1940 U.S. Federal Census of Crooked River, Ray, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Ray County > 1940 Census of Crooked River

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBelle born about 1867
AdamsJohn born about 1863
AdkinsEffie born about 1882
AdkinsSylvester born about 1879
AlcoserEdward born about 1910
AlcoserElla born about 1871
AlcoserGeorge Lborn about 1866
AlexanderCarl born about 1904
AlexanderMarvin born about 1928
AllenB Nborn about 1891
AllenDale born about 1924
AllenDelmar born about 1921
AllenMontie born about 1897
AllredBarbara born about 1934
AllredBuelah born about 1913
AllredFrank born about 1909
AllredFrank Jr born about 1936
AllredJohn born about 1938
AllredMildred born about 1932
AndersonAllen born about 1936
AndersonBarbara Jborn about 1938
AndersonBobbie born about 1933
AndersonCharles Rayborn about 1934
AndersonCharley born about 1912
AndersonDonald Wborn about 1937
AndersonEligha born about 1900
AndersonFrances born about 1914
AndersonGerald born about 1930
AndersonHelen Fborn about 1926
AndersonIra Nborn about 1906
AndersonJackie born about 1939
AndersonJunior born about 1934
AndersonKenneth born about 1929
AndersonMary Louborn about 1939
AndersonNellie born about 1877
AndersonOpal Mborn about 1908
AndersonShirley born about 1936
ArmourForrest born about 1921
ArmourHerman Lborn about 1896
ArmourLillian born about 1900
ArmourVirginia born about 1935
ArmourWendell Lborn about 1920
AshbyViola born about 1880
AveryA Wborn about 1932
AveryBarbara Lborn about 1935
AveryEmma born about 1867
AveryOpal born about 1909
AveryTommy Dborn about 1938
AveryW Oliverborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackerMargaret born about 1899
BackerRobert born about 1921
BackerT Rborn about 1896
BaileyBeverly born about 1930
BaileyE Bborn about 1895
BaileyErlwood born about 1915
BaileyHazel born about 1906
BaileyNancy Eborn about 1891
BaileyWanda born about 1931
BaileyWilliam Fborn about 1879
BalesAnna Lborn about 1875
BalesEleanor Fborn about 1926
BalesElizabeth Jborn about 1911
BalesEva born about 1898
BalesForest Eborn about 1928
BalesGeneva Cborn about 1930
BalesGoldie Marieborn about 1920
BalesIva born about 1908
BalesJerry born about 1903
BalesJimmy Rborn about 1932
BalesJoe Jr born about 1931
BalesLillian Oborn about 1908
BalesMabel born about 1898
BalesRaymond Eborn about 1928
BalesRichard Aborn about 1930
BalesRose Mborn about 1934
BalesWilbur Eborn about 1927
BalesWillie Rborn about 1903
BalesWillie R Jrborn about 1934
BallardBernard born about 1906
BallardChas Cborn about 1871
BallardElma born about 1916
BallardForrest born about 1907
BallardHarold born about 1903
BallardJ Wborn about 1848
BallardJ W Jrborn about 1918
BallardJames Wborn about 1932
BallardLorene born about 1914
BallardNiles born about 1915
BallardPhyllis born about 1932
BallardRobert born about 1934
BallardRuby born about 1881
BallardRussell born about 1911
BandyBetty born about 1928
BandyCleo Lborn about 1926
BandyFrances Lborn about 1923
BandyHarold Jr born about 1921
BandyHelen born about 1900
BandyJackie born about 1938
BandyJeane born about 1933
BandyKenneth born about 1926
BandyLuvina Jborn about 1867
BandyMaxine born about 1923
BandyRuth born about 1898
BandyVaught born about 1887
BandyVernon Hborn about 1895
BandyWilliam Yborn about 1861
BarhamLucy born about 1883
BarkerArchie born about 1908
BarkerBonnie Lpuborn about 1932
BarkerMildred born about 1910
BarkerVernon born about 1935
BashamBarbara born about 1875
BashamBarbara born about 1929
BashamBobbie born about 1933
BashamHarold born about 1930
BashamJ Cborn about 1868
BashamMartha born about 1911
BashamRobert born about 1908
BaterEule born about 1889
BaterFloy born about 1905
BaterTaylor born about 1878
BennerDona Faeborn about 1931
BennerRona born about 1902
BennerWayne Wborn about 1902
BerryLucy born about 1878
BerryTorla Aborn about 1871
BinghamCarrol Annborn about 1939
BinghamD Oborn about 1877
BinghamDora born about 1877
BinghamEdith born about 1919
BinghamEtta Mayborn about 1918
BinghamEugene born about 1926
BinghamLeila born about 1902
BinghamLenord born about 1920
BinghamVirgil born about 1914
BinkleyCallie born about 1912
BishopDarline born about 1935
BishopNeomi born about 1926
BishopRobert born about 1925
BishopRuth born about 1902
BlackesleyElvin born about 1914
BlackesleyElvin Dborn about 1936
BlackesleyLaurine born about 1918
BlairCatherine born about 1886
BlairJohn Lborn about 1911
BlairW Sborn about 1881
BlankenshipLorene born about 1918
BlankenshipNancy Eborn about 1939
BlankenshipRoy Lborn about 1937
BlankenshipRoy Wborn about 1916
BlannAdeline born about 1921
BlannDonna Rborn about 1939
BloodgoodDorce Mborn about 1925
BoggessBarbara Jeneborn about 1935
BoggessBetty born about 1927
BoggessBlanche born about 1920
BoggessBuelah born about 1890
BoggessClifford Fborn about 1895
BoggessClifford Wborn about 1922
BoggessDuehers born about 1898
BoggessDulsie born about 1922
BoggessFrench born about 1897
BoggessGerald born about 1920
BoggessHelen Mborn about 1911
BoggessJoanne born about 1930
BoggessLavra Hborn about 1918
BoggessLola Bborn about 1875
BoggessMary Ellenborn about 1930
BoggessRobert Rborn about 1889
BoggessVirgil born about 1869
BoggessWard born about 1898
BohanonEugene born about 1915
BohanonMary born about 1884
BohanonMary born about 1893
BohanonS Lborn about 1889
BohanonWallace born about 1925
BohanonWilliam born about 1892
BoothJames Bborn about 1890
BoothJene born about 1892
BournanMyrtie born about 1878
BowlenAddie Jborn about 1881
BowlenElton Lborn about 1924
BowlenRussell Eborn about 1920
BowlenWalter Wborn about 1876
BowmanAllen born about 1893
BowmanCaroll Sueborn about 1939
BowmanDonald Rborn about 1917
BowmanFaye Marieborn about 1915
BowmanGeorge Rborn about 1934
BowmanGlenn Vborn about 1913
BowmanHenrietta born about 1923
BowmanJimmie Rayborn about 1940
BowmanMargaret born about 1889
BowmanNorman born about 1918
BowmanPatricia Sueborn about 1936
BowmanPhillip born about 1924
BowmanRichard born about 1915
BowmanRosa Eborn about 1919
BowmanVern born about 1927
BoyerGeorge born about 1927
BoyerW Rborn about 1887
BransonChas Rborn about 1907
BransonCurtis born about 1921
BransonDee Richardborn about 1932
BransonGlenola born about 1902
BransonL Vborn about 1886
BransonLaura born about 1881
BransonLula Aborn about 1908
BransonVirginia born about 1928
BransonW Hborn about 1894
BransonWilber Gborn about 1930
BranstetterClemma Janeborn about 1934
BranstetterLola born about 1913
BranstetterPhillip born about 1937
BrashearClara born about 1866
BrashearF Jborn about 1865
BrattonJ Elmerborn about 1877
BraustetterFrank born about 1870
BraustetterMartha born about 1889
BrayAndrew born about 1921
BrayDealie born about 1888
BrayGrady born about 1915
BrayJ Aborn about 1883
BrayLucile born about 1921
BrewerHenry born about 1881
BrewerMattie born about 1885
BrightAngel Rborn about 1880
BrightBessie Cborn about 1886
BrightDixie Annborn about 1930
BrightHazel born about 1901
BrightMarvin born about 1903
BrightThomas born about 1918
BrightVirginia Leeborn about 1932
BrittHerbert born about 1934
BrizendineAnnie born about 1881
BrizendineJohn born about 1880
BrizendineLucile born about 1917
BrizendineMaurice born about 1912
BrizendineWesley Dborn about 1939
BrocherdingAugust born about 1914
BronsonLillie Mborn about 1884
BronsonSoloman Dborn about 1885
BroughtonH Gborn about 1895
BroughtonIda Dborn about 1869
BroughtonJ Rborn about 1868
BrownErnest born about 1887
BrownMiller born about 1876
BrownMyrtle born about 1878
BrumwrothF Eborn about 1862
BryanGabria Eborn about 1865
BryanIva born about 1882
BryanJ Nborn about 1878
BryantEllen Eborn about 1873
BryantJoseph Wborn about 1873
BrydenGeneva born about 1921
BrydenJames born about 1891
BrydenOpal born about 1901
