1940 U.S. Federal Census of Henderson, Wexford, Michigan

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Michigan > Wexford County > 1940 Census of Henderson

B Surnames C Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

B Surnames

BigelowErnest born about 1879
BigelowEvelyn Mborn about 1924
BigelowGoldia Mborn about 1891
BigelowHoward Wborn about 1921
BigelowJoyce Iborn about 1931
BigelowLeon Cborn about 1916
BigelowRussel Dborn about 1934
BolfAnton born about 1871
BoroshEmory born about 1889
BoroshJulia Bborn about 1891
BrookeCarl Dborn about 1891
BrookeJosephine born about 1898

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C Surnames

ChaterFrank born about 1869
ChidesterAlice Iborn about 1898
ChidesterAmos born about 1874
ChidesterClara Lborn about 1922
ChidesterClarence Aborn about 1876
ChidesterJack Dborn about 1924
ChidesterJean Aborn about 1927
ChidesterLynn Fborn about 1925
ChidesterShirley Aborn about 1930
ChoraAlex born about 1905
ChoraEthel born about 1901
ChoraFrank born about 1864

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F Surnames

FiersRobert Dborn about 1871
FiersZora Aborn about 1878
FiroreJames Eborn about 1854
FortelkaBetty Tborn about 1931
FortelkaCarl Jborn about 1937
FortelkaJoe Jborn about 1904
FortelkaMarrie Mborn about 1912
FortelkaMary Annborn about 1936
FortelkaPaul Jborn about 1933

H Surnames

HoffmanOliver born about 1880

J Surnames

JohnsonAlbert Gborn about 1876
JohnsonSigrid Aborn about 1880

K Surnames

KardosEmma born about 1881
KardosFrank born about 1876
KardosJae born about 1910
KimontAlikas born about 1891

N Surnames

NylandAlice Aborn about 1918
NylandAndrew Aborn about 1916

O Surnames

OtbergAnna Aborn about 1874
OtbergArden Tborn about 1935
OtbergArvid Tborn about 1937
OtbergEvelina Aborn about 1907
OtbergGust born about 1870
OtbergHarold Mborn about 1913
OtbergHelena Eborn about 1912
OtbergThorvald born about 1904

P Surnames

PlatzFred Sborn about 1907
PlatzGladys Jborn about 1918
PlatzHarold Fborn about 1905
PlatzJay born about 1917
PlatzJayne Gborn about
PullenAlfred L Cborn about 1920
PullenBeverly Dborn about 1929
PullenCharles Jborn about 1931
PullenDick Eborn about 1895
PullenEarnest Eborn about 1918
PullenOpal Tborn about 1899
PullenPhyilli Rborn about 1923

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R Surnames

RigelonClaude Eborn about 1909
RigelonJune Mborn about 1930
RigelonMaxine Rborn about 1933
RigelonRuth Aborn about 1911
RossellAdie Aborn about 1883
RossellMajorie Jborn about 1918
RuohonenKenneth Rborn about 1924
RuohonenWesley Aborn about 1928

S Surnames

ShaferRussel Gborn about 1922
SkizinskiFrank born about 1880
SlagleDonald Mborn about 1940
SlagleLavina Aborn about 1901
SlagleMorris Jborn about 1903
SoursDona Mborn about 1924
SoursHelen Cborn about 1928
SoursJoyce Eborn about 1926
SoursLowell born about 1896
SoursMyrtle Mborn about 1896
SoursRuth Eborn about 1934
SoursWallace Lborn about 1930
StockinsAndrew Hborn about 1894
StockinsBruce Cborn about 1932
StockinsCarl born about 1925
StockinsDexter Jborn about 1890
StockinsDuane Cborn about 1926
StockinsEdith Aborn about 1867
StockinsEdith Lborn about 1924
StockinsGloria Gborn about 1936
StockinsGordon Gborn about 1925
StockinsKathleen Fborn about 1922
StockinsMargert Jborn about 1897
StockinsMarian Wborn about 1927
StockinsMarvin Mborn about 1928
StockinsMildred Fborn about 1897
StockinsRalph Aborn about 1937
StockinsRobert Gborn about 1896
StockinsSue Dborn about 1894
StockinsWalter Wborn about 1861
StockinsWillam Wborn about 1931
SuttonAlice born about 1916
SuttonPatricia Mborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanAntwerp Hborn about 1856
VanE J Wborn about 1861

W Surnames

WaiteDoris Aborn about 1925
WaiteGeorge Fborn about 1879
WaiteNettie born about 1885

Y Surnames

YoungJoseph born about 1905
YoungKilia Yborn about 1906

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