1940 U.S. Federal Census of Plymouth, Penobscot, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Penobscot County > 1940 Census of Plymouth

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AllenWalter born about 1892
AndrewsEnel born about 1868
ArnoldWilliam Eborn about 1891

B Surnames

BelgardDexter Bborn about 1899
BelgardFlorence Oborn about 1925
BelgardLeland Eborn about 1921
BelgardMabel Fborn about 1895
BelgardMelvin Aborn about 1928
BelgardWarren Eborn about 1927
BenettVerna Eborn about 1910
BennettCatherine Bborn about 1916
BennettHerbert Hborn about 1937
BennettHoward Pborn about 1912
BennettMaurace Oborn about 1896
BennettMaxine Nborn about 1926
BennettMertom Aborn about 1919
BichfordCarl Lborn about 1914
BichfordRuth Lborn about 1913
BickfordArnold born about 1927
BickfordCynthia Mborn about 1875
BickfordSmith born about 1870
BillingtonPerry born about 1897
BonlinAlex born about 1866
BourgoinWilliam Bborn about 1876
BourgoineAlthea Gborn about 1923
BourgoinePhilip Jborn about 1917
BuberLee Fborn about 1887
BukerMarion Lborn about 1879
BurkeClifton Aborn about 1921
BurkeDarrel Jborn about 1928
BurkeDorene Bborn about 1936
BurkeHarland Eborn about 1927
BurkeJoseph Fborn about 1899
BurkeLillian Eborn about 1900

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C Surnames

CampbellGelia Aborn about 1893
CampbellJoel Hborn about 1871
CampbellPearl Bborn about 1889
CarterEmma Aborn about 1854
CarterLillian Mborn about 1876
ChadwickEtta Lborn about 1878
ChadwickMarlyn Eborn about 1874
ChaseAvis Mborn about 1900
ChaseEllen Iborn about 1920
ChaseFettie born about 1872
ChaseFred Aborn about 1874
ChaseFred A Jrborn about 1895
ChaseIrving Fborn about 1916
ChaseMary Vborn about 1918
ClarkClarence Hborn about 1920
ClarkDwight Iborn about 1923
ClarkElsie Mborn about 1892
ClarkHerbert Eborn about 1886
ClarkLenora Mborn about 1880
ConantAlbert Rborn about 1936
ConantIrving Aborn about 1911
ConantJoseph Iborn about 1938
ConantMarilla Eborn about 1891
ConantRandall Oborn about 1886
CondonAlbert Fborn about 1907
CondonGladys Mborn about 1887
CondonJohn Dborn about 1929
CondonRalph Wborn about 1878
CondonShirley Mborn about 1910
CooksonFrank Vborn about 1883
CooksonFred Lborn about 1877
CooksonLema Aborn about 1879
CoreyAlice Dborn about 1922

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D Surnames

DavisAlta Eborn about 1896
DavisCharles Hborn about 1872
DavisClarence Lborn about 1909
DavisGerald Lborn about 1932
DavisHelen Eborn about 1904
DavisIrene Vborn about 1916
DavisJoyce Vborn about 1939
DavisLeola Mborn about 1907
DavisLettie Mborn about 1875
DavisLorraine Bborn about 1933
DavisLyle Mborn about 1902
DavisMarilyn Eborn about 1930
DavisMarion Lborn about 1934
DavisNatalie Eborn about 1929
DavisNellie Mborn about 1903
DowClarice Vborn about 1916
DowGeorge Iborn about 1939
DrakeElmer Cborn about 1882
DuntonPatrcia Mborn about 1938

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E Surnames

EmersonHilda Mborn about 1917
EmersonRaymond Rborn about 1917
EmersonRaymond R 3rdborn about 1939
EmeryGeorge Rborn about 1877
ErskineFlora Eborn about 1917
ErskineLawrence Hborn about 1916
ErskineLawrence H Jrborn about 1937
EstesRobert Lborn about 1936

F Surnames

FairbrotherArchie Aborn about 1933
FairbrotherBenjaman Fborn about 1934
FairbrotherErma Jborn about 1939
FairbrotherEugenia Mborn about 1915
FairbrotherGeorge Sborn about 1937
FerryMarjorie Lborn about 1912
FerryRobert Jborn about 1907
FillmoreHoward Eborn about 1929
FillmoreMaurice Gborn about 1930
FillmoreSadie Bborn about 1906
FlyeShrley born about 1921
FurbishSamuel Hborn about 1882