BuchananAvery Nielborn about 1919
BuchananBillie born about 1923
BuchananButler born about 1895
BuchananFrank born about 1886
BuchananGeorge Mborn about 1930
BuchananHarry born about 1896
BuchananMary born about 1895
BuchananMary Kborn about 1924
BuchananMay born about 1888
BuchananNeil Cborn about 1900
BuchananRoberta born about 1894
BuchananWilliam born about 1868
BuchlerAnna Mborn about 1930
BuchlerLeona born about 1909
BuchlerThresa born about 1867
BucklingerArlie born about 1916
BucklingerCora born about 1895
BucklingerDonald born about 1930
BucklingerDorothy born about 1922
BucklingerJoe born about 1882
BullarkDave born about 1887
BullarkMargerate born about 1912
BushAlvin born about 1910
BushMervin born about 1938
BushVelva born about 1916
BuskirkClaire born about 1884
BuskirkVelma born about 1922
BustonEmma Jeneborn about 1925
BustonLucile born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalhounAdah born about 1879
CalhounHallie Dellborn about 1920
CalhounJ Aborn about 1873
CambellChas born about 1887
CampbellMorris born about 1913
CampbellR Cborn about 1878
CarlenGladys Mborn about 1916
CarrollAltha born about 1888
CarterDon born about 1927
CarterFlorence born about 1889
CarterFrank born about 1860
CarterLillie born about 1872
CarterRobert Lborn about 1885
CarterSarah Cborn about 1862
CassellJohn Aborn about 1870
CasterWanda born about 1909
ChandlerJames born about 1881
ChappelAda born about 1890
ChappelClaud born about 1901
ChappelMax born about 1939
ChappelMaxine born about 1919
ChappelRussell born about 1920
ChappelS Cborn about 1883
ChaseEdwin Mborn about 1869
ChaseLena Sborn about 1883
CheppelCharline born about 1917
CheppelDelmer born about 1911
ClarkAda born about 1889
ClarkBert born about 1886
ClarkBertha born about 1887
ClarkDean Eborn about 1935
ClarkFred born about 1882
ClarkHarvey born about 1906
ClarkIda Eborn about 1888
ClarkLawson born about 1910
ClarkLillie born about 1898
ClarkLottie Jborn about 1854
ClarkMarvin born about 1921
ClarkT Jborn about 1898
ClarkVelvia born about 1898
ClarkVerdella born about 1891
ClarkW Eborn about 1856
CleavesCooper Fborn about 1893
CleavesElizabeth born about 1923
CleavesEvelyn born about 1891
CleavesGlenn born about 1920
CleavesLeonard born about 1926
CleavesRuth born about 1929
ClemensJuanita born about 1920
ClemensRoy born about 1917
ClesterJ Wborn about 1881
ClesterJanie born about 1882
CollierJames Mborn about 1932
CollierLena Vborn about 1910
CollierMary born about 1938
CollierOda Maeborn about 1935
CollierRichard born about 1901
CollierRichard Jr born about 1927
CollierUrban born about 1872
ComerCecil born about 1917
ComerJennie Mrs born about 1884
CooperBertie born about 1910
CooperCarl Jborn about 1933
CooperEarl Eborn about 1936
CooperJames Pborn about 1902
CooperKathleen born about 1931
CooperNorma Jborn about 1930
CornthwaiteE Oborn about 1874
CornthwaiteMinnie born about 1880
CorntluaitEva born about 1906
CorntluaitNewell born about 1903
CoxGeneva born about 1912
CoxHoward born about 1908
CraneClay born about 1903
CraneDe Ann born about 1936
CraneDorothy born about 1923
CraneHazel born about 1907
CraneJames born about 1889
CraneJames W Jrborn about 1923
CraneLoretta born about 1930
CraneMabel born about 1907
CraneNorma born about 1927
CrittendenBauzell born about 1862
CrittendenMary Jborn about 1872
CroffNannie born about 1870
CroffWilliam born about 1875
CroletLida born about 1876
CroletW Pborn about 1870
CroletWalter born about 1901
CrookAsa born about 1920
CrookElois born about 1917
CrookEmma born about 1893
CrookLucy Leeborn about 1924
CrookOna born about 1915
CrookS Cborn about 1889
CrookSam born about 1923
CrowleyEmma Bborn about 1875
CrowleyImogene born about 1911
CrowleyLillian born about 1874
CrowleyWilliam Cborn about 1866
CruseSarah Aborn about 1865
CunninghamChas Fborn about 1893
CunninghamKatherine born about 1925
CunninghamMary born about 1895
CunninghamRuth born about 1929
CunninghamSara Mborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaoustBlanche born about 1893
DaoustDonald born about 1931
DaoustJames Hborn about 1889
DaoustJoe born about 1924
DaoustVirgil born about 1913
DassBertha born about 1940
DassEdward born about 1937
DassElla born about 1880
DassIrene born about 1918
DassJohnnie born about 1938
DassNeal born about 1912
DassWilliam born about 1920
DausonMaira born about 1860
DavidsonDavid born about 1939
DavidsonDonald born about 1916
DavidsonDonald born about 1939
DavidsonDorothy born about 1920
DavidsonEarl born about 1914
DavidsonJames Sborn about 1884
DavidsonJewell Mborn about 1917
DavidsonJimmie born about 1937
DavidsonLawrence born about 1913
DavidsonMargarete born about 1882
DavidsonNorman Jborn about 1939
DavisA Lborn about 1882
DavisAlonzo born about 1883
DavisAmy born about 1924
DavisBella born about 1883
DavisDorthy born about 1928
DavisEdward born about 1926
DavisMajorie born about 1931
DavisMargeret born about 1924
DavisOra born about 1886
DavisRoy Mborn about 1933
DavisWilliam born about 1906
DavisWilliam born about 1930
DeanHarlan born about 1908
DeanLena born about 1912
DegrofftJohn born about 1869
DegrofftLena born about 1874
DellenbaughBelle born about 1857
DeltonCharline born about 1907
DeltonJames born about 1934
DeltonJenise born about 1932
DemintAlice born about 1939
DemintAnna Belleborn about 1907
DemintBetty born about 1935
DemintBobbie born about 1920
DemintBownor born about 1905
DemintDavid Mborn about 1939
DemintDorothy born about 1931
DemintJohn born about 1907
DemintJohnny Jr born about 1933
DemintKate born about 1886
DemintLena born about 1923
DemintMary born about 1929
DemintMaurie Bborn about 1862
DemintPaul Bborn about 1930
DemintPrice born about 1870
DemintRoina Lborn about 1938
DemintSteve born about 1859
DemintThelma born about 1909
DemintVivian born about 1934
DerrtlerDonald born about 1937
DerrtlerLillie born about 1910
DerrtlerR Lborn about 1907
DickensSarah Jborn about 1901
DonaherAbrigail born about 1871
DonaldsonElmer born about 1893
DonaldsonKatherine born about 1915
DonaldsonViola born about 1918
DossBonnie Lborn about 1938
DossDonna Sborn about 1937
DossJack Cborn about 1916
DossJeneva born about 1916
DouglasHoward born about 1917
DouglasMarvin born about 1920
DouglasPearl born about 1895
DouglasRoscoe born about 1890
DoveGene born about 1921
DoveWilliam born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlEddie Fborn about 1880
EarlMinnie born about 1878
EarlWillie Mborn about 1903
EdgarBetty Gborn about 1929
EdgarClarence Aborn about 1892
EdgarEarl born about 1896
EdgarElder Dborn about 1923
EdgarEmma born about 1882
EdgarFlorence born about 1887
EdgarFrank born about 1915
EdgarGlenn Jr born about 1922
EdgarIva born about 1892
EdgarJ Dborn about 1922
EdgarJ Jborn about 1886
EdgarJames Aborn about 1931
EdgarJessie Lborn about 1894
EdgarLois Janeborn about 1926
EdgarMargaret born about 1901
EdgarMary born about 1900
EdgarNadine born about 1919
EdgarPearl born about 1887
EdgarRay Mborn about 1901
EdgarRoy born about 1920
EdgarStanley born about 1938
EdgarW Mborn about 1862
EdgarW Tborn about 1892
EdgarWarren Jborn about 1939
EdgarWillie born about 1893
EdmonsonCharles born about 1894
EdmonsonCharles Jr born about 1919
EdmonsonGrace born about 1897
EdmonsonMerle Yoonneborn about 1921
EdmonsonVelma born about 1931
EdwardClara Bborn about 1905
EdwardJean Mborn about 1937
EdwardJohn Mborn about 1908
EdwardsAlbert Eborn about 1925
EdwardsCharley born about 1905
EdwardsCharley Jr born about 1938
EdwardsEphriam born about 1866
EdwardsErma born about 1901
EdwardsHarry Rborn about 1906
EdwardsHazkee Eborn about 1898
EdwardsLenard Aborn about 1928
EdwardsMargaret born about 1905
EdwardsMary Gborn about 1863
EdwardsMildred Fborn about 1931
EdwardsR Jborn about 1896
EdwardsSarah born about 1873
