1940 U.S. Federal Census of Benton in Holt County, Holt, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Holt County > 1940 Census of Benton in Holt County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesQ SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCynthia born about 1880
AdamsElizabeth born about 1913
AdamsSylvester born about 1878
AdkisonAnna born about 1877
AebyC Henryborn about 1884
AebyJack born about 1924
AebyJoan born about 1927
AebyL Francesborn about 1888
AesdaleLouise born about 1908
AesdaleWilson born about 1874
AlgersElizabeth born about 1872
AlgersN Vesborn about 1878
AlkireMary born about 1858
AllenEdna born about 1920
AllenH Rayborn about 1890
AllenJulia born about 1893
AllisonAnn Maryborn about 1936
AllisonC Matthewborn about 1896
AllisonFern born about 1916
AllisonLee Robertborn about 1928
AllisonMarie born about 1901
AllisonMatthew Jr born about 1926
AllisonOtho born about 1905
AllisonRamona born about 1939
AllowayAdam born about 1876
AllowayClarence born about 1914
AllowayErnest born about 1907
AllowayMae born about 1881
AltiserJoe born about 1910
AltiserVirginia born about 1921
AltmanSue Dianaborn about 1935
AndersonJohn Wborn about 1874
AndersonMareb* born about 1858
AndesA Georgeborn about 1892
AndesAdam born about 1864
AndesDarrell born about 1922
AndesF Idaborn about 1864
AndesFlora born about 1889
AndesJohn born about 1884
AndesJohn Dborn about 1904
AndesMinnie born about 1872
AndesNettie born about 1897
AndlerBessie born about 1883
AndlerElma born about 1909
AndlerJanet born about 1930
AndlerJay born about 1923
AndlerJerald Lborn about 1881
AndlerJeraldine born about 1921
AndlerNoel Lborn about 1905
AndlerRuby born about 1906
AndlerRussel born about 1908
AndrewsLouise Maryborn about 1922
ArmackAlfred born about 1886
ArmackHenry Aborn about 1858
ArmackIda born about 1889
ArmentroutDavid Royborn about 1934
ArmentroutLina born about 1897
ArmentroutMarvin born about 1889
ArnoldAudrey born about 1899
ArnoldEdward Albertborn about 1892
ArnoldMyrtle born about 1890
ArnoldT Williamborn about 1895
AshcroftMae born about 1872
AshworthDoyle born about 1913
AshworthDoyle Williamborn about 1935
AshworthFlorence born about 1920
AshworthWilliam born about 1876
AtkinsIda born about 1907
AtkinsPearl Idaborn about 1907
AtkinsWilliam Rborn about 1867
AusleyDoris born about 1918
AusleyOttman Carlborn about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagbyFlora born about 1871
BagbyJohn Cborn about 1866
BagbyR Lborn about 1886
BaglyHarry born about 1908
BaglyP Robertborn about 1882
BahlBelle Annaborn about 1926
BahlElizabeth Maryborn about 1886
BahlGordon born about 1915
BahlJeannie born about 1928
BahlT Williamborn about 1886
BahlThelma born about 1918
BahlWilda born about 1922
BakerE Charlesborn about 1905
BakerEdward Billieborn about 1932
BakerFranklin Duanborn about 1939
BakerJ Sylviaborn about 1910
BakerJean Velmaborn about 1933
BakerMae Leonaborn about 1929
BaldrigdeL Rosaborn about 1883
BaldrigdeM Josephborn about 1871
BallAustin born about 1876
BallDale born about 1924
BallEthel born about 1900
BallFloyd born about 1899
BallFrances Maryborn about 1924
BallGladys born about 1912
BallHarry born about 1904
BallJunior Harryborn about 1933
BallLee Geraldborn about 1925
BallMinnie born about 1904
BallMollie born about 1879
BallWilbur born about 1910
BallingerCharles born about 1889
BammerMyrtle born about 1885
BammerWilliam born about 1886
BanningAl born about 1875
BanningCharles born about 1870
BanningHenry born about 1922
BanningLora born about 1871
BartonFranklin born about 1924
BeaverA Wayneborn about 1923
BeaverAlta born about 1896
BeaverBeverley born about 1931
BeaverLee born about 1886
BennerCharles born about 1886
BennerMaude born about 1880
BennettA Sidborn about 1876
BennettDale Geraldborn about 1929
BennettElla born about 1886
BennettL Ruthborn about 1898
BickelA Noraborn about 1875
BickelCharles born about 1933
BickelDaisy born about 1908
BickelHenry born about 1904
BickelIra born about 1905
BickelJoan born about 1935
BickelLa Mona born about 1909
BickelLynn Sharonborn about 1935
BickelNoreen born about 1909
BickelRobert born about 1937
BickelWilliam born about 1872
BindslevJoan born about 1881
BindslevMartin born about 1879
BirchLaura born about 1872
BisbyA Haroldborn about 1910
BisbyJennie born about 1916
BisbyLarry born about 1939
BishopAlva born about 1895
BishopAnna born about 1880
BishopFred born about 1884
BishopM Jamesborn about 1875
BisleyEugene Robertborn about 1939
BisleyH Arthurborn about 1886
BisleyMae Evaborn about 1884
BisleyViolet born about 1922
BissettFlora born about 1860
BissettH Georgeborn about 1866
BixlerHelen born about 1914
BixlerMaria born about 1937
BlairDonald born about 1920
BlairJ Minnieborn about 1882
BlairJack born about 1923
BlairL Johnborn about 1873
BlazerAlma born about 1911
BlazerFrank born about 1910
BlevinsBessie born about 1886
BlevinsDonnie born about 1931
BlevinsE Hughborn about 1881
BlevinsHarold born about 1909
BlevinsLee Donaldborn about 1931
BlevinsMildred born about 1912
BlockK Elizabethborn about 1901
BlockR Princeborn about 1898
BogleIdaline born about 1937
BogleIla born about 1907
BogleIlaline born about 1937
BogleJulius born about 1906
BogleKarly born about 1933
BogleLee Lloydborn about 1935
BogleRobert born about 1931
BogleWilbur born about 1929
BohartAva born about 1914
BohartChrystal born about 1917
BohartEmmett born about 1914
BohartFrancis born about 1913
BohartFrank born about 1892
BohartGrace born about 1893
BohartOra born about 1917
BohartRaymond born about 1921
BommerBeulah born about 1894
BommerCharles born about 1888
BommerWarren born about 1921
BookCatherine born about 1920
BookHerbert born about 1918
BookHesper born about 1876
BookO Jamesborn about 1870
BooneAda born about 1877
BooneE Rastusborn about 1870
BooneFrank born about 1913
BooneMabel born about 1919
BooneMacel born about 1909
BoothAlva born about 1899
BoothBessie born about 1903
BorchersCatherine born about 1910
BorchersGeorgia born about 1912
BorchersHorace born about 1908
BorchersMaud born about 1877
BorroughMay born about 1877
BorroughNewton born about 1881
BotkinElizabeth born about 1921
BowersL Gaineyborn about 1913
BowersNellie born about 1914
BoydDelia born about 1891
BoydGrant born about 1906
BoydIsaac born about 1894
BoydKaren Janiceborn about 1939
BoydLucile born about 1909
BoydMaude born about 1922
BoydPearl born about 1921
BrazelFrances born about 1897
BreazealeCatherine born about 1901
BrickeyEarl born about 1922
BrickeyG Davidborn about 1891
BrickeyGeraldine born about 1928
BrickeyGwendlon Daleborn about 1922
BrickeyJames born about 1921
BrickeyJane born about 1870
BrickeyJean Beverlyborn about 1931
BrickeyLary Leeborn about 1939
BrickeyMarie Helenborn about 1929
BrickeyMyrtle born about 1893
BrickeyPhillis Ireneborn about 1928
BrickeyVetra born about 1901
BrickeyWilliam born about 1898
BriggsE Cborn about 1867
BriggsEdmund born about 1910
BriggsMillie born about 1879
BroermanLeo born about 1919
BrokerClifford born about 1900
BrokerH Frankborn about 1870
BrokerOna born about 1881
BrownAgnes Mayborn about 1887
BrownAnna born about 1878
BrownBetty born about 1925
BrownByron born about 1921
BrownDoris born about 1914
BrownEllen born about 1923
BrownEster born about 1912
BrownF Georgeborn about 1883
BrownFred Lborn about 1887
BrownH Wborn about 1876
BrownHilda born about 1918
BrownHoward Tommyborn about 1928
BrownJoyce born about 1933
BrownJunior born about 1929
BrownMae Oraborn about 1891
BrownRichard born about 1940
BrownRuth born about 1879
BrownWalter born about 1913
BrowningArvene born about 1920
BrowningBelle Effieborn about 1880
BrowningDenzil born about 1925
BrowningDora born about 1895
BrowningE Maryborn about 1900
BrowningE Williamborn about 1870
BrowningFlorida born about 1882
BrowningFrost born about 1900
BrowningLee born about 1894
BrowningLester Jamesborn about 1875
BrowningLila born about 1905
BrowningNancy born about 1932
BrowningRobert born about 1923
BrunerJohn born about 1912
BrunerOra born about 1877
BucklesDarlene born about 1935
BucklesDona Maeborn about 1939
BucklesEarnest born about 1896
BucklesErma born about 1933
BucklesJames born about 1923
BucklesJerry born about 1929
BucklesKermit born about 1937
BucklesLucille born about 1924
BucklesMax born about 1927
BucklesOpal born about 1905
BucklesWayne born about 1931
BunkerEldred Eborn about 1875
BunkerHazel born about 1891
BunkerLenore born about 1876
BunkerVes born about 1887
BuntzBilly Jimborn about 1924
BuntzElizabeth born about 1889
BuntzEva Maeborn about 1882
BuntzFrank Aborn about 1881
BuntzMary born about 1919
BuntzMeyer born about 1921
BuntzWilliam born about 1883
BurgeAlice born about 1880
BurgeAllen born about 1921
BurgeCharlotte born about 1929
BurgeFloyd born about 1919
BurgeFranklin born about 1923
BurgeGeorge born about 1873
BurgeJohn born about 1910
BurgeJohnnie born about 1910
