1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairfield, Carroll, Missouri

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Missouri > Carroll County > 1940 Census of Fairfield

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AmeryB Eborn about 1865
AmeryGordon born about 1937
AmeryJack born about 1859
AmeryMabel born about 1915
AmeryMaggie born about 1863
AmeryS Jborn about 1912
AmeryWill born about 1863
AndersonAda born about 1901
AndersonBenjamin born about 1915
AndersonCharlotte born about 1887
AndersonClara born about 1889
AndersonD Gborn about 1886
AndersonDean born about 1937
AndersonDora born about 1892
AndersonE born about 1873
AndersonEdward born about 1913
AndersonEverett Tborn about 1894
AndersonJohn Pborn about 1884
AndersonLucille born about 1918
AndersonMariam born about 1911
AndersonMary Mildredborn about 1930
AndersonVirgil born about 1897
AustinEdgar born about 1921
AustinGlen born about 1892
AustinH Pborn about 1891

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B Surnames

BartonDollie Mayborn about 1926
BerrierAnna Maudeborn about 1925
BerrierDolly born about 1888
BerrierElmer born about 1888
BerrierHelen Deanborn about 1933
BerrierJames Lewisborn about 1939
BerrierLewis born about 1910
BerrierLucille born about 1915
BomamMary Eborn about 1878
BomamRobert Hborn about 1876
BredeimirAdaline born about 1925
BredeimirHelen born about 1885
BredeimirJ Fborn about 1886
BrockLester born about 1896
BrockMay born about 1895
BrownBarbara born about 1935
BrownCharles born about 1926
BrownFaye born about 1903
BrownGertrude born about 1872
BrownHenrietta born about 1866
BrownJ Fborn about 1863
BrownJohn born about 1901
BrownLawn born about 1862
BrownMaggie Annborn about 1939
BrownNorman born about 1932
BrownRichard born about 1924
BrownRobert born about 1930
BrownSidney Wborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CalvertDorothy born about 1903
CalvertJ Eborn about 1900
CalvertMaxine Mborn about 1929
CalvertMyrtle born about 1877
CalvertRossian born about 1877
CarmanEstella born about 1898
CarmanEva born about 1878
CarmanEva born about 1919
CarmanJ Hborn about 1869
CarmanJohn born about 1907
CarmanRay born about 1899
CherryC Oborn about 1874
CherryDean born about 1928
CherryGean born about 1928
CherryJess Eborn about 1883
CherryNellie born about 1880
CherryVictor Dborn about 1918
CherryVira Mborn about 1890
ClevengerEdith born about 1913
ClevengerJunior born about 1914
ClevengerMary born about 1872
ClevengerNaomi born about 1919
ClevengerRoy born about 1910
ClevengerRraon born about 1868
CochranAmor born about 1904
CochranFern born about 1914
ColbyJ Mborn about 1888
ColbyL R Drborn about 1857
ColbyMae born about 1892
CowherdEdgar born about 1884
CowherdLucy born about 1884
CowherdMary born about 1880
CowherdMary born about 1886
CowherdW Hborn about 1876
CowsertB Bborn about 1894
CowsertBerniece born about 1924
CowsertD Aborn about 1881
CowsertDarrel born about 1922
CowsertErvin Leeborn about 1918
CowsertIna born about 1894
CowsertNellie born about 1892
CowsertR Eborn about 1888
CowsertS Aborn about 1869
CramerBertha Lborn about 1877
CrusenO Aborn about 1871

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D Surnames

DavisClifford born about 1920
DavisDawson born about 1912
DavisEllen born about 1898
DavisGene born about 1923
DavisLaron born about 1915
DavisW Dborn about 1901
DeamBobby born about 1938
DeamGladys born about 1919
DeamR Sborn about 1909
DenisonE Sborn about 1866
DenisonMaggie born about 1867
DickinsonFlorence born about 1872
DickinsonLora born about 1890
DickinsonM Uborn about 1868
DickinsonMary Ellenborn about 1928
DickinsonRay born about 1892
DickinsonRoberta born about 1919
DusenberryCora born about 1880
DusenberryE Aborn about 1880

