1940 U.S. Federal Census of Port Austin, Huron, Michigan

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Michigan > Huron County > 1940 Census of Port Austin

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsonElmer born about 1875
AdamsonJohn Wborn about 1920
AdamsonMariel born about 1886
AhearnThomas born about 1879
AltonAlma born about 1920
AndreskiEdward born about 1909
AntoseskeMary Aborn about 1885
AshworthAmelia born about 1885
AshworthHerbert born about 1874
AshworthWilliam born about 1916
AyotteClarence born about 1929
AyotteHenry born about 1895
AyotteHenry Jr born about 1932
AyotteMarjorie born about 1925
AyotteMarylin born about 1930
AyotteVictoria born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaronskiBernard born about 1919
BaronskiRaymond born about 1908
BaronskiRose born about 1877
BauerAleta born about 1923
BauerDavid born about 1896
BauerEugene born about 1921
BauerNellie born about 1895
BenedictPhebe Hborn about 1873
BiarskiAgnes born about 1883
BiarskiMicael born about 1902
BiarskiPeter born about 1914
BiarskiTheresa born about 1926
BighamChester born about 1904
BighamCora born about 1884
BighamFrancis born about 1881
BighamPhilip born about 1929
BighamRaymond born about 1911
BodisClara born about 1884
BodisIrene born about 1924
BodisMichael born about 1887
BodisNellie born about 1925
BoloAgnes born about 1866
BoloMichael born about 1859
BranskiJohn born about 1918
BranskiJoseph born about 1872
BranskiMary born about 1881
BranskiSylvester born about 1914
BranskiTony born about 1911
BranskiViola born about 1911
BrashawAlbert born about 1930
BrashawElizabeth born about 1927
BrashawEthel born about 1899
BrashawEva born about 1934
BrashawJohn born about 1928
BrashawKatherine born about 1932
BrashawLevi born about 1870
BrashawMargaret born about 1925
BrashawVenus born about 1895
BrashawWilliam born about 1935
BriningLoretta born about 1933
BriningMary born about 1914
BriningPatricia born about 1936
BriningWalter born about 1901
BrooksJohn born about 1859
BrooksMatilda born about 1860
BrooksMildred born about 1896
BrownAlfred born about 1914
BrownDonald born about 1939
BrownGeorge born about 1907
BrownGeorge Jr born about 1936
BrownLouise born about 1882
BrownLucille born about 1912
BrownNancy Jeneborn about 1937
BrownRobert born about 1874
BrownRosa Mborn about 1879
BubarOrville born about 1906
BucholzJames born about 1931
BurnsCecelia born about 1901
BurnsEugene born about 1932
BurnsJerome born about 1934
BurnsMichael born about 1902
BurrowsAndrew born about 1863
ButynekStanley born about 1888

