Aroostook County ME Birth Records

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Aroostook County (938) > Aroostook County Birth Records (59)

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Maine Birth Records (871) > Aroostook County Birth Records (59)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Aroostook County are also on the Maine Birth Records page.

Countywide Blaine Caribou Cary Castle Hill Chapman Crystal Eagle Lake Fort Fairfield Frenchville Hammond Hersey Hodgdon Houlton Limestone Linneus Macwahoc Mapleton Mars Hill Monticello New Sweden Perham Portage Sherman Silver Ridge Smyrna Van Buren Wallagrass Washburn Weston Winterville Woodland

Aroostook County Birth Records

1621-1922 Maine Birth Records (incomplete before 1892) Ancestry online

Aroostook County, Maine : births, marriages, obituaries and death notices extracted from the Loyal sunrise, 1863-1865, 1877; the Fort Fairfield aurora, 1875-1876; the Presque Isle sunrise, 1876-1877 WorldCat

Aroostook County, Maine, births, marriages, obituaries and death notices : extracted from the Loyal sunrise, 1863-1865, 1877, the Fort Fairfield aurora 1875-1876, and the Presque Isle sunrise 1876-1877 FamilySearch Library

Maine, Birth Records, 1892-present Maine Department of Health and Human Services

The Aroostook republican and news : births, marriages, deaths and obituaries WorldCat

The loyal sunrise, 1863-1865, 1877 ; the Fort Fairfield aurora, 1875-1876 ; the Presque Isle sunrise, 1876-1877 : births, marriages, obituaries, and death notices extracted from these old newspapers WorldCat

Blaine Birth Records

Caribou Birth Records

Cary Birth Records

Castle Hill Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1864-1891 FamilySearch Library

Chapman Birth Records

Vital records, 1868-1891 FamilySearch Library

Crystal Birth Records

Vital records, 1854-1896 FamilySearch Library

Eagle Lake Birth Records

Vital records, 1869-1950 FamilySearch Library

Fort Fairfield Birth Records

Filter By Year:

Aroostook County, Maine, births, marriages, obituaries and death notices : extracted from the Loyal sunrise, 1863-1865, 1877, the Fort Fairfield aurora 1875-1876, and the Presque Isle sunrise 1876-1877 FamilySearch Library

Citizens of Fort Fairfield, Maine 1850 to 1904 : family information includes census, marriage, birth, death and cemetery FamilySearch Library

Citizens of Fort Fairfield, Maine : 1910 to 1930 : family information includes census, marriage, birth, death and cemetery WorldCat

Citizens of Fort Fairfield, Maine : family information includes census, marriage, birth, death and cemetery WorldCat

Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine : marriage, births, and deaths from LDS microfilm #10913 town records of Fort Fairfield vol. #1, #2, and #3 WorldCat

Ft. Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine : marriage, births, and deaths from LDS microfilm #10913, dates 1847-1892, town books vol. #1, #2, and #3 WorldCat

The Fort Fairfield review : births, marriages and deaths extracted from old newspapers, Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine FamilySearch Library

The Northern leader - 1892, 1894-1896, The Beacon 1894 & 1895 : births, marriages, obituaries and death notices extracted from these old newspapers - both papers published in Fort Fairfield, Aroostook County, Maine FamilySearch Library

Vital records of Fort Fairfield, Maine FamilySearch Library

Vital records, 1849-1892 FamilySearch Library

Frenchville Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1870-1890 FamilySearch Library

Hammond Birth Records

Vital records, 1892-1949 FamilySearch Library

Hersey Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1862-1914 FamilySearch Library

Hodgdon Birth Records

Houlton Birth Records

Limestone Birth Records

Record of births, 1869-1935 FamilySearch Library

Linneus Birth Records

Macwahoc Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1851-1893 FamilySearch Library

Mapleton Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1869-1887 FamilySearch Library

Mars Hill Birth Records

Monticello Birth Records

Vital and town records, 1860-1896 FamilySearch Library

New Sweden Birth Records

Vital records, 1873-1954 FamilySearch Library

Perham Birth Records

Portage Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1874-1893 FamilySearch Library

Sherman Birth Records

Silver Ridge Birth Records

Vital records 1859-1895 FamilySearch Library

Smyrna Birth Records

Van Buren Birth Records

Wallagrass Birth Records

Town and vital records 1866-1894 FamilySearch Library

Washburn Birth Records

Births, 1885-1891 FamilySearch Library

Weston Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1835-1895 FamilySearch Library

Winterville Birth Records

Vital records 1890-1949 FamilySearch Library

Woodland Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1874-1892 FamilySearch Library

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