1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hazelton, Shiawassee, Michigan

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Michigan > Shiawassee County > 1940 Census of Hazelton

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AblesonErnest Eborn about 1873
AblesonErnest Jr born about 1902
AblesonLora Eborn about 1875
AckAnna born about 1884
AckElla Vborn about 1939
AckLibor born about 1888
AckMarilyn born about 1916
AckWilliam Sborn about 1914
AlcateJunior born about 1938
AlcateMary born about 1940
AlcatePeter Aborn about 1906
AlcateSylvia Gborn about 1917
AldermanAsa born about 1879
AldermanFloss born about 1884
AldermanWayne born about 1920
AllenAdale Yborn about 1936
AllenCyrus Aborn about 1867
AllenDoris born about 1908
AllenDouglas born about 1934
AllenElsie Aborn about 1872
AllenFord Dborn about 1913
AllenRowland born about 1905
AllenThelma Lborn about 1916
AmidonGrace born about 1894
AnnaAnna born about 1914
AsbbyAlbert born about 1870
AyersEdward born about 1867
AyersJohn born about 1872
AyresBerneda Iborn about 1926
AyresDorthy Eborn about 1935
AyresGeorge Vborn about 1905
AyresMadelene born about 1933
AyresTula Bborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachausBetty born about 1927
BachausEmil Wborn about 1886
BachausVivian born about 1922
BaconElla Mborn about 1883
BaconPauline Jborn about 1925
BaconRichard Aborn about 1877
BaileyA Leslieborn about 1892
BaileyDondia Rborn about 1939
BaileyEldine born about 1933
BaileyEldon born about 1905
BaileyElizabeth Annborn about 1923
BaileyEva born about 1894
BaileyGloria Juneborn about 1926
BaileyJames born about 1879
BaileyJames Wborn about 1936
BaileyJuanity Sueborn about 1925
BaileyLeslie Jeanborn about 1919
BaileyMignonette born about 1903
BaileyMorrell born about 1928
BaileyNorma born about 1904
BaileyRichard Dborn about 1930
BaileyWarren born about 1938
BaizelFrank born about 1862
BakerSamuel born about 1919
BalfourFrancis Bborn about 1865
BallarBernard born about 1933
BallarChas born about 1902
BallarDolores born about 1936
BallarEugene born about 1934
BallarGertrude born about 1901
BallarHilaire born about 1937
BallarLeon born about 1939
BarrettBurton Hborn about 1873
BeamishDarlene Pborn about 1939
BeamishEarl born about 1883
BeamishFanny Nborn about 1887
BeamishKenneth Wborn about 1906
BeamishMary born about 1887
BeamishRichard Lborn about 1934
BeamishRobert Wborn about 1932
BeamishTwila Mborn about 1913
BeamishWilliam Wborn about 1885
BeardsleeFrank born about 1910
BeardsleeIsabelle born about 1917
BeattyHarriet Aborn about 1867
BehrensBernice Jborn about 1918
BehrensHarold Rborn about 1916
BeiserFrank born about 1882
BeiserMargaret born about 1884
BeiverEdward born about 1879
BeiverNellie born about 1876
BenrothEline born about 1920
BergquistJoyce born about 1924
BierkmeierHenrietta born about 1916
BierkmeierLaverne born about 1913
BierkmeierSally born about 1939
BiggerAmie born about 1881
BiggerJames born about 1869
BillbroughLloyd born about 1884
BillbroughLyle born about 1917
BillbroughRaymond born about 1927
BillbroughVina born about 1889
BirchmeierAlbina born about 1912
BirchmeierAllan born about 1933
BirchmeierAndrew born about 1925
BirchmeierBernard born about 1903
BirchmeierClarence born about 1922
BirchmeierDolores born about 1931
BirchmeierEugene born about 1929
BirchmeierFrank born about 1940
BirchmeierGrace born about 1936
BirchmeierHelen born about 1900
BirchmeierHerbert born about 1905
BirchmeierIrene born about 1939
BirchmeierJames born about 1933
BirchmeierJane born about 1935
BirchmeierJosephine born about 1929
BirchmeierLeo born about 1935
BirchmeierLucille born about 1907
BirchmeierLucille born about 1923
BirchmeierMargaret born about 1938
BirchmeierMarian born about 1927
BirchmeierMary born about 1939
BirchmeierRonald born about 1939
BirchmeierRosalene born about 1930
BirchmeierRupert born about 1928
BirchmeierWilliam born about 1895
BirdsallDon born about 1916
BirdsallFlan Mborn about 1867
BirdsallMarceline born about 1923
BirkmeierKenneth born about 1910
BirkmeierLucina born about 1908
BirkmeierMarjorie born about 1936
BirkmeierMarlene born about 1937
BlevensIsabel Mborn about 1930
BlevensJohn Rborn about 1935
BlevensMary Iborn about 1908
BochusHazel born about 1931
BonkeeBernard born about 1914
BonkeeDelia born about 1890
BonkeeNancy born about 1940
BonkeeRhoda born about 1919
BorckCarl born about 1883
BorckEvelyn Iborn about 1925
BorckOrma Iborn about 1920
BorckRosabelle born about 1884
BosserdetGlen Wborn about 1909
BosserdetMabel Bborn about 1907
BosserdetShirley Aborn about 1936
BradleyCiceal born about 1905
BradleyDonald born about 1923
BradleyLewis born about 1894
BrewerBessie born about 1870
BrewerHerman born about 1866
BriggsCharles Jr born about 1921
BriggsKeith born about 1928
BriggsMabel Vborn about 1902
BriggsPercy Eborn about 1901
BroadbudgeLee born about 1891
BrodsickJohn Tborn about 1884
BrodsickLeah Cborn about 1890
BroodbudgeGeorge born about 1881
BrowerConstance born about 1903
BrowerStewart born about 1928
BrowerVernon born about 1923
BrownDoris born about 1906
BrownElmer born about 1879
BrownGertrude Aborn about 1883
BruffAnna born about 1896
BruffCharles born about 1924
BruffHayward born about 1900
BruffHayward Jr born about 1926
BruffJack born about 1930
BullardBeverley Jborn about 1936
BullardEileen Jborn about 1915
BullardJoanna Eborn about 1939
BullardWalter B Jrborn about 1935
BullardWalter Rborn about 1905
BullardWillie Aborn about 1869
BumpCarrol born about 1892
BumpE Dborn about 1892
BumpH Wborn about 1869
BurbankDale Rborn about 1937
BurbankEarl Lborn about 1939
BurbankEdgar Lborn about 1907
BurbankLila Bborn about 1932
BurbankNina Bborn about 1909
BurbankRoy Lborn about 1933
BurelsonDouglas born about 1923
BushAnnie Eborn about 1866
ButterfieldElizabeth born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallArchie born about 1879
CallIris born about 1885
CallMaurine born about 1925
CallMyrtie born about 1876
CallPaulaski Eborn about 1878
CallPerry born about 1907
CareyAugust born about 1921
CareyBlanche born about 1889
CareyJohn born about 1881
CareyRaymond born about 1928
CasemoreBlanch Iborn about 1901
CasemoreDuane Aborn about 1936
CasemoreEvelyn Eborn about 1929
CasemoreGeorge Aborn about 1899
CasemoreLaura Mborn about 1931
CasemoreVernon Gborn about 1927
CeckAgnes A Eborn about 1923
CeckJoseph Jborn about 1915
CeckPaul Jborn about 1888
CeckTheresa born about 1883
CesalDominick born about 1871
CesalGereld Jborn about 1918
CesalHelen Aborn about 1905
CesalIrene Hborn about 1937
CesalJames born about 1901
CesalJohn Jborn about 1912
CesalMarie S Mborn about 1873
CesalRaymond Wborn about 1935
ChabicaEdward Pborn about 1937
ChabicaIrene born about 1929
ChabicaJerry born about 1924
ChabicaJoseph born about 1895
ChabicaKatherine born about 1899
ChapinAda born about 1875
ChapinWesley born about 1876
ChaprnkaEva born about 1900
ChaprnkaFrank born about 1925
ChaprnkaJoe born about 1927
ChaprnkaJohn born about 1890
ChaprnkaJohn A Jrborn about 1921
ChaprnkaLouis born about 1924
ChaprnkaRose Mborn about 1934
ChaprnkaSteve born about 1928
ChaseAnnie born about 1882
ChaseGeorge born about 1865
ChmelarEdward born about 1924
ChmelarHenry born about 1936
ChmelarMarion born about 1933
ChmelarMary born about 1906
ChmelarMichael born about 1901
ChmelarMildred born about 1931
ClevelandDavid Oborn about 1883
ClevelandEtta born about 1879
ClineCharles born about 1921
ColbyHarry born about 1884
ColbyMabel born about 1887
ColbyOrpha born about 1873
ColwellHazel born about 1898
ColwellRay Mborn about 1898
ColwellWilliam Royborn about 1937
ConeyDennis born about 1877
ConeyMather born about 1867
ConeyPeter born about 1884
ConeyRobert born about 1925
ConferClifford born about 1904
ConferDelkrt born about 1892
ConferEthel born about 1899
ConferGrace born about 1937
ConferHilda born about 1906
ConferLyle born about 1932
ConklinBertha born about 1885
ConklinBruce Hborn about 1927
ConklinDonna Jborn about 1922
ConklinEmma born about 1889
ConklinHoward Wborn about 1890
ConklinOralee Jborn about 1925
ConklinRoy born about 1887
ConleyAlice Mborn about 1925
ConleyArlene Mborn about 1931
ConleyBernard born about 1937
ConleyEdward Pborn about 1915
ConleyEmma Tborn about 1892
ConleyGenevieve born about 1912
ConleyGerald Rborn about 1937
ConleyHarold born about 1939
ConleyIolene born about 1936
ConleyJames Jr born about 1904
ConleyJames Sr born about 1866
ConleyJohn Eborn about 1892
ConleyJohn Jr born about 1922
ConleyMargaret born about 1879
ConleyMarion born about 1935
ConleyNeil Jborn about 1918
ConleyPhilip born about 1933
ConleyRobert born about 1912
ConroyMargaret Eborn about 1907
ConroyMark Pborn about 1907
ConroyMaud Eborn about 1882
CooperBelaski born about 1871
CooperJohn born about 1860
CorbyGeorge Wborn about 1891
CorbyGladys Eborn about 1896
CorferGrace born about 1883
CorferRussel born about 1877
CosterBessie born about 1909
CosterChas Cborn about 1910
CosterJune Galeborn about 1933
CosterSally Deanborn about 1929
CottonClare Jborn about 1893
CottonMary Bborn about 1892
CoxEleanor born about 1936
CrajzaAnna born about 1903
CrajzaJohn born about 1901
CrajzaMary born about 1924
CrickmoreIra born about 1873
CronwellDonald born about 1924
CronwellJack born about 1926
CrotchClarence born about 1900
CrownByron born about 1889
CrownCoyla born about 1926
CrownElna born about 1916
CrownLyle born about 1919
CrownMela born about 1889
CutlerBarbara Aborn about 1936
CutlerDavid born about 1897
CutlerDavid Eborn about 1939
CutlerDavid Hborn about 1909
CutlerElla Mborn about 1878
CutlerFay Eborn about 1926
CutlerFlorence Mborn about 1910
CutlerHenry Dborn about 1874
CutlerJohn Oborn about 1872
CutlerKenneth Bborn about 1905
CutlerOpal Bborn about 1905
CutlerRalph born about 1901
CutlerStella Bborn about 1879
CwiklinPaul born about 1916

