 1927
DemillesArlene born about 1913
DemmingsMaggie born about 1883
DohertyFrancis born about 1922
DohertyGeorge born about 1891
DohertyVera Iborn about 1899
DohrtyAlma born about 1910
DohrtyArthur born about 1908
DohrtyLoretta born about 1935
DohrtyRichard born about 1933
DorrCatherine Lborn about 1928
DowDouglas born about 1913
DowEdith born about 1909
DowLena Mborn about 1918
DowMarion Mborn about 1939
DowMarjory Aborn about 1937
DowMilfred Eborn about 1914
DowWard Hborn about 1910
DowWinnifred Nborn about 1939
DresserGeorge Tborn about 1884
DresserGeorge T Jrborn about 1922
DresserMary Jborn about 1895
DuntonDorethy born about 1925
DyerEverett Bborn about 1921
DyerJames Cborn about 1897
DyerMargaret Mborn about 1911

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E Surnames

EasleyAgnus Lborn about 1934
EasleyClara born about 1912
EasleyJohn Aborn about 1936
EasleyRalph born about 1904
EasleyThelma Cborn about 1931
EasleyWilliam Gborn about 1937
EllisEdward born about 1864
ElloCorillis Wborn about 1868
ElstonFlorence born about 1900
ElstonOscar born about 1895
EmeryEarnest born about 1919
EmeryEvelyn Lborn about 1938
EmeryMarie born about 1921
EmeryMinnie born about 1863
EmmersonElla born about 1870
EmmersonFrancis Mborn about 1850
EstesAlfred Lborn about 1869
EstesLila Vborn about 1876
EvensAndrew Jborn about 1886
EvensRebecca born about 1877

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F Surnames

FairbrotherAlton Gborn about 1917
FairbrotherClarence Aborn about 1920
FarrisGloria Fborn about 1924
FernaldAlbert Fborn about 1926
FerrisNorman Eborn about 1921
FerryAlice Aborn about 1903
FerryBertha Bborn about 1909
FerryBessie Aborn about 1883
FerryCecil Gborn about 1913
FerryHarold Eborn about 1918
FerryJohn Aborn about 1880
FieldsBlanche born about 1898
FitzpatrickAlthea Eborn about 1911
FitzpatrickJames Eborn about 1938
FitzpatrickNorman Cborn about 1908
FitzpatrickNorman Jr born about 1933
FletcherBarbara Jborn about 1935
FletcherGeorge Hborn about 1933
FletcherHarold Gborn about 1936
FletcherHelen born about 1914
FletcherIvan born about 1909
FletcherIvan Jr born about 1931
FletcherShirley Mborn about 1938
FlintBert Nborn about 1869
FlintClifford Pborn about 1898
FlintInez Mborn about 1898
FlintKenneth Lborn about 1931
FoggBenjamin born about 1938
FoggMildred born about 1919
FoggWallace Vborn about 1912
FolsemDoris born about 1912
FolsemLincoln born about 1914
FolsomBeatrice Lborn about 1912
FolsomBlanche Gborn about 1871
FolsomJohn Eborn about 1873
ForestAlaxander born about 1932
ForestBenjamin born about 1888
ForestEveline born about 1926
ForestHarold born about 1929
ForestRichard born about 1936
ForestRuth born about 1928
ForestViola born about 1899
ForestWilliam born about 1924
ForrestRaymond Eborn about 1918
FossBernerd Wborn about 1926
FossIna Bborn about 1906
FossManuel Hborn about 1903
FossMargaret Eborn about 1925
FoulkesHarry Jborn about 1888
FoulkesMerna Aborn about 1892
FranklandClifton Hborn about 1898
FranklandOra born about 1901
FraserByron Wborn about 1917
FraserEdna born about 1917
FraserLynn born about 1939
FrazerHarold born about 1910
FrazerJanet born about 1938
FrazerJean Pborn about 1932
FrazerMiriam born about 1912
FrenchElizabeth Cborn about 1865
FriedmanHilbl born about 1916
FrostNorman Vborn about 1933