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E Surnames

EschenbahaFrancis born about 1908
EschenbahaHarold born about 1896

F Surnames

FitzwaterDale born about 1937
FitzwaterDeloris born about 1935
FitzwaterIsaac born about 1912
FitzwaterLois born about 1939
FitzwaterLorene born about 1915
FrazierClifton born about 1913
FrazierEvelyn born about 1910
FrazierJoan Kayborn about 1939

G Surnames

GrahamH Rborn about 1864
GrahamJohn Brown Mborn about 1935
GrahamJohn Fborn about 1900
GrahamMary Eborn about 1861
GrahamMary Gladysborn about 1910
GreenCalvin born about 1924
GreenEmalina born about 1868
GreenJohn Eborn about 1885
GreenMargaret Eborn about 1928
GreenNellie born about 1889
GreenO Fborn about 1887
GreenOressa born about 1885
GriggsFrank born about 1881
GriggsLillie born about 1884
GriggsRussel born about 1923

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H Surnames

HaltermenD Aborn about 1901
HaltermenRosa born about 1901
HaltermenVirginia Leeborn about 1937
HamptonA Lborn about 1913
HamptonAlma Dean Mborn about 1933
HamptonBarbara born about 1929
HamptonBillie born about 1939
HamptonJackie born about 1935
HamptonJimmie born about 1937
HamptonJunior born about 1931
HamptonMildred born about 1912
HawkinsAuthor born about 1910
HawkinsBeatrice born about 1929
HawkinsBertha born about 1912
HawkinsBetty born about 1927
HawkinsClarence born about 1938
HawkinsClyde born about 1885
HawkinsElizabeth born about 1939
HawkinsElla Leeborn about 1858
HawkinsEllen born about 1917
HawkinsErma born about 1892
HawkinsErvin Eborn about 1901
HawkinsFlorence born about 1902
HawkinsGoldie born about 1903
HawkinsHarry Eborn about 1940
HawkinsHelen born about 1917
HawkinsIra born about 1921
HawkinsIrene born about 1934
HawkinsJ Fborn about 1882
HawkinsJ Wborn about 1876
HawkinsJohn born about 1937
HawkinsMabel born about 1882
HawkinsMabel born about 1935
HawkinsMamye born about 1908
HawkinsMaxine born about 1922
HawkinsRuben born about 1900
HawkinsShara born about 1853
HawkinsVelma born about 1934
HawkinsW Aborn about 1873
HawkinsW Hborn about 1903
HeadingsAmos Jewellborn about 1936
HeadingsAmos Rborn about 1889
HeadingsElvin Lborn about 1926
HeadingsInez born about 1907
HeadingsInez Jborn about 1937
HeathBoyd Cborn about 1895
HeathCora Eborn about 1894
HughsEarl born about 1890
HughsEarl Tborn about 1919
HughsEilene born about 1919
HughsLena born about 1904
HughsMaggie born about 1890
HughsS Jborn about 1901
HullClaudine born about 1906
HullMary Francisborn about 1929
HullOrville born about 1926
HullRalph born about 1937
HullRoy D Mborn about 1901
HullRuth Vborn about 1934
HultzDavid Uborn about 1936
HultzDonnie Leeborn about 1935
HultzDonovan born about 1908
HultzLillie born about 1912
HuntEitel born about 1876
HuntKindrick born about 1901
HuntRobert born about 1876
HuntRuth born about 1903
HuntW Rborn about 1927

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I Surnames

IsaacH Lborn about 1911
IsaacLulav born about 1920
IsomA Aborn about 1890
IsomFay born about 1925
IsomPearl born about 1895
IsomShaler born about 1921

