1940 U.S. Federal Census of Arlington, Phelps, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Phelps County > 1940 Census of Arlington

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AaronAlbert born about 1892
AaronMildred born about 1892
AdamsAnna born about 1908
AdamsBenjamin born about 1898
AdamsBenjamin Jr born about 1929
AdamsDonald born about 1930
AdamsFrank born about 1937
AdamsJean born about 1922
AdamsMary Annborn about 1939
AffolterAgnes Cborn about 1870
AffolterCharles Jakeborn about 1922
AffolterCharles Jamesborn about 1882
AffolterEarl Geneborn about 1929
AffolterElsie born about 1889
AffolterFerd born about 1874
AffolterHellen born about 1911
AffolterLewis born about 1902
AffolterWilliam Pborn about 1930
AlexanderAlice born about 1919
AlexanderBertha Aborn about 1896
AlexanderChas Eborn about 1874
AlexanderClarence born about 1916
AlexanderDavid Eborn about 1892
AlexanderElbert born about 1920
AlexanderFloyd Eugeneborn about 1922
AlexanderFrieda Anneborn about 1937
AlexanderHellen born about 1910
AlexanderJames born about 1908
AlexanderJimmie born about 1927
AlexanderJohn born about 1868
AlexanderJohn Fborn about 1940
AlexanderJulia Margaretborn about 1925
AlexanderMarshall Lborn about 1932
AlexanderPat born about 1872
AlexanderRobert born about 1927
AlexanderRobert born about 1939
AlexanderSarah Janeborn about 1874
AlexanderWilliam Hborn about 1876
AllenSarah Eborn about 1867
AllenStephen Vborn about 1865
AllenWilliam Hborn about 1923
AndresJohn Bborn about 1926
AndresJohn Wborn about 1881
AndresLeata Lborn about 1892
AndresRuss born about 1880
AndresSue born about 1880
AndresWoodrow born about 1923
ArthurAndy born about 1924
ArthurBernice born about 1904
ArthurFrank born about 1899
ArthurHurley born about 1930
ArthurLucile born about 1927
ArthurSamuel born about 1929
AtchisonMary born about 1883
AtchisonRalph born about 1926
AtchisonWanda born about 1922
AtchisonWilliam Mborn about 1916
AtchisonWilliam Tborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackusCharles Leoborn about 1939
BackusGeorge born about 1900
BackusVessie born about 1912
BadgerFlorence Mborn about 1877
BadgerGeorge born about 1872
BadgerRobert born about 1917
BairdJerry Jr born about 1939
BakerBernadine born about 1916
BakerDee Allenborn about 1923
BakerDennis born about 1922
BakerDon Oralborn about 1925
BakerHazel born about 1928
BakerJames born about 1900
BakerJames Lauraborn about 1938
BakerJames Mborn about 1871
BakerJohn Wborn about 1873
BakerLulu born about 1888
BakerMinnie Mborn about 1878
BakerNancy born about 1903
BakerSeba Lborn about 1884
BallAnna born about 1881
BarnettAnnie born about 1901
BarnettBobbie ???born about 1923
BarnettFerrell born about 1897
BarnettIda Leeborn about 1922
BarnettLeroy born about 1933
BarnettLorine born about 1932
BarnettPeggy Louborn about 1935
BarnettShirley Annborn about 1937
BarnettUna Mayborn about 1927
BarnhardtJohn born about 1878
BaudinotAda born about 1909
BaudinotBernadine born about 1924
BaudinotDelinda Annborn about 1936
BaudinotFrank born about 1908
BaudinotNadine born about 1929
BaudinotRonald born about 1926
BaudinotThomas born about 1931
BaumanJohn born about 1900
BaylissWilliam born about 1893
BeanBetty born about 1926
BeanCora born about 1882
BeanJohn born about 1875
BeanVivian born about 1924
BechelEdward born about 1923
BellAgnes born about 1913
BellColumbus born about 1885
BellGerald born about 1919
BellIda born about 1882
BellJessie born about 1909
BellWalter Leeborn about 1939
BeltonJohn born about 1881
BeltonWm born about 1878
BenitezFannie born about 1903
BenitezLita born about 1938
BenitezMargot born about 1935
BenitezRafael Aborn about 1901
BennettFrances born about 1923
BennettGladys Vivianborn about 1898
BennettJanie born about 1927
BennettPaul born about 1898
BennettPaul Jr born about 1925
BennettPauline born about 1921
BergHellen Matildaborn about 1910
BergerClyde Vborn about 1899
BergerFlorence born about 1903
BiessBarbara born about 1937
BirdsongAlice born about 1926
BirdsongArthur born about 1911
BirdsongBert born about 1897
BirdsongBetty born about 1940
BirdsongBillie born about 1934
BirdsongClarence born about 1906
BirdsongClaude born about 1902
BirdsongDorothy born about 1936
BirdsongEugene born about 1928
BirdsongEvert born about 1932
BirdsongFlossie born about 1910
BirdsongFrank born about 1927
BirdsongHerbert born about 1870
BirdsongJohn born about 1901
BirdsongLoyd born about 1933
BirdsongMargie born about 1924
BirdsongMary born about 1873
BirdsongMary born about 1930
BirdsongMildred born about 1932
BirdsongOrvell born about 1935
BirdsongRobert born about 1928
BirdsongRoy Leeborn about 1938
BirdsongViola born about 1904
BirdwellAndrew Jborn about 1880
BirdwellMinnie Annaborn about 1892
BlueAmanda born about 1892
BlueBetty Annborn about 1929
BlueCatherine born about 1925
BlueEugene born about 1913
BlueFred born about 1900
BlueFred Jr born about 1923
BlueHilda born about 1901
BlueHope born about 1931
BlueIrene born about 1927
BlueJimmy Deeborn about
BluePerry Aborn about 1890
BluePerry Eugeneborn about 1937
BlueVelma Catherineborn about 1919
BordersDave born about 1876
BordersDonnie born about 1936
BordersEdna born about 1915
BordersJane born about 1936
BordersJohn born about 1909
BordersMarjorie born about 1921
BordersMary born about 1902
BordersNewton Aborn about 1878
BordersPaul born about 1938
BordersWinnie born about 1879
BoudinotHattie born about 1907
BoudinotJimmie born about 1928
BoudinotPeggie Louborn about 1930
BoudinotWilliam Jborn about 1906
BoulwareCora born about 1919
BoulwareFranklin born about 1927
BoulwareJohn born about 1895
BoulwareLoyd born about 1938
BoulwareNoah born about 1908
BoumanLouis Cborn about 1897
BoumanMarguerite born about 1914
BoumanOla Robertaborn about 1934
BoumanVashti born about 1936
BoyceDollie born about 1881
BoyceEugene born about 1917
BoyceGeo born about 1912
BoyceKenneth born about 1925
BoycePearl born about 1905
BoydCynthia born about 1927
BoydEvelyn born about 1924
BoydLena born about 1874
BoydRichard born about 1934
BoydRoberta born about 1929
BoydThomas Cborn about 1888
BoydUlis born about 1922
BoydVadia born about 1890
BoydVencie born about 1926
BramelArch born about 1907
BramelBulah born about 1908
BramelJames Eborn about 1920
BramelJuanita born about 1939
BramelMaggie Aborn about 1883
BramelMary born about 1919
BramelPatricia born about 1940
BramelPaul born about 1914
BramelRea Maeborn about 1922
BramelRobt Earnestborn about 1926
BramelWm Kennethborn about 1924
Bray born about 1913
BrayBitty Ruthborn about 1933
BrayEdward born about 1925
BrayKitty Leeborn about 1897
BrayNep born about 1891
BrayNeptie born about 1930
BrayRichard born about 1927
BridgmanJohn born about 1870
BridgmanMarion born about 1919
BridgmanMarshall born about 1918
BridgmanMillie born about 1874
BridgmanViolet born about 1920
BrinkleyDorothy born about 1925
BrinkleyFloyd Wborn about 1892
BrinkleyFranklin born about 1936
BrinkleyGeorge born about 1930
BrinkleyIra Wborn about 1888
BrinkleyIra Jr born about 1919
BrinkleyJack born about 1932
BrinkleyJames born about 1930
BrinkleyJulia born about 1898
BrinkleyMary Hellenborn about 1904
BrinkleyOral Deanborn about 1938
BrinkleyVernon born about 1935
BrinkleyWilma born about 1922
BrittainFrank born about 1897
BrittainLilia born about 1908
BrittainShirley Maeborn about 1933
BrockmanAda born about 1915
BrockmanAlice born about 1877
BrockmanCarl born about 1921
BrockmanDan Mborn about 1878
BrockmanDannie Mborn about 1921
BrockmanDexter born about 1937
BrockmanEva born about 1922
BrockmanHenry born about 1907
BrockmanJames Leroyborn about 1938
BrockmanJerry Leeborn about 1940
BrockmanLilly born about 1879
BrockmanOliver born about 1879
BrockmanRobt Leeborn about 1933
BrockmanRosie born about 1878
BrockmanVirgil born about 1916
BrockmanWm born about 1872
BrooksMark born about 1874
BrookshireDennis born about 1917
BrookshireElmetta born about 1919
BrookshireMargarete born about 1913
BrookshireMary ???born about 1878