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G Surnames

GareyEmery born about 1910
GatchellLana Mayborn about 1912
GatchellMary Jborn about 1878
GatchellWillis Aborn about 1909
GatchellWillis A Jrborn about 1931
GetchellNancy born about 1856
GibbHarry Wborn about 1882
GilmanJune born about 1916
GilmanOrmand born about 1869
GilmanRosie born about 1878
GinsbergCharles born about 1895
GinsbergEsther Tborn about 1899
GinsbergLouis Hborn about 1928
GinsbergRebecca Mborn about 1870
GinsbergSimon born about 1867
GipsonAlice Pborn about 1908
GipsonHoward Lborn about 1908
GipsonLeroy Lborn about 1928
GipsonRobert Wborn about 1930
GleasonHarry Tborn about 1880
GleasonMaude Sborn about 1883
GordonBarbara Eborn about 1922
GordonCharles Rborn about 1897
GordonCharles Jr born about 1932
GordonCharlot Cborn about 1924
GordonGertrude Pborn about 1900
GordonPauline Dborn about 1937
GouyerBarbara Aborn about 1933
GouyerLawrence Aborn about 1907
GouyerM Elizabethborn about 1905
GrahamBertha born about 1883
GrayAnnie Mborn about 1894
GrayAnnie Mborn about 1922
GrayDarrell born about 1921
GrayElenor born about 1903
GrayFrank born about 1897
GrayGeorge Pborn about 1846
GrayHelen born about 1931
GrayHoward born about 1928
GrayIvan born about 1900
GrayMerle born about 1922
GreenwayArolin born about 1887
GreenwayFred born about 1884
GreenwayJasper born about 1927
GrindelDella Eborn about 1872
GrindellJoseph born about 1851
GroganAvis Mborn about 1900
GroganDaniel Lborn about 1898

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H Surnames

HaapanenEno born about 1883
HaapanenHannah Hborn about 1928
HaapanenJennie born about 1884
HaapanenOlga born about 1931
HaapanenToiro born about 1908
HaapanenWilliam born about 1922
HaimingBasil Lborn about 1921
HaimingGlenna Mborn about 1922
HaimingIda Mborn about 1902
HaimingRobert Eborn about 1932
HaimingRoy Dborn about 1895
HainesHenry born about 1875
HallDavid born about 1936
HallMadeline born about 1904
HamiltonGeorgie born about 1894
HamiltonHoward born about 1916
HamiltonJames Wborn about 1917
HamiltonMary Eborn about 1916
HamiltonMay born about 1876
HamiltonPhilip born about 1904
HamiltonRose Mborn about 1883
HanniganEsther born about 1916
HansonFreeman born about 1887
HansonGrace born about 1892
HansonHarold born about 1928
HansonJasper born about 1916
HansonRodney born about 1922
HarrisCynthia born about 1888
HarrisDavid born about 1934
HarrisElaine born about 1936
HarrisFrank born about 1923
HarrisJean born about 1911
HarrisJoyce born about 1933
HarrisLewis Rborn about 1887
HarrisPatricia born about 1933
HarrisPhilip born about 1910
HarrisRuth born about 1929
HartBertha Cborn about 1883
HartFrank Hborn about 1888
HartJohn born about 1872
HartWesley Tborn about 1898
HartleyDorethy born about 1920
HartleyLeverett born about 1901
HartleyLeverett Jr born about 1933
HartleyRichard born about 1937
HartleyRose born about 1913
HarveyClayton Lborn about 1921
HarveyClyde Lborn about 1890
HarveyWinona Eborn about 1896
HatchBion Bborn about 1893
HatchEthel Pborn about 1928
HatchEugene Tborn about 1885
HatchFlorence born about 1890
HatchFlossie Pborn about 1890
HatchGlenwood Eborn about 1923
HatchHerman born about 1913
HatchMarion Bborn about 1931
HatchMartha Jborn about 1852
HatchMildred Lborn about 1931
HatchVern born about 1924
HerseyAnnie born about 1898
HerseyClara born about 1869
HerseyCleveland born about 1882
HerseyDorothy born about 1928
HerseyEdith Lborn about 1933
HerseyErnest born about 1897
HerseyErnest Eborn about 1921
HerseyHarold born about 1925
HerseyMae Aborn about 1893
HerseySherburn born about 1899
HoitEllen born about 1881
HoldHelen Rborn about 1918
HoldMabel Bborn about 1883
HoldRalph Eborn about 1895
HolmesAnnie born about 1894
HolmesArvard born about 1938
HoltKenneth Bborn about 1912
HoltVirginia Eborn about 1919
HomesteadAnne born about 1892
HomesteadWilson born about 1891
HopkinsAdele Cborn about 1910
HopkinsEmma born about 1877
HoustinLottie Mborn about 1880
HoustinRaymond Oborn about 1902
HoustonCyrus born about 1880
HoytFred born about 1884
HoytViolet born about 1897
HurdEthel Cborn about 1891
HurlburtCecil Aborn about 1894
HurlburtEtta Eborn about 1875
HurlburtGeorge born about 1915
HurlburtHarold born about 1902
HuseEmily Lborn about 1928
HuseErnena Rborn about 1896
HuseHarold Pborn about 1892
HuseMarilyn Fborn about 1929
HustonGrace born about 1888

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I Surnames

ImersonGerald Wborn about 1925
ImersonGertrude Eborn about 1918
ImersonJoyce Aborn about 1928
ImersonMyrtle Mborn about 1893
ImersonPhyllis Eborn about 1920
ImersonRaymond Rborn about 1895
ImersonRena Mborn about 1927
IrvineOlive Cborn about 1876

