1940 U.S. Federal Census of Holt in Marshall County, Marshall, Minnesota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Minnesota > Marshall County > 1940 Census of Holt in Marshall County

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAlfred Bborn about 1874
AndersonAmelia born about 1933
AndersonCarl Fborn about 1886
AndersonElfreda born about 1882
AndersonHarold Sborn about 1917
AndersonHelen born about 1874
AndersonMarie born about 1889
AndersonStanley born about 1928
AspelinAugust Oborn about 1873
AspelinAugusta Cborn about 1905

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B Surnames

BacklundInga born about 1886
BacklundKenneth Lborn about 1917
BacklundMarion Lborn about 1926
BacklundOliver Vborn about 1927
BecklundAgnes born about 1896
BecklundClares born about 1923
BecklundEunice born about 1932
BecklundRalph born about 1928
BecklundReuben born about 1919
BecklundRobert born about 1925
BecklundRussel born about 1930
BecklundTheodore born about 1892
BenittAnna born about 1893
BenittElla born about 1921
BenittElroy born about 1925
BenittJoann born about 1930
BenittJohn Pborn about 1891
BenittOrvas born about 1923
BenittReuben born about 1919
BernsAlbert Bborn about 1884
BernsEmma Mborn about 1890
BottemCorene Aborn about 1938
BottemCulver Dborn about 1936
BottemFlorence born about 1920
BottemMelvin Tborn about 1911
BottemMildred Eborn about 1915
BottomClarence born about 1913
BrennaMorris born about 1921
BurtnessAdolf born about 1891
BurtnessRewal born about 1925
BurtnessStella born about 1900

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C Surnames

CarlsonAgnes Bborn about 1917
CarlsonAlton Wborn about 1917
CarlsonDoris born about 1921
CarlsonElla born about 1872
CarlsonOscar born about 1899
CastleAnnie Hborn about 1893
CastleCarlton Eborn about 1922
CastleClinton Lborn about 1926
ChenillLars born about 1867
ChristensonAudrey born about 1934
ChristensonDalles born about 1932
ChristensonDel Rayborn about 1939
ChristensonDoreen born about 1928
ChristensonElroy born about 1940
ChristensonHazel born about 1904
ChristensonMargaret born about 1915
ChristensonOdell born about 1936
ChristensonOrrin born about 1937
ChristensonOscar born about 1902
ChristensonRude born about 1904
CrickerGeorge Lborn about 1933
CrickerGeorge Tborn about 1899
CrickerLa Rue Jborn about 1937
CrickerRuth Eborn about 1906

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D Surnames

DavisPhyllis Mborn about 1920
DavisWilliam Aborn about 1912

E Surnames

EngenChristian born about 1874
EngenDelores Aborn about 1929
EngenHarley Jborn about 1927
EngenHarry Jborn about 1902
EngenJosie born about 1905
EngenSerina born about 1883
EngenVernon Lborn about 1931
EngstromElmer born about 1903
EngstromElmer Jr born about 1934
EngstromElnerd born about 1934
EngstromHenley born about 1908
EngstromIma born about 1910
EngstromMathilda born about 1874
EngstromSidney born about 1906
EricksonEli born about 1914
EricksonElvin born about 1879
EricksonFrank Wborn about 1885
EricksonHelen born about 1931
EricksonHelen Iborn about 1919
EricksonHilmer born about 1885
EricksonInga born about 1908
EricksonMary born about 1937

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F Surnames

FoddenVirginia Cborn about 1916
FoldenAlma born about 1918
FoldenAmelia born about 1880
FoldenLaurance born about 1924
FoldenTheodore born about 1870
FoldenWalter born about 1906
FosholmArmanda born about 1900
FosholmEngvold born about 1896
FosholmHans born about 1863
FosholmHenry born about 1903
FosholmIrene Kborn about 1919
FosholmOscar born about 1911
FrerEd born about 1888
FrerHazel born about 1918
FrerMabel born about 1891