BrownBetty Louborn about 1931
BrownDean born about 1917
BrownDora Cborn about 1881
BrownJames Eborn about 1878
BrownJames Tborn about 1896
BrownJohn Jborn about 1879
BrownL Fborn about 1872
BrownMary born about 1882
BrownMary Louborn about 1929
BrownNora Eborn about 1874
BrownPatsy Leeborn about 1932
BrownRuby born about 1904
BrownWilliam born about 1927
BrownWoodrow born about 1914
BruerEthel Virginiaborn about 1890
BruerRobert Eugeneborn about 1883
BruerSue Elizabethborn about 1921
BryanEuise born about 1921
BuchelLouise born about 1926
BunchArley born about 1923
BunchCharlotte Annborn about 1938
BunchH Edborn about 1884
BunchHarriet born about 1889
BunchHarry born about 1925
BunchJennie born about 1884
BunchJessie born about 1864
BunchJessie Loydborn about 1940
BunchLenna born about 1891
BunchLorrene born about 1920
BunchLoyd born about 1917
BunchMartin born about 1887
BunchOnieta born about 1921
BunchPerry born about 1882
BunchRonald born about 1928
BunchRoy born about 1922
BunchTed Rborn about 1884
BunchVictoria born about 1864
BuntonAvery born about 1921
BuntonBen born about 1925
BuntonGlenn born about 1925
BuntonJames born about 1887
BuntonLucy born about 1896
BuntonLuke born about 1931
BuntonMyrtle born about 1934
BurneEdward Fborn about 1868
BurnsAlva born about 1898
BurnsSarah Eborn about 1865
BurrisDorothy born about 1912
BurrisGeneva born about 1914
BurrisHoward born about 1915
BurrisJerry born about 1935
BurrisJoyce born about 1936
BurrisRamey born about 1911
BurrisWillis born about 1931
BurrusBillie born about 1921
BurrusDavie born about 1924
BurrusDoyle born about 1940
BurrusJulia born about 1881
BurrusJulia born about 1927
BurrusLiddie born about 1922
BurrusRanford born about 1907
BycicleNancy born about 1880
BycicleWilliam born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalvinCharles born about 1876
CalvinLena born about 1890
CampbellAda born about 1919
CampbellBetty Juneborn about 1935
CampbellDelores born about 1936
CampbellEula Maeborn about 1938
CampbellHarry born about 1939
CampbellJames Eborn about 1904
CampbellJennie Mborn about 1872
CampbellJosie Maeborn about 1926
CampbellNelson born about 1916
CampbellNeva Opalborn about 1916
CampbellPaul Eugeneborn about 1933
CampbellRosmarie born about 1929
CampbellRoy born about 1901
CampbellShirley Annborn about
CampbellThurman born about 1937
CampbellVernon born about 1936
CampbellVirginia Leeborn about 1925
CampbellWalter Rayborn about 1931
CardinBillie born about 1932
CardinBobbie born about 1935
CardinElmer born about 1940
CardinGeorge born about 1938
CardinHarry born about 1911
CardinLorane born about 1931
CardinZella born about 1913
CareyCharles born about 1870
CareyFlorence born about 1880
CarterEarl born about 1904
CarterEthel Wanitaborn about 1904
CarterGeo Wborn about 1857
CattleA Bborn about 1874
CattleMary born about 1877
ChristensenGens born about 1855
ClarkBenjamin Tborn about 1890
ClarkCharlotte Jborn about 1936
ClarkFlora born about 1921
ClarkLyle Rayborn about 1923
ClarkMable born about 1897
ClarkPaul Bborn about 1926
ClarkRuth Eborn about 1906
ClarkeDavid born about 1938
ClarkeIrene born about 1911
ClarkeLoren born about 1903
CoffmanKattie born about 1887
CoffmanSamuel Hborn about 1879
CollinsAnna born about 1886
CollinsCarl Cborn about 1920
CollinsRobert born about 1876
ComerAlice born about 1875
ComerC Wborn about 1872
ConradClara born about 1929
ConradFlora born about 1897
ConradFrank born about 1890
ConradFrank born about 1931
CookEnsil Lborn about 1880
CookJames born about 1925
CookLendle Oraborn about 1874
CookLeo born about 1910
CookMary Lborn about 1891
CookRobt born about 1913
CookRosalie born about 1927
CookViola Francisborn about 1874
CooperBillie born about 1911
CooperJohn Tborn about 1873
CoursonAnna Maeborn about 1923
CoursonBernice born about 1899
CoursonBetty born about 1930
CoursonDarline born about 1939
CoursonErnest born about 1905
CoursonFloyd born about 1903
CoursonGlover born about 1870
CoursonHugh born about 1896
CoursonHugh Jr born about 1927
CoursonJosephine born about 1906
CoursonLouise Jborn about 1873
CoursonNorma born about 1927
CoursonRalph born about 1922
CoursonWilma born about 1925
CrainGeorgia born about 1917
CrainTeddy born about 1915
CrainWalter born about 1937
CraneCorine born about 1899
CraneDorothy Ellenborn about 1922
CraneDorothy Mborn about 1898
CraneFrancis born about 1872
CraneJas Iborn about 1867
CraneJohn Hborn about 1878
CraneMary Ellenborn about 1937
CraneRobert Wborn about 1887
CraneRoberta Dorothyborn about 1939
CroitchettEmory Oborn about 1881
CroitchettEstella born about 1878
CrosslandJames born about 1914
CrosslandLe Roy born about 1934
CrosslandRay born about 1939
CrosslandRichard born about 1938
CrosslandThelma born about 1918
CumminsAnna Mborn about 1875
CurbowVirginia born about 1922
CurbowWilliam born about 1916
CurbowWm Edwardborn about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaughertyRebecca born about 1879
DaughertyWm Oborn about 1891
DaughertyZella born about 1895
DavisDorothy born about 1920
DavisHoward born about 1914
DavisJerry Leeborn about 1939
DavisKenneth born about 1918
DavisMargaret born about 1898
DavisMayme born about 1914
DavisWilliam Paulborn about 1939
DavisWm Nborn about 1873
DawsonCharles Austinborn about 1935
DawsonDeloris born about 1918
DawsonNorton born about 1917
DawsonNorton Cliffborn about 1939
DeckerBonnie born about 1939
DeckerCarl born about 1919
DeckerCarney born about 1877
DeckerClarence Eborn about 1901
DeckerMary Sueborn about 1940
DeckerMyrtle Kborn about 1908
DeckerPauline born about 1923
DeckerRobert born about 1931
DeckerSusie born about 1882
DelashmitAlma born about 1883
DelashmitAnna born about 1905
DelashmitBell born about 1880
DelashmitBetty Joeborn about 1939
DelashmitBillie Eugeneborn about 1938
DelashmitCharles born about 1873
DelashmitClyde Eborn about 1901
DelashmitDora born about 1878
DelashmitEdith born about 1925
DelashmitEugene born about 1913
DelashmitGeneral born about 1871
DelashmitGeorge born about 1924
DelashmitHellen born about 1907
DelashmitHenry born about 1930
DelashmitJake born about 1922
DelashmitJames born about 1910
DelashmitJohn Dborn about 1878
DelashmitKitty Aborn about 1867
DelashmitLee born about 1919
DelashmitMargaret born about 1915
DelashmitNell born about 1912
DelashmitNelson born about 1908
DelashmitRobert born about 1882
DelashmitRussell born about 1933
DelashmitShirley born about 1937
DelashmitWilliam Aborn about 1865
DenneyJoe born about 1893
DenneyWilliam Wborn about 1897
DesherleyAlbert born about 1867
DesherleyJune born about 1927
DesherleySophie Annaborn about 1870
DeshurleyAlta born about 1916
DeshurleyBert born about 1902
DeshurleyBerta Joyceborn about 1935
DeshurleyGrace born about 1900
DeshurleyHarold born about 1927
DeshurleyJack born about 1929
DeshurleyJoe born about 1911
DeshurleyLottye born about 1910
DeshurleyLouie born about 1896
DeshurleyMarlys Juneborn about 1929
DeskinEthel Fborn about 1913
DeskinHenry born about 1865
DeskinJames Ruddieborn about 1939
DeskinLila Marieborn about 1937
DeskinMinnie Fborn about 1879
DillonBeatrice Vborn about 1910
DillonJ Lesslieborn about 1895
DillonJoseph Eborn about 1869
DillonMillard Cborn about 1906
DillonNorah Ethelborn about 1900
DillonRuth born about 1927
DillonVirginia born about 1922
DillonWayne born about 1925
DodsonAda born about 1876
DodsonAlfred Iborn about 1883
DodsonEllen born about 1923
DodsonHellen born about 1921
DodsonIda born about 1885
DodsonPrice born about 1875
DodsonRichard Hborn about 1889
DodsonRuth born about 1919
DodsonVirgie born about 1912
DotsonCharels Dareborn about 1934
DotsonCharles Tborn about 1896
DotsonEugene born about 1927
DotsonGladys born about 1908
DotsonJoan born about 1938
DotsonNorma born about 1928
DrownMattie born about 1878
DrownOlive born about 1910
DrownOllie Eborn about 1877
DuncanLelia born about 1890
DuncanLucy born about 1844
DuncanWalter Fborn about 1874
DunhamJames Lborn about 1867
DunhamMartha born about 1867
DunnGerald born about 1927