BurgeMace born about 1879
BurgeMaude born about 1889
BurgeSammy born about 1909
BurgeTracy born about 1916
BurgerE Fredborn about 1892
BurgerFredrick born about 1935
BurgerLon Bettyborn about 1931
BurgerMary born about 1910
BurkerJudson born about 1884
BurksJune Sarahborn about 1924
BurksLucile born about 1891
BurksM Fredborn about 1888
BurnettDorothy born about 1927
BurnettDwight born about 1901
BurnettEster born about 1896
BurnettFred born about 1923
BurnettJacob Rborn about 1897
BurnettLem born about 1877
BurnettRobert born about 1925
BurnettSeta born about 1901
BurnettW Williamborn about 1875
BurnsM Williamborn about 1866
BuschRuth Gillisborn about 1912
BuschWallace Lborn about 1911
BushDora born about 1859
BushLee Lucyborn about 1921
ByronLois born about 1918
ByronWalter born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaleBertha born about 1875
CarderAnn Marjorieborn about 1931
CarderDavid Paulborn about 1925
CarderEugene born about 1939
CarderGeorge born about 1893
CarderHarlan born about 1924
CarderLona born about 1901
CardinellBlanche born about 1892
CardinellH Johnborn about 1884
CardinellJessie born about 1884
CardinellRay born about 1889
CardinellRoy born about 1891
CardinellThomas born about 1910
CarltonAnn Dorothyborn about 1922
CarltonH Henryborn about 1888
CarltonLouise born about 1913
CarltonMyrtle born about 1894
CarmenBoyd Frankborn about 1921
CarmenFlorence born about 1896
CarmenFrank born about 1886
CarpenterHenry born about 1867
CarterDaniel Wborn about 1886
CarterF Dorisborn about 1913
CarterJestie born about 1890
CarterL Veraborn about 1885
CarterOlive born about 1871
CarterR Royborn about 1888
CasonCarrie born about 1871
CasonDenzil born about 1921
CasonEda Mayborn about 1892
CasonFred Hborn about 1896
CasonHarry born about 1925
CasonHoward born about 1859
CasonMinnie born about 1867
CasonNell born about 1896
CasonOnis* Dborn about 1891
CasonRalph born about 1927
CasonRebecca born about 1930
CasonRheuban born about 1864
CasonRuby born about 1894
CasonTeresa born about 1855
CatonAlbert Bborn about 1935
CatonAttie Bborn about 1866
CatonBernard born about 1929
CatonBertram born about 1903
CatonBeverly born about 1930
CatonChester born about 1881
CatonChester Jr born about 1919
CatonE Thomasborn about 1913
CatonEthel born about 1910
CatonHarold born about 1908
CatonHelen born about 1913
CatonIris born about 1914
CatonKatherine born about 1917
CatonKay born about 1937
CatonMable born about 1888
CatonMargaret born about 1922
CatonMary born about 1906
CatonMary Winifredborn about 1920
CatonPauline born about 1916
CatonPearl born about 1880
CatonRichard Hborn about 1939
CatronJimmie born about 1937
CattierArthur born about 1930
CattierMadeline born about 1909
CattierTed born about 1907
ChildersBryan born about 1896
ChildersMary Louborn about 1923
ChildersMerea born about 1898
ChristieA Victoriaborn about 1863
ChristieP Newtonborn about 1861
ClarkCarl Oborn about 1891
ClarkE Orvilleborn about 1907
ClarkEmma born about 1874
ClarkF Charlesborn about 1889
ClarkGertie born about 1881
ClarkGladys born about 1908
ClarkJ Willianborn about 1874
ClarkJane Shirleyborn about 1932
ClingerElick born about 1862
ClingerMary born about 1875
ColeH Willaborn about 1853
ColwellCora born about 1870
ColwellM Rborn about 1872
ColwellMargeret born about 1869
CombsAdeline born about 1922
CombsGeorge Billieborn about 1939
CombsJ Harryborn about 1903
CombsJ Porterborn about 1897
CombsJames born about 1870
CombsMae Beaulahborn about 1924
CombsVirginia born about 1894
CombsWillis born about 1929
CoohseyEarl born about 1890
CookAndrew Jamesborn about 1867
CookAndrew Jamesborn about 1931
CookBeryl born about 1907
CookCarrie born about 1881
CookCharla born about 1931
CookCharles born about 1899
CookHildred born about 1906
CookMae Eulaborn about 1926
CookMae Lulaborn about 1877
CookMary Rosaleeborn about 1937
CookRobert born about 1902
CookTempa born about 1904
CookseyHarriet born about 1919
CooperAithel born about 1909
CooperGary born about 1937
CooperLola born about 1914
CorbyW Pborn about 1886
CottierA Earlborn about 1899
CottierFrank born about 1890
CottierLou Bettyborn about 1924
CottierMae born about 1899
CourtRitta born about 1904
CozadHelen Josephineborn about 1865
CraigAustin born about 1918
CraigGregory born about 1939
CraigMargaret Mborn about 1921
CrannellM Fayborn about 1872
CreechClifford born about 1902
CreechMae Effieborn about 1883
CreelEllen Jennieborn about 1915
CrewsElizabeth born about 1870
CrewsThomas Wborn about 1870
CriswellAnnie born about 1884
CriswellF Blancheborn about 1895
CriswellS Georgeborn about 1887
CrochanLeola born about 1925
CromerHarold born about 1920
CromerHerbert born about 1891
CromerNettie born about 1890
CroppAdger born about 1856
CrosleyAlice born about 1898
CrosleyDean Ronaldborn about 1935
CrosleyE Oralborn about 1922
CrosleyJunior born about 1936
CrosleyL Laurelborn about 1892
CrouchNelle born about 1892
CrouchRoberta born about 1922
CrouchWilliam born about 1921
CrouseEdwin born about 1914
CrouseFrank born about 1883
CrouseLaura born about 1884
CrowLucile born about 1921
CrowMargaret born about 1917
CrowfordElenora born about 1911
CrowfordHelen born about 1884
CrowfordJames born about 1920
CrowfordWilliam born about 1880
CubbageEthel born about 1893
CubbageLevi born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlBrenda Gloriaborn about 1907
DahlJanice born about 1938
DahlJohn born about 1904
DarnellAmelia born about 1861
DarnellD Lborn about 1904
DarnellZetta born about 1884
DavidAnn Shirleyborn about 1938
DavidDeloris born about 1933
DavidEarl born about 1902
DavidEarl Jr born about 1929
DavidMyrtle born about 1910
DavidPaul born about 1930
DavidWanda born about 1935
DavisAvery born about 1915
DavisBetty born about 1932
DavisCharles born about 1928
DavisClaudia born about 1898
DavisEldon born about 1925
DavisEmra* born about 1874
DavisFlora born about 1888
DavisGerald born about 1923
DavisHelen born about 1916
DavisHelen born about 1929
DavisJames born about 1911
DavisKaren born about 1940
DavisLester born about 1890
DavisMinnie born about 1897
DavisO Leeborn about 1897
DavisRaymond born about 1920
DavisShirley born about 1936
DawsonA Johnborn about 1908
DawsonC Harryborn about 1918
DawsonJohn born about 1866
DawsonNaomi born about 1922
DawsonRalph born about 1904
DawsonSarah born about 1881
DearmontA Irlborn about 1899
DearmontB Jonahborn about 1861
DearmontHelen born about 1903
DearmontLee Wandaborn about 1931
DearmontLorene born about 1871
DearmontRodger born about 1936
DeckerE Richardborn about 1861
DeckerH Coraborn about 1895
DeekenCorda born about 1871
DelongFrance born about 1922
DelongLeonard born about 1923
DentonAlvin born about 1902
DentonLeona born about 1907
DentonLynn Maryborn about 1940
DepuyJennie Hborn about 1868
DepuyMartha Jeanborn about 1926
DepuyPercy born about 1893
DepuyPhilip born about 1927
DerrEdith Fborn about 1885
DerrH Smithborn about 1885
DerrJoseph born about 1916
DerrMary Mborn about 1924
DietzHannah born about 1880
DietzStanley born about 1913
DiggsAlice born about 1939
DiggsCarroll born about 1931
DiggsEstelle born about 1908
DiggsGlen born about 1937
DiggsMildred born about 1913
DiggsSheldon born about 1936
DiltzK Peteborn about 1889
DiltzMae Opalborn about 1922
DiltzPaul born about 1925
DiltzPearl born about 1889
DiltzRaymond born about 1918
DoanFrank born about 1890
DoanGlen born about 1922
DoanGoldie born about 1898
DonanB Francisborn about 1889
DonarE Annaborn about 1873
DonarF Dwightborn about 1897
DonarM Johnborn about 1874
DooleyEthel born about 1887
DooleyPatrick Aborn about 1880
DozierAlice born about 1909
DozierW Jamesborn about 1902
DragonHelen born about 1913
DragonJames born about 1915
DriverDean born about 1924
DriverM Casperborn about 1888
DriverRuby born about 1889
DukesHarry born about 1913
DukesReva born about 1917
DuncanBenjeman born about 1884
DuncanConstance Jeanborn about 1938
DuncanDean born about 1930
DuncanDoris born about 1932
DuncanElmer Wilfredborn about 1917
DuncanGladys born about 1902
DuncanJeaneva born about 1909
DuncanJess born about 1887
DuncanJohn born about 1855
DuncanMarie born about 1888
DuncanMaxine born about 1924
DuncanPhilip Rayborn about 1914
DuncanPhyllis born about 1923
DuncanRalph born about 1927
DuncanRichard born about 1925
DuncanRosa born about 1884
DuncanThomas born about 1896
DunhamBelle born about 1857
DunhamIra born about 1869
DuniganC Mborn about 1881
DuniganChristine born about 1905
DuniganDelores born about 1928
DuniganE Johnborn about 1895
DuniganHenry born about 1856
DuniganJessie born about 1888
DuniganSarah born about 1861
DurrE Jamesborn about 1935
DurrElvin born about 1905
DurrLee Carolborn about 1933
DurrWinona born about 1905

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E Surnames

EddyBesse born about 1884
EddyJim born about 1879
EddyNettie born about 1874
EdwardsGeorge Wborn about 1875
