1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bourbois, Gasconade, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Gasconade County > 1940 Census of Bourbois

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesZ Surnames
F SurnamesN Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlbrightArthur born about 1869
AlbrightMinnie Janeborn about 1869
AnielakFrank Wborn about 1894
AnielakRose Mborn about 1874
AplinHarry Cborn about 1864
AplinLinnie Mayborn about 1879
AplinOliver Cborn about 1902
AsheryMildred born about 1922

B Surnames

BaconClara born about 1894
BaconHarold Rborn about 1917
BaconRaymond born about 1921
BaconRuth Maxineborn about 1927
BaconSteve Hborn about 1887
BaileyRobert Eborn about 1929
BauerMarvin Cborn about 1915
BauerRebecca born about 1883
BauerRobert born about 1880
BaxterAaron Eltonborn about 1931
BaxterAnna Eborn about 1881
BaxterCatherine born about 1901
BaxterJohn Luciousborn about 1929
BaxterJohn Rborn about 1881
BaxterLucius born about 1902
BaxterNelson Richardborn about 1930
BaxterRobert Leeborn about 1933
BaxterVernon Anthonyborn about 1927
BerrymanIda Jborn about 1901
BerrymanOliveman born about 1891
BlackwellArletta Reaborn about 1937
BlackwellByron Bborn about 1890
BlackwellElmer born about 1878
BlackwellLa Rue Wborn about 1926
BlackwellLayra Fborn about 1878
BlackwellLeonard Jborn about 1918
BlackwellLewis Bborn about 1924
BlackwellLuther born about 1871
BlackwellNola Eborn about 1896
BlackwellReba Aleenborn about 1934
BlackwellRobert Lowellborn about 1932
BlackwellRuby Fernborn about 1921
BlackwellRuth Adeleborn about 1929
BlakelyBertha Sborn about 1875
BlakelyEdgar Cborn about 1899
BockAmela born about 1865
BockBen Hborn about 1899
BockBertha born about 1904
BockEldon Lborn about 1934
BockElenora Mborn about 1932
BockFred Aborn about 1859
BockRosella Maeborn about 1939
BockVerne Wborn about 1930
BoeschMartha born about 1854
BowenBetty Janeborn about 1934
BowenBonita Juneborn about 1934
BowenSarah Elizabethborn about 1899
BowenThomas Edwardborn about 1930
BowenThomas Fborn about 1872
BransonAlbert Wborn about 1924
BransonAlfred Pborn about 1902
BransonAlfred Jr born about 1932
BransonAmeuel Wborn about 1929
BransonBessie Opalborn about 1915
BransonCecil Vanceborn about 1927
BransonClyde Aborn about 1925
BransonCyrene Annborn about 1868
BransonDarline Hesterborn about 1933
BransonDelores Juneborn about 1938
BransonEdith Mariborn about 1925
BransonEdward Hborn about 1906
BransonEllen Fborn about 1870
BransonEverett Dborn about 1927
BransonHenry Wayneborn about 1934
BransonHueston born about 1880
BransonJ Henryborn about 1861
BransonKenneth Le Royborn about 1936
BransonLaura born about 1890
BransonLavern Rborn about 1929
BransonLawrence Gilbertborn about 1929
BransonLewis born about 1889
BransonLouisa Rborn about 1884
BransonMary Aldenborn about 1894
BransonNorma Wayneborn about 1932
BransonPauline born about 1922
BransonRay Austinborn about 1917
BransonThelma Aborn about 1904
BransonVictor Lborn about 1925
BransonWayne born about 1902
BransonWilliam Rborn about 1888
BransonWilliam R Jrborn about 1918
BransonWm Wborn about 1881
BreuerCharles Anthonyborn about 1939
BreuerHarold Richardborn about 1938
BreuerIrene born about 1916
BreuerLeslie Hborn about 1912
BreuerLeslie Howardborn about 1936
BrownJoseph Aborn about 1866
BrownMary Elizabethborn about 1886

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C Surnames

CarterGuy born about 1891
CarterVelera born about 1888
CookWalter born about 1893
CooperConard Gborn about 1933
CooperJessie Eborn about 1898
CooperVerle Mborn about 1923
CooperWanda Leeborn about 1928
CooperWayne Rborn about 1898
CriderClara Fborn about 1909
CriderJoseph born about 1905
CriderMary Veronaborn about 1940
CriderNettie Leeborn about 1936
CriderValda Jeanborn about 1937