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D Surnames

DaileyAlma born about 1894
DakinGertrude born about 1905
DakinSharon born about 1938
DakinVernon born about 1902
DamouthIva born about 1879
DamouthLeslie born about 1880
DanielAlfred Bborn about 1882
DanielLettie born about 1880
DanielWiley born about 1915
DarhingCarrie born about 1860
DelbridgeDonald born about 1931
DelbridgeDorthy Sborn about 1936
DelbridgeEtta born about 1871
DelbridgeFenton Aborn about 1904
DelbridgeHelen Eborn about 1901
DelbridgeMarjorie Eborn about 1937
DelbridgeMazie Mborn about 1905
DelbridgePoster Aborn about 1902
DelbridgeWilber born about 1871
DelbridgeWilber Jborn about 1933
DelongDoris Eborn about 1912
DelongThomas Eborn about 1902
DeneenEarl Lborn about 1885
DeneenJames born about 1857
DeneenJennie born about 1889
DeneenKathleen Jborn about 1932
DickEmelia born about 1912
DickJohn born about 1934
DickJoseph born about 1898
DickJoseph Jr born about 1937
DickMargaret born about 1935
DickMarie born about 1933
DiffinBeverley Jborn about 1938
DiffinCalvin Dborn about 1937
DiffinClayton born about 1890
DiffinDolores born about 1930
DiffinEdward Lborn about 1929
DiffinEmerson Jborn about 1914
DiffinErming Mborn about 1925
DiffinHazel Lborn about 1894
DiffinRobert Jborn about 1927
DilbridgeBruce born about 1925
DilbridgeDark born about 1934
DilbridgeEdna born about 1894
DilbridgeGene born about 1933
DilbridgeJohn Pborn about 1939
DilbridgeOscar born about 1891
DilbridgeOscar Jr born about 1937
DilbridgeWayne born about 1927
DilbridgeWilliam born about 1932
DorisAnthony born about 1885
DorisFrank born about 1913
DorisTheresa born about 1892
DowenMary born about 1907
DowenNorman born about 1898
DrorakGeorgina born about 1939
DrorakMary born about 1914
DrorakWencil born about 1910
DunnCora Gborn about 1893
DunnJack Rborn about 1928
DunnMary Iborn about 1932
DunnPersy Gborn about 1893