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C Surnames

CarpenterClaude born about 1881
CeneskieAgnes born about 1882
CeneskieClarence born about 1920
CeneskieJacob born about 1882
ChagnonEmma born about 1886
ChagnonHarman born about 1902
ChagnonHelen born about 1905
ChagnonJustine born about 1926
ChagnonMarlene born about 1935
ChagnonMildred born about 1918
ChagnonNepoleon born about 1874
ChagnonNepoleon Jr born about 1939
ChagnonRobert born about 1920
ChagnonRoland born about 1914
ChoplinskeValentine born about 1886
ChoplinskeVictoria born about 1869
ClancyMargaret born about 1878
ClarkNorman born about 1880
ClineClarence born about 1908
ClineDarrell born about 1934
ClineIrma born about 1909
CookMabel born about 1897
CookMitchell born about 1891
CookNorma born about 1898
CookOlive born about 1864
CookThomas Hborn about 1889
CopelandEleanor born about 1889
CopelandEthel born about 1888
CopelandGarfield born about 1881
CopelandRay born about 1888
CurtinRichard born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarrahJohnson Oborn about 1874
DarrahMargaret born about 1878
DeeganNellie born about 1877
DemayCharles born about 1859
DempseyPeter born about 1895
DenczekJohn born about 1873
DenczekMary born about 1881
DillaboughMargaret born about 1879
DischerEdward born about 1898
DischerMargaret born about 1873
DischerMatilda born about 1909
DischerRegina born about 1903
DischerRobert born about 1930
DischerWilliam born about 1903
DischerWilliam Jr born about 1931
DoyleJohn Tborn about 1912
DupeeFrank Aborn about 1885
DupeeJoseph born about 1892
DupeeMary born about 1901
DupeeMary Eborn about 1930
DupeeMary Kborn about 1895
DupeePalmer born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwinCarl born about 1928
EdwinEdwin born about 1932
EdwinHarold born about 1921
EdwinLucy born about 1898
EdwinRaymond born about 1934
EdwinTheresa born about 1926
EdwinVenice born about 1923
EmersonThelma born about 1918
EnderEuphemia born about 1881
EnderGustaf born about 1889
EnglehartAndrew born about 1891
EnglehartClifford born about 1913
EnglehartGerald born about 1917
EnglehartNellie born about 1890
EnglehartSanford born about 1918
EnglehartWilliam born about 1915
EvansRachel born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FinanBelma born about 1896
FinanHarold born about 1894
FinanJean Marieborn about 1927
FinanPhilip Fborn about 1918
FinanRobert born about 1922
FinzelCharles born about 1881
FisherAlbert born about 1927
FisherAlbertina born about 1903
FisherAlger born about 1922
FisherAnna born about 1892
FisherCecelia born about 1892
FisherChester born about 1921
FisherDenise born about 1928
FisherEdward born about 1911
FisherFlorence born about 1936
FisherFrances born about 1889
FisherFrank born about 1890
FisherGeorge born about 1924
FisherHelen born about 1921
FisherJoseph born about 1895
FisherJosephine born about 1924
FisherLeo born about 1911
FisherLouis born about 1906
FisherLouise born about 1923
FisherMargaret born about 1919
FisherMargaret born about 1921
FisherMark born about 1933
FisherMary born about 1926
FisherPaul born about 1914
FisherRosie born about 1926
FisherThomas born about 1885
FisherTony born about 1888
FisherWalter born about 1924
FisherWellie born about 1924
FisherWilliam born about 1922
ForbesDouglas born about 1872
ForbesJohn born about 1902
FuhrmanGus Eborn about 1881
FuhrmanJerald Leeborn about 1932
FuhrmanKatherine born about 1877
FuhrmanMary Ellenaborn about 1912
FuhrmanWilliam born about 1910
FullerAlbert born about 1885

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G Surnames

GeeDoris born about 1915
GembarskiBernice born about 1914
GembarskiEdward born about 1938
GembarskiFelix born about 1925
GembarskiGeorge born about 1931
GembarskiJames born about 1936
GembarskiJoseph born about 1908
GembarskiJoseph Jr born about 1932
GembarskiJulius born about 1883
GembarskiJulius born about 1934
GembarskiRegina born about 1927
GembarskiSophie born about 1886
GembarskiStella born about 1904
GillCaroline Dborn about 1913
GillGail Janeborn about 1939
GillGeorge Hborn about 1917
GillLilian born about 1884
GillMargaret Eborn about 1918
GillWilliam Tborn about 1916
GingerichRudolph born about 1895
GintnerGerald born about 1939
GintnerJean born about 1936
GintnerMatilda born about 1917
GintnerSteve born about 1913
GlazaBernice born about 1930
GlazaEda born about 1910
GlazaFlorence born about 1938
GlazaFrances born about 1935
GlazaTheodore born about 1932
GoretskiAgnes born about 1920
GoretskiAllen born about 1897
GoretskiAndrew born about 1879
GoretskiAnna born about 1878
GoretskiAnna born about 1895
GoretskiAnna born about 1916
GoretskiBeatrice born about 1917
GoretskiBernice born about 1930
GoretskiClarence born about 1939
GoretskiConstant born about 1894
GoretskiErnest born about 1933
GoretskiFlorence born about 1931
GoretskiHarold born about 1938
GoretskiJohn born about 1913
GoretskiJoseph born about 1868
GoretskiJosephine born about 1859
GoretskiJosephine born about 1914
GoretskiJudith born about 1939
GoretskiLawrence born about 1922
GoretskiLeo born about 1891
GoretskiLeo Jr born about 1926
GoretskiLeona born about 1924
GoretskiLouis born about 1900
GoretskiLucille born about 1912
GoretskiMarie born about 1907
GoretskiMichael born about 1912
GoretskiPeter born about 1896
GoretskiPhilip born about 1906
GoretskiViola born about 1908
GoretskiVirginia born about 1921
GottschalkElizabeth born about 1897
GottschalkJoseph born about 1850
GraceConnie Marieborn about 1938
GratesAgnes born about 1877
GratesGertrude born about 1901
GratesRoman born about 1911