J Surnames

JacksonAddie Mborn about 1900
JacksonAnnette born about 1939
JacksonElizabeth born about 1924
JacksonElmer born about 1930
JacksonErvin Lborn about 1875
JacksonGeorge born about 1898
JacksonPaul born about 1932
JacksonRobert born about 1935
JacksonSilas born about 1922
JacobsClark Eborn about 1938
JacobsGuy Hborn about 1901
JacobsMona Sborn about 1912
JarvisDavid Lborn about 1936
JarvisMaud Eborn about 1912
JarvisWilliam Eborn about 1911
JarvisWilliam Rborn about 1933
JehonnetLewis born about 1886
JenneDorothy Vborn about 1920
JennieHarold born about 1925
JohnsonCharles born about 1869
JonesAnnette born about 1913
JonesBernard born about 1920
JonesGladys born about 1894
JonesInez born about 1892
JonesMaud born about 1876
JonesMelva Aborn about 1936
JonesMelville born about 1910
JonesRoselie born about 1931
JonesShirley born about 1916
JudeWilliam Fborn about 1885

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K Surnames

KeeganMabel born about 1910
KeeganWilliam born about 1900
KeyserBerkley born about 1913
KeyserMarion born about 1916
KeyserNancy born about 1938
KeyserStephen born about 1939
KimballDonna Iborn about 1926
KimballGladys Eborn about 1907
KimballHazel Mborn about 1897
KimballHenry Lborn about 1903
KimballM Burleighborn about 1895
KimballMarion Iborn about 1910
KimballRalph Jborn about 1905
KinbellEialeen born about 1923
KingFredrick born about 1920
KingsburyLucy Mborn about 1888
KnightsDora Sborn about 1857
KnowelsEffie born about 1869
KnowlesBertie Eborn about 1908
KnowlesCarrie Aborn about 1928
KnowlesElbert Lborn about 1910
KnowlesFern born about 1894
KnowlesHoward Vborn about 1935
KnowlesJoan Lborn about 1933
KnowlesLeon born about 1883
KnowlesLloyd Rborn about 1931
KnowlesMarlene Mborn about 1934
KnowlesMary born about 1926
KnowlesRalph Eborn about 1927
KnowlesVillora born about 1920
KnowlesWilliam Aborn about 1929

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L Surnames

LanderMartha Pborn about 1908
LanderNora Jborn about 1887
LangleyAddie Jborn about 1886
LangleyErnestine Hborn about 1914
LangleyKay Fborn about 1938
LangleyLlewellyn Fborn about 1905
LawrenceEdith born about 1898
LeathersAnna Cborn about 1869
LeavittFred Aborn about 1904
LeavittMabel Aborn about 1902
LeavittRaymond born about 1905
LeavittTheresa Kborn about 1905
LeightonFlorence Eborn about 1925
LemeriseEdward Oborn about 1894
LemeriseLillian Mborn about 1917
LemeriseWilliam Eborn about 1938
LewisBeulah Tborn about 1921
LewisHazel Eborn about 1891
LewisJackqueline Mborn about 1917
LewisNellie Bborn about 1865
LewisNellie Eborn about 1921
LewisOlen born about 1904
LewisPauline born about 1905
LewisWilliam Bborn about 1887
LibbyBernard born about 1936
LittlefieldAnne born about 1932
LittlefieldDora Hborn about 1922
LittlefieldEdward Fborn about 1904
LittlefieldFred Aborn about 1879
LittlefieldJeanne born about 1928
LittlefieldLinnie born about 1875
LittlefieldLloyd born about 1919
LittlefieldNehemiah Aborn about 1876
LittlefieldWilhelmina born about 1893
LoiselJosne Cborn about 1878
LoiselOdelia born about 1884
LondAugustus Eborn about 1889
LondMaynard Aborn about 1920
LondMinnie Bborn about 1893
LoweAlbert born about 1938
LoweHenry Fborn about 1917
LoweIris born about 1914
LuceBeatrice Dborn about 1912
LuceDonald Pborn about 1919
LuceEdna Mborn about 1920
LuceGerald Rborn about 1939
LuceJames Rborn about 1936
LuceJoanne Rborn about 1939
LuceJohn Rborn about 1935
LuceJoseph Rborn about 1938
LuceRonald Vborn about 1905
LuddenBeulah born about 1921
LuddenFloyd Gborn about 1918
LuddenFrederick born about 1939
LuddenGeorge born about 1940
LuddenLloyd born about 1918
LuddenPhyllis Mborn about 1921
LuddenRonald Sborn about 1938
LuddenRussell Fborn about 1940
LuntEdwin Fborn about 1865
LuntFannie Fborn about 1873