EdwardsViola born about 1919
EllerBetty Leoborn about 1913
EllerBilly Bborn about 1937
EllerCharles Wborn about 1884
EllerJackie Leeborn about 1936
ElliotG Wborn about 1908
ElliotOdie born about 1886
ElliottA Fborn about 1883
ElliottElla born about 1887
ElliottHynds born about 1878
ElliottJesse born about 1873
ElliottMaud born about 1876
ElliottNora born about 1895
EndsleyLucile born about 1917
EndsleyMary Eborn about 1939
EndsleyVernon born about 1912
EndslyEva born about 1920
EndslyJowel born about 1910
EndslyJowel Dborn about 1939
EslingerDorothy born about 1916
EslingerJanice born about 1938
EslingerLaura Rborn about 1878
EslingerMartha Jianborn about 1938
EslingerRobert born about 1876
EslingerRobert born about 1913
EslingerShelly Lborn about 1921
EslingerSterling born about 1915
EslingerWelma born about 1919
EslingerWilliam born about 1873
EuryAllen Rborn about 1897
EuryJonathon born about 1867
EuryMargerette born about 1870
EuryMarvin born about 1905
EvansBeverly born about 1931
EvansBobbie born about 1929
EvansMary Mborn about 1933
EvansMay born about 1909
EvansWalter Tborn about 1903

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F Surnames

FalesRandolph born about 1930
FalknorDolly born about 1890
FalknorJesse born about 1894
FalknorMarine Dborn about 1939
FalknorMaxine born about 1922
FalknorRoe Wborn about 1918
FallsElder born about 1925
FarmerA Fborn about 1928
FarmerBertha born about 1922
FarmerDewitt born about 1918
FarmerMary Fborn about 1939
FarmerRobert born about 1914
FarmerRosa born about 1891
FarmerRoy born about 1883
FasterElizabeth born about 1890
FasterW Aborn about 1886
FazierNannie Eborn about 1877
FazierThomas born about 1861
FergasonAlice born about 1881
FergasonAnna born about 1899
FergasonBilly Dborn about 1938
FergasonCarlyon born about 1932
FergasonDoris Fborn about 1926
FergasonNorma Jborn about 1929
FergasonWilliam born about 1899
FieldsBuddy born about 1930
FieldsCora born about 1888
FieldsEarl born about 1908
FieldsFlora born about 1928
FieldsGladys born about 1907
FieldsJessie born about 1916
FieldsLois born about 1935
FieldsMarion born about 1871
FieldsMildred born about 1923
FieldsRobert born about 1914
FieldsThelma born about 1910
FiferFloyd Eborn about 1892
FiferJ Gborn about 1869
FiferJackie Leeborn about 1937
FiferJoe born about 1897
FiferJoe born about 1900
FiferLois Annborn about 1938
FiferLora born about 1909
FiferMary Roseborn about 1936
FiferOpal born about 1910
FiferR Gborn about 1902
FiferRosa born about 1873
FiferRuby born about 1894
FiferRuby Leeborn about 1939
FinleyChas Tborn about 1868
FinleyHiter born about 1882
FisherHazel born about 1919
FitzwaterAlice born about 1930
FitzwaterEva born about 1905
FitzwaterMable born about 1926
FitzwaterWilliam born about 1905
FletaherAlva Mborn about 1908
FletaherFlora born about 1907
FordCaptola born about 1921
FordDelmar born about 1935
FordGladys born about 1914
FordLa Roy born about 1912
FordMabel born about 1894
FordOnida born about 1916
FordPatsy Lborn about 1940
FordRobert Mborn about 1923
FordWendell born about 1932
FordWillard Lborn about 1914
FordenIna Jborn about 1914
FosterCecil born about 1907
FosterDaisy born about 1877
FosterDorothy born about 1913
FosterElizabeth born about 1904
FosterHattie born about 1910
FosterHerbert born about 1906
FosterJ Hborn about 1878
FosterJames Wborn about 1934
FosterJean Lborn about 1932
FosterKenneth born about 1930
FosterLorine born about 1907
FosterMarvin born about 1902
FosterMary Belleborn about 1926
FosterRaymond born about 1907
FrankenCharles born about 1910
FrankenHelen born about 1915
FrankenHenry born about 1916
FrankenJames born about 1927
FrankenKatherine born about 1924
FrankenLewis born about 1927
FrankenMitilda born about 1887
FrankenNaomi born about 1916
FrankenRobert born about 1922
FrankenSteven born about 1920
FrankenWilliam born about 1918
FrasierBetty Lueborn about 1929
FrasierGene born about 1926
FrasierHallie born about 1899
FrasierSusie born about 1897
FrazierBarbara born about 1934
FrazierElbert born about 1919
FrazierForest born about 1891
FrazierFred born about 1895
FrazierGladys born about 1897
FrazierGrace born about 1885
FrazierMary Bborn about 1895
FrazierMillard born about 1921
FrazierNancy born about 1924
FrazierVirgil born about 1886
FreemanCarolyn Fborn about 1931
FreemanEdwin Wborn about 1922
FreemanFlorence born about 1911
FreemanGeorgia born about 1887
FreemanHerbert born about 1911
FreemanJ Wborn about 1909
FreemanJackie born about 1936
FreemanJames Eborn about 1884
FreemanJames Rborn about 1928
FreemanJimmie born about 1933
FreemanMarvin born about 1883
FreemanMary Wborn about 1867
FreemanNina Iborn about 1905
FreemanOllivene born about 1920
FreemanPearl born about 1881
FreemanReba Jborn about 1934
FreemanW Eborn about 1862
FreemanWgbert Eborn about 1905
FreemanWillis born about 1910
FreemanWybert Rborn about 1930
FregoEthel born about 1903
FregoLevi born about 1902
FryeBelle born about 1869

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G Surnames

GantJames Mborn about 1862
GantJosephine born about 1860
GardnerCharline born about 1909
GardnerElvin Wborn about 1930
GardnerLarry Jr born about 1937
GardnerLola Mborn about 1915
GardnerLoreda Gborn about 1932
GardnerMary Lborn about 1934
GardnerRobert Aborn about 1937
GardnerRobert Eborn about 1911
GeorgeEmmit born about 1882
GeorgeGolden born about 1889
GeorgeJames Hborn about 1925
GeorgeRobert Mborn about 1924
GibbsMajor born about 1904
GibsonAnna Maeborn about 1887
GibsonB Wborn about 1893
GibsonBasil Jr born about 1919
GibsonBetty Louborn about 1923
GibsonLula born about 1891
GibsonO Eborn about 1884
GibsonRoy Fborn about 1917
GilesAnna born about 1882
GilesDora born about 1898
GilesFrank born about 1880
GilesGeorgia Aborn about 1899
GilesOmer Aborn about 1889
GilesRaymond born about 1893
GillunnLuana born about 1934
GillunnMary born about 1907
GloverFred born about 1893
GloverLillie Maeborn about 1892
GouldLydia born about 1897
GouldThomas born about 1920
GouldWillis born about 1888
GouldWillis Jr born about 1924
GreerMattie born about 1881
GrimesAnna Maudborn about 1918
GrimesJohn Mborn about 1869
GrimesLouise born about 1912
GrimesLula born about 1881
GrimesMaude born about 1873
GrimesO Cborn about 1878
GrimesPaul born about 1913
GrimesPaul Mborn about 1934
GroveChariman born about 1922
GroveElizabeth born about 1877
GroveFrances Wborn about 1879
GroveHarold born about 1915
GroveHelen Cborn about 1904
GroveJanie Cborn about 1880
GroveJohn Hborn about 1875
GroveJuana Kborn about 1928
GrovePhillis born about 1924

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H Surnames

HaddixRose A Eborn about 1870
HaddixSamuel Lborn about 1863
HaganIvan born about 1927
HaganJohn born about 1893
HaganVera born about 1894
HaganWayne born about 1921
HaleBetty born about 1936
HaleCarolyn born about 1939
HaleHester born about 1909
HaleSammy born about 1905
HallFrancis born about 1865
HallGeorge Wborn about 1865
HaltermanBeverly Jborn about 1930
HaltermanBilly Wborn about 1932
HaltermanC Oborn about 1922
HaltermanCaroll Sborn about 1938
HaltermanCordell born about 1901
HaltermanDixie Rborn about 1927
HaltermanDorthy born about 1926
HaltermanElsie born about 1904
HaltermanEmma Jeneborn about 1930
HaltermanG Wborn about 1866
HaltermanG Wborn about 1932
HaltermanJessie Mayborn about 1905
HaltermanJohn Pborn about 1890
HaltermanLois Eborn about 1940
HaltermanMarcella born about 1934
HaltermanMarvin born about 1904
HaltermanNeta born about 1923
HaltermanOtis born about 1903
HaltermanPatricia Lborn about 1935
HaltermanRobert born about 1937
HaltermanRonald born about 1939
HaltermanRoy Allenborn about 1935
HaltermanSarah Janeborn about 1871
HaltermanVena born about 1908
HaltermanWilma born about 1928
HanisonLillie born about 1884
