1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bloomfield in Huron County, Huron, Michigan

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Michigan > Huron County > 1940 Census of Bloomfield in Huron County

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AckermanMattie born about 1884
AckermanWillam born about 1890
AckermanWillard born about 1921
AdamsDorothy born about 1916
AdamsFloyd born about 1900
AdamsJames born about 1940
AdamsJean born about 1938
AdamsKenneth born about 1936
AdamsVioletta born about 1875

B Surnames

BerndtCharles born about 1884
BerndtKenneth born about 1921
BerndtLydia born about 1902
BerndtMary born about 1891
BerndtTheodore born about 1892
BinderGlenn born about 1921
BrathbyBert born about 1881
BrathbyLillian born about 1881
BuholtzArline born about 1923
BuholtzElmer born about 1920
BuholtzEmil born about 1923
BureizaMildred born about 1917
BureizaPeter born about 1906
ButterwickAlex born about 1915
ButterwickAlex Jr born about 1939
ButterwickBeverly born about 1937
ButterwickEvelyn born about 1918
ButterwickJames born about 1936
ButterwickPatricia born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ClarkHugh born about 1890
CollisonIrene born about 1922
CollisonIrwin born about 1919
CollisonMarline born about 1939
CollisonMaryline born about 1939
CoulstonElizabeth born about 1923
CoulstonJanette Mborn about 1920
CoulstonKeneth born about 1923
CoulstonMarion born about 1885
CoulstonRobert born about 1928
CoulstonWilfred born about 1887
CummingsCharles born about 1907
CummingsEva born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaksElen born about 1872
DaksWilliam born about 1865
DallarnoElsie born about 1896
DallarnoFredie born about 1923
DallarnoNorman born about 1929
DallarnoThomas born about 1898
DeagerGeorge born about 1922
DetgenDarilene born about 1933
DetgenEdward born about 1925
DetgenErnest born about 1927
DetgenEvelin born about 1930
DetgenLouis born about 1900
DetgenMammie born about 1908
DietlCoriadel born about 1889
DobsonAnnabel born about 1922
DobsonAronld born about 1919
DobsonAruella born about 1939
DobsonGlayds born about 1918
DobsonPhyllis born about 1924
DobsonRussel born about 1927
DobsonWilliam born about 1925
DulaAnthony Fborn about 1896
DulaArnold born about 1928
DulaBertha born about 1912
DulaEdward born about 1925
DulaGerald born about 1930
DulaPatricia born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EddyAlfred Jr born about 1921
EggartElene born about 1939
EggartHugo born about 1899
EggartOlga born about 1914
EggartOrval born about 1936
EggartSherley born about 1934
EggartStanley Jborn about 1940
ElandJohn born about 1913
ElandLettie born about 1915
ElandPatricia born about 1937
ElandPhyliss born about 1938
ElliottAnna born about 1886
ElliottBereneice born about 1924
ElliottHarry born about 1926
ElliottRoy Rborn about 1885
ElliottVerne born about 1923
EnderWallace born about 1922
EnglelEmma born about 1881
EnglelFred Oborn about 1874
EnglelHelen born about 1923
EnglelRobert born about 1921
EnglelWalter born about 1909
EssenmacherAlbert born about 1932
EssenmacherClara born about 1911
EssenmacherFloyd born about 1937
EssenmacherGenevieve born about 1936
EssenmacherGeorge born about 1907
EssenmacherJerome born about 1934
EssenmacherMelvin born about 1931
EssenmacherRichard born about 1935