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E Surnames

EarhartAnita Faryborn about 1924
EarhartArthur Fborn about 1893
EarhartArthur Jborn about 1922
EarhartGeorge Cliffordborn about 1930
EarhartLela Mayborn about 1896
EarpMary Florenceborn about 1891
EasterIda born about 1889
EasterIssac born about 1921
EasterJohn born about 1879
EasterThomas born about 1923
EckertDorothy born about 1928
EckertEdith born about 1903
EckertGerald born about 1939
EckertLeo born about 1900
EddlemanDon born about 1932
EddlemanLen born about 1900
EddlemanMinnie born about 1909
EddlemanWanda Sueborn about 1938
EdisonAudry born about 1927
EdisonDonald born about 1931
EdisonFern born about 1923
EdisonHazel born about 1896
EdisonHoward born about 1892
EdisonJerry born about 1938
EdisonWilda born about 1928
EgeDavid Bborn about 1897
EgeDonald born about 1936
EgeHarold born about 1936
EgeRobert born about 1928
EgeZella born about 1898
ElderMable Florenceborn about 1883
ElderPerry born about 1879
EleyCharles born about 1883
EleyCharles Jr born about 1922
EleyMaude born about 1883
EvansAlfred born about 1897
EvansBillie born about 1923
EvansCleata born about 1932
EvansEva born about 1923
EvansHarry born about 1864
EvansHarry Bborn about 1897
EvansHarry Jr born about 1919
EvansJack born about 1926
EvansLora born about 1906
EvansPearl Eborn about 1895
EvilsizerElizabeth born about 1895
EvilsizerRalph born about 1889

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F Surnames

FaberMichael born about 1913
FaberOlga born about 1918
FargherCharles born about 1936
FargherClarence born about 1895
FargherClarence Jr born about 1938
FargherMae born about 1916
FarleyBillie born about 1934
FarleyBonnie born about 1939
FarleyDorothy born about 1933
FarleyJohn born about 1916
FarleyLeona born about 1917
FellowsE Sborn about 1870
FellowsHellen born about 1897
FellowsJacqueline born about 1873
FellowsRuth born about 1905
FentonArthur Barryborn about 1925
FentonElizabeth born about 1923
FentonJames Jborn about 1920
FentonLouise born about 1917
FentonNelle born about 1886
FentonWilliam born about 1881
FentonWilliam born about 1907
FinleyMary born about 1867
FinleyWilliam born about 1861
FitzgeraldAnna born about 1892
FitzgeraldCharles born about 1889
FlemingClyde born about 1915
FlemingDonald born about 1928
FlemingDorothy born about 1917
FlemingEvah born about 1912
FlemingRonald born about 1935
FlintAlice born about 1916
FlintW born about 1876
FlintWilliam Lborn about 1875
FordyceElla born about 1904
FordyceOrel Cborn about 1888
ForeClay born about 1924
ForeFannie Cborn about 1896
ForeJessie born about 1919
ForeJohn Fborn about 1885
ForeNapolean born about 1878
ForePat born about 1926
ForeStella born about 1885
ForeWilliam Walterborn about 1914
ForesterBatty born about 1887
ForesterEarl born about 1920
ForesterJohnnie born about 1914
ForesterWm Tborn about 1887
ForsterBertha born about 1924
ForsterBetty born about 1929
ForsterClarence born about
ForsterEugene born about 1932
ForsterHazel born about 1936
ForsterLulu born about 1903
ForsterMaggie born about 1927
ForsterPauline born about 1937
ForsterTillman born about 1903
FosterAlfreda born about 1915
FosterDelores born about 1938
FosterDonald born about 1939
FosterJames Royborn about 1919
FreemanAnnie born about 1880
FreemanJack Hborn about 1878
FullerBeulah born about 1891
FullerEdward born about 1884
FullerHarry Wborn about 1888
FullerJohn Eborn about 1921
FullerRonald born about 1920
FullerRuby born about 1892
FultonBernie born about 1933
FultonBillie Deanborn about 1923
FultonCharles born about 1885
FultonDulcy born about 1898
FultonFrank born about 1885
FultonHomer born about 1926
FultonRose born about 1891
FurseConnie Annborn about 1939
FurseEdith born about 1902
FurseFairy Juneborn about 1924
FurseHarritt born about 1872
FurseLeonard born about 1927
FurseSylvester born about 1898
FurseSylvester Jr born about 1922
FurseWm Tborn about 1874

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G Surnames

GabelBarbara born about 1938
GabelElmer born about 1910
GabelElmer Jr born about 1934
GabelHattie born about 1914
GabelMargie born about 1933
GabelWilbert born about 1936
GableDorothy born about 1924
GableEdward Lavern Jrborn about 1933
GableJohn born about 1893
GableLavern born about 1902
GableMadeline born about 1913
GableMinnie born about 1903
GaddyAlbert Marionborn about 1928
GaddyAnna born about 1900
GaddyDonald Leeborn about 1935
GaddyEllen Lborn about 1889
GaddyHuber Wborn about 1908
GaddyJoseph Harrisonborn about 1923
GareyAddie born about 1865
GarrisonStella born about 1922
GasserEmil Pborn about 1880
GasserVirginia born about 1900
GatesMari born about 1920
GatesRuth born about 1921
GavickFrancess Eborn about 1874
GavickJames born about 1866
GavickLawrence born about 1919
GavickMarjorie born about 1917
GavishClaud born about 1918
GavishJunatta born about 1882
GibbsArley born about 1916
GibbsIda born about 1888
GibbsMatt born about 1879
GibsonKenneth born about 1937
GibsonLois born about 1920
GibsonRussell born about 1914
GiddensAudra Marieborn about 1938
GiddensCarroll Jayborn about 1938
GiddensElmer born about 1908
GiddensEmma born about 1883
GiddensGoldie born about 1917
GiddensJimmie Dborn about 1936
GiddensJohn Edwardborn about 1934
GiddensLa Vergal born about 1930
GiddensLorie born about 1916
GiddensNona born about 1910
GiddensRobt born about 1914
GiddensRonald Leeborn about 1939
GilbertDonna born about 1931
GilbertHarold born about 1925
GilbertHarry born about 1926
GilbertLouis born about 1901
GilbertMarion born about 1923
GilbertMary Louborn about 1922
GilbertVesta born about 1902
GilgourEsther born about 1924
GoodnightJohn Lborn about 1898
GoodnightMildred born about 1924
GoodsonElsie born about 1893
GowerHazel born about 1923
GowerHellen born about 1927
GowerStella born about 1882
GowerWilliam born about 1880
GrahamFern born about 1894
GrahamJane born about 1923
GrahamWalter born about 1886
GraysonAda Maeborn about 1894
GraysonAnna born about 1886
GraysonCharley born about 1912
GraysonCharline born about 1933
GraysonEd born about 1878
GraysonEllis born about 1895
GraysonErnest born about 1891
GraysonEthel born about 1912
GraysonHellen Lucileborn about 1921
GraysonJames Ellisborn about 1927
GraysonLaura born about 1871
GraysonLorraine born about 1934
GraysonRobt Eugeneborn about 1917
GraysonWilliam Aborn about 1867
GrooverBetty born about 1925
GrooverDegrace born about 1903
GrooverEmma born about 1876
GrooverJake Cborn about 1899
GrooverPatty born about 1930
GrooverUlysis Dborn about 1873
GuffyEdwin born about 1919
GuffyHomer Cborn about 1902
GuffyHomer Jr born about 1928
GuffyInabelle born about 1902
GuffyJune born about 1926
GuffyLulu born about 1903
GuffyMildred born about 1921
GuffyPete born about 1904
GuffyRobert born about 1926
GuffyRoy Leeborn about 1939
GuffyStella Maeborn about 1909
GuffyWalter Leeborn about 1903
GuffyWm Eugeneborn about 1939

