1940 U.S. Federal Census of Round Lake in Becker County, Becker, Minnesota

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Minnesota > Becker County > 1940 Census of Round Lake in Becker County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesQ Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderAlice Fborn about 1940
AlexanderArthur Tborn about 1889
AlexanderDorothy Mborn about 1928
AlexanderEdith Cborn about 1909
AlexanderEthel Rborn about 1891
AlexanderEvelyn Rborn about 1935
AlexanderGladys born about 1930
AlexanderHarney born about 1908
AlexanderHelen Lborn about 1938
AlexanderJames Aborn about 1932
AlexanderLester Mborn about 1910
AlexanderMajorie Lborn about 1937
AlexanderMary Eborn about 1866
AlexanderRaymond born about 1897
AlexanderThomas born about 1856
AndersonAda Aborn about 1929
AndersonAlbert Pborn about 1891
AndersonDale Hborn about 1932
AndersonDean Hborn about 1932
AndersonLeslie Cborn about 1938
AndersonLoran Aborn about 1935
AndersonLuther Hborn about 1924
AndersonMilton Pborn about 1927
AndersonRobert Fborn about 1922
AndersonTheresa Lborn about 1894

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B Surnames

BarronGeorge Wborn about 1863
BecnarVern Jborn about 1923
BellangerJennie born about 1875
BellangerLeouis born about 1865
BellangerPatricia born about 1938
BellangerRuth born about 1915
BellangerSimon born about 1915
BergerDavid Gborn about 1937
BergerDennis Dborn about 1920
BergerGeorge born about 1895
BergerJerome Bborn about 1919
BergerJulia Dborn about 1897
BergerMiles Bborn about 1923
BergerRobert Cborn about 1939
BigbearCatherine born about 1913
BigbearCharley born about 1909
BigbearGeorge Lborn about 1934
BlairLeo Rborn about 1936
BoswellArnold Lborn about 1940
BoswellCarol Mborn about 1937
BoswellCecelia Mborn about 1920
BoswellFred Eborn about 1907
BoswellFred Eborn about 1939
BoswellHazel Iborn about 1936
BoswellJohn Rborn about 1910
BoswellShirley Mborn about 1935
BoswellWilhemina born about 1916
BreitbachJerry born about 1864
BrentnellArthur Hborn about 1884
BrownWayne Mborn about 1923
BruggerLyle Eborn about 1910
BruggerMurtle Mborn about 1930
BruggerRamona born about 1936
BruggerRuth Lborn about 1912
BruggerWilmer Lborn about 1934
BrugmanGeorge Dborn about 1930
BrugmanJane Eborn about 1896
BrugmanJohn born about 1890
BrugmanLyle Eborn about 1922
BrugmanRay Aborn about 1925
BuerkleyAlbert born about 1908
BurlingameBabara Aborn about 1934
BurlingameDonald Lborn about 1936
BurlingameEdna Lborn about 1906
BurlingameFrederick born about 1932
BurlingameGeorge Aborn about 1923
BurlingameGladys born about 1900
BurlingameHomer born about 1903
BurlingameJames Cborn about 1926
BurlingameJean Eborn about 1924
BurlingameJohn Pborn about 1938
BurlingameLola Mborn about 1930
BurlingameRaymond born about 1939
BurlingameRobert Mborn about 1933
BurnettAntoine born about 1880
BurnettIsabelle born about 1887
BurnettPalmer born about 1915

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C Surnames

CardenEmma Jborn about 1885
CardenHarry Lborn about 1885
CesarCatherine Aborn about 1904
CesarDon A Iborn about 1896
CesarJerry Donborn about 1932
ChandlerAnna Mborn about 1902
ChandlerCarol Lborn about 1938
ChandlerCharles Aborn about 1924
ChandlerDavid Lborn about 1936
ChandlerGeorge Iborn about 1927
ChandlerHarold Fborn about 1929
ChandlerRuby Aborn about 1932
ChandlerVernon Lborn about 1934
ClucheyArthur Jborn about 1904
ClucheyGwenolyn born about 1917
CobornChester Cborn about 1902
CobornChester Hborn about 1930
CobornHildegard born about 1906
CobornPatrick Aborn about 1938
CobornThomas Kborn about 1939
CorkeCaroline born about 1929
CorkeEleanor born about 1903
CorkeGeorge Wborn about 1895
CorkeRichard Wborn about 1939
CresteyEdward Eborn about 1933