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D Surnames

DahlAlbert Eborn about 1886
DahlAnna Catherineborn about 1939
DahlCaroline Pearlborn about 1914
DahlCharles Augustborn about 1895
DahlCharles Jr born about 1935
DahlDessie Oborn about 1895
DahlEmanda Sborn about 1898
DahlEmma born about 1869
DahlEthel Eborn about 1920
DahlGeorge Bborn about 1891
DahlNellie Louiseborn about 1912
DahlOtto Hborn about 1901
DahlRichard Cleoborn about 1928
DanuserEdna born about 1909
DanuserHenry born about 1908
DanuserIrene Emmaborn about 1923
DanuserJohn born about 1867
DavatyCasper Pborn about 1896
DavatyEliza Annaborn about 1865
DavaultArthur Rborn about 1915
DavaultHelen Nborn about 1920
DavaultIvy Lborn about 1894
DavaultRainey Dborn about 1891
DavaultWilliam Eugeneborn about 1928
DavisCharles born about 1930
DavisChester born about 1925
DavisDortha born about 1928
DavisEugene born about 1930
DavisGeorgia born about 1929
DavisHelen born about 1895
DavisMattie born about 1933
DavisMildred born about 1926
DavisNora Maeborn about 1908
DavisRoy Eborn about 1894
DavisThomas born about 1898
DavisViolet born about 1932
DavisWilliam Eborn about 1852
DonlelaDonald Cborn about 1928
DonlelaEmma born about 1877
DonlelaFrank Aborn about 1896
DonlelaMaggie Cborn about 1896
DonlelaVelda Eborn about 1922
DurbinRaymond Lborn about 1935

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E Surnames

EllisFrancis Eborn about 1874
EllisThomas Gborn about 1873
EthertonJ Osburnborn about 1927
EthertonJames Eborn about 1892
EthertonLizzie Aborn about 1893
EthertonOlga Annborn about 1928
EthertonOral Sborn about 1933
EthertonRobert Olanborn about 1936

F Surnames

FarrisRetha born about 1925
FarrisTroy born about 1923
FarrisUlies born about 1921

G Surnames

GlandonEllen Nborn about 1914
GlandonJohn Eborn about 1873
GlandonJohn Hborn about 1899
GlandonLouis Lborn about 1914
GlandonRaymond Laverneborn about 1936
GlaserAlma Cborn about 1919
GlaserChester Aborn about 1912
GlaserEleanor Fborn about 1915
GlaserEmma Eborn about 1877
GlaserGlenda Rae Aborn about 1939
GlaserHenry Wborn about 1872
GlaserHenry Williamborn about 1940
GlaserLeland Mborn about 1938
GlaserMartin Wborn about 1917
GlaserMorris Lborn about 1938
GoersArthur Lborn about 1920
GoersNora Mborn about 1896
GoersRaymond Donaldborn about 1925
GoersVera Ruthborn about 1923
GoersWilliam Cborn about 1893
GrogesHerman born about 1883

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H Surnames

HairgroveJohn Lborn about 1858
HamiltonMargie Mayborn about 1932
HammersFrancis Fborn about 1902
HammersFrancis Maeborn about 1921
HammersLawrence Cborn about 1895
HarnessJudith Vborn about 1886
HjantEd born about 1880
HjontCharles born about 1892
HjontGeorge born about 1895
HolmesElla Mayborn about 1864
HousemanAlbert Wborn about 1871
HousemanChester Eborn about 1896
HousemanDella Cborn about 1870
HousemanEugene Cborn about 1929
HousemanEvelyn Eborn about 1923
HousemanLouis Eborn about 1921
HousemanNora Eborn about 1900
HowardDave Aborn about 1886
HowardE Virginiaborn about 1925
HowardFrank born about 1905
HowardGeorge born about 1918
HowardPearl Eborn about 1892
HowardWilliam Leonborn about 1930

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J Surnames

JettLawrence Tborn about 1882
JettMarion Cborn about 1928
JettMary Eborn about 1886
JettMelvin Rborn about 1923
JettMilford Leroyborn about 1925
JohnEarl born about 1900
JohnLloyd Eborn about 1899
JohnMable Blancheborn about 1902
JohnMaureen Rborn about 1931
JohnMexine Cborn about 1933
JohnsonCharles Wborn about 1881
JohnsonVica Sivaborn about 1881
JonesRuth Jborn about 1923