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H Surnames

HaggertyJames born about 1865
HaretskiAlger born about 1933
HaretskiAndrew born about 1880
HaretskiAnthony born about 1908
HaretskiLeonard born about 1935
HaretskiMary born about 1910
HaretskiShirley Annborn about 1940
HascoGeorge born about 1900
HascoJulia born about 1898
HaskellAlbert Eborn about 1873
HaskellAlbie born about 1882
HatchBenjamin born about 1897
HatchNettie born about 1897
HeathLillian born about 1873
HebertChester born about 1915
HebertChristine born about 1913
HebertDelia born about 1881
HebertFrederick born about 1923
HebertGeorge born about 1920
HebertJoseph born about 1876
HebertLawrence born about 1910
HebertMary born about 1916
HerbstFrank born about 1876
HerbstMartha born about 1900
HoodyIgnithis born about 1884
HoodyIrwin born about 1919
HoodyJohn born about 1882
HoodyRose born about 1878
HoodyRosie born about 1886
HoretskiAndrew born about 1912
HoretskiHelen born about 1914
HoretskiJohn born about 1932
HoretskiLouis born about 1904
HoretskiMary born about 1871
HoretskiMary born about 1904
HoretskiMichael born about 1864
HoretskiRichard born about 1925
HoretskiRonald born about 1938
HoretskiValentine born about 1862
HoretskiVeronica born about 1867
HunterAlma born about 1899
HunterCharles born about 1922
HunterJohn born about 1898
HunterKarl born about 1934
HunterKeith born about 1933
HunterRichard born about 1932

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I Surnames

IgnasiakAnthony born about 1895
IgnasiakJoanne born about 1897
IgnoshAnna born about 1889
IgnoshArchie born about 1924
IgnoshJoseph born about 1887
IgnoshLorraine born about 1929
IndaAlbert born about 1899
IndaAnastasia born about 1870
IndaBertha born about 1905
IndaSteve born about 1861
IndaSylvester born about 1927
IndoAlvin born about 1915
IndoGertrude born about 1897
IndoJohn born about 1888
IndoLeonard born about 1936

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J Surnames

JimkoskiGeorge born about 1940
JimkoskiGeraldine born about 1937
JimkoskiJennie born about 1913
JimkoskiJohn born about 1912
JimkoskiRobert born about 1939
JohnsonMary born about 1852
JonesEdward born about 1910
JonesThelma born about 1910