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F Surnames

FinkelAlvin born about 1923
FinkelFrednand born about 1917
FinkelIda born about 1884
FinkelLeonard born about 1878
FiueggeLeona born about 1919
ForbingAgnes born about 1938
ForbingBeverly born about 1937
ForbingBurnetta born about 1912
ForbingEmma born about 1887
ForbingErnest born about 1929
ForbingFrances born about 1935
ForbingIrene born about 1919
ForbingLuella born about 1937
ForbingMargarette born about 1932
ForbingNeva born about 1939
ForbingOtis born about 1925
ForbingPercy born about 1931
ForbingRosline born about 1932
ForbingSeymour born about 1918
ForbingSeymour Jr born about 1940
ForbingVera born about 1922
ForbingVirginia born about 1934
ForbingWilliam born about 1939
ForbingWilliam Jr born about 1909
ForbingWilliam Sr born about 1875
FriedlandAgnes born about 1908
FriedlandBetty born about 1933
FriedlandDorothy born about 1928
FriedlandEdith born about 1915
FriedlandEthel born about 1939
FriedlandGrace born about 1927
FriedlandJohn born about 1878
FriedlandMargarette born about 1930
FriedlandOtto born about 1898
FriedlandWalter born about 1906
FriedlandWillett born about 1937
FurhmanAlfred born about 1900
FurhmanAlvina born about 1866
FurhmanBertha born about 1875
FurhmanElizabeth born about 1926
FurhmanEmil born about 1891
FurhmanGerald born about 1921
FurhmanIda born about 1898
FurhmanJames born about 1939
FurhmanLucelle born about 1930
FurhmanPaul born about 1896
FurhmanRuth born about 1902
FurhmanWilliam born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GainorAgnes born about 1926
GainorEdna born about 1914
GainorEllen born about 1919
GainorEugene born about 1923
GainorSamuel born about 1921
GainorSeyrian born about 1879
GallarnoEllen born about 1910
GallarnoWilliam born about 1915
GallrndHarold born about 1916
GeiterWilliam born about 1875
GerbowskiAnna born about 1889
GerbowskiCasmier born about 1919
GerbowskiEdward born about 1916
GerbowskiJoseph born about 1888
GerbowskiJulius born about 1923
GerbowskiLeo born about 1922
GodboldElmer born about 1911
GodboldTeal born about 1912
GomoluchAnne born about 1918
GomoluchBernard born about 1918
GomoluchEleanor born about 1923
GomoluchJoseph born about 1877
GomoluchMary born about 1888
GomoluchPhilip born about 1908
GomoluchVeniece born about 1937
GonewichaAgnes born about 1933
GonewichaBlanch born about 1925
GonewichaClara born about 1898
GonewichaElmer born about 1921
GonewichaErnest born about 1917
GonewichaGlayds born about 1926
GonewichaJenevie born about 1930
GonewichaJennett born about 1928
GonewichaLoraine born about 1936
GonewichaMildred born about 1932
GonewichaNancy born about 1939
GonewichaRaymond born about 1896
GonewichaWalter born about 1927
GrallMargarette born about 1920
GrallSylvester born about 1916
GreenEvert born about 1910
GreenGlayds Mborn about 1912
GreenJoyce born about 1940
GreenWilliam born about 1938
GreggFred born about 1929
GreggJohn born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HGladys born about 1922
HHarry born about 1908
HaggertyWilliam born about 1869
HartxClarence born about 1921
HartxEarl born about 1929
HartxHerman born about 1920
HartxLoraine born about 1928
HartxMartha born about 1886
HartxOscar born about 1926
HartxRaymond born about 1930
HartxRobert born about 1923
HartxWilliam born about 1879
HartxWilliam Jr born about 1917
HartzEmma born about 1916
HartzErnest born about 1911
HartzMelvin born about 1939
HarzEdwin born about 1907
HarzElizabeth born about 1887
HeggesAnnis born about 1868
HeggesHenry born about 1902
HeleskiMike born about 1914
HeleskiRosy born about 1888
HeleskiTheodore born about 1888
HillerCharlote born about 1920
HintzEdward born about 1879
HintzLewis born about 1886
HintzMinnie born about 1868
HiotxJohn born about 1877
HudoEdward born about 1925
HudoJoseph born about 1926
HudoMary Janeborn about 1930
