1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sebago, Cumberland, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Cumberland County > 1940 Census of Sebago

B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesI SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

B Surnames

BacheldorAlden Eborn about 1929
BacheldorAlice born about 1888
BacheldorArthur Rborn about 1924
BacheldorDorothy Lborn about 1927
BacheldorGladys Lborn about 1894
BacheldorIrma Aborn about 1898
BacheldorLinwood Mborn about 1922
BacheldorMamie born about 1889
BacheldorPercy Lborn about 1892
BacheldorRosa Eborn about 1861
BacheldorWalter Fborn about 1888
BacheldorWarren Mborn about 1922
BacheldorWilliam born about 1894
BarnesMary born about 1867
BarnesMary Lborn about 1935
BartlettDudley born about 1861
BartlettIrene Wborn about 1899
BartlettMalcolm Wborn about 1897
BeneriCatherine Aborn about 1913
BeneriWilliam Eborn about 1901
BeneriWilliam Jr born about 1931
BlissAlfred Cborn about 1867
BlissLillian Mborn about 1871
BobbMary Aborn about 1871
BrounLeon Fborn about 1887
BrownEdith Dborn about 1889
BrownEdson Wborn about 1888
BrownLeon born about 1899
BurnellAbbie Mborn about 1892
BurnellAustin Hborn about 1925
BurnellErnest Jr born about 1923
BurnellFreda Mborn about 1914
BurnellGeorge Fborn about 1874
BurnellKenneth Mborn about 1929
BurnellLester born about 1894
BurnellMaud born about 1927
BurnellNorman born about 1895
BurnellRaymond Jr born about 1938

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C Surnames

ChapheAllen Rborn about 1894
ChapheFlorence Eborn about 1894
ChesseyLewis Jborn about 1888
ChesseyMildred Wborn about 1896
ChesseySamuel born about 1883
ClausonClaus Gborn about 1872
CoutureBetty Pborn about 1922

D Surnames

DayCharlotte Eborn about 1928
DayDorothy Mborn about 1930
DayEarle Lborn about 1906
DayEdith Aborn about 1908
DayGloria Eborn about 1933
DayJoyce Eborn about 1931
DayVirginia Aborn about 1925
DeckerRoland Pborn about 1889
DeckerRuth born about 1900
DeckerTheodore born about 1916
DolloffAlla Lborn about 1938
DolloffBeverly Aborn about 1934
DolloffCarlton Lborn about 1912
DolloffGeorge Nborn about 1902
DolloffGeorge Jr born about 1932
DolloffHelen Iborn about 1935
DolloffIrene Mborn about 1913
DolloffLewis born about 1869
DouglasEdward Sborn about 1869
DouglassAlan born about 1936
DouglassAlbion Fborn about 1906
DouglassBerth Eborn about 1870
DouglassClifford Sborn about 1911
DouglassEvelyn born about 1915
DouglassFred Lborn about 1874
DouglassGertrude born about 1911
DouglassHarry Eborn about 1877
DouglassJean born about 1933
DouglassLoanne born about 1936
DouglassMaurice Lborn about 1914
DouglassNelson born about 1939
DouglassPhilip born about 1909
DouglassSherril born about 1934
DouglassShirley born about 1938
DukerAbbie Eborn about 1895
DukerEdith born about 1931
DukerJessie born about 1888
DukerLindley Aborn about 1922
DukerLorraine Dborn about 1929
DurginEvelyn Eborn about 1913
DyerAda Mborn about 1874
DyerArthur Eborn about 1881
DyerEdward Aborn about 1911
DyerMamie Aborn about 1886

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E Surnames

EdwardsElwood Sborn about 1919
EdwardsMyrtle Mborn about 1890

F Surnames

FitchElaine Wborn about 1888
FitchEleanor born about 1916
FitchFlorence Hborn about 1918
FitchGeorge Eborn about 1914
FitchGeorge E Jrborn about 1939
FitchHarry Hborn about 1886
FitchLawrence Wborn about 1920
FitchLura Pborn about 1889
FitchMoneford Pborn about 1875
FitchPaul Wborn about 1939
FitchPauline born about 1917
FitchSara Gborn about 1873
FolsomAnn Cborn about 1870

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G Surnames

GilmanAlice Wborn about 1894
GilmanGerald born about 1892
GilmanRobert Hborn about 1916
GilmanVirginia Mborn about 1917
GregoryCynthia Hborn about 1895
GregoryDonald Eborn about 1933
GregoryEleanor Mborn about 1924
GregoryElroy Aborn about 1928
GregoryJames Aborn about 1871
GregoryJohn Hborn about 1921
GregoryVirnie born about 1900

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H Surnames

HallAlbert Rborn about 1902
HallAlbert R Jrborn about 1926
HallMajorie Mborn about 1905
HansonEva Lborn about 1888
HansonOwen Gborn about 1888
HardyDaniel Bborn about 1901
HardyJanett Eborn about 1900
HaskinsClement Bborn about 1875
HaskinsClement Baborn about 1918
HillCharles born about 1916
HutchinsLee Jr born about 1925
HutchinsLoring Eborn about 1863
HutchinsMaude Eborn about 1887
HutchinsSarah Eborn about 1873
HyerHarry Cborn about 1872

