USA (1,380,571) > Maine (16,425) > Knox County (857)
If you're not sure which records would be helpful, you can try our Ancestor Source Finder tool. Knox Records by TypeBirth Records (52)Cemetery Records (276) Census Records (53) Church Records (10) City Directories (115) Death Records (54) Histories and Genealogies (72) Immigration Records (1) Land Records (1) Map Records (29) Marriage Records (45) Military Records (7) Miscellaneous Records (12) Newspapers and Obituaries (38) Probate Records (4) School Records (61) Tax Records (27) ![]() |
Knox County Records by City/TownAppleton Genealogy (70)Camden Genealogy (76) Cushing Genealogy (38) Friendship Genealogy (27) Glen Cove Genealogy (5) Hope Genealogy (21) Isle au Haut Genealogy (22) Matinicus Isle Genealogy (7) North Haven Genealogy (21) Owls Head Genealogy (25) |
Rockland Genealogy (116) Rockport Genealogy (41) South Thomaston Genealogy (26) St George Genealogy (24) Tenants Harbor Genealogy (6) Thomaston Genealogy (55) Union Genealogy (38) Vinalhaven Genealogy (47) Warren Genealogy (52) Washington Genealogy (34) |