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H Surnames

HallJames Douglasborn about 1894
HallMargaret born about 1897
HallWalter Jborn about 1878
HamiltonDora born about 1888
HamiltonFrank Lborn about 1895
HamiltonThos Philipborn about 1869
HanceAnna born about 1914
HanceBillie born about 1934
HanceDonald born about 1936
HanceFrancess born about 1907
HanceLavona born about 1939
HanceMarie born about 1925
HanceRalph born about 1900
HanceSally Annborn about 1937
HanceSyntha Cborn about 1867
HanceThomas born about 1868
HanceTommy born about 1906
HanceW Brownlowborn about 1903
HanseClaude born about 1926
HanseEarlene born about 1924
HanseMary born about 1900
HanseWalter born about 1918
HardestyArtie Violaborn about 1893
HardestyBobbie born about 1932
HardestyJackie born about 1927
HardestyJohn Josephborn about 1875
HarrisonAddie born about 1884
HarrisonCrawford Wborn about 1888
HarrisonFerril born about 1914
HarrisonLee born about 1884
HassEarl born about 1899
HassLizzie born about 1909
HassMary Louborn about 1935
HassPatsy Annborn about 1940
HawkinsAnnie Gborn about 1871
HawkinsW Iborn about 1865
HayesBill born about 1874
HayesBillie born about 1935
HayesDonna born about 1931
HayesElmer born about 1906
HayesKenneth born about 1933
HayesRuby born about 1913
HazenClyde born about 1914
HazenDavid born about 1940
HazenLeanora born about 1938
HazenLouis born about 1893
HazenLoyd born about 1916
HazenOpal born about 1916
HazenSusie born about 1896
HazenTheda Leeborn about 1920
HeadsDwight Gborn about 1926
HeadsJosephine born about 1892
HefflinBenjamin Jborn about 1892
HefflinBetty Juneborn about 1934
HefflinDorothy born about 1922
HefflinFrances born about 1897
HefflinFred Eborn about 1897
HefflinLucy born about 1919
HefflinMargarete Fborn about 1929
HefflinMarjorie born about 1926
HefflinMattie Vborn about 1897
HefflinOrae Geneborn about 1922
HefflinOral Geneborn about 1922
HefflinRussell born about 1928
HefflinStella born about 1919
HeflinCelia Imogeneborn about 1939
HeflinEmma Maeborn about 1926
HeflinGus born about 1917
HeflinHarry born about 1922
HeflinHarry Leeborn about 1897
HeflinJennie born about 1873
HeflinMattie born about 1922
HeflinOlive born about 1898
HeflinPauline Louiseborn about 1931
HeflinTire born about 1869
HellweggAnna born about 1871
HelmerSamuel born about 1870
HelmsBetty born about 1938
HelmsDorothy born about 1930
HelmsEdith born about 1926
HelmsElige born about 1895
HelmsElizabeth born about 1898
HelmsElla Maeborn about 1931
HelmsFern born about 1932
HelmsGoldie born about 1928
HelmsGrover born about 1898
HelmsJames Edwardborn about 1933
HelmsJessie born about 1929
HelmsLucile born about 1926
HelmsMildred Juneborn about 1936
HelmsNaoma born about 1935
HelmsSelma born about 1900
HelmsWilliam Daleborn about 1938
HendrixBillie born about 1913
HendrixJoe born about 1913
HensonCatherine born about 1924
HensonGeorgia born about 1911
HensonHazel born about 1928
HensonJames born about 1931
HensonJames Rborn about 1889
HensonLennia born about 1894
HensonMable born about 1922
HensonMike born about 1909
HensonMuriel born about 1918
HensonNathan born about 1889
HensonRaymond born about 1925
HensonRobert born about 1917
HensonStella born about 1897
HensonThurman born about 1913
HensonVesta born about 1922
HensonWarren born about 1921
HickmanDewey Cborn about 1900
HickmanDixie born about 1904
HickmanJames Robtborn about 1932
HickmanJohn Williamborn about 1930
HodgeFrank born about 1901
HodgeGeorge Ronaldborn about 1939
HodgeHazel born about 1915
HodgeIda born about 1890
HodgeJames Monroeborn about 1935
HodgeJohn Henryborn about 1890
HodgeNorman Henryborn about 1933
HoffmeirFrances born about 1922
HoltAmanda Aborn about 1869
HoltRobert born about 1885
HossBillie Jr born about 1924
HossCharley Dborn about 1934
HossJimmie Rborn about 1936
HossJohn Dborn about 1930
HossLeroy born about 1928
HossLilly born about 1907
HossPaul Eugeneborn about 1926
HossWilliam Hborn about 1901
HoustonHarris Waymeborn about 1873
HoustonHellen born about 1893
HoustonHomer Jborn about 1893
HowardAudry born about 1930
HowardBelva born about 1910
HowardBetty Joannborn about 1934
HowardBobbie born about 1932
HowardDoris born about 1935
HowardEffie born about 1911
HowardFay Aborn about 1936
HowardFloyd born about 1921
HowardHomer born about 1911
HowardJohn born about 1877
HowardKenneth born about 1939
HowardLee born about 1907
HowardNancy born about 1887
HowardNancy born about 1938
HowardNellie born about 1875
HowardRonnie born about 1937
HowardRuby born about 1920
HowardVernon born about 1903
HowardVernon Eugeneborn about 1939
HowardWillard born about 1915
HowardWm born about 1871
HuckinsClinton born about 1863
HuckinsMinnie born about 1867
HudgensBertha born about 1896
HudgensDabney Tborn about 1855
HudgensEleanor born about 1918
HudgensElmer born about 1895
HudgensElzworth born about 1921
HudgensFern born about 1928
HudgensMary Bborn about 1923
HudgensOlive born about 1924
HudgensPatricia Annborn about 1935
HudgensReptah born about 1881
HudgensWm Hborn about 1875
HughesAlice born about 1880
HughesEllen born about 1902
HughesGeorge born about 1877
HunterBillie Geneborn about 1939
HunterClara Juneborn about 1930
HunterDorothy born about 1932
HunterEdna born about 1898
HunterGloria born about 1936
HunterJames Sborn about 1887
HunterPaul born about 1933
HunterSadie Aliceborn about 1918
HurtCarson born about 1925
HurtEdith born about 1920
HurtGlenwood born about 1923
HurtMaurice born about 1937
HurtMurrel born about 1916
HuskyClyde born about 1913
HuskyWilma born about 1920
HutchisonAnna Vborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InmanSarah born about 1861