K Surnames

KarpinskiBeatrice born about 1930
KarpinskiEdgar born about 1885
KarpinskiElizabeth born about 1899
KarpinskiElizabeth born about 1916
KarpinskiJacqueline born about 1936
KarpinskiJacqueline born about 1937
KarpinskiJohn born about 1911
KarpinskiRita born about 1939
KarpinskiWilliam born about 1936
KarsmarskiFrank born about 1902
KarsmarskiGertrude born about 1905
KarsmarskiSteve born about 1867
KarsmarskiViola born about 1880
KelleyMaud Aborn about 1882
KilpatrickJames born about 1870
KilpatrickMary Eborn about 1877
KinchFrank born about 1866
KinchIsabel born about 1872
KlosowskiDorothy born about 1917
KlosowskiEleanor born about 1933
KlosowskiStanley born about 1913
KlosowskiStanley Jr born about 1938
KnoblockAlice born about 1919
KnoblockFloyd Sborn about 1896
KnoblockHarold Aborn about 1919
KnoblockHelena born about 1895
KnoblockJohn born about 1928
KnoblockRobert born about 1929
KnoblockRonald born about 1936
KonefeBernadine born about 1931
KonefeBernice born about 1904
KonefeCharles born about 1927
KonefeJames born about 1936
KorleskiDorothy born about 1920
KorleskiElizabeth born about 1921
KorleskiLawrence born about 1895
KorleskiLawrence Jr born about 1928
KrajenkaGenevieve born about 1927
KreaseFred born about 1905
KreaseFred Jr born about 1935
KreaseGertrude born about 1906
KreaseJoseph born about 1939
KreaseMarie born about 1934
KreaseMartha born about 1869
KrinkieMary born about 1884
KrinkieSteve born about 1881
KromkaAlphonse born about 1898
KulaDolores born about 1939
KulaHarry born about 1927
KulaIda born about 1887
KulaJoseph born about 1887
KulaJoseph born about 1923
KulaLucy born about 1922
KulaRaymond born about 1917

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L Surnames

LabodieAnne born about 1881
LabodieMartha born about 1920
LabodieMartin born about 1875
LakeAgnes born about 1909
LakeJohn born about 1918
LakeJoseph born about 1880
LakeJulius born about 1939
LakeLeona born about 1885
LazerowiczAlice born about 1909
LazerowiczCynthia born about 1933
LazerowiczFlorence born about 1935
LazerowiczJoanne born about 1937
LazerowiczMichael born about 1902
LeavenAnna born about 1910
LeavenElizabeth born about 1934
LeavenWalter born about 1930
LeitchHugh born about 1870
LeitchMargaret born about 1879
LeitchWilliam born about 1901
LevinMichael born about 1854
LewandowskiJoseph born about 1876
LewandowskiMartha born about 1920
LewandowskiOtylia born about 1875
LewisElmer Uborn about 1870
LewisMartha Aborn about 1873
LongEarl born about 1888
LongNorah born about 1894
LynchAngela born about 1904
LynchJohn Eborn about 1939
LynchRichard Wborn about 1904
LynchRichard Jr born about 1936

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M Surnames

MarguardtElinore born about 1912
MarguardtIrwin born about 1912
MayGeorge born about 1876
MayKatherine born about 1890
MayKathleen born about 1932
MayRose born about 1919
MayRosemary born about 1935
MayerAlvin born about 1903
MayerBertha born about 1900
MayerMichael born about 1865
MayesClarence born about 1921
MayesDaniel born about 1921
MayesEdwin born about 1895
MayesJoan born about 1928
MayesJohn born about 1889
MayesMary born about 1891
MayesRita born about 1925
MayesVirginia born about 1919
McAllisterOlive born about 1902
McAllisterWilliam born about 1896
McCachenClyde born about 1904
McCachenJohn born about 1885
McCachenKatherine born about 1871
McCannDella born about 1888
McCannHelen born about 1918
McCannJean born about 1922
McCannJohn Nborn about 1880
McCannJohn Wborn about 1924
McCannThomas born about 1929
McDonaldAlec born about 1882
McDonaldWilliam Mborn about 1881
McGaireDoris born about 1918
McGaireJames Dborn about 1917
McGinnisEllen born about 1868
MeagherAgnes born about 1883
MeagherDaniel born about 1872
MeagherMary born about 1919
MeagherThomas born about 1921
MillerDeanna born about 1939
MillerJohn born about 1916
MillerLottie born about 1917
MillerSamuel born about 1917
MinnickFlorence born about 1890
MinnickThomas born about 1885
MischnickMinnie born about 1887
MooreCharles born about 1914
MooreGeraldine born about 1935
MooreKenneth born about 1939
MooreStella born about 1916
MoranClara born about 1910
MoranHarry born about 1920
MoranJean born about 1939
MoranMary Ireneborn about 1924
MoranMay born about 1884
MoranNora born about 1891
MoranRobert born about 1891
MoranThomas born about 1893
MoranWilliam born about 1884
MorganDennis born about 1876
MorganMary Annborn about 1877
MurawskiClara born about 1892
MurawskiFrank born about 1883
MurawskiFrank born about 1918