EdwardsSara Jborn about 1877
EichelbergerMella born about 1872
ElderAnn Maryborn about 1922
ElderBetty born about 1928
ElderCarl born about 1924
ElderDaisy born about 1930
ElderEllen Nancyborn about 1882
ElderEthel born about 1895
ElderEthelda born about 1925
ElderF Lonborn about 1878
ElderFlorence born about 1914
ElderFrancis born about 1920
ElderHattie born about 1885
ElderHenry born about 1881
ElderIlene Dorisborn about 1936
ElderIvan born about 1920
ElderMaude born about 1879
ElderPeggy Sueborn about 1936
ElderPerry born about 1876
ElderRoy Bobbieborn about 1937
ElderRuby born about 1916
ElderSusan born about 1855
ElderT Billyborn about 1896
EltonBetty born about 1923
EltonD Charlieborn about 1877
EltonDellie Jr born about 1938
EltonDollie born about 1911
EltonDoris born about 1919
EltonGertrude born about 1882
EltonJoye born about 1915
EltonLila born about 1915
EltonMargeret born about 1921
EltonThomas born about 1917
EmersonGale born about 1887
EmersonMaude born about 1886
EmmersonNellie born about 1858
EnosCecile born about 1913
EnosWilliam born about 1911
ErnstingJanet born about 1937
ErnstingKatherine born about 1913
ErnstingVirgil born about 1917
ErwinJohn born about 1884
ErwinS Williamborn about 1875
ErwinZula born about 1884
EvansBertha Mborn about 1896
EvansClaude born about 1891
EvansJohn Floydborn about 1888
EvansJoseph born about 1921
EvansMiles Eldonborn about 1922
EverettBessie born about 1890
EverettCharlette Louborn about 1927
EverettEdmond born about 1890
EverettJerry Sueborn about 1927
EverettRobert born about 1923
EverettV Sarahborn about 1867

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F Surnames

FalconerDouglas born about 1936
FalconerFreddie born about 1916
FalconerHarry born about 1881
FalconerHesper born about 1895
FalconerPhyills born about 1928
FalconerRobert born about 1923
FaymanHubert born about 1869
FaymanLena born about 1869
FaymanLillian born about 1907
FeilAnn Dorisborn about 1925
FeilGwendolyn born about 1924
FeilJune Wandaborn about 1939
FeilMargeret born about 1903
FeilR Henryborn about 1889
FergusonAnna born about 1879
FergusonWilliam Rborn about 1871
FieldDaisy born about 1904
FieldDelores born about 1931
FieldDeltha born about 1905
FieldElbert born about 1939
FieldEster born about 1908
FieldEusona born about 1930
FieldGeorge Nborn about 1896
FieldGeorge Wborn about 1901
FieldIra Lborn about 1877
FieldJ Lynneborn about 1930
FieldJohn Dborn about 1900
FieldLora born about 1912
FieldLouie born about 1907
FieldM Eugeneborn about 1923
FieldMattie born about 1899
FieldRex born about 1934
FieldRobert born about 1937
FieldRobert Leeborn about 1894
FieldRoland born about 1929
FieldSara Eborn about 1881
FieldVirginia born about 1931
FieldWilliam Jborn about 1898
FikeD Nborn about 1856
FikeJ Orvilleborn about 1881
FikeL Margeretborn about 1889
FikeRuth born about 1923
FischerFloyd born about 1906
FischerLewis J Mrs Aborn about 1875
FischerMable born about 1913
FitzmauriceMarie Cborn about 1901
FitzmauricePatrick Hborn about 1867
FleenerBeulah born about 1891
FleenerHelen Marieborn about 1924
FleenerJames Lborn about 1885
FleenerNettie born about 1882
FleenerPerry born about 1880
FlemingJames born about 1923
FlemingMinnie born about 1884
FlemingMona born about 1921
FlemingThomas born about 1884
FlemingsConstance born about 1913
FlemingsDerbin born about 1914
FlemingsPurdie Pborn about 1887
FlemingsW Frankborn about 1884
FlynnCora born about 1894
FoggAnna born about 1875
FoggElizabeth Jborn about 1853
FoggFrank born about 1880
FoggFreda born about 1902
FordEarl born about 1893
ForneyFrances Sarahborn about 1925
ForneyH Mossborn about 1882
ForneyLouise born about 1918
ForneyMerrill born about 1912
ForneyNellie born about 1887
ForneyO Solborn about 1908
FosterHazel born about 1908
FosterJewell born about 1903
FoxElizabeth born about 1872
FoxF Mborn about 1866
FoxKaye born about 1936
FoxLois born about 1913
FoxM Richardborn about 1916
FoxMarie Judithborn about 1939
FragerAnna born about 1868
FrazierEldin born about 1914
FrazierWilliam born about 1912
FriesC Harryborn about 1886
FriesHarriet born about 1919
FriesJohn Jborn about 1900
FriesK Nelleborn about 1885
FriesVirginia born about 1922
FuhrmanGlen Dborn about 1924
FulcherEstella Dorothyborn about 1912
FulcherOrris Charlesborn about 1931
FulcherR Oraborn about 1906
FultzC Rayborn about 1918
FultzEarl born about 1909
FultzJ Bessieborn about 1886
FultzMarion born about 1858
FultzMartha born about 1864
FurhmanEarl born about 1921

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G Surnames

GagebyFrances born about 1864
GagebyJennie born about 1867
GallawayBetty born about 1921
GallawayMamie born about 1892
GallopBelle born about 1878
GallopJohn born about 1872
GardnerDonald Wayneborn about 1929
GardnerMaude born about 1886
GardnerOpal Jeanborn about 1926
GardnerRobert born about 1877
GarrettStella born about 1871
GaryPercy born about 1884
GaskillE Elizaborn about 1872
GaskillJ Frankborn about 1870
GelvinAudrey born about 1913
GelvinCharles born about 1908
GelvinMae Evaborn about 1931
GelvinStella born about 1881
GelvinWill born about 1879
GentryD Johnborn about 1917
GentryFrank born about 1889
GentryJohn Mborn about 1858
GentryLenora born about 1861
GentryMamie born about 1896
GentryMargeret born about 1912
GentryWayne born about 1920
GibsonB Hattieborn about 1890
GibsonEdmond born about 1913
GibsonElma born about 1928
GibsonJoyce Annborn about 1940
GibsonMargeret born about 1886
GibsonRodney born about 1924
GibsonWilma born about 1917
GiffillianRaymond born about 1925
GiffordEarl born about 1914
GilbertClyle born about 1911
GilbertDon born about 1904
GilbertInez born about 1915
GilbertJune born about 1934
GilbertJunior Clydeborn about 1936
GilbertMarjoria born about 1916
GilbertWanda born about 1936
GilfillanCharlie born about 1893
GilfillanMae born about 1894
GilfillianBarbara born about 1855
GillillangEarl born about 1918
GillillangKatherine born about 1924
GillillangLou Normaborn about 1930
GillillangMattie born about 1903
GillillangVernie born about 1896
GillisEmmett Tborn about 1899
GillisGloria Annborn about 1933
GillisHazel born about 1904
GillisIvan Rborn about 1907
GillisJohn Wborn about 1896
GillisKatherine Helenborn about 1936
GillisLandon Cborn about 1901
GillisLoyd born about 1904
GillisLucille born about 1906
GillisMarjorie born about 1908
GillisMary Louiseborn about 1910
GillisMyrtle born about 1885
GillisRobert Cborn about 1876
GillisSarepta born about 1888
GillsDean Rborn about 1904
GillsHelen born about 1909
GillsMerilyn Juneborn about 1939
GilvinBetty born about 1927
GilvinFrances born about 1925
GilvinGlen born about 1921
GilvinMina born about 1891
GilvinRaymond born about 1916
GilvinRichard born about 1919
GilvinSam born about 1884
GilvinThelma born about 1933
GlickGoldie born about 1900
GlickJoyce born about 1925
GlickLee born about 1899
GlickLynn Dowthyborn about 1933
GlickWilla born about 1921
GordonBelle Lenaborn about 1862
GordonJames Franklinborn about 1905
GormanF Charlesborn about 1933
GormanFlorence born about 1910
GormanFrank born about 1905
GormanJean Wilmaborn about 1929
GouldCecil born about 1903
GouldJoseph Pborn about 1886
GouldRoy born about 1921
GouldSarah Eborn about 1863
GouldVergil born about 1923
GracyC Jborn about 1870
GracyElizabeth Maryborn about 1928
GracyIrma born about 1893
GraffAnn Shirleyborn about 1933
GraffEdward born about 1931
GraffFrances born about 1911
GraffJo Piggyborn about 1937
GraffLee Gloriaborn about 1939
GraffRonald born about 1935
GraffWilliam born about 1901
GrahamAllie born about 1881
GrahamEdward born about 1878
GrahamEthel born about 1891
GrahamGlen born about 1918
GravesJoseph born about 1891
GravesMartha born about 1853
GreshamBell Missoureborn about 1859
GreshamLois born about 1920
GreshamLynn Ronaldborn about 1937
GreshamRex born about 1910
GriffeyElane born about 1939
GriffeyEldon born about 1912
GriffeyFrancis born about 1916
GriffeyJoan born about 1935
GriffeyLavon born about 1937
GriffithHestherlynn born about 1901
GriffithJane Emmaborn about 1869
GriffithK Ernestborn about 1890
GriggsLouise Helenborn about 1925
GriggsMabel born about 1899
GrovesFreddie born about 1934
GrovesGary born about 1940
GrovesGeneva born about 1916
GrovesLeland born about 1911
GuthrieA Joeborn about 1875
GuthrieClaude born about 1914
GuthrieDonna born about 1911
GuthrieEva born about 1885
GuthrieFredrick born about 1939
GuthrieFreeman born about 1891
GuthrieGranvill born about 1911
GuthrieIdalyn born about 1938
GuthrieJames born about 1905
GuthrieJo Peggyborn about 1937
GuthrieLeta born about 1894
GuthrieLeta born about 1928
GuthrieLorene born about 1918
GuthrieTillie born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HadginEunice born about 1924
HagermanD Adamborn about 1862
HagermanIda born about 1869
HaiglerEdna born about 1897
HaiglerH Russelborn about 1897
HaleErnest born about 1912