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G Surnames

GarthusBenhard born about 1912
GarthusHelen born about 1915
GarthusJoe born about 1937
GarthusJoy born about 1935
GasperCarol Eborn about 1937
GasperGeorge Hborn about 1908
GasperGoya Cborn about 1909
GasperJames Rborn about 1934
GasperJean Lborn about 1935
GilbertsonDonald born about 1914
GilbertsonLloyd Oborn about 1918
GilbertsonLyal born about 1913
GillespieMarlice born about 1920
GillespieOrvelle born about 1919
GrondahlDale born about 1931
GrondahlDelphine born about 1935
GrondahlEleanora born about 1932
GrondahlOliver born about 1894
GrondahlVienna born about 1910
GunbeimCharley Hborn about 1871
GunbeimChristina born about 1890
GunbeimClayton Eborn about 1919
GunbeimHarlan Gborn about 1913
GunbeimMyron Wborn about 1914
GusaEdna born about 1917
GusaGeorge born about 1884
GusaJames born about 1918
GusaLinda born about 1914
GusaMartha born about 1885
GusaRaymond born about 1912
GusaTheodore born about 1911

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H Surnames

HaglundDorothy Dborn about 1939
HaglundEsther Mborn about 1937
HaglundEvelyn born about 1908
HaglundLaurence born about 1904
HaglundLaurence Mborn about 1935
HalsaEdward Oborn about 1872
HalsaOle Sborn about 1875
HalvorsonCarina born about 1860
HalvorsonMabel born about 1900
HalvorsonMartinus born about 1867
HalvorsonMaryln born about 1938
HalvorsonMyrtle born about 1922
HalvorsonOlaf born about 1889
HalvorsonRuth born about 1924
HansonAlga born about 1919
HansonAndrew born about 1874
HansonBertha born about 1911
HansonDonna born about 1935
HansonDorothy Mborn about 1927
HansonEdvin born about 1893
HansonHans Oborn about 1900
HansonHarold born about 1914
HansonHarold Tborn about 1939
HansonJohanna born about 1883
HansonLois Vborn about 1925
HansonMabel born about 1904
HansonMabel Bborn about 1901
HansonMarian Cborn about 1911
HansonMilton Hborn about 1923
HansonMyrtle born about 1922
HansonTully Cborn about 1910
HariemCharles born about 1896
HariemDuane born about 1926
HariemMarvin born about 1929
HariemRuth born about 1920
HariemShirley born about 1923
HeglandBertha born about 1876
HeglandErvin born about 1915
HelesyltLars born about 1858
HenningCleo Iborn about 1919
HenningEddie Wborn about 1906
HetlandGladys Oborn about 1914
HetlandMartin Lborn about 1912
HoffmanAlma Bborn about 1926
HoffmanAnna Mborn about 1937
HoffmanClara Mborn about 1898
HoffmanGilma Vborn about 1932
HoffmanPaul born about 1893
HogbergGeorgina born about 1881
HogbergJohn Lborn about 1874
HogbergRoy Eborn about 1924
HogenThilman Aborn about 1901
HogenVerna born about 1910
HoglandAlbert Gborn about 1888
HoglandAnna Cborn about 1867
HoglandChristina born about 1899
HolstMartha born about 1897
HoriemDonald born about 1924
HoriemHoward born about 1925
HoriemIda born about 1904
HoriemJerome born about 1929
HoriemLeo born about 1899
HoriemLeon born about 1939
HoriemLucille born about 1922
HoriemNorma Fayborn about 1935
HoriemRobert born about 1934
HorienArline born about 1935
HorienDarlene born about 1932
HorienEdgar born about 1909
HorienEmery born about 1934
HorienFrank born about 1901
HorienHilma born about 1911
HorienKate born about 1869

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I Surnames

InmanAlonzo born about 1917
InmanDonald born about 1923
InmanHoward Dborn about 1891
InmanNellie born about 1893
InmanWendell born about 1925

