1940 U.S. Federal Census of Waite, Washington, Maine

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Maine > Washington County > 1940 Census of Waite

B SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

B Surnames

BaikerGertrude born about 1908
BaikerLorraine born about 1929
BaikerLorreen born about 1929
BaikerMarie born about 1926
BaikerMaynaiel born about 1901
BaikerRonald born about 1934
BaikerWilfred born about 1931
BaileyVraal born about 1891
BeanBerley Eborn about 1875
BeanGertrude born about 1892
BennettAllan born about 1936
BennettArthur Mborn about 1911
BennettMabel born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CraftEtta born about 1872
CraftHerbert born about 1862
CroweClara born about 1898
CroweEugene born about 1929
CroweFred Fborn about 1894
CroweMerlyn born about 1934
CrowePauline born about 1922
CroweRoberta born about 1919
CroweVirginia born about 1917

D Surnames

DorisHiram born about 1849
DudleyAnna Bborn about 1879
DudleyDorothy born about 1904
DudleyFrances born about 1923
DudleyJohn born about 1876
DudleyMannie born about 1905
DudleyNorman born about 1919

F Surnames

FitchLlyod born about 1913

G Surnames

GardnerHulbert born about 1908
GowersHoward born about 1907

H Surnames

HollandFrances born about 1879

J Surnames

JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1860
JonesElizabeth born about 1876
JonesHerburt born about 1918
JonesOnslow born about 1876
JonesPaul born about 1923
JonesSamuel born about 1849

L Surnames

LawyerJessie Bborn about 1914
LawyerLes Hborn about 1894

M Surnames

MalksonBert born about 1862
McDougallSaer born about 1873
McLainBessie born about 1894
McLainColon born about 1915
McLainGeorge born about 1862
McLainGeorgia born about 1900
McLainHarold born about 1916
McLainMons born about 1896
McLainRose born about 1926
McLainSarah born about 1861
MerchantBeatrice born about 1939
MerchantHarold born about 1901
MerchantHerbert born about 1937
MerchantMollie born about 1913
MooresBlanch born about 1902
MooresDoris born about 1927
MooresIrma born about 1934
MooresJohn born about 1929
MooresMary born about 1928
MooresOrville born about 1925
MooresRaymond born about 1876
MooresWilliams born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealBenjiman Pborn about 1892
NealJoseph Cborn about 1859
NealMargery born about 1897
NealPhillip Lborn about 1885
NealRalugh Sborn about 1886
NealRichard born about 1928
NoyesHurbert born about 1925
NoyesKathryn born about 1927
NoyesRuby born about 1905

P Surnames

ParkerBertha born about 1876
PattapasSeymorn born about 1894
PhelpsAddie born about 1885
PhelpsBeon Iborn about 1859
PhelpsDonald Fborn about 1908
PhelpsDonald Jborn about 1932
PhelpsGeorge Eborn about 1881
PhelpsKenneth born about 1930
PhelpsLee born about 1935
PhelpsRodney born about 1933
PhelpsVirginia born about 1913
PikeChas Cborn about 1878
PikeClayton born about 1914
PikeGlennie born about 1894
PikeLillian born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RenardAlice born about 1927
RenardCharlotte born about 1920
RenardEdward born about 1919
RenardGreta born about 1939
RenardJohn Eborn about 1900
RenardLizzie born about 1935
RenardMargaret born about 1933
RenardNorman born about 1925
RenardZera Mborn about 1898
RidcontAllison born about 1912
RidcontEdmund born about 1909
RidcontGerald born about 1933
RidcontShirly born about 1930
RideoutCarrie born about 1862
RideoutDavid born about 1881
RideoutGrace born about 1891
RideoutIva born about 1916
RideoutLannon born about 1937
RideoutRonald born about 1933
RideoutWarren born about 1927
RigleyAda Mayborn about 1885
RigleyCarl born about 1903
RigleyEarl born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThorntonAudrey born about 1903
ThorntonDerle born about 1931
ThorntonJacquelin born about 1940
ThorntonRoger born about 1905
TupperAvis born about 1930
TupperCarrol born about 1935
TupperChas A Jborn about 1911
TupperChas Bborn about 1880
TupperCyde Eborn about 1911
TupperDarien born about 1939
TupperEster born about 1886
TupperEvelyn born about 1934
TupperFrances born about 1914
TupperFredrick born about 1939
TupperIrving Wborn about 1898
TupperJames Bborn about 1862
TupperJanice born about 1932
TupperJirond born about 1911
TupperJrya born about 1937
TupperKenneth born about 1936
TupperLyle born about 1936
TupperNillie born about 1915
TupperRobert born about 1938
TupperSheila born about 1934
TupperVivian born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VarnumAdla Cborn about 1906

W Surnames

WhiteMerin born about 1919
WilliamsAlice born about 1911
WilliamsAndrew born about 1874
WilliamsCoburn born about 1911
WilliamsCoburn Jborn about 1935
WilliamsEva Cborn about 1882
WilliamsFrank born about 1876
WilliamsJames born about 1905
WilliamsJennie born about 1880
WilliamsLloyd born about 1904
WilliamsLloyd C Jrborn about 1937
WilliamsMary Jborn about 1909
WilliamsNelis Cborn about 1926
WilliamsOrland born about 1911
WilliamsPorter born about 1909
WilliamsWillis born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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