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E Surnames

EastermanMartha Wborn about 1882
EastermanOle Fborn about 1885
EdwardsDonald born about 1924
EdwardsHarvey born about 1873
EdwardsJean born about 1928
EdwardsMary born about 1887
EnbanksAmer Mborn about 1915
EnbanksCharles Tborn about 1911
ErnoClara born about 1896
ErnoClarence born about 1896
ErnoNaomi born about 1927
ErnoRobert born about 1928
ErnoRodney born about 1933
ErnoVirginia born about 1936
EvansArlene born about 1920
EvansNina Mayborn about 1940
EvansWilliam born about 1916
EvansWilliam born about 1938
EvenkohJoseph born about 1866
EvertzAlice born about 1913
EvertzCharline born about 1931
EvertzHarry born about 1904

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F Surnames

FabianGeorge born about 1925
FabianJohn born about 1912
FabianJoseph born about 1918
FabianKatherine born about 1892
FabianMarguaret born about 1932
FabianPeter born about 1882
FabianStephen born about 1920
FaillerDolph Dborn about 1926
FaillerIva Bborn about 1883
FaillerJack Wborn about 1922
FaillerWalter Hborn about 1881
FairBernice born about 1907
FairJohn Wborn about 1868
FairMina Aborn about 1869
FairWard Jborn about 1905
FairbanksJohn Gborn about 1877
FairbanksLucy Jborn about 1877
FinkEthel Eborn about 1891
FinkJ Aborn about 1889
FinkM Doneborn about 1917
FitzgeraldUlma Hborn about 1897
FitzgeraldVerna Mborn about 1901
FitzgeraldVivian Eborn about 1922
FlynnBetty Aborn about 1937
FlynnDonald Jborn about 1910
FlynnDonna Jborn about 1935
FlynnDorothy born about 1937
FlynnFrancis Bborn about 1917
FlynnHazel born about 1896
FlynnLeo born about 1890
FlynnMarie Jborn about 1939
FlynnMatilda born about 1907
FlynnPaul born about 1908
FlynnRobert born about 1921
FlynnVerna born about 1913
FlynnWilliam born about 1923
FlyrmAgnes born about 1913
FlyrmJohn born about 1862
FlyrmJohn born about 1917
FolknerEllen Rborn about 1920
FolknerJohn Aborn about 1876
FolknerJohn Nborn about 1902
FolknerMary Aborn about 1938
FordGlema Jeanborn about 1930
FullerErwin born about 1919

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G Surnames

GallArthur Jborn about 1938
GallBarbara born about 1877
GallCharles born about 1918
GallFrank born about 1904
GallJohn born about 1877
GallMary born about 1911
GankeeJoseph born about 1885
GankeeVictoria born about 1891
GasperoskyFrank Tborn about 1924
GasperoskyJohn Jborn about 1889
GasperoskyJoseph Hborn about 1923
GasperoskyPhilip Pborn about 1919
GasperoskyStephen Wborn about 1922
GasperoskyVincenta born about 1894
GawneMelvin born about 1920
GeeckAnna Gborn about 1867
GeeckFred born about 1872
GewirtzAnthony born about 1893
GewirtzGeorge Eborn about 1931
GewirtzJohn Vborn about 1926
GewirtzJoseph Fborn about 1887
GewirtzMary born about 1890
GewirtzMildred born about 1933
GilbertFrank born about 1879
GilbertMary born about 1914
GilbertMiles born about 1910
GillesLucille born about 1925
GillettDale born about 1910
GillettDorothea born about 1939
GillettNatalie born about 1916
GillittForest born about 1900
GillittMerlan born about 1915
GillittStella born about 1875
GlardonBenjamin Jborn about 1921
GlardonEsther Sborn about 1925
GlardonLena Gborn about 1884
GlardonMary Jborn about 1928
GlardonPhilemon Aborn about 1880
GlardonRuth Mborn about 1919
GlardonSamuel Gborn about 1917
GoodGeraldine born about 1938
GoodMargaret born about 1913
GoodWilford born about 1910
GoodWilford born about 1936
GoreckaDonna Mayborn about 1936
GoreckaRudolph born about 1908
GoreckaRudolph Jr born about 1934
GoreckaSuzanna born about 1915
GoreckiDoris Eborn about 1939
GoreckiEdward born about 1913
GoreckiFrank born about 1914
GoreckiHelen born about 1921
GoreckiManon born about 1915
GorhamBernard born about 1913
GorhamIrving born about 1865
GorhamLetta born about 1866
GrantStanley born about 1928
GrantVernon born about 1933
GrayDonald Dborn about 1918
GrayFlora Mborn about 1883
GrayWilliam Fborn about 1887
GreckaAnna born about 1911
GreckaDorothy born about 1929
GreckaJoseph born about 1906
GreckaRosemary born about 1932
GriswoldE Shermanborn about 1874
GriswoldMary Lborn about 1874
GrnakAnna born about 1909
GrnakBetty born about 1937
GrnakFrank born about 1910
GrnakJanet born about 1934
GrnakJoseph born about 1884
GrnakJoseph Jr born about 1919
GrnakMary born about 1885
GroosMinnie born about 1877