J Surnames

JohnsonAngeline born about 1924
JohnsonArlene Rborn about 1929
JohnsonBetty Eborn about 1929
JohnsonCaroline born about 1868
JohnsonClarence Oborn about 1908
JohnsonCora Aborn about 1876
JohnsonDuane born about 1940
JohnsonEmma born about 1890
JohnsonEvelyn Gborn about 1910
JohnsonFrancis born about 1924
JohnsonGeorge born about 1899
JohnsonGloria born about 1935
JohnsonHilma born about 1900
JohnsonHjalmer born about 1885
JohnsonJohan born about 1856
JohnsonJohn born about 1890
JohnsonJules born about 1927
JohnsonLillie born about 1907
JohnsonLyal born about 1938
JohnsonMarnet born about 1916
JohnsonMary born about 1893
JohnsonMorris born about 1915
JohnsonMyron Lborn about 1921
JohnsonOlga born about 1895
JohnsonOrrin Cborn about 1918
JohnsonOscar Bborn about 1867
JohnsonOscar Lborn about 1888
JohnsonOtto born about 1866
JohnsonRalph born about 1920
JohnsonRobert Eborn about 1933
JohnsonRoy Vborn about 1925
JohnsonRubie born about 1934
JohnsonRussel born about 1934
JohnsonRuth Iborn about 1919
JohnsonVerna Mborn about 1924
JohnsonVernon born about 1931
JohnsonVictor Eborn about 1895
JohnsonViola born about 1933
JohnsonYvonne born about 1930
JorlandAnna born about 1888
JorlandClifford born about 1920
JorlandJoseph born about 1872
JorlandPaige born about 1917

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K Surnames

KarvonenEunice Lborn about 1912
KarvonenGeorge Dborn about 1939
KarvonenGeorge Wborn about 1914
KaufertEmil Aborn about 1913
KelandAlice born about 1904
KelandEdward born about 1901
KelandEleanor born about 1926
KelandMargie born about 1928
KoldenMarland born about 1927

L Surnames

LarsonAgnes Aborn about 1902
LarsonAlfred Fborn about 1891
LarsonAllan Dborn about 1934
LarsonCalvin Rborn about 1931
LarsonClarence Aborn about 1902
LarsonClifford born about 1923
LarsonDonald born about 1927
LarsonDonald born about 1931
LarsonDoris born about 1925
LarsonDorothy born about 1931
LarsonDorothy Cborn about 1920
LarsonDuane Wborn about 1928
LarsonErvin Gborn about 1930
LarsonEthel born about 1926
LarsonEunice Eborn about 1908
LarsonGeroldine Eborn about 1928
LarsonGunda born about 1896
LarsonHattie born about 1898
LarsonIone Jborn about 1937
LarsonIver Fborn about 1898
LarsonKenneth Lborn about 1929
LarsonLenord born about 1904
LarsonLillie born about 1897
LarsonLois Maeborn about 1930
LarsonLowell born about 1923
LarsonLoyd born about 1908
LarsonLoyd born about 1921
LarsonLudovic Mborn about 1888
LarsonLudvick Fborn about 1894
LarsonMarlene Kborn about 1939
LarsonMartin born about 1919
LarsonMarvin Lborn about 1928
LarsonMatilda born about 1887
LarsonMelvin born about 1920
LarsonMyrtle Kborn about 1901
LarsonOle Mborn about 1890
LarsonOrville born about 1927
LarsonPearl Aborn about 1907
LarsonRosemond born about 1933
LarsonRuggles born about 1934
LarsonRuth Eborn about 1933
LarsonShirley Aborn about 1931
LarsonTury born about 1868
LarsonVirgal born about 1930
LarsonWalter Eborn about 1906
LarsonWayne Rborn about 1925
LarsonWillie born about 1900
LevertsEvelyn born about 1917
LevertsHerman born about 1912
LevertsMarshall born about 1935
LevertsYona born about 1939
LinstadAllan Mborn about 1922
LinstadClara born about 1893
LinstadJuanita Bborn about 1930
LinstadLaurence Fborn about 1928
LinstadNeomi Vborn about 1933
LinstadOle born about 1887
LinstadOscar Cborn about 1926
LorentsonBetty Louborn about 1926
LorentsonDale Tborn about 1928
LorentsonHannah born about 1893
LorentsonHoward Sborn about 1924
LorentsonRichard born about 1885
LorentsonSam Tborn about 1888
LottFrances Dborn about 1918
LysneAnna born about 1864
LysneStanley born about 1908