HankersonChristopher born about 1922
HankersonElva born about 1910
HankersonGeorge born about 1881
HankersonJames Hborn about 1884
HankersonViola born about 1920
HappyEmily born about 1899
HappyEullia born about 1895
HappyJames Mborn about 1930
HappyJames Tborn about 1869
HappyJasse Tborn about 1905
HappyJudith born about 1932
HappyJune born about 1927
HappyMolly born about 1885
HappyNoah born about 1882
HappyW Eborn about 1895
HappyWilma born about 1922
HardwickAnne born about 1874
HardwickDaisy born about 1897
HardwickH Rborn about 1899
HardwickHoward born about 1926
HardwickRobert born about 1934
HardwickThomas born about 1929
HardwickThomas Jborn about 1867
HardwickWilliam born about 1935
HardyBobby Lauborn about 1933
HarlinClaude born about 1892
HarlinDonald Jborn about 1936
HarlinJessie Lborn about 1914
HarlinLois born about 1917
HarlinLouis Tborn about 1908
HarlinMarjory born about 1916
HarlinMary born about 1892
HarlinNelly Cborn about 1885
HarlinNettie born about 1883
HarlinRaymond born about 1923
HarlinWayne Aborn about 1938
HarpAnnie born about 1930
HarpGertrude born about 1903
HarpJoe born about 1927
HarpKatherine born about 1931
HarpKenneth born about 1934
HarpMargaret born about 1925
HarpWilliam born about 1892
HarringtonEthel born about 1913
HarringtonEva born about 1910
HarrisJaa born about 1889
HarrisS Eborn about 1880
HarrisonBess born about 1882
HarrisonHelen Jborn about 1917
HarrisonJacob Bborn about 1915
HarrissonBertha Cborn about 1930
HarrissonBetty Joborn about 1928
HarrissonD Jborn about 1888
HarrissonLaura born about 1880
HarrissonR Nborn about 1877
HarrissonZittella born about 1909
HaysClarence Mborn about 1892
HaysFlorence born about 1892
HaysG Wborn about 1924
HearroldBarbara Lborn about 1934
HearroldBerniece born about 1912
HearroldCharles Rborn about 1936
HearroldDuane born about 1938
HearroldJackie born about 1933
HearroldWesley born about 1905
HeilMargaret born about 1914
HeilNorman born about 1915
HelwigDona born about 1871
HelwigHenry born about 1862
HendersonDarlene born about 1935
HenryEdward born about 1888
HenryJames Eborn about 1936
HenryVelma born about 1900
HerodAlva born about 1886
HerodIda born about 1889
HerringHartvig Lborn about 1903
HerringPaul Gborn about 1901
HerroldAlice born about 1883
HerroldDarline born about 1923
HerroldHazel born about 1915
HerroldRaymond born about 1912
HerroldW Rborn about 1882
HerroldWillis born about 1920
HertzigEdward born about 1887
HertzigHugh born about 1917
HertzigMary born about 1884
HertzigNorman born about 1915
HertzigRaymond born about 1919
HertzigVivian born about 1918
HessAdrienne born about 1920
HessAlbert born about 1916
HessJacqueline born about 1939
HigginsJoseph born about 1902
HigginsSadie born about 1902
HiggsIrene born about 1913
HiggsIsiac Wborn about 1877
HiggsMargaret born about 1934
HiggsShirley Fborn about 1939
HilemanDacie born about 1927
HilemanH Mborn about 1892
HilemanJenny born about 1867
HilemanJohn Hborn about 1917
HilemanMary born about 1894
HilemanRobert Mborn about 1925
HilemanW Dborn about 1868
HilemanWilliam Dborn about 1919
HillAnna Leeborn about 1914
HillBarbara Jborn about 1937
HillRoy Jborn about 1907
HillW Oborn about 1916
HillWaneta born about 1920
HiltonFrank Eborn about 1914
HiltonMary Kborn about 1917
HiltonMary Wborn about 1888
HiltonRichard Cborn about 1919
HiltonRuby Cborn about 1887
HinkleCharles born about 1856
HinkleMary Lborn about 1866
HoganHoward born about 1897
HoganMildred born about 1911
HollarM Pborn about 1860
HollowayJennie Sborn about 1938
HollowayKathleen born about 1895
HollowayKenneht born about 1894
HollowayKenneth Jr born about 1919
HollowayMary Eborn about 1918
HollowayWill Sborn about 1916
HolmanFred Hborn about 1903
HolmanLula Mborn about 1918
HolmanShirley Mborn about 1939
HolsingerHanah born about 1911
HolsingerMarvin born about 1910
HolsingerMinnie born about 1880
HolsingerS Gborn about 1891
HoltermanCarson Jr born about 1907
HoltermanCharley Cborn about 1873
HoltermanChristine born about 1872
HoltermanLawrence Eborn about 1913
HoltermanR Melvinborn about 1904
HoltermanRussell Gborn about 1911
HooverMelvin born about 1883
HoustonEmma Vborn about 1912
HoustonForrest born about 1915
HoustonGoldie born about 1905
HoustonJames born about 1893
HowardC Dborn about 1923
HowardJane born about 1882
HowardJohn Wborn about 1926
HowardNancy born about 1862
HowardVivian born about 1921
HowellEstell born about 1934
HowellMarcus born about 1911
HowellMarcus Jr born about 1939
HowellMarion born about 1912
HowkinsFaye born about 1917
HowkinsHoward born about 1894
HowkinsIvy born about 1908
HowkinsNorman born about 1931
HughesAury Aborn about 1881
HughesBetty Mborn about 1934
HughesFred born about 1904
HughesJames Fborn about 1928
HughesJosephine born about 1906
HughesMary Bborn about 1927
HughesNettie born about 1882
HughesWanda born about 1939
HullRoxie born about 1883
HustonWalter born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JamesCecil born about 1916
JamesDonald born about 1938
JamesDora Fborn about 1920
JamesFlorence born about 1939
JankinsAnna born about 1882
JankinsG Wborn about 1882
JankinsHelen born about 1927
JankinsJoe born about 1920
JankinsRaymond born about 1917
JenkinsJannes Dborn about 1933
JhowellClarence Aborn about 1884
JhowellHilda Jborn about 1887
JhowellVirgil Lborn about 1921
JohnsonBertha born about 1915
JohnsonBessie born about 1892
JohnsonClifford born about 1908
JohnsonClifford Jr born about 1935
JohnsonCora born about 1915
JohnsonDorris Jeanneborn about 1936
JohnsonEdward born about 1919
JohnsonFaye born about 1917
JohnsonH Tborn about 1883
JohnsonHarold born about 1922
JohnsonJ Hborn about 1913
JohnsonLewis Eborn about 1880
JohnsonLula born about 1884
JohnsonMarie born about 1884
JohnsonMarjorie born about 1913
JohnsonMurrell born about 1913
JohnsonO Hborn about 1889
JohnsonRuth born about 1881
JonesBailey born about 1877
JonesDorthy born about 1929
JonesGeneva born about 1910
JonesIsabelle born about 1894
JonesJ Oborn about 1891
JonesLee born about 1902
JonesMajorie born about 1932
JonesMargaret born about 1932
JonesMollie born about 1877
JonseC Fborn about 1892
JonseDore born about 1896
JonseKenneth born about 1919
JoyClifford born about 1913
JoyMary born about 1894
JoyRiley born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KablerlahAlbert born about 1899
KablerlahDonald born about 1933
KablerlahGene Marieborn about 1929
KablerlahGoldie born about 1899
KablerlahRalph born about 1926
KellenbergerAlvin born about 1937
KellenbergerBetty Geneborn about 1927
KellenbergerCharles born about 1920
KellenbergerCharles Jr born about 1940
KellenbergerEdna born about 1897
KellenbergerFannie born about 1874
KellenbergerFrances born about 1917
KellenbergerFrank born about 1888
KellenbergerGene born about 1936
KellenbergerGeorge Hborn about 1872
KellenbergerGlenn born about 1925
KellenbergerHelen born about 1920
KellenbergerJohn Jborn about 1857
KellenbergerLeola born about 1939
KellenbergerLois born about 1934
KellenbergerMarvin born about 1886
KellenbergerMilo born about 1938
KellenbergerMitilda born about 1884
KellenbergerW Fborn about 1867
KellenbergerWillard Gborn about 1915
KelsoGrover born about 1869
KelsoIda born about 1869
KemererJohn born about 1874
KemererJohn Wborn about 1908
KemererMinnie born about 1875
KentonGeorgia born about 1899
KentonHerbert born about 1924
KentonJoe Fborn about 1881
KentonMarjorie born about 1921
KentonOscar born about 1876
KentonPearl born about 1919
KeuperVirginia born about 1910
KimbroughDean born about 1878
KimbroughKate Nborn about 1869
KimbroughLittie born about 1872
KimbroughMolly Mborn about 1873
KimbroughW Cborn about 1878
KincaidJoe born about 1910
KincaidMadge born about 1915
KinspchildNorma born about 1886
KirhrotrickMary born about 1884