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G Surnames

GiggeyAnita Cborn about 1938
GiggeyClinton Cborn about 1890
GiggeyEvelyn born about 1916
GiggeyHarold Aborn about 1916
GiggeyNellie Aborn about 1891
GiggeyRichard Cborn about 1931
GiggeyRita Fborn about 1925
GiggeyRuth Mborn about 1937
GrayAlbert Nborn about 1929
GrayAleta Pborn about 1906
GrayAlice Mborn about 1865
GrayAlthea born about 1927
GrayAlton Sborn about 1926
GrayBennie Lborn about 1884
GrayCharles Hborn about 1914
GrayClifton Aborn about 1920
GrayCora Mborn about 1915
GrayDorathy Vborn about 1929
GrayDorothea Gborn about 1922
GrayEdward Rborn about 1936
GrayElizabeth Mborn about 1902
GrayElla Cborn about 1921
GrayEugene Iborn about 1915
GrayEugene Sborn about 1934
GrayIola Cborn about 1931
GrayIsaac Eborn about 1886
GrayKelsey Sborn about 1913
GrayLewis Cborn about 1935
GrayMary Bborn about 1881
GrayMary Eborn about 1939
GrayNorman Cborn about 1897
GrayNorman Eborn about 1923
GrayRalph Cborn about 1922
GrayShirley Vborn about 1923
GrayWilber Eborn about 1919

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H Surnames

HardingEliza Mborn about 1897
HardingHarold Jborn about 1922
HardingHarvard Hborn about 1919
HardingRoscoe Mborn about 1896
HarribineEva Jborn about 1871
HarribineJames Tborn about 1872
HickbornClyde Aborn about 1911
HicksEthel Rborn about 1884
HicksGeorge Aborn about 1880
HicksGeorge Eborn about 1921
HicksJames Aborn about 1927
HicksMelva Aborn about 1917
HicksRodney Aborn about 1925
HicksRoscoe Oborn about 1925
HinesBoyd Wborn about 1866
HinesHattie Eborn about 1871
HintonMagdalena Mborn about 1864
HintonWillis Iborn about 1877
HolbrookCharles Jborn about 1893
HolbrookGertrude Jborn about 1922
HolbrookJosephine Hborn about 1897
HoltBudd Dborn about 1936
HoltCharles Vborn about 1925
HoltElsin Mborn about 1915
HoltGary Aborn about 1934
HoltGeorgie Aborn about 1891
HoltIda Mborn about 1871
HoltLloyd Iborn about 1933
HoltLottie Rborn about 1913
HoltMeridith born about 1927
HoltMoses Rborn about 1895
HoltParker Iborn about 1890
HoltReta Eborn about 1921
HoltRoger Iborn about 1914
HoltRoger I Jrborn about 1932
HoltRoland Aborn about 1923
HoltShirley Mborn about 1930
HoltWalter Vborn about 1874
HopkimsErnest Pborn about 1865
HopkinsA Carlborn about 1937
HopkinsArdis Lborn about 1907
HopkinsArthur Pborn about 1871
HopkinsCarroll Eborn about 1933
HopkinsCharles Vborn about 1933
HopkinsClyde Aborn about 1896
HopkinsDale Pborn about 1935
HopkinsDonald Hborn about 1920
HopkinsDoris Eborn about 1931
HopkinsErma Mborn about 1912
HopkinsErnest Gborn about 1909
HopkinsErva Lborn about 1910
HopkinsFlorence Jborn about 1935
HopkinsGeorge Hborn about 1887
HopkinsHarry Mborn about 1908
HopkinsHelen Mborn about 1906
HopkinsHildred Aborn about 1892
HopkinsJoyce Hborn about 1940
HopkinsLee Sborn about 1906
HopkinsLee Jr born about 1930
HopkinsLeon Fborn about 1934
HopkinsLila Jborn about 1913
HopkinsLyndon Vborn about 1936
HopkinsMannie Eborn about 1887
HopkinsMary Lborn about 1901
HopkinsRichard Dborn about 1934
HopkinsRobert Hborn about 1937
HopkinsRussell Mborn about 1939
HopkinsWayne Aborn about 1932
HoustonBessie Aborn about 1892
HoustonGeorge Aborn about 1897
HoustonGeorge Hborn about 1855
HoustonMary Jborn about 1865
HoustonNorma Fborn about 1928
HoustonPaul Cborn about 1921
HoweEdith Aborn about 1920

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I Surnames

InmanListon Hborn about 1919

J Surnames

JacksonArlene Pborn about 1932
JacksonEdna Mborn about 1907
JacksonElwood Mborn about 1877
JacksonLinwood Gborn about 1928
JacksonOshan Gborn about 1930
JacksonVelora Gborn about 1937
JohanntgesAmanda Eborn about 1912
JohanntgesKarl born about 1903
JohnsonArnold Rborn about 1934
JohnsonEvelyn Lborn about 1921
JohnsonEverett Rborn about 1931
JohnsonIvan Lborn about 1920
JohnsonMarie Eborn about 1925
JohnsonMaurice Jborn about 1922
JohnsonMerle Eborn about 1899
JohnsonMethyl Hborn about 1899
JohnsonTherma Kborn about 1927

