Hancock County ME Birth Records

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Hancock County (1,286) > Hancock County Birth Records (85)

USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Maine Birth Records (871) > Hancock County Birth Records (85)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Hancock County are also on the Maine Birth Records page.

Countywide Amherst Bar Harbor Blue Hill Brooklin Brooksville Bucksport Castine Cranberry Isles Dedham Deer Isle Ellsworth Gouldsboro Great Pond Lamoine Mariaville Mount Desert Orland Otis Penobscot Sedgwick Stonington Sullivan Surry Tremont Trenton Waltham

Hancock County Birth Records

1621-1922 Maine Birth Records (incomplete before 1892) Ancestry online

Maine, Birth Records, 1892-present Maine Department of Health and Human Services

Vital Records, Hancock County, Maine, 1899-1908, 1911, 1914-1915, 1917-1944, Published in Local Newspapers FamilySearch Library

Amherst Birth Records

Bar Harbor Birth Records

Blue Hill Birth Records

Brooklin Birth Records

Brooksville Birth Records

Bucksport Birth Records

Castine Birth Records

Cranberry Isles Birth Records

Dedham Birth Records

Vital records 1837-1956 FamilySearch Library

Deer Isle Birth Records

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A true copy of the most ancient vital records of Deer Isle : (births, marriages, marriage publishments, deaths, abt. 1757-1833), volume 1, giving them as far as they can be deciphered from the mutilated books at the present time, and including also for that time the present towns of Stonington & Isle au Haut FamilySearch Library

An exact transcription of the first church records of the First "Congo" Church of Deer Island : baptisms, 1785-1853, marriages, 1785-1818, as I find them at this date, March 1906, with annotations, corrections, explanations and additions LDS Genealogy online

An exact transcription of the first church records of the First "Congo" Church of Deer Island : baptisms, 1785-1853, marriages, 1785-1818, as I find them at this date, March 1906, with annotations, corrections, explanations and additions Internet Archive online

Birth, death and marriage records of Deer Isle, Hancock Co., ME, 1784-1865 WorldCat

Births and deaths abt. 1784-1865; marriages, marriage licenses and publishments abt. 1832-1852 FamilySearch Library

Deer Isle, Maine : vital records WorldCat

Deer Isle, Maine, computer printout, births, 1778-1871 FamilySearch Library

Record of births & deaths town of Deer Isle : incorporated January 30th 1789, begun by Nathan Haskell 1789 FamilySearch Library

Vital records 1781-1940 FamilySearch Library

Ellsworth Birth Records

Gouldsboro Birth Records

Great Pond Birth Records

Lamoine Birth Records

Mariaville Birth Records

Mount Desert Birth Records

Orland Birth Records

Otis Birth Records

Penobscot Birth Records

Sedgwick Birth Records

Filter By Year:

Sedgwick, Hancock County, Maine vital records volumes 1-2, cemetery & valuation records FamilySearch Library

Sedgwick, Hancock, Maine computer printout ; births or christenings, 1756-1800 FamilySearch Library

Sedgwick, Maine : all vital statistics recorded in this town prior to the year 1800 FamilySearch Library

Sedgwick, Maine incorporated January 12, 1789, named in honor of Major Robert Sedgwick : all vital statistics recorded in this town prior to the year 1800 WorldCat

Sedgwick, Maine, all vital statistics recorded on the town books from 1799-1809 LDS Genealogy online

Sedgwick, Maine, all vital statistics recorded on the town books from 1799-1809 Internet Archive online

Sedgwick, Maine, all vital statistics recorded on the town books from 1799-1809 ... WorldCat

Sedgwick, Maine; all vital statistics recorded on the town books from 1799-1809 FamilySearch Library

Town and vital records 1759-1930 FamilySearch Library

Stonington Birth Records

Sullivan Birth Records

Surry Birth Records

Tremont Birth Records

Trenton Birth Records

Waltham Birth Records

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