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M Surnames

MaddenClarence born about 1903
MaddenRuth Eborn about 1907
MaddoxWarren born about 1925
MagnusArthur Dborn about 1899
MagnusElise Tborn about 1896
MagnusHalvor Aborn about 1929
MannAdele Cborn about 1888
MarchoDonald Eborn about 1924
MarchoMorrice Mborn about 1903
McCorrisonAlfred born about 1885
McCorrisonMazie Aborn about 1883
McGlauflinElla born about 1894
McGlauflinLewis born about 1886
McGuireRachael born about 1933
McHennyHarry born about 1902
McHennySadie Aborn about 1906
McKayDora born about 1881
McKayPearl born about 1916
McKayRichard born about 1923
McKayRobert Hborn about 1879
McKennaLaetitia Dborn about 1916
McKennaThomas Wborn about 1907
McKenzieBert born about 1875
McKenzieDavid born about 1859
McKenzieDoris Eborn about 1931
McKenzieJames Aborn about 1900
McKenzieJohn Dborn about 1897
McKenzieNeal Lborn about 1930
McKenzieWilliam Wborn about 1903
McLaughlinBerkley born about 1934
McLaughlinClifford born about 1908
McLaughlinDale Kborn about 1930
McLaughlinDonn Cborn about 1931
McLaughlinMarylan Aborn about 1930
McLaughlinMyrtle born about 1899
McLaughlinOlen born about 1898
McLaughlinVirginia born about 1910
McLeanClarance Lborn about 1926
McLeanLeeland Hborn about 1925
McLeniaDennis born about 1929
McLeniaZelda born about 1925
McPhersonDonald Wborn about 1914
MerchantSoloman Gborn about 1863
MerrifieldHazel born about 1897
MerrillCatherine Nborn about 1929
MerrillEva Lborn about 1874
MerrillGeneva Mborn about 1871
MerrillGeorge Fborn about 1926
MerrillLousie Mborn about 1900
MerrillMary Eborn about 1927
MerrillNancy Lborn about 1938
MerrillRalph Mborn about 1899
MerrillSydney born about 1872
MilesCarrie born about 1870
MillerEdna born about 1888
MillerMoses Eborn about 1853
MillingtonFlorence Bborn about 1909
MillingtonPaul born about 1912
MoranBasil Rborn about 1930
MoranCevada Tborn about 1937
MoranFreda Eborn about 1909
MoranLaurel Wborn about 1928
MoranLorainne Sborn about 1939
MoranMarcilane Rborn about 1932
MoranRonald Aborn about 1934
MoranWallace born about 1903
MorrillIda Cborn about 1858
MorrisonWilliam born about 1865
MorrisonWinifred Sborn about 1921
MorseMamie Fborn about 1875
MortonCharles Iborn about 1940
MortonCharlotte born about 1908
MortonEdgar Mborn about 1911
MortonElwood Tborn about 1937
MortonErwin Lborn about 1913
MortonEvelyn born about 1928
MortonFrank Wborn about 1924
MortonGeorge Iborn about 1940
MortonGerald born about 1931
MortonGilbert born about 1934
MortonShirley Eborn about 1913
MortonThomas born about 1907
MortonVera Eborn about 1893
MortonWalter born about 1884
MosesAdolph Cborn about 1916
MosesEva Fborn about 1893
MosesGeorge Wborn about 1889
MountainAudery born about 1937
MountainIrene born about 1904
MountainRaymond born about 1930
MountainUrban born about 1907
MullenAnnie Jborn about 1898
MullenHarvard Eborn about 1925
MullenHattie born about 1871
MullenJames Hborn about 1874
MullenJohn born about 1868
MullenKenneth Jborn about 1921
MullerGuy born about 1930
MullerJames Eborn about 1901
MullerKathleen born about 1906
MullerMalcolm born about 1939
MuncyGwendolyn born about 1932
MurrayArthur Jborn about 1912
MurrayCelina born about 1914
MurrayGeorge Lborn about 1884
MurrayLeslie Gborn about 1919
MurrayPearl Eborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NasonElida Eborn about 1898
NasonElton Nborn about 1923
NasonHarry Eborn about 1921
NasonHelen Lborn about 1917
NasonRichard Nborn about 1922
NasonThomas Hborn about 1920
NasonThomas Mborn about 1896
NealDonald Aborn about 1915
NealHenry born about 1887
NealMaryln born about 1923
NealMay born about 1898
NealMildred Eborn about 1920
NealNorma born about 1932
NealRichard Dborn about 1940
NelsonEarl born about 1915
NelsonGerald Sborn about 1929
NelsonHilda Pborn about 1909
NelsonKeith Cborn about 1928
NelsonMadeline born about 1939
NelsonRaleigh Pborn about 1901
NelsonRosalie Eborn about 1916
NelsonRuth Eborn about 1934
NewcombAllen Bborn about 1889
NewcombAnnie Pborn about 1892
NewcombEarl Aborn about 1917
NewcombGertrude Aborn about 1897
NewcombLloyd Mborn about 1902
NewtonElaine born about 1940
NewtonEvelyn born about 1919
NewtonFlorence born about 1884
