USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Cumberland County (2,426) > Cumberland County Immigration Records (15)
USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Maine Immigration Records (130) > Cumberland County Immigration Records (15)
NOTE: Additional records that apply to Cumberland County are also on the Maine Immigration Records page.
Declarations of intentions (Cumberland County, Maine), 1859-1906 FamilySearch Library
Naturalization docket book (Cumberland County, Maine), 1868-1906 FamilySearch Library
Naturalization index (Cumberland County, Maine), 1859-1906 FamilySearch Library
Naturalization records (Cumberland County, Maine), 1859-1906 FamilySearch Library
Portland Immigration RecordsBook indexes, Portland, Maine, passenger lists, 1907-1930 FamilySearch Library
Name index to petitions filed, 1851-1944, United States District Court (Maine) Archive Grid
Naturalization records (Maine), 1790-1945 : NARA, RG21 FamilySearch Library
Passenger lists of vessels arriving at Portland, Maine, 1893-1943 ; Index, 1893-1954 FamilySearch Library
Petitions and records of naturalization, 1851-1906, United States District Court (Maine) Archive Grid
Portland, Me., voter registration records, 1855-1967 Archive Grid
U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Portland 1820-1828, 1831 ) Ancestry U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Portland 1893-1943 ) Ancestry U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Portland and Falmouth 1820-1853, 1857-1868 ) Ancestry Yarmouth Immigration RecordsU.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Yarmouth 1820 ) Ancestry |