KirhrotrickS Mborn about 1882
KirkpatrickCharles born about 1884
KirkpatrickCornelia born about 1857
KirkpatrickIrene born about 1870
KirkpatrickMary born about 1888
KnipschildBetty Joeborn about 1933
KnipschildBlanche born about 1892
KnipschildCarol Sborn about 1938
KnipschildChas Fborn about 1893
KnipschildEdna born about 1912
KnipschildJohn born about 1883
KnipschildJohn Wborn about 1940
KnipschildLawson born about 1909
KnipschildTeuysle born about 1909
KratzerElizabeth born about 1877
KratzerG Wborn about 1876
KuylandallGeorge born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LackeyR Aborn about 1872
LamC Lborn about 1865
LamDonald born about 1931
LamGeorge born about 1919
LamKenneth born about 1928
LamMattie born about 1869
LamNellie Aborn about 1898
LamRalph Eborn about 1896
LamptonCarlos born about 1914
LamptonGene born about 1875
LamptonOpal born about 1922
LangstonHelen born about 1924
LathropMable born about 1886
LathropW Hborn about 1883
LawenLillian born about 1893
LawenM Jborn about 1884
LeachAlberta born about 1903
LeachEdwin born about 1895
LeachMurrell Jborn about 1921
LeachWard born about 1922
LeakeyBonnie born about 1935
LeakeyClara born about 1894
LeakeyDavid born about 1937
LeakeyEarl born about 1889
LeakeyMildred born about 1924
LeakeyNaomi born about 1922
LeakeyWillie born about 1931
LeashBessie born about 1917
LeashMelvin born about 1915
LeashMelvina born about 1937
LeeArthur Lborn about 1906
LeeBobby born about 1935
LeeBuster born about 1910
LeeDessie born about 1915
LeeDonald born about 1940
LeeEdward born about 1922
LeeEssie born about 1905
LeeFrieda born about 1902
LeeHarold Rborn about 1938
LeeLicetta born about 1934
LeeLowis born about 1894
LeeMarvin born about 1936
LeeNorman born about 1938
LemonsFred born about 1913
LentsGlen born about 1906
LentsMyrtle born about 1914
LentzDorothy born about 1920
LentzFrances born about 1906
LentzGordon born about 1918
LentzGordon Jr born about 1939
LentzMarvin born about 1896
LentzMarvin O Jrborn about 1940
LetrizBetty Jborn about 1926
LetrizLouise born about 1921
LetrizRobert Aborn about 1893
LetrizRobert Jr born about 1922
LetrizVerna Mborn about 1931
LetrizViolet born about 1899
LetzigAlbin born about 1879
LetzigAnna born about 1899
LetzigArthur born about 1917
LetzigElizabeth born about 1918
LetzigGeorge Aborn about 1885
LetzigHarold Dborn about 1939
LetzigMary Rborn about 1921
LetzigRachel born about 1895
LetzigWelmon born about 1917
LeutaKste born about 1859
LewisAlpha Wborn about 1878
LewisTannie born about 1879
LinchHomer born about 1882
LinchLaura born about 1887
LindleyBessie born about 1879
LindleyBessie born about 1936
LindleyEstella Dborn about 1938
LindleyGertude born about 1913
LindleyHeiney born about 1911
LindleyHenry born about 1934
LindleyHomer born about 1861
LinkDorothy born about 1935
LinkElmer born about 1900
LinkHenry born about 1875
LinkVictoria born about 1883
LinkVirginia born about 1929
LinneyClora Wborn about 1868
LintzDenzel born about 1923
LintzEleanor Fernborn about 1920
LintzJoan born about 1918
LintzLola Gborn about 1884
LintzO Jborn about 1883
LittletonArine born about 1909
LittletonDorthy born about 1928
LittletonFrank born about 1904
LittletonFrank Jr born about 1932
LittletonMajorie born about 1929
LittletonMarvis born about 1935
LittletonThomas Wborn about 1917
LockridgeAddie Leeborn about 1932
LockridgeAddie Mayborn about 1900
LockridgeE Christineborn about 1929
LockridgeSamuel born about 1899
LowinH Hborn about 1889
LowinLucy born about 1901
LowinRobert Hborn about 1940
LowinShirley born about 1936
LuedersBruetta born about 1931
LuedersGlenda born about 1927
LuedersHazel Sborn about 1904
LuedersMary born about 1874
LuedersNora born about 1907
LuedersWilliams born about 1875
LuntzEffie born about 1883
LuntzFrank born about 1886
LynnFay born about 1906
LynnGlen born about 1903
LynnJuanita born about 1932
LyonsAllie born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MallaryJames Tborn about 1860
MallaryNillie born about 1873
MallonyJewel born about 1887
ManasseAlvah born about 1890
ManasseGrace born about 1890
ManningClara Jborn about 1889
ManningFrank born about 1921
ManningFred born about 1888
ManningThomas born about 1856
MansurCharles Oborn about 1862
MarrsBrad born about 1882
MarrsFrancis born about 1876
MarrsWilliam Rborn about 1866
MarshallHelen born about 1912
MarshallRaymond born about 1902
MartinJ Aborn about 1890
MartinJ Bborn about 1930
MartinMaggie born about 1868
MartinOllie born about 1890
MartinThomas Sborn about 1866
MasonAnna born about 1878
MasonB Oborn about 1871
MasonCora born about 1895
MasonMargret born about 1905
MasonRaymond born about 1900
MasonTom born about 1903
MathenaClaude Dborn about 1882
MathenaSally born about 1882
MaydenChas Wborn about 1887
MaydenFaye born about 1915
MaydenHerbert Mborn about 1924
MaydenMarvin born about 1915
MaydenNora Mborn about 1890
MaydenOpal Lborn about 1921
McCannDavid born about 1931
McCannGerald born about 1928
McCannHarrisson born about 1926
McCannJ Dborn about 1905
McCannMargaret born about 1902
McCannRobert born about 1940
McCauleyJohn Dborn about 1860
McCauleyLena born about 1875
McComasBarbara Jborn about 1934
McComasBuddy Dborn about 1937
McComasDonald born about 1932
McComasGeorge born about 1882
McComasGeorge Jr born about 1913
McComasJames Hborn about 1907
McComasJimmy born about 1939
McComasMabel born about 1917
McComasMargaret born about 1926
McComasMartha born about 1911
McComasMay born about 1886
McComickGlenn born about 1921
McComickH Yborn about 1880
McComickJ Pborn about 1849
McComickMyrtle Dlborn about 1891
McCorandaleDella born about 1921
McCorkindaleBertha Mborn about 1928
McCorkindaleBillie born about 1936
McCorkindaleClara born about 1884
McCorkindaleDonald born about 1931
McCorkindaleEugene born about 1934
McCorkindaleFrazier Dborn about 1926
McCorkindaleHarold born about 1927
McCorkindaleHazel born about 1911
McCorkindaleM Hborn about 1900
McCorkindaleMary born about 1884
McCorkindaleRuby born about 1900
McCorkindaleT Fborn about 1873
McCorkindaleW Hborn about 1910
McCorkindaleWilliam Rborn about 1881
McCullowAlbert born about 1903
McGarrigalBennie born about 1939
McGarrigalBonnie born about 1937
McGarrigalHerman born about 1934
McGarrigalLewis born about 1910
McGarrigalLucile born about 1918
McGarrigalPatsy born about 1940
McGonigalJ Aborn about 1905
McGonigalJ Nborn about 1865
McGonigalLavina born about 1870
McGraphElla born about 1932
McGraphMartha born about 1928
McGrawAubery born about 1898
McGrawDennis born about 1939
McGrawDorothy born about 1915
McGrawEllen born about 1870
McGrawIrene born about 1915
McGrawJ W Jrborn about 1933
McGrawJanise born about 1937
McGrawJohn born about 1903
McGrawMargeret born about 1935
McGrawMerle born about 1899
McGregorJohn born about 1860
McGuinnPrenecia born about 1859
McGuireBruna born about 1883
McGuireCatherine born about 1876
McGuireClaud born about 1875
McGuireFlorence born about 1880
McGuireHelen born about 1932
McGuireHester born about 1902
McGuireHubert born about 1901
McGuireHubert Jr born about 1929
McGuireJames Bborn about 1874
McGuireMartha born about 1925
McGuireVirginia born about 1914
McKeanyAlfred born about 1929
McKeanyElizabeth born about 1901
McKeanyF Nborn about 1897
McKeanyMary Eborn about 1938
McKennyBobbie born about 1924
McKennyEmma Jr born about 1927
McKennyMable born about 1897
McKennyR Bborn about 1894
McKennyRoy born about 1892
McNewJ Vborn about 1935
McNewMary Hborn about 1915
McQueenBessie born about 1886
McQueenClyde born about 1883
McQueenD Cborn about 1891
McQueenH Alvinborn about 1910
McQueenLawrence born about 1908
McQueenRuth born about 1892
McQueenVirginia born about 1919
MeadorBenita born about 1938
MeadorBetty born about 1888
MeadorEva born about 1915