J Surnames

JenasCharles born about 1935
JenasJ Rborn about 1929
JenasJohn born about 1931
JenasKathaleen born about 1912
JenasMary Lueborn about 1933
JenasRaymond born about 1906
JenksDeloris born about 1930
JenksEdward Leeborn about 1933
JenksFrank born about 1904
JenksMargaret born about 1928
JenksMarjorie born about 1926
JenksVelta born about 1906
JohnsonA Gborn about 1899
JohnsonBetty Joeborn about 1932
JohnsonE Jborn about 1869
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1890
JohnsonF Mborn about 1868
JohnsonFrancis born about 1933
JohnsonLucylee born about 1926
JohnsonOpal born about 1904
JohnsonRalph born about 1931
JohnsonRobert Wborn about 1929
JohnsonRoy born about 1897

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K Surnames

KellyBelia Maeborn about 1932
KellyEugene born about 1923
KellyFloyd born about 1930
KellyLena born about 1896
KellyNoel born about 1893
KellyWillie born about 1925

L Surnames

LeonardIram born about 1920
LeonardIvan born about 1920
LeonardJ Aborn about 1888
LeonardL Wborn about 1860
LeonardRosi Aborn about 1893
LillerPearl born about 1894
LinvilleArch born about 1879
LinvilleEllen Cborn about 1882
LungrenBertha born about 1885
LungrenBertha born about 1893
LungrenC Fborn about 1881
LungrenCalvin born about 1926
LungrenE Jborn about 1884
LungrenHenry born about 1885
LungrenL Hborn about 1891
LungrenL Wborn about 1891
LungrenLettie born about 1887
LungrenRaymond born about 1932
LungrenWillie born about 1888
LungrenWoodward born about 1922

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M Surnames

McBeeBilly Oborn about 1933
McBeeDoris born about 1908
McBeeEdd Eborn about 1880
McBeeElizabeth born about 1932
McBeeEthel born about 1903
McBeeF Jborn about 1904
McBeeJosephene born about 1928
McBeeLela Rothborn about 1938
McBeeMary Helenborn about 1930
McBeeMaud Mborn about 1883
McBeeRalph born about 1936
McBeeRosamond born about 1914
MillerCarl born about 1913
MillerDaniel born about 1939
MillerDavid born about 1937
MillerIrene born about 1917
MohlerBetty Nellborn about 1935
MohlerEleanor born about 1911
MohlerS B Jrborn about 1910
MorrisonMinnie Fborn about 1889

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N Surnames

NewportJames Fborn about 1935
NewportNellie Marieborn about 1915
NewportRichard Fborn about 1912
NewportTwanette born about 1933
NollEarl born about 1894
NollGlenn born about 1918
NollNellie born about 1891
NollRalph born about 1921
NorthMary born about 1862
NorthRuth born about 1896
NorthW Fborn about 1922
NorthW Hborn about 1856

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P Surnames

ParkinJohn Sborn about 1865
ParkinLeola born about 1887
PhillipsRichard born about 1921
PittsBruce Tborn about 1905
PittsDale born about 1936
PittsHelen born about 1908
PittsRobert born about 1930
PollardSteve born about 1914

R Surnames

RaskJohnny born about 1934
RaskVernon born about 1932
RegineEva Lueborn about 1930
RegineFairl Dborn about 1901
RegineFreda Annborn about 1939
RegineGilbert Eborn about 1936
RegineLilla born about 1900
RegineLora Janeborn about 1934
RegineR Leeborn about 1929
RegineRobert born about 1927
RegineRose Maryborn about 1933
ReitehartKathryn born about 1909
ReitehartOrville born about 1908
ReitehartSandra born about 1937
RepineThos Rborn about 1909
RepineVera born about 1909
RhodesC Bborn about 1892
RhodesMallie born about 1892
RichardsonInez born about 1889
RichardsonO Hborn about 1888
RobinsonA Dborn about 1874
RobinsonBessie born about 1876
RoseAnna Margaretborn about 1926
RoseCarl Wborn about 1920
RoseLawerence Wborn about 1917
RoseNorman born about 1920
RoseRuth born about 1894
RoyceLod born about 1878
RoyceMary Eborn about 1885
RunyanClara born about 1893
RunyanFloyd born about 1880
RunyanGeorgia Deanborn about 1934
RunyanMarie born about 1896
RunyanRobert Cborn about 1891