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M Surnames

MarkstadOle born about 1871
McCulloughDeloris born about 1936
McCulloughDennes born about 1939
McCulloughGordon born about 1932
McCulloughPatrick born about 1908
McCulloughRussel born about 1938
McCulloughSelma born about 1908
McNamaraDorothy born about 1930
McNamaraFrank born about 1922
McNamaraJaneth born about 1936
McNamaraJohn born about 1883
McNamaraJohnie born about 1927
McNamaraJosephine born about 1929
McNamaraKatherine born about 1932
McNamaraLydie Jborn about 1896
McNamaraRoy born about 1921
McNamaraWilliam born about 1925
MillerEsther Cborn about 1917
MillerLynn Mborn about 1906
MillerRichard Mborn about 1939
MillerTrine born about 1865
MobergBertha Lborn about 1908
MobergClifford Wborn about 1921
MobergEmma born about 1913
MobergGeorge born about 1907
MobergGerald Lborn about 1910
MobergHelmer born about 1885
MobergJoyce Vborn about 1920
MobergPearl born about 1888
MobergWalter Oborn about 1911
MonsonChristine born about 1892
MonsonLida born about 1918
MonsonLudwig born about 1889
MovickAlf born about 1903
MovickAlf Jr born about 1935
MovickJoyce born about 1929
MovickKeith born about 1933
MovickMaryln born about 1927
MovickNora born about 1903
MovickWilma born about 1931

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N Surnames

NelsonAlbert born about 1895
NelsonCarrie born about 1883
NelsonChester Nborn about 1903
NelsonClara Aborn about 1910
NelsonDorris Aborn about 1931
NelsonEmma born about 1872
NelsonEvelyn Mborn about 1930
NelsonGilbert born about 1888
NelsonGladys born about 1922
NelsonHilda born about 1901
NelsonJoseph Iborn about 1891
NelsonKnut born about 1884
NelsonOlga born about 1919
NelsonVernon Gborn about 1935
NessBertile born about 1904
NessBetty born about 1934
NessCaroll born about 1936
NessCarrie born about 1917
NessEarl born about 1931
NessGladys Vborn about 1933
NessHarold born about 1933
NessHarold Mborn about 1920
NessInga born about 1896
NessIrene Vborn about 1925
NessJoan born about 1939
NessJohn Eborn about 1901
NessLeonard Aborn about 1928
NessLouisa born about 1908
NessOlaf born about 1895
NessOrlin Tborn about 1922
NessReuben born about 1923
NessRuben Lborn about 1923
NohreAgnes born about 1914
NohreGertrude born about 1919
NohreHenry born about 1907
NohreMyrtle born about 1912
NohreNellie born about 1892
NohreOliver born about 1883
NohreSidney Gborn about 1937
NohreSigne born about 1887
NyhusAnnie Mborn about 1879
NyhusRudolph Mborn about 1887

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O Surnames

OfferdahlCalvin born about 1938
OfferdahlDoleray born about 1937
OfferdahlGeorge born about 1885
OfferdahlGladys born about 1914
OfferdahlSharan born about 1940
OlsonCarl Cborn about 1878
OlsonChristina Aborn about 1865
OlsonPaul Tborn about 1856