J Surnames

JacksonFred Ellisborn about 1887
JacksonLaura born about 1892
JohnsonCharles Iborn about 1882
JohnsonDavid Mborn about 1876
JohnsonJulia Hborn about 1892
JohnsonLee born about 1881
JohnsonMarietta born about 1870
JohnsonMyrtle born about 1920
JohnsonNellie born about 1883
JohnsonRowena born about 1878
JohnstonC Eborn about 1875
JohnstonDonald Dborn about 1934
JohnstonJames Eborn about 1937
JohnstonLester Iborn about 1907
JohnstonSnoma born about 1916
JonesBurley born about 1929
JonesFloyd Eborn about 1896
JonesGeorgia born about 1924
JonesGladys born about 1901
JonesGladys born about 1922
JonesJames Lborn about 1895
JonesJoannie born about 1867
JonesLaurence born about 1905
JonesLenora born about 1927
JonesLucille born about 1934
JonesMaggie born about 1891
JonesMary born about 1881
JonesRuss Bborn about 1871
JonesRussell born about 1925
JonesWalter Eugeneborn about 1922
JordonCarol born about
JordonDale born about 1936
JordonHellen born about 1925
JordonJessie born about 1905
JordonJohn born about 1927
JordonRoy born about 1901
JordonThelma born about 1923
JordonWindell born about 1929
JoynerEsther Dborn about 1882
JuhrendMamie Aborn about 1885
JuhrendOtto Rborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KearneyGeo born about 1894
KearneyNellie born about 1905
KelleyBarbara Jeanborn about 1930
KelleyHellen born about 1907
KelleyRobt Eugeneborn about 1927
KelleyVernon Lborn about 1905
KerrJohn born about 1866
KerrSarah Elizabethborn about 1868
KingAlfred born about 1901
KingAmos born about 1911
KingBertha born about 1915
KingBillie Jeanborn about 1928
KingClaude born about 1932
KingDean born about 1935
KingDenzel born about 1923
KingDorsey born about 1926
KingDwaine born about 1939
KingEtta born about 1904
KingEvert born about 1939
KingHazel born about 1930
KingLe Roy born about 1937
KingLee born about 1904
KingLeo born about 1934
KingLester born about 1933
KingLewis born about 1907
KingMary Annborn about 1936
KingMaxine born about 1939
KingRosala born about 1938
KingRuth born about 1907
KingVilma born about 1937
KingVirgie born about 1920
KingWendell born about 1939
KingWillard born about 1925
KingWillma Juneborn about 1934
KingWinnie born about 1931
KoepkeClarence born about 1910
KoepkeClarence Austinborn about 1935
KoepkeMinnie Beatriceborn about 1914
KoepkeStanley Augustborn about 1939
KrammeEmil born about 1896
KrammeEmma born about 1905
KrammeJohn born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambethFarris Fborn about 1920
LambethRussell Eborn about 1918
LaneAnna Belleborn about 1932
LaneDon born about 1923
LaneIda born about 1902
LangbridgeHarry born about 1889
LangbridgeMelba born about 1916
LangbridgeMinnie born about 1890
LaughridgeDorsetta born about 1930
LaughridgeGeo Dborn about 1900
LaughridgeMayme born about 1903
LaughridgeRayburn born about 1924
LayClarence Wborn about 1889
LeePhelix born about 1878
LeekLouis born about 1919
LewisAda born about 1897
LewisBetty born about 1933
LewisCharles Fborn about 1890
LewisDelbert Dborn about 1877
LewisEdward born about 1927
LewisElmer born about 1899
LewisEthel born about 1920
LewisEva born about 1904
LewisGene born about 1926
LewisGeo born about 1894
LewisHerman born about 1925
LewisJames born about 1918
LewisJames Fborn about 1918
LewisJimmy born about 1939
LewisLouise born about 1924
LewisMae born about 1903
LewisMartha born about 1886
LewisMary Francisborn about 1939
LewisPauline born about 1940
LewisShirley born about 1938
LewisWilma born about 1921
LightAnna born about 1894
LightBarbara Geneborn about 1932
LightCharles born about 1929
LightDorothy born about 1921
LightEd born about 1892
LightEffie Leeborn about 1933
LightElmer born about 1927
LightJoan born about 1930
LightMarvin born about 1918
LightPeggy Hellenborn about 1938
LightRalph born about 1916
LightRaymond born about 1931
LightThomas born about 1924
LightWayne born about 1922
LineC Mborn about 1900
LineChas Gborn about 1928
LineMyrl Kennethborn about 1923
LineRuth Fborn about 1902
LineVera Mamieborn about 1921
LinzeCharles born about 1922
LinzeLaura born about 1890
LinzeRucker born about 1917
LockhartGeorge born about 1902
LongDorothy born about 1914
LongKent Eborn about 1910
LongLoyd born about 1904
LongMary born about 1906
LongRuby born about 1912
LongVernon born about 1934
LouzaderAlma born about 1912
LouzaderDonald Eganborn about 1934
LouzaderDorris Cleoborn about 1934
LouzaderElberge born about 1909
LouzaderFrancess born about 1927
LouzaderJohn born about 1884
LouzaderKatie born about 1899
LouzaderNada born about 1924
LouzaderRobt born about 1895
LouzaderRobt Elbridgeborn about 1932
LouzaderShelly Leeborn about 1937
LouzaderWilma Lborn about 1931
LouzaderWm Edwardborn about 1939
LucasDorothy born about 1898
LucasOscar born about 1893
LynchHarold born about 1899
LynchMary born about 1876
LynchRobert born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacormicBert born about 1897
MacormicBetty born about 1937
MacormicBillie born about 1923
MacormicCatherine born about 1932
MacormicCharles Wborn about 1924
MacormicCharley Jborn about 1886
MacormicClara born about 1888
MacormicDollie born about 1928
MacormicEdward born about 1914
MacormicEdward Jr born about 1937
MacormicEmma born about 1902
MacormicEugene born about 1920
MacormicFred born about 1884
MacormicGeorge born about 1921
MacormicGerald born about 1918
MacormicHarold born about 1934
MacormicHarry born about 1890
MacormicLeona born about 1901
MacormicMarie born about 1910
MacormicMary born about 1924
MacormicNeil Raymondborn about 1937
MacormicRachel born about 1891
MacormicReba born about 1920
MacormicRoy born about 1923
MacormicRuby born about 1925
MacormicTilda born about 1895
MacormicWalter Fborn about 1892
MaleyEthel born about 1909
MaleyOrville born about 1908
MaloneBillie Patborn about 1925
MaloneDaniel Wborn about 1895
MaloneDaniel Jr born about 1924
MaloneJane born about 1922
MalonePauline born about 1929
MaloneRoedean born about 1935
MaloneWilhelmina born about 1899
ManningCecelia born about 1885
ManningFrank born about 1874
MantoyaMrs Cornelia born about 1881
MarksWilliam born about 1866
MartinAnna born about 1891
MartinCharles born about 1891
MartinFrank born about 1889
MartinSusie Eborn about 1892
MasonAngenette born about 1866
MasonFey born about 1926
MasonJ Mborn about 1861
MasonJames born about 1915
MasonJohn Mborn about 1912
MasonLaura born about 1888
MasonSam born about 1887
McCartyCharles Cborn about 1864
McCormicDollie born about 1917
McCormicDonald Chasborn about 1939
McCormicFrank Hborn about 1908
McCormicNorma Leeborn about 1936
McCowanPerry born about 1876
McCroryHazel born about 1911
McCroryRobt born about 1905
McDonaldBelle born about 1876
McDonaldEmory born about 1905
McDonaldJohn born about 1885
McDowellEliza born about 1861
McKeownEvelyn born about 1921
McKeownMilton born about 1917
McNerneyCatherine born about 1899
McNerneyDonietta born about 1930
McNerneyDoris Leeborn about 1924
McNerneyWm born about 1894
MeadowsHarold born about 1907
MeadowsHarold Jr born about 1925
MeadowsMargaret born about 1907
MerrellFred born about 1886
MerrellIda born about 1867
MerrellJohn Wborn about 1859
MeyerBertha born about 1897
MeyerGeorgia born about 1931
MeyerLena born about 1924
MeyerPansy born about 1927
MeyerRalph born about 1895
MihlfeldAdam born about 1875
MihlfeldAdam Jr born about 1905
MihlfeldEvert born about 1936
MihlfeldJane born about 1934
MihlfeldKate born about 1885
MihlfeldMinnie born about 1882
MihlfeldNettie born about 1911
MihlfeldRobert born about 1930
MihlfeldRoberta born about 1909
MihlfeldRoberta born about 1938
MihlfeldRoy Johnborn about 1932
MihlfeldSteve born about 1908
MihlfeldViola born about 1884
MihlfeldWm born about 1882
MillerBillie born about 1927
MillerClarence Rborn about 1922
MillerDorris born about 1934
MillerEdith born about 1906
MillerGeo Lborn about 1882
MillerHenry Aborn about 1915
MillerJames born about 1934
MillerJohn Lborn about 1875
MillerLee Mborn about 1886
MillerNellie born about 1908
MillerNorah born about 1870
MillerRichard born about 1908
MillerRichard Jr born about 1931
MillerRobt Leeborn about 1931
MillerWm Beaverborn about 1899
MinklerEtta born about 1906
MinklerHellen Maeborn about 1926
MinklerHenry born about 1896
MinklerJames born about 1928
MinklerRobt Henryborn about 1936
MitchellCharley born about 1884
MitchellCharley Hborn about 1858
MitchellCora born about 1906
MitchellEdith Dborn about 1938
MitchellGeorgia born about 1925
MitchellJohnnie born about 1914
MitchellMarvin born about 1933
MitchellPartrica Ruthborn about 1940
MitchellRuth born about 1921
MoffettDave born about 1905
MoffettDavid born about 1929
MoffettElleen born about 1932
MoffettGeorge born about 1901
MoffettJackie born about 1936
MoffettJerry born about 1938
MoffettJohnnie born about 1933
MoffettJoseph born about 1939
MoffettLoryne born about 1908
MoffettPatsey born about 1933
MoffettSherley born about 1931
MoffettZella born about 1910
MontgomeryAustin born about 1928
MontgomeryGertrude born about 1895
MontgomeryJames born about 1937
MontgomeryMargarite born about 1922
MontgomerySam born about 1889
MontgomerySammie born about 1919
MontgomeryValerie born about 1914
MontgomeryVirginia born about 1916
MooreAnnis born about 1878
MooreCecily born about 1910
MooreChester born about 1910
MooreClair born about 1875
MooreClaude Dborn about 1872
MooreHarry Nborn about 1904
MooreHattie born about 1877
MooreKenneth born about 1913
MooreMaude born about 1915
MooreMaude Hborn about 1880
MoorePeggy Jeanborn about 1936
MooreRobert born about 1904
MooreRuth Pborn about 1907
MooreSara Elizabethborn about 1871
MooreStephen Fborn about 1866
MooreVera Sueborn about 1935
MooreWendell born about 1916
MorganRowena born about 1865
MoyerCarolyn born about 1939
MoyerGlenn born about 1916
MoyerHazel born about 1917
MurphyBetty Geneborn about 1925
MurphyElanor born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NewtonMildred born about 1908
NolandAda Ruthborn about 1901
NolandOliver Kennethborn about 1931