HughesEdwin born about 1901
HughesEthel born about 1890
HughesJune born about 1929
HughesMark born about 1888
HughesMark Jr born about 1923
HughesRaymond born about 1922
HughesRonald Dborn about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InderAgnes born about 1913
InderFred born about 1901
InderMaryline born about 1930
InderMerrett born about 1930
InderPhylis born about 1926
InderPhylma born about 1927
IngramBlair Sborn about 1914
IngramClara born about 1899
IngramIva born about 1913
IngramSam born about 1892
IngramStella born about 1884
IngramStewart born about 1915
IslerArnold born about 1916
IslerBarbara born about 1922
IslerBenjman born about 1910
IslerBernard born about 1863
IslerDale born about 1937
IslerDelphene born about 1936
IslerEdelina born about 1915
IslerEmma born about 1878
IslerEster born about 1911
IslerFred born about 1911
IslerGerald born about 1939
IslerHelen born about 1873
IslerHerbert born about 1918
IslerJohn born about 1919
IslerLeland born about 1924
IslerMary born about 1883
IslerRobert born about 1911
IslerWilliam born about 1875
IslerWilliam born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JahuAlbert born about 1884
JahuElsie born about 1922
JahuIda born about 1886
JahuPauline born about 1920
JchelkeCaroline born about 1928
JchelkeHarry born about 1924
JchelkeMildred born about 1922
JchelkeOlaga born about 1897
JchelkeWilliam born about 1888
JockLeonard born about 1896
JohnstonClittord born about 1885
JohnstonDuane born about 1923
JohnstonKathyn born about 1926
JohnstonLexie born about 1889
JohnstonMargaret born about 1896
JohnstonMarjorie born about 1928
JohnstonWesley born about 1890
JohnstonWilliam born about 1880
JohnstonWinefred born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KalkaAlex born about 1927
KalkaAnna born about 1926
KalkaEmelia born about 1903
KalkaEmil born about 1898
KalkaEmil Jr born about 1925
KalkaFrank born about 1901
KalkaFrank Jr born about 1931
KalkaIrene born about 1923
KalkaJerry born about 1927
KalkaJoseph born about 1933
KalkaLeonard born about 1924
KalkaLuceille born about 1935
KalkaMarion born about 1939
KalkaMinnie born about 1908
KalkaSusanna born about 1863
KanaskiAgnes born about 1915
KanaskiFloyd born about 1908
KanaskiFrank born about 1937
KanaskiJohn born about 1935
KanaskiSylvester born about 1936
KaraAda born about 1918
KaraHannah born about 1881
KaraHarry born about 1916
KaraKeith born about 1939
KaraWalter born about 1916
KargAlfred born about 1905
KargHelen born about 1929
KargKenneth born about 1939
KargLawrence born about 1918
KargLillian born about 1920
KargMargarette born about 1911
KargMarge born about 1939
KaroCaleb born about 1884
KaroKelman born about 1917
KaroMagdlene born about 1888
KennadyMary born about 1925
KlempArthur born about 1915
KlempBernetta born about 1931
KlempEdwin born about 1927
KlempElsie born about 1921
KlempFlorance born about 1925
KlempHarold born about 1928
KlempHerbert born about 1929
KlempMinnie born about 1895
KlempRuth born about 1936
KlempWalter born about 1920
KlempWilliam born about 1888
KoglinAlbert born about 1923
KoglinAlbert born about 1930
KoglinAlfred born about 1921
KoglinAlvin born about 1920
KoglinAnna born about 1895
KoglinArthur born about 1916
KoglinCharles born about 1882
KoglinDora born about 1925
KoglinEdwin born about 1920
KoglinFrank born about 1890
KoglinFrank Jr born about 1919
KoglinFred born about 1928
KoglinGearld born about 1927
KoglinGloria born about 1936
KoglinLene born about 1923
KoglinLouise born about 1924
KoglinMariene born about 1934
KoglinMay Evaborn about 1900
KoglinWilliam born about 1890
KoglinWilliam born about 1921
KramerCarol born about 1939
KramerCharles born about 1913
KramerDona born about 1938
KramerIrene born about 1915
KreogeEdward born about 1873
KretchmanGeorge born about 1887
KrzwinskiAlex born about 1896