HaleHarry born about 1890
HaleMyrtle born about 1892
HallA Lesterborn about 1901
HallDavid born about 1926
HallEdwin born about 1921
HallElaine born about 1923
HallG Donborn about 1901
HallGrace born about 1924
HallH Johnborn about 1926
HallJacquline born about 1904
HallKenneth born about 1924
HallLetha born about 1889
HallMarjorie born about 1922
HallMildred born about 1900
HallRaymond born about 1918
HallRichard born about 1920
HallRosylynn Maryborn about 1919
HallSylvia born about 1889
HallWarren born about 1924
HallenbeckNora born about 1857
HalleyAlma born about 1894
HalleyJ Claudeborn about 1889
HamiltonMary born about 1877
HamiltonThomas born about 1871
HardcastleClifford born about 1911
HardcastleClifford Rexborn about 1919
HardcastleE Joyceborn about 1934
HardcastleJ Helenborn about 1914
HardcastleJean Helenborn about 1938
HarkinsWilliam born about 1872
HarmonBilly Lynnborn about 1938
HarmonGlen born about 1905
HarmonLulu born about 1905
HarrisAthall born about 1903
HarrisMerritt born about 1894
HarrisRoy born about 1929
HarrisTed born about 1927
HartH Wborn about 1867
HartHarriet born about 1867
HatchEffie born about 1875
HatchJohn born about 1912
HatchRobert born about 1875
HathornD Earlborn about 1906
HathornD Elenoraborn about 1929
HathornDoris born about 1910
HathornJanet Marionborn about 1935
HayesCera born about 1911
HayesMyra born about 1875
HaysGeorge Oborn about 1866
HaysMaude born about 1875
HeathH Harryborn about 1902
HeathJimmie born about 1938
HeathRichard born about 1931
HeathVergine born about 1905
HeckC Johnborn about 1850
HeckGarney born about 1911
HeckLouise born about 1912
HeckMary born about 1864
HeckRodger Elvinborn about 1939
HedMarvine born about 1901
HedMyrtle born about 1904
HeifferCarl born about 1920
HeifferJoseph Jborn about 1887
HeifferJunior born about 1927
HeifferViola born about 1895
HendrixEllsworth Jamesborn about 1922
HendrixIlene Claraborn about 1919
HendrixJune Lucileborn about 1931
HendrixMae Bettyborn about 1933
HendrixMarie Adaborn about 1897
HendrixMarie Elsieborn about 1925
HendrixOscar Haroldborn about 1920
HendrixRichard Royborn about 1928
HendrixW Oscarborn about 1896
HenningMinnie born about 1887
HenningRuth born about 1919
HenningWilliam born about 1891
HenricksB Ernestborn about 1901
HenricksD Ardisborn about 1935
HenricksD Jeanborn about 1939
HenricksVera born about 1899
HenryBillie born about 1926
HerrimanMargeret born about 1921
HerrimanMyrtle born about 1889
HerrimanOliver born about 1888
HershnerBlanche born about 1887
HershnerEdward born about 1886
HesterChristina born about 1883
HesterEthel born about 1917
HesterJohn born about 1882
HiattLennce born about 1892
HicksF Donaldborn about 1908
HicksHelen born about 1913
HicksRodney born about 1938
HilesEldon born about 1904
HilesFrances born about 1868
HilesGlola born about 1913
HillAnna Lborn about 1877
HillMerton Aborn about 1877
HillisCharles born about 1936
HillisHarry Dborn about 1899
HillisWilma born about 1905
HittMae Nettieborn about 1884
HodginJane born about 1919
HoganAddie born about 1902
HoganE Frankborn about 1877
HoganF Iraborn about 1903
HoganHelen born about 1937
HoganJames born about 1934
HoganJanice born about 1936
HoganS Minaborn about 1872
HoldermanCarl born about 1889
HoldermanElenora Giasborn about 1919
HoldermanMartha born about 1890
HollenbeckLouise Maryborn about 1922
HollenbeckMadge born about 1890
HollenbeckW Earlborn about 1887
HollingworthByron born about 1856
HolmesDean Maryborn about 1924
HolmesEugene Williamborn about 1928
HolmesGerald born about 1904
HolmesMary born about 1902
HolstineDale born about 1937
HolstineHarry born about 1905
HolstineIrwin born about 1935
HolstineMarilyn born about 1933
HolstineMinnie born about 1909
HolstineRalph born about 1929
HoltzElwood born about 1928
HoodGeorge Cborn about 1924
HoodJohn Mrs born about 1878
HoodLawrence Lborn about 1913
HoodLowell Aborn about 1903
HooleyClarence born about 1914
HooleyImogene born about 1919
HopperEdward born about 1878
HopperLula born about 1882
HoustonAudley born about 1906
HoustonB Nellieborn about 1872
HoustonCharles born about 1865
HoustonMarilyn born about 1935
HoustonRaymond born about 1905
HowardDouglas born about 1936
HowardLowell born about 1917
HowardMargaret born about 1921
HowardVickie born about 1938
HughesBonnie born about 1916
HughesDaniel born about 1914
HughesPhylis born about 1937
HughesTwila born about 1936
HullG Gertrudeborn about 1860
HullIda born about 1892
HullL Louieborn about 1891
HullMyrtle born about 1892
HullRay born about 1889
HullRobert born about 1923
HuntB Cborn about 1877
HuntEffie born about 1880
HuntGenevieve born about 1920
HuntGlen born about 1922
HuntKenneth born about 1917
HyselEdmond born about 1924
HyselFlourence born about 1905
HyselMarjorie born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonJoe Francisborn about 1927
JacksonLloyd born about 1904
JacksonLorene born about 1909
JacksonMyrtle born about 1876
JacksonWilson born about 1902
JamesArlie born about 1900
JamesDallas born about 1932
JamesIrene born about 1904
JamesJunior born about 1935
JasperBobby Deanborn about 1930
JasperClarelena born about 1909
JasperJ Carsonborn about 1933
JasperLloyd born about 1903
JohnsDewey born about 1905
JohnsEva born about 1913
JohnsHenry Charlesborn about 1933
JohnsonCecil born about 1915
JohnsonJerald born about 1937
JohnsonMaymie born about 1917
JohnstonDuane born about 1933
JohnstonHugh born about 1909
JohnstonLyla born about 1861
JohnstonNorma born about 1913
JoslinJoseph born about 1871
JoslinLee born about 1909
JudyA Georgeborn about 1870
JudyAnnie born about 1872
JudyBetty born about 1898
JudyLarry born about 1897
JudyLawrence born about 1930
JudyPearl born about 1888
JumpsEllen Roseborn about 1925
JumpsJane born about 1928
JumpsJunior Royborn about 1924
JumpsMargeret born about 1901
JumpsOneil Russelborn about 1936
JumpsRoy born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaiglerLee Harryborn about 1868
KaiglerW Johnborn about 1872
KarnsA Maryborn about 1865
KarnsAmelia born about 1863
KarnsClara born about 1893
KarnsEarl born about 1883
KarnsEmmett born about 1890
KarnsEthel born about 1885
KarnsHarold born about 1918
KarnsLillian born about 1910
KarnsMary born about 1885
KarnsOrman born about 1892
KarnsViola born about 1883
KaufmanAnna born about 1876
KaufmanGeorge born about 1871
KaufmanJoseph Bborn about 1885
KeasterGrant Ulyussborn about 1867
KeasterL Evaborn about 1867
KeeAlba born about 1900
KeeAletha born about 1902
KeeJack born about 1928
KeeJeanine born about 1929
KeifferManis born about 1875
KeifferStella born about 1880
KelleyBen born about 1881
KelleyBen born about 1928
KelleyEdith born about 1925
KelleyJennie born about 1891
KelleyLaurence born about 1930
KelleyLee Marthaborn about 1931
KelleyLouise born about 1858
KelleyMaud born about 1880
KelleyMildred born about 1917
KelleyNeloami born about 1918
KelleyS Raymondborn about 1939
KelleyThomas born about 1914
KelleyW Royborn about 1891
KenderDeloris born about 1930
KenderJune born about 1885
KenderM Sidborn about 1885
KenderPauline born about 1915
KenderRobert born about 1926
KenkleAlta Jeanneborn about 1936
KenkleClara born about 1920
KenkleEverett born about 1913
KennedyElizabeth born about 1920
KennedyThomas born about 1938
KennishK Maryborn about 1914
KernsEunice born about 1876
KesslerFlorena born about 1911
KesslerJohn born about 1903
KesterFrank born about 1899
KieferBarbara born about 1933
KieferBeverley born about 1930
KieferGeorge Bborn about 1902
KieferGeorge Hborn about 1936
KieferMartha Mborn about 1905
KiefferL Eborn about 1877
KiefferMary Eborn about 1881
KiefferRalph born about 1923
KiefferVelma born about 1917
KimmelBob Billieborn about 1934
KimmelHelen born about 1909
KimmelJo Jerryborn about 1939
KimmelPaul born about 1909
KimmelPeggy born about 1932
KingA Wborn about 1877
KingMonida born about 1921
KingPheobe born about 1844
KinneyLeona born about 1899
KinneyRalph born about 1899
KinneyWilliam born about 1926
KinnishGertrude born about 1877
KinnishJames born about 1863
KissierElsie born about 1879
KissierJames born about 1881
KiteVelora born about 1894
KiteVera born about 1904
KnowlesBernice born about 1939
KnowlesBessie Lborn about 1934
KnowlesC Wborn about 1895
KnowlesEvelina born about 1913
KnoxHelen born about 1919
KnoxJean born about 1921
KuhnC Royborn about 1882
KuhnE Georgeborn about 1892
KuhnMyra born about 1888
KuhnNettie born about 1888
KunkelEffie born about 1879
KunkelIris born about 1922
KunkelJohn Henryborn about 1940
KunkelRobert born about 1882
KunkelS Bborn about 1865
KunkelSamuel Vborn about 1916
KunkelVelma Ellenborn about 1938
KunkleBessie born about 1924
KunkleClyde born about 1889
KunkleDorothy born about 1926
KunkleIris born about 1925
KunkleJune born about 1921
KurtzHelen born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LakeLoyd born about 1915