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K Surnames

KaramRichard Lborn about 1933
KarnesHillman Lborn about 1918
KelleyArlene Bborn about 1922
KingJerome Lborn about 1915
KingJohn Fborn about 1919
KnightsLewis Pborn about 1883
KnowltonAbbie Rborn about 1896
KnowltonWalter Aborn about 1915

L Surnames

LambJennie Tborn about 1880
LandryAlice Oborn about 1890
LandryOnesime Bborn about 1881
LangleyEdith Mborn about 1937
LangleyHarvey Lborn about 1873
LangleyJeanne Fborn about 1933
LangleyLois Eborn about 1938
LangleyMaryle born about 1907
LangleyRobert Mborn about 1899
LangleyRobert M Jrborn about 1927
LeemanMelissa Jborn about 1888
LevasseurAlrine Gborn about 1875
LevasseurEnnie born about 1876
LeworthEthel Mborn about 1875
LibbyJeremiah Jborn about 1871
LibbyLura Mborn about 1877
LongleyGladys Mborn about 1885
LongleyJohn Rborn about 1885
LowellGeorge Rborn about 1885
LowellMatilda Bborn about 1873
LuddenArleigh Fborn about 1907
LuddenArthur Vborn about 1916
LuddenCharles Sborn about 1880
LuddenFlorence Gborn about 1886
LuddenKenneth Vborn about 1925

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M Surnames

MalcolmHattie Eborn about 1921
MalcombBeulah Eborn about 1933
MalcombDwayne Lborn about 1936
MalcombFloyd Eborn about 1932
MalcombGladys Lborn about 1895
MalcombPerry L Jrborn about 1935
MalcombWarren Eborn about 1929
MarchoAnnie Sborn about 1909
MarchoDeanna Eborn about 1939
MarchoFreda Aborn about 1936
MarchoLloyd Rborn about 1931
MarchoLloyd Wborn about 1905
MarchoSally Aborn about 1933
McAteeBeecher Rborn about 1905
McAteeEd born about 1873
McAteeJennie Mborn about 1883
McDonaldBarbara Vborn about 1925
McGrawFern Rborn about 1896
McGrawFrank Wborn about 1887
McGrawFrank W Jrborn about 1923
McGrawVinal Fborn about 1919
McIntireJames Bborn about 1861
McIntireJames Rborn about 1896
McIntireMartha Jborn about 1872
McIntireMary Eborn about 1904
McIntireRalph Gborn about 1930
McIntireWinslow Hborn about 1874
MillsCharles born about 1898
MillsLouise born about 1936
MillsLucille born about 1939
MillsLunine born about 1917
MillsVerona born about 1930
MitchellDale Eborn about 1926
MitchellGeorge Hborn about 1887
MitchellLewis Sborn about 1892
MooersHallie Mborn about 1882
MorreArthur Bborn about 1879
MorreEffie Cborn about 1878
MorrisonBertha Bborn about 1929
MorrisonClara Vborn about 1924
MorrisonEunice born about 1893
MorrisonFreda Bborn about 1927
MorrisonGeorge Lborn about 1888
MorrisonHolmes Sborn about 1918
MorrisonJames Mborn about 1923
MorrisonViola Fborn about 1932
MortonHarold Fborn about 1889
MyrickFlora Mborn about 1925
MyrickLubelle Hborn about 1902

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N Surnames

NelsonLucy Wborn about 1856
NewmanGuy Lborn about 1933
NutterEnoch born about 1861
NutterFrank Lborn about 1869
NutterIrving Lborn about 1901
NutterSadie born about 1897

O Surnames

OakesEva Mborn about 1888
OleonnorEleanor Aborn about 1936
OleonnorJoan Hborn about 1931
OleonnorMargaret Eborn about 1935
OleonnorMary Eborn about 1929
OleonnorRobert Cborn about 1932

P Surnames

PayneGeorge Jborn about 1879
PayneMary Aborn about 1883
PiperSilas born about 1861
ProutyClyde Sborn about 1868

R Surnames

RamsdellElizabeth Mborn about 1890
RamsdellLewis Lborn about 1893
ReynoldsDelbert Tborn about 1888
ReynoldsLenord born about 1878
ReynoldsLizzie Wborn about 1882
RichardsonCeolleen born about 1929
RichardsonGlenn born about 1927
RichardsonLillace Gborn about 1903
RichardsonStanley Bborn about 1901
RichardsonWade born about 1933
RinesBevely Lborn about 1925
RinesCarroll Eborn about 1936
RinesEverett Eborn about 1927
RinesGrover Cborn about 1884
RinesHarley Cborn about 1923
RinesLucy Bborn about 1933
RinesMargaret Mborn about 1893
RinesRichard Lborn about 1929
RobersonFloyd Eborn about 1927
RollinsGeorge Aborn about 1908