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L Surnames

LangeAlbert born about 1912
LangeBertha born about 1917
LangeDean born about 1931
LangeEdwin born about 1913
LangeGeorge born about 1878
LangeMargrette born about 1936
LangeMarie born about 1893
LangeMarilee born about 1937
LangeMildred born about 1929
LangeNorman born about 1939
LangeRebecca born about 1917
LangeTheodore Hborn about 1914
LawrenceDale born about 1932
LawrenceJean born about 1927
LawrenceJerry born about 1939
LawrenceOla born about 1907
LawrenceRamona born about 1926
LawrenceValerie born about 1935
LawrenceWinfield born about 1902
LeeseDarlene born about 1939
LeeseDonald born about 1938
LeeseEdna born about 1919
LeeseEdwin born about 1910
LiedtkeJohn born about 1924

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M Surnames

MarksArtheal born about 1928
MarksBertha born about 1925
MarksDoris born about 1931
MarksHenry born about 1893
MarksJanet born about 1933
MarksJerry born about 1932
MarksMabel born about 1892
MarksPearl born about 1926
MarksShirley born about 1936
MaschkeAugust born about 1917
MaschkeMinnie born about 1886
MaschkeTheodore born about 1912
MaschkeWilbert born about 1922
MasckkeHerman born about 1866
MaskeEdwyn born about 1936
MaskeEster born about 1919
MaskeNorva Lborn about 1914
MathewsDavid born about 1880
MathewsGeorge born about 1922
MathewsMargarette born about 1894
McCawAudrey born about 1928
McCawDan born about 1898
McCawHazel born about 1903
McCawHelen born about 1931
McDonaldAllan born about 1922
McDonaldElla born about 1900
McDonaldElmer born about 1895
McDonaldHenry born about 1882
McDonaldRobert born about 1928
McGeachyGladys born about 1904
McGeachyIrwin born about 1921
McGeachyIsabelle born about 1935
McGeachyRobert born about 1900
McIntvreJohn born about 1860
McMullenAdeline born about 1916
McMullenJanet Mborn about 1935
McMullenWilliam born about 1898
MichalJerremiah Tborn about 1938
MichalMargarette Jborn about 1935
MichalRobert Hborn about 1936
MichalRuth born about 1913
MichalThomas Sborn about 1904
MichalikAnthony born about 1886
MichalikEdward born about 1923
MillerAugust born about 1891
MillerCasmier born about 1920
MillerCecilia born about 1900
MillerClarence born about 1930
MillerElizabeth born about 1939
MillerElla Rborn about 1919
MillerErnest born about 1918
MillerEtral born about 1914
MillerEveln born about 1926
MillerFrancis born about 1888
MillerGeorge born about 1896
MillerHarry born about 1924
MillerHelen born about 1928
MillerIrene born about 1935
MillerLeo born about 1878
MillerLeona born about 1929
MillerMargarette born about 1919
MillerReta born about 1939
MillerRoman born about 1929
MillerRose born about 1904
MillerStanley born about 1928
MillerStazy born about 1855
MillerVirginia born about 1929
MintinkeElla born about 1902
MischnikHerman born about 1889
MoranClara born about 1919
MoranMargate born about 1882
MoranThomas born about 1875
MossPhilip born about 1924
MrocxekChester born about 1920
MrocxekStella born about 1894
MurawskiAgnes born about 1909
MurawskiDolores born about 1934
MurawskiEdward born about 1906
MurawskiIrene born about 1936

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N Surnames

NeissBetty born about 1928
NeissEmelia born about 1910
NeissHelen born about 1930
NeissHerman born about 1906
NeissKenneth born about 1936
NeissPhylis born about 1933
NeissShelva born about 1939
NicholElla born about 1879
NicholFrank born about 1902
NicholIva born about 1904
NicholJohn Fborn about 1929
NicholLavera Mborn about 1931
NicholThomas Dborn about 1935
NicholThos Aborn about 1925
NickelEdward born about 1892
NickelHelen born about 1897
NickelHerman born about 1890
NickelRinhold born about 1930
NitzMargarette born about 1935
NitzMarian born about 1939
NitzMary born about 1915
NitzPaul born about 1876
NitzWalter born about 1908

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O Surnames

OchultxAlice born about 1909
OchultxAlvin born about 1939
OchultxFlorence born about 1932
OchultxHerman born about 1896
OchultxMabel born about 1935
OchultxMarie born about 1930
OchultxNorman born about 1928