LamackHerschel born about 1919
LamackRose Ellenborn about 1924
LamasneyJunior W Jborn about 1931
LamasneyLaura born about 1909
LamasneyW Jborn about 1901
LandessCharles born about 1903
LandessMildred born about 1903
LandsdownCora born about 1879
LandsdownF Lborn about 1878
LarsonDoris born about 1926
LarsonHarry born about 1895
LarsonNaomi Jeanborn about 1930
LarsonOneil born about 1923
LarsonThatcher born about 1918
LarsonTracy born about 1900
LathamDawson born about 1918
LathamHenry born about 1893
LathamJasie born about 1899
LathamMargeret born about 1924
LathamRobert Jamesborn about 1931
LattenLeta born about 1864
LawrenceDema born about 1887
LawrenceHoward Cborn about 1888
LawrenceWilson born about 1921
LawsonPauline born about 1889
LayArchie born about 1924
LayJane born about 1905
LayMerle born about 1907
LearnSeymour born about 1855
LeaseDean Jamesborn about 1938
LeaseDorothy born about 1914
LeaseLynn Veraborn about 1933
LeaseRae Sharonborn about 1936
LeaseW Charlesborn about 1911
LeaseW Charles Jrborn about 1931
LecuraClemence born about 1906
LecuraJacqueline born about 1930
LecuraLavonne Joanborn about 1938
LecuraLila born about 1909
LecuraMae Wandaborn about 1932
LecuraVictoria born about 1935
LecuraVivian born about 1928
LecuraW Clemmieborn about 1936
LentGoldie born about 1903
LentRussell born about 1893
LewisJ Ernestborn about 1895
LewisM Matthewborn about 1873
LewisMartha born about 1859
LimppBuster born about 1927
LimppJackie born about 1933
LimppJean born about 1936
LimppMildred born about 1910
LimppWilber born about 1906
LippoldAlice born about 1893
LippoldOpal born about 1913
LittleDoris born about 1923
LittleElizabeth born about 1916
LittleGlen born about 1939
LittleRuth born about 1894
LittleWarren born about 1882
LittleWarren Jr born about 1933
LomackJohn born about 1887
LomackJunior born about 1923
LomackPearl born about 1891
LomaxBetty Marleneborn about 1939
LomaxGareld born about 1916
LomaxZetta born about 1919
LongAgnes born about 1926
LongArlene Joyceborn about 1939
LongBeatrice born about 1892
LongBeaulah born about 1894
LongBetty Louborn about 1926
LongCharlet Maeborn about 1924
LongDoll born about 1903
LongEdwin born about 1923
LongEldon Perryborn about 1923
LongFrancis born about 1922
LongFranklin born about 1932
LongFred born about 1889
LongIda born about 1895
LongIrene born about 1911
LongJean Bettyborn about 1936
LongJohn born about 1906
LongLee Donaldborn about 1922
LongMaggie born about 1888
LongMarie Dwillaborn about 1937
LongMaymie born about 1896
LongOrville born about 1931
LongPhillip born about 1940
LongRice born about 1915
LongRichard born about 1899
LongRichard born about 1931
LongRobert Wborn about 1882
LongSam born about 1891
LongSarah born about 1928
LongVelda born about 1918
LongWillis born about 1913
LoucksAlice born about 1908
LoucksDavid born about 1873
LoucksMary Ileenborn about 1923
LoucksRena born about 1883
LoveladyAxie born about 1896
LoveladyHarold born about 1919
LoveladyHarry born about 1915
LoveladyThurlow born about 1894
LoveladyVera born about 1921
LoweCora born about 1872
LowerBessie born about 1885
LowerDella born about 1875
LowerGalen born about 1880
LunaDuane born about 1934
LunaIva born about 1933
LunaMary born about 1910
LunaWilber born about 1902
LundyDean born about 1933
LundyPheobe born about 1897
LundyWilma born about 1925
LyerlyCharles born about 1914
LyerlyEvelyn born about 1915
LyerlyRobert Charlesborn about 1936
LymanDora born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachtArthur born about 1874
MachtRaymond born about 1901
MachtRose born about 1878
MahhaffyA Willborn about 1878
MahhaffyMildred born about 1910
MaierG Williamborn about 1869
MaierNora born about 1877
MaleyDorris born about 1925
MaleyEugene born about 1932
MaleyJoseph born about 1888
MaleyKatherine born about 1898
MaleyOpal born about 1922
MaleyRichard born about 1935
MaleyWayne born about 1929
MannJane Maryborn about 1860
MarktBetty Janeborn about 1926
MarktHarold born about 1892
MarktJoan born about 1931
MarktLester born about 1899
MarktLucy born about 1893
MarktNellie born about 1906
MarrsIda Aborn about 1887
MarrsWilliam Aborn about 1883
MartiElsie born about 1925
MartiFlora born about 1895
MartiJohn Lborn about 1896
MartinA Frankborn about 1887
MartinAletha born about 1924
MartinChristopher Columbiaborn about 1859
MartinClydea Berniceborn about 1931
MartinFaye born about 1898
MartinFranklin born about 1916
MartinGrace born about 1923
MartinJim born about 1893
MartinL Lloydborn about 1937
MartinLee Donaldborn about 1936
MartinLucile Darleneborn about 1928
MartinMinnie born about 1899
MartinO Jamesborn about 1921
MartinRichard Tannyborn about 1929
MartinRufas born about 1904
MartinU Marthaborn about 1910
MastersEvelyn born about 1918
MaxA Ruthborn about 1900
MaxAnn Bettyborn about 1930
MaxP Davidborn about 1904
McConnellElvin born about 1888
McConnellGladys born about 1908
McConnellJames born about 1917
McConnellR Johnborn about 1923
McConnellSue Kaunborn about 1911
McConnellVerna born about 1893
McCormackCarson born about 1907
McCormackCarson Iiiborn about 1935
McCormackElizabeth born about 1910
McCoyCarl born about 1915
McCoyE Dorseyborn about 1890
McCoyM Estherborn about 1897
McCoyMary born about 1887
McCoyPaul born about 1908
McCoyRuth Helenborn about 1918
McCoyS Georgeborn about 1882
McCoySamantha born about 1869
McCroyFlorence born about 1904
McCroyJanet born about 1928
McCroyKathleen born about 1938
McCroyN Williamborn about 1897
McCroyRobert born about 1934
McDonaldDavid born about 1862
McDonaldDoris born about 1919
McDonaldOlive born about 1896
McGowenFrancis born about 1879
McGuireClyde born about 1914
McGuireInez born about 1919
McGuireJoetta born about 1921
McGuireNellie Jborn about 1895
McGuireWilliam Gborn about 1892
McIntyreFaye born about 1903
McIntyreFred born about 1885
McIntyreGene born about 1924
McIntyreHazel born about 1889
McIntyreReggie born about 1922
McIntyreRobert born about 1922
McKeeA Williamborn about 1937
McKeeC Russelborn about 1903
McKeeHerbert born about 1911
McKeeIrene born about 1904
McKeeRuby born about 1914
McKeeWilliam born about 1874
McKillipJack born about 1924
McKnightMaude born about 1883
McKnightWilliam born about 1875
McNullyNeal born about 1918
McNultyBernice born about 1898
McNultyGrace born about 1881
McNultyKathrine born about 1915
McNultyLloyd born about 1892
McNultyLondo* born about 1876
McNultyLynda Kayborn about 1939
McNultyMinnie born about 1874
McNultyRichard born about 1920
McNultyRobert born about 1912
McNultySillie born about 1914
McNuttyCarroll born about 1914
McNuttyEmma born about 1886
McNuttyGuy born about 1928
McNuttyJoe born about 1921
McNuttyNorma born about 1931
McNuttyRuth born about 1925
McQuerryBertha born about 1899
McQuerryE Williamborn about 1890
McQuerryLamar born about 1934
McQuerryLeroy born about 1921
McRobertGeorge born about 1870
McRobertStella born about 1886
MeekAnn Sarahborn about 1862
MeekLloyd born about 1898
MellerH Adaborn about 1863
MellerWilliam Johnborn about 1857
MeltonR Eborn about 1863
MeltonVirginia born about 1862
MendenhallAdeline born about 1921
MendenhallCecil born about 1897
MendenhallClara born about 1919
MendenhallJames born about 1885
MendenhallMarion born about 1919
MendenhallMartin born about 1865
MendenhallWarren born about 1923
MetggarDella born about 1870
MetggarHarrison born about 1865
MetggarR Jacobborn about 1905
MetzarManda born about 1864
MetzarSimon born about 1858
MeyerDwight born about 1893
MeyerMary born about 1892
MeyerNina Sueborn about 1932
MeyersA Jamesborn about 1870
MeyersAlice Maryborn about 1916
MeyersE Sarahborn about 1870
MeyersFloyd born about 1940
MeyersG Raymondborn about 1909
MeyersL Jamesborn about 1912
MeyersLee Robertborn about 1938
MeyersRuth Hazelborn about 1922
MilesEdward born about 1914
MilesThomas Nborn about 1879
MillerA Johnborn about 1859
MillerA Williamborn about 1889
MillerAllison Francisborn about 1895
MillerClyde born about 1901
MillerDale Glenborn about 1898
MillerDean Bobbieborn about 1930
MillerDorothy born about 1910
MillerE Lenaborn about 1898
MillerElsie Sarahborn about 1909
MillerF Geraldineborn about 1910
MillerG Ethelborn about 1885
MillerHenry Kborn about 1884
MillerJean Delorisborn about 1933
MillerK Abrahamborn about 1904
MillerKattie born about 1899
MillerLe Roy Charles born about 1935
MillerLucy born about 1874
MillerM Williamborn about 1885
MillerMarilyn born about 1930
MillerMary born about 1888
MiltonBulah born about 1935
MiltonEva born about 1902
MiltonFrankie born about 1933
MiltonHarold born about 1923
MiltonRobert born about 1922
MiltonWarren born about 1886
MiltonWarren Jr born about 1939
MinshallElmer Jr born about 1923
MinshallSarah born about 1874
MinshallT Elmerborn about 1872
MitchellDorothy born about 1915
MitchellEugene born about 1920
MitchellKatherine born about 1907
MitchellLeroy Marionborn about 1896
MitchellPaul born about 1910