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S Surnames

SanbornCharles Jborn about 1898
SawageBertha Aborn about 1910
SawageMerlin Rborn about 1908
SawyerHarry Aborn about 1879
SawyerMittie Dborn about 1878
ShawArline Aborn about 1920
ShawArline Jborn about 1940
ShawLillian Lborn about 1908
ShawMason Dborn about 1905
ShawRalph Eborn about 1879
SimpsonLeslie Rborn about 1908
SlippEmma Hborn about 1883
SlippGuy Wborn about 1892
SmallDana Lborn about 1886
SmallDana L Jrborn about 1929
SmallEdna Mborn about 1889
SmallGeorge Aborn about 1871
SmallGeorge Wborn about 1912
SmallHenry born about 1909
SmallLillian Eborn about 1889
SmallLyle Cborn about 1926
SmallMarion Aborn about 1921
SmallMartin Vborn about 1882
SmallMary Aborn about 1869
SmallPhyllis Jborn about 1915
SmallRobert Lborn about 1934
SmallRoyce Bborn about 1910
SmallSelwin Bborn about 1922
SmallWayne Eborn about 1938
SmartAnna Mborn about 1892
SmartHarry Eborn about 1889
SmartJaims Aborn about 1917
SmartPercy Jr born about 1922
SmartVelma Gborn about 1922
SmartWayland Fborn about 1939
SmithAddie Fborn about 1866
SmithHarvey Nborn about 1894
StackpoleCarlyle Mborn about 1921
StackpoleDorothea Lborn about 1928
StackpoleHarland Wborn about 1923
StackpoleMarjorie Cborn about 1902
SteeleDoris Eborn about 1902
SteeleJoseph Dborn about 1897
SteelePhilip Rborn about 1934
SteeleRobert Dborn about 1931
SteeleRonald Jborn about 1927
StevensNina Vborn about 1899
SullivanAddie born about 1860
SullivanEugene born about 1858

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T Surnames

TalbotGeorge Eborn about 1906
TalbotGerald Eborn about 1931
TalbotMabel Gborn about 1904
TaskerLeslie Aborn about 1870
TaskerMinnie Fborn about 1869
ThomasJohn Lborn about 1908
TozierAvis Vborn about 1931
TozierGeneva Mborn about 1898
TozierHerbert Jborn about 1878
TozierLenora Aborn about 1918
TwitchellBernard Nborn about 1914
TwitchellBlanche Eborn about 1889
TwitchellDora Dborn about 1891
TwitchellEvelyn born about 1912
TwitchellNorma Eborn about 1934
TwitchellOral Mborn about 1885

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U Surnames

UntterCharlene Mborn about 1930
UntterEdward Lborn about 1928
UntterHerbert Jborn about 1899

V Surnames

VarneyErnest Cborn about 1868
VarneyHenry Wborn about 1859
VarneyLillian Dborn about 1869
VarneyReta Mborn about 1906

W Surnames

WarkDavid Aborn about 1882
WarkGerald Rborn about 1939
WarkHerbert Jborn about 1913
WarkHerbert J Jrborn about 1935
WarkIrene Pborn about 1915
WarkRichard Dborn about 1936
WarkStanley Dborn about 1938
WeymouthJames Eborn about 1904
WeymouthMaxine Mborn about 1923
WeymouthWarren Eborn about 1928
WhiteAaron Kborn about 1914
WhiteAlden born about 1871
WhiteAlden Rborn about 1922
WhiteAlice Bborn about 1886
WhiteAlice Bborn about 1925
WhiteMarguerite born about 1912
WhiteSidney Uborn about 1866
WhitleyGeorge Wborn about 1924
WhitleyWilliam Gborn about 1871
WhitleyWilliam G Jrborn about 1913
WilsonGladys Eborn about 1919
WilsonNelson Dborn about 1918
WingateDelbert Fborn about 1920
WingateIda Mborn about 1883
WoodardDonald Eborn about 1913
WoodardElizabeth Mborn about 1940
WoodardElwyn Lborn about 1939
WoodardSusie Sborn about 1921
WoodmanPreston Aborn about 1883
WymanGladys Iborn about 1888

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Y Surnames

YoungAlbert Cborn about 1933
YoungHarold Rborn about 1937
YoungJacqueline Bborn about 1932
YoungJames Hborn about 1933
YoungLawrence Cborn about 1935
YoungRuth Iborn about 1907
YoungShirley Pborn about 1897
YoungShirley Pborn about 1931

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