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H Surnames

HabermehlGenevieve Jborn about 1920
HabermehlHoward born about 1916
HabermehlJane Dborn about 1939
HajekAnnie born about 1931
HajekAnthony born about 1914
HajekBessie born about 1926
HajekFrank born about 1932
HajekJoseph born about 1897
HajekMary born about 1902
HajekMildred born about 1915
HajekRobert born about 1934
HajekShirley Annborn about 1938
HallAlfred born about 1888
HallFred born about 1901
HallMarie born about 1909
HallOrpha born about 1892
HallRobert born about 1932
HamannAlice born about 1894
HamannFred Aborn about 1892
HammondGrace Dborn about 1891
HammondHarold born about 1887
HanchettArthur Jborn about 1884
HanchettMabel born about 1886
HanchetteRoy Mborn about 1894
HanchetteWalter Rborn about 1895
HanchetteWard Wborn about 1923
HarmanGenevieve born about 1916
HarmanRobert born about 1910
HarmanWilliam born about 1938
HarmonAlma Aborn about 1928
HarmonCarl Gborn about 1919
HarmonEthel Mborn about 1886
HarmonJesse Aborn about 1881
HartAlice born about 1872
HartJohn born about 1869
HaughtonHelen born about 1909
HaughtonLawerance born about 1903
HawleyCelia born about 1884
HawleyFloyd born about 1883
HazelwoodFloyd born about 1892
HeinzChristina born about 1921
HeinzFrancis born about 1873
HeinzJoseph born about 1870
HeinzLada born about 1907
HemgenbergAlvin born about 1938
HemgenbergBettijane born about 1932
HemgenbergCarmita born about 1911
HemgenbergLa??ne born about 1933
HemgenbergLeo born about 1907
HemgenbergMary Eleanorborn about 1934
HemgenbergPatrica born about 1936
HerouxChristine born about 1909
HerouxDavid born about 1935
HerouxJoseph born about 1906
HerouxMichel born about 1939
HerouxNancy born about 1937
HessArdeth born about 1928
HessCameron born about 1918
HessEffie born about 1892
HessHarry born about 1891
HessHomer born about 1919
HettaGeorgian born about 1864
HissElley Lborn about 1856
HissFred born about 1889
HissJames Aborn about 1854
HnilicaFrank born about 1895
HnilicaGeorge born about 1934
HnilicaLewis born about 1923
HnilicaLillian born about 1930
HnilicaRose born about 1902
HoggsAnna born about 1882
HopperHoward born about 1877
HorfHerbert born about 1909
HorfLillian born about 1913
HorsmithDorothy born about 1926
HorsmithErnest born about 1929
HorsmithFrances born about 1907
HorsmithFrank born about 1927
HorsmithJoseph born about 1902
HorsmithJune born about 1933
HortonEffie born about 1872
HortonGray born about 1872
HotchkissIra born about 1873
HotchkissMary born about 1874
HoultonDouglas born about 1938
HoultonHarry born about 1914
HoultonJames born about 1939
HoultonJosephine born about 1916
HovanecAgnes born about 1886
HovanecAgnes born about 1920
HovanecChas born about 1885
HovanecFrank born about 1924
HovanecLory born about 1928
HovanecMary born about 1922
HovanecPaul born about 1926
HovanecVandy born about 1918
HueyAnna Mborn about 1901
HueyBeatrice Mborn about 1927
HueyBernice Jborn about 1929
HueyElmer Hborn about 1900
HueyLucille Lborn about 1933
HueyRaymond Dborn about 1937
HulekJohn born about 1882
HulekJohn J Jrborn about 1911
HunterGary born about 1904
HunterGlenn born about 1882
HunterLily born about 1872
HunterWilliam born about 1926

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I Surnames

IsemberaJoseph born about 1904
IvanAnthony born about 1905
IvanBarbara Mborn about 1881
IvanJerry Fborn about 1911
IvanJohn Tborn about 1878
IvanMary born about 1911
IvanRobert born about 1933

J Surnames

JacobsBarbara born about 1926
JacobsBlanche born about 1881
JacobsBruce born about 1928
JacobsBryce Wborn about 1921
JacobsClara born about 1888
JacobsDorothy born about 1939
JacobsEarl born about 1880
JacobsEmma Aborn about 1878
JacobsEthelyn born about 1906
JacobsEunice Vborn about 1915
JacobsFlorence born about 1908
JacobsGaylord born about 1932
JacobsGeorge Mborn about 1876
JacobsGerald born about 1931
JacobsHomer born about 1878
JacobsJohn born about 1917
JacobsKathrine Vborn about 1898
JacobsKenneth born about 1910
JacobsMildred born about 1905
JacobsOlive Brunborn about 1939
JacobsOpal born about 1919
JacobsRay born about 1890
JacobsRena Mborn about 1887
JacobsRonald born about 1914
JacobsVera born about 1893
JacobsWilliam Bborn about 1890
JagosAnna born about 1891
JagosHenry born about 1920
JagosMartin born about 1886
JancarikAgnes born about 1909
JancarikGeorge born about 1929
JancarikGerald born about 1930
JancarikJohn born about 1895
JancarikJohn Jr born about 1928
JezercakAndrew born about 1870
JezercakBarbara born about 1895
JhonsonEmmitt born about 1914
JhonsonJames born about 1937
JhonsonMarlyn born about 1938
JhonsonMinnie born about 1913
JohnsonEleanor born about 1939
JohnsonElwin born about 1920
JohnsonFerris born about 1917
JohnsonPhyllis born about 1921
JonesJune born about 1894
JonesWilliam Hborn about 1888
JoyceAgnes Mborn about 1916
JoyceJeanette Aborn about 1932
JoyceMartin Jr born about 1913
JuddBertha Aborn about 1905
JuddBeth Gborn about 1928
JuddCarolin Jborn about 1932
JuddHerbert Eborn about 1929
JuddKathryn Aborn about 1935
JuddLee Wborn about 1926
JuddPearl Lborn about 1904
JuddStanton Eborn about 1898
JuddStanton Jr born about 1931
JuddWalter born about 1905

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K Surnames

KalisekJohanne born about 1939
KalisekJoseph Jr born about 1912
KalisekMary born about 1915
KerosonAdelaid born about 1928
KerosonAnthony born about 1895
KerosonDolores born about 1936
KerosonEdward born about 1922
KerosonMarie born about 1925
KerosonTheresa born about 1896
KeyserForrest born about 1939
KeyserKermit born about 1904
KeyserLaura born about 1908
Kilden??? born about 1913
KindelKathrine Dborn about 1862
KingAlfred born about 1882
KingClayton born about 1922
KingEva born about 1878
KingJames born about 1877
KingJennie born about 1863
KingMarie born about 1859
KingPaul born about 1914
KinzEdward born about 1906
KinzEdward Jr born about 1932
KinzJoan born about 1937
KinzMary born about 1912
KlineAgnes born about 1900
KlineGeorge born about 1894
KlineJoan born about 1930
KlineKathleen born about 1934
KlineRosemary born about 1928
KlineThomas born about 1935
KneiperAnn Eborn about 1919
KnieperJoseph born about 1911
KnipeBennett born about 1890
KnipeFloyd born about 1930
KnipeMarjorie born about 1928
KnipeRonald born about 1926
KnipsolRaymond born about 1921
KoanDarlain born about 1925
KovarcikJohn born about 1926
KovlikVenda Sborn about 1886
KozlowskiChester born about 1918
KrcmarikAgnes born about 1926
KrcmarikAugust born about 1932
KrcmarikCelia born about 1930
KrcmarikCyril born about 1922
KrcmarikEdward born about 1934
KrcmarikGeorge born about 1928
KrcmarikJohn born about 1886
KrcmarikKatie born about 1895
KrcmarikStephen born about 1924
KriespelRudolph born about 1891
KuchanAgnes born about 1893
KuchanAgnes Mborn about 1935
KuchanFrank Aborn about 1917
KuchanGerald Jborn about 1923
KuchanHelen Tborn about 1927
KuchanJohn Wborn about 1891
KuchanMary Eborn about 1924
KuchanMildred Aborn about 1933
KuchanRobert Gborn about 1930
KuchanSamuel Pborn about 1919
KuchanWilliam Vborn about 1937
KucharJames born about 1935
KucharJoe born about 1860
KucharJulia born about 1912
KucharMaxine born about 1939
KudlicCharles born about 1924
KudlicJohn born about 1889
KudlicKathrina born about 1889
KudlicRosie born about 1929
KudlicRudy born about 1927
KurneyCharles Hborn about 1902
KurneyEmma born about 1877
KurneyJoyce Lborn about 1903
KurneyWayne Mborn about 1917
KurtzEdward Jborn about 1912
KurtzFreda born about 1911
KurtzKathleen born about 1940
KurtzShirley Annborn about 1937
KurtzhalsRoy Hborn about 1917
KylieAmelia born about 1874
KylieJames born about 1871