MitchellRichard Eborn about 1938
MoiseHelen born about 1912
MoiseLaura born about 1877
MoiseN Charlesborn about 1908
MoneyClyde born about 1897
MoneyNellie born about 1895
MoneyRobert born about 1925
MoodyD Haroldborn about 1903
MoodyJ Bryantborn about 1904
MoodyJean Billieborn about 1924
MoodyNadine born about 1906
MoodyR Wborn about 1929
MoodyRalph born about 1919
MoodySadie born about 1879
MoodyVelma born about 1908
MooreB Marionborn about 1908
MooreH Loydborn about 1879
MooreM Beatriceborn about 1901
MoormanD Mauriceborn about 1923
MoormanEugene Willisborn about 1930
MoormanJean Pattyborn about 1928
MoormanLon Emmaborn about 1925
MoormanMarion born about 1892
MoormanMaxine born about 1894
MoormanP Hughborn about 1890
MoormanQuanita born about 1920
MoormanRussell born about 1916
MorganGlen born about 1907
MorganMae Ninaborn about 1907
MorrisAnna born about 1860
MorrisBulah born about 1890
MorrisClyde born about 1916
MorrisDonald born about 1929
MorrisElburn born about 1913
MorrisJoan Louiseborn about 1939
MorrisJosephine born about 1913
MorrisLee born about 1919
MorrisLeonard born about 1889
MorrisPearl Lborn about 1884
MorrisRex born about 1939
MorrisRuth born about 1913
MossDorothy born about 1914
MossE Emmettborn about 1875
MossI Vaughnborn about 1907
MossMildred born about 1897
MountClara born about 1915
MountEarl born about 1913
MountEvelyn born about 1933
MountFaye born about 1939
MouryDon born about 1906
MouryIrene born about 1916
MulhollandM Paulborn about 1905
MumsClarence born about 1925
MunkersEffie born about 1888
MunkersRoy born about 1885
MunkresG Pborn about 1862
MunkresHenry born about 1900
MunkresLucy Aborn about 1866
MutchlerBernice born about 1937
MutchlerColene born about 1932
MutchlerEssie born about 1913
MutchlerEugene born about 1933
MutchlerWayne born about 1909
MutchlerWayne Jr born about 1928
MyersBenjeman born about 1891
MyersRaymond born about 1918
MyersRuby born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NallElmer born about 1876
NallS Jacobborn about 1874
NallSarah born about 1864
NaumanAnna born about 1890
NaumanAnna born about 1904
NaumanBetty Janeborn about 1925
NaumanDonald born about 1934
NaumanEugene born about 1932
NaumanFrank born about 1903
NaumanGeorge Wborn about 1887
NaumanGilbert Clintonborn about 1924
NaumanKenneth Eugeneborn about 1928
NaumanLon Lauraborn about 1938
NaumanMary born about 1908
NaumanR Maeborn about 1905
NaumanShirley born about 1930
NaumanWoodrow born about 1917
NelsonArvid born about 1933
NelsonDorothy born about 1925
NelsonDuane born about 1935
NelsonFrances born about 1929
NelsonHans born about 1896
NelsonHarold born about 1930
NelsonLyle born about 1932
NelsonMartha born about 1903
NeumanJanice born about 1939
NeumanLucille born about 1914
NeumanM Jeromeborn about 1938
NeumanMaurice born about 1916
NewtonH Ernestborn about 1880
NewtonLeona born about 1888
NewtonMabel born about 1923
NicholsFreddie born about 1922
NicholsMary born about 1887
NicholsonArthur born about 1894
NicholsonCharles born about 1923
NicholsonDawson born about 1860
NicholsonE Cborn about 1893
NicholsonElvin born about 1920
NicholsonEverett born about 1894
NicholsonFloyd born about 1932
NicholsonJohn born about 1867
NicholsonLinda born about 1893
NicholsonOmer born about 1883
NicholsonRachel born about 1897
NicholsonRosella born about 1883
NixonAnna born about 1913
NixonHarold born about 1911
NixonJohn born about 1869
NixonLaura born about 1871
NixonMary Annborn about 1939
NoeMinnie born about 1874
NoggleMary born about 1870
NolandBessie born about 1891
NolandDenzil Nborn about 1912
NolandEdward born about 1873
NolandElizabeth born about 1854
NolandFrancis born about 1914
NolandGeorge Rborn about 1883
NolandGlen born about 1909
NolandLillian Fborn about 1939
NolandLois born about 1919
NolandMart born about 1914
NolandN Frankborn about 1889
NolandRiley born about 1911
NolandRobert born about 1939
NolandRoy born about 1891
NoldEmma born about 1869
NoldFred born about 1907
NormanAmos born about 1884
NorrisAlbert born about 1922
NorrisAllen born about 1922
NorrisBobbie born about 1929
NorrisCharles born about 1920
NorrisClyde born about 1912
NorrisEthel born about 1915
NorrisGeraldine born about 1919
NorrisKay Sharonborn about 1938
NorrisLee Dickieborn about 1936
NorrisMary Janeborn about 1925
NorrisNellie born about 1895
NorrisOrville born about 1893
NotleyAlice born about 1863
NoumanC Johnborn about 1878
NoumanMae Vernaborn about 1916
NoumanMelvin born about 1910
NoumanPink born about 1886
NowlesSadie Gborn about 1887
NowlesSamuel Pborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OffenbackerJames born about 1938
OffenbackerLoren born about 1911
OffenbackerMaxine born about 1917
OfficerDona Louborn about 1936
OfficerEarnest born about 1893
OfficerEarnest Eborn about 1934
OfficerElsie born about 1904
OfficerLee born about 1895
OfficerMary born about 1893
OfficerMary Aliceborn about 1929
OfficerNorma Leeborn about 1932
OgdenAndrew Jborn about 1859
OgdenMargaret born about 1868
OlinG Georgeborn about 1882
OlinMae Roseborn about 1882
OrrLarry born about 1935
OrrLou Marjorieborn about 1934
OwensCarl Hborn about 1893
OwensJennie born about 1899
OwensNorma Leeborn about 1927
OyerlyAlbert born about 1887
OyerlyEvelyn born about 1921
OyerlyRosa born about 1893
OyerlyThelma born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PadgettH Leeborn about 1887
PadgettV Amyborn about 1893
PadgettW Johnborn about 1913
ParrottThomas born about 1916
ParsonLucile born about 1913
ParsonsBetty born about 1934
ParsonsCharlene born about 1924
ParsonsCharles born about 1903
ParsonsCharles Jr born about 1928
ParsonsDarlene born about 1926
ParsonsIrene born about 1906
ParsonsPaul born about 1931
ParsonsRobert born about 1938
PattersonAlma born about 1888
PattersonArch born about 1886
PattersonDona Fayeborn about 1929
PattersonHoward born about 1906
PattersonLouise born about 1908
PattonMay Addieborn about 1870
PattonWebb born about 1866
PaulDorothy born about 1926
PaulE Wborn about 1887
PaulHerbert born about 1930
PaulLouise born about 1921
PaulMarie Helenborn about 1894
PeaseHelen born about 1906
PeaseL Harryborn about 1900
PeaseLee Billieborn about 1928
PenceAlbert born about 1893
PenceE Albertborn about 1921
PenceE Oraborn about 1895
PenceL Elizabethborn about 1926
PenceLee Maryborn about 1924
PerkinsDorothy born about 1915
PerryC Davidborn about 1888
PerryDavid Williamborn about 1923
PerryMarjorie born about 1917
PerryNelle born about 1888
PerskyB Louiseborn about 1880
PerskyIda born about 1881
PetersAnnabelle born about 1923
PetersCassius Hborn about 1897
PetersMax born about 1921
PetersNellie born about 1896
PettijohnCharles born about 1930
PettijohnClyde born about 1935
PettijohnJames born about 1932
PettijohnLester born about 1934
PettijohnMae Dollieborn about 1928
PettijohnMyrtle born about 1921
PettijohnRalph born about 1940
PettijohnW Johnborn about 1904
PilalasDessie born about 1877
PinneyAvis born about 1892
PinneyWilliam born about 1926
PlummerFrank born about 1923
PollackBlanche born about 1887
PollackIda born about 1865
PorterA Vinaborn about 1898
PorterAddie born about 1899
PorterC Robertborn about 1886
PorterEarl born about 1887
PorterFloyd born about 1893
PorterJess born about 1892
PorterJulia born about 1855
PorterLucille born about 1917
PorterMona born about 1897
PorterPearl born about 1890
PorterTyson Williamborn about 1922
PotterChristine born about 1914
PotterClarice born about 1922
PotterIona born about 1917
PotterJetta born about 1885
PotterJohnnie born about 1924
PotterKeith born about 1926
PotterLois born about 1920
PotterR Louiseborn about 1887
PottsLeotus born about 1877
PottsLyle born about 1922
PottsMattie born about 1880
PottsViola born about 1905
PowersMaud born about 1880
PoynterJennie born about 1879
PoynterMary born about 1861
PoynterRichard born about 1915
PoynterRobert born about 1918
PoynterW Georgeborn about 1881
PraiswaterByron born about 1916
PraiswaterDorothy born about 1921
PraiswaterSusie born about 1873
PriceLom born about 1907
PriceVera born about 1910
PrinceDelphia born about 1908
PropesD Cborn about 1886
PropesEdith born about 1894
ProudClark Wborn about 1873
ProudLucretia born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuackenbushBillie born about 1928
QuackenbushJohnny born about 1930
QuackenbushLaverne born about 1932
QuackenbushOpal born about 1882
QuickChick born about 1883
QuickEmma born about 1890
QuickEugene born about 1920
QuickFrancis born about 1929
QuickGeneva born about 1925
QuickLois born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadfordD Herschelborn about 1912
RadfordIrma born about 1916
RadleyE Rborn about 1891
RadleyFlorence born about 1892
RadleyGerald born about 1928
RadleyJohn born about 1903
RadleyKenneth born about 1932
ReavisFrank born about 1905
RenerMarjorie born about 1896
RenerRobert born about 1926