O Surnames

OrmsbyGean born about 1923
OrmsbyIke Aborn about 1884
OrmsbyMaude Bborn about 1892
OusleyAlonzo Bborn about 1884
OusleyCrawford born about 1906
OusleyDorothy born about 1921
OusleyLena born about 1882
OusleyLucile born about 1926
OusleyMary born about 1910
OusleyMatilda Eborn about 1887
OusleyMaude born about 1937
OusleyMissouri born about 1886
OusleyRaymond born about 1930
OusleyReba born about 1928
OusleyReba Loreanborn about 1927
OusleyRoy Leeborn about 1932
OusleySterling born about 1908
OvershonBillie born about 1924
OvershonEmma born about 1936
OvershonHellen Janeborn about 1936
OvershonPete born about 1930
OvershonWayne born about 1928
OvershonWillma Juneborn about 1927
OwensLillie born about 1900
OwensWm born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgettAnna born about 1912
PadgettFloyd born about 1929
PadgettRoy born about 1934
PainterJohn Leroyborn about 1926
PainterLaura born about 1902
PainterRoy Leeborn about 1901
ParrishEdward Wborn about 1901
ParrishHarold born about 1926
ParrishHellen born about 1908
ParrishJames Edwardborn about 1939
ParrishRoxie Bborn about 1928
ParsonJewell born about 1921
PaulAlice born about 1938
PaulArthur born about 1920
PaulBelle born about 1903
PaulChas Tborn about 1870
PaulEllen born about 1900
PaulEllis born about 1899
PaulEmma born about 1919
PaulFay Belleborn about 1935
PaulGeo born about 1905
PaulJay Royborn about 1937
PaulJoe born about 1906
PaulJohn born about 1910
PaulLeo born about 1931
PaulLewis born about 1918
PaulLoretta born about 1881
PaulNona Fayeborn about 1933
PaulTeddy Leeborn about 1933
PaulsellFannie Eborn about 1866
PeckAustin Lborn about 1910
PeckCarl born about 1913
PeckElsie born about 1891
PeckEzra born about 1891
PeckFlorence born about 1917
PeckRomayne born about 1919
PeckVirginia born about 1918
PellicanFrank Tborn about 1889
PellicanLena born about 1904
PeplowCarl born about 1893
PeplowKenneth born about 1923
PeplowRuth born about 1899
PeplowWarren born about 1921
PetersonMary born about 1870
PhelpsFloyd born about 1892
PhelpsMarie born about 1896
PierceLizy born about 1866
PintoAnna Sborn about 1882
PintoHoward born about 1901
PintoMelbourne born about 1907
PlakeBeniva born about 1936
PlakeBenjamin born about 1907
PlakeEartine born about 1932
PlakeElva Jeanborn about 1930
PlakeEthel born about 1908
PlakeJerry born about 1939
PlakePaul Deanborn about 1937
PlanjeEdna born about 1883
PlanjeGeorge born about 1882
PlanjeGeorge born about 1923
PlanjeTheodore born about 1920
PointerDan born about 1869
PotterJohn Aborn about 1873
PotterLois Ellenborn about 1922
PotterLouise Annborn about 1881
PotterVivian born about 1914
PowellChester Leeborn about 1931
PowellGeorge born about 1908
PowellGeorge Edwardborn about 1935
PowellIssac Fborn about 1869
PowellJames Fborn about 1933
PowellMayme born about 1908
PowellSarah Annborn about 1940
PrewettCharley born about 1881
PrewettClarence Wborn about 1922
PrewettEmma born about 1920
PrewettGeorge born about 1869
PrewettLarry born about 1938
PrewettLoyd born about 1908
PrewettRay born about 1905
PrewettRosie born about 1879
PrewettSarah born about 1869
PrewettVernon born about 1907
PrewettZelma born about 1915
PuckBetty Aliceborn about 1928
PuckBulah born about 1905
PuckJimmy Allenborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaganEsther born about 1896
RaganTill Wborn about 1894
RamseyHattie born about 1903
RamseyJ Mborn about 1908
RamseyJames Cborn about 1881
RamseyMartha born about 1885
RandolphAmanda born about 1872
RandolphGeo Vborn about 1873
RayBeneas born about 1918
RayCallie born about 1912
RayCarl born about 1935
RayChas Jborn about 1877
RayClaude Aborn about 1910
RayClaudine born about 1934
RayEd born about 1875
RayFrancis born about 1912
RayFrank born about 1875
RayFrieda born about 1937
RayHerman Aborn about 1925
RayJake born about 1880
RayLau Ellenborn about 1931
RayMarilyn born about 1939
RayNellie born about 1879
RayRosie Eborn about 1882
RemmertDoris born about 1919
RemmertGeorge born about 1888
RemmertRuth born about 1892
RemmertWanda Leeborn about 1923
RenickEarl born about 1892
RenickRuth born about 1893
ReynoldsNellie born about 1886
ReynoldsThos Eborn about 1890
RichardsGeorge Aborn about 1877
RichardsRosa Bborn about 1886
RiddleAlma Jeanborn about 1931
RiddleBonnie Louborn about 1938
RiddleDaisy born about 1910
RiddleDe Bora born about 1912
RiddleErnest born about 1908
RiddleLoyd Deanborn about 1936
RiddleLuther Hborn about 1906
RiddleNeva Annborn about 1936
RiggsGriffin born about 1887
RiggsStella born about 1897
RileyNancy born about 1866
RinckBertha born about 1887
RinckSharon born about 1927
RinckWalter born about 1885
RittenhouseHarry Sborn about 1866
RittenhouseLaura Mborn about 1865
RoachAlva Aborn about 1891
RoachAlva A Jrborn about 1934
RoachCharles Fborn about 1874
RoachClair born about 1895
RoachEmma Louiseborn about 1910
RoachHellen born about 1882
RoachHugh born about 1923
RoachJack born about 1925
RoachKenneth born about 1923
RoachNancy born about 1920
RoachRaymond born about 1902
RoachSuezanne born about 1929
RoachSusie born about 1902
RoachWarren born about 1929
RoachWillma Jeanborn about 1925
RobargeCharles born about 1927
RobargeEster born about 1923
RobargeGeorge born about 1926
RobersonAda born about 1918
RobersonChristy Arthurborn about 1900
RobersonEdna Maeborn about 1917
RobersonJeff born about 1908
RobersonLe Roy born about 1936
RobinettClary Cborn about 1903
RobinettMarie born about 1911
RobinettPatricia born about 1936
RobinsonEthelyn Jborn about 1906
RobinsonEunice born about 1933
RobinsonHarold Lesterborn about 1940
RobinsonHermie Donaldborn about 1930
RobinsonHermie Kborn about 1894
RobinsonJoann Feyborn about 1932
RobinsonJosephine born about 1909
RobinsonMack born about 1905
RobinsonMary Madieborn about 1935
RobinsonNina Louiseborn about 1935
RobinsonRay Louiseborn about 1937
RobinsonRobt Leroyborn about 1929
RoderickBallie born about 1933
RoderickEddie born about 1931
RoderickElla born about 1887
RoderickEsta born about 1929
RoderickEthel born about 1903
RoderickFrances born about 1871
RoderickHarold Loydborn about 1921
RoderickJohn Fborn about 1869
RoderickLuke born about 1879
RoderickWm Iborn about 1890
RoemerHenry born about 1865
RoemerHenry Ernestborn about 1911
RoemerLena born about 1871
RoemerMyrtle Mborn about 1898
RoemerTheodore Jborn about 1896
RoemerTheodore Jackborn about 1922
RogersWesley Mborn about 1904
RogersWilliam Loydborn about 1936
RogersWilma Deanborn about 1934
RolufsGrace Elizabethborn about 1878
RolufsRulof Tborn about 1874
RootBillie born about 1937
RootElmer Archieborn about 1895
RootEmma Gborn about 1865
RootHenry born about 1931
RootIrene born about 1900
RootMartha Ethelborn about 1901
RootNate born about 1902
RootSamuel Windellborn about 1912
RowlanDalton born about 1912
RowlanNellie born about 1912
RupertAnna Janeborn about 1932
RupertElston born about 1927
RupertLaretta born about 1907
RupertRalph born about 1901
RupertRobert born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandiferArthur born about 1922
SandiferCecil born about 1899
SandiferCecil Loiseborn about 1940
SandiferClayton born about 1898
SandiferDessie born about 1903
SandiferIrene born about 1899
SandiferJames born about 1925
SandiferJean born about 1930
SandiferJessie Maeborn about 1926
SandiferNellie born about 1925
SandsDarline born about 1939
SandsDon Larkinborn about 1939
SandsHellen born about 1917
SandsInez Cborn about 1910
SandsJohn Edwardborn about 1936
SandsJohnnie Vborn about 1907
SandsOral Roweborn about 1937
SandsWoodrow born about 1913
SaulsGladys born about 1902
SaulsJohn born about 1894
SchaeferChristine born about 1918
SchaubLena born about 1890
SchebaumDelmer born about 1938
SchebaumDonald born about 1939
SchebaumHarold born about 1917
SchebaumSylvia born about 1918
SchloemerAlbert born about 1881
SchloemerEugene born about 1920
SchloemerMinnie born about 1886
SchloemerThomas born about 1929
SchmidtFrieda born about 1897
SchmidtHellen born about 1926
SchmidtHerman born about 1883
SchmidtMarjorie born about 1922
SchmidtVincent born about 1920
SchmidtWarren born about 1924
ScottBillie Geneborn about 1926
ScottBoyd born about 1918
ScottDale born about 1922
ScottHomer born about 1892
ScottLucile born about 1895
ScottNorman born about 1932
ScottPauline born about 1922
SecrestReason born about 1927
SextonRalph born about 1908
SextonThelma Deanborn about 1912
ShafferGlenn born about 1939
ShafferNadine born about 1915
ShafferPleasant born about 1909