MeadorEvelyn born about 1916
MeadorFrances born about 1913
MeadorGranville born about 1904
MeadorGuy born about 1893
MeadorHarrison born about 1917
MeadorHomer born about 1913
MeadorJoe born about 1919
MeadorJohn born about 1929
MeadorKeith born about 1937
MeadorLee born about 1918
MeadorMargaret Annborn about 1924
MeadorMary Sborn about 1926
MeadorRiley born about 1916
MeadorRussel born about 1908
MeadorW Aborn about 1855
MeadorW Rborn about 1875
MeierAnna born about 1881
MeierE Hborn about 1878
MeierMildred born about 1912
MeierV Fborn about 1912
MerrifieldCharles Wayneborn about 1929
MerrifieldCharley born about 1897
MerrifieldEdwin Jborn about 1932
MerrifieldIsabelle born about 1906
MerrifieldJohn Hborn about 1939
MerrifieldJulia born about 1866
MerrifieldJulius born about 1902
MerrifieldKathleen born about 1896
MerrifieldWade Allenborn about 1932
MillerEarlene born about 1923
MillerFrances born about 1916
MillerGeorge Nborn about 1937
MillerLouise born about 1932
MillerO Wborn about 1904
MillerRosalie born about 1931
MillerRuby born about 1913
MillerRussell born about 1907
MillerSteve Wborn about 1908
MillerVerna born about 1920
MillerWillena born about 1910
MillerWilliam Hgborn about 1932
MillerWillie born about 1936
MinnickB Gborn about 1868
MinnickBeatrice born about 1934
MinnickBetty born about 1924
MinnickC Cborn about 1885
MinnickE Wborn about 1892
MinnickErnest Jr born about 1928
MinnickEugene born about 1921
MinnickFannie born about 1905
MinnickFaye born about 1926
MinnickFred born about 1912
MinnickGeorgia born about 1898
MinnickKenneth born about 1939
MinnickL Cborn about 1866
MinnickMjorie born about 1930
MinnickNannia Mborn about 1874
MinnickPeggy Louborn about 1938
MinnickRay born about 1916
MinnickStella born about 1880
MinnickThelma born about 1919
MitchellEdna born about 1905
MitchellGlenn born about 1918
MitchellJ Wborn about 1893
MitchellJosephine born about 1921
MitchellMary Eborn about 1895
MitchellRex Aborn about 1890
MohnMabel born about 1909
MohnRay born about 1902
MohnT Miltonborn about 1936
MooneyClarence Eborn about 1877
MooneyNellie Aborn about 1883
MoranDora born about 1894
MoranJane Jborn about 1902
MorganB Fborn about 1874
MorganOlivia born about 1878
MorrissonLois born about 1879
MulliearnMary Kborn about 1907
MullinsBobbie born about 1936
MullinsFrances born about 1911
MullinsGrace born about 1905
MullinsLouise born about 1900
MullinsMaryline born about 1933
MullinsOdie born about 1900
MullinsPatrick born about 1886
MullinsRobert born about 1909
MullinsTerrence born about 1937
MullinsThomas born about 1939
MulnixHenry Bborn about 1900
MulnixHenry Jr born about 1930
MulnixJames Dborn about 1922
MulnixMary born about 1900
MulnixMary Louborn about 1932
MurrayAddie born about 1897
MurrayD Eborn about 1894
MyersArdath Gborn about 1929
MyersBeverly Bborn about 1923
MyersBlanche born about 1898
MyersBoyd born about 1896
MyersCecil born about 1904
MyersClaud Lborn about 1890
MyersCorine born about 1928
MyersDan Aborn about 1897
MyersDan Jr born about 1922
MyersDoris Dborn about 1925
MyersFrances born about 1931
MyersHelen born about 1923
MyersJake born about 1919
MyersJohn Wborn about 1869
MyersMartha Aborn about 1857
MyersMary Idaborn about 1884
MyersMaurine born about 1928
MyersMay Bborn about 1900
MyersOpal born about 1907
MyersW Sborn about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashEarnest Wborn about 1891
NashIda Bborn about 1895
NeffCarl born about 1923
NeffCarrie born about 1899
NeffFrieda born about 1925
NeffGeraldine born about 1918
NeffKendall born about 1922
NeffLois Janeborn about 1932
NeffLula born about 1890
NeffRoy Mborn about 1898
NeffRoy M Jrborn about 1927
NeffRuth Annborn about 1937
NeffW Rborn about 1892
NeighborKatherine born about 1871
NeighborT Oborn about 1874
NelsonEdna Gborn about 1886
NelsonElli born about 1876
NelsonEmmert born about 1918
NelsonEva born about 1893
NelsonFred born about 1886
NelsonJaunita born about 1920
NelsonSallie born about 1867
NelsonSterling Pborn about 1862
NewhamDorothy born about 1916
NewhamHarold born about 1906
NewhamJoe born about 1906
NewhamS Gborn about 1881
NewhamSallie born about 1882
NewhamWendell born about 1915
NicolsMinnie born about 1904
NobletFred born about 1882
NobletGrace born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdellAlisa born about 1925
OdellClyde born about 1898
OdellDonnie born about 1929
OdellOllie born about 1898
OdellRaymond born about 1927
OdellRobert born about 1922
OdellWendle born about 1938
OttmanCharles born about 1887
OttmanDora born about 1866
OttmanLawrence born about 1894
OttmanMary born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaineElla born about 1881
PaineGeorge Wborn about 1868
PalmerGladys born about 1906
PalmerParis Pborn about 1900
PattonKenneth Sborn about 1913
PattonMinnie born about 1892
PenningtonBetty Lborn about 1931
PenningtonMary Kborn about 1920
PenningtonOpal born about 1897
PhillipsDonald born about 1933
PhillipsElwayne born about 1936
PhillipsIola born about 1916
PhillipsRussell born about 1911
PhillipsShirley Annborn about 1939
PopejoyRoseanna born about 1859
PorterClarence born about 1877
PorterNellie born about 1884
PriceE Mborn about 1868
PriceGeorge born about 1872
PriceLillian born about 1892
PriceOgr born about 1881
PriceRobert born about 1909
ProffittAnna born about 1888
ProffittArthur born about 1889
ProffittElizabeth born about 1925
ProffittMilfred born about 1915
ProffittRobert born about 1918
PuckettH Lborn about 1900
PyleEdyth born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuickAnnie Mayborn about 1932
QuickEster born about 1913
QuickJesse born about 1901
QuickMarylynn born about 1935
QuickSamuel born about 1929
QuickSandra born about 1940

R Surnames

RaderBud Eldoraborn about 1873
RaderCharley born about 1873
RaderIda born about 1880
RaderMattie born about 1878
RaderWilliam born about 1882
RankinWallace Fborn about 1852
RayburnWarren born about 1870
ReddBertina born about 1883
ReddHubbard Tborn about 1875
ReedCarl H Jrborn about 1924
ReedCarl Mborn about 1890
ReedOttie Mborn about 1893
RegisterFrank born about 1863
RegisterFrank Lborn about 1938
RegisterJesse born about 1903
RegisterJesse Lborn about 1934
RegisterMarvin Eborn about 1930
RegisterMary born about 1874
RegisterMary Jborn about 1932
RegisterWalter born about 1923
RegisterWyoma born about 1913
RemlelaunClara born about 1889
RemlelaunDoris born about 1924
RemlelaunJohn born about 1875
RhodesElizabeth born about 1919
RhodesFloyd born about 1926
RhodesHoward born about 1917
RhodesIda born about 1864
RhodesJohn Lborn about 1923
RhodesMary Louborn about 1928
RhodesNettie born about 1890
RhodesRalph born about 1887
RhodesSusan born about 1891
RhodesWilliam born about 1892
RippyIomagene born about 1925
RippyMable born about 1899
RippyOrvil born about 1898
RobinsonWilliam born about 1864
RochfordJae born about 1926
RockholdAnne born about 1898
RockholdDave born about 1893
RockholdDorsey born about 1921
RockholdShirley Annborn about 1930
RosecransClrayne born about 1913
RussellAlice born about 1870
RussellBridie born about 1902
RussellCharles Eborn about 1936
RussellElsie born about 1904
RussellMarian born about 1903
RussellMary born about 1870
RussellMattie Eborn about 1922
RussellMerle born about 1913
RussellR Hborn about 1867
RussellRobert Gborn about 1929
RussellRoscoe born about 1895
RussellSylvia born about 1901
RussettCarolyn Jborn about 1939
RussettFlorence born about 1919
RussettJoe born about 1908
RustA Cborn about 1869
RustBlanche born about 1872
RustEdward born about 1930
RustEdythe born about 1896
RustJ Jborn about 1866
RustMargaret born about 1919
RustY Lborn about 1893
RyanAlta born about 1922
RyanHattie Mayborn about 1881
RyanTip born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaddlerGrace born about 1896