NewtonFrancis born about 1918
NewtonGeorge born about 1877
NewtonHilma born about 1915
NewtonNadine born about 1939
NewtonWilliam born about 1915
NichersonMyron Mborn about 1910
NicholsEarnest Eborn about 1937
NicholsEmma born about 1914
NicholsFred born about 1917
NickersonEdgar born about 1895
NickersonOscar Rborn about 1928
NickseBessie born about 1894
NickseWarren Hborn about 1922
NolanPatrick Hborn about 1868
NortonFannie born about 1867
NutterCharles Hborn about 1893
NutterEthel Mborn about 1882
NutterHenry born about 1876
NutterLillian Eborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OaksFrancis Eborn about 1868
OaksNora born about 1868
OaksPercey born about 1867
OldenburgClayton born about 1929
OldenburgEdgar born about 1934
OldenburgEldon Iborn about 1897
OldenburgGeraldine born about 1925
OldenburgLeitha Aborn about 1900
OldenburgMadeline born about 1926
OldenburgWilliam Eborn about 1924
OrdwayAllie Bborn about 1891
OrdwayGeorge Hborn about 1889
OrdwayHenry Dborn about 1923
OtisCarl born about 1911
OtisEldon born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageBurnard Fborn about 1934
PageFrank Wborn about 1926
PageHelen Lborn about 1934
PageInez Mborn about 1917
PageLouise Mborn about 1894
PageMary Iborn about 1933
PageStella Mborn about 1925
PageThelma born about 1927
PageWarren Bborn about 1894
PalmerBarbara Sborn about 1922
PalmerBeverly Lborn about 1934
PalmerMabel born about 1862
PalmerMamie Eborn about 1880
PalmerMillard Fborn about 1898
PalmerRobert Rborn about 1872
PalmerRoss Dborn about 1917
ParkmanEarnest born about 1883
ParkmanJennie born about 1857
ParsonsAbbie Mborn about 1882
ParsonsElizabeth born about 1909
ParsonsJudith Sborn about 1938
ParsonsRoscoe born about 1904
PatchellClaud Fborn about 1912
PatchellGeorge Lborn about 1911
PatchellGeorge L Jrborn about 1931
PatchellGertrude born about 1917
PatchellLena Eborn about 1911
PatchellPaul Gborn about 1935
PatchellRichard Tborn about 1937
PatchellThelma Lborn about 1932
PatmanDoris born about 1890
PattenCharles born about 1909
PattenHattie born about 1914
PattenSusie born about 1873
PattersonLeonard born about 1872
PattersonMarion Eborn about 1873
PattersonSara Eborn about 1909
PaulJohn Aborn about 1891
PelkeyBernice born about 1915
PelkeyElizabeth born about 1871
PelkeyJohn Aborn about 1869
PelkeyLorena born about 1940
PelkeyWilfred born about 1922
PelkyAnnie Cborn about 1932
PelkyDelana Mborn about 1938
PelkyDorothy Eborn about 1934
PelkyElizabeth Mborn about 1929
PelkyLeslie Jborn about 1896
PelkyLeslie J Jrborn about 1935
PelkyMary Sborn about 1917
PelkyNellie Eborn about 1926
PelkyNina Eborn about 1905
PelkyRobert Fborn about 1937
PelkySoloman Fborn about 1912
PelkyWilliam Fborn about 1939
PerkinsAlbin born about 1913
PerkinsBarbara born about 1919
PerkinsBeatrice born about 1907
PerkinsCarl born about 1905
PerkinsElizah born about 1870
PerkinsKarlyn born about 1935
PerkinsRemona born about 1929
PerkinsRoland born about 1934
PerkinsRonald born about 1934
PerkinsSteven born about 1933
PerryBarbara Jborn about 1937
PerryDouglas Sborn about 1939
PerryFlorence born about 1917
PerryFrank born about 1910
PerryOmar Gborn about 1925
PetingillElsei born about 1905
PetingillMerle born about 1902
PhilbricGladys Vborn about 1928
PhilbrickWilliam Cborn about 1890
PierceWayne born about 1923
PinkhamBernard Eborn about 1935
PinkhamEsther Fborn about 1934
PinkhamIsabelle born about 1910
PinkhamJohn born about 1902
PinkhamMaurice Aborn about 1939
PiperBernice Mborn about 1910
PiperDonald Gborn about 1936
PiperQuentin Aborn about 1910
PlummerDoris Hborn about 1924
PlummerFlorice Eborn about 1891
PlummerGeorge born about 1860
PlummerPriscilla Jborn about 1921
PlummerRobert Nborn about 1929
PotterEvelyn Mborn about 1893
PotterFred Eborn about 1867
PotterGardner Hborn about 1893
PotterWilliam born about 1932
PrescottJohn born about 1887
PrilayHenry Eborn about 1887
ProctorCarmen Sborn about 1906
ProctorCarrol Eborn about 1901
ProctorLoretta Tborn about 1940
ProctorMarie Aborn about 1936
ProctorNancy Aborn about 1938
ProctorPaul Eborn about 1935
ProutyAda Vborn about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuimbyArthur Lborn about 1887
QuimbyElsie Aborn about 1895

