Durham Genealogy (in Androscoggin County, ME)

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Androscoggin County (966) > Durham (48)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Durham are also found through the Androscoggin County and Maine pages.

Durham Birth Records

Town and vital records, 1789-1931 FamilySearch Library

Durham Cemetery Records

Bradbury Cemetery Find a Grave online

Carll Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cedar Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Cedar Grove Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Durham, Maine area cemeteries FamilySearch Library

Fairfield Cemetery Find a Grave online

Friend's Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gerrish Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gerrish House Cemetery (No Longer In Existence) Find a Grave online

Harmony Grove Cemetery Find a Grave online

Highland Cemetery Find a Grave online

Knight-Snow Cemetery Find a Grave online

Old Town Cemetery Find a Grave online

Parker Cemetery Find a Grave online

Parker-Merrill Find a Grave online

Pleasant View Cemetery Find a Grave online

Roberts Cemetery Find a Grave online

Ruby Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sawyer Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sawyer Cemetery Billion Graves online

Shiloh Cemetery Find a Grave online

Shiloh Cemetery Billion Graves online

Strout Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sylvester Cemetery Find a Grave online

Sylvester Cemetery Billion Graves online

Vining Cemetery Find a Grave online

Waterhouse Cemetery Find a Grave online

Durham Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Durham, Maine LDS Genealogy online

Durham City Directories

Androscoggin County (Maine) directories FamilySearch Library

Durham City Directory 1898 MyHeritage online

Durham City Directory 1914 MyHeritage online

Durham City Directory 1918 MyHeritage online

Durham, ME 1902-1903, 1904-1905, 1906-1907, 1908-1909, 1910-1911, 1912-1913, 1914-1915, 1916-1917, 1918-1919, 1920-1921, 1922-1923, 1924-1925 City Directories Allen County Public Library

Maine City Directories (includes Durham 1898-01, 1910, 1912, 1914, 1916, 1918, 1920, 1926, 1928, 1931, 1936, 1941) Ancestry online

Durham Death Records

Town and vital records, 1789-1931 FamilySearch Library

Durham Histories and Genealogies

Durham, Androscoggin County, ME, Genealogical Notes Jane Devlin online

History of Durham, Maine WorldCat

History of Durham, Maine WorldCat

History of Durham, Maine : with genealogical notes FamilySearch Library

History of Durham, Maine : with genealogical notes WorldCat

History of Durham, Maine, with genealogical notes LDS Genealogy online

History of Durham, Maine, with genealogical notes Internet Archive online

Durham Map Records

Durham 1766 Map Historic Map Works online

Durham 1766 Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Durham Marriage Records

Town and vital records, 1789-1931 FamilySearch Library

Durham Tax Records

Durham Tax Valuations 1784 Massachusetts State Library

Durham Tax Valuations 1810 Massachusetts State Library

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