P Surnames

PaliskeAnnie born about 1856
PaliskeBernice born about 1924
PaliskeEmmerson born about 1933
PaliskeTena born about 1899
PaliskeThelma born about 1928
PaliskeWilliam born about 1894
PartickaArthur born about 1920
PartickaFrances born about 1900
PartickaJoseph born about 1892
PastacGeorge born about 1883
PastacWarren born about 1922
PastorStella born about 1884
PastorWilliam born about 1877
PawlowskiFabian born about 1911
PawlowskiGordon born about 1936
PawlowskiSusian born about 1913
PawlowskiVivian born about 1939
PeppeAnna born about 1887
PeppeEdward born about 1916
PeppeHanna born about 1878
PeppeWilliam born about 1884
PeyrekClara born about 1911
PeyrekDonald born about 1936
PeyrekEdward born about 1911
PeyrekEdward born about 1939
PeyrekElmer born about 1932
PeyrekEster born about 1920
PeyrekGene born about 1940
PeyrekJohn born about 1937
PeyrekLeonard born about 1930
PeyrekLorain born about 1939
PeyrekRaymond born about 1903
PeyrekRonald born about 1928
PeyrekRose born about 1906
PeyrekXavier born about 1902
PiotterEverald born about 1935
PiotterHerman born about 1861
PiotterMary born about 1873
PlimessHerman born about 1883
PlinessAugust born about 1926
PlinessDorothy born about 1926
PlinessHanna born about 1889
PlinessHarold born about 1924
PlinessHerman born about 1922
PlinessWalter born about 1921
PllneesAnnie born about 1888
PllneesErnest born about 1878
PllneesLeo Hborn about 1920
PllneesLillian Aborn about 1923
PodasxewskiDolores born about 1933
PodasxewskiJames born about 1932
PodasxewskiMinnie born about 1909
PodasxewskiRoman born about 1892
PodasxewskiRoman Jr born about 1929
PodasxewskiWalter born about 1927
PoppickDennis born about 1937
PoppickDonna born about 1938
PoppickLeo born about 1902
PoppickNolen born about 1933
PoppickZula born about 1908
PriestCharles born about 1923
PutzigMartin born about 1910
PutzigMary born about 1890

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R Surnames

RanggenbuchBernard born about 1910
RanggenbuchFlorence born about 1887
RanggenbuchFrank born about 1883
RanggenbuchFranklin born about 1922
RanggenbuchJames born about 1927
RanggenbuchRaymond born about 1918
ReidConstance born about 1939
ReidEdward born about 1894
ReidMildred born about 1920
ReidRaymond born about 1918
ReinkeAnna born about 1897
ReinkeBertha born about 1872
ReinkeBetty born about 1939
ReinkeCarl born about 1914
ReinkeCaroline born about 1919
ReinkeClarence born about 1923
ReinkeDena born about 1935
ReinkeEmil born about 1905
ReinkeEmil Jr born about 1937
ReinkeFred born about 1889
ReinkeGertrude born about 1925
ReinkeHattie born about 1895
ReinkeHerbert born about 1920
ReinkeJohn Gborn about 1886
ReinkeJoyce born about 1937
ReinkeKenneth born about 1933
ReinkeLawrence born about 1921
ReinkeLillian born about 1914
ReinkeNorman born about 1936
ReinkeShirre Lborn about 1938
ReinkeWalter born about 1922
ReinkeWilliam born about 1893
RichardsBlanche born about 1911
RichardsDonald born about 1934
RichardsHarold born about 1910
RichardsMary Louborn about 1936
RichardsMaryorie Annborn about 1939
RichardsRobert born about 1932
RichardsonEffie born about 1880
RichardsonErnest born about 1868
RineerAlbert born about 1877
RineerAlex born about 1908
RineerErnest Jborn about 1910
RineerErwin born about 1923
RineerJean born about 1929
RineerLena born about 1921
RineerLouise born about 1926
RineerTresa born about 1884
RinkAlice born about 1912
RinkAlvin born about 1938
RinkArla born about 1936
RinkAugust born about 1884
RinkBernaoine born about 1931
RinkCarlton born about 1934
RinkCharles born about 1925
RinkDonna born about 1937
RinkErna born about 1918
RinkHarry born about 1925
RinkKenneth born about 1939
RinkLouise born about 1880
RinkTheodore born about 1902
RoggenbuckClarence born about 1914
RoggenbuckPaul born about 1885
RooneyArthur born about 1926
RooneyJennie born about 1895
RooneyRichard born about 1893
RooneyTune born about 1925