R Surnames

RacineHenry born about 1918
RacineHenry Jr born about 1939
RacinePatricia born about 1939
RacineSarah born about 1921
RandellAvis born about 1921
RandletAzuba Aborn about 1885
RandletFred Cborn about 1875
RaynesDora Bborn about 1891
RaynesRobert Dborn about 1918
ReaMay Fborn about 1879
ReaWilliam Mborn about 1872
ReynoldsClyde born about 1893
ReynoldsHarlan Wborn about 1917
ReynoldsPhyllis Wborn about 1896
ReynoldsRodney Aborn about 1921
RichAlthea Mborn about 1924
RichAvory born about 1916
RichBuren Dborn about 1926
RichCuyler born about 1890
RichEmily born about 1910
RichErma Pborn about 1916
RichHarry born about 1934
RichJean Cborn about 1932
RichLillia Bborn about 1898
RichMarylin Eborn about 1930
RichQuim Cborn about 1928
RichRobert born about 1911
RichRobert Rborn about 1933
RichStelmer Dborn about 1897
RichVina born about 1890
RichardsArletta born about 1938
RichardsDoris born about 1909
RichardsMyrna Aborn about 1937
RichardsTellman born about 1906
RichardsonFrank Aborn about 1884
RichardsonGorden born about 1919
RichardsonGorden Rborn about 1932
RichardsonMargaret born about 1887
RichardsonMildred born about 1922
RichardsonMildred Cborn about 1908
RichardsonPhilip born about 1884
RichardsonPhyllis born about 1905
RichardsonReginal Cborn about 1908
RichardsonThurza Iborn about 1893
RiderOwen Wborn about 1890
RobertAllen born about 1920
RobertsMarcia Aborn about 1861
RobinsonAugusta born about 1880
RobinsonDoris Oborn about 1902
RobinsonErsel born about 1925
RobinsonLinley born about 1930
RobinsonRay Dborn about 1888
RobinsonWallace born about 1898
RoderickBeatrice Yborn about 1920
RonnbergAdram Jborn about 1920
RoullardFred Pborn about 1893
RoullardHazel Lborn about 1892
RoweDavid born about 1930
RoweDora born about 1902
RoweEdward born about 1897
RoweElizabeth born about 1923
RoweHarold Jborn about 1919
RowePhyllis Bborn about 1911
RoweRobert born about 1935
RussellAlice born about 1932
RussellArline born about 1938
RussellBeatrice born about 1928
RussellBertha born about 1901
RussellBertha born about 1926
RussellDavid born about 1915
RussellDoris born about 1924
RussellEugene born about 1897
RussellFrank Aborn about 1920
RussellGeneva born about 1920
RussellGladys born about 1903
RussellHarold born about 1897
RussellIrvin born about 1935
RussellJane born about 1939
RussellMarion born about 1939
RussellMyrtle born about 1915
RyderCharles Hborn about 1866
RyderCharles H 2born about 1913
RyderElinor Cborn about 1870
RyderLourice Bborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SanborneCarl Jborn about 1917
SanborneDwight Lborn about 1923
SanborneHelen born about 1892
SanborneLewis born about 1892
SandsEdith born about 1872
SargentDon born about 1900
SargentPrecilla born about 1902
SauborneEmma born about 1862
SavageGertrude born about 1873
SavageMilton born about 1886
SawyerCarl Lborn about 1919
SawyerCarrie Mborn about 1865
SawyerHomer Iborn about 1928
SawyerMyrtle Iborn about 1890
SawyerWilliam Lborn about 1888
ScottGrace Eborn about 1924
ScottNellie Mborn about 1903
ScottRichard born about 1928
ScottRobert born about 1903
ScottRobert Jr born about 1926
ScottSherman Eborn about 1866
ScribnerCatherine Mborn about 1869
ScribnerElbrige Lborn about 1861
SeaneyIva Lborn about 1889
SeaneyKathleen born about 1931
SennettAlice Mborn about 1913
SennettBeverly Bborn about 1933
SennettGlenn Mborn about 1907
SennettThelma Jborn about 1936
ShapiroEdythe Aborn about 1898
ShapiroHoward Lborn about 1928
ShapiroSydney Fborn about 1925
ShapiroWilliam born about 1894
ShawGeorge born about 1877
ShawMaud born about 1877
SheaDiane born about 1934
SheaJean born about 1938
SheradanAnnie Sborn about 1885
SheradanCharles Eborn about 1881
SheradanFrank Eborn about 1879
SheradanJoyce Eborn about 1930
SheradanSylvia Sborn about 1886
SmithAnnette born about 1895
SmithCarl born about 1935
SmithFay Sborn about 1885
SmithGertrude born about 1877
SmithJosephine born about 1917
SmithKeith born about 1916
SmithShirley born about 1922
SmithStewart born about 1936
SmithThurston Hborn about 1906
SmithVincent born about 1920
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1888