SaddlerGrace Mborn about 1933
SaddlerHarold Bborn about 1918
SaddlerM Kigeborn about 1885
SaddlerWanda born about 1920
SaddlerWilmer born about 1939
SandersonSusan born about 1864
SchmelingAnna Bellsborn about 1932
SchmelingBessie born about 1908
SchmelingDonald Leeborn about 1935
SchmelingGeneva born about 1927
SchmelingLee born about 1904
ScrogginsEmma born about 1873
SeeAmanda Janeborn about 1873
SeeC Vborn about 1895
SeeCyrus Jr born about 1927
SeeEthel born about 1904
SeeRuby born about 1923
SeeShelby Jr born about 1939
SeeVirginia born about 1930
SeeWalter Vborn about 1935
SeverRaff born about 1889
ShackelfordJohn born about 1862
ShackelfordLizzie born about 1862
ShackelfordMartha Aborn about 1861
SharpSopha Rborn about 1866
SharpWilliam Aborn about 1884
ShellyWilliam Lborn about 1890
SheltonChas Wborn about 1914
SheltonChas W Jrborn about 1938
SheltonJohn Lborn about 1864
SheltonMary Hborn about 1916
SheltonMattie born about 1871
SheltonWilson born about 1913
ShirleyDora Fborn about 1910
ShirleyEdward Cborn about 1915
ShirleyJasse Mborn about 1887
ShirleyJenette born about 1926
ShirleyMaud born about 1886
ShirleyVirgil Mborn about 1916
ShumakerAnna Belleborn about 1930
ShumakerLaura born about 1900
ShumakerRobert born about 1926
ShumakerWard Lborn about 1892
ShutsMary Eborn about 1923
ShutsRoy born about 1921
SilkwoodElberta born about 1921
SilkwoodEliza born about 1882
SilkwoodHenry born about 1881
SilkwoodJennetta born about 1938
SilkwoodLola born about 1899
SilkwoodSylvester born about 1892
SilkwoodWilliam born about 1916
SillersP Aborn about 1910
SimmermanCarol born about 1935
SimmermanJames born about 1907
SimmermanJanice born about 1938
SimmermanNorma born about 1913
SimmesMinnie born about 1868
SimpsonClaud born about 1905
SimpsonNora born about 1919
SmithAgnes born about 1864
SmithAlbert Bborn about 1889
SmithDorthy born about 1921
SmithEmma born about 1900
SmithEster born about 1899
SmithFrank born about 1897
SmithFred born about 1900
SmithGrace born about 1874
SmithGrace born about 1903
SmithJame Cborn about 1893
SmithJerry born about 1870
SmithKirah Dborn about 1908
SmithLawrence born about 1895
SmithLeslie born about 1872
SmithLizzie born about 1857
SmithMargaret born about 1893
SmithMarie born about 1911
SmithMarvin born about 1928
SmithMary Jborn about 1871
SmithMattie born about 1902
SmithMinnie born about 1879
SmithNina Mborn about 1875
SmithRoscoe Aborn about 1905
SmithToussaint born about 1892
SmithVirginia born about 1917
SmithWalter born about 1899
SnowdenMannie born about 1860
SnyderEdward Fborn about 1916
SnyderFredrick born about 1936
SnyderJohnny born about 1939
SnyderMary Mborn about 1916
SnyderMildred born about 1919
SnyderNannie born about 1870
SpitserNora Mborn about 1880
SpitserNora Maxineborn about 1919
SportsmanBillie Ruthborn about 1928
SportsmanLavinia born about 1897
SportsmanW Mborn about 1880
StantonCurtis Hborn about 1915
StantonDorothy born about 1922
StantonEl born about 1920
StantonIrene born about 1918
StantonLulla born about 1895
StantonW Lborn about 1893
StapleFanny Fborn about 1876
StapleHenry Dborn about 1876
StapleJames Tborn about 1910
StappBetty born about 1914
StappEmma born about 1888
StappMartha born about 1886
StathamCora Mayborn about 1883
StathamJoe born about 1880
StevensH Tborn about 1881
StevensonAnn Eborn about 1869
StevensonCharles Wborn about 1875
StevensonJulia Tborn about 1872
StevensonMary Eborn about 1862
StevensonNannie Fborn about 1860
StevensonPearl born about 1878
StillC Eborn about 1872
StillE Oborn about 1900
StillJaunita born about 1937
StillSarah Eborn about 1898
StithMargaret Oborn about 1869
StithRichard Tborn about 1857
StoutamireEllis born about 1911
StoutamireEllis Jr born about 1936
StoutamireMary born about 1919
StoutamireShelby Janeborn about 1939
StrainBeulah born about 1912
StrainElizabeth Sueborn about 1939
StrainLuther Wborn about 1930
StrainNorman Gborn about 1931
StrainOliver Hborn about 1903
StrattonAda Cborn about 1885
StrattonC L Jrborn about 1922
StrattonClyde Lborn about 1881
StrattonDan Wborn about 1867
StrattonDora born about 1875
StrattonLizzie born about 1874
StriderClare Annborn about 1931
StriderDonald born about 1927
StriderDoris born about 1925
StriderElmer Rborn about 1894
StriderErma born about 1901
StriderGale Geneborn about 1928
StriderGlenn born about 1915
StriderHaynes born about 1926
StriderJasse born about 1898
StriderJewel Wborn about 1927
StriderKenneth born about 1923
StriderLavenia born about 1898
StriderLee born about 1917
StriderLoyd born about 1885
StriderNana born about 1873
StriderPauline born about 1930
StriderPearl born about 1896
StriderRaymond born about 1921
SummersAda Mayborn about 1901
SummersBetty Hrborn about 1935
SummersBeverly Annborn about 1932
SummersBlanche born about 1891
SummersBobbie born about 1939
SummersCarrie born about 1890
SummersChristine born about 1919
SummersDanial born about 1939
SummersDavid Jborn about 1881
SummersDoyle Jborn about 1933
SummersEd Mborn about 1869
SummersEdna born about 1878
SummersEdward born about 1924
SummersEldon born about 1936
SummersElna born about 1905
SummersEmmert born about 1909
SummersFred born about 1896
SummersHoward Eborn about 1911
SummersIrene born about 1924
SummersJ Wborn about 1885
SummersJack born about 1937
SummersJames Kborn about 1922
SummersJohn born about 1891
SummersKenneth born about 1921
SummersKenton born about 1899
SummersLarry Deanborn about 1933
SummersLe Roy born about 1907
SummersMargaret born about 1894
SummersMatilda Jborn about 1912
SummersOletha born about 1915
SummersRaymond born about 1912
SummersRichard born about 1929
SummersSlyvia born about 1938
SummersVirginia born about 1918
SummersVivian born about 1912
SummersW Bborn about 1862
SummersW Bborn about 1916
SummersW Fborn about 1911
SummersWalter born about 1878
SummersWaunita born about 1925
SummersWilma born about 1907
SurbaughKitty born about 1897
SurbaughSherman born about 1892
SurbaughSherman Jr born about 1929
SwanerNina born about 1883
SwattsCharles born about 1858
SwattsElizabeth born about 1875
SwinneyMary Fborn about 1906
SwinneyPearl born about 1882
SwopeArthur born about 1932
SwopeBetty born about 1930
SwopeCecil born about 1906
SwopeJames born about 1939
SwopeLe Roy born about 1935
SwopeMyrtle born about 1911
SwopeRichard born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TablerAlberta born about 1882
TablerBillie born about 1930
TablerBonnie born about 1930
TablerGuy Rborn about 1882
TablerJames born about 1876
TablerMyrtle born about 1887
TablerWilliam born about 1884
TalleyPhillip born about 1929
TalleySharron born about 1932
TempeltonDorothy born about 1923
TempeltonElsie born about 1903
TempeltonElvina born about 1931
TempeltonFrances born about 1924
TempeltonK Williamborn about 1926
TempeltonRose born about 1935
TempeltonRuth born about 1933
TempeltonWilliam Jr born about 1898
TempletonMaggie born about 1881
TempletonWilliam Jborn about 1871
TermingtonMary Jborn about 1862
TeselElsie Bborn about 1894
TeselEugene Bborn about 1891
ThielJoseph born about 1854
ThomasJulia born about 1873
ThomasS Dborn about 1859
ThompsonBetty Eborn about 1929
ThompsonMaud born about 1884
ThompsonNoah born about 1896
ThompsonPerry Gborn about 1926
ThompsonTerry Dborn about 1880
TinsleyGeorge Mborn about 1876
TinsleyLydia born about 1878
TolosoNorman born about 1920
ToolsonDentont born about 1921
ToolsonWanda born about 1929
TransueEllen born about 1901
TransueJ Fborn about 1901
TransueLewis born about 1927
TransueMaurice born about 1930
TravillionBessie born about 1872
TravillionJohn born about 1874
TravillionPaul born about 1910
TrindleAnna Bborn about 1928
TrindleClawrence born about 1893
TrindleFlora born about 1898
TrindleJosephine born about 1925
TrippCharles born about 1918