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K Surnames

KamperJoseph Aborn about 1921
KamperMarvin Aborn about 1913
KeithDelpha born about 1900
KeithStephen born about 1896
KingCatherine Belleborn about 1871
KingLouis Williamborn about 1877
KinkeadF Elizabethborn about 1884
KinkeadFrancis Elizabethborn about 1862
KinkeadHerman born about 1884
KinkeadWalter Cborn about 1888
KinkeadsFatanma Jborn about 1882
KinkeadsWilliam Nborn about 1874
KrauseRussel born about 1924

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L Surnames

LacyAllen Orelborn about 1923
LacyAnnie Eborn about 1874
LacyCarl Daleborn about 1922
LacyCharles Eborn about 1896
LacyClarence Jborn about 1902
LacyEliza Eborn about 1892
LacyJohn Dborn about 1930
LacyLacy Clifford Mborn about 1911
LacyMargie Annaborn about 1899
LacyMildred Francisborn about 1925
LacyPearl Mborn about 1905
LacyThomas Nborn about 1905
LacyWalker Kborn about 1892
LacyWoodrow Wborn about 1914
LarimoreWilliam born about 1864
LeonhartCarl born about 1895
LeonhartEthek born about 1896
LeonhartJerome Carlborn about 1923
LickliderAdolphus Dborn about 1870
LickliderAlice Mborn about 1916
LickliderLavene born about 1923
LickliderLeonard Mborn about 1915
LoebEdward Andrewborn about 1889
LuennsCaroline born about 1856

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M Surnames

MashErvin E Jrborn about 1923
MathisLizzie born about 1884
MathisPaul born about 1870
McIntoshLucille born about 1869
MeiseCharlotte born about 1870
MeyerEdward born about 1914
MeyerEmma Bborn about 1875
MichelEdna Sborn about 1903
MichelEmma born about 1874
MichelJacob born about 1870
MichelJohn born about 1868
MichelLouis Hborn about 1907
MichelLouise born about 1874
MichelStella Aborn about 1920
MichelW Louiseborn about 1899
MillamonRussell born about 1917
MillerAugusta born about 1883
MillerHattie born about 1917
MillerMilford Hborn about 1912
MillerRoy Fborn about 1913
MillerWalter Aborn about 1876
MyersCharles Alfredborn about 1928
MyersCharles Eborn about 1883
MyersEva Loreneborn about 1923
MyersTeena Elsieborn about 1885

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N Surnames

NewtonLovene born about 1932
NowackCharles Hermanborn about 1905
NowackClarence Ferdandborn about 1911
NowackElla Adalineborn about 1930
NowackElmer Williamborn about 1932
NowackEvelyn Margaretborn about 1924
NowackEverett Ferdnandborn about 1927
NowackHarrison Eborn about 1920
NowackLovene Augustaborn about 1925
NowackMarie Cborn about 1921
NowackMary Emmaborn about 1880
NowackRanzo Walterborn about 1935
NowackRuby Augustaborn about 1923
NowackTheodore Cborn about 1870
NowackWilhebena born about 1892
NowackWm Cborn about 1883

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P Surnames

PethAdella Eborn about 1932
PethClarence Aborn about 1915
PethElverna Fborn about 1927
PethFlora Annaborn about 1894
PethGeorge Fborn about 1887
PethHenry Rborn about 1910
PethHerbert Georgeborn about 1929
PethImogene Eborn about 1932
PethKenneth Eborn about 1922
PethLouise Aborn about 1920
PethMabel Lborn about 1911
PethMildred Mborn about 1925
PhelpsDorsie Jborn about 1909
PhelpsOpal Eborn about 1910
PhelpsWanda Jeanborn about 1935
PickerLawrence Albertborn about 1932
PickerLouis Hborn about 1904
PickerNorma Ruthborn about 1939
PickerRuth Mayborn about 1908
PruittBulah born about 1911
PruittCharles Eborn about 1933
PruittCora Ellenborn about 1876
PruittGeorge Wborn about 1869
PruittGolda Gladisborn about 1901
PruittJohn Richardborn about 1937
PruittWilbur Lborn about 1907