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N Surnames

NashCharles born about 1884
NashKathern born about 1884
NavockJacob born about 1887
NavockJames Sborn about 1920
NavockJohn born about 1934
NavockLeo born about 1924
NavockNell born about 1890
NavockRichard born about 1927
NavockSebastian born about 1931
NicholsonGeorge born about 1849
NicholsonMargaret born about 1863
NobleBessie born about 1920
NobleEtta born about 1921
NobleJames born about 1893
NobleJessie born about 1896
NobleJune born about 1925
NobleLeland born about 1926
NobleStuart born about 1929
NobleWilliam born about 1923

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O Surnames

OneilGenevieve born about 1918
OneilWilliam Aborn about 1912
OneillLawra born about 1873
OrnowskiBetty born about 1928
OrnowskiGerald born about 1935
OrnowskiHelen born about 1905
OrnowskiHelen born about 1932
OrnowskiJulia born about 1874
OrnowskiStanley born about 1905
OrnowskiValentine born about 1870
OrnowskiValentine born about 1914
OrnowskiVenice born about 1910
OsborneMary Eborn about 1873

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P Surnames

ParksCharles born about 1928
ParksEdward born about 1897
ParksGenevieve born about 1924
ParksHarriet born about 1896
ParksLeonard born about 1926
PartykaMartin born about 1892
PearsonGeorge born about 1874
PetaskyHelen born about 1914
PetaskyJohn born about 1861
PetaskyMartha born about 1901
PetaskyWalter born about 1913
PettitDonald born about 1935
PettitFlorence born about 1910
PettitGeorge born about 1909
PettitMary Agnesborn about 1913
PettitRichard born about 1933
PittwoodAva born about 1885
PittwoodJohn Sborn about 1883
PollackJoseph Wborn about 1902
PolowskiBernice born about 1923
PolowskiFreda born about 1921
PolowskiIrene born about 1915
PolowskiKatherine born about 1883
PolowskiRobert born about 1925
PoundCharles born about 1871
PoundMary born about 1872
PrillHerman born about 1900
PrillThomas born about 1868

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R Surnames

RapleyGertrude born about 1886
RapleyJohn Jborn about 1879
RarochBertha born about 1900
RarochBertram born about 1931
RarochDenise born about 1924
RarochJudith born about 1932
RarochLawrence 3rd born about 1928
RarochLawrence Jr born about 1898
ReimannBernice born about 1939
ReimannJoseph born about 1913
ReimannNora born about 1914
RichardsAlice born about 1876
RileyAndrew born about 1905
RileyBernard born about 1931
RileyDale born about 1934
RileyJennie born about 1904
RileyMary Louborn about 1930
RodgersHoward born about 1897
RodgersIsa born about 1897
RodgersThomas born about 1921
RodgersWilliam born about 1924
RotheBetty born about 1929
RotheDorothy born about 1925
RotheEdward born about 1939
RotheElsie born about 1900
RotheElsie born about 1923
RotheGrace born about 1931
RotheGustav born about 1897
RotheMary born about 1903
RotheMinnie born about 1933
RotheRalph born about 1891
RotheRobert born about 1939
RotheVirginia born about 1927
RotheWilliam born about 1928
RotheWilma born about 1935
RouseKatherine born about 1862
RouseRoy born about 1893
RunningBenjamin born about 1887
RunningBeryl born about 1929
RunningLouise born about 1890
RunningRobert born about 1917
RunningWilliam born about 1915