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D Surnames

DeutschmanBarbara born about 1877
DeutschmanFred born about 1875
DeutschmanHerman Jborn about 1902

E Surnames

EamesHazel Gborn about 1922
EmlawMiechael Eborn about 1869
EskolaAlbert born about 1882
EskolaEmil Oborn about 1905
EskolaErnest born about 1907
EskolaMabel Jborn about 1922
EskolaNina born about 1885
EskolaRalph Hborn about 1909

F Surnames

FinedayHarman born about 1916
FinedayHarry born about 1872
FlanniganWalter Pborn about 1889
FlorekAgnes Bborn about 1891
FlorekAndrew Jborn about 1883
FlorekKenny Jborn about 1923
FlorekMelvin Aborn about 1928
FlorekSylvester born about 1915
FlorekWilliam born about 1913
FrenchGeorge born about 1880
FrenchMinnie born about 1878

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G Surnames

GarantMabel Lborn about 1884
GarantRoy born about 1891
GeagerRalph Kborn about 1899
GeagerSue Aborn about 1899
GobernatzEdward Jborn about 1909
GoodmanClifford born about 1931
GoodmanJoseph born about 1922
GoodmanMartin born about 1898
GoodmanMary Jborn about 1928
GoodmanMelvin born about 1935
GoodmanPhilomne born about 1898
GoodmanStephen born about 1938

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H Surnames

HallBonnie born about 1934
HallDonald born about 1939
HallHerbert Hborn about 1911
HallKenneth born about 1937
HallMay born about 1916
HallMuriel born about 1935
HalvorronFrancis born about 1920
HalvorronJoseph born about 1900
HaradaFrank born about 1919
HarrWalter Hborn about 1914
HoferBeatrice born about 1918
HoferFrancis born about 1914
HoferGerald born about 1938

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlbert Oborn about 1895
JohnsonGladys Bborn about 1916
JohnsonJoseph born about 1908
JohnsonPalmer Kborn about 1907
JohnsonRichard Oborn about 1924
JohnsonRobert Pborn about 1935
JudsonJane Kborn about 1938
JudsonMargaret Eborn about 1917
JudsonRaymond born about 1916

K Surnames

KellyJoseph born about 1866
KimmAlex Gborn about 1912
KulsethDonald born about 1933
KulsethJohn born about 1899
KulsethMary born about 1901

L Surnames

LangerGeorge born about 1895
LindroosEmil Wborn about 1917
LorentzenClora Mborn about 1900
LorentzenHolger Bborn about 1896

M Surnames

ManevalDonnetta born about 1925
MannersAlice Mborn about 1904
MannersBetty Aborn about 1933
MannersCharles Aborn about 1937
MannersDonald Lborn about 1939
MannersLois Mborn about 1931
MannersMarie Iborn about 1928
MannersRobert Bborn about 1898
MannersRobert Iborn about 1927
MasonGordan born about 1924
MatleyFrancis Wborn about 1876
MaullonThomas born about 1897
McGentLoretta Eborn about 1903
McGentLorna born about 1928
McGentMatthew born about 1900
McGentPatrick born about 1924
MilsonGladys Aborn about 1907
MilsonGlen Lborn about 1910
MilsonJoe Lborn about 1902
MilsonMilton born about 1925
MolanderDarlene Mborn about 1925
MolanderEmma born about 1900
MolanderHoward Dborn about 1939
MolanderJohn Aborn about 1897
MolanderMarion Dborn about 1930
MolanderNorma Tborn about 1937
MolanderRussell Lborn about 1933
MolanderVictor Gborn about 1923
MolanderViolet Iborn about 1927
MooreClaude Wborn about 1887
MooreDouglass Jborn about 1915
MooreEdna Mborn about 1917
MooreLouisa born about 1879

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N Surnames

NazheeJoe born about 1870
NelsonPeter Hborn about 1875
NickesonGeraldine born about 1922
NilsonLance Eborn about 1908

O Surnames

OlsonEllsworth Sborn about 1905
OlsonGene Eborn about 1937
OlsonGottfred born about 1901
OlsonHazel Aborn about 1907
OlsonIrene Fborn about 1927
OlsonJane born about 1938
OlsonJoeann Hborn about 1940
OlsonLester born about 1936
OlsonMilmar* born about 1918
OmesAlfred Rborn about 1917
OmesCharles Lborn about 1877
OmesCharles Rborn about 1930
OmesHarry Lborn about 1918
OmesIda Mborn about 1891
OmesMargy Eborn about 1924
OmesWilliam Lborn about 1921