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S Surnames

ShackelfordAndrew born about 1899
ShackelfordEthel Mborn about 1885
ShackelfordHenrietta born about 1873
ShackelfordThedisia born about 1856
ShafarEthel born about 1884
ShafarKo born about 1913
ShafarL Fborn about 1883
ShafarNadine born about 1918
ShafarScottie Kayborn about 1939
ShirleyAlvin born about 1919
ShirleyCharley born about 1913
ShirleyDolly born about 1885
ShirleyEugene Wborn about 1934
ShirleyFrancis born about 1883
ShirleyH Tborn about 1881
ShirleyHarold born about 1917
ShirleyMary Fborn about 1909
ShirleyShara Cborn about 1882
ShirleyVirgil Leeborn about 1909
SilkwoodCloye born about 1933
SilkwoodEldred born about 1935
SilkwoodEthel born about 1930
SilkwoodEunice born about 1905
SilkwoodFern born about 1939
SilkwoodHazel born about 1929
SilkwoodJohn Eborn about 1903
SilkwoodMarcus born about 1937
SilkwoodSusian born about 1926
SmithEdna born about 1924
SmithF Bborn about 1872
SmithRoscoe Wborn about 1916
SmithSarah born about 1873
SmithTom born about 1923
SmithVictor born about 1925
SmithW Tborn about 1886
SprouseAnnie born about 1900
SprouseBobby born about 1934
SprouseCharley born about 1925
SprouseFinch born about 1892
SprouseJoe Cborn about 1930
SprouseJohnny born about 1939
SprouseKeneth born about 1923
SprouseMary born about 1936
SprouseRalph born about 1917
StammE Rborn about 1885
StammJennie Mborn about 1889
StammLouisa born about 1858
StandleyMartha born about 1865
StandleyS Pborn about 1864
StarkBula Elizabethborn about 1919
StarkDora born about 1922
StarkEula Maeborn about 1901
StarkLawernce Daleborn about 1923
StarkMarvin born about 1916
StarkMary Elizabethborn about 1912
StarkRobert born about 1897
StarkRobert Jr born about 1928
StipesLeo born about 1927
StipesMary Hborn about 1924
StockwellMarie born about 1916
StockwellRaymond born about 1913
StonerJ Sborn about 1883
StonerRosa born about 1883
StubblefieldMaggie Mborn about 1877
StubblefieldR Sborn about 1874
SuarlesHarry Eborn about 1891
SuarlesIrene born about 1905
SuttonDouglas born about 1882
SuttonElbert born about 1931
SuttonPhylora born about 1864
SuttonVivian born about 1928
SuttonWilliam born about 1858

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T Surnames

ThomasEarnest born about 1902
ThomasLavonne born about 1932
ThomasParthenia born about 1916
ThornburnEffie born about 1885
ThornburnOliver Mborn about 1873
TillJohn born about 1881
TillRobert born about 1918
TillSylvia born about 1881
ToggleWalter born about 1881
ToomayDia born about 1879
ToomayJ Hborn about 1869
ToomayKarl born about 1930
ToomayMary Donnaborn about 1911
ToomayMichael Jborn about 1907
ToomayNancy born about 1935
TrustyB Fborn about 1895

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W Surnames

WalkerCurtis born about 1925
WalkerNaomi born about 1921
WellsBernie born about 1910
WellsLillian born about 1913
WetzelL Fborn about 1893
WetzelNora born about 1893
WhikneyEugene born about 1904
WhikneyMarvin born about 1916
WhikneyMattie born about 1876
WhikneyNolan born about 1916
WhikneyReason born about 1866
WhitneyJenny Bellborn about 1874
WhitneyW Eborn about 1869
WilliamsonLena born about 1862

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