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L Surnames

LaneCharles born about 1903
LaneMyrtle born about 1903
LaneWillah Jr born about 1939
LanzeEva Mborn about 1900
LanzeFreeman born about 1901
LapthronAmy Aborn about 1927
LaptonThomas Sborn about 1917
LaptonViolia Mborn about 1919
LaptonWilliam Wborn about 1924
LareCarolyn born about 1938
LareCharles born about 1933
LareEarlyn born about 1928
LareLena born about 1903
LareLois born about 1936
LareLouise born about 1936
LareMarine born about 1926
LarePaul born about 1899
LarePauline born about 1934
LareRoland born about 1930
LareShirley born about 1931
LathamKate born about 1870
LaunsteinHoward born about 1923
LaunsteinJennie born about 1888
LaunsteinJohn born about 1888
LeeBeatrice born about 1902
LeeHollis born about 1903
LeitowEdna Aborn about 1901
LeitowEdward Cborn about 1894
LeitowEdward Jr born about 1922
LeitowRonald Eborn about 1924
LeitowVirginia Eborn about 1920
LempinAdolph born about 1880
LempinEmely born about 1883
LendlerGeorge Wborn about 1889
LendlerMina Aborn about 1889
LendvoyAlex Tborn about 1910
LeroyBertha born about 1884
LeroyBlanche born about 1894
LeroyEarl born about 1890
LeroyEldene born about 1913
LeroyFloyd born about 1883
LeroyHarold born about 1931
LeroyMarise born about 1939
LeroyWyman born about 1914
LewisMarie born about 1913
LewisMarlin Jennieborn about 1940
LewisOlive born about 1905
LewisShirley Jeanborn about 1933
LittleJames born about 1887
LittleSarah ???born about 1890
LondriganBertha Mborn about 1902
LondriganElizabeth Lborn about 1883
LondriganElla born about 1872
LondriganFred Tborn about 1907
LondriganGeorge Hborn about 1914
LondriganJames Aborn about 1915
LondriganJohn Eborn about 1876
LondriganThomas born about 1870
LouckWesley born about 1881
LovacekAnna born about 1884
LovacekLouise Lborn about 1922
LovacekMildred Mborn about 1920
LovensteinEdith born about 1911
LovensteinGlenn Wborn about 1909
LovensteinJannette born about 1938
LovensteinLawerance born about 1936
LucasBernice born about 1930
LucasDonald born about 1925
LucasEdna born about 1893
LucasLeslie born about 1881
LucasLyle born about 1932
LucasMartha born about 1923
LyonsCharllotte Aborn about 1868
LyonsEdward Bborn about 1858
LyonsPeter Aborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaciakAdaline born about 1914
MaciakFrank Fborn about 1914
MaciakGeorge born about 1875
MaciakJohn born about 1910
MaciakKathryn Aborn about 1882
MaciakSteva Aborn about 1918
MaciakVirginia born about 1938
MajeskeAnna born about 1907
MajeskeCarroll born about 1927
MajeskeGustie born about 1905
MajeskeLyle born about 1930
MajeskeRoy born about 1939
MalloyBernard born about 1919
MalloyHoward born about 1916
MalloyJames born about 1875
MalloyLois born about 1926
MalloyMargaret born about 1882
MalloyMargaret born about 1922
MalloyRosalyn born about 1925
ManekJohn born about 1878
ManekLena born about 1877
MarbleBernard born about 1928
MarbleHugh born about 1895
MarbleJennie born about 1895
MarbleMilton born about 1931
MartinRuth born about 1891
MartinezMarie born about 1936
MartinezRamon born about 1935
MattoxDixie born about 1920
MattoxFrancis born about 1915
MattoxMary Fborn about 1879
MaudlinMarion born about 1920
MayrandAlice Hborn about 1921
MayrandEdward Jborn about 1886
MayrandEdward Jr born about 1926
MayrandHermina Jborn about 1885
McCartneyCharles Jborn about 1907
McCartneyGladys born about 1898
McCartneyLena born about 1903
McCartneyLeo Jborn about 1905
McCartneyMary born about 1885
McCartneyRaymond born about 1899
McCrillisClarence Wborn about 1900
McCrillisCleo Hborn about 1901
McCrillisDesmond Eborn about 1932
McCrillisDonald Eborn about 1935
McCrillisJuanita Mborn about 1928
McCrillisLawrence Wborn about 1922
McGraineDale born about 1924
McGraineLola Rborn about 1886
McGraineMarion born about 1931
McKinstreyWilliam born about 1866
McKoneBeth born about 1926
McKoneBonnie Jeanborn about 1937
McKoneCarl born about 1925
McKoneClifford born about 1921
McKoneDallas born about 1930
McKoneEdith born about 1885
McKoneEmily born about 1910
McKoneErnest born about 1904
McKoneFred born about 1886
McKoneHerbert born about 1933
McKoneJoy born about 1932
McKoneJoyce born about 1932
McKoneJuanita born about 1905
McKoneJula born about 1888
McKoneLaurel born about 1927
McKoneLawerance born about 1907
McKoneLewis born about 1885
McKoneLois born about 1927
McKoneLyle born about 1929
McKoneMarcilene born about 1928
McKoneMelvin born about 1919
McKoneMerlin born about 1923
McKoneOleta born about 1907
McKonePeggy born about 1933
McKonePhyllis born about 1933
McKoneRobert born about 1909
McKoneRoss born about 1932
McKoneTar Geneborn about 1931
McKoneThurlo born about 1907
McKoneVerna born about 1897
McKoneWanda born about 1922
McKoneWilma born about 1907
McQueenEdwin born about 1875
MerwitherDonald Eborn about 1915
MerwitherGoldie Iborn about 1917
MerwitherRobert Wborn about 1938
MeseraullElva J Cborn about 1916
MeseraullFrederick Dborn about 1938
MeseraullLois Aborn about 1939