SnowJames born about 1866
SoperBernice born about 1898
SoperCarolyn born about 1921
SoperCarrie Nborn about 1889
SoperCedric born about 1897
SoperCedric Jr born about 1919
SoperDorethy born about 1929
SoperEarl born about 1925
SoperFlorence born about 1893
SoperLewman Bborn about 1882
SoperMargaret born about 1923
SoperScollay born about 1889
SouleFlorence Eborn about 1896
SouleNorman Cborn about 1902
SprattCharles Lborn about 1877
StackpoleGilbert born about 1928
StackpoleJohn Lborn about 1900
StackpoleMartin born about 1922
StackpoleMildred born about 1936
StackpoleMillie Mborn about 1878
StackpoleWallace N Jrborn about 1927
StackpoleWilladene born about 1901
SternsBasil Lborn about 1931
StevensDoris Lborn about 1929
StevensElla Eborn about 1900
StevensEllshery born about 1901
StevensFlorence born about 1924
StevensGeorge born about 1879
StevensGeorge Hborn about 1903
StevensGrace Bborn about 1888
StevensHazel Gborn about 1903
StevensIda born about 1871
StevensIsabel Bborn about 1881
StevensLillian Mborn about 1875
StevensMargaret Lborn about 1931
StevensMarilyn Eborn about 1936
StevensNorman Lborn about 1926
StevensOlive Iborn about 1925
StevensWilliam born about 1881
StevensWilliam Eborn about 1899
StevensWilliam Hborn about 1933
StockwellGeneva born about 1913
StuartE Maxineborn about 1921
StuartFlorance Jborn about 1898
StuartGail born about 1921
StuartLydia born about 1859
StuartRoland Eborn about 1894
StuartRoland Jr born about 1918
SullivanLeah Cborn about 1877
SullivanWilliam Hborn about 1885
SwanHazel Eborn about 1901
SweetAnnie Fborn about 1859
SweetArthur Hborn about 1918
SweetBarbara Eborn about 1923
SweetForrest Lborn about 1888
SweetHelen Eborn about 1887
SweetKarleen Lborn about 1920
SylvesterDummer Mborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackerEvelyn born about 1879
TackerSumner born about 1877
TaskerAnnie Eborn about 1923
TaskerDonna Mborn about 1938
TaskerEvie born about 1915
TaskerJohn born about 1902
TaskerWillie Fborn about 1893
TaylorC Haleborn about 1897
TaylorDonald Cborn about 1914
TaylorGladys Eborn about 1898
TaylorIva Oborn about 1883
TaylorLizzie Eborn about 1881
TaylorMark Aborn about 1916
TaylorMark Hborn about 1883
TaylorWilliam Cborn about 1918
TaylorWinthrop Aborn about 1882
TedescoAlbert born about 1934
TedescoJennie Vborn about 1891
TedescoJune born about 1921
TedescoPalmer born about 1919
TedescoPhilip born about 1884
TedescoPhilip Jborn about 1916
TedescoRandolf born about 1927
TedescoVincent born about 1924
ThompsonJune Mborn about 1917
ThompsonKenneth Wborn about 1908
ThurstonAnita born about 1917
ThurstonLarry Pborn about 1939
ThurstonRalph born about 1917
TibbettIvy born about 1890
TibbettLeslie born about 1888
TibbettsArline Rborn about 1932
TibbettsCaroline born about 1916
TibbettsFlora Bborn about 1913
TibbettsHarvey born about 1914
TibbettsJennie Mborn about 1933
TibbettsLarry Wborn about 1938
TibbettsLeo Lborn about 1902
TibbettsPauline Bborn about 1936
TiltonSadie born about 1890
TiltonWinfred born about 1873
TitcomeCharles Fborn about 1921
TitcomeCindon born about 1893
TitcomeGladys born about 1892
ToddAddie Mborn about 1854
TompsonWinniford Wborn about 1866
TowelAndrew Jborn about 1891
TowelInez born about 1926
TowelLettie Vborn about 1894
TowelMarion born about 1918
TowelRichard Hborn about 1917
TowelRichard H Jrborn about 1940
TownEdwin born about 1925
TownGladys born about 1906
TownLewis born about 1904
TownsandEverett Mborn about 1878
TownsandMinnie Eborn about 1870
TownseandFred born about 1875
TownseandJulia born about 1890
TrippAudrey Sborn about 1919
TrippChas Eborn about 1918
TrippE Leslieborn about 1900
TrippJohn Cborn about 1879
TrippJudith Annborn about 1939
TuckerBabette Dborn about 1929
TuckerBeatrice Hborn about 1901
TuckerHoward Aborn about 1903
TuckerNancy Eborn about 1934
TuckerRalph Fborn about 1932
TuckerRobert Hborn about 1934
TurtleArthur born about 1899
TurtleBertha born about 1904
TurtleIrene born about 1925
TurtleLewis born about 1934
TutleAlice Mborn about 1867
TutleHarvey Mborn about 1874
TyrrellHattie born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UrghartHildreth born about 1920