TrippL Wborn about 1886
TrippMyrtle born about 1892
TroutmanEula born about 1907
TroutmanRolly born about 1901
TuckerTed born about 1903
TunerMildred born about 1916
TurleyChas Hborn about 1931
TurleyElton born about 1911
TurleyHerbert born about 1914
TurleyHerman born about 1906
TurleyMyrtle born about 1913
TurleyMyrtle born about 1923
TurleyRussell born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodBertha born about 1890
UnderwoodMelvin Aborn about 1882
UnderwoodOrville Lborn about 1913

V Surnames

VandunsAda born about 1881
VandunsEslie born about 1879
VanpeltDorthy born about 1925
VanpeltElaine born about 1939
VanpeltElsie born about 1899
VanpeltFrances born about 1915
VanpeltHelen Lborn about 1921
VanpeltJ Fborn about 1870
VanpeltJ Lborn about 1898
VanpeltMiller born about 1911
VanpeltPhillis Rayborn about 1938
VinckDick born about 1920
VinckJohn Kborn about 1878
VinckLilly Mborn about 1882
VinckOz Jborn about 1916
VinckPauline born about 1928
VinckSidney Jborn about 1918
VoelkerArlene born about 1925
VoelkerBeulah born about 1900
VoelkerHerman born about 1866
VoelkerKarl born about 1896
VoelkerKarl Jr born about 1933
VoelkerMark born about 1936
VoelkerRex born about 1931
VoelkerRosemary born about 1927
VoelkerSterling born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerClara born about 1898
WalkerDaniel Fborn about 1933
WalkerDarlene born about 1933
WalkerEveline Jborn about 1936
WalkerGrace Wborn about 1866
WalkerHarriett born about 1877
WalkerIda Mborn about 1914
WalkerJack born about 1931
WalkerJimmie born about 1937
WalkerJulia born about 1908
WalkerLowell Cborn about 1906
WalkerNewton born about 1879
WalkerShirley Mborn about 1938
WalkerWarfield born about 1886
WalkerWarfield Jr born about 1931
WalkerWillie Cborn about 1940
WalkerWillis born about 1902
WallBessie born about 1908
WallElla Mborn about 1867
WallMarvin Eborn about 1917
WallMary born about 1886
WallVirginia born about 1923
WallWarner born about 1884
WallWillard born about 1905
WallaceDorothy Tborn about 1898
WallaceGerald Tborn about 1897
WallaceJulia Aborn about 1864
WallaceRobert Jborn about 1931
WallaceWilliam born about 1922
WeakleyBenjamin Cborn about 1882
WeaverLucy born about 1862
WeberBenjamin Fborn about 1928
WeberCarl Cborn about 1938
WeberFrank Wborn about 1890
WeberLena Ruthborn about 1927
WeberMarcelle born about 1935
WeberMary Jborn about 1932
WeberPauline born about 1905
WeddleCharley born about 1908
WeddleClyde Oborn about 1931
WeddleElla born about 1908
WeddleFerrel Aborn about 1924
WeddleGladys Mborn about 1900
WeddleKenneth born about 1932
WeddleLawrence born about 1904
WeddleMabel born about 1903
WeddleMarjory Lborn about 1925
WeddleMary Loreborn about 1934
WeddleRussell Aborn about 1900
WeddleRussell Mborn about 1927
WeichardDorthy born about 1927
WeichardG Oliverborn about 1897
WeichardOna born about 1895
WeisgCharley born about 1924
WeisgEveline born about 1929
WeisgFloyd born about 1916
WeisgGeorge born about 1887
WeisgIsabelle born about 1926
WeisgMary Bborn about 1888
WeisgPauline born about 1927
WhalenCharles born about 1911
WhalenElizabeth born about 1912
WhalenMary Fborn about 1938
WheelerElizabeth born about 1872
WheelerEva born about 1876
WheelerHubert born about 1917
WheelerIda Maeborn about 1919
WheelerJ Wborn about 1876
WheelerJames Hborn about 1919
WheelerJessie Bborn about 1920
WheelerJessie Jborn about 1883
WheelerJohn Nborn about 1940
WheelerKatherine born about 1913
WheelerLe Roy Ralphborn about 1939
WheelerMattie born about 1868
WheelerRobert born about 1916
WheelerRussell born about 1914
WhellerBurley born about 1891
WhellerEffie born about 1890
WhellerKenneth born about 1924
WhiteA Eborn about 1867
WhiteAllen born about 1879
WhiteAllen born about 1922
WhiteBuelah born about 1889
WhiteBuford born about 1918
WhiteCliffton born about 1914
WhiteClinton Dborn about 1936
WhiteClinton Hborn about 1910
WhiteGeorge Kborn about 1883
WhiteHazel born about 1915
WhiteHugh born about 1880
WhiteHuston born about 1912
WhiteIda Maeborn about 1914
WhiteJulia born about 1918
WhiteLucile born about 1920
WhiteMinnie born about 1891
WhiteRoma born about 1915
WhiteRose Maryborn about 1933
WhitingBertha born about 1864
WhitingLizzie born about 1885
WhitingLuther born about 1884
WhitingNora born about 1882
WhitnerDavid Aborn about 1876
WhitnerFannie born about 1878
WhittengtonClaud born about 1889
WiggintonEtta born about 1876
WiggintonWilliam born about 1874
WildDella born about 1888
WildT Hborn about 1883
WilkersonLucy born about 1897
WilkersonNan Joeborn about 1924
WilkersonPhillis Annborn about 1929
WillardCharley Lborn about 1867
WillardLaura born about 1871
WillefordGeorgia born about 1877
WillefordLouis Eborn about 1873
WilliamsCarl Eborn about 1913
WilliamsClarence born about 1891
WilliamsClyde Lborn about 1937
WilliamsD Fborn about 1911
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1912
WilliamsEverett born about 1907
WilliamsFlorence born about 1890
WilliamsFrank Fborn about 1884
WilliamsFrank Tborn about 1893
WilliamsGeorge born about 1923
WilliamsGladys born about 1908
WilliamsGladys born about 1931
WilliamsGordon Aborn about 1919
WilliamsGrace born about 1914
WilliamsHelen born about 1896
WilliamsJames Aborn about 1935
WilliamsJohn Dborn about 1875
WilliamsJulie born about 1877
WilliamsKenneth Cborn about 1935
WilliamsMargaret born about 1934
WilliamsMarvin born about 1918
WilliamsRobert Eborn about 1932
WilliamsRose Sborn about 1940
WilliamsRussell born about 1905
WilliamsRuth born about 1922
WilliamsShirley Annborn about 1939
WilliamsVida born about 1902
WilliamsWilliam Gborn about 1896
WillisDora born about 1872
WillisWilliam born about 1873
WilsonAmmie born about 1865
WilsonBetty Jeanborn about 1923
WilsonEmma born about 1915
WilsonEva born about 1896
WilsonGeorge Mborn about 1884
WilsonHerbert born about 1898
WilsonMary Jane Gdborn about 1939
WilsonMary Vborn about 1927
WilsonNorris Wborn about 1935
WilsonPaul Bborn about 1901
WilsonPaul Dborn about 1928
WilsonRay Iborn about 1896
WilsonRobert Leeborn about 1937
WilsonSallie born about 1905
WilsonWoodrow born about 1914
WithersJames born about 1868
WitteAlvina born about 1904
WitteDarline born about 1929
WitteMildred born about 1931
WitteShirley Annborn about 1936
WitteWanda born about 1933
WitteWilliam born about 1889
WittingtonCuster born about 1862
WittingtonFlowrnce born about 1877
WittingtonHorace Tborn about 1881
WittingtonMaggie born about 1876
WolfeClarence Rborn about 1913
WolfeJunior born about 1935
WolfeVivian Mborn about 1917
WoodDick Mborn about 1884
WoodenBeverly Annborn about 1936
WoodenBuford born about 1930
WoodenCurtis born about 1917
WoodenD Gborn about 1907
WoodenGeorge Lborn about 1905
WoodenIvy born about 1932
WoodenNellie Mborn about 1918
WoodenRobert born about 1875
WoodenVera born about 1912
WoodsonAna born about 1888
WoodsonChas Oborn about 1914
WoodsonClarice Jborn about 1927
WoodsonFreda born about 1917
WoodsonWilliam Aborn about 1923
WrightJames born about 1870
WrightJohn Lborn about 1913
WrightJudith Annborn about 1936
WrightNellie born about 1871
WrightStella born about 1912
WrisingerArthur born about 1893
WrisingerBobbie born about 1934
WrisingerG Dborn about 1896
WrisingerIrene born about 1924
WrisingerLeroy born about 1936
WrisingerMillie born about 1899
WuttheGus born about 1886
WuttkeAdolph born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungA Hborn about 1867
YoungAlberta born about 1924
YoungCarrie Leeborn about 1913
YoungE Cborn about 1892
YoungElla born about 1867
YoungFern born about 1896
YoungH Cborn about 1876
YoungMable born about 1894
YoungMyrtle born about 1896
YoungRichard born about 1938
YoungRoy born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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