MeseraullReo Jborn about 1909
MiculkaAnna born about 1883
MiculkaFrank born about 1889
MiculkaFrank Jr born about 1920
MiculkaJulia born about 1920
MiculkaMildred Rborn about 1926
MiculkaRudy born about 1917
MiculkaRudy Jr born about 1939
MinarikDonald born about 1888
MinarikKathryn born about 1889
MinarikLillian Mborn about 1924
MineryHenry Jborn about 1864
MineryKathryn Eborn about 1868
MisjakAgnes Rborn about 1918
MisjakThomas Bborn about 1914
Mitchell??? born about 1916
MitchellEmma born about 1886
MitchellFloyd born about 1887
MitchellMadelyn born about 1936
MizgerAlex born about 1890
MizgerAlex Eborn about 1939
MizgerAlex Jr born about 1917
MizgerJoseph born about 1922
MizgerJulia born about 1893
MizgerMargaret born about 1920
MolnarBertha Kborn about 1887
MolnarJoseph born about 1884
MooreBernice born about 1902
MooreDorothy born about 1920
MooreGlenn born about 1892
MooreGlenn Jr born about 1928
MooreHelene born about 1923
MooreHoward born about 1900
MooreHoward Jr born about 1922
MooreHubert born about 1926
MooreKenneth born about 1931
MooreLeah Mborn about 1905
MooreLottie Iborn about 1878
MooreMiriam Aborn about 1865
MooreRobert born about 1917
MooreRobert Jr born about 1939
MooreSusie born about 1895
MooreWayne born about 1935
MooreYvonne born about 1938
MossEthel born about 1899
MossJoseph born about 1867
MossSarah born about 1871
MrkvaAnna born about 1924
MrkvaFrank born about 1887
MrkvaJoseph born about 1922
MuirheadAnn born about 1892
MuirheadDonald born about 1926
MuirheadElizabeth born about 1920
MuirheadHugh born about 1889
MuirheadKenneth born about 1933
MuirheadLaurence born about 1928
MuirheadRobert born about 1924
MuirheadWilliam born about 1931
MulcakyJulia Eborn about 1899
MulcakyLawrence Cborn about 1903
MulcakyLeo Rborn about 1931
MulcakyPatrick Tborn about 1937
MulcakyThomas Eborn about 1935
MurdockWilber Lborn about 1891
MurphyAlice born about 1906
MurphyGeorge born about 1933
MurphyIla Mayborn about 1928
MurphyJoe born about 1904
MurphyJohn born about 1936
MurphyMarie born about 1925
MurphyViola born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NahackyGeza born about 1888
NahackyJoseph born about 1924
NahackyKatherine born about 1894
NellettWalter born about 1924
NelosnChas born about 1884
NelosnLaura born about 1887
NelsonEileen born about 1933
NelsonEster Gborn about 1904
NelsonJohn born about 1878
NelsonJosephine born about 1885
NelsonKenneth born about 1904
NemcekJoseph Sborn about 1882
NemcekPauline born about 1882
NicholsAnnece born about 1893
NicholsRamm Gborn about 1920
NicholsRichard born about 1871
NilsonWilliam born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OginskyAnna Cborn about 1932
OginskyCecilia born about 1913
OginskyHelen born about 1940
OginskyJoseph born about 1916
OginskyMary born about 1920
OginskyStanley Tborn about 1911
OginskyStanley Jr born about 1935
OginskyVincent Mborn about 1918
OhareEva born about 1911
OhareMary Annborn about 1940
OhareMichel born about 1935
OharePatrick born about 1933
OhareRaymond born about 1901
OrmsbyLeslie born about 1889
OrrisJames born about 1877
OrrisMay born about 1881
OrrisStanley born about 1918
OwenKay Ellaborn about 1937
OwenMarie born about 1908
OwenNiles born about 1904
OwenNiles born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PajtasGeorge born about 1915
PajtasJohn born about 1871
PajtasJurcan born about 1881
PajtasMicheal born about 1911
ParkinsonClinton Hborn about 1911
ParkinsonHazel Jborn about 1914
ParkinsonJoanne Sborn about 1938
ParmeleeCassie born about 1888
ParmeleeGeo born about 1878
ParmeleeGeo Jr born about 1918
ParmeleeVera born about 1911
PearsallFrank born about 1875
PearsallMark born about 1878
PerryEdith Oborn about 1921
PerryLaura Aborn about 1900
PerryM Crice Fborn about 1927
PerryRichard Bborn about 1925
PerryRichard Lborn about 1889
PerryViola Aborn about 1857
PesikClary born about 1923
PesikFrank born about 1884
PesikKatherine born about 1888
PhilpsHarold born about 1895
PhilpsMary born about 1894
PhilpsNiles born about 1934
PhilpsRobert born about 1919
PhilpsVirginia born about 1925
PhilpsVivian born about 1927
PierceEva born about 1881
PierceFrank Longborn about 1916
PierceWilliam born about 1885
PiereceCarl born about 1912
PiereceDorothy born about 1918
PochylyJohn born about 1913
PochylyJosephine born about 1915
PorterfieldErsol Iborn about 1896
PorterfieldEvelyn Eborn about 1920
PorterfieldGeorge Hborn about 1914
PorterfieldGeraldine Wborn about 1929
PorterfieldJoan Wborn about 1890
PorterfieldRobert Cborn about 1926
PorterfieldWard Eborn about 1916
PotterCharles born about 1866
PotterCharles born about 1925
PotterGerald born about 1936
PotterJunior born about 1939
PotterLaye born about 1926
PotterLloyd born about 1903
PotterMary born about 1907
PotterMildred born about 1930
PotterRussel born about 1928
PrattAlfred Cborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuadererAlphonso born about 1902
QuadererHelen born about 1891
QuadererJoseph born about 1900
QuadererMary born about 1895