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P Surnames

PeakeAngelina born about 1925
PeakeCharlotte born about 1931
PeakeGeorge born about 1927
PeakeJoseph born about 1888
PeakeJoseph born about 1938
PeakeMaggie born about 1906
PeakeSylvester born about 1936
PeakeWilliam born about 1933
PerryFrank Rborn about 1873
PerryMaret Fborn about 1878
PiekettGrace Dborn about 1915
PiekettVerlyn Mborn about 1938
PiekettVictor Dborn about 1899
PiekettVirginia Eborn about 1939

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Q Surnames

QuaifeDorothy Rborn about 1915
QuaifeRoy Cborn about 1918

R Surnames

RabbMarvel Jborn about 1935
RaederMabel Eborn about 1919
RappDonna Vborn about 1902
RappJohn Fborn about 1896
RayDonald born about 1938
RinkerGus Fborn about 1877
RinkerHerman born about 1874
RockGeorge born about 1867
RockGeorge Jr born about 1918
RockJacob born about 1877
RoeringMatthew born about 1903

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S Surnames

SalunaroJohn Sborn about 1901
SarvieDonald born about 1935
SarvieDorothy born about 1910
SarvieEdwin born about 1939
SarvieEthel born about 1939
SarvieMildred born about 1937
SarvieWilford born about 1905
SchottDonald Rborn about 1910
SchottIrving Oborn about 1902
SchottMerttie born about 1884
SchottRobert Aborn about 1920
SeversonEarl born about 1920
SeversonOrville Jborn about 1921
SmithCarl Cborn about 1902
SmithClarence Wborn about 1906
SmithDeloris born about 1934
SmithHenry born about 1912
SmithHenry born about 1939
SmithLeonard born about 1935
SmithLouise born about 1937
SmithMarie born about 1914
SmithMarie born about 1939
SperlingBertha Aborn about 1897
SperlingCarl Fborn about 1891
SperlingEunice Mborn about 1924
SperlingMarcella Bborn about 1931
SperlingMercedes Fborn about 1934
SperlingMilbert born about 1922
StarrJohn Gborn about 1917
StclairMargaret Bborn about 1935
StclairMargaret Eborn about 1903
StevensIda Kborn about 1915
StevensLeonard Bborn about 1916
StevensWillard born about 1920
SulivanEva born about 1929
SulivanRuth born about 1926
SwanBernese born about 1919
SwanGrace born about 1930
SwanJames born about 1932
SwanJohn born about 1898
SwanLawrence born about 1923
SwanLouis born about 1921
SwanMaynard born about 1926
SwanRichard born about 1934
SwanSophie born about 1901

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T Surnames

TerrylGrant Vborn about 1918
ThompsonPeter born about 1900
TickenIrene Mborn about
TreichelPaul Rborn about 1890
TrotterschaudDonna Rborn about 1934
TwooneyThomas born about 1868
TygeAddie born about 1889
TygeAddie Vborn about 1924
TygeDarild born about 1928
TygeDonald born about 1928
TygeOliver born about 1884
TygeOliver Jr born about 1926
TygeWelcome Eborn about 1931

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V Surnames

VizenorJosephine born about 1872
VogtBetty born about 1933
VogtDoris born about 1937
VogtEdwina born about 1910
VogtGordon Cborn about 1902
VogtIrving born about 1931
VogtJames born about 1930
VogtLouis born about 1934

W Surnames

WallaceCarol Aborn about 1934
WallaceDavid Aborn about 1885
WallacePatricia born about 1901
WeaverAnna Eborn about 1874
WeaverWilliam born about 1874
WettelsAlma born about 1922
WettelsAlvina ?born about 1918
WettelsCarl Lborn about 1929
WettelsHarold Eborn about 1931
WettelsIrving born about 1926
WettelsJohn born about 1885
WettelsJohn Fborn about 1916
WettelsMildred Cborn about 1937
WettelsPeter born about 1880
WettlesAugusta born about 1887
WillettKenneth born about 1907
WillettMary Rborn about 1913
WilliamsJannie Sborn about 1886
WilliamsLawrence born about 1916
WilliamsWalter Wborn about 1880
WilsonHarry Tborn about 1916
WilsonJames Lborn about 1903
WilsonJohn Lborn about 1905
WinterBlanche Cborn about 1919
WinterJoseph Rborn about 1912
WinterNellie Aborn about 1939
WrightEldora Mborn about 1929
WrightMinnie born about 1884

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