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S Surnames

SapullaRobert born about 1928
SchabelAlberta born about 1902
SchabelJerry born about 1936
SchabelJohn born about 1935
SchabelTheodore born about 1902
SchubelBenjamin born about 1896
SchubelEleanor born about 1923
SchubelMyrtle born about 1899
SchumacherArnold born about 1907
SchumacherLyle born about 1908
SchumacherLynne born about 1938
SchwedlerCarl Jborn about 1910
SchwedlerEleanor born about 1918
SchwedlerGeorge born about 1921
SchwedlerJohn Fborn about 1876
SchwedlerJohn Jr born about 1916
SchwedlerMatilda born about 1924
SealeArthur born about 1923
SealeCharles born about 1878
SealeEunice born about 1922
SealeSarah born about 1887
SealeVirgil born about 1913
ShaddockAlbert born about 1907
ShaddockAnthony born about 1868
ShaddockCharles born about 1933
ShaddockJean born about 1936
ShaddockJohn born about 1918
ShaddockNancy born about 1937
ShaddockRuth born about 1932
ShaddockStella born about 1875
ShaddockStella born about 1914
ShilickGenevieve born about 1926
ShilickHelen born about 1921
ShilickMary born about 1895
ShilickSam born about 1894
ShineElizabeth born about 1860
SlepowrnskiJoseph born about 1873
SmeaderFrank born about 1874
SmeaderMary born about 1873
SmithBurton born about 1889
SmithEldon born about 1924
SmithRuby born about 1897
SosnowskiFlorence born about 1921
SosnowskiPeter born about 1918
SosnowskiRichard born about 1938
SteinArnold born about 1932
SteinJacqueline born about 1934
SteinVirginia born about 1913
StewartElizabeth born about 1880
StewartGeorge born about 1868
StrozeskiAgnes born about 1918
StrozeskiAlec born about 1907
StrozeskiAnthony born about 1914
StrozeskiClarence born about 1932
StrozeskiFrederick born about 1939
StrozeskiGerald born about 1937
StrozeskiJohn born about 1887
StrozeskiKatherine born about 1912
StrozeskiLeonard born about 1930
StrozeskiLoretta born about 1940
StrozeskiLouis born about 1913
StrozeskiMary born about 1864
StrozeskiMary born about 1923
StrozeskiPauline born about 1891
StrozeskiRaymond born about 1919
StrozeskiStanley born about 1888
StrozeskiStanley born about 1921
StrozeskiVirginia born about 1929
StrozykMichalina born about 1862
StrozykRose born about 1897
StubeAnna born about 1889
StubeDolores born about 1925
StubeJoseph born about 1887
SummervilleDavid born about 1893
SummervilleJoseph born about 1922
SummervilleMargaret born about 1894
SummervilleMelvin born about 1925
SummervilleViola born about 1930
SwackhamerEarl born about 1930
SwackhamerEdward born about 1893
SwackhamerElton born about 1857
SwackhamerIrene born about 1926
SwackhamerLeone born about 1923
SwackhamerMatilda born about 1862
SwackhamerSarah born about 1893
SzeszyckiJanice born about 1938
SzeszyckiStanley born about 1915
SzeszyckiStanley Jr born about 1939
SzeszyckiStella born about 1917

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T Surnames

TalbotDavid born about 1883
TalbotEdna born about 1886
TalbotRobert born about 1936
TempleEliza born about 1862
ThayerCharles born about 1924
ThayerCharles Eborn about 1897
ThayerErnest born about 1927
ThayerLaverna born about 1925
ThayerMargaret born about 1906
ThuemmelAmelia born about 1871
ThuemmelCarolyn born about 1913
ThuemmelCharles born about 1903
ThuemmelCharles Jr born about 1927
ThuemmelDavid born about 1930
ThuemmelElanah born about 1905
ThuemmelEvelyn Aborn about 1933
ThuemmelIla born about 1914
ThuemmelPatricia born about 1939
ThuemmelRobert born about 1907
ThuemmelRobert Jr born about 1938
ThuemmelVerneta born about 1914
ThuemmelWilliam born about 1905
ThuemmelWilliam Jr born about 1937
TurnerWilliam born about 1875