R Surnames

RaleighBille born about 1939
RaleighChrisfor born about 1933
RaleighDixie born about 1923
RaleighEmma born about 1910
RaleighJimmie born about 1938
RaleighJohn born about 1895
RaleighMaregette born about 1928
RappleyeaAlice Mborn about 1857
ReckartCatherine born about 1859
ReckartStella born about 1902
ReedCarol Lborn about 1933
ReedElaine Eborn about 1930
ReedLawrence Mborn about 1928
ReedLynn Mborn about 1897
ReedMarylin Eborn about 1925
ReedMurland Lborn about 1926
ReedSadie Aborn about 1900
ReedSara Lborn about 1935
RemenecJulia Jborn about 1922
RemenecPaul Jborn about 1919
ReyesArvid born about 1919
ReyesHazel born about 1897
ReyesHoward born about 1895
ReyesLena born about 1934
RichartPeter born about 1896
RockCharlotte Lborn about 1907
RockClifford Cborn about 1907
RockEdward Lborn about 1932
RolfeBenjamin born about 1878
RolfeCarrie Aborn about 1882
RolfeFrancis born about 1862
RolfeFrederick born about 1879
RoschEileen born about 1927
RoschJames born about 1921
RoschMary born about 1898
RoschMathew born about 1884
RoschThomas born about 1920
RoseAretha born about 1934
RoseDarrell born about 1933
RoseDonald born about 1909
RoseDonald born about 1923
RoseDonald Elmerborn about 1909
RoseDouglas born about 1926
RoseEleanore born about 1921
RoseFrances born about 1910
RoseKeith born about 1929
RoseLaura born about 1898
RoseLaurel born about 1936
RoseLloyd born about 1924
RoseMary born about 1931
RoseNoretta Jeanborn about 1938
RoseRichard born about 1932
RoseRuth born about 1932
RoseWilliam born about 1898
RoweEarl Cborn about 1885
RoweMaud born about 1884
RucharAmma born about 1878
RucharJohn Jr born about 1913
RucharJohn Sr born about 1872
RucharMildred born about 1938
RucharStacy born about 1917
RucharStacy born about 1939
RuddyAlbam Fborn about 1868
RuddyGeorge Fborn about 1875
RuddyHugh Iborn about 1866
RuddyMicheal Fborn about 1870
RuffHerman born about 1914
RuffLuzann born about 1939
RuffMary born about 1915
RusnakJohn born about 1879
RusnakKatie born about 1879
RymanJohn born about 1888
RymanKatherine born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaetterMary born about 1903
SaetterVincent born about 1900
SalancikMary born about 1879
SalancikWilliam born about 1920
SamsonAntionania born about 1902
SamsonFrank born about 1903
SamsonFrank Jr born about 1924
SamsonJoseph born about 1925
SanbornDonald born about 1927
SanbornElmer born about 1872
SanbornIvan born about 1901
SanbornJohn Eborn about 1873
SanbornLaura Eborn about 1875
SanbornMarie born about 1901
SanbornVernice born about 1871
SateronAmy born about 1866
SchultzElmer born about 1907
SchultzJoan born about 1934
SchultzJulia born about 1914
SchultzNancy born about 1937
ScottHugh Lborn about 1935
ScottJohn Bborn about 1936
ScottJohn Rborn about 1913
ScottJoy Wborn about 1916
SeadorfLe Roy Eborn about 1922
SearsBetty born about 1936
SearsJames born about 1931
SearsLoren born about 1909
SearsLucetta born about 1910
SearsRichard born about 1929
SearsRobert born about 1934
SekrenesJohn born about 1878
SekrenesJohn Jr born about 1911
SekrenesLewis born about 1917
SekrenesSophia born about 1886
SelfLois Mborn about 1917
SelfRalph Eborn about 1915
SelfRichard Aborn about 1937
SerbusAnnie born about 1888
SerbusFrank born about 1915
SerbusGeorge born about 1922
SerbusJames born about 1878
SerbusRose born about 1924
SheekyJulius born about 1909
SheekyRoy born about 1905
SheekyRoy Leeborn about 1938
SheridanNicholas Aborn about 1868
SheridonElizabeth born about 1878
SheridonJames Bborn about 1913
ShermanClare Bborn about 1919
ShermanDale Eborn about 1925
ShermanErvin Hborn about 1921
ShermanFredrick Mborn about 1934
ShermanIrene Jborn about 1921
ShermanLois Eborn about 1892
ShermanMoses Bborn about 1891
ShoemakerHelen Mborn about 1878
SikerkaAdam born about 1873
SikerkaAnnie born about 1873
SimekJoseph born about 1880
SimekLena Fborn about 1888
SissonAlbert born about 1932
SissonLena Iborn about 1928
SlaterinePearl born about 1894
SmeageBarbara born about 1939
SmeageDock born about 1936
SmeageFred born about 1909
SmeageMary born about 1908
SmejkalEthel Dborn about 1937
SmejkalFrank born about 1908
SmejkalFrank born about 1938
SmejkalMary born about 1914
SmithAdrian born about 1918
SmithAnna born about 1883
SmithBertha born about 1915
SmithEliza Pborn about 1880
SmithFlora born about 1853
SmithHazen born about 1910
SmithHazen Jr born about 1936
SmithJohn born about 1876
SmithLloyd born about 1933
SmithMarlene Sueborn about 1939
SmithMildred Lborn about 1913
SmithStanley born about 1934
SmithWilma born about 1918
SmolekJames Jborn about 1935
SmolekJoseph Mborn about 1925
SmolekMarie born about 1902
SmolekMartin born about 1895
SmolekMary Aborn about 1931
SnyderAnna Aborn about 1877
SnyderArdith Eborn about 1925
SnyderCharles Wborn about 1930
SnyderElizabeth Juneborn about 1924
SnyderElmer born about 1895
SnyderErma Lborn about 1901
SnyderFloyd born about 1877
SnyderGladys born about 1895
SnyderMarie born about 1909
SnyderMary Bborn about 1877
SnyderNelson Wborn about 1902
SnyderPaul born about 1909
SnyderRalph Wborn about 1875
SnyderRichard Bborn about 1938
SnyderRobert Dborn about 1936
SnyderRoyal Wborn about 1922
SnyderThomas born about 1862
SnyderWalter Eborn about 1880
SnyderWayne Rborn about 1939
SolomanPeter born about 1926
SorberJoseph born about 1909
SorberLidia born about 1914
SpalenyBarbara Mborn about 1940
SpalenyFrank Jborn about 1914
SpalenyJohn Cborn about 1916
SpalenyMary Eborn about 1914
SpeersAlice born about 1939
SpeersDelliah born about 1873
SpeersEvert born about 1905
SpeersGrell born about 1930
SpeersJohn born about 1872
SpeersJuanita born about 1938
SpeersLuella born about 1909
SpeersMarjorie born about 1934
SpiersArlene born about 1914
SpiersDale born about 1909
SpiersIda Mayborn about 1939
SpiersRuth born about 1937
SpisskyAnna born about 1892
SpisskyJohn Aborn about 1924
SpisskyKostantine born about 1884
SpisskyMichael Vborn about 1918
StanhopFlorence Bborn about 1901
StanhopGeorge Jborn about 1901
StasaAgnes born about 1901
StasaHenry born about 1896
StasaHenry Jr born about 1926
StasaMillan Tborn about 1938