P Surnames

PakeyJacqueline Jborn about 1934
PakeyLilas Nborn about 1900
PakeyMarilyn Jborn about 1921
PakeyVincent Eborn about 1893
PakeyYvonne Lborn about 1923
PaskewitzEstell born about 1870
PaskewitzWilliam born about 1864
PaskewitzWilliam Cborn about 1906
PetersonAlice Jborn about 1929
PetersonAnton Fborn about 1901
PetersonArthur Cborn about 1933
PetersonEleanor Lborn about 1920
PetersonEmma Lborn about 1897
PetersonFerne Mborn about 1918
PetersonFred Jborn about 1893
PetersonGlen born about 1918
PetersonGlenn Jborn about 1932
PetersonHjalmer Cborn about 1890
PetersonJessie born about 1895
PetersonJoyce born about 1930
PetersonJulia Oborn about 1901
PetersonLorna Mborn about 1921
PetersonMargaret Eborn about 1927
PetersonMarles born about 1924
PetersonNettie born about 1869
PetersonVerna Marieborn about 1922
PetersonWallace Lborn about 1924
PetersonWalter born about 1897

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R Surnames

RingAlvira born about 1902
RingJane born about 1920
RingLars born about 1896
RingLawrence born about 1918
RingLena born about 1866

S Surnames

SaastadChristian Oborn about 1866
SaastadMary Dborn about 1872
SagstuenChristen born about 1894
SagstuenClara born about 1890
SagstuenClaries born about 1921
SagstuenDorothy Eborn about 1933
SagstuenEarnest born about 1926
SagstuenEvelyn born about 1927
SagstuenFern born about 1923
SagstuenLaurel born about 1939
SagstuenLouis born about 1917
SagstuenLudvig born about 1887
SagstuenRaymond Aborn about 1917
SagstuenRogna born about 1898
SagstuenVivien Aborn about 1904
SandbergBertha Rborn about 1907
SandbergDolores Eborn about 1932
SandbergElizabeth born about 1877
SandbergMarvin Tborn about 1904
SandbergRobert Vborn about 1922
SandbergSylvia Lborn about 1927
SanodenGilbert born about 1882
SanodenMabel Eborn about 1892
SanodenRussell born about 1925
SaugstadEloise born about 1926
SeimMartin Oborn about 1890
SkjerpingDonald born about 1927
SkjerpingDorothy born about 1927
SkjerpingWilles born about 1932
SomanRoy born about 1908
SomanRuth born about 1917
SorterHilda born about 1889
SorterPercy Gborn about 1902
SorterPeter born about 1890
SortorEhina born about 1897
SortorMelvin born about 1905
SorumDonald Tborn about 1936
SorumJean Lborn about 1924
SorumJerome Rborn about 1926
SorumJesse born about 1894
SorumLyle born about 1934
SorumMabel Jborn about 1904
SorumManning Jborn about 1931
SorumRonald born about 1928
SostadBernice born about 1928
SostadCaroline born about 1939
SostadChristian born about 1898
SostadDale born about 1936
SostadDorothy born about 1931
SostadGertrude born about 1904
SostadHazel born about 1932
StensrudEugene born about 1925
StensrudHans born about 1884
StensrudNora born about 1897
SwanAnna born about 1906
SwanBettie born about 1928
SwanLenord born about 1902
SwanMargie born about 1926
SwanstromHoward born about 1921

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T Surnames

ThompsonArthur Pborn about 1877

V Surnames

VattendahlJoel born about 1933

W Surnames

WaagedahlElling born about 1894
WaagedahlMartha born about 1857
WagnerAnton born about 1913
WagnerAugot born about 1912
WagnerJohn born about 1911
WeggeEdgar born about 1905
WeggeEmilie Mborn about 1870
WeggeFritz born about 1881
WeggeMabel born about 1911
WeggeWayne Aborn about 1938
WeggerAdeline born about 1924
WeggerCarole born about 1938
WeggerEvelyn born about 1934
WeggerGeorge born about 1923
WeggerHelen born about 1901
WeggerJean Marieborn about 1932
WeggerMarilyn born about 1927
WeggerSherron born about 1939
WeggerWalter born about 1897
WilsonBoyd born about 1924
WilsonCharles born about 1880
WilsonKern born about 1919
WilsonRuth born about 1896

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