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R Surnames

RectorArthur Vborn about 1919
RectorDorothy born about 1919
RectorGelndon Leoborn about 1938
RectorKenneth Aborn about 1923
RectorLammy Leeborn about 1931
RectorMaurice born about 1908
RectorMildred born about 1914
RectorMyrna Claraborn about 1940
RectorRosalina Raeborn about 1938
RectorShirley Annborn about 1933
ReedEdna Fborn about 1926
ReedEdward Cborn about 1920
ReedJohn Tborn about 1880
ReedJohnnie Rborn about 1912
ReedLavern Dborn about 1931
ReedLillian born about 1912
ReedMamie Lborn about 1892
ReedMarion Fborn about 1924
ReedTheodore Fborn about 1931
RinchartAugusta Mborn about 1897
RinchartFredrick born about 1884
RinchartHansen Johnborn about 1923
RinchartHerchell born about 1892
RinchartJames Franklinborn about 1921
RinchartJessie Anthonborn about 1940
RinchartMartin Paulborn about 1935
RinchartMary Catherineborn about 1929
RinchartThomas Josephborn about 1932
RinchartWilliam Herschellborn about 1927
RingeisenBilly Joeborn about 1934
RingeisenCarrie Eborn about 1925
RingeisenCharles Russelborn about 1919
RingeisenDonald Rayborn about 1937
RingeisenIda Janborn about 1917
RingeisenIvy Rborn about 1920
RingeisenJacob born about 1884
RingeisenJohn born about 1886
RingeisenMargarett born about 1858
RingeisenMargarett Iborn about 1898
RingeisenMary born about 1899
RingeisenMary Aliceborn about 1917
RingeisenMinnie Lborn about 1885
RingeisenWalter born about 1908
RingeisenWilliam Neutonborn about 1915
RingersenAnna Maeborn about 1937
RingersenEdward Jborn about 1934
RingersenGeorge born about 1905
RingersenIrma Leeborn about 1936
RingersenVirginia Eborn about 1914
RobertsonPalestine born about 1883
RobertsonPaul Rborn about 1918
RobertsonRalph Rborn about 1925
RobertsonWade Nborn about 1876
RogersOlie born about 1906
RoskowskeChristina born about 1863