ShaffnerLouis Sborn about 1878
ShaffnerMary born about 1882
ShattuckBenjamin Hborn about 1889
SheldonFinis born about 1920
SherrellBill born about 1896
SherrellCaroline born about 1873
SherrellGeorge born about 1872
ShortEthel Lborn about 1899
ShortFrank Rborn about 1900
ShortHellen Lborn about 1925
ShowaterBertram born about 1931
SiboleJames Leroyborn about 1931
SimmsBetty Louborn about 1938
SimmsDonna Marieborn about 1937
SimmsFlorence Louiseborn about 1933
SimmsGoldie Maryborn about 1937
SimmsJames Hborn about 1889
SimmsJean Berniceborn about 1922
SimmsLena born about 1909
SimmsMarie born about 1902
SimmsMarvin Eborn about 1899
SimmsVirginia Louiseborn about 1926
SimmsWalter born about 1898
SiscoHarriett Mborn about 1863
SiscoHarrison born about 1918
SiscoLewis born about 1877
SiscoRosemary born about 1923
SiscoThomas born about 1871
SlawsonCharley born about 1926
SlawsonChester born about 1935
SlawsonClaude Fborn about 1930
SlawsonClyde Tborn about 1932
SlawsonFreddie born about 1935
SlawsonGeorgia born about 1934
SlawsonHazel born about 1924
SlawsonJames born about 1931
SlawsonJemima Catherineborn about 1864
SlawsonLeonard born about 1901
SlawsonLester born about 1939
SlawsonLoney born about 1903
SlawsonLucile born about 1934
SlawsonMary Roseborn about 1937
SlawsonOffie born about 1905
SlawsonPearl born about 1911
SlawsonRoselee born about 1939
SlawsonWesley born about 1929
SlawsonWilliam born about 1923
SlawsonWilliam Pborn about 1861
Smith??? born about
SmithAllen born about 1913
SmithAnna born about 1910
SmithBetty born about 1927
SmithBobbie Donborn about 1927
SmithBulah born about 1916
SmithDella born about 1888
SmithDonald born about 1939
SmithFern born about 1930
SmithFloyd born about 1901
SmithFloyd Jr born about 1931
SmithGeneva born about 1911
SmithJackie born about 1933
SmithJoseph born about 1938
SmithLois born about 1925
SmithLouie born about 1914
SmithMaggie born about 1862
SmithNorman born about 1882
SmithPeggy Joeborn about 1938
SmithPettis born about 1855
SmithRobert born about 1932
SmithRuby born about 1923
SmithRuth born about 1905
SmithTony Edwardborn about 1939
SmithWm born about 1904
SmithWm Jr born about 1935
SneedOllie born about 1886
SneedThos Cborn about 1870
SouthardJerry born about 1934
SouthardMinnie born about 1888
SouthardWm Eugeneborn about 1912
SpradlingNorton Lborn about 1892
SpradlingPeggy born about 1929
SpradlingRuby Mborn about 1896
StaggsBetty Janeborn about 1922
StaggsCorinne born about 1880
StaggsJohn Fborn about 1916
StaggsMary born about 1904
StaggsThos born about 1879
SteeleBetty Annborn about 1927
SteeleDorothy Maeborn about 1927
SteeleElizabeth born about 1934
SteeleElizabeth Aliceborn about 1858
SteeleFrances born about 1921
SteeleGertrude born about 1895
SteeleLester born about 1929
SteeleOliver born about 1893
SteeleRobert born about 1924
StephensonBobbie born about 1932
StephensonChester born about 1925
StephensonErnest born about 1924
StephensonHerman born about 1928
StephensonJames born about 1936
StephensonLeona born about 1938
StephensonOllie born about 1898
StephensonRonald born about 1934
StephensonSusie born about 1905
StevensBetty Geneborn about 1930
StevensonAnna born about 1883
StevensonFrank born about 1920
StevensonGeorge born about 1870
StewardBert born about 1886
StewardNellie Janeborn about 1887
StewardWalter born about 1893
StewartEften born about 1913
StewartHannah Mborn about 1872
StewartHarvey Aborn about 1876
StewartHellen born about 1921
StinsonColumbus born about 1900
StinsonDorothy born about 1934
StinsonGeraldine born about 1927
StinsonLynna born about 1909
StinsonMelvin born about 1932
StinsonShirley born about 1939
StogsdillAlma Lborn about 1897
StogsdillDoris Leeborn about 1936
StogsdillEthelyn born about 1924
StogsdillHomer Rborn about 1893
StogsdillHomer Wmborn about 1926
StogsdillJack Lynnborn about 1932
StogsdillMargarite Lborn about 1929
StogsdillMary Annborn about 1934
StogsdillRalph Eugeneborn about 1919
StokesWm Mborn about 1867
StollAda born about 1873
StollBarbara born about 1936
StollBeverley born about 1937
StollBillie Jborn about 1940
StollCarol Jeanborn about 1940
StollEdna born about 1915
StollEdward Rborn about 1901
StollJack born about 1934
StollJill born about 1934
StollKarl born about 1894
StollMary born about 1911
StollRobert born about 1926
StollRuth born about 1906
StollSally Annborn about 1929
StollWilliam Jborn about 1907
StonesEdward Henryborn about 1937
StonesHildagarde born about 1903
StonesPaul born about 1901
StonesPaul Cliffordborn about 1926
StonesVirgie Fredborn about 1929
StoughBertha Sborn about 1876
StoughBetty born about 1931
StoughFrank born about 1936
StoughHellen Eborn about 1916
StoughJo Annborn about 1939
StoughJohn born about 1898
StoughLawrence born about 1933
StoughLoyd born about 1925
StoughNancy born about 1928
StoughNorah born about 1901
StrawhunLulu born about 1907
StrawhunTom born about 1904
StroupLinda Annborn about 1935
StroupMary Jeanborn about 1932
StroupVerla born about 1897
StroupWilbert Bborn about 1897
SullivanJohn Lborn about 1896
SullivanMary Elizabethborn about 1896
SullivanThos Sandfordborn about 1918
SurvantLoretta born about 1913
SurvantLowell born about 1911
SwiftClara born about 1876
SwiftJames Jborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaberBetty born about 1934
TaberFern born about 1926
TaberFrancis Jborn about 1928
TaberJames Lborn about 1889
TaberMerica born about 1890
TaberRay born about 1929
TankersleyFrankie born about 1875
TankersleyLaura born about 1895
TankersleyMarion born about 1916
TankersleyMarion Sr born about 1868
TankersleyRoy Sborn about 1892
TankersleySunshine born about 1920
TankersleyZoe Hartborn about 1919
TaylorJack born about 1888
TaylorNora born about 1898
TeasdaleMary born about 1893
ThomasAnna born about 1929
ThomasDora born about 1930
ThomasGrace born about 1891
ThomasGrace born about 1898
ThomasHarry Leeborn about 1925
ThomasHerman born about 1922
ThomasJefferson born about 1857
ThomasJohn born about 1889
ThomasLaura Juneborn about 1867
ThomasMarian born about 1922
ThomasNorman born about 1913
ThomasVivian born about 1919
ThomasWalter born about 1894
ThomasWilliam Sborn about 1888
TillettPeggy Geneborn about 1935
TinnellBenjamin born about 1900
TinnellBillie Marieborn about 1930
TinnellBulah born about 1904
TinnellEugene born about 1925
TinnellRose born about 1905
TinnellWanita born about 1929
TinnellWilliam born about 1903
TourvilleClementine born about 1850
TourvilleCora born about 1889
TourvilleDexter born about 1919
TourvilleJune born about 1923
TowellClaude Rborn about 1923
TowellEllis born about 1917
TowellFrieda born about 1921
TowellGrace born about 1901
TowellJennie born about 1893
TowellLeslie born about 1925
TowellMatilda Ednaborn about 1895
TowellWilliam Iborn about 1892
TriggsBlanche born about 1908
TriggsLeo born about 1915
TrotterA C Jrborn about 1934
TrotterArthur born about 1906
TrotterBetty Bellborn about 1930
TrotterHarold Eugeneborn about 1925
TrotterVelma born about 1901
TrotterVirginia Maeborn about 1929
TuckerBillie born about 1930
TuckerCarl born about 1915
TuckerCora born about 1915
TuckerEarl born about 1935
TuckerElla Maryborn about 1937
TuckerEugene born about 1933
TuckerFlorence born about 1931
TuckerFreddie Bborn about 1890
TuckerLouis Jamesborn about 1938
TuckerMarie born about 1894
TuckerRuby born about 1919
TuckerVere born about 1935
TurnerAnneta born about 1934
TurnerBetty Louborn about 1929
TurnerCarl born about 1909
TurnerClifford born about 1924
TurnerDoll born about 1894
TurnerGeo Wborn about 1882
TurnerGrace born about 1889
TurnerJess born about 1896
TurnerJoyce born about 1937
TurnerKenneth born about 1926
TurnerLaurel born about 1922
TurnerLewis Aborn about 1914
TurnerMary born about 1885
TurnerNorma born about 1938
TurnerOleta born about 1914
TurnerPhillis born about 1939
TurnerRoberta born about 1919
TurnerSarah born about 1888
TurnerThomas born about 1919
TurnerWilliam Mborn about 1878
TurnerWilliam Rborn about 1883
TurnerWillie Iborn about 1915
TylerEarl born about 1922
TylerGordon born about 1899
TylerJimmie Leahborn about 1937
TylerMable born about 1908
TylerMartha born about 1927
TylerRosemary born about 1932
TylerSarah Pearlborn about 1903
TylerThomas born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmlaufBetty Geneborn about 1937
UmlaufJohn Cborn about 1880
UmlaufJohn Cborn about 1939
UmlaufLe Roy born about 1909
UmlaufLoretta Sueborn about 1939
UmlaufLulu born about 1884
UmlaufPeggy Leeborn about 1935
UmlaufZella born about 1909