StehlikBetty born about 1933
StehlikFrank born about 1910
StehlikJean born about 1938
StehlikMary born about 1912
SteinhoffJames Hborn about 1881
SteinhoffLena Mborn about 1883
StimpflMatthew born about 1883
StiphensonRichard born about 1890
StjohnGertrude born about 1878
StjohnSidney born about 1875
StockingsDonna Jborn about 1932
StockingsGeorge Pborn about 1930
StockingsMatt Sborn about 1926
StoneCarrie born about 1884
StoneJudson born about 1880
StrengClare born about 1919
StrengSoloma born about 1881
StrengWilliam born about 1881
SummerfieldElli?e born about 1939
SummerfieldHilda born about 1917
SummerfieldLeona born about 1938
SummerfieldWilliam born about 1897
SurikAgnes born about 1890
SurikCharles born about 1924
SurikFrank born about 1916
SurikGeorge born about 1927
SurikJohn born about 1919
SurikJoseph born about 1888
SurikLewis born about 1918
SurikMary born about 1922
SvrcekFrank Jborn about 1919
SvrcekJohn born about 1885
SvrcekJoseph Mborn about 1922
SvrcekJosephine Lborn about 1935
SvrcekMary born about 1891
SyberMabel Bborn about 1898
SyberOtis Jborn about 1895
SylanLoletta Jborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorLaura born about 1860
TerwilligerBarbara born about 1928
TerwilligerEarla born about 1926
TerwilligerHazel born about 1899
TerwilligerIrene born about 1932
TerwilligerPhidora born about 1924
TerwilligerRichard born about 1898
ThomasAllen born about 1937
ThomasBertha born about 1901
ThomasClifford born about 1927
ThomasHarold born about 1924
ThomasPeggy born about 1925
ThomasPhilip born about 1902
ThomasPhilip Jr born about 1938
ThomasPhyllis born about 1922
ThomasRichard born about 1932
ThomasRobert born about 1933
ThomasSirley born about 1935
ThomasWilliam born about 1930
ThompsonNellie born about 1877
ThompsonWendell born about 1908
ThumaHarold born about 1894
ThumaViva born about 1893
TissotAmy Eborn about 1898
TissotFern Gborn about 1930
TissotGeorge Fborn about 1928
TissotMargaret Cborn about 1896
TissotPaul Hborn about 1868
TomaliaAndrew born about 1889
TomaliaHelen Vborn about 1927
TomaliaSophia Aborn about 1886
TomcalaAnna born about 1910
TomcalaFrank Jborn about 1933
TomcalaJohn Fborn about 1895
TomcalaJohn Lborn about 1931
TomecekAnna born about 1901
TomecekFrancis born about 1926
TomecekJohn born about 1902
TowleJohn Oborn about 1870
TownCarolyn Bethborn about 1936
TownDorothy Ellenborn about 1930
TownFrank born about 1900
TownMary Juneborn about 1930
TownNellie born about 1900
TownRalph born about 1934
TownShirley Annborn about 1932
TrampeGeorge born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValasekAlbert born about 1933
ValasekFrances born about 1920
ValasekHenry born about 1922
ValasekLena born about 1903
ValasekMartin born about 1898
VanzintHattie born about 1865
VasicekAgnes born about 1904
VasicekAgnes born about 1924
VasicekHenry born about 1939
VasicekJennie born about 1873
VasicekJoseph born about 1867
VasicekJoseph born about 1897
VasicekVera born about 1933
VaureAgnes born about 1878
VermonAllen born about 1920
VermonCharles born about 1917
VermonClare born about 1897
VermonClare Jr born about 1930
VermonHannah born about 1925
VermonMa??ne born about 1925
VermonMarna born about 1901
VermonMilton born about 1912
VermonRay born about 1887
VermonViola born about 1890
VernierEli Jborn about 1877
VernierJeanne Kborn about 1885
VernierSamuel Pborn about 1910
VernonCharles born about 1857
VernonMinnie born about 1863
VyskocilAnthony born about 1918
VyskocilFrank born about 1894
VyskocilFrank born about 1923
VyskocilMary born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaiteBeverley born about 1932
Waldie??? born about 1923
WaldieElwin born about 1924
WaldieFrank born about 1873
WaldieMargaret born about 1899
WalkerFay born about 1888
WallingArthur born about 1894
WallingMargaret Tborn about 1903
WalserPeter born about 1884
WalserPhilip born about 1923
Walter??? born about 1861
WalterCarrie born about 1871
WaltersCora Lborn about 1938
WaltersDonald Cborn about 1917
WaltersMary Gborn about 1918
WalworthAndrew born about 1904
WalworthBetty Eborn about 1921
WalworthCharles born about 1884
WalworthClara born about 1882
WalworthDawson Cborn about 1919
WalworthDorthy born about 1888
WalworthFloyd Fborn about 1886
WalworthGeorge Jborn about 1915
WalworthIva Sborn about 1885
WalworthJohn Eborn about 1917
WalworthLida born about 1900
WalworthMyrta born about 1886
WalworthOrrin Jborn about 1886
WalworthRuell born about 1882
WamerJay Fborn about 1872
WamerSarah Lborn about 1887
WardClara born about 1866
WarnerAgnes Mborn about 1892
WarnerFloyd Mborn about 1890
WarnerGeorge Wborn about 1859
WatsonMarilyn Eborn about 1929
WhethanHarold Kborn about 1902
WhethanNaomi Cborn about 1907
WhiteBryce born about 1930
WhiteEarl born about 1893
WhiteEliza born about 1898
WhiteLyle born about 1920
WiecekJohn born about 1884
WiecekSophia born about 1889
WigglesworthRobert Eborn about 1879
WigglesworthWilliam born about 1873
WightmanDale Sborn about 1924
WightmanFloyd Bborn about 1888
WightmanTassie Hborn about 1893
WightmanWade Cborn about 1921
WillardFrank born about 1871
WiniarskiDorthy Mborn about 1922
WiniarskiJean Aborn about 1940
WiniarskiMack born about 1916
WitskiJohanna Fborn about 1921
WolworthMarlyn born about 1940
WoodworthCalvin born about 1917
WoodworthJames born about 1928
WoodworthLuella born about 1894
WoodworthMyrtle born about 1922
WoodworthNellie born about 1919
WoodworthWilliam born about 1890
WoolhiserDora born about 1913
WordenEarl Mborn about 1917
WordenMaxine born about 1921
WorkmanJones Fborn about 1934
WorkmanLucy Vborn about 1900
WorkmanOllie Jborn about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YonkoFrank born about 1911
YonkoMary born about 1912
YonkoMildred born about 1932

Z Surnames

ZamickJoseph born about 1877
ZendlerHarold Hborn about 1921
ZubekHelen born about 1921
ZubekJoseph born about 1882
ZubekJoseph Jr born about 1917
ZubekMartin born about 1919
ZubekMary born about 1885
ZugdlikEdward born about 1939
ZugdlikJohn Jr born about 1917
ZugdlikMarie born about 1917

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