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S Surnames

SchaveAdeline born about 1868
SchaveAdolph born about 1878
SchaveAdolph Jr born about 1926
SchaveAlice born about 1896
SchaveAlice born about 1897
SchaveAlvera born about 1929
SchaveBurnetta born about 1921
SchaveFlorance born about 1925
SchaveGeorge born about 1891
SchaveIda born about 1865
SchaveIneze born about 1930
SchaveIrwin born about 1924
SchaveJohn born about 1891
SchaveJohn Jr born about 1933
SchaveLaverna born about 1928
SchaveLouise born about 1935
SchaveLydia born about 1900
SchaveMarven born about 1936
SchaveOlga born about 1933
SchaveOscar born about 1939
SchaveRosetta born about 1928
SchaveRuby born about 1921
SchaveVictor born about 1924
SchaveVirginia born about 1937
SchaveWallace born about 1927
SchayeAugust born about 1902
SchayeIrene born about 1909
SchayeJoyce born about 1939
SchayeJudith Aborn about 1935
SchelkeArnold born about 1918
SchelkeDorothy born about 1919
ScherretAlfred born about 1903
ScherretBeverly born about 1932
ScherretElsie born about 1909
ScherretEverine born about 1934
ScherretSherily born about 1939
SchilkeGeorge born about 1907
SchilkeMargarette born about 1877
SchmaltxAlbert born about 1874
SchmaltxArnold born about 1928
SchmaltxEdwin born about 1916
SchmaltxFlorence born about 1923
SchmaltxMargarette born about 1894
SchmidtAlbert born about 1902
SchmidtAlvina born about 1934
SchmidtAmelea born about 1871
SchmidtBetty born about 1925
SchmidtElisie born about 1908
SchmidtErnest born about 1932
SchmidtFred born about 1937
SchmidtGerald born about 1938
SchmidtHarold born about 1910
SchmidtHarold born about 1936
SchmidtHellen born about 1917
SchmidtHenry born about 1910
SchmidtHoward born about 1937
SchmidtJune born about 1928
SchmidtLoretta born about 1926
SchmidtViolet born about 1930
SchuberingAlbert born about 1877
SchuberingMartha born about 1883
SchuberingMildred born about 1923
SchuberingVera born about 1924
SchultzAugusta born about 1863
SchultzEdward born about 1901
SchultzJulius born about 1910
SchultzLeo born about 1898
SchultzWithman born about 1868
SclaviFloyd born about 1911
SclaviFreda born about 1916
SclaviGary born about 1939
SclaviKenneth born about 1934
SclaviRobert born about 1940
ShepherdElsie born about 1939
ShepherdGeorge born about 1900
ShepherdLeland born about 1933
ShepherdLydia born about 1909
ShepherdMarie born about 1929
ShepherdMildred born about 1936
ShepherdOrlen born about 1931
ShepherdSimpson born about 1856
ShepherdWanda born about 1927
SingstockArthur born about 1922
SingstockHelen born about 1883
SingstockWilliam born about 1880
SketcherAnna born about 1906
SketcherCharles born about 1896
SketcherMary born about 1868
SketcherWilliam born about 1861
SketcherWilliam Charlesborn about 1937
SoberutaFred born about 1930
SoberutaJoseph born about 1887
SoberutaValintina born about 1889
SoineGenevie born about 1920
SoineKaren Annborn about 1940
SoineOlive Rborn about 1916
SommersAlbert born about 1886
SommersArthur born about 1916
SommersBeverly born about 1932
SommersCalvin born about 1936
SommersCharles born about 1911
SommersDewain born about 1929
SommersEdgar born about 1924
SommersErnest born about 1880
SommersFrank born about 1887
SommersGearld born about 1927
SommersGrace born about 1911
SommersIrwin born about 1915
SommersJoyce born about 1939
SommersLadona born about 1932
SommersLeona born about 1938
SommersLouis born about 1876
SommersMary born about 1890
SommersOlga born about 1894
SommersValanda born about 1921
SommersVirginia born about 1933
SommersWilfred born about 1923
SosnoskiAnthony born about 1884
SosnoskiErnest born about 1912
SosnoskiGertrude born about 1916
SosnoskiRose born about 1888
SteinbachHarold born about 1915
SteinbisPaul born about 1913
StewartCharles born about 1891
StewartMabel born about 1884
SwartlAnthony born about 1887
SwartlEugene born about 1929
SwartlLillian born about 1926
SwartlLucy born about 1891
SwartlRalph born about 1923
SwartxClara born about 1879
SwartxFrank born about 1878