RichardsHugh born about 1875
RichardsonA Herbertborn about 1900
RichardsonBernice born about 1903
RichardsonLois born about 1932
RicheyBillie born about 1928
RicheyC Sarahborn about 1868
RicheyClifford born about 1926
RicheyEtta born about 1909
RicheyGene born about 1936
RicheyIris born about 1931
RicheyMike born about 1894
RicheyNoveline born about 1934
RicheyRetha born about 1929
RiffeCaroyln born about 1892
RiffeEarl born about 1885
RoachFlossie born about 1893
RoachH Grantborn about 1885
RoachIvan born about 1912
RobbinsDelavan born about 1899
RobbinsDeloris born about 1925
RobbinsEva born about 1901
RobbinsJean Bettyborn about 1927
RobinsonElizabeth born about 1931
RobinsonHarold born about 1912
RobinsonJoseph Williamborn about 1932
RobinsonLois Jeanborn about 1933
RobinsonMaud born about 1907
RockWarren born about 1893
RockwellFred born about 1901
RockwellJennie born about 1881
RockwellLeroy Georgeborn about 1937
RockwellLou Maryborn about 1929
RockwellMabel born about 1901
RockwellSamuel born about 1857
RoelofsonB Idaborn about 1874
RoelofsonChristina born about 1913
RoelofsonDelman born about 1907
RonmerDella born about 1894
RoperAlice born about 1899
RoperB Walterborn about 1903
RosberryDoris born about 1922
RosberryMary born about 1893
RostockH Jamesborn about 1887
RostockM Idaborn about 1897
RoulandColene born about 1922
RoulandDean Glenborn about 1924
RoulandGlen born about 1898
RoulandJane born about 1898
RoulandLois born about 1933
RoulandRalph born about 1930
RowlandA Harryborn about 1889
RowlandMargeret born about 1936
RowletteGoldie born about 1920
RowletteOrville born about 1917
RuthMartha Tillieborn about 1875
RyanDexter born about 1932
RyanFloy born about 1908
RyanHoward born about 1908
RyanJunior born about 1934
RyanNancy Louborn about 1937
RyanRuby Leeborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SachtlebenMarvin born about 1914
SandellDwight born about 1895
SandellLorena born about 1862
SandellMargaret born about 1928
SandellPearl born about 1902
SandersE Mabelborn about 1903
ScarboughDorothy born about 1920
ScarboughRaymond born about 1914
ScarboughVern born about 1920
ScarboughViona born about 1917
ScarbroughCharles born about 1912
ScarbroughFrankie born about 1932
ScarbroughFranklin Johnborn about 1925
ScarbroughGladys born about 1912
ScarbroughJane born about 1890
ScarbroughKenneth born about 1923
ScarbroughLee Donaldborn about 1921
ScarbroughMartin born about 1895
SchaefferAnna born about 1868
SchaefferEdith born about 1918
SchaefferEileen born about 1938
SchaefferJames born about 1937
SchaefferManuel born about 1910
SchaefferOrrie born about 1915
SchaefferWalter born about 1886
SchafferDarrell born about 1921
SchafferFrank born about 1875
SchafferNell born about 1881
SchmidtAlma born about 1923
SchmidtAndrew born about 1884
SchmidtBertha born about 1890
SchmidtIvie born about 1918
SchmidtRay born about 1929
SchoonoverD Williamborn about 1919
SchoonoverOrpha born about 1902
SchoonoverRobert Jamesborn about 1928
SchoonoverWilliam born about 1894
ScottClaude born about 1911
ScottClaudia born about 1940
ScottCora born about 1881
ScottE Idaborn about 1875
ScottE Jessborn about 1878
ScottGeneva born about 1915
ScottM Idaborn about 1888
ScottN Charlesborn about 1872
ScottRuth born about 1915
ScottVirginia born about 1912
SeaburnJohn born about 1886
SeyferBessie born about 1888
SeyferHenry born about 1870
SharpA Garthborn about 1917
SharpDorothea born about 1915
ShellenbergerAlice born about 1892
ShellenbergerD Edborn about 1854
ShellenbergerE Josephborn about 1885
ShellenbergerFannie born about 1864
ShipmanAnnis born about 1899
ShipmanEdith born about 1918
ShipmanN Orvilleborn about 1896
ShockleyD Everettborn about 1877
ShockleyEmma born about 1885
ShockleyJ Elizabethborn about 1884
ShockleyRay born about 1908
ShockleyWilma born about 1921
ShoemakerRobert born about 1921
ShullEdward born about 1866
ShullFred born about 1891
ShullGladys born about 1907
ShullGoldie born about 1904
ShullLloyd born about 1903
ShullMary born about 1871
ShullRay Quanborn about 1925
ShullSue Sarahborn about 1935
ShullWorthy born about 1900
SiekmanColene born about 1931
SimmeringCorwin born about 1922
SimmeringEthel born about 1897
SimmeringGeorge born about 1924
SimmeringLouie born about 1884
SimmonsCora born about 1890
SimmonsKatie born about 1902
SimmonsOliver born about 1877
SimonWalter born about 1884
SitherwoodEthel born about 1887
SitherwoodFrancis born about 1920
SitherwoodFrank born about 1884
SitherwoodGeorgia born about 1914
SitherwoodLoren born about 1923
SleeterEthel Mayborn about 1915
SleeterJames Raymondborn about 1938
SleeterJohn Rborn about 1914
SlonikerBen born about 1889
SlonikerBenny born about 1924
SlonikerClarence born about 1915
SlonikerFreddie born about 1920
SlonikerJosephine born about 1893
SmithAlberta born about 1918
SmithAnn born about 1893
SmithBarbara Jeanborn about 1933
SmithBenjamin born about 1877
SmithBessie born about 1919
SmithBetty born about 1932
SmithC Johnborn about 1884
SmithC N Drborn about 1863
SmithCharlie born about 1880
SmithDarrell born about 1932
SmithDorothy born about 1905
SmithEdgar born about 1900
SmithEldon born about 1917
SmithElizabeth born about 1861
SmithEllen born about 1913
SmithEmma born about 1877
SmithEmory born about 1906
SmithEugene born about 1917
SmithEva born about 1914
SmithGary born about 1919
SmithGary born about 1939
SmithGladys born about 1898
SmithGrace born about 1887
SmithHelen born about 1897
SmithHelen born about 1940
SmithHelen Janeborn about 1925
SmithHelen Marieborn about 1932
SmithHenry born about 1935
SmithHerschel born about 1924
SmithJames born about 1919
SmithJo Bellieborn about 1939
SmithJody born about 1916
SmithJoyce born about 1939
SmithL Maxborn about 1924
SmithLavonne born about 1936
SmithLee Williamborn about 1935
SmithLester born about 1937
SmithLoretta born about 1937
SmithLouise born about 1879
SmithMaggie born about 1894
SmithMarshall born about 1913
SmithMartha Ellenborn about 1870
SmithMary born about 1854
SmithMary Aborn about 1865
SmithMary Leeborn about 1929
SmithMaurice born about 1934
SmithMelba born about 1904
SmithMilden born about 1918
SmithMyrtle born about 1907
SmithP Bertramborn about 1874
SmithPaul born about 1902
SmithRoberta born about 1920
SmithRonald born about 1935
SmithS Eddaborn about 1877
SmithSam born about 1897
SmithSelma born about 1890
SmithSilas born about 1891
SmithStevie born about 1937
SmithVergil born about 1919
SmithVictor born about 1901
SmithW Sborn about 1869
SmithWayne born about 1922
SmithWilbur born about 1934
SmithWilliam born about 1887
SmithWilliam born about 1927
SonsLeroy Jamesborn about 1925
SonsNoel born about 1900
SonsP Chelsaborn about 1904
SpargurBlanche born about 1892
SpargurHarold born about 1910
SpargurRobert born about 1912
SparksA M Jrborn about 1918
SparksAlburn born about 1911
SparksGloria born about 1934
SparksJoan born about 1937
SparksLucile born about 1920
SparksMary born about 1913
SparksSylvia born about 1939
SpoonEthel born about 1908
SpoonLee Darrelborn about 1932
SpoonMelvin born about 1908
SpringDora born about 1880
SpringFred born about 1883
SpringerA Johnborn about 1854
SpringerTabitah born about 1863
SquiresCharles born about 1929
StanleyBarbara Alliceborn about 1935
StanleyHarry Aborn about 1892
StanleyJoyce Annborn about 1933
StanleyJulia born about 1913
StanleyMaude Eborn about 1891
StanleyWayne born about 1909
StantonClara born about 1893
StantonW Johnborn about 1891
StephensonAllie born about 1884
StephensonLee born about 1885
StephensonRobert born about 1928
StewartBarbara born about 1898
StewartJohn born about 1895
StewartKate born about 1866
StockwellDeloris born about 1932
StockwellDonald born about 1934
StockwellDorothy born about 1915
StockwellFrancis born about 1907
StockwellJoyce born about 1939
StockwellShirley born about 1937
StoneAleta born about 1908
StoneCora born about 1896
StoneHoward born about 1911
StoneW Rborn about 1935
StoneW Royborn about 1897
StoverJohn born about 1871
StricklerEmma born about 1871
StrobelGeorge Sborn about 1894
StrobelGrace born about 1896
StrobelJohn Chrisborn about 1923
StrobelLucille born about 1921
StrongAdam born about 1895
StrongArmenta born about 1901
StrongBazil born about 1920
StrongBillie born about 1930
StrongEarl Jborn about 1906
StrongHallin born about 1916
StrongJames Edwardborn about 1932
StrongJewel born about 1923
StrongJoyce Elaneborn about 1935
StrongMona born about 1926
StroudEarl Wborn about 1926
StroudEugene born about 1919
StroudPearl born about 1897
StroudWesley born about 1896
StubbsAdelia born about 1866
StubbsE Wborn about 1861
SutterEmil born about 1870
SwaimBertha born about 1884
SwaimBryon born about 1916
SwaimFrancis born about 1887
SwaimVirgil born about 1877
SwopeAlbert Oborn about 1874
SwopeAlice born about 1878
SwopeMary Eborn about 1884
SwopeW Rborn about 1878
SwordsRuth born about 1901