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I Surnames

IrishBeulah born about 1922
IrishCorinne born about 1925
IrishDouglas born about 1932
IrishFranklin born about 1909
IrishGordon Fborn about 1916
IrishHarold Lborn about 1927
IrishHarry Wborn about 1894
IrishHelen born about 1910
IrishHoward Eborn about 1868
IrishLester born about 1918
IrishLucy Eborn about 1876
IrishMelvin Jborn about 1916
IrishOliver Jborn about 1938
IrishRichard born about 1934
IrishVelma Eborn about 1917

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L Surnames

LafountaineWilfred born about 1916
LambertRonald born about 1937
LewisDena Pborn about 1928
LewisElvia Dborn about 1930
LewisGuy Eborn about 1903
LewisLendora born about 1902
LibbyAline Bborn about 1926
LibbyLelia Mborn about 1915
LockwoodJohn E Jrborn about 1903
LockwoodMarion Eborn about 1905
LockwoodMary Jborn about 1938
LordDolly born about 1917
LordJohn Eborn about 1913
LordJohn Jr born about 1938
LordJosephine Lborn about 1939
LordMary Eborn about 1937
LordSlyvia Aborn about 1936

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M Surnames

MartinAllison Iborn about 1878
MartinAndrey Mborn about 1924
MartinCarlton Dborn about 1877
MartinDiana born about 1935
MartinDora born about 1871
MartinEmory Cborn about 1902
MartinGlen Eborn about 1933
MartinHarriet Eborn about 1902
MartinLucretia born about 1916
MartinSarah Jborn about 1883
MartinWilliam Hborn about 1881
McCorrisonAnn born about 1936
McCorrisonJane born about 1938
McCorrisonJune born about 1916
McDonandAnn Sborn about 1937
McDonandEllen Jborn about 1933
McDonandEllsworth born about 1907
McDonandFaye Mborn about 1909
McKenneyHannah Cborn about 1869
McKenneyWilliam born about 1876
MullenGeorge Lborn about 1904
MullenMillard Eborn about 1928
MullenVerna Mborn about 1905
MullenVirginia Mborn about 1924
MurphyHarold Mborn about 1922

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N Surnames

NealBertha Aborn about 1875
NealChester Fborn about 1874
NelsonFrank born about 1888
NelsonHerbert Eborn about 1929
NelsonHoward Wborn about 1926
NelsonJuliette Cborn about 1905
NelsonJune born about 1930

P Surnames

PackardAda Bborn about 1913
PackardNed Wborn about 1910
PackardRobert Wborn about 1937
PendexterCarrie born about 1918

R Surnames

ReynoldsJune born about 1915
RiceBessie Eborn about 1885
RiceHerbert Eborn about 1927
RobinsonAlfred Eborn about 1938
RobinsonBertha born about 1909
RobinsonCarolyn born about 1935
RobinsonDorothy born about 1912
RobinsonEllen born about 1939
RobinsonEmily born about 1881
RobinsonErnest born about 1910
RobinsonFred Lborn about 1876
RobinsonLewis Wborn about 1908
RobinsonMarianne Lborn about 1939
RobinsonMarilyn born about 1935
RobinsonMarjorie born about 1934
RodgersFrank Fborn about 1876
RodgersMabel Hborn about 1886
RoweHattie Aborn about 1880
RoweLawson Wborn about 1867
RoweMorton Mborn about 1871

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S Surnames

SanbornCharles Eborn about 1885
SanbornCora Mborn about 1890
SanbornDorothy Eborn about 1921
SargentClarence Lborn about 1892
SawyerMary Eborn about 1879
SawyerReuben born about 1876
ShawBarbara born about 1918
ShawCarroll Jborn about 1904
ShawCharles Sborn about 1910
ShawChesley Eborn about 1888
ShawCurtis born about 1883
ShawCynthia born about 1866
ShawDorothy Bborn about 1939
ShawErwin Wborn about 1914
ShawEunice Gborn about 1896
ShawGeorge Wborn about 1854
ShawHartley Mborn about 1933
ShawJune Sborn about 1910
ShawLeland born about 1896
ShawMarie Aborn about 1916
ShawMertie Mborn about 1892
ShawMinnie Rborn about 1911
ShawMulin Eborn about 1934
ShawRufus born about 1864
ShawSigna Jborn about 1927
ShawWalter Hborn about 1891
ShawWilliam Cborn about 1935
ShawWilson Eborn about 1904
SnowAgnes Pborn about 1923
SnowCora Eborn about 1881
SnowEdith Cborn about 1932
SnowGrace Cborn about 1902
SnowIsabel Rborn about 1923
SnowLester Rborn about 1919
SnowLouise Eborn about 1931
SnowMark A Jrborn about 1906
SpauldingDorothy Hborn about 1883
StickneyEdward Gborn about 1900
StickneyHelen Cborn about 1902

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T Surnames

TarrAda born about 1900
TarrLoraine born about 1932
TarrPerry born about 1904
ThombsHenry Aborn about 1891
ThombsIrey Fborn about 1894
ThombsMildred born about 1913
ThombsRandall born about 1919
ThurlowFred Fborn about 1895
TowleClarence born about 1873
TowleRonelda Fborn about 1880

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W Surnames

WarrenSidney born about 1883
WentworthFannie Mborn about 1873
WhiteAnnie Cborn about 1877
WhiteGrover Cborn about 1884
WhiteLeon Eborn about 1891
WhiteMamie Eborn about 1880
WightCarlene Bborn about 1934
WightEthel Wborn about 1906
WightLester Hborn about 1924
WightLouis Wborn about 1896
WormhoodChristine Aborn about 1923

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