V Surnames

VanettaGrace Eborn about 1919
VanettaMaurace born about 1938
VarneyGlendon Cborn about 1927
VarneyHazel born about 1900
VarneyJosephine Cborn about 1924
VarneyMaryln Eborn about 1932
VarneyMillard Eborn about 1936
VarneyOwen born about 1897
VarneyRoyce Lborn about 1930

W Surnames

WadeAldora born about 1932
WadeFrankie born about 1930
WadeLeslie born about 1915
WadeMarion born about 1925
WadeOpal born about 1923
WadeWendell born about 1920
WalkerFlorence born about 1887
WalkerHarry born about 1889
WalkerHattie Aborn about 1874
WalkerMildred born about 1892
WareBertha Lborn about 1873
WarkLois Mborn about 1936
WarkNathan Cborn about 1914
WarkSandra Jborn about 1939
WarkWyona Lborn about 1916
WatsonRobie Lborn about 1885
WebbJohn Hborn about 1893
WebbJohn H Jrborn about 1927
WebbManley Sborn about 1925
WebbMyra Bborn about 1903
WeeksIva born about 1914
WeeksJoyce Aborn about 1936
WeeksMilton Lborn about 1908
WelchFlorance Eborn about 1914
WelchMary Aborn about 1859
WelchRaymond born about 1911
WelchRaymond born about 1936
WentworthIna Mborn about 1880
WentworthJohn Mborn about 1915
WentworthMark born about 1877
WeymouthClifford born about 1892
WeymouthJ Henryborn about 1926
WeymouthMary Tborn about 1893
WheelerAnnie Dborn about 1875
WheelerBertha Mborn about 1931
WheelerClifford born about 1879
WheelerDane born about 1930
WheelerDora Jborn about 1938
WheelerDoris Hborn about 1936
WheelerElsa Hborn about 1902
WheelerFrank born about 1869
WheelerHorace Hborn about 1939
WheelerLindley Mborn about 1904
WheelerSamual Hborn about 1871
WheelerSarah born about 1908
WhitcombSadie born about 1874
WhiteE Gertrudeborn about 1875
WhiteEthel born about 1874
WhiteKathleen born about 1923
WhiteVarginia born about 1924
WhitneyBruce Aborn about 1936
WhitneyDaisy Lborn about 1885
WhitneyEarl Oborn about 1899
WhitneyGeorge Hborn about 1908
WhitneyJacqueline Gborn about 1937
WhitneyRae Mborn about 1913
WhitneyWillard Eborn about 1863
WhittakerArlene born about 1930
WhittakerNellie born about 1907
WhittakerPhillys born about 1928
WhittakerSimon born about 1876
WhittenDaniel born about 1860
WhittenHazel Bborn about 1888
WhittenJ Walterborn about 1877
WhittikerHarry Hborn about 1883
WigginAlice Bborn about 1883
WillettAudrey born about 1893
WillettLona born about 1914
WillettMerle born about 1898
WillettRaymond born about 1913
WilliamsArthur born about 1935
WilliamsCharlie born about 1910
WilliamsDaisy Hborn about 1902
WilliamsElnora born about 1933
WilliamsIvan Sborn about 1916
WilliamsJohn Sborn about 1878
WilliamsKenneth Nborn about 1909
WilliamsLenora born about 1910
WilliamsMadelyn Gborn about 1904
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1937
WilliamsMerle born about 1936
WilliamsMillard Jborn about 1912
WilliamsRobert born about 1904
WilliamsRobert Jr born about 1928
WilliamsRoger Mborn about 1910
WilliamsRoger M Jrborn about 1934
WilliamsRuby Sborn about 1919
WilliamsRuth Sborn about 1878
WilsonAina born about 1882
WilsonWoodard born about 1881
WisemanDiane Eborn about 1939
WisemanEdith Aborn about 1880
WisemanFreda Bborn about 1902
WisemanJane Lborn about 1935
WisemanLe Baron Bborn about 1903
WisemanSarah Eborn about 1907
WisemanWalt Wborn about 1907
WithamFred born about 1921
WithamOllisen born about 1922
WitheeBlanche born about 1876
WitheeElmer born about 1888
WitheeWaldo born about 1882
WoodardLorraine Zborn about 1939
WoodardZana Mborn about 1921
WoodcockMary Eborn about 1864
WoodcockNewland born about 1861
WorthenFred born about 1882
WorthenMarcia born about 1882
WymanCora Mborn about 1878
WymanHarold born about 1912
WymanIrene born about 1915
WymanLloyd Aborn about 1936
WymanMelvin born about 1877
WymanNorma Lborn about 1937
WymanRichard Eborn about 1933

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Y Surnames

YoungDavid Bborn about 1872

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