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U Surnames

UpthegroveAlice Hborn about 1865
UpthegroveBertha born about 1897
UpthegroveJohn born about 1882
UpthegroveJohn Jr born about 1922

V Surnames

VeginskiAgnes born about 1915
VeginskiFelix born about 1918
VeginskiFrank born about 1890
VeginskiKatie born about 1889
VossDelphine born about 1925
VossFrances born about 1895
VossFrank born about 1922
VossLeo born about 1929
VossMarie born about 1920
VossPhilip F Srborn about 1892
VossPhyllis born about 1931

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W Surnames

WallaceBlanche born about 1914
WallaceFrank born about 1895
WatchowskiJohn born about 1883
WatchowskiMary born about 1884
WatchowskiSylvester born about 1924
WattDell born about 1931
WattDonald born about 1935
WattDuane born about 1928
WattEdith born about 1882
WattEthel Annborn about 1930
WattLeslie Jr born about 1908
WattLeslie Sr born about 1880
WattRobert born about 1933
WattRuth born about 1909
WattSamuel born about 1919
WeissCharles born about 1868
WeissEmma born about 1877
WeissErvin born about 1910
WeissEvelyn born about 1907
WeissJean born about 1921
WeissRonald born about 1938
WelkerBernice born about 1898
WelkerBette born about 1923
WelkerJack born about 1925
WelkerWilburt born about 1901
WestonVirginia born about 1928
WhaleyMae born about 1916
WilsonArthur born about 1886
WilsonGeorge born about 1909
WilsonOlive Wborn about 1886
WindersForrest Cborn about 1899
WisneskiCarol Anneborn about 1933
WisneskiFelix born about 1918
WisneskiLottie born about 1916
WisneskiTheresa born about 1920
WolfgangCecelia born about 1903
WolfgangMary Anneborn about 1939
WolfgangRichard born about 1936
WoodCaroline born about 1868
WoodDoris born about 1921
WoodNelson born about 1890
WoodRuby born about 1892
WulfHenry born about 1890
WulfMabel born about 1888

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Y Surnames

YarochAlbert born about 1900
YarochAlbert born about 1913
YarochAlger born about 1934
YarochAloisous born about 1912
YarochAnthony born about 1932
YarochBridget born about 1932
YarochCarl born about 1933
YarochCarolyn born about 1935
YarochConstant born about 1891
YarochEdward born about 1917
YarochEldon born about 1926
YarochEmma born about 1913
YarochEnoch born about 1891
YarochFerdinand born about 1907
YarochFrank born about 1880
YarochFred born about 1934
YarochGenevieve born about 1923
YarochGenevieve born about 1927
YarochGerald born about 1932
YarochGertrude born about 1910
YarochHarold born about 1936
YarochHelen born about 1885
YarochIrene born about 1913
YarochIrvin born about 1903
YarochJennie born about 1886
YarochJosephine born about 1923
YarochJulia born about 1914
YarochLoretta born about 1892
YarochLouis born about 1916
YarochMark born about 1938
YarochMelvin born about 1933
YarochNellie born about 1866
YarochPaul Cborn about 1906
YarochPaul Markborn about 1936
YarochRegina born about 1904
YarochRita born about 1937
YarochRonald born about 1935
YarochStanley born about 1906
YarochStanley Jr born about 1933
YarochStella born about 1911
YarochStephen Mborn about 1894
YarochSylvester born about 1926
YarochTheresa born about 1910
YarochVirginia born about 1930
YarochWilliam born about 1927

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Z Surnames

ZagranyBernice born about 1900
ZickBeatrice born about 1921
ZurekClemens born about 1915
ZurekTheresa born about 1913

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