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T Surnames

TalaskiAkchiz born about 1928
TalaskiCelia born about 1900
TalaskiElmer born about 1933
TalaskiElvin born about 1930
TalaskiSteven born about 1853
TalaskiWilliam born about 1858
TalaskiZigmond born about 1924
TalbotDelwin born about 1933
TalbotOlive born about 1885
TalbotThomas born about 1907
TalbotThomas Jr born about 1931
TalbotVictoria born about 1904
ThornsonLarry born about 1932
TimrackArnold born about 1923
TimrackBetrice born about 1923
TimrackEmma born about 1895
TimrackEmma born about 1899
TimrackEster born about 1925
TimrackJune born about 1930
TimrackMildred born about 1927
TimrackNora born about 1925
TimrackOtto born about 1886
TimrackPaul born about 1893
TinseyHenry born about 1897
TinseyHenry Eborn about 1938
TinseyIda born about 1872
TinseyLucy born about 1899
TinseyWard born about 1923
TomlinaorThomas born about 1856
TrotterDarell born about 1930
TrotterMargarette born about 1894
TrotterOtto born about 1893
TrotterRussel born about 1927

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V Surnames

VarneyAnna born about 1909
VarneyCatherine born about 1938
VarneyClittord born about 1906
VarneyDoris Aborn about 1935
VarneyDouglas born about 1936
VarneySarah born about 1882
VarneyWilliam born about 1872
VarneyWilliam Tborn about 1934
VeissGari born about 1938
VeissLuella born about 1918
VeissWallace born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WarnockAnnie born about 1881
WarnockDuneaen Jborn about 1920
WarnockThomas born about 1881
WeissCathrein born about 1937
WeissColline born about 1939
WeissFlorine born about 1919
WeissFred born about 1908
WeissHilbert born about 1917
WeissHoward born about 1921
WeissLesley born about 1939
WeissMabel born about 1915
WilliamsAlvin born about 1926
WilliamsEleanor born about 1930
WilliamsElmer Rborn about 1935
WilliamsIrene born about 1932
WilliamsMarie born about 1904
WilliamsMildred born about 1928
WilliamsRalph born about 1906
WoddworthAlma born about 1898
WoodkeAlfred born about 1904
WoodkeArthur born about 1936
WoodkeClara born about 1913
WoodkeEmil born about 1908
WoodkeHerman born about 1873
WoodkeHerman Jr born about 1914
WoodkeMargaret born about 1932
WoodkeMartha born about 1880
WoodkeMartha born about 1911
WoodkeNorman born about 1938
WoodkeSherley born about 1933
WurbelinskiMarion born about 1926
WurdlemrnAlfred born about 1917
WurdlemrnEster born about 1915
WurdlemrnIrene born about 1909
WurdlemrnOtto born about 1872
WurdlemrnWilliam born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZickAlbert born about 1894
ZickAlfred Eborn about 1936
ZickArthur born about 1918
ZickAugust born about 1860
ZickCarl Hborn about 1901
ZickCarl H Jrborn about 1932
ZickDurell born about 1930
ZickEdwin born about 1919
ZickEster born about 1923
ZickFreada born about 1908
ZickFred born about 1904
ZickHenry born about 1911
ZickLouis born about 1896
ZickMildred Vborn about 1930
ZickOteldia born about 1893
ZickSarah born about 1903
ZickWilbert born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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