V Surnames

VanwinkleCoda born about 1884
VarleyNancy born about 1905
VaughnSuitha Jborn about 1860
VitzthumJoe born about 1880
VitzthunBeverly Annborn about 1938
VitzthunCarollie born about 1936
VitzthunDorothy born about 1918
VitzthunLee born about 1915

W Surnames

WagnerAlice born about 1884
WagnerAndrew Cborn about 1884
WagnerAndrew Eborn about 1921
WagnerArthur Eugeneborn about 1939
WagnerBen born about 1916
WagnerBryon born about 1935
WagnerCharles born about 1881
WagnerCharley born about 1928
WagnerFred born about 1910
WagnerGeraldine born about 1939
WagnerJohn Aborn about 1922
WagnerJosephine born about 1919
WagnerJune born about 1934
WagnerMary Cborn about 1927
WagnerNorma born about 1914
WagnerOpal born about 1923
WagnerPaul Gborn about 1926
WagnerRelora born about 1890
WagnerTom Issacborn about 1925
WaitAdeline born about 1906
WaitEugene born about 1929
WaitFrank born about 1904
WalkerDollie born about 1895
WalkerHarold born about 1928
WalkerLois born about 1925
WalshF Marionborn about 1875
WannErlow born about 1927
WannHarold born about 1925
WannJoe born about 1920
WannLe Roy born about 1929
WannLena born about 1915
WannLouis born about 1905
WannRay born about 1917
WannRay Deanborn about 1939
WatsonJ Susieborn about 1913
WatsonJesse Ellenborn about 1888
WatsonMaxine born about 1932
WattsMary born about 1874
WebbSarah born about 1886
WeckerlyJohn born about 1847
WestAlva Cborn about 1885
WestEffie Mborn about 1887
WestIsabell Cborn about 1849
WeymanSarah born about 1907
WeymanTom born about 1903
WhiteE Daleborn about 1938
WhiteLe Roy born about 1926
WhiteManford born about 1927
WhiteRuby born about 1907
WhiteWanda Fernborn about 1935
WhiteWesley born about 1929
WhiteWiley Wborn about 1903
WhitmanFred born about 1870
WickmanClara born about 1876
WickmanHerman born about 1860
WickmanHerman Jr born about 1913
WilkenlohCornelius born about 1879
WilkenlohGladys born about 1911
WilkenlohRose born about 1884
WilliamsAlbert born about 1903
WilliamsAllen born about 1920
WilliamsBetty Roseborn about 1926
WilliamsBillie born about 1927
WilliamsDarlene born about 1932
WilliamsDorothy born about 1912
WilliamsDorothy born about 1927
WilliamsE Feyborn about 1921
WilliamsEd born about 1909
WilliamsEthel Maeborn about 1924
WilliamsFlorence born about 1905
WilliamsFlossie born about 1907
WilliamsGeorge Rborn about 1930
WilliamsIrvin born about 1909
WilliamsJames Robtborn about 1927
WilliamsJoan born about 1932
WilliamsJoe born about 1908
WilliamsJohn Aborn about 1879
WilliamsJohn Aborn about 1896
WilliamsJohn Stephenborn about 1922
WilliamsLaura born about 1887
WilliamsLee born about 1881
WilliamsLee Jr born about 1913
WilliamsLeftie born about 1887
WilliamsLewis born about 1891
WilliamsLola born about 1890
WilliamsMaggie born about 1902
WilliamsViola born about 1910
WilliamsWilma born about 1927
WillisArchie born about 1907
WillisArthur born about 1919
WillisAudry born about 1933
WillisBarbara born about 1927
WillisBobbie born about 1924
WillisClarence born about 1888
WillisDale born about 1933
WillisEmma born about 1892
WillisEthel born about 1907
WillisEva born about 1872
WillisLesslie born about 1934
WillisLouis born about 1925
WillisMary Elizabethborn about
WillisOra Eborn about 1889
WillisOscar Leeborn about 1919
WillisPatsy born about 1938
WillisRebecca Ellenborn about 1923
WillisRogers born about 1938
WillisRoonald born about 1935
WillisSherley born about 1939
WillisVelma born about 1923
WillisVirgie born about 1910
WillisVirginia Eborn about 1938
WillisWanita born about 1932
WillisWilliam Eborn about 1906
WilsonAmanda born about 1925
WilsonBessie born about 1881
WilsonBetty Joeborn about 1931
WilsonDale born about 1936
WilsonDavid born about 1901
WilsonDavine born about 1931
WilsonDonald Eugeneborn about 1922
WilsonDonald Leeborn about 1937
WilsonEdward born about 1920
WilsonEffie born about 1905
WilsonEvert born about 1901
WilsonFaye born about 1926
WilsonGeo Davidborn about 1932
WilsonGertrude born about 1887
WilsonGlenn born about 1918
WilsonIda Maeborn about 1938
WilsonJack born about 1922
WilsonJames born about 1864
WilsonJames Wmborn about 1925
WilsonJerry born about 1933
WilsonJoann born about 1936
WilsonJoe Louisborn about 1938
WilsonJohn Bborn about 1883
WilsonJohnnie Jacobborn about 1927
WilsonLe Roy Dborn about 1923
WilsonLena born about 1915
WilsonLewell born about 1929
WilsonLillie Eborn about 1897
WilsonLilly born about 1902
WilsonMae born about 1910
WilsonNancy Gwenborn about 1935
WilsonPaul born about 1938
WilsonPearl born about 1924
WilsonPeggy Eborn about 1935
WilsonPerry born about 1912
WilsonRoy Eugeneborn about 1927
WilsonSolomon Bborn about 1925
WilsonStanley born about 1918
WilsonSumner born about
WilsonViolet born about 1911
WilsonWanda born about 1932
WilsonWilliam Lborn about 1907
WodohodskyAgnes born about 1901
WodohodskyClaire Annaborn about 1932
WodohodskyJames born about 1938
WodohodskyJoseph born about 1929
WodohodskyLorraine born about 1927
WodohodskyLouis born about 1935
WodohodskyRosemary born about 1936
WodohodskyWenzel born about 1892
WoffordAnn born about 1913
WoffordBetty Jborn about 1932
WoffordDonna Jeanborn about 1934
WoffordGuy Dborn about 1913
WoffordJune born about 1935
WoodsEster born about 1879
WoodsRoland born about 1875
WooleseyEmma born about 1878
WooleseyGeorge Wborn about 1871
WooleseyMarjorie born about 1921
WooleyGeorgia Maeborn about 1899
WooleyGlenn born about 1894
WooleyLawrence born about 1866
WooleyLucy born about 1862
WoolseyDorothy born about 1920
WoolseyWilson born about 1913
WootenAda Belleborn about 1920
WootenHerbert born about 1919
WrightCora born about 1909
WrightElmer born about 1895
WrightFrema born about 1913
WrightJohnnie born about 1928
WrightLue born about 1897
WrightRay born about 1892
WrightWm Edwardborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesHellen born about 1923
YatesHenry born about 1918
YeltonArthur Wborn about 1913
YeltonClara born about 1914
YeltonDonald born about 1937
YeltonEarl born about 1929
YeltonEvelyn born about 1927
YeltonMendel born about 1911
YeltonMichael Joeborn about 1939
YeltonMildred born about 1912
YeltonNancy Leeborn about 1938
YeltonPansy born about 1916
YeltonSherman born about 1903
YoungAmanda Mborn about 1885
YoungThos Abnerborn about 1867
YowellCharles Eborn about 1888
YowellDelores Marieborn about 1928
YowellDorothy born about 1923
YowellEugene born about 1919
YowellEvelyn Juneborn about 1933
YowellLesslie born about 1940
YowellMary Eborn about 1894
YowellPearl Ellenborn about 1919
YowellRobert Franklinborn about 1926
YowellVivian Myrtleborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZorumskiJoseph born about 1882
ZorumskiMildred born about 1891

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