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S Surnames

ScheelAlbert born about 1909
ScheelArvy Gborn about 1897
ScheelAugust Wborn about 1924
ScheelCaroline born about 1868
ScheelCharles born about 1856
ScheelCharles Jborn about 1922
ScheelDorcas born about 1917
ScheelEdward born about 1896
ScheelEdward Richard Jrborn about 1926
ScheelElmer Hborn about 1926
ScheelEster Mborn about 1911
ScheelEvelyn Maeborn about 1922
ScheelEverett Fredborn about 1928
ScheelFerdinand born about 1906
ScheelFlorence born about 1916
ScheelGuss Tborn about 1898
ScheelHenry Lborn about 1886
ScheelJohn Aborn about 1894
ScheelJunior Harryborn about 1931
ScheelKenneth born about 1932
ScheelMaggie born about 1912
ScheelMary Aborn about 1904
ScheelNora Lborn about 1891
ScheelOtto Fborn about 1902
ScheelRobert Cborn about 1933
ScheelRuby Hborn about 1902
ScheelRuth Geneborn about 1925
ScheelShirley Mariborn about 1939
ScheelVenita Aleneborn about 1925
SchniederBenj Bborn about 1904
SchniederEffie Iborn about 1909
SchniederEliza born about 1866
SchniederRichard Georgeborn about 1939
SchoenCalvin Jborn about 1927
SchoenJohn Fborn about 1893
SchoenLucy Sborn about 1898
SewellAlice Mayborn about 1870
SewellBernice Renborn about 1919
SewellBonnie Louborn about 1926
SewellCalvern Larueborn about 1938
SewellClarence Rborn about 1890
SewellCleon Cborn about 1867
SewellDonna Maeborn about 1939
SewellHomer Bborn about 1921
SewellJames Aborn about 1911
SewellJames Lborn about 1935
SewellLe Roy Mborn about 1923
SewellMarie born about 1910
SewellSophronia Cborn about 1870
ShallerBernice Dorthyborn about 1922
ShallerCharles Wborn about 1915
ShallerFritz Mborn about 1872
ShallerLena Augustaborn about 1881
ShapplekostterHerman born about 1879
ShockleyBelmont born about 1913
ShockleyGwendelane born about 1916
ShockleyJames Fborn about 1879
ShockleySusan Mborn about 1878
ShoeckleyCora Ruthborn about 1908
ShoeckleyEdward Rolandborn about 1937
ShoeckleyJames Richardborn about 1932
ShoeckleyRoy Rborn about 1905
SkaggsAgnes Nborn about 1895
SkaggsEugene Lborn about 1925
SkaggsHerbert Aborn about 1914
SkaggsJames Williamborn about 1923
SkoubyAlan Dborn about 1938
SkoubyAnton Dborn about 1926
SkoubyCharles Jborn about 1895
SkoubyEric Wborn about 1935
SkoubyJacob Rborn about 1929
SkoubyMargaret born about 1893
SkoubyMarion Cborn about 1932
SmithAllan Kborn about 1916
SmithBeatrice Vborn about 1923
SmithBelvia Mayborn about 1903
SmithCatherine Mborn about 1929
SmithCharles Cborn about 1925
SmithElla Maeborn about 1923
SmithElla Maeborn about 1929
SmithFern Leeborn about 1932
SmithFlorence Berniceborn about 1925
SmithGeneva Eborn about 1925
SmithGeorge Eborn about 1892
SmithGeorge Jr born about 1932
SmithHarry Wmborn about 1934
SmithHugh Wborn about 1882
SmithJames Leroyborn about 1938
SmithLena born about 1897
SmithLillian Eborn about 1901
SmithMildred Belleborn about 1920
SmithMildred Juneborn about 1939
SmithMildred Marieborn about 1927
SmithMilton Chasborn about 1926
SmithNora Verleeborn about 1934
SmithVelvis Juneborn about 1939
SmithWayne Franklinborn about 1930
SmithWilma Geneborn about 1937
SmithWm born about 1900
SorrellCharlie Fayborn about 1939
SorrellIva Maeborn about 1917
SorrellLendon Jborn about 1912
SorrellShirley Maeborn about 1936
SowellAlex Wborn about 1869
SowellElizabeth born about 1887
SowellHenretta born about 1872
SowellJoe Aborn about 1878
SowellJohn Rubenborn about 1874
SowellMartin Cborn about 1910
SowellMontie Marieborn about 1919
SowellNellie Mborn about 1875
SpurgeonAlbert Wborn about 1895
SpurgeonBessie Raeborn about 1895
SpurgeonBobbie Geneborn about 1931
SpurgeonElizabeth Irmaborn about 1919
SpurgeonElzada Zelmaborn about 1901
SpurgeonEugene Alvaborn about 1936
SpurgeonGravil Lborn about 1919
SpurgeonKenneth Duaneborn about 1926
SpurgeonLowell born about 1900
SpurgeonMable Blancheborn about 1897
SpurgeonMarion Eatonborn about 1925
SpurgeonMattie born about 1880
SpurgeonOwen Rborn about 1899
StoneAmelia Aborn about 1874
StoneCharles Eborn about 1870
StoneLorene Rborn about 1917
StoneRussell Bborn about 1916
StoneTheme Patsyborn about 1940
StroudCharles Eborn about 1908
StroudCharles Robertborn about 1935
StroudManda Bborn about 1913
StroudVirginia Leeborn about 1932
SwainDella born about 1875

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T Surnames

ToombsJames Mborn about 1875
ToombsRobert Bborn about 1924
ToombsSarah Mborn about 1878

W Surnames

WalterAlfred Hborn about 1900
WalterBetty Louborn about 1939
WalterEdith born about 1902
WalterJ Rborn about 1903
WalterMarvin Cborn about 1935
WalterMeta E Pborn about 1905
WalterNorma Helenborn about 1935
WalterWilliam Cleonborn about 1938
WelchSarah born about 1880
WelchWilliam Wborn about 1871
WiemmelAnna Mborn about 1902
WiemmelLena Bborn about 1900
WiemmelLilly Hborn about 1914
WilliamsAnnie Lauraborn about 1924
WilliamsBonnie Leeborn about 1924
WoemmelMartha Charlotborn about 1925
WoemmelNora Mborn about 1885
WoemmelPaul Aborn about 1879
WoolseyBetty Louborn about 1934
WoolseyLois Hborn about 1914
WoolseyLouis born about 1912
WoolseyNina Joyceborn about 1937
WoolseyRichard Louisborn about 1938
WrightCora Mborn about 1878
WrightEarl Lborn about 1884
WrightJohn Fborn about 1875

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Z Surnames

ZulaufAlbert Wborn about 1891
ZulaufAllen Bborn about 1921
ZulaufEugene Donaldborn about 1923
ZulaufNora born about 1901
ZulaufPatsy Annborn about 1926

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