SwordsStephen born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorEmma born about 1861
TaylorEmma born about 1868
TaylorFrances born about 1923
TaylorH Charlesborn about 1875
TaylorJ Nancyborn about 1895
TaylorLee Maryborn about 1922
TaylorLewis born about 1889
TaylorMargeret born about 1888
TaylorMary born about 1881
TaylorRalph born about 1897
TaylorWilliam born about 1863
TeeneyWilliam Aborn about 1884
TenneyLillian born about 1920
TenneyWayne born about 1917
TerhuneMabel born about 1880
ThomasBlair born about 1893
ThomasBruce Lawrenceborn about 1936
ThomasBurge Jamesborn about 1939
ThomasE Maryborn about 1872
ThomasElizabeth born about 1908
ThomasEstie Maeborn about 1898
ThomasHattie born about 1870
ThomasHenry Bruceborn about 1908
ThomasLois Louiseborn about 1928
ThomasMary Helenborn about 1926
ThomasMildred Maeborn about 1924
ThomasP Hagardborn about 1868
ThomasSam Jborn about 1862
ThompsonC Carlborn about 1886
ThompsonCalvin Clydeborn about 1925
ThompsonClyde born about 1914
ThompsonClyde Henryborn about 1886
ThompsonE Kborn about 1896
ThompsonEdith born about 1919
ThompsonEllen Ruthborn about 1916
ThompsonFannie born about 1879
ThompsonFaye Thelmaborn about 1924
ThompsonGene born about 1912
ThompsonHerman born about 1916
ThompsonJoan born about 1930
ThompsonJohn Hborn about 1895
ThompsonL Lettieborn about 1889
ThompsonLaura born about 1917
ThompsonLee Bettyborn about 1938
ThompsonLee Patriciaborn about 1928
ThompsonLynn born about 1923
ThompsonMable born about 1900
ThompsonMae Elsieborn about 1924
ThompsonMarie born about 1899
ThompsonMarie Florenceborn about 1920
ThompsonMelboume* born about 1923
ThompsonN Berthaborn about 1888
ThompsonNell born about 1884
ThompsonOren born about 1912
ThompsonPatrica born about 1922
ThompsonSue Kausborn about 1940
ThumanAlbert born about 1889
ThumanBerthy born about 1887
ThumanHarold born about 1922
ThumanIrwin born about 1919
ThumanMildred born about 1919
ToddFrances Maryborn about 1922
ToddH Raymondborn about 1890
ToddMary born about 1891
ToddRay born about 1918
TottenEstelle born about 1902
TottenFloyd born about 1892
TottenGeraldine born about 1923
TottenM Floydborn about 1920
TranbargerDaisy born about 1892
TranbargerOscar born about 1894
TravisAnn Barbaraborn about 1935
TravisDean born about 1933
TravisDenzil born about 1914
TravisDorothy born about 1915
TravisEugene Ralphborn about 1939
TravisJanice born about 1938
TravisJo Maryborn about 1922
TravisKathleen born about 1919
TravisMary Roseborn about 1936
TravisRosetta born about 1892
TravisRoy born about 1890
TravisRuth born about 1925
TravisVera born about 1928
TrontEloise Maryborn about 1937
TrontLoretta born about 1911
TrontRalph born about 1904
TrontRoyce Jamesborn about 1935
TuckerCleo born about 1889
TurnerD Arthurborn about 1894
TurnerElsie born about 1893
TylerSam born about 1875
TysonEllen born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UphouseBell Liggieborn about 1875
UphouseC Rubyborn about 1905
UphouseJean Lavonaborn about 1928
UphouseLou Wandaborn about 1934
UphouseM Francisborn about 1873
UphouseOwen Thomasborn about 1932
UphouseThomas born about 1900
UtterbackEva Lenaborn about 1879
UtterbackSimpson born about 1875

V Surnames

ValtmersBertha born about 1891
ValtmersJohn born about 1881
VandeventerAda born about 1878
VandeventerBruce Tborn about 1932
VandeventerClarence born about 1898
VandeventerDarlene born about 1924
VandeventerFred born about 1873
VandeventerJennetta born about 1890
VandeventerLuella born about 1877
VandeventerMarie born about 1895
VandeventerOscar Aborn about 1878
VandeventerRalph Aborn about 1923
VandeventerThomas Cborn about 1920
VandeventerThomas Wborn about 1884
VandeventerVerna Eborn about 1925
VanvickleEdna born about 1889
VanvickleKenton born about 1921
VanvickleWilliam born about 1887
VestAlta born about 1909
VestTerry Richardborn about 1940
VestW Richardborn about 1910
VestelRosy born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaggonerAllen Fborn about 1923
WaggonerF Johnborn about 1862
WaggornerEmma born about 1867
WaitmanEthel born about 1902
WaldenEmma born about 1881
WaldenKenneth born about 1926
WardClifford Gborn about 1894
WardLucille born about 1894
WardMarshall born about 1922
WatkinsAnn Ruthborn about 1903
WatkinsF Bborn about 1861
WatkinsGertrude born about 1920
WatkinsThressa born about 1871
WehriliJeanette born about 1887
WehriliW Royborn about 1887
WehrliMargeret born about 1867
WeightmanDean born about 1902
WeightmanE Annieborn about 1875
WeightmanH Williamborn about 1872
WeightmanJames Mborn about 1868
WeightmanLeona born about 1873
WellmanMargaret born about 1917
WestIrma born about 1916
WestRichard born about 1937
WestRonald born about 1936
WestWayne born about 1915
WestonFrank born about 1864
WestonHattie born about 1875
WherliElla born about 1875
WhiteColeen born about 1921
WhiteGranville born about 1912
WhitlockElla born about 1919
WhitlockJunior born about 1937
WhitlockMelvin born about 1939
WhitlockWilliam born about 1914
WicherOvin born about 1850
WickerEmery born about 1883
WickerMattie born about 1887
WilcoxHenry born about 1851
WilfongChester born about 1928
WilfongSilas born about 1904
WilfongSmatha born about 1869
WilfongW Johnborn about 1858
WilkensonEthlyn born about 1921
WilkensonRay born about 1886
WilkensonRose born about 1890
WilliamsDonald born about 1910
WilliamsEdward Jamesborn about 1937
WilliamsGrace Artieborn about 1912
WilliamsGrace Donnaborn about 1938
WilliamsJ Charlesborn about 1880
WilliamsJean Bettyborn about 1931
WilliamsLee Donaldborn about 1932
WilliamsMildred born about 1912
WilliamsStella born about 1878
WilliamsWilliam born about 1910
WilsonAlberta Noraborn about 1916
WilsonBertha born about 1895
WilsonChauncey born about 1926
WilsonDean Bobbieborn about 1936
WilsonDean Willaborn about 1920
WilsonElmer born about 1868
WilsonEugene Kennethborn about 1938
WilsonForrest born about 1913
WilsonFrances born about 1917
WilsonFreda born about 1923
WilsonG Joseborn about 1870
WilsonGeorge born about 1882
WilsonGertrude born about 1872
WilsonGoldie born about 1894
WilsonGrace born about 1914
WilsonH Robertborn about 1891
WilsonJestie born about 1886
WilsonKay Janiceborn about 1940
WilsonL Robertborn about 1907
WilsonLee Jerryborn about 1939
WilsonLee Rodgerborn about 1935
WilsonLynn Normaborn about 1940
WilsonMae born about 1886
WilsonMarion born about 1889
WilsonMaurice born about 1930
WilsonNell born about 1881
WilsonO Robertborn about 1896
WilsonP Davidborn about 1873
WilsonP Johnborn about 1872
WilsonR Johnborn about 1905
WilsonRay Jackieborn about 1938
WilsonRichard born about 1922
WilsonRichard born about 1938
WilsonRilla born about 1887
WilsonRuth born about 1886
WilsonT Thomasborn about 1860
WilsonWilma born about 1920
WilsonWoodrow born about 1914
WinnerB Eborn about 1915
WinnerRuth born about 1913
WitthousArnold born about 1911
WitthousLouise Wandaborn about 1934
WitthousRegina born about 1914
WoodLydia born about 1881
WoodsGeorgia born about 1922
WoodsKenneth born about 1920
WoodsLouise Ellaborn about 1939
WoodsV Aborn about 1870
WorleyBeverly born about 1932
WorleyClarence born about 1906
WorleyClarence Jr born about 1935
WorleyHazel born about 1904
WrightA Johnborn about 1873
WrightAren born about 1900
WrightB Rosaborn about 1869
WrightBetty born about 1926
WrightC Carlborn about 1875
WrightCora born about 1872
WrightDale born about 1901
WrightElmo born about 1927
WrightHomer born about 1876
WrightKathlyn born about 1922
WrightLafe born about 1878
WrightM Belindaborn about 1881
WrightM Emmaborn about 1875
WrightMae Helenborn about 1900
WrightMarilyn born about 1933
WrightN Eborn about 1897
WrightPerry born about 1924
WrightSusy born about 1863
WrightThelma born about 1916
WymanE Lillianborn about 1886
WymanL Princeborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesElaine born about 1919
YatesH Williamborn about 1892
YatesL Robertborn about 1917
YatesMyrtle born about 1896
YatesOneil born about 1914
YetterIda Louborn about 1917
YoungAllen born about 1922
YoungAugust born about 1917
YoungByron Lborn about 1934
YoungCarl born about 1918
YoungChristopher born about 1880
YoungDell Lenaborn about 1919
YoungEdward born about 1905
YoungEdward Eborn about 1932
YoungGeorge born about 1875
YoungLydia born about 1884
YoungMarcella born about 1920
YoungMary born about 1906
YoungMilton La Vella*born about 1940
YoungRichard Oborn about 1938
YousH Lesterborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZacharyEarl born about 1887
ZacharyEva born about 1897
ZacharyJohn born about 1865
ZacharyMaud born about 1890
ZacharyMax born about 1923
ZacharyMyron born about 1893
ZacharyNancy born about 1870
ZacheryDelores Janeborn about 1928
ZacheryHarold born about 1900
ZacheryLetha born about 1903
ZelliffBessie born about 1892
ZelliffFred born about 1907
ZelliffNettie born about 1866

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